The Z-1 Ranch

By cgf2662

Published on Jul 11, 2024


The Z-1 Ranch P-146 CGW©

Elvin was a little nervous it had been a long time since he'd been out on a date, and never with a Genman before but something was different about Stephen. He felt connected to the young man for some reason, only time would tell.

Stephen was at his house throwing everything every which way, he put on one thing and it didn't look right that he would change to something else. Why was he so nervous this was just a date, it had been a while yes but never with the human before this human was different. Elvin Willis was older and more settled, what would they do together?

Elvin looked up from the table and smiled at Stephen as he walked towards him, he looked fantastic. Hello beautiful he said.

Stephen looked around, who are you talking to?

You, that's who I'm talking to, who else. Let's catch us a transit and enjoy ourselves.

The two walked to the main gate to catch the next transit bus to the Township. When they arrived, Elvin noticed that the cinema was showing a new movie and decided to walk over to it and reserve some tickets.

I need two tickets to the new feature tonight please, any showings.

The ticket booth worker and looked at Elvin, I'm sorry Sir but we're all sold out for tonight and tomorrow, Sir. I do apologize.

Elvin shrugged his shoulders and returned to Stephen, sorry there all sold out tonight and tomorrow. But if you don't mind after we get something to eat, we can go back to my farm and I can order something up on the pay for viewing.

Stephen looked at him with a little bit of apprehension. Think I'm going to fall for that, get me out to your place and think you going to have your way?

Certainly not Stephen, now the young guys might pull that but me never I am a true gentleman. It's just a suggestion, make of it what you want to.

First of all, let's have a decent meal at Constantine's, I'm tired of burgers and fries maybe we can see what he has is a special?

Now you're talking my language, I know the cook has an excellent pot roast over fresh baked breads and a wonderful dessert prepared. It's their Friday special. Then we can talk about what comes next.

Just as long as you know you're not getting lucky, not with this Genman's vent at least.

Elvin chuckled, I hear you loud and clear Stephen. He must've done you really bad, and no one deserves that.

Elvin and Stephen walked into the diner and Constantine was serving up meals left and right from the kitchen. He was surprised to see Elvin, walk-in with someone especially the way he was acting.

He carried the water to the table and smiled, can I get you two specials for the night?

Constantine that would be perfect, about time Stephen had a good meal cooked by an excellent chef.

Constantine smiled, I'll tell the chef to make it extra special for you and your special party. Constantine went to the kitchen and spoke to the chef; it was clear that the meal was to be extra special because it looks like somebody was coming out of mothballs.

Elvin and Stephen talked about everything, the news, the weather, his family and recent events. Now Stephen, there's nothing attached but we can take a quick ride out to my farm on a transit and what your pay-per-view. They have some great movies that have just came out, what do you think feel like sitting next to an old human, eating some popcorn while watching a great movie.

Stephen knew that he had been defeated when Elvin mentioned popcorn. Now is this the instant type or the good old-fashioned popcorn?

We grow our own, planted a few acres last year and harvested them. Got a whole tub of it in the cabinet ready to be popped, is just waiting for us to arrive. Oh, let you know we will be there alone until later in the youngest boy Stephen gets back, don't have to worry about him he will go directly to his room, got in the computer and there that he likes to talk to his friends on.

Okay, I'm fine with that Elvin. It is the young man's home and I'm only a guest. Now let's catch the transit.

The two jumped on a transit and in no time, they were at the Willis farm. The place was plain but it was clean. Elvin was very proud of his little slice of heaven and decided to show it off to Stephen.

Stephen was very impressed of what the man had assembled in life. That worse is popcorn you been raving about because I think I will reserve my judgment till I taste the final product.

Oh, that's a challenge, Stephen now yourself get ready because I'm gonna pop a huge batch and layer it with butter.

Elvin broke out a large pot put some salt and butter in it and he poured the fresh kernels to it. He turned the flame on and it gently started to bubble and pop. Soon the pot was full of fresh delicious popcorn, Elvin drizzled fresh melting butter over top of the popcorn and the smell was fantastic.

Elvin held up a fresh buttered kernel to Stephen and said; open wide and taste perfection.

Stephen didn't have to be asked twice, he let Elvin place the kernel of popcorn in his mouth and true to his word it was perfection. Okay you got me, now let's go sit down and watch a movie.

Elvin set down on the couch with a bowl of popcorn and invited Stephen to set beside him. I promise no funny business just two people enjoying a great movie with the best popcorn on the planet.

Stephen had to admit to himself setting next to Elvin was fun. Heat from his body and his smell was intoxicating, but he couldn't get distracted there was popcorn to be eaten.

Go ahead and take shoes off, we prop our feet up on the table right here and enjoy the movie and the popcorn.

They were halfway through the bowl of popcorn in about two hours into the movie when the front door opened. I'm home announced his son Stephen Ray, what you doing making popcorn on Friday night. Thought that was a Saturday night special. He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw his father sitting next to a very nice-looking young man with his arm draped around the man shoulders. I'll be in my room; you don't have to worry about me I've already eaten supper. Stephen Ray went directly to his room.

Did I do something wrong Stephen inquired?

No, it's my son, I guess we shocked him. Stephen Ray will just have to get over himself.

The two set on the sofa watching movie after movie and before Elvin realized it was 2:30 in the morning. Oh crap, we missed the last transit 2-½ hours ago. You know like sleeping with an old man tonight?

Stephen looked at Elvin, as in what do you mean?

We can share the same bed and be snuggle mates. No sex in fact I'll put a pair of sleep shorts on to make sure nothing happens.

You damn right nothing will happen tonight. I will share your bed as long as you keep yourself contained.

I'll get you a t-shirt and sleep trunks to use tonight. But that doesn't mean that I won't snuggle against you during the night. Been several years since a warm body shared my bed.

Stephen looked at Elvin, better make it just the sleep trunks I wouldn't want to stain your shirt should I leak during the night, you know nectar.

Yeah, that is it is sweet as everyone claims?

Play your cards right and you might find out, play the cards wrong and I'll rip your prong off.

Elvin was in bed and had the sheet around his waist exposing his upper torso, he had the body of the man who had worked hard labor all of his life.

Stephen came out of the bathroom in his sleep trunks and his arms crossed over his glands. I'm sorry I'm fuller than I thought I would be. You don't have a pump of you and you can do you?

Nope, no pumps here so I guess we might have to do it the old-fashioned way?

I don't know whined Stephen; you would be only the second that has touched me there and after the first guy I'm not sure of myself.

Ellen patted the bed as he pulled back the bedcovers, come over here and crawl in bed. We will take this slow and I'll be extra careful. I don't want to cause you any problems, we are just two people helping each other out.

Stephen Ray was on the telephone talking to Jeremy. But you don't understand I came in here tonight and there's a strange person here with our father. They were sitting on the sofa eating popcorn and father had his arm around him and they were snuggled up. This is strange Jeremy.

Stephen Ray; go to bed, your father is an adult. He has decided to start living his life again for himself. I for one applaud him, if he can find someone that he is attached to that he can begin to live again I'm all for it. In boy if you step out of line, I'm going to whip your ass to you can't sit down. It's none of your damn business, do I need to repeat myself?

No Jeremy I understand I will lock my door and stay in my room, goodbye Sir.

Jeremy called Crighton.

Hey Jeremy what's up?

Just got a frantic call from Stephen Ray, it seems that father has a visitor at the house at this hour.

Yeah, it is late, we just got into bed ourselves. So, father has a visitor that's going to spend the night, he said he was on the prowl so it looks like he got lucky.

You're not surprised?

Nope and I am out of our father's life when it comes to his bed partners. We all chose our partners he's allowed to choose his partner once again; mom would want it this way.

That's what I told Stephen Ray, just want to make sure we were on the same page the old man is been in mothballs too long about time he went back to sea.

Okay Jeremy I'm tired Ballard's tired and we are going to bed if you here for our baby brother again tell him to put up, shut up or come out to the ranch but he is not to disturb his father.

I told him as much, Don is sleeping soundly in the babies are finally back to sleep so I'm going to try to get some sleep, talk to you in the morning.

Elvin stood next to Stephen and the placed his arm around him so they could scoot next to each other. Now let's see if I can help you with this little problem, you have.

Stephen gasped when Elvin latched on to his right gland and began to suckle it. He didn't let up until he emptied it and then he repeated the process on the left one. He belched which caused Stephen to giggle.

See there I told you I could help you out, now you can help me out I sleeping in my arms tonight, I want to feel your body next to mine in the morning I'll drain them again.

Okay Elvin, you've proven yourself a gentleman so we will snuggle. This is all new to me I didn't know what you meant by snuggling but I like it.

Don't worry Stephen, I intend to show you the world. Elvin turned off the lights and the two gently drifted off to sleep.

Roger rolled on top of Tovar and kissed him, is he did he check please slipped his cock into Tovar's vent. Tovar let out a moan that is Rogers huge cock stretched his sore vent, be careful please I'm so sore.

Roger kissed him once again and slid his cock in the only one causing Tovar to gasp. I will be good baby just need to this vent one more time tonight.

Roger began to suck Tovar vigorously is the big man wrapped his legs around Roger's waist once again all he could do was hold on as Roger worked over his poor little vent with his big cock.

It's getting easier for you, pretty soon you'll be able to take my Dick anytime I stick it inside. I plan on fucking you all the time, going to make love to my little Genman all the time. Gonna stretch your vent out wide, soon you will need no lube.

After about 35 minutes Tovar began to have an orgasm, it was racking through his body causing him to spasm and almost squeeze Roger in half. This was more than he could take and he slammed deep into Tovar and pumped him full of his seed. As they lay there catching their breath Tovar started to feel funny, then it hit him like a ton of bricks. His insides felt like they were going to explode as he went into a major conception spasm.

Oh no not again, it can happen again it can't be, oh shit it fucking hurts.

Roger maneuvered around so that he was still embedded deep inside of Tovar so he could gently rub his abdomen to help with the pain. Just as soon as this one was letting up another one started, followed by another one. By the time it was over Tovar was exhausted.

Roger kissed him, it's going be okay so what your pregnant. I couldn't be prouder of you; you are my special little Genman carrying my baby.

I'm going to get so big; I don't know how I'm going to work Mr. Ben's going to get mad because I won't be able to walk around like I can now.

Plenty of Genmen walk around every day pregnant, most of them you don't even know they are because of your Girt.

Roger how many times did I go into spasms? Did you count?

What does it matter your pregnant. It's all part of conception.

Roger you gotta understand when we conceive for the first time with a human there's a lot of pain involved, I just went through four series of Conception spasms you know what that means?

Your good and pregnant, you had a very positive result?

No Roger that means I dropped four eggs and all of them were fertilized by your seed. You see where I'm going with this?

Are you saying we have four babies on the way now? You are carrying four babies for us.

That's exactly what I'm telling you, we could've waited 24 hours and we could've screwed our brains out but I am now pregnant with four babies. I don't know what the hell I'm going to do.

Get big, and beautiful. I was worried that I might not ever find someone to have a child with because of my size. But now we are going to have four babies, can you believe it four babies.

Tovar looked in amazement at Roger and how giddy he was. You just made them; I have to carry and birth them; my poor vent is never going to recover. I just wanted one baby that's all, but it seems that I hooked up with the most fertile human there was.

Roger smiled; what can I say I do my best; I never leave a job undone I make sure I complete my work assignments.

Let's get some rest, in the morning I need to call Mr. Ben and let them know that I conceived and how many times.

It'll be just fine Tovar; I will find work around here somewhere is a computer analyst. I'm sure somebody needs help as I don't plan on leaving you not in your condition. Let's not worry about this tonight, let's get some rest you deserve it daddy. Roger kissed Tovar and held him tight as they drifted off.

Stephen he can to wake up as he could sense he was being watched, he opened his eyes and lying next to him was Elvin.

Good morning beautiful, sleep well last night?

Yes, I did, sleeping next to your body was comforting I felt safe. So warm and the fur felt good to.

Elvin looked at Stephen's swollen nectar glands, looks like you need a little help again. I'll be extra gentle this morning, you nips look a little irritated.

I can wait I get home; you don't have to.

Oh, but I insist, these puppies are full of your sweet nectar just calling out to me. Now lay back and let me enjoy this, besides it will be hours before the next transit comes by. Elvin latched on to the nearest nipple he could find and begin to suck.

Stephen took in a deep breath as his nectar began to flow, his nipples were very sore from all of the recent activity but the pressure being relieved was enjoyable. The sighed, take all you want my body is yours to do as you will please.

Elvin made short work out of both of Stephen's glands, his nipples on the other hand were swollen and very erect. He licked Stephen's nipples until they became so sensitive that it was almost painful. The me go out and get some soothing cream for these, you'll appreciate it. Has a desensitizing element in it to help you. He slid out of the bed and walked out of the bedroom to the kitchen to start a pot of coffee and to retrieve the cream.

Stephen Ray smelled the coffee cooking and decided if his father was up at 5 AM he might as well go get a cup of coffee. He departed his room and noticed his father's door was wide open, he could not believe his eyes there was someone else in his father's bed sleeping. He stepped closer to the door to get a good look. The same one that was on the couch last night and there was no doubt he was Genman, damn his nipples were red and swollen. Oh, shit they did the nasty last night? My father and a Genman had sex, I need a cup of coffee now we thought and the stronger the better.

Stephen Ray walked into the kitchen to find his father there in his sleep shorts.

Good morning son, how you doing today I have feeling is going to be beautiful.

Dad doing need to talk about something?

No not really, but if we could talk at a lower volume, it would be nice, my guest is still sleeping and I want him to get a lot of rest he's tired.

Stephen Ray looked at his father, okay no problem here Sir. Is this going become a regular thing between you and your bedmate?

If it does is not really your concern, I'm an adult and I do what I want with who I want in my room.

That's not what I mean father, is the Genman that is in your bed sleeping going to be coming over to visit more often or is this a one-time hook up?

Bite your tongue, expect to see a lot more of him around the house.

Whatever makes you happy I am fine with that. It's good to see you smiling again, it's been too long father.

Elvin was busy looking through the cabinets for the cream, he located the jar and grabbed 2 cups of coffee and headed back to his bedroom.

Stephen Ray said at the kitchen table, well there goes my childhood he thought to himself. But hey who am I to say if the Genman makes my father this happy who am I to get in their way. He had been sitting there for a while when the bedroom door opened again and out walked the young Genman with a cup.

Stephen walked to the kitchen door and realized that Elvin's youngest was sitting at the table. Excuse me can you tell me where I can find some sweetener and cream for my coffee. Nothing against the way your father drinks it but I like a little extra and mine.

Have a seat the me get it for you Stephen Ray offered.

Stephen took a seat, thank you very much but I do owe you an apology about last night.

No apology needed, my father is a big boy and what he does in his room and who he does it with is his business none of mine.

My name is Stephen and I do owe you an apology. I didn't realize it was getting late when we were watching movies and eating popcorn, in fact I missed my last transit. I know your name is Stephen Ray to you go by any other name by chance because it is too similar.

My father calls me Stephen Ray as to my brothers, but my friends call me Steve and I like it that way less complications. So inquiring minds want to know, is this a one-time thing or you and my father going to become an item?

I don't know, I've never done this before. With a human I mean, I had one relationship that failed with a Genman and I swore off others but your father is different. I'm 25 human years so that makes me young compared to him at 45. I don't want to mess up in the end with my heartbroken after he gets what he wants from me.

You two didn't go all the way last night?

No, I'm not a slut, and your father is a gentleman. He did help me out with my nectar since I didn't have my pump system but that was because I was so uncomfortable from the buildup. Your father is a good man, he is respectful of others and their feelings.

Excuse me are we talking about the same Elvin Willis, the tyrant that made my life hell for the past four years?

Your father is not a tyrant, he was hurt and he lashed out at others but he didn't mean the things that he said it was just his emotions. We've all lost people that we cared for I know about your brother in the collapse and he told me about your mother. He was so truthful; he laid his feelings out on the table so that they could be seen.

I don't know what you did to him but that nectar juice that you carry must've unlocked his baggage cart.

Sometimes you need someone just to talk to, tell them your problems your wants your needs and your wishes. Your father was a sad man, but he is such a gentleman.

So, without me being tacky, are you two going to make a kid together? Do I get a little brother out of the bedroom action. Because I'm not opposed to it, I'm getting older I'll soon go to school meet someone and start a family one day I don't want my father here alone. Sure, the Spinelli's since some workers to help with the harvest and some of the chores but they're not your caliber. Two big beefy breeders and all they can do is each other. Don't know how many times I walked upon them getting after it in the barn. Lucky either one of them can walk the next day much less work.

Stephen chuckled, Steve my dear young man there's something about Genmen anatomy that you need to know. Having sex is very intensive between two Genmen but it doesn't hurt them. They know when to do it so that children are not conceived if that's not their goal.

You mean Genmen have recreational sex?

Just like humans do, but of course you need to use a condom if you ever have sex with a hybrid or a Genman.

Why, if you're not on your cycle why would it matter?

Because human DNA and Genmen DNA are similar but yet different. Any time a human has sex with a Genman and he releases his seed inside the Genman will conceive a child. Genman can only impregnate Genman when the receiver called the carrier is in cycle.

Stephen Ray was very interested in what was being discussed with Stephen. Wow they don't tell us this in our school, they just say be careful and less you want a little one running around don't put yourself in that situation, because Genmen are very fertile.

Not really, more like humans are the fertile ones.

They were both laughing and chuckling at the table when Elvin came to the kitchen to see what was taken so long. He was a little embarrassed when he found his guest and his son conversing on such a sensitive matter.

Oh, here you are, didn't realize you two were discussing things.

Stephen Ray today you need to make sure and do the yard work and check with the workers at the barn and make sure they have completed all of their assignments for the week before they go to the ranch for time off.

Stephen looked up at Elvin and placed his hand on his. Elvin it's Steve not Stephen Ray, that might've been a child's name and that was perfectly fine for him when he was a child but he is a young man now as a young man he needs to learn his own identity. He has chosen the shortened version of his name Steve and that's how you wish to be addressed.

Elvin looked at Stephen, really you have met him all of 10 minutes maybe and you have already found all this information out?

Yes, because I'm not prejudging, we were having a very pleasant conversation about information that he needs to know as he interacts as a young man with the Genman population whether it be pure blood or hybrids. He has no problem doing what you ask of him every day is a very fine young man who has wants needs and desires of his own just like any other red-blooded human. But please call him Steve, so if you don't mind, I'm gonna leave you two alone and I am carrying my cup of coffee back to the bedroom and enjoy a little me time in the tub.

Elvin stood there with a look upon his face that his mind had been blown. Okay Steve if you don't mind would you do the chores that I asked you to do?

Yes, father I have no problem but you need to do one thing for me.

And what would that be Elvin snapped back?

Don't fuck this up, Stephen is a keeper for someone little brother to spoil maybe two or three of them more if you're up to it old man. Steve chuckled as he left out of the room leaving his father standing there with a very bewildered look on his face.

Elvin walked back to his room recounting the conversation that he and his youngest son had just had; he could hear the shower running. It was his house is not like they hadn't slept together so he decided to lock the door and walk on in Stephen and him needed to talk.

As he looked at the beautiful person standing in the shower letting the water cascading down his body is he gently soaped himself down, he could get used to seeing something like this every day.

I don't bite, you can come on in as long as you keep things to yourself.

I better not come in then, because I want to share every part of your body. You are so beautiful has anyone ever told you that?

Stephen stopped for second rinsed off his face and smiled. You do realize if you come in here, you're going to want to start something. I don't think were ready for that yet. You still need a lot of questions answered, but Steve is just happy-go-lucky in said that whenever we decide to start a family of our own, he would love to have a little brother. He is surer of himself than you are Elvin.

Starting another family at my age, I don't know if I'm up to it?

Elvin you are just 45, a Genman child hybrid matures in three years. You can have children as long as I'm able to bear them. I don't want a child every month but when we do have a child, I want to enjoy him and share him with your children and grandchildren. But I understand if you don't want to have anymore because you raised your family.

Stephen is not that I don't want to have children with you because I really do, but there's just so many things that can go wrong. Is dangerous at times to give birth.

There are dangers walking down the stairs, going to a restaurant, a movie premiere, or just walking in the yard. Life is a gamble but a life not lived is a waste.

Elvin walked into the shower with his sleep trunks on.

Stephen looked at him, really in the shower not only in bed but you're wearing those things in the shower.

Near you I don't trust myself, because two wet bodies sliding nakedly up against each other I can guarantee you one thing there would be action in here. I'm normally not this aggressive but I want you and I need to feel you, every part of you so if this keeps us safe this is what I have to do because I want to get to know you before we do something that changes everything.

I can respect that Elvin, you're a gentleman for your consideration. Had it been anyone else I would've already been packing a little one. That means when we decide to carry our relationship to the next level it will be even more special between us.

Elvin kissed Stephen aggressively as he let his hands roam everywhere over his body. Stephen stiffened as Elvin's fingers located his vent and began to rub up and down its opening.

This is the prize that I intend to win, you are the treasure that I intend to love forever. I really didn't know what to expect when we first met but I'm glad we did. Ellen kissed Stephen again and began to nibble up and down his neck until he reached his left gland and he attacked it.

Between the touching and the licking on his body Stephen vented right there in the shower. He knew at that point that Elvin was his match and would be his mate, he would bear this human as many children as he wished to put inside of him.

Elvin looked up at Stephen's face, would you like to tell me what happened to you just now?

My body is in control, it senses you near and it released a compound to lubricate my vent letting you know that anytime you are ready to Mount me I am ready.

Well, we can wait, today is our day to be lazy. And I intend to keep these bad babies here drained flat, Stephen gasped as Elvin gently chewed on the right nipple. How often these things inflate?

It takes about six hours if I maintain a proper diet to build up a surplus of nectar.

Then count on me every six hours draining them, and I'm going to feed you so good that you going to produce extra but I want these things swelled up.

I don't want them obscene, only nursing carriers with a little one are swollen like that.

That's fine with me, because I intend to keep you blown up so I can have this sweet nectar.

Once again Elvin gripped his hand around one of Stephen's glands and started to leak the nipple. Still a little bit left but I'll fix that Elvin said as he grinned.

The doorbell rang and Stephen jumped, that's okay Steve will get the door and take care the visitors until we get ready. Now bring your sweet body out here and we will figure out what you going to wear today. The clothing choice that you wore out here is not good for farm, I've got something you can wear.

Elvin dried off with a towel and threw some clothing on, I'll be right back I need to buy a couple items from Steve's wardrobe.

Steve need borrow a pair of pants and a shirt for our guest something that you don't mind being used on the farm plus if you got some of those new underwear that I bought last week need one pair of those and some socks. His shoes should be okay. Hey there Crighton you and Ballard make yourselves at home. We are almost ready, Steve hurry up with those clothing can't keep a guest waiting.

Crighton looked at his younger brother as he handed off some clothes to his father. Elvin turned around and went to his room close the door.

Don't ask big brother, you do not want to know. But I will tell you our father is smiling, I don't care if he's a serial killer, he brought back a smile to my father's face I approve.

Crighton just sat there dumbfounded. Ballard chuckled, fire in the furnace after all, even with a little frost along the edges. Your Father did it, and seems that this person makes him happy just go with it.

Everyone may I have your attention; I have decided to go on with my life and I've taken a company the young Genman. You have your lives and I have my life, Stephen makes me happy. I met him and it was a mutual attraction. So, if you have anything negative to say do yourself a favor and keep it to yourself.

Stephen would you please come in here and meet my third son Crighton and his mate.

Stephen was a little apprehensive about meeting Elvin's son and his chosen. But when he saw who it was, he relaxed and smiled. He knew Ballard and he knew he was a good person so his chosen mate was fantastic.

Stephen, you and my father-in-law?

You know how it is when lightning strikes, there's just something about him, we haven't done anything permanent but it seems to be headed that way.

Crighton stood up and walked over to Stephen and hugged his neck. Anyone who was able to put a smile back on my father's face is okay in my books. If he gets grumpy just tell him to head to the woodshed and chop some wood.

Elvin chuckled, low blow son.

Did I miss something in the translation inquired Stephen?

Let's just say that our father was a little cruel at times, if any of us boys had an issue that we couldn't work out, we would be sent to the woodshed to chop wood. And we chopped a lot of wood and father sold it.

Stephen can answer your question and it is too intrusive I understand, whatever happened to the other guy that you are seeing the big Genman?

Ballard frogged Crighton's right leg he hit him so hard. Crighton grabbed his leg in pain never mind I over spoke myself don't worry about.

Your father knows, I told him that I was involved with the Genman a while ago he got what he wanted treated me like crap then when I was ready to cycle, he left town didn't want to be nowhere near me because he had already gotten what he wanted.

Ballard had to come clean, Stephen set down please I need to tell you this in front of all these witnesses so in case you need a defense later on.

Stephen looked at him and took a seat beside Elvin. Okay Ballard what happened.

We saw all the way that Marshall treating you, nobody liked it and nobody liked him for what he was doing to you. One day at work he was running his mouth and it was more than any of us could take, we were just going to talk to him but you know how his mouth was.

Yes, I do so go on tell me what happened.

A couple the guys told him that he needed to watch his mouth before it overloaded his ass but as usual, he was foulmouthed and told everybody what they could do with themselves. We were out on top of the steel and Don lost it. He grabbed Marshall around his throat and held him dangling off the end of the steel 250 foot up in the air. He told him that he could crush his throat and it would look like an accident or he could get his sorry no-good ass off the Z1 forever.

Marshall started begging and pleading for his life so Don brought the man back in and slammed him down on the steel. He told him to get out of his sight and never come back. We all thought it was over, but Marshall wasn't one to let anything go he waited for Don and when Don wasn't looking and he took a swing at him, he missed but a couple the other guys did not, they got a hold of Marshall. Don was told to go home like I was because they knew we were seeing the Willis brothers.

What happened why did he leave?

Seems that a dozen of the guys took him out behind the stacks, there were a mixture of human and Genmen. They stripped him and strapped him down and 12 men took their liberty with his vent. They don't talk about it; all they can say is you are better off without him. He was put on a transit after that he must have gone through pains of conception because of the humans and possibly Genman, because it was his time. That's one Genmen that you will never see again around the Z1 or anywhere any Z property is located.

Stephen set there with his mouth wide open. You mean 12 of them run a train on him and busted him wide open?

And don't ever ask me who was involved because that's one secret I will take to my grave.

Stephen started laughing, and I don't mean no normal laugh it was deep within the soul.

Elvin looked at Stephen, would you like to tell me what's so funny?

Can you imagine that big swollen up son of a rackknar in the delivery chair trying to push a baby out of that tiny vent of his, it's like he didn't hardly have a vent, it was a miss vent. I bet it split wide open trying to push a kid out. That's what that son of a bitch deserves all the pain and none of the glory.

But what you think happened to the child inquired Elvin?

Ballard summed it all up; adoption because he couldn't raise anything.

My boys pick some good ones, you here with Ballard and Jeremy with Don and set of twins. I'm glad to know that they can take care of themselves.

At the office of Ted Wallace there was a situation and it involved two workers Keegan and Stafford both of them good man one human and one Genmen. Ted picked up the phone and called both workers down to the office for an inquiry.

Both men had no idea what they were being called to the office had been quiet in fact everything was going great.

Have a seat gentleman, we need to talk. I called you here because there seems to be a situation that both of you are involved in, I don't care what you do and personal life but if you make it you take care of it. That's my motto and that's what the two of you are going to do.

Stafford looked at Ted; I promise Sir I am clean I don't have a child on me anywhere I have been good I have not let anyone touch me. Keegan I are friends but not like that, don't want none of that in fact I hide my vent when he walks into the shower.

Ted laughed; it's not like that it the seems that two of you were tapping the same vent and for some reason he left. Twins were born a week ago and since you are registered in the system, they are your responsibility until you give up custody. He wanted nothing to do with the twins he gave them up immediately.

Keegan looked a little shaken, what are we supposed to do with babies?

You work for Wallace industries; we take care of our little indiscretions. That means you are the father's and you will take care of your offspring end of discussion.

Keegan and Stafford looked at each other with blank expressions, who was this person they were both Taping?

Now I really wouldn't have thought that the other party involved would show himself to another male especially letting the male impregnate him. But it takes all types, so you need to go to the main house where Franklin is standing by with your children. For what it's worth they said it was a good thing that the babies turned out like their fathers and not like the dad because he was not a pretty person. You two must've been desperate that's all I can say, get outta here and go take care of them babies.

Keegan and Stafford were walking to the main house when Stafford had a thought. Nope can't be it can't be we took care that situation and we sent him on the way.

What do you mean Staff? Sent who along the way?

Remember back nine plus months we had a little issue and there was someone who had to be taught a lesson.

Oh, shit you don't think that Marshall is the dad, we knocked him up?

Well one thing for sure, his pretty little vent isn't so little anymore remarked Keegan. He's the only one it could be, I don't go for Genman that often and when I do, I always use certified protection. I know how you Genman are and what us humans do y'all.

When they arrived at the main house Keegan knocked on the door fearing for his life.

Franklin opened the door and there on the floor were two baby carriers, one with a tag Keegan Riley the other one marked Stafford S. Both men stepped up and looked at the sleeping infants. Both almost jumped other skin when someone cleared his throat.

I suspect that this will not become a habit with the two of you Ben said in a very sharp tone.

No Sir this was totally unexpected and not like us at all we didn't know we were seeing the same person.

Not likely more like the two of you were just a lucky ones out of the 12. I understand you were protecting a friend that had been wronged but these children will never know. As far as Marshall is concerned, he is long gone clear around the world. Reports say that two days after birth he was claimed by a breeder and knocked right up with a new baby. His life will definitely change, he will be nothing but a common carrier and a broodmare for his breeder.

You two will be sharing a home, since the boys are half siblings, they will be raised under the same roof by their fathers. For the next three years you have no plans but work and raising your son do I make myself clear if not names can be dropped but I don't intend to do that the only names that would be dropped would be you two and what you did to that poor defenseless Genman who happened to be out during his cycle minding his own business when the two of you took advantage of him. He had nothing to do but to hide his shame and leave his home behind. Do you get the drift?

Both gentlemen answered; yes Mr. Ben, not a problem Mr. Ben at all, we will take care of our responsibilities and raise the boys in a loving home.

Section F house 105. It's a four-bedroom, three bath, both masters have bathrooms of their own, plus a common bathroom for everyone else. You will find everything mostly set up, your belongings are leaving your current locations at this time and they will be delivered to your new home. And guys do not piss me off.

Never Mr. Ben both men answered, they left the main house headed to their future.

Elvin took a deep breath, okay enough of the stories we know what happened I'm just glad that Stephen is safe. Here at this farm, he will always be safe, now I want to go show him what we have here. Steve, have you seen the two farmhands today, seems like those boys are always gone missing in action.

Probably out that barn again father, they seem to spend up awful lot of time in the barn. Now don't get me wrong when they're working there working nonstop but they take at least two breaks a day in the barn. Steve didn't think a thing about it until he was in his room for about 20 minutes and he realized, oh hell no they're out the barn fucking and father is going to walk in on those two big brutes.

Elvin heard little ruckus toward the back of the barn, he went to check it out with Stephen when they round the corner there was no doubt what the boys were up to in the barn. Clarence was unloading inside of Andy's vent and from the looks on their faces they were both enjoying themselves. Elvin cleared his throat and looked at the two of them.

Andy covered his face with his hand, I'm sorry Mr. Elvin told Clarence it wasn't a good time but he was horny and I like the way he fucks me.

Stephen busted out laughing, talk about call in action.

Elvin busted out laughing to. As long as you get your work done young men and you take care your responsibilities if you have a slip up when you're on your break and during your personal time you do what you want to do but use your bedrooms. It had been anyone else you would've shocked them.

Elvin and Stephen turned and left the barn so the boys could clean themselves up and go back to work. Steve come running out of the house don't go in the barn yet don't go in the barn.

Too late son we caught them, all I can say is they're both smiling so nobody was hurt. Told them to start using their bedrooms, instead of the barn in case we have visitors to the farm.

Steve looked at his dad in disbelief, he has really turned over a new leaf. Hey called them to the doing that last week he would've whip them with a switch and sent them butt naked back to the Z1. Maybe meeting Stephen was a good thing, they seem like they enjoy each other's company.

Elvin, you handled that little indiscretion like a true gentleman. Most would've flown off the handle screaming hollering maybe even striking one or both of the boys, thank you.

They are young men letting off a little frustration, they worked very hard here on the farm for me. I paid what I can and the Z1 pays the rest. Thanks to the Spinelli's we have food and clothing for them. I should've realized something was going on with them because they never argued and they always understood each other. Besides if one of them does get pregnant that mean another baby on the farm. Might have to dial back the heavy work but we will make it.

Elvin, I need to tell you something, as close as those two young men are they will probably cycle together and both of them will end up in a family way. You might not have any choice but to send them back to the ranch until they birth.

Absolutely not, the Willis family takes care of its own, these boys are like family to me. They have shown me that Genmen are goodhearted and loving people. So, what if they fuck each other that's their business. I think today after work I'm going to set them down and tell them how I feel. I'll let them make up their own minds about their future. Who knows I might could add a couple more young men to the farm.

As long as there's room for me remarked Stephen.

You are a special case; you will always have a place here next to me on this farm.

You say that now but what happens when I'm big and fat with child? You still going like me?

Nope; won't like you at all, I love you even more. There's nothing sexier than someone beside you carrying your child.

Thank you, but we have time before that happens. I'm not going to deny that I feel a very big attraction to you and letting you have me would be the greatest honor. But I still have that place in the back of my mind telling me that this is just a sham and as soon as you get what you want, I'll be kicked to the curb, busted and swollen. I know it sounds crazy but that's where my mind is.

I can understand, let me tell you little bit about my late wife and the life that we had together. I loved her without a doubt, she always doubted herself she was mad at the world. We had Dennis and then she went on to lose two babies then she carried Dennis without any problems, she lost three more babies and we had Crighton. We had given up having any more children when she found out that she was four months along with Stephen Ray, she named him that because he was her Ray of sunshine. The pregnancy was very rough on her she almost didn't make it through the delivery, the boys were young so they didn't know. She had a breakdown when she discovered that unknowingly she was pregnant once again and lost it. She was going to a rehabilitation center when she lost her life on that transit wreck. I was bitter yes; we went through hell to have our boys and the only thing I couldn't give her was a girl thing she wanted the most.

I'm sorry responded Stephen, I promise that I will do my best to deliver you healthy children. It's what carriers do; we are designed by genetics to carry and birth babies. In the past it was to keep the workforce up because so many died due to conditions in the pits.

I've that and I have read all of the ancient text from the archives of the ships that originally brought Genman to this planet. As I look into your eyes, I thank the stars that you were delivered here to be with me through your ancestors.

You know how to get to a Genman, Elvin Willis, but not yet.

Elvin kissed Stephen and grabbed his ass. One of these days, I'll wait. Elvin started to laugh.

Elvin and Stephen went back into the house they found a lovely note from Ballard. Your grandson is getting restless and I'm tired. We will see you tomorrow for a family dinner at Jeremy and Don's place all of the family members need to attend especially Stephen. Love Crighton and Ballard.

Elvin called out for Steve to come to the living room which he did.

Yes, Sir can I help you?

Got a request here from Ballard for a family meal to be served at Jerry and Don's place tonight. All members of this family will attend no questions because you do not want to piss him off. Into that note you need to go outside to you two brothers out in the barn that they need to be cleaned up they are going to family night also.

Excuse me I don't have any brothers here?

Andy and Clarence are part of this family they might as well have been born into the Willis family because they are going to be part of this family. The boys will end up together it's just a matter of time and their babies need a last name. Do I make myself clear?

Yes, Sir loud and clear, but may I ask you another question Sir?

What up to the man I grew up with, you know the hard nose ball buster?

Boy get your ass out to that barn and talk to them. Now they're going to think they're in trouble for what they got caught doing but you need to be the one who mends the lines of communication. You spend more time with Andy and Clarence than anyone. So go ahead and do your job is their brother, you know they're not as high functioning as a lot of Genmen are because of the way that they were raised on their old farm. They are more of a working class not a thinking class so they need your help so that they can understand.

Okay father I'm headed that way, and do me one thing if you can Sir. Don't lose this new you I like him a lot better.

Elvin threw a pillow at his son off the couch.

See went out to the barn, both of the boys were there and Clarence was crying. Okay guys I need to talk to you and I need you to listen. We are going back to the Z1 tonight. Before he could say anything, else Clarence dropped to the floor and curled up in a little ball crying.

Steve looked at Clarence, what's wrong with you?

I do bad, I be sent, I promise no more I no let touch and I no touch him again.

Steve took the moment to sit down on the hay beside Clarence and gently stroked his hair. Father is not met you, and I'm not mad at you or Andy for what you do together. We are going to the Z1 tonight so that we can have a meal with Jeremy and Don and the twins. It is a family meal and father said all family members will be there and that includes his two sons that work in the field Andy and Clarence.

Andy set down the Bale of hay and began to cry himself. Did he really say we were sons of his or you just saying that because Clarence is so upset? I know we not smart Genmen but we still feel.

Andy our father said that to me. Wants me to start helping you and Clarence learn more so that you can be smart when your babies come along.

I no got baby, that not how you get baby. When my time I go to special clinic I let smart Genmen get on top of me and him put smart baby inside just like he do to Clarence. We wait baby come out and we work again.

And what happens when smart Genmen decides here too dumb to care for child and he takes your child away?

That no happen, farm not let baby go belong to farm.

Well, you're basically correct with that statement. Father would never let someone take your baby, he loves you and wants to see both of you happy.

Elvin was on the phone talking to Tim.

Tim, I have come to some new conclusions, and before you say no hear me out. The boys are working out wonderful and they are staying here as long as they wish to be here.

Okay glad to hear that, sometimes the ones that are ill-educated from some of the outlying farms are raided they take so much work to even function away from the structured environment that they were at.

I know I've seen it firsthand but I have the back 2000 acres that I'm going to turn over and it needs to be planted and cared for and it plans take care of what's around the housing area but I need four more hands. I trust that you can find the Willis farm some good workers that will be treated as family. And another note, you need to put the Willis name on both Andy and Clarence's file. If the others will work out which I have no doubt that they will all take them in also and give them proper names.

Are you sure about Andy and Clarence, they're not up to anything foolish, are they?

Now that is acting like normal hot-blooded Genmen working and doing what they need to do to get along.

Okay I'm not gonna beat around the bush, are they still having sex. They have always had a little promiscuous streak in them and they have been called several times. Separately they don't do good together they do great.

And if they are having sex, it's their business Tim, they know when they come in cycle that if they have sex that it will result in a baby. I have no problem as long as they do their work and keep it privately between them in their sleeping quarters.

So that would be a yes, it's your household to run the way you wish and I applaud you, Elvin. I really thought the boys would be back in a week but it looks like they may work out.

May work out, Mr. Tim they are home here on the Willis farm and like all family members on the Willis farm they will carry the last name of Willis.

Elvin, you need to mark the calendar with their cycle dates and 12 days before and 6 days after either one of them starts their cycle they need to stop having sex with each other or anyone else that's around so that they don't accidentally conceive. They know the basics of everything they just need your help to avoid the trap as it's called.

Okay thank you very much Tim, I need some educational materials set aside on the Genman reproductive cycle. You know the basics do this but don't do this and never do that sort of material.

Oh, I understand I have boys, and what's a father to do but to look out for his boys and make sure they are safe.

We will be on the ranch property tonight for a family dinner at Jeremy and Don's and I'm bringing the boys along so that they can attend the family meal, just send the paperwork there that way we have everything covered. And don't forget about them for extra farm workers I want to add to the family.

Okay Mr. Willis I understand that, by the way make sure that Stephen knows he has the entire weekend off until Tuesday. I know everything that goes on at the Z1 because that's my job to help run this place. Just let you know Stephen is special to a lot of us. Please don't break his heart, he almost lost himself when that piece of shit drug him down last time.

Tim that's one thing you don't have to worry about, we're taking it nice we're taking it slow and I know I need to get permission from the ranch.

My parents have already told me that whatever Stephen wishes he is allowed to have, if he decides that he wishes to move off of the ranch and become involved with you that is his choice. Mr. Willis you don't need permission and Stephen is a grown man he doesn't need permission we just don't want to see him hurt.

I would as soon as rip off my left arm than I would hurt him.

Okay see tonight I'll have all the paperwork gathered up and I'll personally bring it by. Until we see each other this evening.

Elvin hung up the phone and walked to the kitchen, Stephen was in there chopping up vegetables four and afternoon snack. He walked up behind him and wrapped his arms around him. Stephen I am the luckiest man on this world, you have stolen my heart.

Stephen thought for a minute and didn't really know what to say other than to turn his head and kiss Elvin on the lips and to tell him thank you. Oh, crap what am I going to wear tonight I can't go in Jeremy's work clothing and my close last night are all wrinkled up.

We can find plenty of spare clothes in this place that will fit you, if we can't Sonja's place is right up the road in the Township, we can go in there and get you a new set of clothing you worry too much. Elvin kissed Steven once again in went to Steve's room to check with his son.

Steve, I got a question for you Elvin asked as he knocked on the door frame to the room? This is a semi-nice event and I need to know what kind of clothing do Andy and Clarence have for tonight?

Father they only on two sets of clothing each, work clothes and thinner work clothes. I swear that when Clarence bent over the other day, I could see the outline of his most private part. And I'm all out of clothing we don't have anything will fit them.

Well, that's settles that I need to make phone call. Go tell the boys to break off from work for the rest of the day and go shower and scrub down. They need to put on the cleanest set of clothing that they have because were going into the Township.

Steve did not question his father, okay I will go tell them. May I inquire why we're going to the Township?

I find that I'm in need of a nice of clothing to attend a family supper. And if I'm going be closed and nice things my entire family is so you're getting a new set of clothing also, is that good enough.

Steve didn't question his father anymore he was out the door, that's one thing his father didn't waste credits on new clothes. He ran out to the work patch to retrieve Andy and Claude; guys go to your sleeping quarters and take a shower and put on the cleanest thing that you have. We are going to the Township to go shopping.

We don't have enough credits to go shopping responded Andy.

You don't need credits father is taking care of everything today, I'm not question why I'm just appreciative. So, get going I can't wait.

A very joyful Steve arrived back at the house. Father the boys are turning in now and will be in the showers clean themselves and dressing and whatever they got clean.

Coming Soon P-147


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Hope that you are enjoying the series. P-145 was posted yesterday, it should appear soon.

Next: Chapter 148

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