Three Roads

By moc.oohay@selegnacas

Published on Mar 9, 2007


====================================================== Three Roads: Chapter 38, Big Al's Shootdown ======================================================

  • Please note that 2 months have passed in the story since the last chapter.

Eric stood in front of the monitor before him trying to make sense of all the letters and numbers. He found what he was looking for and let out a sigh of relief. He headed back to the very uncomfortable row of seats that he had been sitting in for the last hour an a half.

"You ever thought about flying home?" Eric asked Toby as he sat down.

"Eh, it's too expensive. Plus it's not like I go home all the time. So it's not too bad on my car. What did the monitor say?"

"It says his plane has landed. I would have killed myself it had been delayed any longer."

"Thank God. I was starting to get stir crazy here. Hopefully we don't have to wait for him to get luggage."

"I doubt it. All his shit is in my house." Eric said a little bitterly. For the past two months he had been constantly moving boxes out of his way in his already cramped room just to move around. He was happy that in just a few hours he would not only be getting rid of Cooper's boxes, but moving to a bigger room.

"I've noticed you've developed a bit of a potty mouth over the summer."

"I've been hanging around Michael too much, I can't help it."

"He's been at your house?" Toby said surprised.

"No. My mom is still a little weird about that stuff. We always hang at his house or go out and do stuff."

"Your mom seems so cool though, I can't imagine her being weird about gay people. I mean she's been so nice to me."

"That's cause she probably hasn't figured out you're gay yet. No one would know just by looking at you."

"What about Cooper?" Toby asked, "He's been to your house before."

"He's charming though and I scolded him before we got out of the car to be on his very best behavior."

"Which in other words meant for him to act like someone else." Toby laughed.

"Basically," Eric smiled, "Oh, I think these people coming down the escalators are from his flight."

Both boys stood up eagerly, in part because it meant they would be going home soon, but also because they hadn't seen Cooper in over two months and they were excited at what was to come. Eric quickly scanned the travelers walking down the stairs, while Toby looked at those using the escalators.

"Spotted him." Toby said pointing him out.

Eric smiled widely and waved to Cooper. Cooper gave an unenthusiastic wave back and Eric quickly put his hand down, "He looks pissed off."

"He does. He's probably just jet lagged."

"Maybe....hey Cooper!" Eric said stepping forward. He wrapped his arms fully around his taller friend, "I missed you. How was home?"

"It was alright," Cooper said pulling away from the hug sooner than Eric had expected, "Hey." Cooper said looking at Toby.

"Hey." Toby said giving Cooper a hug, "You alright man?"

"Yeah, just tired."

"Ok then."

"Did you check in any luggage?" Eric asked.


"Thank God!" Toby exclaimed, as they began to exit the airport "I am soooo hungry."

"I thought we could head back to my house, order a pizza, catch up a bit and then get ready for tomorrow."

"Sounds perfect." Toby said.

"What do you think?" Eric asked Cooper.

"Whatever." Cooper shrugged.

Toby and Eric exchanged glances as they both pondered Cooper's strange behavior.

"What do you think is wrong with him?" Eric asked Toby as soon as he heard the bathroom door close, "He hardly talked in the car."

"Something's definitely up. You think he might be upset at seeing you again?"

"What did I do?!"

"He probably still has feelings for you. Maybe you should ask him."

"Shut up," Eric said, "I'm being serious."

"So am I," Toby laughed, "Alright alright, I'll stop....for now. He might just be tired."

"When have you ever known Cooper to be tired. He's like a ball of energy that just bounces off the walls and never knows when to stop."

"Usually you're telling me to shut up. Now I'm quiet and all you want to do is here my angelic voice."

"Cooper! We were just...wondering why you were being so quiet."

"I'm just tired. Maine is far away."

"No shit Sherlock." Toby said, "you couldn't sleep on the plane?"

"Eh, I don't like to. In case of a water evacuation I need to be alert."

"Do you even cross any large bodies of water coming back to California? Eric asked.

"They still do the presentation before they take off!"

Eric heard the doorbell rang and grabbed his wallet off his desk, "Pizza's here. I'll be back." Toby made sure Eric left the room and then turned to Cooper with a serious look, "So, really man, what's up?"

Cooper sighed, "No judgment ok?"


"Today was the day that Kevin finished his study abroad program."

Toby nodded, fully understanding Cooper's reflective mood.

"And I mean I'm over him, but I don't know, it's brought up a lot of hasn't helped that I've been staring at my phone all day."

"Waiting for him to call?"

"Yeah. Seriously, I realize I was never really in love with him, but I guess him calling me will feel like I wasn't just a guy who sucked his dick a bunch of times you know?"

"Yeah, it makes sense. You'll be ok though."

"Yeah, I know."

"Honestly, I thought it might be about Eric." Toby said cautiously.

"I've firmly decided something about that."

"What's that?"

"Come get food!" Eric yelled from the living room.

"Later ok?" Cooper said.

"Oh trust me I won't forget."

"That so hit the spot." Toby said rubbing his stomach.

"Yeah, I missed greasy American food," Cooper said, "I have to go to Angela's house to get this kind of stuff when I'm at home."

"That sucks." Toby said.

"Yeah no kidding, I swear my mom has soy sauce coming out of her pores."

Toby began to laugh hysterically, but Eric just looked at Cooper with a reproachful look, "That's a horrible thing to say about your mother."

"Oh like you've never said anything bad about your mother."

"Shut up she's in the next room."

"Be glad she doesn't have hearing like my grandmother," Toby interjected, "or she'd be beating down the door right now."

"So home really wasn't that bad these past couple months?" Cooper asked Toby.

"No. I like being at home. My family's so much fun it really is like being on vacation."

"Did you see Richard at all?" Cooper asked raising his left eyebrow.

Toby chuckled, "You know I did; I told you we hung out a few times."

"I think he meant did you guys do it." Eric smiled.


"I'm telling you it's all Michael's influence."

"But you and your mom seem like you're getting along." Cooper said turning to Eric.

"We are. It's amazing how easy it is to ignore the big elephant in the room."

"Which in your case is rainbow colored." Cooper joked.

"Haha very funny...notice Toby didn't answer the question."

"Way to get the focus off of you." Toby said.

"Just tell us did you guys fuck or what?" Eric said.

"We didn't," Toby said disappointedly, "and it's not from a lack of trying on my part. I didn't try anything obvious, but had he been willing he would have surely picked up on it. So I guess we're really going to be friends."

"Good luck with that." Eric and Cooper said at the same time. It was Toby's turn to stick up his middle finger.

"So are you just going to let it go?" Eric asked seriously.


"I have to say I'm shocked, Cooper said, "You seem like the "back off bitch that's my man" type of guy."

"When I'm honest with myself, I know that we're only in this situation because of what I did with Tim. I've done a lot of thinking over the past several months and like I'm really excited about the future. It was so great to take a break from school and tennis, and everything else and just think about me and my spirit."

"Your spirit?" Cooper asked.

"Yeah, like me as a person. Most of the time I like who I am and I'm proud of it, but I think I need to make some improvements just to have a healthier spirit over all. Like I want to go to church more, and be a better friend to you guys, and make amends to Tim, and just a bunch of other little things to better myself."

"That sounds like an awesome idea." Eric said.

"Yeah it does."

"You guys don't have any goals or anything like that for the upcoming school year?"

"I think I just want to be a bit more outgoing this year." Eric said.

"And you Mr. Hwang?" Toby asked.

Cooper really wanted to say that he hoped he could find a loving boyfriend who was funny, smart, intelligent, and looked, sounded, and acted a lot like Eric, but given the recent circumstances between him and Eric, he felt that would turn a nice conversation into a very awkward rest of the night, so instead he said, "You know, just do me."

Toby laughed, "What the hell does that mean?"

"You know, just be me, Cooper Hwang. Make that money and don't let that money make me."

"You're a dork." Toby laughed.

"I would agree if I had understood what you were trying to say." Toby laughed.

"Whatever. You bitches just don't understand."

"Right," Eric said, "I'm tired, you guys ready to go to bed."

"Yeah," Toby said stifling a yawn, "We got a long ass day tomorrow."

"But I'm not tired." Cooper whined.

"Yeah right, you'll be the hardest one to wake up tomorrow morning." Eric said.

Each of the boys yawned and stretched as they got up to pull their pajamas from their respective bags, or in Eric's case a drawer.

"Oh," Cooper said as he rummaged through his bag, "Eric, happy belated birthday." He said handing him a package that looked like it contained a DVD.

"You already told me happy birthday two weeks ago when it actually was my birthday." Eric said.

"I know, but I wasn't here to give you your gift so here."

Toby and Eric made eye contact for a short second, before Eric dropped his eyes. For some reason Toby looking at him accepting the gift from Cooper made him very uncomfortable.

"I feel really shitty that I didn't get you anything and your birthday was just a few days ago." Eric said to Cooper.

"It's cool. You've said a shit load of bad words since I've been here which is present enough for me."

Eric quickly unwrapped the package and smiled when he saw it was in fact a DVD; it was the latest season of Curb Your Enthusiasm.

"Oh wow. Thank you so much! I had been wanting to buy it for a while, but hadn't had the extra money."

"Yeah I remembered you saying something about it a few months ago." Cooper said nonchalantly. Toby smiled as he pulled out a tank top from his bag. Even though Cooper acted like it wasn't a big deal, Toby would swear that Cooper looked like he was trying with all his might to keep from smiling.

"This is a big moment." Cooper said suddenly as he took off his shirt.

"What?" Toby said.

"This is the first time we'll be changing in front of each other."

"So?" Eric said.

"It'll be the first time we'll all see each other naked."

"Uhhh...." Eric said caught off guard.

"We've already seen you naked dork. Remember the sleepover?" Toby said.

"Yeah and I'm only changing pants. I'm not getting completely naked." Eric said.

"Then take them off." Cooper said simply.

"You take yours off first." Eric said dumbly.

Cooper had already taken off his belt so he quickly unzipped his jeans and stood in front of his friends completely naked.

"How did I know he wasn't wearing any underwear?" Toby said looking at Eric.

"I hate wearing underwear on a plane. It rides up on me like a motherfucker, especially if I get hard. Your turn." Cooper said to Toby.

Toby laughed and quickly chucked his shirt. His jeans came off and he stood in his black boxer briefs as his two friends looked at him. He pulled on his white tank top and lifted the band of his underwear and peeked inside, "Good thing I'm not hard."

"For who?" Cooper said.

"You're enjoying this aren't you?" Toby said looking at Cooper.

"Oh hell yeah. Can't you tell?"

"You're such a perv." Toby laughed

"And you're not enjoying this?"

"It's ok." Toby said.

Cooper cleared his throat in Eric's direction, "We're waiting."

"Whatever." Eric said walking towards his door, "I'm going to go change in the bathroom."

"Pussy." Cooper muttered.

Toby blocked his path to the door, "It's only fair, Eric. You don't have to get naked. It's just underwear."

Eric had really wanted to take off his pants just like the others had done, but he would have felt awkward if he had done it of his own volition, but now he had an excuse since Toby wasn't going to let him by.

"Fine, but he needs to put his clothes on." Eric tried to say as annoyed as possible.

Cooper quickly put on his underwear and then folded his arms, "There."

Eric started to unbuckle his jeans, but Cooper stopped him, "You don't have to do this if you don't want to. I was just kidding."

"Cooper shut up," Toby said, "Continue."

Eric fully undid his belt, unzipped his jeans and then noisily kicked out of them. He stood in blue and green boxers that seemed to have just the faintest hint of arousal in them. Toby was smiling with a look of approval on his face, but Cooper was wearing an unreadable expression that made Eric look down to see if there was something on him. When he realized there was nothing, he looked back at Cooper and felt as if Cooper were peering into his thoughts.

"Can I put my pants back on now?"

"Yeah," Toby laughed, "You really don't care about showing off your body do you?" he said looking at Cooper.

"Not really. We all have the same parts, just a different size and color."

"Interesting way of thinking about it." Toby said pulling on some basketball shorts. Cooper also began to put clothes on his body.

Eric climbed into his bed and very sleepily said, "One of you can sleep up here if you want or take the floor."

Toby and Cooper looked at each other and Toby motioned for Cooper to climb into bed with Eric. Cooper shook his head violently, "You go." he mouthed.

"You can take the bed Cooper. My back likes the floor." Toby said out loud.

If looks could kill, Toby would have been obliterated into millions of little pieces, but Toby gave him a thumbs up as he began laying out the sleeping bag he had brought from home. Cooper climbed into bed and settled in as far from Eric as possible without falling off the bed. Toby turned off the light and laid on top of the sleeping bag.

"Good night boys." Toby said smiling

"Good night." Eric said.

"Good night." Cooper followed. He was hoping he would be able to fall asleep as he stared up at the ceiling wide awake.

"Wake up!" Cooper yelled.

Eric slowly came to. It took him a while to figure out why he felt like he was being bounced up and down off his mattress. He wanted it to stop so he could go back to sleep, "Stop jumping on my bed before you break it fat ass." He yelled.

"You saw me naked just last night, you know I'm not fat, get up."

Cooper continued to jump when suddenly a pillow was launched at him and hit him in the side, "See Toby's up, we're just waiting on you." Cooper said as he continued to jump.

"Cooper, get down or I'll bust out with the tranquilizer gun." Toby mumbled.

"Come on guys get up. We're moving into our house today. You guys should be excited."

Eric, resigned to the fact that Cooper was not going to stop, sat up in bed, "I hate you and like you much better when you're all depressed and therefore quiet."

"Oh there's plenty more where this came from baby, now that we're living together."

"Fuck you." Eric said as he disappeared into the hallway.

"Wow, Michael really has been a bad influence," Cooper said to himself. He stopped jumping and sat on the bed on his knees as he peered over the side of the bed to see if Toby was still asleep, "Hi sunshine." He said when he saw Toby's eyes were open.

"Are you always this hyper in the morning?" Toby asked.

"Mmmm...depends. Are you not excited?"

"I am."

"You don't seem like it."

"Apparently I'm not as excited as you." Toby said stretching as he stood up.

"I'd beg to differ." Cooper said as he motioned to the shorts Toby was wearing. Toby looked down and smiled when he saw his morning wood creating a tent in his shorts, "Good morning." He said before adjusting himself, "How long have you been up?"

"A while. I didn't sleep very much last night thanks to you asshole."

"Oh whatever. You know you wanted to sleep in the bed with him. You just didn't have the balls to say it so I thought I'd help my buddy out. I half expected to hear smacking sounds from you two."

"I should have never told you."

"You just confirmed what I already knew. You guys just need to shack up already and get it out of your system."

"Not funny." Cooper said folding his arms.

"What's not funny is the reason we're up so early." Eric said walking back into the room, "Look at all your shit in my room. It's been this way for months."

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." Cooper muttered.

"By the way, Mom made breakfast for all of us. It's on the table."

"Yes! I'm starving. Last one there likes pussy!" Cooper said as he ran out of the room.

Eric and Toby looked at each other and couldn't help but laugh, "What did we sign on to?" Eric said shaking his head.

"I have no idea."

"It looks just as beautiful as I remember." Cooper said with his head sticking out of the window as Eric turned onto the street on which they now lived.

"Put your head in the car, so I don't get a ticket." Eric scolded him.

"You can't get a ticket for that."

"How do you know? You don't have a license."

Cooper reluctantly sat down in his seat. He looked in the rearview mirror and saw that Toby was following close behind them. Cooper turned and waved.

Toby shook his head, but waved back.

"I'm so excited," Cooper said, "It's going to be awesome living with you guys."

"Yeah, I think it will be too." Eric smiled. Eric pulled up to the curb directly in front of the house. Toby pulled in front of them and parked in the driveway since he had more of Cooper's belongings.

"Hey guys." Mike said coming from inside the house.

"Hey how's it going." Toby said.

"Morning." Eric said.

Cooper didn't say anything but let out a loud squeal of enthusiasm that made Mike smile, "I see we're all ready to move in."

"Some of us more than others." Eric said motioning to Cooper.

"Why don't you guys come in. We have some papers to go over and sign and then I'll be out of your hair."

"So the gardener comes by every Wednesday you said?" Eric asked.

"Yeah, that's correct." Mike nodded.

"Do we have to be here?" Toby asked.

"No, they'll never need to get into the house. But they will be in the backyard sometimes to trim those trees."

"Sounds good." Toby said.

"Any other questions?" Mike said looking at all three of the boys, "Alright then here are your keys."

All three of the boys smiled at each other as Mike handed them their keys, "Welcome to the house."

"Thanks a lot." Eric smiled.

"We've got a long day ahead of us boys. We ready?" Toby asked enthusiastically.

"Hell yeah." Cooper said still looking at his key.

"Then let's get started."

"Thanks again." Toby said as he stood and shook Mike's hand.

"No problem."

"Yeah, thanks for everything." Eric said.

"My pleasure."

"Thanks for this." Cooper smiled.

"Cooper, can you stay for just a second. I need to talk to you about the deposit."


"We'll start bringing stuff in." Eric said to Cooper.

"Ok, I'll be right out."

"Our friends suck ass." Cooper said as he threw a box of kitchenware down on the counter.

"What?" Eric asked wiping sweat from his forehead.

"Where the fuck our all of our friends to help us move?"

"Uhhh...Bliss offered to help."

"Pshhh she's a girl what can she do."

"Joey's your friend why isn't he here?" Eric asked.

"He's no better than a girl."

"Ouch." Toby said laughing as he came in carrying a bunch of his clothes.

"Why isn't Richard here to help us?" Cooper asked Toby.

"He's in L.A. and he's not my boyfriend anymore so he can do whatever he wants."

"Plus it's not like we have tons of stuff. All the heavy stuff is being delivered." Eric reminded him.

"Yeah, the couch my parents bought us should be here in like an hour," Toby said, "I got a call not too long ago from the delivery guys."

"Brian probably would have helped us. It'll be cool to see him again."

"I'm sure it will be." Cooper said sarcastically.

"Oh that reminds me are you still taking me to buy a bed?" Eric asked Cooper.

"What are you talking about?"

"You said you knew a place where we could go with good prices."

"Oh yeah. We can go if you want."

"What is this place called again?"

"I can't remember."

There was something in the way which Cooper said it that made Eric believe that he was lying, "Do you at least know how to get there?"

"Yes sir."

"Can we go eat after the delivery guys get here?" Toby asked, "I'm starving."

"Yeah food does sound really good." Eric said.

"We can work until the delivery guys come and then go, yeah?" Toby asked his friends.

"Sounds good." Eric agreed.

"Wait a second, where's Tim?" Cooper said looking at Eric.

"He's visiting his grandparents for a few weeks. I talked to him a few days ago and he said his mom is driving him crazy so he needed a break."

"Being jailbait will do that." ***************

"I don't want to go to Chipotle." Cooper whined from the backseat.

"Is your seatbelt on?" Toby asked looking in his rearview mirror.


"Are you driving?"


"Then stop your bitchin."

"Good one," Eric said looking at Toby, "I need to remember to use that on him."

"Hahaha very funny." Cooper said.

"You don't like Chipotle?" Eric asked.

"I don't know. I've never been."

Eric gasped loudly and Toby again looked at his friend through the rearview mirror, "You're joking right?"

Cooper shook his head.

"How is it possible to live in Sunnydale for almost three years without ever going to Chipotle?"

"I don't like Mexican food." Cooper shrugged.

"Trust me you'll like this place." Eric said smiling at Cooper.

"Doubt it."

"Oh hell yeah." Cooper said, approximately five minutes later, rice falling from his mouth as he bit into the burrito.

"You're a porker, I knew you'd like it." Eric said. He turned to Toby, "That is a lot of lettuce on that burrito bowl."

"I'm trying to eat healthier. Already thinking about the tennis season."

"We don't start school for like another three weeks though."

"True, but even though I've still been running and working out, I've been eating like shit, so I need to get back into my routine."

"If your routine means no sour cream or cheese or a burrito this big then I feel sorry for you." Cooper said taking another big bite from his carne asada burrito, "How could I never have known about this place."

"Especially considering all your people eat rice." Toby laughed.

"This burrito is too good for me to even care you're making fun of me right now."

"Was everything ok with the deposit?" Eric asked, wanting a change of subject.


"The deposit. Everything was good with it?"

"Uh huh."

"I was just asking cause Mike wanted you to stay after and talk to you about it."

"Oooooh, that was just a cover." Cooper said nonchalantly.


"He asked me out." Cooper said looking directly at Eric.

"Wow. What did you say?" Toby asked in amazement.

"I said sure why not."

"You said yes!" Toby shouted a bit too loudly. Cooper had expected, or rather hoped, that Eric would be the one to have that reaction.

"Are you trying to date him or something?" Cooper asked Toby.

"No...I'm just surprised is all."

"I'm full of surprises." Cooper said.

"Apparently." Eric smiled.

"When are you guys supposed to go out?"

"I don't know he'll call me."

"Do you think it's a good idea to date our landlord?" Eric asked.

"He's not our landlord; he's B.M.C.'s nephew. His family put him in charge of finding people to rent the house."

"That's not how it works." Eric said.

"I wouldn't know, I'm not a homeowner."

"Good luck bro, I'm swearing off men for a while since Richard wants to do the whole friends thing." Toby huffed.

"Jocker!" Cooper yelled, "I said that last semester."

"And that didn't last long." Eric said.

"So you're swearing off men huh?" Cooper said ignoring Eric, "Is this the whole spirit thing?"

"Yeah. I just need to get myself together before I can get with someone. No men for a year."

"A year?! What will you do for sex?" Cooper asked.

Eric rolled his eyes, but Toby smiled, "Who said I won't be having sex?"

"Are you sure we're going the right way?" Eric asked as he turned left onto a street that appeared to be completely deserted."

"Positive." Cooper said.

"This street is pretty shitty, there are potholes everywhere." Toby said from the backseat.

"We're in the ghetto of Sunnydale, why do you think I asked you to come along? You speak the language." Cooper laughed.

"Fuck you man." Toby laughed.

"Could we please concentrate and try and look for the place or for bums trying to jump on the hood of the car? What's the name of the place again?" Eric asked.

"I don't remember." Cooper said as evenly as possible.

"Why don't I believe you? It better not be somewhere lame like Walmart."

"I would absolutely positively never take you to Walmart. I'm a sociology major now I can't ever go there again....turn into the parking lot at the end of the can park anywhere."

Eric thought that was a very strange thing for Cooper to say, but as he turned his vehicle into the parking lot, he realized that there were no markings to tell people where to park. And while there were a few other cars in the lot, there were no workers trying to gather carts, or people bringing out their newly purchased belongings, and though Eric had never been here before he would have bet his life that the all white building that loomed in front of them had been deserted for several years.

"Get out of the car." Cooper said as Eric came to a stop.

"Uh, where are we?" Eric said not moving.

"Just trust me." Cooper said as he closed the car door. He got out and stretched his arms high above his head, "How much did you say you had to spend?"

"No more than $500." Eric said.

"That'll be plenty."

"To buy a bed, and like a desk and that kind of stuff?"

"Oh yeah definitely."

"If you don't know where we are, it's ok to say so." Toby said as Cooper began to walk in what seemed to be a random direction.

"'re walking away from that white building over there." Eric said to Cooper.

"I know. It's deserted."

"I figured as much." Eric said looking at Toby helplessly.

"So where are we going?" Toby asked.

"To those railroad tracks over there and then just up that hill."

"Ok!" Eric said no longer walking, "Where are we going? Seriously. I'm not taking another step until you tell me."

Cooper let out an annoyed sigh, "I didn't want to tell you because I knew you wouldn't want to come, but the place is called Big Al's Shootdown."

"No way!" Toby said covering his mouth.

"Big Al's what?" Eric asked, not sure if he heard Cooper correctly.

"Big Al's Shootdown."

"I'm going back to the car."

"No, it's a cool place." Cooper said.

"I've never been," Toby started, "but I've heard of it. I honestly thought it was a myth."

"It is hard to find." Cooper smiled, "Are you coming?"

Eric figured he'd probably be telling this story to his grandchildren and that it might actually be funny then so he decided he might as well go; he did need the furniture after all, "If anything gets shot down I'm leaving."

"Don't worry it's only the prices." Cooper said.

"How did you find out about this place?" Toby asked.

"I can't reveal my sources." Cooper said as they crossed the railroad tracks.


"Yeah, I'm popular bitch."

"So we have to go up this hill?" Eric asked.

"Yes sir. After you." Cooper said.


"In case you fall...I'll catch you." At first Eric was offended by Cooper's remark, the hill wasn't very big at all, but he could tell that Cooper was being sincere and he thought it was kind of sweet that Cooper was concerned.

As he walked up the hill, he felt a lot more relaxed and safe than he had just a minute ago; he knew that Cooper wouldn't bring him anywhere that wasn't safe. As he neared the top of the hill another all white building came into view, but this one was decidedly different from the one that had been in the lot. This building looked like it had been recently repainted and the people walking around the perimeter of the building confirmed to Eric that they were in the right place.

"Wow, I can't believe I'm here." Toby said. He looked towards the very top of the building where "Big Al's Shootdown" was written in big bubble letters.

The boys jogged down the small heel and made their way across the large parking lot.

"If cars don't park here why is the lot so big?" Toby asked Cooper.

"It's not my place, I just know where it is."

They entered the store and for as far as Eric could see beds, desks, lamps, and various other pieces of furniture covered the store. Eric could scarcely make out that room had been made between items for a very narrow walkway.

"We need to keep it moving," Cooper said, "We're going to block the walkway."

"Which isn't much." Eric said.

"Yeah, I'll catch up with you guys in a minute. I'm going to go see if Big Al's here." Cooper said turning to leave.

"You know Big Al?" Toby said surprised.

"Of course I do. I know everyone. Oh and a word of advice don't touch anything unless you're gonna buy it." Cooper said before walking off.

"I can't believe I'm buying a desk, chair, a bed with a mattress, sheets and comforters all for under $400." Eric said in disbelief.

"Is this stuff stolen or something?" Toby asked Cooper who had rejoined his friends, "I mean how can this stuff be this cheap unless it's of really shitty quality?"

"Shhh! Do you want to get us killed?" Cooper asked frantically, looking around to see if they were being approached.

"Hello." An elderly woman smiled from behind the cash register.

"Hi," Eric said, "I'd like to buy this stuff."

"Sure thing...did you guys just move into the house over on Bradshaw?"

"We did." Toby said carefully.

"I thought I recognized you boys from this morning, I'm Jane Lansbury, your next door neighbor."

"Oh my God we have a next door neighbor that works at Big Al's. Life doesn't get much better than this." Cooper squealed.

Mrs. Lansbury laughed, "This is a great place to work. I love it. That'll be $386.26."

Eric shook his head in disbelief, "I still can't believe it."

"Believe it." Cooper said.

"Didn't you need to buy stuff from here too? You don't have a bed." Toby said to Cooper.

"Not to worry, I ordered my stuff online weeks ago. It'll be delivered along with Eric's stuff."

"My stuff is being delivered?"

"Yeah, didn't you wonder how you were going to get all this stuff back in your tiny car?"

"I did."

`And didn't you notice that we didn't see anybody carrying their stuff with them in the parking lot?"

Eric thought back and realized he hadn't seen anyone carrying anything bigger than a chair with them, "Yeah, you're right."

"That's because it's all being delivered."

"How long will that take?" Toby asked.

"Oh, it'll be there before we get back."

"No way." Toby said.

"Oh yes," Mrs. Lansbury interrupted, "We guarantee it. See it's on our receipt." She said pointing it out to Eric.

"How are they going to get into the house?" Eric whispered to Cooper.

"Beats me." Cooper shrugged.

As Eric parked on the street in front of their house, he saw no signs that any delivery truck had been there. Once out of the car, he looked down both sides of the street and still saw nothing.

"I'm telling you," Cooper said, "they've come and gone."

"This is all kind of weird. I feel like I should be packin."

"Wait. You're telling me there's a Black man walkin around that isn't packin?" Cooper said jokingly.

"I guess it depends on what you mean by packin." Toby smiled.

"Feel free to show us."

"Alright," Eric said, "Keep your eyes alert when we walk in."

"Nobody's here." Cooper said a little annoyed as Eric put his key into the lock.

As Eric and Cooper cautiously walked into the house, Cooper pushed past them and headed straight for Eric's room, "See look," he called out, "It's all here and it's all assembled."

"Wow!" both Toby and Eric said as they walked in.

"See, I told you." Cooper said.

"That place is fuckin incredible." Eric said sitting on his bed.

"We're going to have to wash your mouth out with soap if you keep talkin like that." Toby teased.

"I know maybe we should start a swear jar or something."

"Fuck that shit." Cooper said.

"Oh," Eric said grabbing his cell phone, "I need to call Jon."

"For what?" Cooper blurted out.

"I told him we could go for ice cream when I got back up here. He said that would be his present to me for my birthday."

"We'll let you talk in peace." Toby said pulling Cooper out of the room. Toby walked into the kitchen, "You want to go to the store with me in a few minutes? We should by some food and cook tonight."

"Yeah, what should we buy?"

"I don't know we can decide there."

" know why I decided to go out with Mike?"

"No, why?" Toby said wanting to know the truth.

"Cause, I decided I really needed to do something drastic to stop thinking about Eric."

"So you're really going to give up?"

"I have to man. He's not interested."

Toby debated long and hard for a few seconds on whether or not to disclose what Eric had told him a few months earlier about him being attracted to Cooper.

Toby nodded, "You never know what could happen."

"Yeah, but I got burned playing that game before, I need to not be an idiot and do that again."

"Holy shit!"


"Sorry man," Toby started, "but here is the receipt for the stuff that was delivered from Big Al's Shootdown to you and Eric. It says it was signed for by a Big Mama Catherine."

"You're lying!" Cooper said snatching the piece of paper from Toby, "What a jokester that Big Al is." Cooper laughed.

"Uh what?"

"Big Al knew this was B.M.C's house. I'm sure he thought it would be funny."

"Well it's not. I need to buy some oil when we go to the store so I can bless this house." Toby said seriously.

"That shit doesn't work."

"Fine, I'll skip your room so that all the demons and spirits know where the party is."

"What's all the commotion about?" Eric sad emerging from his room.

"Trust me you don't want to know." Toby said.

"Still going for ice cream?" Cooper asked as evenly as possible.

"Actually no. He had to cancel."

"Bummer." Cooper said.

"Well we're headed to the store to buy some stuff to cook for dinner tonight. You want to go?" Toby asked.

"No. I need to finish putting all my stuff away."

You want anything?"

"Just a box of cereal and some milk. I plan on shopping for myself tomorrow."

"What kind of cereal do you want?"

"Fruity Pebbles." Cooper answered quickly.

"Yeah, how did you know that?"

"It's your favorite." Cooper said simply.

"It is." Eric smiled.

"We'll be back in a bit then." Toby said.

"I'll be here."

Long after everything had been put away, pots had been scrubbed, and the spaghetti and garlic bread had been devoured, each of the boys had gone to their separate rooms to attend to their various tasks. Toby had spent most of his evening setting up his stereo, tv, and dvd player, Cooper had folded and hanged all of his clothes, and Eric had moved his bed around his room several times trying to find the perfect spot for it. He was now laying on his bed reading one of the many books that he had placed on his summer reading list when he heard a soft knock at the door.

"Come in."

The door opened slowly and Cooper stood in the doorway, "I know you were supposed to go out for ice cream earlier, but...I bought some at the store and thought you might want some."

"What kind is it?"

"Rocky road."

"My favorite." Eric said.

"You want some?"


Cooper produced a second bowl of ice cream from behind his back and walked into the room, "Is it ok if I sit on your bed?"

"Of course."

Cooper sat down on the edge and silently began eatin his ice cream not sure if he should say something or just enjoy the peace between him and his friend.

"Thanks a lot for everything today, Cooper," Eric started, "I really appreciate it."

"No problem."

"Can I ask you something?"

"Yeah go ahead."

"Did Mike really ask you out or were you just joking around?"

"He really did."

"I see." Eric said, staring into his ice cream bowl. Cooper didn't really have anything else to say, but he felt he should say something.

"I figure that I should give it a shot you know. It's probably time I get back out there."


"I was so quiet yesterday because it was the day that Kevin finished his study abroad program and I was a little upset that he hadn't called me."

"I wish you would have told me that. I wouldn't have given you such a hard time."

"It's no big deal. I was over that a long time ago. I just wish he would have called me."

"It's his loss." Eric said.

"That's what I'd like to think, but it seems like a lot of guys are willing to pass it up." He said looking directly at Eric.

"Positive thoughts, you never know what could happen."

Cooper smiled, "You are probably right."

Thanks for reading this latest update and a special thank you to those of you who take the time to write to me every now and again to let me know what you're thinking and liking/disliking on the story. I really appreciate it and it helps with them otivation at times :) Fell free to drop me an e mail at and it may take me a day or two to get back to you, but I definitely will. :)

Next: Chapter 39

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