The Z-1 Ranch

By cgf2662

Published on May 3, 2021


The Z-1 Ranch P-71 CGW©

Titan was sitting feeding a baby when the first twinge hit him. Arbayden was watching as Titan sat patiently letting the young child nurse. He could learn a lot from watching this exceptional genman, who so gave himself unselfishly. He was about to tell Stephen it was time to go back to the conception quarters when he saw Titan turn red in the face.

Are you okay Titan? Something seems wrong.

I'm okay, the baby is just kicking a lot harder than usual and its deep inside.

Titan how often does the baby kicked like that.

Every so often, but the last two have been real hard kicks.

Show me where it hurts when he kicks.

Titan pointed out to his side and in the lower quadrant, here is where the pain was the most.

Dude that's not a kick, you're in labor and you're going to break before long.

Arbayden; I can't be is not my time yet, I still have three weeks before the babies arrive.

I may not be an expert Titan but I know what labor pains feel like and where the location is, you need to call your mate and have him pick you up and take you to the delivery area.

Ambrose's is in town; he can't get here very fast, he'll have to wait on the transit to return. Would you call my uncle Zack?

Stephen retrieved a communicator from his pocket and dialed up Mr. Zack's number. Mr. Zach this is Stephen we're here in the feeding area on the Commons, Arbayden thinks it might be Titan's time, but Titian says Ambrose is in the township.

About that time Titan had a sudden hard pain and he yelped. Oh, shit I'm wet, I don't know what happened suddenly I'm sitting in water.

Titan that's not normal water your sack broke and your babies water came out of you. We need to get you to the delivery area now. Wrap your arms around me so I can help you up Stephen is early in carry so he should not pick you up but we can help you get there.

Mr. Zack you need to get here quick, we got babies on the way. We'll walk him to the delivery area and stay with them until you get there, but someone needs to call Ambrose.

Thank you, Stephen; Ben's going to call Ambrose and tell him to get back here as soon as possible, stay with my boy until we arrive.

Arbayden helped Titan stand, he and Stephen helped Titan walked toward the delivery section.

It hurt deep inside; Titan hurt down there, feel like vent stretch bad.

Don't worry about that Titan, that's just your body getting ready to deliver the babies, who else should we call besides Mr. Zach and Mr. Ben?

Call Oleg and Howie, they need to be there when babies come. Oleg not mean to do this to Titan, he good person he need to be when his babies are there.

Arbayden was clueless and looked at Stephen for answers.

Don't worry Titan replied Stephen, I will call Oleg and let him know that the babies are on their way and you're requesting that he and Howie be there in the delivery room when they arrive. You know that you can count on me for that. Stephen opened his phone again and called the switchboard so that his phone would ring Oleg's.

As he spoke to Oleg, he heard the phone sound like it fell on the floor and then heard a thud.

Who is this the voice on the other line came? Who is this, talk to me this is Howie, Oleg has passed out?

Howie this is Stephen with security, I called to notify you and Oleg so that both of you could report to the delivery area. Titan has requested that the two of you be there when the babies come into the world, so don't mess around they are going to be here soon.

Thank you very much Stephen; let me wake Oleg's big ass up with a glass of water and we will be right there.

Howie looked at his mate who was out cold laying on the floor and he reached to his right and grabbed a pitcher of ice water and poured it on his face. This got the big man going, woke his ass right up.

Get your big ass up to walk with me to the delivery rooms, your boys are about to be born and you will be there to see your children come into the world.

Oleg was a little dazed and confused, but he knew Howie's stern voice meant business. Unsteadily he walked toward the door and the two of them left for the clinic delivery room. Even though they had to stop twice for Oleg to hurl they were making good time.

Oleg, Howie and Ambrose arrived at the entrance to the delivery rooms at the same time. Ambrose smiled at Oleg, let's go watch two miracles come into this world. Oleg was a little unsteady on his feet and went down to his knees Ambrose caught him, hold on no you don't big guy ain't no slacking today these babies are on their way and you are going to be there. Not every day you become a father so toughen up Buttercup.

The delivery room was quite full, Stephen and Arbayden were there with Titan as he went through his labor waiting for the babies to move into position. Arbayden had a calming effect on him as he told him what to expect as the babies made their way down through his body. Zach and Ben were there, there's no other place they would be. As requested, Oleg and Howie were also there. Holding Titan's hand and encouraging him with every pain that he had was Ambrose.

Dr. Caleb Allen walked into the delivery area and remarked, much more audience and we will have to have to sell tickets to this event.

Titan, we need to get you in the chair, it will help your body relax the babies will be here soon. I just need to know who's going to be bonding.

I'll decide that when we see the babies Dr. Caleb, I have special plans but right now I need these babies out, it hurt Titan vent.

Well, these are big babies you're carrying, between your size and the father they're going to be big so you will get stretched. But I intend to help you is much as I can, I'm going to apply a numbing agent to your vent area so that it will ease up some. Caleb walked over to a cabinet and retrieved a bottle with a thick gel in it, he put it in oversize syringe with a tube affixed to it.

Titan you liable to feel something strange when I put this tube inside of you, then you'll sense a coolness as I push numbing gel inside. Give it a couple minutes and believe me, you will be thanking me. You'll still feel all the pressure but no pain of being stretched so wide.

It no hurt baby, will it?

No Titan I would never do anything to hurt any baby. It will just make it easier on you as they come out.

Caleb inserted the tube into the vent area and squeezed 30cc of numbing gelatin into Titan. Now let that work its magic young man and I'll check to see how far along the babies are.

Dr. Caleb I can feel the baby, he coming now he sliding.

Holy crap he's in a hurry to get out, his brother probably evicted him for not paying rent. That comment totally went over Titan's capability of understanding but it brought a small chuckle out of the rest of the delivery room observers.

Oh. we got a big head coming out right now, Titan I need you to take a deep breath and pushed down like you are having to go to the bathroom first thing in the morning, when I take you to stop and breathe you do that.

Okay Dr. Caleb, I trust you tell Titan good things to do.

Okay give me a hard push now, that's it. Titan keep it up, push really hard. Now relax and breathe normal.

Suddenly a baby cried out, wow that's a big boy. Titan you did wonderful now rest for a minute, wait until we get him cleaned up and I'll bring them to you.

Dr. Caleb is baby okay, did Titan have healthy boy?

Titan he is fine, he looks like his father but other than that this boy is fine, pale skin, pretty blue eyes and white blonde hair. And he's gonna be a big boy when he grows up. And from the looks, its brother is on the way out and he's gonna look a lot like you the second baby has dark hair and he's coming out quick, but don't push.

Titan not push, Titan feel baby just sliding no push.

Caleb placed the first baby in the nurse's arms so he could be cleaned up and he went back to Titan to catch the second baby as it slid free from his vent.

And just like his dad he had dark hair the same green eyes and olive complexion. Well, this has gotta be the most beautiful baby I've ever seen, he's already smiling and happy just like his dad. Now let me get him cleaned up and I'll bring the first baby to you Titan so that you can bond.

No Dr. Caleb Titan not greedy, hand him to Howie so he can feed and bond with Oleg's son, they can raise first baby. Titan wait on his child; second one Ambrose and I will raise him as ours.

Titan's statement shocked everyone in the delivery room, he was so unselfish about the twins he had just delivered.

Howie was unable to become with child even though he and Oleg had been trying it wouldn't catch, so he decided that Howie and Oleg would raise the first born since it looked like his father.

Howie stood there with his mouth open, Titan I can't take your baby. He needs his dad, Oleg might have fathered him that you're his dad.

No, Titan only vessel that carried baby. He your child to raise since you can't catch Oleg's seed. You will be good to baby and he will be a fine son to you and Oleg. Hold no anger toward Oleg only glad can birth child for you two.

The nurse carried the young child and placed him in Howie's arms. The baby sensed the glands and started to look for them to feed. Howie pulled his shirt up to expose himself to the child and the baby latched on to the nipple that was there. Ouch just like your father greedy for the nipple.

Dr. Caleb Allen brought the other child to Titan and presented to him so that the child could nurse. The kid didn't mess around he knew where food was and latched firmly to Titan's right nipple.

As the two babies nursed on the glands that they were presented, the two men that served as their fathers were right there, wrapped up with them and their dads.

Arbayden and Stephen gave their congratulations to the new parents and quietly slipped out of the room and headed back to finish up what they were starting.

The names for the children were decided and the Z1 welcomed to their family Russell Yorgensen and his younger brother Shane Richards. Thanks to a newly developed program everyone on the Z1 with the communicator was notified with the birth announcement and photos of the babies and their proud parents. There was no doubt where these children belong.

Oleg and Howie took Russell home when he was cleared and how he decided to call his father to let Dr. Ron Smithers know that he was a grandfather.

Howie picked up his communicator and punched in the digits for his father's will unit. Ron picked up his communicator when it buzzed and answered; Dr. Smithers how can I help you?

Father are you busy right now? We really need to talk.

Howie I am never too busy to hear from you, is everything okay with you and Oleg?

Yes, father we're perfect we couldn't be better do you have your conference pad with you because I need to show you something.

Yes, son I have it on my desk I can turn it on if you need me to?

Yes, please turn on we need a video conference between you, myself, Oleg and Russell.

The last name through Ron for a moment he didn't know a Russell. Ron was thinking; Don't tell me that Oleg has done went and got somebody else pregnant and brought him home that's the last thing that those two needed was more drama.

When he picked up his pad all he could see was his sons face and it was happy, smiling.

Now father don't freak out, I have a young man here with Oleg and myself, he is very anxious to meet you. Oleg pulled the tablet away so that Ron could see the baby nursing Howie.

Father meet your first grandson; he was born this morning and his name is Russell Yorgensen. He looks just like his father; white blonde hair, pale skin and beautiful blue eyes.

Howie; my son where did that baby come from?

Father the child truly is Oleg's son and Titan bestowed the honor of all me to raise this child is my son with his father. Titan and Ambrose will raise the other twin is their child but the boys will know that they are brothers biologically and that this was done out of love by Titan.

I've been trying to get a hold of dad all morning long but he's not picking up his communicator so please show him this video and tell him that the family is welcome to visit us at any time. You two need to meet your first grandchild.

Howie; we will be there before you know it. I am clearing my calendar for the next two weeks along and well-deserved vacation. I will make arrangements with Mr. Zach for the family to stay at the ranch so that your dad can be near you because I know he's going to want to fuss over that precious little child. Son I love you both and I love that little boy, now I'm going to catch up your dad wherever he's at I'll notify him and will make arrangements so the next time you hear from me is when I knock on your front door.

Thank you, father I knew that you would understand if anybody could, it would be you. I love you.

Arbayden and Stephen laid together in the back of one of the Barnes on a blanket. With all that they had been witnessed this morning the two just lay in each other's arms after they had made love once again. Stephen, do you think it will be like that for us? I mean easy like it was for Titan?

I hope so, the birthing chair has brought a lot of ease and comfort to Genmen all over the planet. Beforehand it was difficult for most Genmen to birth. But with the doc finding old medical files in the archives, he designed the chair that we use everywhere now.

Stephen are you sure you want this, I mean you can give birth to your child and raise it on your own with no problem but with two babies in the same house it's going to be a little hectic. I will understand if you truly decide to walk away, you know it is the Genman way.

Arbayden; I will not here anymore talk like that. There's something you need to know, all four of us were interviewed by Mr. Ben and Mr. Zack before we took this job. We knew everything going in there were no surprises. We chose who we wished to be with should a bonding mate occur. The moment I saw your photo and read your file there was no doubt. The other three were just about the same way except for Davis, he was a little apprehensive about taking a permanent mate. He likes to breed and send his offspring back to their farms and ranches. But after we all spoke with one another he came around.

You mean we started out as an assignment, that if the possibilities were to align properly you were the four chosen to mate us?

Just listen to me and keep an open mind, you would have been assigned a security member to watch after you regardless. But knowing your conditions medically, Mr. Ben being the wise Genmen dad and father realized that it could be so much more. We were chosen out of thousands of candidates, and I'm not gonna lie to you, before meeting you I was terrified.

I mean here I am carrying my first child and I was offered this life-changing opportunity. If we bonded, I would share my child with you and when yours is born we will share it with each other. It was really scary, you being a member of a royal entourage, me being a working Genmen. Would we even have anything in common or would I just donate my seed to you and you turn your back on me and walk away. We all knew that it is a possibility, but lying here with you in my arms, I want to be nowhere else but with you.

Stephen, I understand exactly how you feel, after I told you my history, I figured that you would be out the door, or maybe tap it and go then you would leave me with the child. I had no idea that meeting you would change everything about my life. I will be nowhere but with you, I just have to break it to my brothers. That seems so strange they were coworkers; they were my bonded entourage for her Royal highness and now I find out that we are actually brothers in life.

Bay; I will be there right by your side supporting you one hundred percent as you tell your siblings, I will back you all the way.

Stephen's communicator went off it was Mr. Zach delivering a message that all of the entourage members along with their caretakers needed to return to the center and go to conference room 103C there they would meet with Zahara she needed to speak to them all.

Arbayden was a little nervous. Her Royal highness wishes to meet with all of us? You think she knows what's going on with everyone.

Bay; we will handle one thing at a time. Stay with me and I'll protect you and our child.

Arbayden suddenly realized exactly what he meant to Stephen. They were true mates it just took them longer to find each other.

All the members of the team took their charges and reported to conference room 103C and waited. There were eight very nervous individuals.

Zahara entered the room and smiled at her brothers. I am so glad that you four are doing so well. I know I have been gone for little while without explanation. But what can I say sometimes an older sister needs to be away from her little brothers? Yes, I said my little brothers not my security detail, not my entourage. You are my family first and foremost.

And with all the pheromones that I smell I believe my little plan has worked in some people's cases it works little too well.

So, before Mr. Ben and Mr. Zack arrive, I would like to talk to the 8 of you. There are a few things that I need to let you know so that you can start out your new lives with no secrets.

Until we arrived here and test were done, I had no knowledge of our bloodlines. But thinking back I can understand why it was done this way. We had a direct link as siblings with one another along with the training that we all went through for loyalty and protection, it cemented the bond.

In this case I carry something with me that I will never forget nor cannot change what happened. There are five keepsake medallions that contain the remains of one who was not allowed.

My dear brother Arbayden; I fought for you and for the child that you were denied. As you remember I was admonished and had to go back for retraining per her Royal Empress's decree. But I found favor in one and his remains were packaged in these medallions for us. There is also a chip that contains images of him before he was banished from you. Each medallion will be worn by all so that he shall never be forgotten. The image chip is yours alone.

Zahara placed the first medallion around her neck the second around Arbayden's neck and the others on her 3 remaining brother's necks. Now that we have a new life here, this will never happen to any of my family members again.

Zahara then did something that shocked all, she hugged Arbayden's neck and kissed his cheek. Zahara whispered in his ear, you have a keeper in this one called Stephen. Zahara stood up, you have been blessed again with the one that you now carry in your body. He shall be a special son for you and Stephen to raise alone with the child that he carries.

Now that brings me to my other brothers, and some of you have a rude awakening in life. Arcayden, you and Jeremy will be great parents and your child shall be a second-generation hybrid. She walked up to Arayden, you have a long and difficult carry in front of you but the rewards that you will receive will be abundant.

Zahara laid her hands upon her brother's abdomen, contained here are three precious lives, when you do something, you do it all the way or not at all. These are first-generation hybrids as known on this planet. Thurston will be a fine father and he will care for you and these babies. You need to be careful and take care of my two nephews and my niece for I am waiting on them to arrive.

Arayden was in shock as was Thurston.

That brings me to our baby brother Ardayden, you have accomplished something that is almost impossible. I know it was difficult for you to be taken by someone of Davis's size but you did okay and the child that you carry for him is perfect but it's what Davis doesn't know yet that is the biggest miracle.

My dear brother-in-law to be Davis, you and Ardayden carried forth an old tradition. You both submitted to a bonding mate, most alphas will not participate in such a practice. You opened yourself to him and you became one, and there is result to this action.

You don't have to worry about anything Zahara, it was perfectly safe with what happened so many years ago.

It wasn't as safe as you thought and my little brother should have worn protection. Sometimes when the royal treatment is carried out on one so soon after transition, seeds are already collected in the body. When an action such as the two of you did, it can release them. And I'm here to tell you in nine months you will birth your mates' children. But don't worry with your body structure build, and the cradle that you have you don't to make this information available to anyone. With Ardayden being pregnant at the same time, he can cover for you so you will not diminish your alpha status. And to let you know there is a boy and a girl child contained in your body at this time.

Davis set there in shock, how can you tell everybody this no one is had any kind of testing at the clinics?

I am of royal bloodlines from the direct originators of the genman race and female, so I can sense this with my own body.

A knock come at the main door as it was opened by Mr. Zach and Mr. Ben.

Ben was smiling, how much did I miss now, you didn't get to tell them everything did you?

No Sir, just the important things about the babies but everything else can be discussed by everyone now that you have arrived.

For the next three hours Zach, Ben and Zahara spoke to the group of eight about life in general and what it meant to be truly free of all constraints and bindings with the old world and the old ways.

Zach smiled; now is the perfect time for all of you to hear the news that the Z1 has for you. We have placed together five homes on the same area. They all share the same yard space but every home is unique in their design. Homer went all out and built special furniture for these homes and seeing your situations here he will also be building baby furniture for those who need. Since you must start out a new life here on Solaris 10 you should do that in your own home with your mate.

Ben held Zach's hand and spoke, every one of the kitchens are very easy to understand everything is made simplistic in the bathrooms. But I suppose that we might have to go through a few classes to learn how to perfect cooking skills. Donnie and Constantine had volunteered to give cooking lessons to all of you so that so that your family can survive.

Zach stood up; so now there's nothing else to do here I do believe that we need to go to your new homes so that you can tour them and you can receive them is a gift from the Z1. Anybody already having a home or a cabin here on the Z1 your stuff will be packed up and carried to your new unit.

This sudden gesture took everyone by surprise especially Zahara, she hadn't expected this kind of generosity at all. It was so different from the home world where they were brought up. You were assigned quarters, you were told when to get up when to go to bed when to do anything, here there was freedom of choice without any tyranny.

As they all got up and exited the conference room Thurston couldn't help but snicker at the way Davis was waddling. Yep, my friend that you are definitely expecting, you got the Preggers Waddle. But don't worry dude we will keep your secret as long as you want to be kept.

Davis looked at Thurston; thank you I don't know how I feel about it I should be happy that a new life grows within me but I'm in alpha. Alphas don't do this.

Stephen tilted his head and looked at Davis, yes, we do in very special cases. I may not have his many breeds under my belt as you do but when the situation calls for it and alpha will make himself available. But that's enough talk let's go see these new homes that are given to us.

Madison was waiting out at the speeder for the group to arrive, Tim was driving the second one. Everyone loaded up and headed for the housing group. As they turned on Tarpon Drive the neighbors were lined up along the way and if their mailboxes, there were plenty of people welcoming them home, to their new homes on the Z1.

As a pulled up in front of the homes, there were a line of mailboxes. Homer had outdone himself, on every mailbox there was the names of the couples that only one that wasn't finished was Zahara's it only had her name and a symbol than a blank spot for her mate's name would appear when she chose him.

None of the brothers could believe that anyone could welcome total strangers like they have known them their entire lives. A short while ago they were the enemy but now, they were among friends.

As they toured the homes, Ben noticed a slight concerned look on Davis's face. He took the big man to the side so that they could talk. Okay talk to me now, we are alone just me and you I see the stress on your face I see the worry what's all that about?

I'm just thinking about these babies I'm caring, how's it going to change my body, everyone will know that I'm different after I have them.

Different how Davis, what you mean?

My vent is going to be floppy and loose, if one of the guys sees that in the shower after work, they will know that I've had a child.

Ben suddenly got a case of the giggles; you don't know anything. Did you know big Homer had birthed before he didn't keep the child he knows where he is and goes to see him every now and then. You don't see his vent all saggy and wore out in fact it looks brand-new. It was something that happened in his youth before he came here. He doesn't talk about it much but if you as an alpha to another alpha divulge your secret that you're carrying by accident he can help you a lot.

Davis set there with his mouth open, you mean big Homer has pushed one out?

And it wasn't a little one either, the child was placed with it another couple who could not have an offspring of their own and Homer will go visit as uncle Homer. The boy transitions he will be notified by all involved. Homer was caught on his transition night and mounted the child is the result. He wasn't in a good placement he came here, Zach and I both helped him over come not only the tragic event but the birth.

You know the father of your child you have a mating bond with him, so is different in your case. But you will experience things that only someone like Homer can help you through. So why don't you and Ardayden invite his family over for supper one night and all of you can talk. Now you don't have to do it I just think it would be a good idea. As far as getting a loose vent that's not going to happen unless you decide to have child after child every nine months for five or six cycles then you might have a little enlarged loose vent. But don't worry about now let's catch up with the rest of the group.

Davis felt better after his talk with Mr. Ben, he walked over to Ardayden wrapped his arm around him and held him tight to his side. We are going to be just fine all five of us. I like the light green house if no one else has chosen it, I think that one will do was just fine.

Ardayden turn to Davis give him a quick kiss, that's my favorite too, thank you so much you will never regret me being a part of your life. He blurted out; the green one is ours don't even look at it, we claim it.

This brought around of laughter from the group.

They all chose their houses and they went to meet their neighbors. Arayden was the first one to tell the group that they were expecting a house full of children and they would need help. Genmen had natural instincts but the way I was raised they really didn't develop maybe when I have the babies, they will come forth, but I'm going need help. Thurston will help all he can but you know he's got a job, so I will be relying on my neighbors to help me when I fall short in my expectations as a parent.

From the neighbors around them that were parents and expectant parents they offered clothing and advice and free offers of babysitting.

Davis looked at his mate and placed his own hand on his belly and looked into his mates' eyes, this will not stay secret. He cleared his throat and told the group of neighbors that he and his mate had a permanent mating bond and that they were both expecting by each other. I am an alpha but I respect my mate, and I'm going need plenty of help to get along with this.

I have fathered 45 offspring that live with their dads on their farms and ranches. It's time now that I brought life into the world with my mate, and this is not an ordinary pregnancy. I carry in my body a male and female offspring; he carries a male. So, we will need help too, I have to come to terms with what happened to me, this is a blessing like none before.

Homer came forward and spoke to Davis quietly; I can be a mentor and help you the feelings that alpha has when they are expecting a child. Davis, you have the backing of a mate that I did not, but I can help with the emotions that you will feel, just know that I am here.

Homer you are going to get tired of seeing me hanging around as I get big but I will take your help and your advice, and I will live it. The two big alpha's shook hands and embraced Davis spoke to him, come by later Homer I would like to talk to you about everything and how you.

Sure buddy, I'll be by later. Clayton and the boys will be at the Museum so I'll have plenty of time.

Exactly an hour later the doorbell rang, Davis went to the front door and answered it. There stood in the doorway Homer carrying a picnic basket, it was in fact a very large picnic basket.

I really didn't think you would have to much so Clayton and I packed this for you two. He was welcomed in and made to feel at home.

Davis and Ardayden set side-by-side and made Homer feel welcome. Homer started out. I guess I better explain myself, Mr. Ben came to me and told me that I could be of use because of what happened early in my life.

I am so proud that you two are together and that you Davis will keep these children and raise them together. I didn't have that luxury; I was caught outside when my transition started. I thought that I hid myself well on my old farm so that I could transition without anyone bothering me. But I thought wrong, sometime during the process another found me and he let himself be known to me. There was no doubt the next morning that I had transitioned and I had grown immensely but my inner thighs were covered in blood. I had no knowledge of who it was or how many.

I felt shame and I hid myself from others. Being the size that I am I hid my pregnancy from all I was working midday when I had my first pain, I excuse myself and told them I was not feeling well to something that I had eaten. I went home and I birth a male child, being an alpha, I didn't produce much nectar but to keep the child quiet I let him take what I had unknowingly bonding with him. For three days I kept him until I could not feed him anymore because I had nothing to offer.

I approached an older Genmen couple without any children of their own and I presented them with Gareth. They understood my situation and agreed to raise him as their own. The last time I saw him was his first-year celebration. The boy looked at me and knew something was different about me that I wasn't just a nameless face in the crowd.

I went home I packed my bags what few possessions I had and I left I showed up here on the Z1 and presented my case for sanctuary to Mr. Zach. He placed me in a home of my own and there I have been. I often wonder about Gareth, what he looks like what he acts like you can't help it, a parent has those feelings no matter what.

Ardayden spoke; do you think you will ever hear from Gareth again?

Yes, I know I will, Mr. Ben and Mr. Zack set me down the other day to notify me that a young alpha is coming here with his family. He has a mate who has birthed him to find sons. His parents told him about a scared courageous young alpha who had birthed a child and gifted to them to raise since he was unable. My Gareth is coming to meet his dad.

The house directly across the road from Clayton and myself will be vacant now that Stephen is moving here. After all of these years I will finally see the young man that is my son. I'm terrified, you think you need me I need you to I need everybody I can get.

When Mr. Zach told me about this almost ran, I told Clayton I was terrified and I wanted to run away. But he told me that running from one's troubles only made them worse.

There's something else that I have just found out, Gareth is a hybrid and so is his mate, Julian. That means that the man that impregnated me that night was human, I understand that when they found this out, they search the databases and he shows up nowhere in any Genman files. He was probably a seasonal worker from one of the universities that got lucky and had him a little piece of Virgin Genmen vent.

I don't know how to talk to my son about this, I had no knowledge.

Davis swallowed deeply; Homer what happened to you is not your fault you know the pheromones that we give out in his especially critical for an alpha to be hit away during his transition. I blame the ranch owners if anybody, they knew that you were close if they were responsible owners of the ranch. They were supposed to protect you, they failed in their job.

In my case we didn't take proper protection because we didn't think we needed after all that had happened in the years that had passed by. But like they say life will find a way. But in my case two lives found a way.

The three set there and enjoyed the packed away lunch, and they became friends.

Stephen While setting there with Arbayden received an upsetting phone call from his dad. He spoke with his dad and became concerned for his family.

Okay Stephen what's got you upset; you know it's not good on the baby so out with it?

That was my dad, his time is getting close and he doesn't want to leave the oldest set of twins at the farm he lives on. The farmer has voiced his opinion that the boys should be bred on transition and has already lined up to breeders for them. My dad divulged that they were also hybrids, this pissed the farmer off. He told dad he did not care that they would be bred as soon as they come into transition case closed.

Question dad about the validity of the other children and their heredity. Dad lied and told him that they were purebloods, he said they have to get out of there quick but his debt is not been paid. I offered all the money that I have pay off the debt but the farmer would not accept it since its dad's debt and it has to be paid by him.

Arbayden questioned; can Mr. Zach help you with this problem?

I don't want to ask him he is done so much for me over the years, he doesn't need my problems too.

Well, if you won't ask him, I damn sure will if he will take us on from a crashed pod and welcome must hold open arms even though we were the enemy of all sworn Genmen he shall surely be able to assist you. My hormones are up and I don't have a problem asking for assistance.

Stephen was surprised by his mate's attitude and brazenness. He had made a wise choice for a mate.

Now Stephen dialed the number on your communicator for Mr. Zack's office or Mr. Zach or whoever it needs to be because I to speak to them.

Stephen had no problem making the call and handing the communicator over, Arbayden walked away and spoke to Mr. Zach in a private conversation. After a few minutes he returned handed the communicator back to Stephen and kissed him on his lips. They will be here tomorrow morning, tomorrow afternoon your father will join them here at the Z1.

You see it never does hurt to ask for assistance, it's far better than the results if you never done anything to stop a wrong from happening.

Stephen hugged his mate and the two set on the couch and thanked the stars above that they had found each other. Arbayden there's one major problem I was hoping to put it off for quite a while. I haven't told them about Junior, neither one of my parents know that I am carrying.

Well Stephen are we just full of surprises, I guess after your dad arrives and sees your stomach poking out, he just might make the connection. A grown man scared of his parent's wow aren't we special. We will just have to handle it one surprise at a time. Not only do they get grandchildren they get a son-in-law to boot.

Coming soon the Z1 ranch P -- 72.


Homer's son and his family arrives, Stephen's family is shocked that he has taken a mate and their son is pregnant. More turmoil at the spaceport, the battle cruisers of the royal Genmen are attacking supply ships headed to Solaris 10. I hope you wait for the next part and enjoy what you have read.

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Next: Chapter 73

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