The Vegastrip

By John O'Connor (Coltrane)

Published on Oct 11, 2001



Title: The VegaStrip (lesbian celebrity-first time)

Author: John O'Connor


Rating: NC-17.

Pairings: Sam & Janet.

Category: First time.

Date: 11 October 2001.

Series: None.


Disclaimer: Stargate SG-1 and its characters are the property of Stargate (II) Productions, Showtime/Viacom, MGM/UA, Double Secret Productions, and Gekko Productions. This story is for entertainment purposes only and no money exchanged hands. No copyright infringement is intended. The original characters, situations, and story are the property of the author.

Summary: SG-1, less Teal'c, and Janet Fraiser spend some down time in Las Vegas. _______________________________________________________ The VegaStrip

"Okay, campers. We're here!" Jack O'Neill announced as he stepped out of the Air Force van. He was followed by Samantha Carter, Janet Fraiser, and lastly Daniel Jackson. All were in Air Force casual dress except Daniel who was in jeans and a t-shirt.

Here was the Plaza Hotel in downtown Las Vegas. SG-1, accompanied by Doctor Fraiser, had delivered a particularly delicate biological sample to the Groom Lake storage facility, also known as Area 51. As a result of virtual non-stop work shifts for the five people, General Hammond had given them a long weekend to do with what they wanted. Jack had talked them into a Las Vegas vacation. Not everyone was present though.

No one walking down the sidewalk paid any attention to the uniformed group, as the airman who had driven them in handed the foursome their bags.

Sam smiled as she recalled the exchange between Teal'c and the colonel while they were still at Groom Lake.

Several hours earlier:

"Aw, c'mon, Teal'c! Why not?" Jack said in a near-whine.

"I do not understand your need to go to this place, O'Neill." The black giant regarded his friend quizzically.

"What's not to understand? It's Vegas! Gambling, shows, booze, cheap food, pretty girls! It's a vacation from the inside of the Mountain, for Christ' sake," Jack replied.

Teal'c raised an eyebrow and said, "You Tauri spend your lives in the pursuit of your currency, often to the detriment of others. Now, you wish to partake in games of chance to lose this currency. There is no logic to this."

"Logic? What're you? Spock? Teal'c, it's called relaxation. Fun!" O'Neill looked up at his friend and added, "You should try it sometime."

"Indeed. Relaxing like your fishing trips?"

O'Neill shrugged, "Alright, so you don't get fishing. Or camping. Or team sports." He said it in a tone of voice that clearly showed he couldn't understand how anyone couldn't like fishing. "But this is all bright lights and good times. Pretty girls. Fun."

"It may be as you say, O'Neill. However, I feel my time would be better spent training new personnel about the dangers of the System Lords."

Jack opened his mouth then shut it when he saw the expression on Teal'c's face. An expression that told Jack he'd have an easier time getting the Lincoln Memorial in Washington to crack a smile.

"Alright then, Teal'c. Just means more fun for us!"

None of the other SGC people had any idea how Jack figured this out but they were too busy trying not to laugh at the colonel's futile attempts to change the Jaffa's mind.

In the end, they all piled in the Air Force van. After Teal'c was dropped at Nellis to catch a transport back to Colorado Springs, they proceeded on to Las Vegas.

Back at the curb, Sam hoisted her large tote bag, emblazoned with the Air Force logo, onto her shoulder, she noticed that Janet was struggling with hers.

"Need some help, Doctor?" she teased.

"No thank you," Janet responded.

Sam shrugged, and turned to follow Jack and Daniel into the hotel's lobby. She stopped when she heard a plaintive call behind her.

"Sam! Help!"

Sam turned and smiled pityingly at Janet. The poor woman was sitting on her bag, frustration written all over her face. Sam's smile faded, she was not the type to take pleasure in other's misfortunes. Usually.

Stepping back over, Sam held out her hand, "Hey, c'mon. We'll get a cart, since there are no bell hops around." Sam's gaze swept the sidewalk and the drive area as she said this. Seeing no carts or bellhops, she muttered, "Where are they anyway?"

Janet took Sam's proferred hand and pulled herself upright. "Thanks, Sam. I wish Teal'c was here, he didn't even break a sweat."

Sam waved off the brunette's thanks as she hoisted Janet's bag on her other shoulder.

"Jesus! What do you have in here? Bricks?"

"My ex said the same thing when we went on our honeymoon!" Janet laughed. "I just never know what to pack." Then she grabbed Sam's bag, saying, "It's only fair."

As they walked into the lobby, Janet nodded back towards Fremont Street and the large canopy over it. "That is supposed to be pretty impressive at night."

"Yeah, well, we'll have plenty of time to see it when it's dark. I want to get rid of this ten-ton bag of yours," Sam replied.

The canopy over Fremont had turned the old street into a pedestrian mall four blocks long. The canopy itself was a tremendous light and music show after dark. Almost more entertaining than the shows down on the Strip.

They were both smiling as they reached the desk where Jack was finishing up with checking in. "Okay, thank you. No, we don't need help with our bags, thanks," Jack told the desk clerk, completely oblivious to the looks on the women's faces. Turning, he handed a pair of key cards to them and another to Daniel.

"Okay, we're in the Tower, rooms 616 and 622. You two get 616. Unless you want to do boy/girl, boy/girl?" Jack leered.

"Thank you, but no, Colonel. Janet and I will be just fine in 616," Sam said as they began to make their way through the casino to the elevators.

Jack looked around the casino as they crossed it and saw the Sports Book behind one of the bars. Smiling, he handed his bag and jacket to Daniel and said, "I'll be up in a bit. I just want to put a little wager down on the Bears for this season."

Daniel rolled his eyes, "He never learns." Sam shook her head and smiled.

Janet looked confused, "What won't he learn?"

"He always takes the Bears in any bet at the SGC or at the bar," Daniel said.

"And he always loses," Sam finished.

"Well, not always, Sam. They did win a couple of games last year," Daniel said.

Janet still looked confused as they reached the elevators, "Why does he always bet them, then?"

"Hometown favorites. Loyalty. That kind of thing." Daniel shook his head, not completely understanding a fan's loyalty to their team, "He loves the Cubs too. And they've had the worst record in baseball the last 90 years, worse than just about anybody."

They got on the elevator with an older woman who smiled at them. She brandished a large plastic bucket about a third full of quarters. "I got lucky on the slots! Won almost $200.00 on the one machine!"

The three young people smiled their congratulations as the woman exited on the third floor.

When they got to the sixth, they all turned right and went down the corridor. Sam and Janet's room was just past the elevators. Jack and Daniel's just a few doors down.

As they stopped at 616, Daniel said, "I'm dropping the bags then heading downstairs. Wanna come?"

Sam shook her head, "No, we were thinking of going to the pool and getting some sun. It's too nice a day to spend in a casino."

"Plenty of time for that later," Janet added.

"Okay. What about getting together for dinner?"

"Of course! Look for us at the pool or back here," Sam responded.

With a wave over his shoulder, Daniel continued down the hall, as Sam opened their door.

Stepping in, she stopped and stared. The was only one king-size bed! "Hey!"

Janet looked around her friend who was still blocking the door, "What? Sam, could you move please? Oh? Hey!"

Sam set Janet's bag down with a sigh and went to the phone to call the desk. Janet shook her head and went into the bathroom while Sam began a harangue the operator.

Stepping back out, Janet saw the look on Sam's face. 'Oh, this is not good.'

"There's a convention in the hotel, some Midwestern realtor thing, and all they have left are singles! Damn!" Sam told Janet.

"Well, at least the bed's big enough for two," Janet offered. "And the view is great!"

The window of the room opened to the southwest. The view from the downtown hotel was of the Strip and it's various towers. Beyond were the arid desert mountains that ringed Las Vegas.

"Yeah, well, let's unpack," Sam said grumpily. "And I want at least one drawer." Then she quickly called Daniel and Jack's room.

Smiling wickedly, she said, "They only have one king-size bed too!"

"Good!" was all Janet had to say, with an equally sinister smile.

Janet heaved her bag up on the bed with a loud grunt. the entire frame shook when the bag landed. "Don't say anything!" the doctor warned. "I brought some gear along in case there was a problem with the transport."

Sam shook her head, "Well, why didn't you let Teal'c take it back with him?"

Janet grinned sheepishly, "I forgot."

Sam was putting her things away when she yelled, "Oh, goddammit!"

"What? What's wrong, hon?" Janet asked.

"I forgot my bathing suit, damnit!"

Janet smiled, relieved that it was such a small thing.

"Don't worry about it. I brought two. I always overpack." She fished in her bag, past the steel containers of medical gear. Pulling the object of her search out, she tossed it to Sam, who deftly caught it. "How 'bout this?"

Sam held up the two parts of a white bikini, "I don't know...a bikini? Alright, what the hell!" Sam began to remove her uniform to change.

Janet almost said something when she turned around but realized it was pointless to worry. She'd seen Sam naked so many times, once more wouldn't matter.

As Sam removed her underwear, she said, "C'mon Janet. Get a move on. Let's not waste any of this sunshine."

The slim brunette began to remove her uniform as well.

As she shed the blouse and pants, Sam said, "Why Doctor, you have skin!"

"Quiet, you!" Janet laughed. Then seeing Sam pull on the bikini bra, she added, "Hey, don't stretch that all out of shape!"

"Yeah, it is a little tight," Sam said, fastening the clasp between her breasts. She almost added that, given her size, Janet had nothing to worry about in that department before she stopped herself. 'No need to give her the wrong impression,' Sam thought, followed by, 'This top is a little too small.'

She heaved Janet's bag into the half-closet with her own while Janet finished getting ready. Sam noticed that while Janet had distinctive tan lines on her hips, they weren't as obvious on her upper body. 'The joys of a fenced-in back yard?' she mused, the thought of the smaller woman laying topless in her backyard flashing in her mind.

As Janet fastened her bikini top over her slightly smaller chest, she asked, "Ready?" Without being obvious, Janet noticed Sam was more than filling her borrowed top, 'Why can't it look like that on me?'

Sam nodded, "Ready." Then she asked, "Hey, what about sun block? I haven't had the chance to tan as much as you obviously have."

Janet grabbed her toilet article kit and pulled out a bottle with a grade of SPF 15. "Satisfied?"

Sam nodded and grabbed her keycard and a couple of towels from the bathroom. Opening the door, she gestured for Janet to precede her out.

The Plaza's pool was on the rooftop over the lobby and casino, with the tower looming above it, fortunately not blocking the sun. For late April it was quite comfortably warm.

As they walked past the shimmering water, Sam spied two lounge chairs next to each other across the hot pavement. Walking gingerly, she led Janet over.

"We need to get some sandals or something. This concrete is hot!" the blonde declared as she sat on one of the recliners. Janet nodded, laying back to bask in the sun.

"I'm going for a dip first," Sam said.

"That sounds great!" Janet replied.

The two friends jumped into the pool and spent several minutes splashing each other like little kids before Sam began to swim slow leisurely laps. Janet sat on the submerged steps and let the water lap at her upper chest and neck, her dark hair hanging loosely, the ends adrift in the water.

Sighing in contentment, she stood up and walked back to the chairs. As she dried off, she watched Sam climb out of the pool, the water cascading off her slender figure, 'Like Venus or something. Absolutely beautiful!'

"What're you smiling at?" Sam said as she toweled off.

"Oh, uh, nothing. Just that I feel so relaxed right now," Janet said hastily. She was a little embarrassed at the path her thoughts had been about to follow.

Janet offered to rub the tanning lotion on Sam's back.

Sam simply nodded as she lay on her stomach. The warm sun felt great on her back. The sudden feel of cool lotion caused her to gasp aloud.

"You okay?" Janet asked.

Sam nodded, "The lotion's cold!" She sighed to herself when she felt Janet's hands rub it on her back. The slow, circular motion of the doctor's gentle hands was incredibly relaxing. she felt herself drifting from the sensation. Until it stopped.

"My turn!" Janet said as she sat back. She rubbed the remainder of the lotion on her hands onto her legs before laying in her stomach.

Sam slowly got up and squirted the some of the lotion on Janet's back. The bottle made a farting noise and Sam quickly said, "Wasn't me!" as Janet started to raise her head.

As Sam smeared the sun block on Janet's back, she was impressed by how tight and smooth her skin was. The doctor obviously put in some time in the gym.

Janet smiled as she felt the strong hands of her friend begin to rub her back. She found it hard to believe that those same hands wielded weapons so easily or that they had defeated a warrior in hand to hand combat.

Sam finished with Janet's back and lay back down on the chair. Letting the sun bake into her skin, she felt herself really relax for the first time in weeks.

After almost an hour, they were both about to head back to the room. Janet was concerned with them getting burned, even though they both had a start at a tan when they came out. Before they forced themselves up, they heard a familiar voice across the deck.

"Daniel, I don't see our two friends up here! Let's go ask those two hot chicks over there if they've seen them," Jack said.

"Excuse me ladies, have you seen two rather frumpy women in Air Force uniforms around..." Janet and Sam glared at him over their sunglasses. "Why, Doctor Jackson, these two lovelies are our colleagues! I must say I'm impressed!"

"Colonel..." Janet said warningly.

Sam sat up, looked at Janet, and asked, "Frumpy? Doctor, did he call us frumpy?"

Janet also rose, "Why I believe he did, Major! Isn't that a dunking offense?"

They both advanced on O'Neill who stood his ground until he realized his ground was dangerously close to the pool's edge. "Hey! I'm still in uniform here!" he protested as he stood there with his hands up in a defensive stance. He was still in his regulation shirt and slacks.

Daniel intervened saying, "Um, ladies, we came up here to invite you to dinner tonight. It's on Jack!"

"Why this sudden largesse?" Sam asked, still ready to push her CO in if necessary.

"Well, I did okay downstairs," Jack began.

"Except at craps," Daniel interjected.

"Yes, well, it was only $50.00. And that was from my blackjack winnings. I took almost $175.00 from one of the blackjack tables!"

"Well, Colonel, looks like you're off the hook," Janet said. Sam nodded as they all strolled into the hotel and on to their rooms.

As they reached their floor, Jack said, "Tonight's on me! Whatever you ladies want; steak, lobster...whatever. And I have the entertainment covered too. Meet at 7?"

Jack followed Daniel down the hall after they had agreed that 7 would be good. He hadn't been to their room yet, so Sam and Janet stood at their door to see his reaction.

Just as Daniel opened the door and stepped aside to let Jack enter, the hall resounded with Jack's shout.


The girls quickly ducked into their room, laughing uproariously.

They took turns showering and dressing for the evening. Janet also checked her home answering machine for any messages from Cassie, who was away at summer camp. "No news is good news," was her comment.

Sam got dressed as Janet was showering, putting on a white, sleeveless top and a denim, wraparound skirt with sandals.

Janet complimented her as the brunette pulled on a brightly flowered sundress. She left her hair loose around her shoulders with a slight curl to it.

As they took one final look in the large, bathroom mirror, Sam joked, "Look out, Vegas! We are hot tonight!"

They were all to rendezvous at the casino bar. Sam and Janet found Jack already downing a beer. Sitting down on either side of him, they ordered drinks.

"You look down, sir. What's the matter?" Sam asked, trying not to smile.

"The damned rooms!"

"What's wrong with the rooms?" Janet asked. She was enjoying this almost as much as Sam.

"You know damned well what's wrong! One bed! One stinking bed!" Jack took a long swallow from his bottle. "And, they don't have any more rooms available. Somehow we got the last two!"

"It can't be that bad, sir." Sam took a drink after saying that to cover the grin she couldn't suppress.

"Oh, come on, Carter! I have to share a bed with Snore-along Cassidy! Him and his damned allergies!"

Sam nodded, trying to seem like she commiserated with Jack. Daniel did have a tendency to snore, a fact noted by any offworld travelers when they had to rough it.

"If it's any consolation, Colonel, I have allergies too. Remember?" Janet asked.

Sam looked up quickly at Janet. 'Allergies? Please God, don't make her a snorer!'

At that moment, Daniel strolled up. "Hey guys! Have we decided where we're eating dinner?"

"Some place where you're not allergic to the food!" Jack declared. Sam and Janet both snorted a laugh at that as Daniel stood looking confused.

"Excuse me?" the young archaeologist asked.

"Never mind, Daniel. Let it go," Sam said.

Jack drained the last of his beer, stood and said, "Alright troops, let's go!"

Sam and Janet stood up, grabbed their unfinished drinks and trailed after Jack. Daniel managed to pay for his and scrambled after the trio, drink in hand.

They piled into a cab, with Jack riding shotgun, and headed for the strip. They all decided to trust the cabbie's judgment for the best restaurant on the Strip. Jack's only stipulation was that they served beef.

After being dropped off at the entrance to the Mirage, they found Kokomo's and managed to get a table fairly quickly. Sam and Jack both warily eyed the decor: rain forest mixed with Vegas. Janet and Daniel seemed to find it quite interesting.

After ordering (Janet ordered Russian crab claws, Sam: barbecued ribs, Daniel: lamb chops, and Jack: prime rib), Jack began to bitch about the rooms again.

Daniel finally had enough and said, "Jack, the girl at the desk told you it was a single. I also said it. You agreed to take the room!"

"I was watching one of the Keno girls, I didn't know what I was saying. Why didn't you tell me?" he asked Sam.

"I was helping Janet with her bag, sir. And we didn't know until we got to the room."

"Ah, the hell with it! I won't be in there much anyway," Jack decided.

They all sat back and enjoyed their dinner. Afterwards, they gambled awhile in the casino before going out into the late twilit evening.

They stopped in the front of the Mirage and waited for the Volcano go off in a loud eruption of colored lights and steam. Jack and Sam fell into a heated discussion of the relative merits of the old series "Gilligan's Island" while they waited for the blast. ("How come the Skipper is still so fat eating fruit and fish all the time?" "How can the Professor make a reactor out of two coconuts and a copper wire but he couldn't fix a hole in a boat?" "Why did the Howells and the girls take so many clothes on a three-hour tour?") Janet and Daniel quietly pretended not to know their friends.

Finally, after the eruption, the strolled next door to Treasure Island and watched the Pirate Battle. Jack fell into his Long John Silver routine with lots of "Aarr"'s and "matey"'s. Sam didn't join in this time with Jack. She opted to go along with Janet and Daniel in pretending they didn't know this crazy man next to them.

After the pirates attack ended, they all piled into another cab and Jack gave the driver an address the others didn't recognize.

"Where are we headed to?" Daniel asked.

"Oh, just a little club I know about. Relax, it'll be fun!" Jack answered. The others knew from experience that when Jack said relax it was time to worry.

Sam leaned her head near Janet's and whispered, "Just follow my lead. We'll be fine." Janet nodded as if she didn't believe her friend.

The cab headed north, passing the eastern edge of the canopy over Fremont Street. It was running and the visuals were stunning even for such a short look as they rode past. The cab proceeded on into the relatively darker area of Las Vegas.

"You know, it's not any darker here than Colorado Springs at night, but after the glare of all that neon, it seems almost Stygian," Daniel stated.

"Stygian?" Jack turned and looked at his younger friend. "Can we not use big words this weekend?"

"Sure, Jack," Daniel agreed. "Whatever makes you happy."

Janet and Sam just quietly sat in the back seat and chuckled to themselves. Wherever this trip took them, at least they had entertainment along the way.

Soon, the cab pulled into a drive before a neon-trimmed building. The sign identified it as the Palomino. As they exited the cab, Daniel realized where they were and moaned, "Oh no, Jack, you can't be serious!"

"As a heart attack, Danny-boy," Jack boomed as he slung his arm over Daniel's shoulder.

Hearing the deep bass when the door opened and two slightly drunk businessmen walked out and claimed their cab, Janet asked, "Discotheque?"

Sam's eyes widened and she shook her head, "No, Janet, I don't think so..."

Daniel tried once more, "Jack, this is not a good idea. This could be construed as sexual harassment, Jack. Jack?"

But Jack was already stepping into the small lobby and talking to one of the largest men Janet had ever seen.

Leaning towards Sam, she whispered, "That guy is a walking mountain!"

Noting the tuxedo the giant was wearing, Sam nodded and said, "He must go to Omar the Tentmaker for his suits." Janet started to giggle as the man pulled open the inner door to usher them in. The music washed over them in a wave of sound just as the song ended and the patrons began to clap and cheer.

The foursome was led towards the front of the darkened room and seated at the edge of a small stage. The stage was much like the kind fashion shows and beauty pageants were held on, with a walkway extending out from the center into the crowd. In the middle of the main part of the stage, before a shimmering curtain, was a single chrome bar thrusting vertically from the floor up to disappear in the gloom near the ceiling.

Janet was still puzzled as to what kind of club they were in when a scantily clad waitress came up and asked what they were drinking. As she leaned between Sam and Janet, the girl's bosom threatened to pop open her flimsy top. When they looked at her as they gave their orders, they couldn't help but see all the creamy flesh exposed and the deep shadow of her cleavage.

The lights dimmed and a spotlight began to track around the stage as an unseen announcer said, "Ladies and Gentlemen! Next on our stage is a favorite of the Palomino Club. She's a real belle of the ball! Please extend a warm welcome to Dixxie Carter!"

"Relative of yours, Carter?" Jack asked.

Sam was about to respond when the curtain parted and a blonde in a Scarlett O'Hara gown stepped out. The music began to throb with a heavy bass as the woman began dancing across the stage. Whenever she swung her hips, the motion was exaggerated by the hoop skirt she wore.

"Oh my God! Sam! This is a strip club!" Janet said in a loud whisper that Sam could barely hear over the music.

Sam looked as Janet with a deadpan expression, "No? Ya think?"

"Sam, what...we don't..."

"Janet, listen, this is Jack trying to get our goat. Just play along. If we don't react the way he wants, we'll be outta here faster than the hoop skirt could hit the floor." Sam nodded towards the stage and the dancer, as if picking up on Sam's cue, dropped her dress. Then she unclipped her hair and shook it loose.

"Sam..." Janet started to say something when she realized the dancer was wearing nothing but a thin g-string, garters on both thighs, and high heels. Staring at the large breasts, Janet finally said, "Those can't be real!"

The crowd, predominantly men of course, started to cheer and whistle. Some of them at the edge of the stage began to hold up dollar bills. As Dixxie danced by them, she would pause and they would slip the bills into her garter or, occasionally, her g-string.

As the song built up to a crescendo, Dixxie's gyrations increased and she used the pole to spin around in the course of her dancing. Just as the music reached a climactic moment, she dropped to the stage and the lights went out.

Sam said to Janet quietly, "Follow my lead. This will really upset the colonel's applecart." Sam showed Janet a small handful of bills.

"Oh no, aren't..." Janet then smiled and added, "Are you sure...?"

"Trust me!" And Janet did, Sam had never steered her wrong yet. She reached into her purse and found a few singles as well.

When the waitress returned with their drinks, Janet got five more ones for a $5 bill. Jack saw the singles in the ladies' hands and felt a little worm of doubt in his gut. Daniel saw the money too and smiled as he realized they were about to turn the tables on Jack O'Neill.

As the lights came up, Dixxie slowly peeled off the g-string and, in typical burlesque fashion, swung it around her head and let it fly into the audience.

Janet sat holding her dollars in her lap, thinking, 'This is too much! Sam expects me to put money in a girl's g-string? And what am I doing getting change for a five?'

Sam reached up as Dixxie came to their side of the stage and slipped a single under her garter. This won a round of applause from the audience and a big hip wiggle from Dixxie.

Jack coughed up some of the scotch he was trying to drink when he saw this. Daniel patted his back, "You okay, Jack?"

"Fine, fine," Jack managed to sputter.

As Dixxie did her last turn around the stage, Janet just sat there rigid in her seat. The woman was showing it all! And getting right in the faces of some of the audience members!

After a few moments, the announcer came back and began another intro. "Everyone, our next entertainer has been featured in such fine periodicals as 'Penthouse' and 'Gallery.' This is her first time at the Palomino. Let's hear it for Jazmine!"

A tall redhead strolled out from backstage to the heavy beat. Jazmine wore a red, sequined gown slit up the sides to her hips and elbow-length, red gloves. As she began her dance, she first rolled one of the gloves down her arm and slowly tugged it off. Then she walked the perimeter, trailing the long glove over the heads of the customers.

As the glove slid over Sam's hair and then Janet's, the doctor felt an unusual shiver, not entirely unpleasant, roll through her.

The glove ended up in the lap of one of the lucky men at the front of the crowd. The second soon followed the first in a transit around the stage. The redheaded dancer leaned down and draped it around Jack's neck like a scarf. Jack happily slid a single into the valley between her breasts.

Jazmine slowly removed her dress, leaving her in heels, garters, and a red g-string with sequins at the end of her first dance. As the lights and music came up again, she was on her back with her legs in the air, slowly sliding the g-string up away from her crotch.

Janet took a hefty swig of her wine, as the sultry dancer's shaved sex was directly before her eyes. 'I don't believe this. This is just some strange dream.'

Jazmine slowly spun back to her feet and did some slow turns, showing off her curves. A small, trimmed triangle of red hair was visible between her legs. She began to move around and came up to Sam, who dutifully slid a single under one of her garters.

As the dancer shifted sideways, she began a sinuous dance in front of Janet. Sam nudged Janet, indicating a watching Jack with her head. Janet swallowed, nodded and reached forward to slide a dollar into the girl's garter.

Just as that moment, Jazmine, whether by chance or design, moved so that Janet's hand was thrust up against her hot, naked sex. With an "Eep!" Janet drew back, dropping the bill on the stage.

Jazmine smiled seductively at Janet, and slowly lowered her body, spreading her pussy in the process in full view of Janet, and swayed back and forth for several moments before picking up the dollar and putting it in her garter. As she rose up, she reached out and ran her fingers along Janet's jaw and dropped her g-string in the startled doctor's lap.

The crowd was roaring and Jack was goggle-eyed! Even Daniel was staring. Sam leaned to her friend and said, "I think you made a friend!" Janet glared at her and then stared at the stage again.

They stayed for three more sets and Janet found herself getting bolder, sliding dollars into the next girl's garter. The last act was a two-some, both bleached blondes with obvious breast enhancements.

As they began their dance, it was apparent that this was something else. They were dancing for each other.

The dance got hotter and hotter with each girl simulating a sexual act on the other.

Janet and Sam couldn't take their eyes away from the scene in front of them. To tell the truth, neither could Jack or Daniel. This was nothing any of them had ever seen before, outside of Jack's small collection of video tapes.

At one point, one of the girls was stretched out across the stage facing Janet and Sam. Her partner was behind her simulating fucking her; thrusting her hips against the prone girl's hips hard and rhythmically.

The girl looked each of the women in the eye and winked. Almost as one, Sam and Janet reached up with singles and set them on the stage in front of the girl. It was almost like they'd been hypnotized.

The dancer smiled and, as her partner got up to strut around the stage, leaned forward and grabbed Sam's head, kissing her hard and fast. Then, before Janet could react, she kissed the doctor. Both women sat stunned, tasting the dancer's tongue as the set drew to a close with a loud roar.

Daniel took a deep breath, cleared his throat, and said, "Uh, Jack, I think it's time to go..."

"Yeah, uh yeah. I guess you're right," Jack replied. "Doc, Carter, we're outta here."

The two visibly shaken women slowly got to their feet to follow Jack and Daniel out of the club. The audience applauded them almost as loudly as they had the dancers.

They piled into a cab, and after Jack directed the driver to take them back downtown, he turned and looked into the backseat at his friends with some concern. "Uh, Doc? Carter?"

Neither one looked at him, they were both still too stunned by the last act of the show.

"Sam? Janet? C'mon, talk to me." Jack snapped his fingers in front of them and they both blinked and stared at him. "I guess I went a little too far. Uh, I'm, uh, sorry?"

Janet didn't say anything. She wasn't sure what she felt. She was mad as hell at Jack putting them in that position. At the same time, she couldn't forget the shock that seemed to travel from her mouth to her crotch when the dancer kissed her.

Sam wasn't quite so tongue-tied. "Jack," that was a bad sign when she used his first name, "I don't know what you were thinking but that was way over the line!

I know you have your little adolescent pranks you have to play but this..."

Jack looked at his friends with real regret. Sam saw that and knew the evening had gone farther than even he had planned. She swallowed the rest of her scolding, for that was what it was, and simply said, "Jack, you might want to leave us alone for the rest of the night."

Daniel, who agreed with Sam, said, "I promise we'll stay away from you until you, well, you know..." Jack nodded dumbly, true regret in his eyes.

As the cab pulled up to the Plaza, Sam grabbed Janet's arm and they marched across the street to the Fremont Street Mall and into the crowds beneath the canopy. They both ignored the lights, images, and sounds from the canopy and walked into Binion's Golden Horseshoe.

They walked past the display case with ten $100,000 bills (the only million dollars on display in the world) and into a small lounge. As they sat at the bar, the only words spoken were for the drinks they ordered. Each woman was acutely aware of the presence of the other.

Finally after several minutes of silence, Janet looked at Sam and asked, "What happened back there? I mean, what the hell happened?"

Sam shook her head, "I don't know. Jack being his usual arrogant, sexist self?"

Janet gave her friend an evil smile, "Perhaps something fatal could happen to him..."

"I'd suggest waiting until he comes back from a mission. Then it wouldn't look as suspicious," Sam offered.

"Taking us to a strip club! Why not take us to the Chicken Farm or whatever it's called?" Seeing the blank look on Sam's face, she added, "It's a legal whorehouse out in the desert somewhere. My ex- said he always wanted to go there. Another pig!"

Sam drained her drink and ordered another. "Hey, Janet. Let's not kill him. Let's just make him extremely uncomfortable... Remember the old saying about revenge?"

Janet nodded, "Whad'ya have in mind?"

"Have you ever heard of spiking drinks with Visine? It's a major diarrhetic."

"Ooo, I like the way your mind works, Major. And it might be better to do this 'officially' back at the base. I think I can find something that could make it an extremely memorable event for the colonel."

Both women shared a Doctor Evil laugh, drawing stares from some of the other patrons and the bartender.

Sam yawned and said, "Well, I'm heading back. It's been a long day..."

Janet nodded and indicated a fresh drink, "I'll be up in a while. Just save me some mattress space."

Sam nodded and walked out of the bar and through the casino towards the doors leading to Fremont. Once outside she turned right and headed for the Plaza.

Several minutes later, Sam, wearing an extremely large t-shirt and gym shorts, turned out the lights and crawled under the covers.

As she lay there, she could see the lights of the Strip through the window. For some reason, all the colorful neon made her think of the Palomino. And that brought back memories of one of the dancers who had a trace of resemblance to Janet.

In Sam's mind that trace became magnified and she saw Janet up there, dancing as she removed her uniform slowly and sensuously. After the outer garments fell away, the petit brunette was wearing only the skimpiest of bikini tops and a g-string.

The image of Janet almost naked, dancing on the stage seemed almost real to Sam. She was breathing harder and her pulse was up. She could feel a tingle in her loins and she knew she'd have to take care of it if she wanted to sleep.

Feeling guilty as she slipped her hand under the waistband of her shorts, she began to finger herself to the image of a now-nude Janet Fraiser.

Janet sat at the bar and ordered one more drink. when she opened her purse, she saw the bright red g-string she had hurriedly shoved in the bag back at the strip club. It brought back the entire evening in a rush. Especially the climactic moment when the dancer kissed her friend and herself.

She was still flustered by the unexpected, but not unpleasant, kiss the dancer shared with her. It had been such a long time since she had kissed anyone quite so intimately. It was something she never felt comfortable doing unless she felt an emotional connection with her partner.

This was the first kiss she'd ever shared with a woman, and it was one of the few she had shared with someone she wasn't involved with emotionally.

The brunette sighed, wishing that she had been kissing someone who mattered. Then she would've enjoyed it more. Someone like...Sam.

She blinked and stared at herself in the mirror behind the bar. Sam? Where the hell did that come from? She shook her head thinking maybe she'd had that one drink too many. Getting up, she left the bartender a tip and headed out of Binion's.

Reaching the room she was sharing, Janet decided to enter quietly in case Sam was asleep. As the lock quietly clicked open, Janet saw the room was dark. As she pushed the door open, she heard a rustling sound accompanied by a low moan.

'Nightmare?' she thought, just as her eyes adjusted to the dim light. She froze at the scene before her.

Sam was laying on top of the blanket, her shorts around her ankles and one hand busily manipulating her glistening sex. She had her other hand clamped in her mouth. As Janet began to back out, the hand slipped out and Sam moaned "Janet! Oh, Janet!"

The doctor, startled by the words, closed the door and whispered, "Sam."

Sam sat up, her fingers still between her legs, "Oh, God! Janet! I, uh, there's...Oh shit!"

Janet stepped up to the bed with a gentle smile on her face. As she sat next to her friend, she reached down and gently placed her hand over Sam's hand and her wet mound.

"Sam, let me do that for you," Janet whispered. Her fingers began to dance over the aroused flesh and Sam felt any objections to her friend touching her melt away.

"Janet? Oooh, that's..." Sam interrupted herself.

"Sshh! Just let me help you. You see, I think I finally had my eyes opened tonight. It was like the light bulb in the old cartoons...My God, you are so wet!" Janet slipped first one finger, then two inside and Sam groaned as she fell back on the bed.

Janet ran her other hand up Sam's hip and along her ribcage beneath the shirt until she could feel the soft, round breast still hidden by the shirt. Gently caressing the mound, she let her fingers only lightly graze the nipple.

The scent from between Sam's legs was like nothing Janet had ever experienced. She was so excited by this whole unbelievable experience. The rather quiet doctor would never have thought she could do something like this.

Sam's hand blindly touched Janet's knee and slid up her leg. Janet smiled and looked at Sam's face, eyes closed and mouth agape in pleasure. As the insistent play of her fingers continued, she began to stroke Sam's clitoris with the pad of her thumb. Sam's breathing increased. Suddenly her entire body shivered and her vagina tightened around Janet's fingers. With a low "Oooo" she climaxed.

Janet slipped out of Sam and stared in fascination at the sheen on her fingers while Sam lay there breathing hard.

Taking a taste, Janet was surprised to find the flavor salty and musky but she definitely enjoyed it. She wanted to taste more...

Sam opened her eyes to see Janet tasting the juice glistening on her fingers. "Hey," she whispered, "I'm not sure what happened, but thank you."

"You are certainly welcome, but I'd like to do more. But only if you want to..."

Sam smiled in response and held out her arms. Janet crawled into the welcome embrace and they just held each other for a long time. Sam looked at Janet, gazing into the dark pools of her eyes and quietly asked, "Why? Why now?"

Janet shook her head, her brown locks tickling Sam's cheek. "I don't know. I guess it took seeing those dancers. Wondering what you'd look like up there. I suddenly realized that I wanted you. I wanted to see your body that way, not like a doctor but like a lover. I wanted to feel your curves, explore you, taste your essence... When I came in and you said my name while you were...I hoped that meant you felt the same way."

"I do. I guess I have for a long time. We've become so close, it almost seems like fate that we should be lovers. Does that make sense?"

Janet nodded and kissed Sam. It was a deep, wet kiss like Janet had shared with the dancer but it was so much better. As they held each other, their tongues slowly communicated their needs and desires, but above all their love for each other.

Finally, Sam broke the kiss with a "Whew! You are some kisser, Doc." The pet name brought an appreciative smile from the small woman in her arms. "But I think you might have too much on..."

Janet looked away and out the window as she began to rise. Sam winced in misunderstanding, "Janet, I'm sorry. Are we going too fast? We don't..."

Janet kissed her love to silence. "I think we've waited far too long..." She stood and pulled her sundress over her head. Then she opened the bra and removed her panties. In seconds, Janet was completely naked to Sam's loving gaze.

Looking at the blonde with her oversized t-shirt bunched up around her hips, Janet smirked, "Now who's overdressed?" She watched Sam pull the shirt over her head and toss it aside, as she kicked her short completely off. "That's better. Now..."

Janet stopped talking as she lay next to Sam again, their skin almost fusing as they embraced. Janet kissed Sam again, her tongue dipping quickly into the other woman's mouth before she began raining kisses down Sam's cheek and onto her neck.

Sam arched her head back as Janet kissed the soft, warm skin. She could feel Sam's excitement in the strong pulse throbbing beneath her lips and tongue. She followed the pulse down and wrapped her lips around one erect nipple. Alternately licking the tip lightly and biting it gently, she had Sam moaning again.

After suckling Sam's other breast, Janet worked her way down of Sam's body, licking the thin layer of sweat off the soft skin. Reaching the woman's belly button, she wiggled the tip of her tongue inside until Sam was giggling and moaning. "OooH, Janet! It tickles but I...Oooh!"

Janet knelt between Sam's legs and began to bathe the blonde's inner thighs with her tongue. Starting at the back of the knee, she painted a trail of saliva up until she felt the soft, damp pubic hair tickle her nose, then she repeated the action on Sam's other leg.

Sam began to make noises of frustrated pleasure as she waited for the lovely woman between her legs to bring her off.

Finally, Janet relented and leaned forward to taste another woman for the first time. As her tongue slipped between Sam's outer labia, she found the flavor more intoxicating than before. Her dark hair spread out around her, brushing softly across Sam's skin. As Janet explored Sam's pussy with her tongue, she reached up with one hand and began to pinch her nipple.

As Sam began to writhe around on the bed, Janet shoved her tongue deep into the warm, wet darkness before licking up to the aroused clit. She traced circles around the little bud before flicking the end of her tongue across the tip rapidly. This last action was all it took and Sam yelled as she came.

Janet lay there, looking up Sam's body smiling. 'God, she's beautiful!' Janet thought.

Sam opened her eyes and said, "My God, Janet!" then she reached down and pulled the petite brunette up to wrap her arms around the woman and kiss her. "I want to please you, too."

Sam grabbed Janet's round hips and pulled her up. Janet, realizing what Sam wanted, helped by grabbing the headboard and pulled herself along. In seconds, she had her knees planted on either side of Sam's head as Sam pulled her down.

Janet gasped when she felt Sam's tongue slide between her legs. The tingles she'd been feeling as she pleasured her new lover quickly became waves of pleasure flowing through her body.

Sam for her part, found the previously unknown taste of another woman to be strong and arousing. Having just had two orgasms, she was surprised to find she was becoming excited anew by the taste of this special woman she was making love to.

Janet leaned against the wall and looked down at Sam, her hair falling like a curtain on either side of her face. She could see the top of Sam's face and the dark eyes looking at her. Janet was overjoyed to see the eyes smiling up at her.

As Sam manipulated Janet's lips with her tongue, she squeezed and caressed the firm asscheeks as she held Janet to her. Thrusting her tongue into the hot channel as far as she could, she accidentally found Janet's g-spot and the doctor climaxed loudly on Sam's face and tongue.

Collapsing and panting rapidly, Janet lay her head on Sam's breast, her breath tickling the erect nipple before her. She gasped out, "Sam, that was fantastic! Go- -od, Sam. I have never come like that before." Her breath was slowing but still brushing across Sam's chest.

As they lay together for a few minutes quietly, Janet glanced out the window and said, "Too bad we couldn't take a moonlight swim."

"Well, if we were quiet," Sam said.

"What I want to do to you in the water you could definitely not stay quiet!" Janet cocked an eyebrow at her love.

"Ooo! Sounds naughty!"

"It is..." Janet leaned over Sam and licked the blonde's lips open as her dark hair formed a curtain of privacy for the two new lovers to share kisses.

Several mutually exhilarating orgasms later, Sam crawled up on her hands and knees to lean over Janet. Janet craned her head up to taste her juices on Sam's mouth again. Sam leaned her head down and then her body on top of Janet's.

"You know, I could get to like this," Sam teased.

Janet ran her fingers up and down Sam's spine and kissed her lightly, lovingly. "Good."

As they cuddled, Janet said, "You know, maybe what the colonel did wasn't so bad..."

"Yeah, it helped us find each other. Should we tell him?" Sam teased while her fingers trailed across Janet's breasts.

Janet's fingers twined in Sam's pubic hair as she responded, "Well, maybe not. But he can buy us breakfast. We'll need to build up our strength after all this..."

Sam leaned across Janet and grabbed the phone, "Room 622 please. Thank you." She winked at Janet, "I hope we wake them up..."

"Evil," Janet said as she shook her head, laughing.

While Sam waited for an answer, she kissed Janet again. "Hello, Colonel. No, I didn't realize it was 3 AM. But I just thought you should know that Janet and I talked about it and we'll keep last night between us. Yessir. Well, now that you mention it, we'd rather not have to pay for any food or drink while we're here. Yes. Hang on a minute," Sam cupped the receiver as Janet nudged her.

"Make him take us to some real shows," Janet said eagerly. "No naked anybody..."

"Oh, and sir? We'd like to see Siegfried and Roy. And Tom Jones. Yes, thank you, Colonel. See you in the morning. Pleasant dreams," Sam winced at Jack's final comment as she replaced the receiver. "He had just fallen asleep when we called." Sam was smirking.

Janet giggled at that, "Just now?"

"Apparently, Daniel's sinuses are worse in an air conditioned room and he's snoring up a storm," Sam laughed. Then she looked at Janet, "Hey, what about your allergies?"

"I don't sleep on my back," Janet offered.

Sam wrapped her arms around the smaller woman, deciding that snoring would be a small price to pay to be with her.

The morning dawned bright and Janet opened her eyes, forgetting for a moment where she was. Then she remembered and looked over to see the lovely nude form of her lover laying face down on the bed, sheets twined around her lower legs leaving the rest exposed.

Janet looked at the small mole on Sam's rounded cheek.

Smiling to herself, she leaned over and kissed it. Janet opened her lips and lightly sucked on the small dark spot.

Sam moaned and looked back over her shoulder to see a curtain of brown hair cascading over her ass. Janet was giving her a hicky!

"Hey," she said softly. "What are you doing?"

Janet looked up and said, "For years, even before I ever considered making love to you, I've been fascinated by this mole and just wanted to kiss it. So..."

Janet lowered her face to Sam's ass again. As she resumed her playful attack, the phone rang.

Sam reached over and picked up the receiver. "Hello? Oh, hi Daniel! Well, we're both still in bed. You bet we want breakfast! And tell Jack he's buying! It's the least he can do..." Sam sighed as Janet slid her finger into the now familiar heat of her sex. "Give us, make that thirty minutes. Oooh, yeah, see you downstairs..."

Hanging up the phone, she turned on the bed and Janet was suddenly, happily looking at her short, blonde curls. She ran a finger through the little patch and said, "Thirty minutes...not a lot of time..."

As it turned out, they didn't meet with Jack and Daniel for almost an hour...

Later in the morning, after a fun breakfast made even more enjoyable by Jack's obvious discomfort and his inability to say anything worthwhile, the ladies returned to the pool.

As Sam began to apply sun block to Janet's back, they both realized they didn't give a damn about any tan.

"Sam...?" Janet began.

"Let's go back the the room...?" Sam finished.

The two of them came back to Colorado Springs with less of a tan than when they left.

For the next couple of nights, Jack took his friends out to see some of the more talked about shows in Vegas. He even paid a scalper for tickets for Siegfried and Roy.

Upon their return to their room, every night, Sam and Janet made love. And it seemed to get even sweeter and hotter for them.

Their last night in town, Jack got tickets for a George Carlin midnight show. They got there over an hour before the show and Jack found out they had Glenfiddich scotch.

The next morning, in the cab to Clark County Airport, Sam and Janet chattered away about little of consequence. Jack again sat in the front seat, wincing at his hangover.

Janet said, "You know, I think I might buy an aboveground pool..."

"With a deck!" Sam added eagerly. "What do you think, Colonel?"

Jack sat quietly in the front seat nursing his headache and wishing everyone would just shut-up. Which, of course, they didn't. All the way back to Colorado.

Seven weeks later...

It was a typical post-mission briefing after the team's standard medical exams and showers. Typical for most of the people around the table in General Hammond's outer office.

Jack had a strange look on his face and stopped several times as he tried to tell the general about P3Y-301. Finally, he blurted out, "Excuse me..." and bolted for the door.

Sam looked across the table at Janet and gave her lover a small knowing smile. Revenge was a dish best served cold.

The End...

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