Three Pairs of Feet

By Zay de Parco

Published on Jul 6, 2023



First, Nifty stories are for adults 18 and older. (No minors allowed!) Next, all my characters are fictitious, and any resemblances to real people are totally coincidental. Finally, please donate to help keep the Nifty archive running! :)


I'm stuck at my sister's wedding, feeling bored with no one to talk to. I mean, yeah, it's nice that she's happy, but we've never been close, especially since she's quite a few years older than me. It's hard being young and treated like a kid. Adults never take my words seriously, and they barely acknowledge my existence.

To be fair, I'm no one special, just a heavily freckled ginger named Cody who stands out everywhere I go. It'd be awesome if I could have more freedom, even though I get whatever I want by living the life of a spoiled rich boy. I try not to be one, though! With more freedom, I could find someone special to hang out with instead of one who has to meet my family's approval. Then, I'd never have to be dragged into lavish family events again, like big birthday parties and even bigger weddings. I'd just spend all my time with someone special.

I'm going to the bathroom again. I go every few minutes to think about stuff, and given some of the questionable food being served, it could be plausible for me to appear like I have a bad case of diarrhea. I don't!

Sometimes, I play with myself because it feels good. It's become a thing now. It's still scary to think I can easily get a girl pregnant. Yikes! But...I'm kind of gay, anyway. I think? If that's the case, then I'm probably safe. Well, other than catching something gross in this scary world. Wait, that's not any better! Will it be even scarier when I start college someday?

As I'm heading to a stall like a quiet cat, I see two pairs of feet, their dress pants down to their ankles. What's going on? Why are they facing each other? Why are they breathing so hard like they're out of breath? And why am I getting an erection over this? I don't even know what's going on! Is it something naughty, or am I just dirty for thinking stuff?

"That was awesome," says the one nearest to the stall door, a nice and soft voice that's still masculine. He sounds like my age, probably in high school, too.

"Fuck yeah, it was," says the one by the toilet, a nice and deeper voice, more butch. He sounds like he's in high school as well.

"So, wanna talk to that cute dork or not? Because I'm all for a third."

Who and what are they talking about?

"But he's sitting alone like he's bored," Toilet Boy says. "That doesn't mean he'll be interested."

My eyes bulge. Whoa, is it me? I've scoped the entire hall plenty of times and found no other "dork" sitting alone, just me. But...a third? Do they want to be friends? Wow, I could use some new friends! And they think I'm cute? Does that mean they're...?

"Tony, come on," Door Boy says. "You really think he'll reject us? He's a nerdy-looking dork who's probably desperate for some action in his life."

Huh? How do they know I'm desperate to make friends? Is it obvious? Then again, my life is pretty dull and boring, so I could definitely use some action, as long as it's not drama or anything crazy like skydiving. Maybe we can go see a movie or even hang out at an amusement park? Lots of action there!

"Yeah, good point," Tony says. "So, what do you think, Donovan? Should we ask him if he wants to hang out? Be nice if he could join us in here, to be honest."

Wow, wow, wow! I can't believe my ears!

Donovan chuckles. "Like that'll ever happen. There's no fucking way he's bold enough to join us for a hot spit roast."

A hot spit roast? Oooh, like a barbecue? Why would I have to be bold for that? I mean, I'm not sure I'd eat much from a roasted pig, but if it means making new friends, I'll definitely go to their barbecue. Maybe it'll be fun!

"Yeah, you're probably right," Tony says with a chuckle. "Anyway, let's get the fuck out of here before we get caught."

"Yeah, we've been risky enough."

I freeze, my heart racing from all this. I'm half tempted to run away, but I suddenly want to meet them. What do I do! Ugh, socializing sucks! It's so hard!

Donovan and Tony quickly pull their pants back up and open the stall door. We just stand here like silent idiots, but their red faces express reasonable shock. It's probably because they want me to join their friendship but didn't expect me to be eavesdropping.

Welp. If this isn't totally awkward, then I don't know what is.

Donovan forms a weak smile. "Were you actually listening the whole time?"

Tony makes a similar expression. "We weren't, you know, doing what you're probably thinking."

I may not know much about sex, since I'm a total virgin who's never even been kissed, but I don't think I'm that stupid. These guys did stuff in there. I don't know what exactly, but they did. Right?

They're very cute, though. They're also skinny like me, except tall and probably toned underneath all those formal clothes. Donovan is a blue-eyed blond with a surfer tan, and Tony is a brown-eyed brunet with olive skin. I never think about girls like this, much less feel anything remotely similar. Maybe I really am gay?

Now, feeling bolder than ever, I attempt a little smile, albeit a shy one. I don't want them to feel like they're in trouble for doing what they probably shouldn't be doing. I won't tell!

"Hi, guys! Can I be your third?" My heart races with hope. Also, why does my voice keep going higher with every so many words when it's normally a little deeper? I hate that!

Both boys look at each other like they can't believe what I just said. Then, they smile and nod, silently telling me that my social life is about to change for the better. I know it because I'm giddy all of a sudden, and I've never felt this way in my life.

They step closer, and each wraps an arm around my shoulders, hunching over to meet me eye to eye. Being much shorter and in the middle is kind of getting intimidating. They may be skinny, but they still look tough and strong enough to beat me up.

I nervously swallow. "I'm sorry if I heard everything." Well, technically, not every single thing because they'd already started when I walked into the bathroom.

Donovan chuckles, his shock seemingly waning. "It's okay, buddy. So, what's your name?

Tony smirks. "Yeah, we don't want to keep calling you Cute Dork."

Another nervous swallow, my heart racing faster. Why is the atmosphere suddenly uncomfortable? "Cody."

"Ah, Cody, huh?" Why is Donovan sporting a weird look with narrowed eyes and a little smirk? Is he drunk? But I don't smell alcohol in his minty breath.

Tony sports the same look. "I bet you're a thirsty little fucker, aren't you?"

"Oh, I bet he is." Donovan winks.

I manage a shy smile, feeling more awkward than ever. "I'm actually not. I drank a lot of punch earlier, so I'm not thirsty right now. Maybe later?"

Both boys exchange blank looks, but as soon as the door flies open, they immediately separate themselves from me and stand there nonchalantly.

It's a blond man who looks about thirty-something, and he gives us a polite smile and roughly pats Donovan on the shoulder. The more I observe them, the more they seem to look related. "Doing okay here, boys?"

Donovan nods. "Yeah, Dad, we just made a new friend who likes the same things we do."

"That's good, son." Donovan's dad gives me a warmer smile. "They're both my sons, so I care about who they associate with."

Huh? They're brothers?! Wait a minute... I'm confused!

"You're the bride's kid brother, right?" Donovan's dad asks.

I just nod, not really knowing what to say.

"I thought so. You come from a respectable family with class, so I'm glad my sons met you. You know, the groom is actually an employee of mine, but he's kind of like a son to me because I watched him grow up from a kid to a successful young man in his mid-twenties."

My sister's age.

Tony gives me a tight smile. "Me and Donovan are stepbrothers, by the way. Just in case you wondered. You know, because of earlier."

Donovan nods with a similar expression, as if making sure I know the difference.

"Oh, we're still family," Donovan's dad insists, then looks at me warmly again. "Tony's mom and I recently got married, so they're still trying to adapt to our blended family. She makes a mean tortellini dish, I'll tell you. I'll have to invite you over sometime so you can try it for yourself."

Oh. That explains why Tony looks Italian. But does it matter that both boys are stepbrothers and not actual brothers? I mean, either way, they're still supposed to be family, right? God, this is getting weird now. I've just discovered a dirty secret, and after feeling a slight boner on the rise, I suddenly feel just as dirty.


(c) 2023, Zay de Parco. All rights reserved.

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