The Z-1 Ranch

By cgf2662

Published on Jul 28, 2021


The Z-1 Ranch P-89 CGW©

The next four days were not so bad, Preston went through his cycle even though it was rough on him, it was not unbearable. Cole like the ever-diligent roommate, he was staying beside Preston is much as he could, only a couple times did he have to call Preston down for his outrageous behavior.

Preston embarrassed himself several times, but Cole was the ever gentleman and let things slide. On that Friday he returned back to work and was working on the top floor right alongside Cole like nothing had happened.

Jake came by to visit Preston once and asked him did he need to make accommodations?

No Sir Mr. Traylor, I am committed to my job and to see this place structurally finished within the next five months, so we shall not have this problem again before this portion is finished.

At the end of day Preston and Cole stopped by Constantine's to get a cold malted and share in order of fries. Well, I see someone is still amongst us commented Constantine, next time you will not be so easily controlled.

Yes, I know Constantine, the hormones build up in our bodies and we must eventually act upon them.

Cole excused himself to go to the bathroom and let the two speak.

So, Preston you're going to tell me that you and him didn't even consider about hooking up, I can see the way you look at him with every ounce of restraint in your body. And I can tell you that we spoke while you were out and all he did was talk about you. Look at what is directly in front of you, you know it's true.

We're best friends I can't ask him to do something like that. I don't want to ruin our friendship in case he doesn't reciprocate.

Okay not another word for me Preston, just gonna leave it like this and get you two your malteds.

Cole returned any had a stressed look, Preston asked him what was the problem?

Us, that is the problem Preston, we can tap dance around this all you want and deny everything. But the truth of the matter is you have feelings for me and they go deep. And I'm not gonna lie to you, a couple of times you were so delirious I could've thrown you over the couch and hammered you hard and you wouldn't have remembered, other than you would be carrying right now.

Preston put his hand over his face, I'm so embarrassed I did not realize that I was so out of control I thought I was doing good.

You were Preston doing great, I wasn't. Seeing you in pain and agony, I just wanted to make it go away, I wanted to help my best friend, so the next time this happens we will take care of the problem together. And that's all I have to say on the subject, so where is Constantine with those malted and fries I'm starving.

Preston set there totally blown away by what Cole had just said to him in a very public place. He didn't know how to respond other than to say; thank you for being my friend.

Soon the guys were laughing and joking once again. Constantine came up with a double order of fries with light seasoning and two jumbo malteds for the guys. I think this should make up for wasted time, just don't waste all of your time and walked away.

You know Preston when I first arrived, I was a mess, now just hear me out. I had blinders on and didn't realize that two completely different species of humanoids could cohabitate. When I first saw Constantine in his condition, it blew my mind. I thought it was disgusting for a male carrying a child inside of him, it was totally against whatever I had learned as a child.

But as I was exposed to a different way of life, a much more peaceful way of life, my eyes began to open and so did my mind. When your dad gave birth, it was surreal. Only then did I realize the depth of love that Genmen were capable of. Learning the truth about my genetics and who I am, was another eye-opening event. I hope that I never do anything to disappoint you.

Preston smiled; thank you Cole, from where you started you have most definitely changed. And you only have more room to grow because with an open mind there is a learning mind. And if you're not any that last fry, I want it. Both laughed.

Andre and Richie walked into the diner and made a beeline for Preston and Coles table. Can we have a seat and talk to both of you? Richie has some information that you might be interested in hearing I know that I was.

Cole pointed to the seats and told them to make themselves comfortable, now what is it?

Richie smiled; we just came back from the clinic I had my exam, and they told me a few things about my pregnancy.

I told Andre everything, I told him the whole truth about my previous time, two days earlier. We went to the doctors and they confirmed that I was indeed pregnant but with two different babies. One was conceived before the other but because of Andre's timing and his bloodlines along with mine he was able to sero convert the first baby. I really never understood this process until the doctors explained it to us. The other will look like the first man, but will be my husband's child genetically.

Preston interrupted; wait a minute did you say husband is in you two are?

Richie and Andre showed them their hands and on their fingers were simple gold bands. I told you guys I would not let this one get away from me at all and I meant what I said. He is stuck with me forever. Andre smiled.

So, Richie what about the babies?

Dr. Allen says they are doing just fine and other than you no one else knows besides him. They are both boys according to the genetic coding but one is very different from the other. You know that one in a million chance it landed on us.

Andre cleared throat; this is going to be a different area for us, raising children especially hybrid children is tough. But when one is different from the others it is even tougher.

Cole looked at the two, this is not for public information. Look at me, I was raised in a human home, by two human parents in an exclusive gated human community. To see me you would think anything is out of place but once you pull a blood sample you would discover that I also am one in a million. I am a human hybrid, the product of a human female and Genmen father.

Andre and Richie set there with their mouths wide open unable to say anything.

Preston laid his hand upon Cole's. That took a lot to say out loud and I am very proud of you.

It wasn't as hard as you think, since living at the Z1 I have come to a realization, we are all the same no matter what the outside appearance is. I have one distinct advantage, unknowingly when I was young, I developed an infection in my sinus cavities and a human doctor removed my scent glands. Which makes it easier because I don't have any of the sexual cravings from my Genmen side, but from my human side if I see something is nice, I like an I want I will seek it out.

When the boys are born, never make excuses and never tell them a lie. Tell them to embrace themselves as they are because they're brothers no matter what. You do understand what I'm saying to you Richie?

Even though one will be physically like a Genmen and the other will be physically like a human to teach the boys that they are both special and never to be ashamed of themselves is that what you're saying Cole?

Precisely Richie, it's taken me a while to realize exactly who and what I am, and I'm not embarrassed and I'm not ashamed. Preston and I are friends and roommates, if and when we decide to take it pass this it's our decision. He could never embarrass me because of what he is and I hope that I would never be an embarrassment to him.

Nope, Cole there's one thing you could never be to me and that is an embarrassment, because together we are stronger. And I'm proud to be your roommate and your friend, but I'm still the boss at work.

And you can be an ass away from it too, don't you forget that; Preston.

Yes, I can can't I but who would I be if I weren't myself?

Maybe that's why we get along so well Preston; you are always true to yourself no matter what and that Andre is what you have to be to Richie, true every day that you are together.

Don't worry guys, nothing or no one will ever get between Richie and myself he is my family. And when these babies come along, they need everything they can get that's why he and I have a very big question to ask you two. If something were to happen to both of us, we would like the boys to be placed into your care and custody. I have no one else.

Richie spoke; and you know my situation I would not wish my parents upon any child of mine. I love them because they're my parents, but that doesn't make them good parents it just makes them.

Preston didn't have to think about it. We would be honored to serve as custodial parents to the boys if something were to happen to you.

Well, I guess that makes it a yes for both of us. I know we don't think of the point if something happens to us, what will happen to the children? But yes, I would be honored also. I think this calls for around a malted's for everybody.

The two couples set there, drinking their malteds and made small talk.

Constantine came back around to check on everyone to make sure everything was all right. Preston inquired if they had ever thought about adding on to the place or getting a new location since this one was quite busy and always crowded?

Jake has talked about it but I'm the problem I would like to keep the original atmosphere and enclose the patio section but my kitchen isn't big enough to support it. He said we could always add on to the kitchen area and go into the vacant building beyond the patio. I know that sounds nice but I don't want to be scattered apart. Plus, I would have to hire more help.

Richie lit up like a lightbulb, what if you joined the two buildings together and put the outside dining behind the new conjoined buildings. Build the theme altogether and put the kitchen in the new section allowing you to have so much more flexibility. It would be more walking for everyone but you could put a serve through window that would be in the new conjoined section.

You know what Richie that does sound like a good idea, tell you what are you able to sketch out for me that way I would have something to show Jake and build up on the idea?

Sure, I don't see any problem plus your old kitchen area could be utilized as a stock room or even to push the bar backwards and enlarge this dining area with more enhanced restrooms instead of the single ports you have now. And talk about bathrooms I gotta go pee, it seems like that's all I do now.

Constantine chuckled; wait until you get further along young man and they start doing a tap dance on your bladder. It really gets annoying, and don't be too long because I'm next.

Constantine looked at the front door and could not believe his eyes, standing in the doorway was Oleg and Howie Yorgensen and Oleg was holding Russell. This was a surprise Howie usually didn't get out of the house too much, he had gone through a bout of depression when he slipped the last time. He wasn't even two weeks along and it was his fourth time to slip.

Well, it's about time the two of you got off the ranch come out to have a burger, fries and a malted on the house. And look at young Russell this boy is growing, he sure does take after his father.

Howie thanked Constantine for his nice words as he stood beside his husband and their child. Dr. Matt told me it's time to get out of the house, and as long as I'm careful I should be okay.

Constantine gasped; you don't mean that you are for sure?

Oleg smiled; two months now and Dr. Matt said everything is perfect. He just isn't allowed to lift up Russell nor Carry anything over 5 pounds. And I have to keep on top of him to make sure he doesn't violate doctor's orders.

Okay Oleg; I know believe me Dr. Matt has read me the right act, this is the first time that I've made it this far and I am doing nothing to jeopardize this pregnancy. Constantine, can we get table with the good chairs, I need a little more cushion because I cannot get comfortable.

Here's one right next to these two couples, and by the way you and Richie will be raising your children close together. So maybe you two can help each other out, he's gonna need it you know first timers.

Do I ever, if there was a mistake to be made, I made it with Russell. But as they say we learn from our mistakes and watching others fall flat on their face.

Oleg was very reserved as he talked with Preston after all it was his boss and Cole was his roommate. Soon the three were chattering as Howie and Richie became acquainted, Andre was busy entertaining Russell.

Andre could not believe how amazing the young child was. He couldn't wait until he could show their child and be a proud father.

Constantine was coming back out to the tables when he had very hard kick and he dropped the plate. That was so unlike Constantine.

The whole place fell silent and everyone looked at Constantine to make sure he was all right. Okay guys I'm perfect, so the baby kicked the hell out of me and bumped one of the plates. I guess he was trying to tell me that I was carrying too much weight besides him. No sense making a major incident out of the baby kicked the plate.

I'm sorry but I dropped one plate and it'll be just a few minutes for another burger and fries to come out.

Andre spoke up; that's okay Constantine I will not starve to death before it's ready just make sure everyone else is served and I'll wait.

Now that's my kind of man one that is understanding, Richie you've got a good one here, hang on to him.

Constantine you do not have to worry about that, anyone tries to come between Andre and myself they better have very good insurance because they will be in the hospital after I stomp a mudhole in their ass.

Everybody in earshot started snickering at Richie statement.

The Z1 message alert went off on everyone's communicators; Dr. Caleb Allen and his spouse Houston have welcomed to the family a 9 lbs. 8 oz. boy. Caleb Francis Allen is doing perfect. The Z1 wishes all good health and prosperity.

Within 10 minutes the message alert system went off again; we are only roll here at the Z1 today. Dr's. Matt and Rupert Sterling have welcomed their family a 14 lbs. 3 oz. boy. Matthew Robert Sterling is doing fine. The Z1 wishes all good health and prosperity to this family.

Any patients with appointments with Dr. Rupert, will be readjusted and seen by our other medical professionals, until he returns in one week. Z1 realizes the contributions that Dr. Rupert Stirling makes to the ranch, but this time he needs to take care of his new family member.

Matt's mother Gladys who had a long struggle back was thrilled to hear that she was a grandmother finally. She had already informed her son Caleb to expect her for a visit. She would stay in a guest quarters at the hotel, so that Houston and the baby would not be disturbed but would visit constantly. But she planned to thoroughly spoil her first grandson and eagerly awaited anymore that might come along.

Gladys Allen notified the staff that she would be gone for a couple of weeks, that it was business as usual even though she was not at home. She notified her driver to have her limo ready to be packed, they would be leaving the city for the countryside to visit her son his spouse and her new grandson. But first she needed to stop by the stores and pick up some much-needed supplies.

She didn't pick up supplies she tried to buy out the store. She found ten different baby books that she liked and couldn't make her mind so she purchased all ten. The one's leftover could be saved for later or passed out to other Genmen couples expecting their own children at the ranch. What good was money you didn't spend it, setting on it and saving it for a rainy day wasn't going to do.

She told the clerk to have everything packed and wrapped and gave them the address for the Z1 ranch. The clerk's response was priceless; ma'am you do realize that it will be about three days before we will even attempt the delivery this far away from the city.

Gladys turned and faced the store clerk; honey check the name on the invoice and you will realize that I am the majority stockholder in this company and I sit on the Board of Directors. I believe that you might call the warehouse and speak to Mr. Frank's and tell them this is a level I priority that go out within the hour. This is not a threat this is a recognize your customer and realize that they are all important, proficiency and speed of delivery is our hallmark here. Do not disappoint me.

The young lady turned red in the face; never Mrs. Allen. I can assure you that heads will fly your order is not processed immediately.

Fantastic; I'll see to it that you have a very nice bonus for this sizable sale and your continued good customer service and satisfaction, Gladys turned and left the store.

The clerk made three phone calls and began yelling at other staff to pull items from the counters and the floor to get this order ready immediately for shipping.

Gladys did something unusual when she left the store she did not set in the back of her limousine. She instead set in the passenger seat in the front so that she could converse with one of her oldest and dearest employees her driver Alfred. As they were leaving the city, they approached an intersection and there was a young man holding a sign.

On the sign it just had the word Z-1. She had her driver pull over so she could speak to the young man. Excuse me she said after she opened the door and stood up; I see that you have a sign requesting a ride to the Z1 ranch.

The young man was very young and in a way. He timidly spoke, yes ma'am my parents put me out of the house when they realized I was in my condition. I've heard Z1 takes in the ones who hide in plain sight, I don't want burden you.

Nonsense not a burden at all what is your name young man?

Cartier Grissom, I really messed up and got in trouble.

You may be expecting a child young man and how you came this way it's no one's fault it is nature, my son is a doctor out at the Z1 and I have just welcomed my first grandchild. We are going there to see them and I would be honored if you would accompany me as my guest to the Z1. The owners are very cordial people and they deal with this sort of situation all the time.

But I don't have any money to pay you for the ride ma'am.

Don't worry, I could use the company and that's payment enough, so let's have a seat in the back we have refreshments available and talk about yourself. You're amongst friends here, if the Z1 is not where you wish to live when I returned to the city more than welcome to return with us. I have plenty of rooms at my place and they are too quiet. Having a guest would help unburden my mind, the laughter and chatter of a little one would be even better.

Ma'am you don't know me, why would you help a total stranger?

Cartier let's put it this way, I see in you someone who wants the best for the child that he carries no matter how he got there. And since you have brains enough to head to the Z1 your all right in my books. So as Alfred drives, we are going to get better acquainted.

So, I would like to introduce myself to you Cartier. My name is Gladys Allen, does this mean anything to you at all?

No ma'am I have no idea who you are, I only came out to the outside world recently before then I stayed inside and out of sight. I transitioned and was allowed to go out into the big city I got a job working at a law firm. I was an assistant for one of the bigger partners at Dunstan and Harper. That's where I met one that did this to me, he made me believe that he was interested and made me feel needed. But once he got what he wanted and I started to show, I was fired because some of the research paperwork disappeared after I gave it to him. He claimed it wasn't there and they lost a big case, but I checked all of my backups and everything had been printed.

Cartier; I know Dunstan, Harper and Associates and personally they are a bunch of snakes in the grass. What was the man's name that left you this way? Because he is going to pay for what he did, not only for this baby but destroying your career path by claiming that you lost paperwork. So out with it who is it?

Cartier started to cry; I feel like a fool a naïve stupid fool. His name is Brandon Dunstan, the owner's son. I tried to talk to Mr. Daniel Dunstan and told him of my condition, he told me to never show my face city again or he would make sure that not only would I lose the child I would never ever work for any law firm again.

Gladys picked up the phone in her limo and requested to be connected to Daniel Dunstan of Dunstan, Harper and Associates. The phone started to trill as the number rang.

You're speaking to Daniel Dunstan who dare to disturbs me?

Daniel you old Greedy basterd, it is Gladys Allen; you and I need to talk and when I say talk, you better damn well listen to me. I am very pissed off at the way you treated a friend of mine recently. He came to you with a problem that your son Brandon caused, because he could not keep it in his pants. Does that ring a fucking bell to you?

Gladys; you do not know what territory that you are stepping into, you are going to be out of your league.

No asswipe you don't even come up to my league on your best day. You do the right thing by Cartier or I promise you within 48 hours your law firm will be shambles. This is not a threat this is a fucking promise you old fuck wadd, this is one old broad that you do not piss off, but you're getting there quickly. You have my number, return with a settlement. And by the way no visitation no rights but support will be forthcoming by you and your son, and that means all the way until he graduates with the doctrine's degree. Do not try me. Gladys reached over and hung up the phone.

Well Cartier the ball is in their court if they decide to fumble it, they will regret that for the rest of their lives.

So, what are your plans, I know that your pregnant, I know that you're destitute because you have nothing but what's in your suitcase. When we arrive at the Z1 you will be my guest as they say my plus one and you shall meet your older brother because anyone that kicked you out does not deserve you as a son and I will start preparing legal actions to formally adopt you.

Cartier set there stunned, it was someone that did not know him. She had already gone to bat for him and threatened one of the largest law firms in the city, now she was telling him that she would legally adopt him. He was overwhelmed.

Now I need you to think about this, I don't to overburden you with undue stress because of the baby. My son and his mate live at the Z1 I am going to visit them and I want the two of you to meet. My Caleb is my only child, my ex-husband has one out of wedlock with an X secretary but me I could only have one. If you choose to become part of my family realize that the Allen family is a very important family. And I was being quite truthful that the child will be supported all the way up until a doctrine degree is handed to him.

Alfred when we get to the Township, could you do us all a big favor and pull into Constantine's diner, I would love some roasted star bird and fresh vegetables with a malted drink on the side. And before you say anything to hell with my doctor's orders, I'm only gonna live so long and I am going to live it to the fullest.

Yes, Madam Allen, shall I call ahead and place the order so that the meal will be ready when we arrive?

That sounds wonderful Alfred, order whatever you wish and hand back a menu to Cartier so he can decide what he would like. The burgers and fries are fantastic but I decided I would like his specialty of roasted star bird. Nobody can cook star birds like Constantine, there's not a human around they can hold a candle to his cooking.

Cartier took a quick look at the menu and asked was he allowed to have a double burger and double fries; it had been two days since he last eaten.

Young man you can have whatever is on the menu, but first you have to decide what flavor malted?

Chocolate with a small glass of water on the side would that be, okay?

You heard the young man Alfred place our order and tell Constantine that we are on the way but do not let Caleb know that were eating before we arrive.

Yes madam, I will certainly do this. Alfred called the diner and spoke to Constantine. He explained who he was and who he was driving for and that she would be heading out to the ranch when they were through. He filled in Constantine with the requested order and also requested that the corner table be reserved with the tablecloth and napkins available.

No sooner than Constantine was off the phone he had three workers scrubbing the entire area where Mrs. Allen would set with her guest. He brought out the tablecloth and the napkins and formally set up the table. He remembered everything perfectly from his training with Donnie. He put reserved sign on the table along with candles to be lit when she arrived.

One of the regulars looked at the table and joked, must be some bigwig VIP to get all the special treatment.

Constantine turned and cut his eyes, Dr. Allen's mother is on her way from the city and requested a table. She is coming here to visit her new grandson so if you have any other snide remarks that you want to make, for the next six weeks you can make them from the hole in the wall restaurant down the road. You know the one that the Racknars even stop by and visit their dumpster.

No Sir Mr. Constantine, I do not have one bit of problem with it, whatsoever Sir. My apologies in advance, I'm gonna leave right now while I'm ahead. In about 2.1 seconds the man was out the door.

Constantine looked around the diner and asked if anyone else had a problem, they were welcome to the street. You could hear the Nickets, chirp it was so quiet.

Houston was upset, he was had just given birth and the house was not clean. Not that anything be clean enough for Gladys. She had a complete staff and she still thought her house was dusty. He was fretting.

Don't worry about it, she is coming to see the baby and check up on you, she knows that you have had a rough time. It will be okay.

Caleb, you don't understand this is your mother we're talking about, anybody else I can handle, but your mother, she's a delightful person don't get me wrong but she scares the hell out of me.

But she adores you Houston, she calls me all the time to check up on you because she did not want to stress you out. Her health is better and I understand she has made some social functions. And now with the baby, she is going to be more a part of our lives than ever.

You know I don't keep a spotless house; I wasn't raised that way we will raise running and I the house all the time. We're just common Genfolk, there's no way I can match up to your mom's standards.

I have already called your dad; he and your brothers are working on the house as we speak. I know you have resisted having anyone else in the house touching anything of yours but it will be okay.

Great my family is at my house and I'm not there; I'm never going be able to find anything.

It will be fine Houston just relax you're not getting to go home for three hours.

Not funny Caleb that is not funny, you do realize what my family members can do to a house in three hours.

Houston, do you realize what a child can do to a house in three minutes?

Okay, I see your point, one question what is she bringing for the baby?

I have no idea, and not about to ask, we can say is thank you very much. We're very grateful for the gifts and I am sure there will be plenty gifts. She called one time wanted to make sure that we had plenty of diapers and powder along with creams and oils and bath soaps because she wanted her little angel to smell just right.

Caleb; your mother is going to be in for a surprise when he blows up a diaper. They stink so bad that you can ward off a pack of wild rackknars with dirty Genman baby diaper. They both laughed.

Dr. Wooten walked in to make his rounds, well you two you did good. A healthy little boy I believe that Houston can go home, in the morning, resume his normal routine. The birth was normal and not even stressful. But you two wait three months until he has his first cycle to even consider conceiving again. Houston is not as big as a lot of hybrids so his body took a lot of the punishment and needs to rest.

Yes Dr. Wooten I hear you very loud and very clear it is going to be a while before Caleb gets anywhere near my vent. I don't want to be a slop jar, dropping a kid every nine months.

Caleb helped Houston get dressed, they didn't call anyone to come pick them up but yet they were not surprised when they found Madison waiting. Houston got into the speeder and took the baby from Caleb, Caleb got into the speeder beside his mate and Houston drove them home.

Houston was cringing at the thought of what his family did to the house, but when the door opened, he found that the place had been thoroughly cleaned yet everything was left were it was. No furniture was rearranged no books were replaced it had only been tested and wiped down thoroughly Francis couldn't wait to hold the baby. After all he carried his name.

Alfred pulled the limo in front of Constantine's. And needless to say, it did stop traffic in the Township. He exited the vehicle and went to Madam's door and opened it so she could exit the vehicle a very shy Cartier followed her.

Now don't dawdle, we Allen's carry ourselves with a certain amount of flair and dignity. Let's go in and have our meal.

Gladys entered the door after Cartier opened for her, she walked right up to Constantine like he was best friend and give him the biggest hug. Thank you for watching after my boy when he comes to eat, he speaks of you very highly Constantine and I have never forgot the specialty meals that he sent all the way back here for. I love your roasted star birds with fresh garden vegetable melodies.

Constantine was blushing because he had been working and was not the cleanest but still, she had paid him the highest compliment ever. He was so proud of his diner and the reputation that it had obtained. Mrs. Allen may I please show you and your guest to your table I hope it is to your liking.

Gladys walked over and saw the eloquently placed table setting and was very impressed, Cartier assisted her by pulling out her chair for her to have a seat and he took his own.

Constantine filled their water glasses and retrieved their malteds. Alfred took his seat to the side of the room so that he was not disturbed and did not disturb Mrs. Allen.

Your meals will be out momentarily, we are putting the final touches on everything I hope you enjoy.

Constantine I can assure you that we will enjoy the meal, this is Cartier, this is his first trip out to the Z1. He needs an exam and to make sure everything is okay before he comes back home to Ashmore Estates.

Constantine had an unsure look upon his face, I wasn't aware that Caleb had sibling I thought he always said he was an only child?

You we're not incorrect Caleb was raised as an only child he has not met his brother yet, let me introduce you to his younger brother this is Cartier Grissom Allen. He is coming to stay with me at the estate. And after he births, he will go to the University to finish out his law degree. And when he's completed with that task, he will take over our law offices. Every mother's dream is to have a doctor and a lawyer in the family. I am famished and I'm ready to eat see what taken the chef so long would you please dear?

Constantine brought out the Platters of food. Mrs. Allen had the roasted star bird with a fresh butter glaze and roasted vegetables, Cartier had a triple-decker with a double order of fries and a double size malted. Alfred had just a plain grilled Starbird breast on a whole grain bun with fresh veggies and water to drink.

Not a question or complaint was lodged they were enjoying their meal so Constantine retired himself behind the counter and looked after the other diners setting at the counter stools.

Cartier, couldn't help himself and went on and on about how delicious the meal was as he ate it, Gladys was not put out by his table manners but they were something that needed to be worked on. In the circles that he would be dining with it would have been considered very rude and horrible table manners. But hey while in Rome as the old earth saying went, do as the Romans do.

Before Cartier noticed he had consumed his entire double malted, he sipped on his water as he finished up his meal.

Gladys knowing how delicious the malteds were motioned for Constantine to put another double out for Cartier. Which he did promptly and brought it to the table and set it down beside the young man, who thanked him repeatedly and complimented him on the delicious meal that was served.

Cartier started looking around the malt shop for the facilities, Gladys pointed in the direction just to the back corner. He excused himself and went to the back.

A couple minutes later there was a little bit of a ruckus in the back of the diner and a construction worker come rolling out of the bathroom as he was knocked through the door. Cartier walked out walked by the man who was laying on the floor stepping on his fingers as he walked by.

Gladys looked at him, might I inquire what that was about young man?

Yes ma'am, when I tell someone know and don't ever touch me again and he grabs my buttocks I will defend myself. He was a little too forward with his arrogance but he was human and doesn't know any better than to touch a pregnant Genmen on his buttocks when he is not the father of the carried offspring.

Constantine was on the phone call and Jake in about two seconds.

Jake walked to the door and saw the worker lying on the ground holding his hand while still bleeding profusely from his broken nose. Braxton get up off of this floor and get to the office I will talk to you in a minute. The man got off the floor and left the diner.

Jake walked up to Gladys and Cartier. Mrs. Allen, I hope that my employee wasn't too far out of line.

Jake Traylor how are you doing today my old friend? I would like to introduce you to my other son Cartier Grissom-Allen and he is the one that was insulted. But he is not defenseless as you can see.

It took Jake about all of three seconds to realize that Cartier was more than what one might think. Young man I would like to apologize on behalf of the Traylor construction crew, we hold ourselves to higher standard but Braxton is still a little rough around the edges. He's new and not used to being around expectant Genmen such as yourself.

When he is recovered, he will apologize to himself that I will make sure of.

That's okay Mr. Traylor, I've seen enough of your Mr. Braxton to know that he will never be a gentleman when it comes to Genmen. I just hope next time he thinks before he touches.

Okay, so that means he got a handful and you decked him.

Precisely, and by the way his hand was in the way when I attempted walk by him and I did not deviate, so he might have a couple of fractured fingers.

I'll send him to the infirmary here in town, they can patch him up, a few days off will hurt him maybe it'll give him time to think.

Well, I would still like to send you my highest praises on the birth of your new grandson, Caleb is on top of the world.

Thank you very much Jake from the entire Allen family. By the way I need a small job done at the estate, I need a freshen up done on the nursery the baby is due in about three months plus his cousin will be coming to visit him and they need a place to stay, that is updated.

Mrs. Allen, me a few days after you get back and I'll set up a date and time with you to go over all the plans and the décor. I'm sure we can find something that is suitable for everyone. Plus, I think someone's room might need to be freshened up? Nothing against your estate ma'am, but it could use a little sprucing up. If you going to have new life there you need to have a new outlook, cleaning all of the darkened stains off the outside of the manor house and a fresh coat of paint throughout the entire place and touching up the wood casings and moldings, stair rails and a few other little updates make the home even more inviting.

Now that your grandmother, I suspect you will have a grandson that will come see you quite often and with another one on the way it's going be fantastic.

Jake, I knew that I could count on you knowing exactly what I needed, all I can say is run the color scheme by us and the manor house is in pallet.

Well Mrs. Allen I will not bother you anymore I will have my office contact Alfred at the manor house and we can set up appointments for you. He does still serve as contact person, am I not, right?

Quite true Jake, Alfred is a member of the family and will be with us until his dying breath. Though I have thought about getting him an assistant.

While you're here why don't you speak to Franklin at the Spinelli's main house. I am quite sure he has plenty of young recruits for you to choose from. If they can pass his criteria than they would be perfect to assist you in your home.

That's perfect Jake while I'm here I'll speak to Zach and Ben on the matter then to Franklin to see if he is interested in assisting me in finding Alfred an assistant. The two old friend said goodbye and Jake left the diner.

Cartier are you through, and ready to go to the ranch?

Yes ma'am, I am finished and I am ready to go to the ranch. I need to have a checkup and the sooner the better.

Constantine tell me the damages for the door and I will make sure that Jake is reimbursed to take care of it. I'm sure that his man Braxton isn't the most well-endowed financially so I will take care of it. And not a bit of fussing because you will not win.

Yes Mrs. Allen I will have Jake's companies send you the repair estimate. But we might be having a little bit of renovation going on so I would've been replacing the door anyhow. Maybe the next time you come to visit you will see the new improved Constantine's. We will have triple the inside dining capacity and double of the outside dining capacity, and a lovely new kitchen and enlarged malted counter and fountain.

Just don't lose its charm by going overboard Constantine, keep the architectural detail of the original diner in the expansion.

I hear you loud and clear Mrs. Allen that is my main focus, to enlarge but yet let it remain.

As much as I would like to sit and chat all day, I have a new grandson to go visit and spoil. Plus, this young man needs an appointment at the clinic, so without further ado I must did you farewell until we run across each other once again.

Constantine told Mrs. Allen goodbye and the three left the diner.

It was a few minutes' drive out to the Z1, Cartier was amazed when he saw the Z1 for the first time.

Cartier could not believe such a place existed on the planet. He was always told by his parents to stay hidden; a secret identity was a safe identity. But Brandon Dunstan had seen to it that he was now known to the world.

This here Cartier is a diamond in the middle of the rough. Here they live they were they have families, there is a museum, a library, school and a university of the higher education. Genmen, hybrid genman, human hybrids and the humans who love them all live here and around the area in harmony. My ex-husband drove our son away, here he came to stay after he fell in love. And I could not be prouder of him.

Alfred pulled up to the main gates which opened for the limo and he pulled up to the main house. Jarvis did not come to meet the car but instead a younger man came out and opened the door and welcomed Gladys Allen to the Z1.

Ben stepped out of the main house to welcome their company; Zach was still at the infirmary checking on everything. Ben apologized to Gladys about the current situation but assured her that she was always welcome. Ben looked at Cartier who was standing beside the limo, and who might we have here Gladys?

My friend Benjamin I would like to introduce to you my other son Cartier Grissom Allen. And as you can tell he has a certain condition that needs to be addressed by the medical staff here. I was hoping that we could expedite an exam before we go back home.

Not a problem Gladys, we would be delighted to assist you and your son any way that we can. I take it that Caleb does not know about his brother yet.

Not yet it's been a recent development, but I'm sure that he will not have a problem. I have a doctor in the family already and Cartier will be the lawyer of the family as soon as his education has been completed. He's almost there just has a few more quarters to go then his bar exam. Then we will start building our future.

So, Cartier from what I see here you will be raising the child on your own?

No Sir, I have my family behind me and the entire Ashmore estate. Mother has made it perfectly clear that this child will never know disappointment nor contempt for himself.

I wouldn't expect anything less from my dear friend Gladys Allen. I can assure you young man you are in very capable hands. Let's take a path through the rose garden over to the clinic so that we can get you seen and over to your brother's house to check on your new nephew.

Dr. Wooten was on schedule and was glad to see Cartier. He made his assessment after the exam and brought Gladys and Cartier into his office.

Young man I must commend you on your excellent health. The baby is growing perfectly, his target weight is right on track and development is wonderful. I am going to give you a better diet more vegetables for more vitamins and protein. A malted every now and then is allowed but not every day.

So, the baby will he be average in size or larger?

Being that he's first-generation hybrid he won't be the full-size is a pure blood. But he won't be small lucky human child either. I suspect that he should be around 18 to 22 pounds at birth, so he's gonna stretch you a lot. The father must've been a fair size human to produce a child like this.

Yes, sir he was 6'5" and a muscular build.

Well, that could account for part of it, you been 6'4" and a very lean muscular build with broad shoulders means that the child will be very sturdy and robust. I would like to see you once a month until you hit your eighth month, then every two weeks or more according to how you're doing until delivery when I call and tell you to report to the Z1 until the baby is born. Do you have any questions for me?

I have to come back here to birth the child, why can I do that in the city?

Because young man here we specialize in Genmen births, if anything is amiss, we will know it immediately. Plus, with our delivery system other than pressure you feel no real pain.

You rest for an hour and you go to your cottage and rest overnight with the child coming back the next day for a checkup. If everything is satisfactory on your second day after birthing you go home. It's not that big of an inconvenience.

Gladys and Cartier both thanked Dr. Wooten for his time and his expertise with Cartier's checkup and exam.

When Cartier walked out of the office, he looked like he had had a weight lifted off his shoulders.

Gladys was approached by a very nice-looking young man who hugged her neck, and he walked over to Cartier and shook his hand. So, you or what all of the brouhaha is all about. Let me introduce myself; I am Caleb your older brother welcome to the Z1 and the two of you have an appointment at my home to see the newest member of the Allen family.

Cartier thanked Caleb for his very warm welcome suggested that the two should speak amongst themselves later on so that there would be no misunderstanding.

I don't think there will be a misunderstanding Cartier, if mother introduces you to the Spinelli's as her son, then you must be my brother. I take it that everything is all right with your exam?

Yes, it went fine. I'm not a big fan of medical places, so can we go outside and get some fresh air?

Right through the double doors and we're out of the main sidewalk, a short walk to the speeder that awaits, it was sent to Mr. Z himself. He senses apologies but he is tied up with business but has assured me that he will drop by later to check on everybody at the house.

When they arrived at the house baby Caleb was sound asleep. Houston was resting on the sofa when Gladys walked in. Don't you dare get up young man, you have had a very trying day I just want to peek at my grandson.

Houston smiled and showed the baby to Gladys as he pulled back the blanket. He was perfect, it took him a little bit longer to get here than most normal Genmen children but sometimes through genetic anomalies some pregnancies last up to 11 ½ months, instead of the normal 9 months. It is more prevalent in first-generation hybrids than in purebloods.

If the gestation goes over 9 months and 2 weeks, the doctors at the clinic have them come in twice a week just be on the safe side. The longest Genmen hybrid pregnancy on record was 13 months and 1 day. Due to the carry cradle on a genman it is almost impossible to do a C-section without cutting the poor Dad in half. If a special procedure has to be done to remove a child his birthing days are over.

Well, it really doesn't matter how long it took Houston as long as he got here and you and him are both okay that's all that matters.

Cartier turned a little pale, the mere thought of carrying a child more than 9 months scared the hell out of him.

Well, if you two will excuse me and Cartier for a few minutes believe we need to retire to the office so that we can speak.

Gladys cut her eyes at Caleb warning him not to be too rough.

The two young men to the office and closed the door. Cartier was about to say something when Caleb held his hand up to stop him. I already know that your intentions are pure, you were trying to get here to the Z1 when mother had Alfred pull over so that you can be picked up. I know about your condition and how you arrived at that point, all I can say is welcome to the family and respect mother.

I expect great things from in the legal field, it's about time we had new blood in the family you or just what the doctor ordered for mother. She had a situation that was not of her making that she has had to recover from, but with you at home and the baby coming it will give her a chance at life once again. Expect lavish dinner parties and a baby shower when it's closer to your time. I know she's already planning a complete renovation of the nursery so that when little Caleb comes for a visit to see his cousin there will be plenty of room.

So, you have questions for me?

You're, okay things as they are?

For as I'm concerned, they're perfect, welcome to the family brother. I expect for you to keep and I'll mother and give me a call if she has any problems.

May I ask, what was her health issue that she has taken so long to recover from?

Her late husband my father was given her poison in her coffee as he was given her medication. She almost died from the toxic buildup, but now she is doing better and that basterd will never see the light of day. Our grandfathers law firm will need someone to headed up as soon as you pass the bar. I expect the firm to be returned to its glory, he who I will not mention almost ruined the firm.

We were known for honesty and respect; at one time the firm did a lot of pro bono cases for those who could not afford to be represented in the hidden community. My grandfather saw to that, but the other who took it over stopped all work for those who were less fortunate. That we still have a few respectable accounts that stuck with us, and that's where you come in. While you're finishing your degree and waiting on the baby to be born you shall seek out in court the old clientele list.

I have taken the opportunity to call a few board members to notify them that there will be great changes in the firm. They will guide you through the process of finishing your degree and passing the bar. You will have mentors and the staff in your office to assist you in anything. I may not take an active role in the law firm, but it is a very important piece of our heritage and history.

Cartier smiled; you can expect me to keep you informed on all new developments and you will have a report sent to you once a month on all activity, accounts and clientele. This is a family business and since we're family you will be kept abreast.

I like he already my brother, let's go check on mother and Houston. He's a little tired but I'm sure by now she's got the baby in her arms rocking him.

Caleb walked up to Cartier and hugged him, welcome to the family little brother.

The two walked back into the living room and sure enough, Gladys had little Caleb in her arms rocking him in the rocking chair.

Caleb I would like for you in Houston to know that I stopped by the store, to pick up a few things. There were some cute outfits that I liked and that the more things. I know my grandson is hybrid and he will grow but there's no sense of him being a slouch as he grows. I had picked out a new bed for him but after seeing the beautiful hand-carved one that he has already I suspect the other one could be utilized by any number of Genman families. So, you can do with it what you want.

There are plenty of blankets, booties, caps, baby books and close galore along with toys. The delivery truck from the baby store is in route to your location as we speak. Use what you need then distribute the rest amongst others.

Caleb and Houston both walked over to Gladys leaned over and kissed her own her cheeks.

Now you 2, I don't want to rush you but my heart could stand a few more these precious angels.

Well mother I guess she'll have to wait about three months for your next one, and that is up to Cartier.

Three months and I will give her another grandchild, but it's gonna be all while before she can even think about me birthing again. I've got a degree, to finish Bar to pass and a firm to get in top shape. But I have to be careful, there something that all of you need to know.

The father of the child that I carry threatened to make sure that this boy does not see the light of day. I felt that the last hope for me was the Z1, but I think the manor house is very secure from what Alfred says. Brandon Dunstan is an evil vicious person; I did not realize at the time when he was being amorous with me. But as soon as I told him about the child, he turned on me, I went to his father Daniel Dunstan and he was even worse.

Fearing for my and the child's safety, after my parents kicked me out of the house to live on the streets, I decided it was time to disappear from the city for my own well-being.

If you still want to offer me the place in your family, I will gladly accept it but you have to know that I am in danger.

Gladys looked at her son Caleb; you know who to call would you please make the arrangements at the manor house and the firm. If they come near your brother or that precious child that he carries they will not breathe again.

Yes, mother understand exactly what you're talking about, I'll call the firm and tell them what we need in security staff at the manor house and at the firm. Cartier will have a security team with him at all time and Brandon at snot nosed punk needs to tread lightly. If you remember I whipped his ass several times in school and in college. But he's just too stupid to learn, restraining orders mean nothing to him he thinks he's above the law because he's a Dunstan. But a visit by a couple of the outstanding members of the GBI might deter him from being totally ignorant. But as you know there's no hope for his father unless a certain Senator pays an informal visit to him and lays down the ground rules.

You know losing your law license as a firm has a tendency to have a proud economic impact on one. And since he's going to be in court anyhow defending the threat to and innocent unborn child, I think he will pay attention.

Caleb retired to the office and made a few phone calls, an hour later he came back into the living room. Everything is been taking care of, the Z1 security staff has also been alerted with pictures of the two main perpetrators to keep them off of all Z1 property owned.

Tim is just waiting for one of the jerkwadds to show up, the Z1 is big and when you get dumped in the back 40, wild rackknars love fresh meat.

Cartier looked at Caleb; he barely knew him and he was already defending him like he was family from old.

Just let you know mother Monday summons will be hand-delivered for emergency court. Protective orders will be established and parental rights severed. The firm will be handling it and Cartier only needs to give a video deposition which will be administered here at the Z1 tomorrow. You two can stay here the Z1 as long as you need to correction three of you. I almost forgot about Alfred, but from what I can understand him and Jarvis are in the study playing chess.

Gladys had forgotten that Alfred's favorite past time was to play chess, and since it sounded like Jarvis was a fan of chess also the two might strike up a friendship. They could always play chess online, when Alfred returned to the city.

I spoke to Mr. Ben at the main house and he said that Jarvis was showing Alfred around the place, when he showed him the private study Alfred noticed the hand-carved chess set from ancient Earth. Things got quiet, so he went to go check on the two of them not that he was worried about anything he found them in the study playing chess. He quietly backed out of the room and gently closed the doors and hung a do not enter nor disturb sign up on the door.

He alerted Franklin that his grandfather was previously occupied so the responsibilities to the house would be transferred to him until such time that Jarvis was finished.

Franklin was very happy that his grandfather found someone that piqued his interest in the game. He let his father know that Jarvis was previously occupied and might be late for supper. Max was very happy to hear that his father had someone in the house visiting that liked to play chess. Zion would occasionally play when he had the chance, but most of his time was spent practicing on the piano.

This was going to prove to be a long weekend at the Z1.

Coming Soon; The Z1 Ranch P -- 90.

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Next: Chapter 91

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