The Visit

By moc.liamtoh@revol_odeeps

Published on Nov 16, 2000


The following story involves me and a guy that I met on-line when he complemented me on a prior story submission. The author is "Chris" and my buddy is "Don". So, the people are real but the story is fiction. Names and places, of course, have been changed. Feedback is appreciated.


I finally convinced you to let me fly to L.A. so that we could meet in person. I don't know what was harder: convincing you that meeting in person was the right thing to do or getting you to take a 4-day weekend off of work. But, after months of trading fantasy stories and porno pictures, you finally relented so I was on my way to Southern California.

As we were making final arrangements, I remembered that I did not know what you looked like. You were always so shy and reserved about sending me a digital picture of yourself. That was OK when we were just e-mail pals, but how was I going to recognize you in the airport? Since you wouldn't send me a picture, I came up with a scheme that you found difficult to resist. Just like a chauffeur who did not know what the person who hired him looked like, I demanded that you hold up a little sign at the gate where my plane was docked.

But this was no ordinary sign. I insisted that the sign had to read as follows: "Speedo Corp. Executives." I also made you download the Speedo logo from the net and make it part of your sign. I thought it was kind of funny and certainly did not want to embarrass you. I think you secretly liked the idea even though you protested a lot. But I gave you an ultimatum: send me your picture or hold up the sign at the airport. You chose the sign.

The flight was long but uneventful and when we landed in L.A., I remembered that I had one more part to my plan. I rummaged around in my carry-on bag and got everything ready.

I wanted to run off the plane and push everyone out of the way when the flight attendants finally opened the cabin door. But part of my plan involved waiting until almost the end of the line of people leaving the plane. I thought this would heighten our excitement about meeting face-to-face. I also wanted the other passengers on the plane to see you holding up the sign. That's what you get for being difficult about the picture thing!

When there were only about 5 people left in line, I quickly slipped into the aisle and headed up the ramp to the airport. There weren't very many people left at the gate, and I immediately spotted you. I almost chuckled because you looked mortified holding up that sign. Luckily, there was a man who was a few people behind me who had the same general traits as I did, so I merely glanced in your direction and walked right by you, pretending as if I was not who you were waiting for.

After walking past you, I silently made my way back to where you were standing, except this time, I was behind you. You were nervously looking at the door where the final passengers were coming out. You must have started to think that I had stood you up. You were cute in your silent misery!

I crept up behind you and took the item out of my carry-on in one swift motion. I was ready to complete my mission.

Since you were distracted in your search for me, I quickly put hands around your head and slipped the article of clothing over your face. You were stunned and reached up to remove the article from your head. Then you froze in your position as you realized what I had done.

The mystery article of clothing that was now draped over your face was one of my old pairs of Speedos that were worn out and ready for the trash bin. But, I did something naughty to them the day before I left on my trip. I shot a big load right in the crotch of the red pair of Speedos, and even though the spot was now dry, anyone who had these shoved in their face would be able to smell the unmistakable aroma of cum.

You quickly caught a whiff of it and, realizing that you were still in a public place, you quickly removed the Speedos from your head. I could tell, though, that you wanted to inhale them some more. You looked at me and your face immediately brightened. Of course, I was laughing so hard I almost fell over, but you were a good sport about the incident. Your first words to me were, "I'm going to keep these now whether you want them or not."

You started laughing, too. Then, you got a serious look on your face, and almost tackled me in one of the best hugs I have ever received. After I had broken the ice with the Speedos incident, I think it both hit us hard that we were finally meeting in person. We were instantly attracted to each other and held the hug a little long for two straight-acting guys in a public place.

Realizing that other people were around, we reluctantly moved out of each other's arms and looked at each other from head to toe. We both loved what we saw. To this day, I still do not know why you wouldn't send me a picture before I came to California. Admittedly, neither one of us would ever be hired as models, but what was important was that each of us found the other attractive and desirable.

We made it to your car and started out on the road to your apartment. Our conversation was light and you kept touching my knee and saying "I can't believe you're here." We soon pulled into the parking lot at your place, and I spotted the pool. It was deserted but it looked very inviting.

I quickly got out of the car, leaving my luggage in the back seat. Before you could ask what was up, you saw me walking toward the pool, pulling off my shirt as I made it to the gate. I went inside and saw you looking at me with a bewildered look on your face.

"I'm hot...", I said, and I proceeded to undo the button on my shorts. I am not sure but the look on your face told me that you thought I was going to strip naked and jump in the pool. An interesting thought, but it was 2:00 in the afternoon and I didn't want to get arrested for indecent exposure.

I think you were relieved when I pulled down my shorts and revealed a white pair of Speedos. You started to walk toward your apartment, and I called out, "Hey, where are you going?"

"To put on my swimsuit," you replied.

"No, Don. Wear the Speedos I gave you at the airport." I gave you a wicked smile and did a perfect dive into the deep end of the pool. Before you could reply to my request, I started to get out of the water. My back was to you, but I knew you were checking me out. I climbed up the pool's ladder, and as I got to the top, you realized that my white Speedos were almost completely see-through now that they were wet. I was sure that you could see every inch of my ass and the hair that ran down the crack of it.

You walked toward the pool and I turned around to face you. My cock clearly showed through the wet nylon, and my pubes were also visible. You just stared and then looked up at me and returned the wicked grin that I had given you earlier.

You walked past me and pinched my ass, saying, "Your ass is mine, Chris."

"You wish," I replied, half jokingly. You and I both knew that you would be penetrating my asshole several times that weekend. And it was my desire to fuck you at least once in the dominating way that you found so erotic.

I dove back into the inviting water while you changed into the cum-stained pair of Speedos. You emerged from the restroom in the red Speedos, and I said, "Damn, you look good in those." I could tell that you were not used to wearing such skimpy Speedos because they didn't quite cover your tan line. You apparently liked the more conservative cut of Speedos while I preferred the skimpy ones. The visible tan line excited me even more, and my cock got really hard.

You threw your clothes on one of the chaise lounges and headed toward the deep end of the pool where I was. As you passed, I said, "Hmmm.... your ass is mine, Don." You laughed and pulled the waistband of your Speedos down to give me a glimpse of your butt.

"You mean this ass? It belongs to me and I only share it on special occasions," you said seductively.

"Is this one of those occasions?" I inquired.

After a slight pause for dramatic effect, you replied, "Maybe. That remains to be seen."

As you were giving me your teasing answer, I slipped my Speedos down to my ankles and grabbed them with my right hand. As you put your toe in the pool to test the temperature of the water, I threw my Speedos and hit you square in the face.

You pretended to be appalled and even mentioned something about not wanting to get caught skinny dipping in the pool. I told you to relax and to toss my Speedos back to me. I assured you that I had no intention of being caught without my suit on.

You looked around, and certain that no one could see you, you yanked down the front of your Speedos and hooked the red nylon under your balls. I only caught a glimpse of your package because you dove into the water quickly, but I was impressed with what I saw. Your dick looked to be a good 5.5 or even 6 inches in length and it was surrounded by a nice coating of pubic hair, but your balls were shaved (just the way I like it -- I don't want to get hair in my mouth while I'm bathing your balls with my tongue.)

You swam underwater to me and I knew that you were looking at my 7.5 inch cock underwater. It was sticking straight out and I knew that it probably looked bigger from that perspective than it really was. You surfaced within inches from my body, and you cupped your hands around my balls. After taking a breath, you quickly lunged at my mouth with your tongue. The feeling was fantastic as your tongue probed every corner of my mouth. The kiss didn't last long, though because we didn't now if we were being observed.

You fondled my balls underwater and I was getting really turned on. I took a gulp of air and plunged under the water. I grabbed on to your knees and engulfed your cock with my mouth. I could hear you gasp even though I was underwater. As I was sucking your cock, I started to blow bubbles out of my nose. They tickled your balls and you squirmed a bit.

After about a minute, I had to surface to get some air. I got another lung-full of air and sank under the water again. This time, though, I wriggled my way between your legs and got into position to lick your ass. I think you were impressed with my underwater skills, but I'm sure that thought quickly disappeared as my tongue entered your asshole. You may not have been a bottom very often, but your sphincter muscles opened up nicely. I was able to stick most of my tongue in your most intimate area. I let bubbles flow out of my nose again, and this time they caressed your balls, cock, and chest as they headed toward the surface. You were in ecstasy.

As I was headed toward the surface, I noticed that your body was rigid and your balls were pulled into your body. I knew the tell-tale signs of pre-orgasmic behavior, but I wasn't about to let you shoot your load into the pool. Quickly, I reached around to the head of your cock, and with both hands, I pressed firmly on the head. You were probably disappointed, but this action prevented you from cumming.

I surfaced and you had a nasty look on your face.

"Why did you do that? I was just about to have the best orgasm of my life!" you said.

"There was no way I was going to let you shoot your cum into the water.... that's what my mouth and ass are for," I replied in a sexy voice.

The look of anger on your face quickly turned into a smile. We hadn't talked about unprotected sex, and we would definitely have to discuss it so that both of us would be comfortable. But you were pleased that I was thinking about it. I had told you before that I would really have to trust someone before I let them shoot their load up my ass or in my mouth, and you understood that my comment was an admission that I trusted you.

As we were getting out of the pool, a funny thought occurred to you. "Damn, I went and bought the big package of condoms for nothing," you thought.


Next: Chapter 2

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