They Say

By moc.loa@efilrofsnevaeH

Published on Dec 11, 2005


Standard disclaimer Contains depictions of gay sex** if you are underage or offended by this content, please leave.**

They say that everyone has their fair share of situations that cause an increasing amount of stress. They say, that when faced with these situations, the key is to take a break to evaluate the things that make you happy.

Zach- "Hey baby," Chris said in a morning raspy voice, turning to face me as we lay next to each other on the bed.

"I could get used to this," I said looking him straight in the eye.

"Me too," he said. He was so sexy in the morning. His usual stubble had multiplied and was now short morning fuzz that made him look even sexier, if possible.

"You were amazing," he said, putting his arm around me.

"What do you know? I'm all you've got to go by."

"And if you are all I have to go by, then all I have to go by is amazing." He kissed me. It was deep and passionate and lasted for several minutes. I felt his morning wood creep up against mine and before I knew it, he was grinding his hips into me.

"This is the best way to wake up," he said, pulling away and sitting up.

"Where are you going?"

"To take a shower," he said, walking toward the door. "And if you're smart, you'll join me." I watched him walk out of the room in nothing on, shaking his sexy ass for me. I felt it again, the same thing I had felt the night before. I was sure I was in love.

Charles- Before I go into how overjoyed I was that I would be "stalling" Brooklyn on Jesse's behalf tonight, let me start by telling you what my original plan was. When I convinced Matt to come and surprise Jesse, I wanted Jesse to confess to me that he had to break his date with Brooklyn, tell me as much as his cute little lips could tell about his new fling, and I would spend the night in search of Brooklyn to 'console' him about getting stood up and have a repeat of what we did my first day here.

My new, revolutionized plan was fool proof however, with not a single kink in it. Now, I would definitely spend time with Brooklyn while Jesse went out on his date. Brooklyn and I would have our fun and this time, I wouldn't let him leave without getting his number first.

"Are you sure you can do this for me. I mean, you don't have any plans?" Jesse asked that afternoon, getting ready for Matt's visit.

"I'm positive. I mean, I am wasting a Saturday night on your little boyfriend, but I'm sure I'll survive."

Suddenly, Zach walked into the apartment with an incredible smile on his face and a daze over his eyes. I looked at my clock and realized that I hadn't, in fact, seen Zach all morning. He must have just been getting back from his date last night.

"Look at you," Jesse goaded.

"Drop it," he said, sending us both a non-threatening glare with his overly happy grin.

"What happened to you last night?" I asked as he plopped down on the couch I had been sitting on. He leaned over, putting his head in my lap and looking straight up at me.

"Lets just say, someone got lucky last night."

Cat calls and blushing ensued as Jesse and I congratulated the blond tart on his first major college score. Jesse came and joined us on the couch for the usual third degree guys give each other after a wild night out.

"Grad student, sexy as hell. He had the kind of abs people would kill for," he explained to us. "And the best part was, I was the first guy he had ever had sex with."

"What?" I said in disbelief.

"Yeah," he said. "He told me. He was like, I've never done this sort of thing with a guy before."

"He was lying," Jesse said before I had the chance.

"What are you talking about?" the poor naive kid said, looking at Jesse and me both.

"He was lying," I echoed. "It was a line to get you into bed."

"I really don't think it was a line."

"Was he incredible last night?"

"Yeah," Zach said nervously.

"Did he have lube and condoms in his apartment, ready for ya'll to use?" I asked.


"Did he know exactly were to touch you, exactly how to kiss you and exactly to make you feel amazing," I asked.

"Yes," the kid said nervously.

"He lied," Jesse and I said, both at the same time.

"I don't believe you," Zach said standing up to walk over to the kitchen.

"Think about it, dude. Guys that are as hot as you mentioned don't go through college wishing they could but never doing it. He's had sex, at least experimented with guys before and he was just telling you he hadn't to loosen you up and ease the tension. He just wanted to get in your pants," I added, teasing him.

"And it worked," Jesse said, laughing.

"You guys shut the fuck up. Chris is not lying to me, and he is not some man slut around campus. He told me he had only dated girls since he saw me at the library and noticed me checking him out," he replied defensively.

"And you honestly believe that you were the first guy he's ever noticed checking him out?" Jesse asked. "With his abs that people would kill for?"

"Ya'll are stupid," he said, heading for his room.

Jesse and I turned to each other and then looked back at Zach as he slammed the door to his room.

"He lied," we said at the same time before collapsing into a fit of laughter on the couch.

Zach- He lied, was all I thought as I lay in my bed thinking about Chris and me. I really liked him, but was he really lying to me? Like seriously, who says that to someone just to get them in bed. I was in the middle of rationalizing why he would tell me that if it wasn't true when my phone rang.

"Hey babe," Chris said in his sexy voice.

"Hey," I said.

"What's the matter?" he asked, detecting something strange in my voice.

"Nothing," I said quickly. "I've just been thinking about some stuff."

"Like what?"

"Nothing, its not important."

"Are you sure?" he asked, getting a little confused. I'm sure my mixed signals were sending him for a whirl- just hours ago I was floating on clouds giggling and hanging on to every word he said. Now I was so distant, he could have been talking to a telemarketer stationed in India.

"I'm fine Chris, what's up?"

"Nothing, I was just calling to see how you were doing," he said sexily. "I miss you."

"I miss you too," I faked.

"I was thinking, maybe we could catch some dinner in the city when I get off work tonight and then get a romantic hotel room and spend the night."

I thought about it for a second before answering, "I'd better take a rain check. I have some things I need to take care of tonight and class in the morning." The classic blow-off.

"Cool, we'll do it next weekend or something."

"Awesome," I said less than enthusiastically.

"So I'd better let you go, dude. I'll talk to you later," he said quickly.

"Bye," I said, hanging up the phone and returning to my melodramatic rationalizing.

Denton- As hard as I tried lying there in Glass' bed, I could not remember what had gone down the night before. I remember sleeping with Glass before getting dressed really quickly and heading downstairs for the party at the Brotherhood's. Then I remember the girls coming in and Glass and I claiming a pair and riding over to the frat house. I remember going in and having a few drinks, being the stares of the show with all eyes on us as we flaunted the Brotherhood's own girlfriends in front of them. I remember dancing and flirting and going up a flight of steps with a bunch of people. I remember lying down and passing out and sirens somewhere off in the distance and nothing else.

The night was a mess was my final conclusion. A complete, total mess. I sat there staring at the ceiling wondering what I was doing here and what I had done last night.

"What are you thinking about?" Glass asked. He must have been observing me for a while, but I didn't notice because his question shook me up a little.

"Huh? Oh, nothing."

"You were wild last night man," he said walking over to the bed and lying down next to me. He was propped up on one elbow facing me, raised a little over my body with his legs crossed over mine.

"Was I?" I asked, trying to be playful.

"Yeah," he began. He was rubbing his palm under my shirt. "You were one sexy fucker," he whispered quietly. I gasped at the feeling of his hand over my nipple.

"Thanks," I said.

"Don't thank me. I should be thanking you. You gave the entire campus quite a show yesterday. You had everyone at the party drooling over you. I was one proud big last night."

"Yeah, I guess I did," I stammered, faking remembering what had happened. He continued to play with my nipples as he spoke, breathing softly onto my face.

"I think I lucked out with my little this year," he said lowering his face over mine. He shifted his body weight so that he was on top of me, still resting on his elbows but lying over the length of my body. We kissed for a minute before I pushed him back and blurted out, without thinking "What are we doing here?"

He looked at me questioningly. "What are you talking about?"

"What kind of arrangement is this?"

He sat up, back to the propped elbow over me position.

"What are you talking about Denton?" he asked sternly.

"Nevermind," I said retreating, wishing I hadn't said anything. "Forget I even said anything."

"Unfortunately that's impossible."

There was silence. Glass sat looking at me with his penetrating eye before breaking it.

"Are you not satisfied?"

"Its not that," I stammered nervously.

"Then what, Denton. Talk to me, that's why I'm here," he added, toning it down to a calm level.

"Its just, I was wondering. Do the other littles do this sorta with their bigs?"

He looked at me without saying anything for a second. When he finally spoke, his voice was low and clear with the kind of power that penetrated you, just like his eyes.

"Listen to me Denton, because I am the only one who would ever tell you this, and I'm only gonna say it this once. You think I've only known you for a week, don't you?" It was one of those rhetorical questions you aren't supposed to answer. "The truth is, I know everything there is to know about you. Before you were even admitted to this university, I knew your shoe size, your family history, your hospital record and all about the little tiff you had with the law when you were a sophomore." He was scaring me a little, but I continued to look him straight in the eye. "We did our research Denton James Ryan, and I knew more about you than you cared to know about yourself when you came to this school. It was no accident that you and I ended up being big and little, that we are sitting here sharing a bed." Once again, he had raised his voice to a higher level and was now bringing it back in, drawing me into what he was saying with not only his gaze but with his words as well. "So with that said, you need to understand something. I care about you more than you could ever imagine. I have your best interest in mind, and I would do nothing to put you in any kind of danger. The guys that don't survive in this frat, or in life Denton, are the guys that are constantly questioning things. Do you understand me?"

I didn't say anything, just looking straight up at him. I couldn't believe what he was saying. I wasn't supposed to question anything that went on in the Tribe, at all. I was supposed to roll with it all, no matter what, and not have an opinion or concern in the world. I stared straight in his eyes, nervous and scared, not knowing what to think.

"Do you understand me Denton?" he repeated, stressing with his voice what the answer was.

"Yeah," I said.

"Good," he said, climbing out of bed. "Let's go get some lunch."

Jesse- I sat, dressed for my date with both Matty and Brooklyn tonight, thinking how I could make this work. I mean, I knew I could make this work tonight, but what about the long run. Should I tell Matt about Brooklyn and see what he thinks? Should I tell Brooklyn I have a steady back home and see what he thinks? Should I not tell anyone anything and go by what I think? What do I think?

The questions were endless and the answers were scarce.

"So tell me about this Brooklyn guy I'll be babysitting tonight," Charles said scaring me from behind. I was so lost in my thoughts I hadn't noticed him enter, dressed in a different, very sexy outfit. His jeans were so low, if they were any lower his trimmed bush would be in clear view. They sat right on his ass, tight as nothing I had ever seen before, leaving very little to the imagination. If his jeans were revealing, then his shirt was in a league of its own, showing off every defined muscle in his chest, back and stomach. I swear I caught some drool dripping from my mouth as I watched him sit next to me.

"He's, umm, incredible," I barely stammered.

"Incredible like how?"

"Well, he's sexy for one. But he's really smart. He's a teacher's assistant," I explained.

"Cool," he answered nonchalantly. "Why are you doing this?" he added.

"What?" I said turning away from his gaze.

"This. Why not cancel your date with Brooklyn. You barely even know him," he said sounding sincere.

"I know that, but there might be a future with Brooklyn," I said quickly, trying to convince myself as well.

"And a past with Matt," he added just as quickly.

"The thing is," I started. "I can't let go of a future with Brooklyn based on something I had- something I might not have anymore. And I cannot give up on Matt just because I found someone I could possibly see myself with."

"So tonight is like a test run?"

"Something like that. More like a compare and contrast."

"Then you'll pick one?"

"Maybe," I said softly.

I was thankful I didn't have to hear what he had to say next because there was a knock on the door, indicating that Matt was here to pick me up.

Charles- Matt wasn't bad. I would have been doing badly in math class too if I had a teacher like that to stare at all day. It was no wonder Jesse didn't want to let him go. As soon as he walked in and introduced himself, I was a little bit sprung. He was older, you could tell in his face, but his body was as lean and trim as any twenty year old I'd ever fucked around with. He had a nice smile too, one that brought you in when he talked.

As they were leaving, I saw that they had chemistry. Matt was all over Jesse, but not in a sexual, hit-the-hay kind of way, but in a loving tender kind of way. It was kind of cool.

They said bye, leaving me sitting there waiting for Brooklyn to come up. I looked at the clock and realized I had about an hour to kill, so I started watching TV when Zach came out and joined me. I hadn't seen him since Jesse and I had told him his boyfriend was a fake.

"Hey, dude," he said.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked.

"Not much."

"You sound like there's something up. What's the matter?" he really did sound like something was bothering him. He was probably having problems with the guy he went out with last night.

"It's nothing," he said shortly, making think that was the end of what he had to say. Before I could even go back to concentrating on the show that was on, he started up again. "It's just that you think you know people, and then BAM, you figure something out and you realize you don't know them all that much. I mean, how hard is it to say 'yes, I've had sex before,' instead of lying to my face like I'm some kind of idiot that's going to believe you."

"Actually," I cut in, "you did kind of believe him, so you are kind of an idiot."

"Not helping Charley."


"So then I think to myself," he went on like he hadn't even been interrupted, "what else is he lying about? Is he married? Maybe he's not even gay. Maybe he has an STD or something."

"Calm down," I said growing very bored and tired of his rant.

"I don't know what to do Charles. Any suggestions?" he said looking right at me.

"Dump him."

"I can't do that," he said pathetically.


"I like him."

"So," I replied, "Ask him about it. It wouldn't hurt to find out why he would lie to you, even though I already told you the reason. Who knows, you might actually be his first guy," I said. "Even though I doubt it," I added for effect.

"Ok, so I'll ask him about it," he said like a light bulb had just gone off in his head with some novel idea.

"Ok. Maybe you should do it now. I have a date coming," I said. I might have sounded rude and dismissive, but I couldn't help it. Believe it or not, I was nervous about seeing Brooklyn. What if he didn't remember me or us messing around that day in the sauna? What if he didn't want to do anything cuz he was rapped around Jesse?

"Yeah, yeah. I'll go down to the library before he has to close and see if he's working," he said although I was barely even listening.

I heard him rummage around his room for a few minutes before disappearing out the front door to head down to the library.

Zach- It was a perfect plan. I'd go ask him what the deal was and find out once and for all.

The whole walk there I was thinking, what if he says it was just a line and it had worked- what would I do then? I couldn't just not see him anymore because of that. Then again, I couldn't keep seeing him knowing all he wanted in the firs place was sex. So I was at a Catch 22. And what if he was to get offended by my confronting him? What if he got mad and didn't want to see me anymore?

I finally got to the library and asked the front desk if Chris was working. The lady told me he was stocking books on the second floor so I walked up the stairs to find him.

I walked up behind him as he was reaching up to put a book on the top shelf, a sight that made me wonder how I could be mad at such a sexy figure. His curly hair was pulled back in a short ponytail, no longer framing his face, instead showing off how sexy it was.

"Why don't you take a picture; they last longer," he said turning and facing me with a wide smile.

"I didn't realize you had seen me," I said quietly. We were in a library, right?

"You're kind of hard to miss," he said, leaning in to kiss me quickly. "Especially when you look so damn good."

I couldn't help but smile, but then quickly remembered to be upset because that is what I had come here for.

"So, what's up?" he asked going back to his re-shelving duties.

"I kind of need to talk to you," I said. He wasn't looking at me, making the whole thing a lot easier. "Did you lie to me?"

"About what?"

"About the whole 'never been with a guy' thing?"

"What are you talking about?" he asked, stopping and looking at me.

"I was just," I started. "God this embarrassing." He looked confused and upset and sexy all rapped up in one. "It's because," I continued, "My roommates and I were talking, about us, and they are under the impression that maybe what you said was a line."

He didn't respond at first. He just looked at me with his intense eyes. Maybe I'd made a mistake. Maybe I was being stupid and childish and I was trying to find something wrong with him because he was too perfect.

He finally moved, letting out a little smile and walking towards me. "A line? You're roommates said what I told you was a line?"

"Yeah," I said quietly, a little embarrassed that I had even brought it up.

"Well I'm flattered that you talk about me with your roommates. That's always a good sign," he said. "A line for what, though?" he asked, inching closer to me.

"A line to get me into bed with you. You know," I said. His face was close to mine and with his hair pulled back, I noticed just how handsome a face it was. His eyes were dead set on mine and didn't even notice him blink as he leaned in to kiss me. I was putty in his hands for the next few seconds our kiss lasted. He could have told me anything after that and I would have believed him.

When he finally pulled back, after what had seemed like hours, he simply smiled at me and whispered "We're in a library, so we really shouldn't talk." With that, he went right back to making me melt with his mouth on mine.

Denton- The rest of the day was spent hanging out with Glass and getting to know more people from the Tribe. The guys didn't have anything planned for us for that evening, so I decided to spend some alone time shopping. Glass gladly let me borrow his car to run into town when I promised to by him something expensive and so I got his keys and drove off, leaving the campus behind me.

Driving down the highway towards the city was a therapeutic feeling. It gave me a chance to think and put things together.

What I had with the Tribe was an incredible opportunity. It meant an easy rode and job opportunities anywhere I went. Everyone around campus, even teachers, treated me differently when I was dressed like the other guys in the Tribe.

Yet, I felt somewhat trapped. I mean, the clothes I could deal with. The planning things for me wasn't such a bad thing. But when Glass said that the guys that got in trouble were the guys that questioned things, I wondering just what I had given up to be in the Tribe. Would I never have the chance to think for myself ever again?

The thoughts raced through my mind as I raced through the city, leaving it behind for a wide, open Texas highway. I must have been going pretty fast and stuck in my own world, because the police lights gave me a jolt when they appeared behind me. I slowed down and pulled over next to an open field, realizing the highway had shifted into a somewhat deserted road. I hadn't even seen the cop when he pulled me over, or that many other cars for that matter. I looked for Glass' insurance in his glove compartment and had it ready when the officer knocked on my window.

"Good afternoon officer," I said politely. I noticed myself checking the cop out, something I didn't usually do with guys. He was tall and built on a skinny frame. His muscles added his only body mass with not an ounce of fat to be found. His face was hard and stern and eyes were covered behind some cliché looking shades.

"Good afternoon. License and registration please?" I handed him my license and Glass' insurance.

"This isn't your car?" he asked.

"No sir," I replied. "A friend of mine let me borrow it to run some errands."

"Where are you headed this evening?" he asked me, checking out the papers I had given him and making small talk.

"No where in particular," I said. "I'm just taking a break from the campus."

"Aw, I see. It says here that this car is licensed to a member of the Tribe?" he said.

"Yes, sir." I didn't know what to say.

"Are you a member?"

"Yes," I managed to say nervously.

"Sir, please step out of the car," he instructed.

"Excuse me?" I was startled. He pulled the door open for me and motioned me out of the car. I guess the magic powers of the Tribe were lost out here in the city outskirts.

"Turn around and put your hands on the roof of the car." I did that. I felt him pull his body up close to me, searching my upper body with his strong hands, lingering for an extra second on every part of my torso. He put his leg through mine, separating them.

"Do you have any idea how fast you were driving?" he asked as he moved his hands down to my waste. "You were doing 110 in a 65 zone, son," he sad from below me, feeling between my legs. He continued to talk. "Those are dangerous speeds to be taking out here, especially for a young man like yourself," he said, standing back up and leaning unprofessionally close to me. He leaned his head to my ear and whispered, "I wouldn't want anything to happen to a fellow member of the tribe." Before I could even process what he had said, he had one hand on my ass and his other rapped around me on my dick. He blew his warm breath into my ear and let out a soft moan. He ground me against the car somewhat roughly, making me feel what I had previously thought was his gun push up against my ass through my jeans. Even if I wanted to protest, it would have been futile because his strong arms were rapped around me and his hard body was pushing me hard against the car. I didn't even utter a word, simply losing myself in his strong embrace.

He ground his cock harder and harder into my as he blew in my ear and moaned softly. "How does it feel to be in the Tribe?" he asked softly, roaming my body with his hands.

"It feels great right about now," I managed to escape between breaths. I was lost in what this hunk was doing to me. I felt his hands stop moving up and down my body and I turned my head to see him taking his button down uniform shirt off. What I saw under was nothing short of incredible. His pecs were massively built and hard and I had no idea anyone could be so sexy. His smooth, hairless skin glistened in the afternoon sunlight. A light layer of sweat made him look sexy enough to eat, and that's exactly what I did. I turned my whole body around and went to town on his nipples, soliciting a new wave of moans from the officer. I bit gently on each one before moving to the next. Eventually, I made my way down to his stomach, licking the sweat off his hard abs and tasting every inch of him. He pushed my head down further, until I was on my knees before him, facing his hard cock confined by the tight material of his uniform pants.

His massive hard on was clearly outlined in his tight pants, with the wet spot clearly pointing out were his head was leaking precum. I undid his belt with trembling fingers and lowered his pants below his knees, freeing his cock as it sprang up, hitting his hard stomach. The monster was huge, leaning slightly up towards his body. His head was huge, cut, and glowing with precum. I opened wide and gently tried to capture the entire thing in my mouth. The cop moaned loudly in appreciation, gently pumping in and out of my mouth. He continued to pick up speed, fucking my mouth with his incredibly hot cock. I felt his body tense up near me and I doubled my effort to make this officer cum. He continued thrusting his hip, forcing my head deeper onto his man meat. He was begging for it, asking me to deep throat him over and over.

"I'm about to cum... ohhhh... oh yeah, kid... suck my cum... eat my cum..."

And that's exactly what I did. Spurt after spurt filled my mouth with his salty sweet cum, some dribbling down the side of my mouth. It felt incredible. I stood up and with no hesitation he kissed me again, digging for the remains of his seed in my mouth. He was spent as he collapsed against the car on top of me. We continued to kiss as I, pinned to the car, roamed his back with my hands. I caressed the soft skin of his back and made my way down the muscles. I felt him up and down, stopping to scope out the firm smoothness of his ass. As I gently rubbed his globes, I felt a moan escape his mouth into mine. My hard cock was pressed hard against his hardening cock.

With his continued encouragement, I slipped a finger between his cheeks and searched for his hole. He continued to writhe in my touch as I worked his ass up and down with my finger for a few minutes. I finally found the magic spot and my finger slipped right in. He backed out of my mouth and smiled down at me before backing away and moving, so he was leaning against the car with his ass wide open. I gave him a quizzical look. I couldn't believe this amazing hunk with the perfect body was offering his ass for me to fuck. He smiled at me, wiggled his juicy ass a little, indicating it was ready for me. I smiled back, without saying a word, and walked over to my waiting prize.

I knelt down and gave his ass an incredible tongue dance. He was shifting and moaning above me as I, on my knees, opened him up and got him ready for an expert fuck.

Before long he was begging me to fuck his ass, he wanted my cock so bad. I stood up and gently but firmly inserted my cock deep into his ass, leaving it there for a minute to stretch him out. He tilted his head back, lost in bliss as I moved out and thrust my cock right back in, sending another shot of pleasure down his spine. His body seemed possessed as he wiggled under me. I continued to move in and out ever so slowly, savoring the motion and hitting his spot every time.

"Oh, yeah, babe. Fuck me babe... fuck this horny officer," he said, encouraging me to pick up the pace. I started pounding it to him faster and faster, once again losing myself. The view from behind him was just as magnificent as the view from the front, with every muscle on his back working as his ass met my cock with every thrust. He was horny for my cock to go deeper into his ass as I gave to him.

"Harder, babe. Give it to me harder. O yeah... o fuck... make me cum again," he screamed at me. He turned his head, revealing that his face was red and had a thin layer of sweat dripping down. I was taking this cop for a workout. My own sweat was causing my chest to slip with the motion of his back, producing an entire body fucking experience. I didn't want the thing to end, but I felt my balls pull up close to my body. I wanted him so fucking bad.

"I'm gonna cum. This is the best ass I've ever fucked... o yeah," I announced. He turned his head and kissed me, sending me over the edge and shooting deep into his ass. I felt his own body tense and noticing his hands were both pressed firmly on the cum, realized I had made this amazingly hot cop cum without him even touching his cock.

"O fuck, that was amazing," he said a few minutes later, getting dressed.

"Yeah it was officer," I said climbing back into my car. "Think we could see each other again?"

"Definitely," he said, pulling out a card from his wallet. "Call me anytime on this number and ask for Officer Black, Adam Black."

I drove back to the campus on a different high; ready to take anything the tribe could give me.

They say that when faced with an increasingly stressful situation, its important to evaluate the things that we enjoy, the things that make us happy and those things that give us pleasure.

Next: Chapter 10

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