There Is No Love

By Ryan Westmen

Published on Aug 10, 2011


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Here we go ;)

Mike's P.O.V.:

"Fuck yeah!" Logan was kissing and licking up the length of my eight inch dick, while jacking it very tenderly. I really wanted to explode but he wouldn't let me. I looked down at the blond God slurping at my lap, and an eager smile spread across my face waiting for him to engulf me in his warm mouth. His brown eyes looked up into mine. "Do it," I whispered. I wanted him to take me in his mouth. He chuckled as he lapped up the pre-cum that has oozed out while he was attending to the base of my thick shaft. He started to flutter his tongue around my tip, just under the base of my head. This made me gasp with pleasure, and he repeated the tongue action to my head with a sharp sucking action; every time a little more of my pre leaked out.

"Fuck man; you're driving me crazy," I gasped. He let his left hand run down my thigh, softly pulling on the light hairs there, running his hand back up my body, over my tight six pack, tracing every indent over to my left nipple and gently squeezing. My breath laboring, he pinched with more force and I grabbed his hand and squeezed it in mine, trying to stop the incredible pleasure running through my tight body. "Damn baby," I panted, moving my hand to the back of his neck and grabbing a handful of his thick, sandy blond hair, pushing his mouth down over my dick. He used his right hand to gently bend my dick down, ready to take its full length. His mouth stays tight as I touched my head to the end of his lips. He slowly parted his lips around the thickness of my cock then pushed it back out. He pulled back then opened his mouth wider, then slid back down so just past the head is covered, and he slowly pulled back with a tight seal of his lips and looked up into my face.

"Do it," I growled. His face was flushed and he was smiling widely. He looked back at my throbbing dick and opened his mouth as wide as he could, diving down on my leaking shaft, taking about six inches of my dick in. As his lips tightly closed around my shaft, I thrust my strong hips forwards, sending the last two inches of my dick into the warm recess of his tight throat. I felt my head pushing through his throat muscles making him gag. He quickly recovered and began quickly slurping on my rod. "Oh fuck, oh yeah baby," I'm writhing with pleasure as his tongue worked over every point of my hard dick; his spit made my rod wet; coated it with his essence. He started rubbing his hard dick through his tight shorts. His warm mouth created such intense pleasure that was coursing through my body, travelling through my hard rod carrying around my jock body. My groin started to tighten and my balls drew up tight into my sack, "I'm gonna nut," I said, my body tensed up. This made him slurp on my rod faster, harder; his head retracted then went back down like a piston. Spit drooled down my long shaft coating my trimmed pubes, my hips began pumping in time with his mouth; fuck here it comes.

"Fuck Kai!" I screamed as I coated his tongue and the roof of his mouth in my young jock-jizz. He lunged his head forward and took the entire length of my cock into his mouth savoring my taste, as six large squirts of cum coated his mouth and down into his throat. Two more squirts dribbled out onto his tongue, which was still working its way around my sensitive head.

My eyes closed and my head rolled back. I kept moaning at the end of my orgasmic bliss. Logan was still softly suckling on my deflating cock, enjoying the remnants of my large load. I pulled his head off my dick and sat him in the passenger seat. Still panting I kept my eyes shut recovering from my orgasm. I lolled my head to the side looking over at Logan. He was licking his full lips getting any remaining bits of me as he could.

"Dude what the fuck? You called me Kai!" his voice registered with anger, his eyes narrowing.

"No I didn't! What the fuck dude?" I said panicking; did I really call him Kai? Thinking of Kai brought back all the guilt of what I had done to him. I felt dirty, like I cheated on him again. I zipped my pants up fast and exited the car planning on heading back to school, when I got roughly ripped around by my shoulder to a raging Logan.

"What the hell, I just suck you off and you call me Kai! The little faggot; what the fuck do you care about him anyway? You know I'm like twenty times hotter than him." Logan screamed at me.

His comment just made me snap; no one talks about my Kai like that, especially some cheap ass man- whore!

"Don't talk about him like that again," I growled, stepping in closer to him, staring him dead in the eyes.

"Why, is he your boyfriend?" he scowled.

My eyes flicked away avoiding his glare.

"NO WAY! He's your boyfriend? The big jock and the little queer are banging!"

"Says the guy that just sucked me off in the car," I snarled with a small smirk playing across my face.

"You know what? Fuck you and fuck your boyfriend!" he shouted turning and storming away.

Each time he said boyfriend I felt a pang of jealousy and remorse for what I had done. If only I told him what I was feeling, he would probably be my boyfriend; MINE. Not some moron that cheated on him with every guy he met! I could have held him and been with him all this time; instead I fucked that up and made him hate me instead. ARGH! What the fuck is wrong with me? I have to set this right; I have to tell him how I feel. Fuck, I need him.

Kai`s P.O.V.:

Well lunch went well, considering how I thought it would play out. Rachel and I have moved to a new level of our friendship; after our kiss we ended up talking the rest of lunch about my fucked up life. She even went so far as to ask if she could go and bash the fuck out of Mike. If only she would, but I couldn't just let her hurt him. As much as he hurt me, I still care for him. I mean we were best friends for a long time, but every time I see him or hear his voice, it just brings up all the pain he brought me, the unbearable weight of my naivety. I never even thought Aaron would cheat on me; hell I never thought Mike would do something that would hurt me so much. My friendship with Mike was loyal; I always helped him, took care of him when he was hurt, gave him advice on girls when he asked. I even watched all his games just to support my 'friend', and what does he do? He goes behind my back plowing my boyfriend. And Aaron, God just the thought of him makes me want to vomit, he agreed and did it with Mike.

They're both as bad as each other but I would have thought Mike cared about me more than that. Our friendship meant nothing to him, nothing at all; he had no guilt, no regret for doing what he did, he just kept doing it. What did he honestly think would happen if I found out? That I wouldn't care and just ignore the fact? Ignore the fact that my best friend was sleeping with my love? Or did he think I would join them and have like a three-way relationship with them?

What the fuck Mike?

"Hey, you zoned out again; are you sure you're okay?" Rachel's concern was playing across her words.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I was just thinking about what I did wrong to end up like... well like this," I said looking down at my tear-soaked shirt. The tears showed the pain that had been held inside; my never ending pain from my broken heart.

"Look I know you're hurting, but now that I have thought about it, have you ever given Mike a chance to explain? I mean there are millions of reasons why he might have done what he did, but have you heard his explanation?"

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I roared. "What is there to know? He fucked my boyfriend! I don't need to know anything else." My eyes were seething with rage; who is this bitch asking if I did the right thing? What would she do? Just forget it ever happened? I was in love with Aaron and loved Mike like a brother and she just expects me to forgive them and just be like, `oh you two fucked? Yeah, that's cool; was it good?' Who is she kidding?

"I'm just saying; have you heard his side of the story?" she asked, her concern written all over her eyes. She knows she crossed the line here.


"Let's get to class," I snapped, standing quickly from where I was lying.

"Nope, we're wagging."

"We're what?" I asked confused. What the hell!

"We're skipping class; not going, you get me? Is there a mall or something close?" she asked with hopeful eyes. "Come on."

She grasped my hand and pulled me toward the gate. Shit! What if we get caught? We will be so screwed. We were briskly walking towards the car park to exit the school when we saw Mike walking in. Fuck.

"Where are you going?" he asked not looking at me. I glared at him, snatching my hand back from Rachel. I turned to walk back into school, when Rachel began to speak.

"We're going to the mall; how about you join us, or are you too busy?" What the fuck Rachel? How could you just invite him, after all I just told you about him and what he did to me? I glared at him, hoping he got the hint to leave me alone and never speak to me again.

"Okay," he turned back towards the car park and began his exit. No, NO! He can't come!

"Come on Kai, besides now you can talk." Rachel whispered quickly walking up next to Mike, striking up a conversation.

Fifteen minutes later with me constantly glaring at that motherfucker and that bitch, we arrived at the mall. This is such a bad idea! I should have just turned around when I had the chance, now I'm stuck with HIM.

"Hey, I'm hungry. If you didn't notice, I didn't get to eat my lunch because of that blonde slut." Rachel barked with a wicked smile. Okay, not so pissed at her now. The food court had a variety of shops, from cafe's to sushi bars to SUBWAY! Where there is a Subway, there are Subway COOKIES! Yum. We ordered our subs and went to sit down at a table, away from most of the other people. We didn't want them noticing we weren't in school. Just as I sat down and Mike sat across from me, Rachel kindly announced "I gotta go to the restroom." I glared at her; how could she leave me alone with him? Out of everyone, I would rather live with Ellie than sit here for five minutes with him. Why me? Why do I need to be cursed?

I never did anything wrong; I was always the kind boy. As she walked off I just stared down at the white table, silently eating my sub. Could this get any more awkward?

Mike's P.O.V.:

`Now's your chance; talk to him. Fuck why was it so hard? He's sitting across the table within arm's reach. He looks so gorgeous; my own personal angel sent from heaven that I screwed over. Now do it!' I opened my mouth to speak but the words caught in my throat. No way was anything coming out anytime soon, but Rachel will be back soon, so now, NOW GOD DAMIT!

I took a long, slow breath, okay go, "Kai..." he just glared at the table harder, like he was trying to drill a hole in it; well it's a start. "Look, I need to ex..." he cut me off mid-sentence with a death stare like none I had ever seen.

"Mike, there is nothing to explain; obviously I didn't mean as much to you as I thought," he shot at me the venom piercing my heart; if only he knew how much I actually do care.

"No, I need to," sternly my voice cracked at the end, his eyes softened when he heard it. Now is the only chance I will get to talk. "I fucked up big time, like the biggest fuck up of my life! I'm sorry, that probably means nothing to you right now, but I really am. I never wanted to hurt you; you're my best friend and I... I lo"

"NO! No, you don't get to apologize; there is no way you can try to apologize; you ruined my whole life," his voice rose to just under a shout.

"Kai, calm down," I whispered.

"No, I will not fucking calm down! You can't say or do anything to make me feel better, you can't take away the hurt, the pain of having your heart not only broken, but ripped out of your fucking chest. You can't even explain why you did it. Do you hate me? Are you just horny, no girls putting out? Or maybe you're gay? You're gay, so you think you can just walk around like the king of fucking England and steal people's boyfriends; the loves of their lives. I loved Aaron. I still cry every night, thinking about the pain you caused me. You, every time I just picture that fucking video you two made; why the fuck did you do that?" Tears started spilling from his beautiful emerald eyes. How could I hurt him so much? I had no idea it was this bad; none. I really fucked him over. My poor baby, I'm such a fucking screw up. Tears started to slide down my cheeks, my poor Kai.

"No, you can't even cry for what you did, you obviously don't feel anything or you wouldn't have done it! I hate you!" he screamed at me, silver tears cascading down his face. I rushed around the other side and just grabbed him, and hugged him tight to my strong chest. He tried to fight his way out but I just held tighter. I can't let him go, not now. I know how much I hurt him. I won't let him go again.

"Shhhh... Shhhh... It's okay," I cooed in his ear, he buried his face in my chest, his tears wetting my shirt, soaking through onto my chest. His tears were warm against my cold body. I can't believe I hurt him so bad. "Let me go," he crowed. "I said LET ME GO!" he screamed pushing me away. My face jumped with shock, his words cut deep. He didn't want me, his eyes said everything; his pain was playing across his emerald eyes "Fuck..." he growled as he walked away from the food court, and away from me. I realized then how much I actually fucked up. He left and right then I knew he wouldn't come back.

Tyler's P.O.V.:

Okay, so it's period five and where the fuck is Kai? I miss him already. I have never admitted this to anyone, barely even to myself but, but... I love Kai. I really do. I love his perfect smile. I love his soft brown hair, his little four pack, his laugh; oh God his laugh; he hasn't laughed in awhile, but when he does it's like the whole word lights up and laughs along with him. I can't believe how I feel about him; I mean, I have had girlfriends before, but nothing compares to the feelings I get when I'm with Kai. He gives me goose bumps when he smiles; he makes my heart rate increase tenfold. When he goes all awkward in situations, I get all giddy and laugh, and when he blushes, OH MAN when he blushes, I pop an instant hard on, which makes me blush with him.

But where is he? It's not like him to just skip out on class. Come to think of it, where is that new Rachel chick? She should be here, unless, no it can't be? Unless they are really dating and have actually gone to have some alone time, but no, Kai wouldn't do that, would he? I mean he isn't over Aaron yet. That's why I haven't made a move on him yet. He's still not over Aaron; it would be unfair to put him in that situation and if he rejected me, I wouldn't know what to do. I'll just have to wait a bit longer, hide my love for him just a little harder, and when the time is right, I know he will be mine. Kai will be my baby, and no one else will ever hurt him again.

Authors note: you like? ;)

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Peace out: P

Next: Chapter 4

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