The Z-1 Ranch

By cgf2662

Published on Jul 9, 2020


The Z-1 Ranch P-21 CGW©

It had been a week since the death of Alec and Arlin was finally ready to talk but it would be on his terms and only to one reporter. Dad it's time I want to get with you and uncle Z and have an interview at the mansion with a young reporter who I know will do the story justice she won't ad lib. she won't add on to or glorify anything she'll tell the truth please contact Lori Alston and see her through the main gate. I'm ready to tell my side, everyone needs to know what Alec meant to me and our son.

Robbie did not have a problem with his son's request, so he told him to stay there and he would go talk to Zach about an interview here at the ranch.

Unbeknownst to Robbie, Arlin had been talking to Emma and a few of the others at the ranch and decided it was time to take off the mask let everyone know the truth.

Lori had recently done an interview with a neighbor of Alec and Arlin's, Ruth Mankiewicz. The lady had befriended the pair after Arlin helped her with some groceries one day that she dropped, Ruth was 78 years of age and remembered well the crash of the Genman vessel. Ruth spoke about how friendly the young couple were to her and to others they never went either way to cause anyone any problems and never requested anything or special treatment. She felt a gentle reminder of her younger days when her hand touched Arlin's.

Ruth was a reporter from the olden days, still sharp is a tack she had all of her wits about her. Lori asked; Ruth and you realize that you had Genmen living right down the hall?

Will my goodness yes idea I remember the first time I recognized the touch of his hand when he handed me my sack that I dropped. He was never going to hurt anybody Genmen are capable of that their peaceful and pleasurable people. I was never concern for my safety in fact I knew that they would put their life on the line for my safety forgetting all of theirs I've known that for over 50 years when I met the first one at the crash site.

So, Ruth you had interaction with Genmen before?

Yes, I have I attached to a reporting team that went out to the crash site we were bound by rules that we could not report anything that we saw but I'm old now and I don't give a damn about no government rules.

What did you exactly see it that crash that changed you in the way he felt about another species here particularly the Genmen?

All that were so many dead bodies everywhere Lori cages that were crushed containing several Genmen at a time, some of the cages had come open and the men were injured some of them very badly and they didn't survive but they were all locked in collars around their neck still colors chains that went down to their wrist in shackles on their feet and bellies that were swollen so bad. It wasn't until I happened upon one who was struggling given birth after the crash did, I realize these weren't fat people these were all the pregnant Genmen. I helped bring a baby Genmen into this world and I believe it was the first one born on this planet I handed him to his birthing parent who let him nurse is he lay dying.

Other Genmen took over when the parent finally perished. There were evil women there too they were screaming and hollering to round up the stock, they needed the stock for the new planet that they were headed, not to let any of them get away. These were the ruling class females they were horrible bitches. Our government didn't help anybody really the only thing they did was they helped those evil bitches lock up those poor gentlemen. There were a few of the outlying rural areas that had transports and picked up as many as they could that were able to live and they transported them back to farms and nursed them to good health.

I left and went out to a friend of mine and convinced him to assist in any way he could. He took several hundred in and placed them on his farm and they were workers they helped him ever way they could they were strong they were very intelligent and gentle.

They always ask for permission to do anything because in the ship locked up in cages they were slaves of the females only time they were removed was to work or to procreate with a female who would come into her cycle and she wished to be bred by a certain Genmen. And what they did to that poor thing after he got through was horrible. They had this silver pistol looking thing that they attached to his male anatomy and removed his testicles, he didn't feel anything because whatever it did to him it cut them off removed him and he was no longer able to produce children, but he was used as a broodmare by any and all.

The females slowly realizing that they didn't have any control, they couldn't get off this planet faded into the background and moved in with the human males to procreate to carry forth their population. But with so few of them who knows if any of them have survived.

I went over to the boys condo as their guest on several occasions, they were so happy together they knew that they didn't have to hide themselves for me because I told him exactly who I was what I knew and who they were and I thought that they were fabulous together. When I heard about Alec it broke my heart, I know that Arlin will grieve for him forever just as everybody else does that loses a loved one to a tragic situation, but the baby that he carries will be a very lucky young man because he has one hell of a dad. I hope that the young men who did this pay dearly, they never need to see the light of day I don't care whose child they are and how much power they have in the government they need to pay for their crime. Lori ended the interview thanking Ms. Mankiewicz for her truthfulness and her informative insight into the crash that happened over 50 years ago of a slave ship containing the 50,000 survivors of Genmen who were now our neighbors and friends.

Zack asked Jonathan for his help in contacting Lori Alston for an interview with Arlin since Jonathan was in the business of publishing and a professional model, maybe he could help.

Jonathan didn't have a problem he made two phone calls in the interview was set should be there the next day at 10 AM with a limited crew just her and the cameraman no one else will be brought no one else should be on the interview, she wanted to do a live feed that way nothing could be altered or edited because there would be no time delay it would be live. This wasn't Lori's first jog around the block and with a senator son involved is the one that killed Alec she wanted to get this story out to the public. It would be a break in live feed special report unless they shut the entire system down there's no way that one person could close off one because it would be broadcast simultaneously on all channels.

Robbie wasn't so sure about the camera; he was glad that his father-in-law was there with them and would be there throughout the entire interview in case Lori had any of the questions about the Z1. Robbie would do this for his son, his grandson and for Alec never to know the joy of his child growing up.

Lori started the interview out by introduced herself to the audience and then her guest.

This is Lori Alston reporting to you directly from the Z1 ranch, this interview is with Arlin Reed the surviving husband of Alec Reed whose life is viciously cut short by four individuals who entered their home and murdered him as he protected his pregnant mate. Yes Arlin is a Genman and he was married to the love of his life Alec a human that dared to fall in love with someone different, they were to be welcoming their first child in a month and a half but because someone had so much hate with in them that child will now grow up without his father. Here alongside our guest is Robbie his dad and the owner of the Z1 ranch Zach Spinelli. Arlin I would like to ask you how the two of you met was or something their first love anything or just let us know in your own words.

Lori we were set up by some friends used to be friends, I met Alec and he was a little bit of a show boater I wasn't taking with him at first. He kinda played the field a little bit too much for me but he was polite in his own way. He called me several times after initial day we went and had lattes and brunch every now and then, but there was nothing really there. Until one day he confessed that he was head over heels in love with me, this definitely shocked me I was expecting maybe a friendship or something similar but not love. The more I try to dissuade him the more he pursued me.

He showed up one time at my work with some of the most expensive flowers of ever seen I don't know how much they set him back but it must've been two weeks salary at least. Coworkers told me to go for it, I had really dated anyone since I had been working there yet we had coffee, we had this, we had tea, we had a light snack but nothing serious.

Alec finally broke down and told me there was something different about me and that's what he loved about me I was not the garden-variety Nelly Queen. So, I decided if I was going to give myself up to anyone it would be Alec, either he could accept me for what I was and who I am or he could leave and we would never talk about this to anyone.

The first time we were alone together at my place I decided show him what made me different he'd see me without my shirt so it was no big deal except I hadn't pumped this time. And I was quite swollen in my glands. I stood up I pulled off my shoes walked 3 foot out in the couch where he was sitting and dropped my bottoms, I was going commando so he saw me in all of my glory or at least what he thought was all my glory.

He complemented me on my anatomy and when I turned around, he told me that that was my best part my beautiful buttocks. I asked if he wanted to see something really interesting about me to take his thumb and put pressure right above my hipbone and pressure drag his thumb down to the crack of my buttocks. This caused my vent to pop out, and it was deftly an eye-opening experience for Alec.

He stood up come around and took me in his arms and kissed me, and he told me, I knew there was something special about you but I couldn't put my thumb on it until you told me where to put my thumb, and he never left me, he was by my side until they killed. We were very careful about having sex so that I wouldn't get pregnant I knew my cycle dates I knew everything about my body we had it marked on the calendar everything, but one night after awards banquet we came home and celebrated and of all times the condom failed. I knew within seconds after he released his semen inside of me that I was pregnant it was the most joyful pain that I had ever felt in my life.

Lori when humans and pure blood Genman have sex for procreation it takes a step in a different direction and when the semen of the human meets up with the egg of the Genman it causes an intense burning sensation and it's quite painful but if the mate will rub the impregnated party on his stomach to help calm the baby as it develops the pain goes away followed by the most and intense pleasure in the world, called love.

There are a lot of details that I can't tell you in this interview at this time because unless they plead guilty the GBI has gone for the full extent of the law and there will be a massive trial I don't have anything to hide here I was raised here on Mr. Zach's place this is my home yes I lived in the city among humans but this place is my home though, dad has moved closer and since things of happened because of his family nowadays and he got a promotion here to assistant construction foreman this will always be my home, the other day everyone was witness to a traditional Genmen funeral.

This was afforded to my husband because we were a mated and bonded pair even though he was human and I a Genmen and our child is a hybrid he will know nothing but the best of both worlds and the honor shown to his father after he was murdered.

He's buried in the family plot but all Genmen or regarded with honor whether we die tragically, of old age or whatever, the funeral procession that you saw the passing of the casket is tradition that dates back to pre-times. Here you'll notice there's construction going on everywhere there's a brand-new Visitor Ctr., Museum Library and interactive archives being developed right now and built the buildings up they're just finishing with the inside and is being spearheaded by a wonderful woman Emma Rich the gardens that are being developed here, the walk paths everything you see outside this new construction to beautify the place is done by an incomparable landscape architect and designer Leo Rich who is her husband, yes there are regular human couples that live here among us Genmen there several mixed couples and there's always babies being born here. We have some dormitories that if you remember the underage corporate breeding program all of those pregnant young Genman are here waiting to give birth and some have, one even found his dad that he didn't know who he was. We're not the enemy here, we just wish to coexist we do not wish to be put back in our bonds of chains and cages like when we were slaves on the home world and in the transport ship that crashed.

Wow Arlin that is very intense, the passion that you have for life the pride that you have for who you are yes you had to hide who you were when you lived in the human world because we saw what happened once it was found out by extremist. I have a few more questions if you don't mind and I would like to ask the two gentlemen setting beside you.

Your name is Robbie and you're his dad a big strapping Genmen like you gave birth, I have found that a hard to process myself you look like you might be up producer but never one that would conceive and birth one.

Lori that's where you're wrong I have conceived and birthed three sons here on the Z1 my youngest Willie is getting ready for transition my middle son Kurt the last time he contacted me he was headed down to the southern hemisphere on a research vessel, and we have my firstborn my crowning achievement Arlin about to make me a granddad for the first time. I love my present mate, our children that we share he loves my children I love my job and what could be more beautiful this place the Z1 is paradise to me as a Genmen. Thank you, Robbie, for your honesty and sincerity.

And now we come to the owner of this fine establishment Mr. Zachary Zach Spinelli; can you tell me what this means to you sitting here listening to Arlin.

To me Lori it proves that were all capable of love. Love knows no boundaries it does not stop at skin genetics DNA you love whom you love. I have some wonderful sons Luther and Tim my oldest then I have a set of twins that are kind on the new side and keep me and their dad wore down. I have grandchildren that I wouldn't take anything for and I've even got great grandchildren that are adorable. I came here when I was 10, I was an orphan the owner, the old man took me and he set me up with some mentors who were Genmen that showed me the routine. Everything worked out pretty well until at 15 he passed away. He left me everything, he left me the 5000-acre ranch all the buildings everything here and working with my mentors and through sheer determination I made a go of it and I've been here for 20 years. Helping out every down on their luck misfit that's came along and asked for sanctuary. I met my first love here we had a child when it wasn't legal to have one with the Genmen but certain things happen in life and you can't punish yourself or falling in love.

Life got in the way and we separated we attempted to reconcile but our second son Izzy passed away at birth and we just couldn't hold it together. Our oldest son was in a lot of trouble not knowing who he was nor his true identity, we sent him to a behavioral clinic and he's just recently returned with three grandsons who by the way I'm very proud of their exceptional skills. He is Robbie's life mate and they're happy so I'm happy. During my bout of self-loathing and pity and depression I had a smelly filthy little Genmen approximately nine years human age come to my front door one night during the storm and asked me for sanctuary then collapsed in my arms, I took him in I cleaned them I bathed him, I scrubbed him I dressed and I fed him and I adopted him.

No, he would never replace Luther, nor is he but he was my son and I was with him every step of the way. He decided as he got ready to transition that he should move out of the main house into a worker style cottage if he was really going to be a Genmen he had to live amongst them he couldn't be Mr. Zack's boy. That boy is a fine man today and I'm proud to him as if I'd had a myself. And soon he'll make me a granddad again and we're waiting for those twin boys to come.

The other day we took in a young Genman that came here for breeding purposes only because the place where he lived was threatening to separate him from his brothers if he did not become pregnant and bring in a child to pay for his room and board for him and his brothers. Lori, just think of it 20 years old and your father walks off leaving you with a three-week-old child and two boys in between for you 3 total and you have to take care of them. The owner of your ranch says that you must get pregnant to pay for your way, that's not something we do here nobody gets pregnant, you desire to become pregnant because that's what you want but nobody mandatorily is made to get pregnant here. In fact I told this young man that for three cycles he will not conceive a child whatsoever he needs to grow up he needs to tend to his brothers that's what separates the Z1 from all other ranches except for the Hawthorne ranch next door who we are partners with in this endeavor now. We're one big family at the Z1, always looking out for each other. Arlin and this baby will never ever need for anything because we take care of our own as a family.

There you have it folks this is Lori Alston reporting from the Z1 ranch with your guest Arlin Reed his father Robbie Spinelli and the owner of the ranch Zach Spinelli. This interview will continue on the site that you see popping up right now so takedown address and sign on and you're going to get to see some sights around the Z1 as were carried on a special tour by the ranches' owner and stepfather in-law of Arlin Reed. Goodbye and safe travels.

Camera off Tom, now we can talk. I would love to thank you for such an eloquent interview, I know it was hard to talk, but this interview will help Genmen / Human relations more than anybody realizes between this and Ruth's touching interview and enlightening information about Genmen in general. Hopefully we will get the laws changed so that Genmen can marry humans and have the same protection under the law as a spouse. I understand that you need your rest Arlin so I can go with Zack for the tour and we can meet up anywhere you want to because get ready, I want to do a documentary series about the Genmen here on the Z-1 and the whole operations.

Zach showed Lori all over the Z1 he carried her to the new construction sites and showed her what the new Museum where the restaurants were going to be the libraries and learning center, she was quite impressed, he showed her the warehouses and where they were building the new housing units. He walked her over to the Hawthorne section and she got a firsthand look at all of the young adolescent Genmen that had been rescued from the corporate worlds underground breeding centers.

Lori was full of questions as usual like any good reporter would be and Zach answered them truthfully, she got to converse with other Genmen that lived on the ranch. It was a very good interview and a very well put together tour now when they were got through with the basic tour, he stopped by to introduce her to Harry and his rose garden that was made especially for him so he can relax.

Mr. Spinelli I would like to thank you for the enlightened tour and allow me to take still shots and photos of the place, I think what you're doing here is wonderful and you have helped out a lot of families Genmen, hybrid and humans and I can see why you have such a fondness for them. And I also realize what Ruth Mankiewicz was talking about by them being gentle souls. I would like to be on the invite list when you premier the new exhibits the holographic imaging sounds fantastic to this reporter and in her inquisitive mind. But the fact that you salvaged actual parts of the ship and can reassemble him here between realism and the hologram is amazing, your whole family is amazing.

Lori, I appreciate your kind words and you can believe that you will be on the VIP list for the night before party and private tour. You expect the invite be mailed better yet it will be careered directly to you so no one can intercept and try to use it.

Lori shook Zach's hand and joined up with her cameraman who was enjoying a very nice brunch thanks to Donnie and his exquisite cooking.

Lori you wouldn't believe that food is fantastic the Genmen that brought it to me was the chef, his name is Donnie and he will have an exclusive restaurant at the new center when it opens, I've got reservations already and so do you on the house per Donnie. Lori and the cameraman both left the Z1 with a better attitude and outlook on Genmen than when they came in.

Lori Alston arrived back at her news channel station and was besieged by everyone; they loved the story. The ratings were through the roof she had just written her own ticket and she didn't know it.

Lori was to cover the trial exclusively for her station, she wasn't supposed to pick sides is a good reporter she supposed to be objective but secretly in her mind she hoped these boys got everything that was coming to them, not only had they deprived Arlin of his mate but their son of his father. For that she hoped they went to jail forever.

The prosecutors were really worried, in Arlin's condition they didn't want to push anything and endanger his or the child's life. The defense they didn't care they were going to try to destroy him on the stand until the judge stepped in.

I'm going to tell the two of you, this is a murder and attempted murder trial we have the only witness other than digital media that's available. The witness is in a very delicate condition and is due at almost any time, you will not badger the witness you will not insult that witness because if you go after him the way I believe that you going to try to go after him I will hold you in contempt of court so with that said you must give your client the best possible defense that you can without stepping over the line and going down that slippery slope. Gentleman I hope I make myself clear because I will put the digital media on trial and the jury will see everything that took place and I don't have to tell you what that will be like for your clients.

The defense was highly upset that the judge would even approach that point after all these were just Genmen, and the human that was sleeping with one was no better.

The prosecutors were very hopeful that they could get all charges agreed to by the jury and that the jury would return a fair amount of incarceration time for all four participants in the murder of Alec Reed.

Meanwhile at the ranch there were several births, Kieran had his triplets and Roy had the quadruplets so Martin and Hans had a full house. Tim could not attend the trial because he was due any time himself. Paul had his twins early but William was still overjoyed.

Zack decided to stay at the ranch and take care of business but Robbie went ahead and accompanied Arlin to the trial, it wasn't a busy day for the prosecution most of it was defense and they called for an early recess. Robbie decided to bring Arlin home to rest since the boys were out playing somewhere doing only knows what he decided to take a little nap also.

Eli was in a very big hurry when he ran into Mr. Zack on the back pathway, he looked up and realized who it was. Good to Zach I need your help my brother stuck.

So, your brother stuck okay what it what do you do climb something and get stuck up a tree or whatever in a building Eli.

Eli looked around to make sure there wasn't anybody else listening, and motion for Mr. Zach to lean down so they could speak. Mr. Zach, Willie and Richie are stuck together like a couple of Racknars in the middle-of-the-road and there's a couple of trucks coming going to hit them one's named Constantine the other is Robbie.

Zack had standup before he busted out laughing, so they been doing something they were exposed too I take it then.

Yes sir; Willie got his Willy stuck inside of Richie's vent and no matter how they try it just won't come out.

Well take me to a them and will get them to the clinic so they can be separated but first we got to tell some people so that they can be treated.

Eli had a look on his face, and grinned somebody's going to get in trouble aren't they.

Well Eli maybe not too much because Genmen boys will be Genmen boys and as their bodies change, they get curious about it sometimes, and when young Genmen explore each other things like this happen.

Zach told Eli to stand right there and not to move, he would go get a blanket so the dynamic duo wouldn't be embarrassed.

At the buggy Zack made two phone calls one to Robbie to pick up Constantine and they needed to come to the clinic to discuss a small problem that had occurred, the second one was to tell Constantine to go with Robbie to the clinic and all would be revealed.

Eli carried Zach back to the location where the boys were a told them, it's all right come on out I got help.

When Willie saw that the help was his grandfather his heart sunk, his dad was bad enough but grandfather Zack, he was toast.

Zack was very polite with the two boys, he did not scold them at all he wrapped them up in the blanket so that they can hide behind one another and escorted them to his buggy.

In route to the clinic he called Lex and told him exactly what was up and where it was up at.

Lex was laughing so hard when he said the phone down that he had to lay his head down to regain his composure. Before Zach arrived, Robbie and Constantine walked in and asked Lex where Zach was and what was the problem.

Lex between laughter set the two guys down, well parent and parent want to be it seems like curiosity has come to bite somebody in the backside and we have a little situation on our hands with to certain young man.

Robbie looked intently; Lex what has happened and how does it pertain to us.

That's a very good question Robbie it could because you're the parent and you're the one of the parents of two very curious young Genmen who are hitting their peak at this point in time, and they decided to try to do a little self-discovery. Well somebody not knowing the proper anatomy of hybrids was a little overzealous when he went to gain entry and it became locked down on his willy.

Robbie still could not follow Lex and what he was saying his mind was mush thanks to the trial and Constantine was totally confused.

Okay let me explain this to you it seems that Willie and Richie decided to discover one another's attributes and differences within their bodies, Willie put his Willy were it shouldn't of been ever and Richie's vent snap shut locking him in and to put it the way his little brother said let me see how was that, oh yes; Willie and Richie are stuck together like a couple of Racknars in the middle-of-the-road and there's a couple of trucks coming going to hit them, one's named Constantine the other is Robbie.

Robbie's mouth fell open, Constantine asked are they okay, can you get them unstuck from one another.

Yes, but I need your consent to treat them I will give Richie who is going to be the worst of the bunch, 4 localized muscle relaxing injections into his vent so that he will release Willie's trapped Willy. Now both of them are going to be sore for several days and they'll have to have an ice pack on their prospective body parts. I don't see that this will ever happen again because the boys will be so embarrassed that it happened to begin with. But maybe it's a good thing, that way they won't try again and they'll both wait.

I know that you two had plenty literature for them, I know that you talked them but hey, they're just young curious Genmen boys doing exactly what Genmen boys do naturally so don't go over the top or I'll come down on top of you for mistreating them.

Now you can watch me through the through the two-way mirror wall, but what you do need to do is to convince them, even though they started out with a condom it broke.

I have no idea if he had started cycling or it was a pre-cycle when they started having sex or if this will result in a pregnancy. But whatever it is, or whatever becomes of it you two need to step up and support them both.

The next few minutes was very hard for Constantine and Robbie to watch and listen to, Robbie cried out in agony as he was given the injections in his vent first it stung, then it burned so bad and finally he was numb. Robbie turned Constantine; he's brave, it hurts me just watching it I can't imagine sticking a needle into the edge of my vent it was hard enough pushes three children out but I would never be able to handle that.

Yeah, it kind of makes me go back and rethink the whole idea of even birthing a child replied Constantine.

Lex had his work cut out for him because all the time that the blood was restricted from flowing back into Willie his penis had swelled to a very large size. The more pressure that Lex exerted on pulling the two apart the wider young Richie's vent was stretched until finally with a loud pop the two young Genman separated. Now this is the part that Lex dreaded there was no doubt in his mind that semen had been exchange between Willie and Richie and it wasn't retreating so the body was retaining it.

Lex set the two boys down and broke the news to them that they would have to wait 10 to 12 days preferably 12 then Richie would have to have a test to see if he had conceived a child through this union. Both boys were devastated, they used a condom they thought it was safe they knew condoms can break but they didn't think it would ever break.

Lex dressed the boys both in gowns, Willie was holding an ice pack on his Willy and poor Richie was holding an ice pad to his vent. Both young teenagers started bawling and squalling when Constantine and Robbie walked inside of the exam room.

Neither Adult said a word, they just hugged the younger child and assured them that it would be all right and everything would be handled one step at a time if it resulted in a pregnancy it would be handled appropriately and within the families if not the boys would still continue to be friends but yet on a shorter leash.

For the next couple of weeks both boys stated their respective homes, Willie was allowed to come over but only if someone was in the room with the two of them. This didn't to the friendship any good and the boys were understandable equally upset.

On day 14 Lex run a swab pregnancy test on Richie and it came up negative they had dodged the bullet. But a couple days later Richie was sick and he tell Constantine that his vent felt funny it was itching and his insides felt like they were trying to rearrange. Back to the clinic it was in Constantine was very worried, had they misread the test had something went wrong in his younger brother was actually expecting a child. Constantine called Robbie and told him what was going on and they were headed to the clinic.

Robbie walked up within 3 foot of Richie and got up with and got up with the boy. Damn kid use stink when's the last time you took a bath? Constantine looked at Richie and questioned, did you take a bath this morning yes Sir twice and I still stink, I don't know what the hell is wrong with me.

Lex walked into the room and took a step back, young man you're going to lock up wow you're strong, and we going to have no slip-ups.

Constantine had a questionable look on his face; Lex what's wrong my brother and what is you need to go to lock up.

He's getting ready to transition and he is about to make me sick right now with that stench you can't smell them because you're his brother you're related any top the then aggressive mode would have tried to mount him and we'd be facing a pregnancy after the transition. He will be here for 24 to 36 hours until he gets through and then when you go home, he does not go outside by himself he's on a leash for another 24 hours.

Don't get me wrong here Lex but how can he go from a kid to an adult in such rapid succession.

Constantine it might be his hormones are fighting each other through his DNA, it does happen but it's rare because of the hybrid bloodlines. I remember what he told me about getting wet and letting out slick before Willie mounted him and got stuck. His body started the change but it was interrupted when the incident happened. I can tell he's Artie had a growth spurt because is closer shorter his sleeves and shirts are shorter and his whole outfit is tighter so we need to get him into an oversized gown get them out those clothes before he tears them up.

Constantine was beside himself worry when Chas walked to and put his arm around his friend, I remember my time here I like to tour the place up in fact they had to replace the front door is I almost kicked him off the hinges after I bent it. Dad is already preparing him a meal that way he'll have good food while he's here the observation glasses reinforced so watch it happen if you want to but I really don't recommend it because that being said it's disturbing what we go through during the transition.

Robbie agreed as did Lex, Constantine could come for a visit but he need to keep it at a minimum because it would be painful watching his little brother suffering pain as his body grew and changed.

I need to go hug him and tell him that I love them then I'll see him tomorrow morning but I need to go explain this to the boys Rusty won't know anything but Eli needs to know so that we can talk about it, Chas will you help me.

Any time you know it's not a problem there both over it the house with dad and uncle Stephen and uncle Carter. So, go ahead and say your goodbyes and we'll see him first thing in the morning with breakfast.

Chas and Constantine walked up to the college and entered the front door Eli was sitting on the couch playing cards with Carter when he looked up, well did you get them all settled in for the night to be tough on him he grows up so suddenly. But that's what he gets for letting somebody sneak into his vent, it was just too much and his hormones took over.

Constantine set down beside his younger brother, had you know about it Eli, I share the room with him I see him I see hair growing where it wasn't yesterday a little in the armpits some on the crotch and right above the small of his back I knew what was coming I said some to him but he was too stupid to know or even pay attention to me. So he gets what he gets, all hell breaking loose inside of his body don't look for no sympathy here he's been a royal pain in the ass to be with since he got his vent busted open, by my boyfriend no less stilling not going to forgive him for that, he the slut.

Constantine wrapped his arm around Eli, maybe by the time you transition, you and Willie will be in a better place and you will be talking.

Don't bet on it, you think I'm going to let him stick that nasty thing off in me after he's had it in that sluts vent no way. Nope I'm going to find me a gentleman this time, someone that knows how to appreciate someone else and not tag the first piece of easy vent he comes around.

Carter decided to break the tension the room and distract Eli from his anger mode by offering a piece of fresh chocolate cake that Donnie had just got through making.

All of it comes the glass of cold juice or that white powdered stuff that the humans like, you know uncle Carter I think you call it milk. Carter stood up and walked to the kitchen with Eli tag along behind them the boy was calming down now.

Chas motioned for Constantine to follow him outside to the porch and they would talk, while that is one pissed off kid. I've heard that hybrids are more sensitive in certain situations but don't ever let me make you mad at me like that I don't want to lose our friendship. Constantine chuckled no I don't get mad like that. Eli got the of full temper in this house he goes from zero to pissed off in two seconds and he doesn't get over it very often.

Robbie came walking up with Willie in tow, Willie wasn't saying much at all in fact he rarely mumbled. Constantine, I think Willie wants to try to make amends with Eli for what he did and they may or may not to talk.

Robbie we just had around in the house and this was name was the main subject and also his brother, I know he means good but Eli's pissed, know he's hurt and he's hurt deeply, he might talk to him but what he says out of his mouth as the way he feels and is not going to be nice.

Well you know what Constantine maybe that's what this one really needs is the full unadulterated truth, full force right back in his face because he still doesn't get it about what he did and how bad it was he thinks he can just smile and do a little shuffle and Eli is going to forgive him.

Well let me get him out here and the two boys can hit it face-to-face, there won't be any fist throat no fighting but the words might get a little rank.

Constantine called Eli to come out on the porch he had a visitor, he was all smiles until he saw all Willie standing there with his hands behind his back.

Well if it isn't the slut Fucker himself, you try to come get another piece of his vent, at least by the time he transitions you won't have to worry about your little dick getting stuck in his vent again because it'll be bigger this time, maybe he just might end up knocked up. His stupid ass and you deserve each other, I don't know who the bigger fool was, the one for Bending over, or the other one for poking it. But I can tell you one thing this is off limits you will never ever get next to me and that nasty thing you call your Dick won't ever come nowhere near my vent, no telling what disease you are carrying you piece of shit. Eli turned around and slammed the door as he walked back into the cabin.

Willie looked down at the ground, I deserve that I really do I really screwed up, he will never forgive me because I betrayed him I'm sorry that I caused your family such an embarrassment just like I did my dad, I embarrassed everybody even grandfather because I was stupid.

Chas took to his knee, little dude it's rough you did something that he very well may never forgive you for the after he transitions. When you transition and you both grow up, he might find forgiveness if you start being a better person and put all this childishness behind you.

Willie started crying and turned around and went back to their house.

Robbie smiled; remind me when I need a negotiator to come and get Eli, he'll make things very clear to anyone he talks to he does not beat around the bush. Robbie bid everybody goodbye and told him that they would see other tomorrow.

Robbie walked into the house and a concerned Luther asked him what was wrong with Willie?

Luther let's put it this way if it had an Olive branch and he had offered it to Eli, he would've gotten beaten to a pulp with it and then what was left would've been shoved up his vent.

Went that well, so Mr. smooth moves over there couldn't slick it over with Eli because he doesn't play that BS.

No, he does not and there is not an ounce of forgiveness in that young man either, he just needs to stay away and eventually it might fade but right now there's too much hurt too much pain and betrayal because of what he did and who he did it with.

Robbie Spinelli did I ever tell you how much I adore and love you because if I haven't told you lately believe me today is the day you are my perfect mate. Robbie kissed Luther and rubbed his butt; the answer is no it's still too early we're not going to conceive another baby. Luther responded; damn you can't blame a guy for trying.

Zack was at the main house when he got a phone call; father can I talk to you?

Yes, Tim what's wrong it sounds like something in your voice I know you're getting close but I'm always here for you.

I've been trying to talk to Ed and so has Carter but he won't slow down, these babies are getting ready to come at any time, I can feel my body moving around rearranging itself for the delivery but he spending too much time in the city. Father I'm afraid he's going to miss it, and I'll be alone when they come, I know you'll be there and Carter will be there, but these babies are only part Genmen, they need their father there at delivery so he can bond with them or they'll never take to him.

Tim don't worry about it on it and I'll grab him by the shirt collar and tell him what's up and if he hurts my boy by not being there, I will take him out behind the woodshed and hurt his ass cheeks.

I knew I could count on you father, you're always there for us no matter what, I love you.

Zack realized exactly how stressed Tim was, the word love is never tossed around likely by Tim and he could count on one hand how many times he'd ever been told that he loved him by Tim, this was serious.

Zack pulled up his communicator and pushed Ed's sequence number, there was a lot of static online as they attempted to speak, Zach told him politely arrive here come to me my house we're talking no exceptions you don't go anywhere else this his family matters be here at Hawthorne no business family first.

Zach's phone call concerned Ed something was wrong at the ranch and it must've been really important for Zach to be that sharp toned.

20 minutes later Ed Hawthorne walked into the office and looked at Zack and sat down, okay I'm here I'm all ears what's the problem and what I have to do there's something wrong.

Ed; business is business but what we're talking about my family. Tim called me earlier and he's upset is not hormonal because he's pregnant, it's because he's getting ready to deliver any day is attempted to speak to you according to him that you're always busy, you got another business meeting that you have to go to, you got another business operations that you have to go to, right now there is nothing more important to a Genmen than their child being born and their child's father being right there to receive that baby in his hands so that they can bond. You and I are human but I've been at this game for a long time and you're new. I don't want to tell you what will happen if you miss the birth of your children.

They won't recognize you as their father they must imprint on you and because your human in there hybrid it's even more difficult, if you're not there at the delivery when Tim gets well enough to leave the center he won't come home at least not to your home he'll pack up his children and he'll move into another cottage. And you and him will be over there won't be any more children and he'll mourn the relationship. You have to put the work load back for the next two weeks which it's not going to take him that long to have these babies, he said his body is already moving around, he can feel it flexing getting ready for delivery.

I figure within the next 3 to 5 days you're going to be a father and you damn well better be here there can't be any reason that you're not here for these children they are your firstborn and after these are born Carter's will be coming up and you have got too many years with Carter not to be there for him also.

I don't mean to tell you your business in your household but you're not taking care of your house, your house is disarray, your house is in shambles. Carter and Tim are turning to each other for comfort instead of being able to lean on the man of the house the father of their children you screw it up and you won't get it back.

Ed was shellshocked, he had heard Tim and Carter talking about that the babies were on the way and he needed to stick around but he was too busy at work, his workload was unbelievable since Carter had taken a lesser role. But Zack opened his eyes if he missed anything, he would lose his families and that was something he wasn't about to chance.

Ed thanked Zack for his words of wisdom and told him that he would start making changes after he spoke to both Tim and Carter tonight; he would not be returning to the city until after the children were born the two men shook hands and Ed went home.

Coming Soon Part-22


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