Three Simple Words

By No Name

Published on Jun 28, 2013


Copyright issues, should know this by now... Don't read if you don't like this kind of stuff (Why are you here anyways?) Donate guys, please! And send me emails! That's an order! (And should be on your priority list of things to do). How's that for short lol. Anyways, enjoy. :)


Chapter 10 "Our First Fight"

"Nnn...five more minutes..." Chris complains as the alarm blasts its music in our ears. Feeling really annoyed at the unpleasant sound, I reach over him and slam the snooze button. I then pull the covers over us and cuddle Chris closer into me. He sighs and scoots in even more.

"Chris! Are you up yet?! You still have school today!" Betty shouts from the stairs. "Still in bed I see." she sighs upon seeing the blanket over our entire body. "Come on boys, you have a lot to do today." she nags as she pulls the cover off of our heads.

"Nnn...Mom.I don't wanna," Chris whines in his half-sleep mode.

"Come on Dylan.Honestly, you're worse than Chris here," she scorns. After numerous attempts to get us up, she sighs heavily. "...Well, I left your clothes and teddy bear on the chair. Just hurry up and get out of bed." She then walks out of the room.

I turn to my back and stare at the ceiling, pondering on my life. A subconscious Chris snaps me back to reality as he drapes his arm and leg over me. I wrap my arms around him and pat his butt affectionately.

I kiss him on the forehead. "Time to get up Chris..."

He opens his eyes and kisses me back. "...Can we not go to school today?"

"I wish...but we have to..." I sigh as I get out of bed. The two of us quickly get dressed, do our morning business, and then head downstairs.

"About time...what do you want? Cereal or toast?" Betty asks as she's brewing coffee.

"...I'll have toast with butter please..." Chris yawns, rubbing his eyes.

"...Same, and a cup of coffee wouldn't hurt," I mumble from the early morning.

Betty pops two pieces of toast into the toaster and pours a cup of coffee for me. "There's cream in the fridge and sugar in the cabinets."

I open the cabinet and take out the sugar jar. I then open the fridge and pull out cream and apple juice. Grabbing a cup, I pour the cup half full and hand it to Chris.

"Thanks Dylan..." he croaks.

"No problem." I kiss him on the forehead again and catch Betty smiling. I grab my own cup and pour the contents to make my coffee taste better.

"Here you go," Betty announces as she puts four pieces of toasts on a plate. "Try not to be late you two. I've got to get going." She grabs her purse and starts to head down the hallway. "Oh!" she stops by the stairs, "Before I forget Chris. We've got to go pick up your dad tomorrow."

"Tomorrow? Wasn't it next Saturday?" Chris asks, a little scared.

"Well, your father finished his meeting early, and his boss wants him back asap. So they moved the tickets to tomorrow."

I glance over and see Chris sulk a little. "Ok..." he whispers back.

"Well, have a good day at school guys."

"Thanks, you too!" I shout on Chris's behalf. As soon as I hear the door close, I turn my attention to the still sulking Chris. "What wrong?"

"'s nothing..." he replies.

"You sure? I mean, I'm here for a reason," I remind him.

"Yeah..." He desperately looks around for a means of escape. "Look at the time Dylan! We're going to be late!"

I glance over at the microwave's time. Oh shit! It's already 7:48! We quickly gulp down the last of our food and drinks and hastily grab our things together. Making sure that we didn't forget anything, we get into my car and head out.

We arrive at school at 7:59; Period 1 starts at 8:05. Talk about close. We hastily get off my car and head towards our class. On the way, I glance over at Chris; he's still down-in-the-dumps. And now that I think about it, all he was doing on the ride here was stare out the window. I thought it was because he's not a morning person (like me!), but the more I look into it, the more I feel that something's wrong.

"...Chris..." I finally bring up as we're walking to class, "Something's wrong...isn't there?"

He stops, looks down, and clenches his fists. "'s nothing..." he grimaces.

"Is it about your dad? Do you not like him or something? Tell me Chris... please... I want to help you."

"No... it's not him..." he trails off, looking away.

"Then what is it?" I ask.

"It doesn't concern you!" he snaps at me and runs into his classroom, tearing up a little.

I reach out to grab his backpack, but I was a few centimeters off. I wanted to chase after him into his class, but just then, the bell rings. Just my luck...I'll catch him as he's exiting his next class. I enter my own classroom and concentrate on my work.

But what is wrong with him? I mean, I promised him that I'd help him, no matter what. But it's kinda hard when he doesn't want to cooperate it... What could it be?... He said it's not his dad; do I trust him or not? And if it isn't his dad, then who is it? Argh! This is driving me mad! I'll just have to snoop around his personal life. Maybe his diary will tell me more-no. I promised Chris that I wouldn't touch that. sigh I guess I'll have to pry...Anyways... tengo una clase de espanol para escuchar.

However... I can't seem to shake this off. As soon as the bell rings, I rush out the door and wait for Chris. One minute passes... then two... three... still no sign of him. Did he already leave?... Another minute passes. As much as I wanted to stay and wait, I still have class to get to. I heave heavily and turn my back on the classroom.

I rush to Creative Style using my two feet. As soon as I enter the room, the bell rings. I take my seat and stare at the cabinet with my head resting on my hand. I guess I'll have to wait until 4th period...

"Today class, we're going to read a personal favorite on mine. Well...'read' in quotes." Mr. Allan announces to the class. "Behold! The awesome play known as Hamlet!" He exclaims while presenting the holy book.

"Oh great..." someone on the front moans, "Time for guesswork..."

"Oh no, you won't be needing any guessing powers," Mr. Allan reassured, "No... we're going to take it slowly and I'm going to explain everything to you. Did you know... Shakespeare was a genius in playwriting? He-"

I tuned out his voice at this point. It's probably something about Shakespeare's jokes and hidden meanings. What ever... it's not like I'll ever be needing it. Anyways, that class went without a cinch, so did Pre-Calc. I just do what I do every day; ignore the teacher and lay my head down to sleep. It's not like Mrs. Powell cares. Of course, I waited in front of Chris's classes, hoping that he'd come out. But just like before, no sign of him. He's either hiding from me inside, or he's already rushed to his next class. I hope it's the latter; I'd hate to see him be late for class because of me.

I sit down and open the computer to take attendance. He's still not here... I stare at the door, waiting for him pop in. The final bell rings... I sigh again... he's probably hiding in the bathroom or something. I was just about to submit the attendance to the office when Chris rushes in and sits down, panting like a dog. So he has been waiting until I leave... Ok then... I quickly uncheck his name off the absence list and press submit.

"Happy Friday class. Now, before we begin..." is all I hear from Mr. Fledging before I tune out his voice. I glance down at Chris; he's still ignoring me... I sigh deeply and turn my attention to the stack of assignments that needed to be entered into the grade book.

Five minutes before class ends, Chris raises his hand. "Mr. Fledging, may I use the bathroom?"

"I guess, but can't you hold it for five more minutes?" Mr. Fledging asks.

Chris sneaks a peek at me. "But I really have to go," he pleads.

" might as well take your stuff with you, see you Monday Chris."

"Thanks Mr. Fledging." He quickly packs up his stuff and rushes out the door. That bastard! Thinking he can just leave me hanging.

As soon as the bell rings, I rush out the door and chase him down. After searching every bathroom stall we have on campus, I still couldn't find him and decided to give up. If that's how he wants to play, fine. He has yet to see my full potential! I rush to the parking lot, show the staff my ID (juniors and seniors can leave off campus during lunch), and drive back to my house.

I arrive in my driveway in about 10 minutes. I head inside, say hi to my mom, and quickly pack my clothes for the weekend.

"Bye Mom, I'll see you Monday!" I shout as I close the door. I throw my stuff in the backseat and head back out onto the road.

I make a detour and stop by the bank to deposit my check. As I'm waiting in line, an idea comes to mind. What if I just give Betty my checking account number? That way, she can save herself the work of writing checks and just directly deposit stuff into my account. Saves trees, checks, and time for the both of us.

"Excuse miss," I ask when I'm in front of the counter, "Do you happen to know what's my account's number?"

"Um, sure. Lemme just deposit this check first and we can search it up in the computer," the attendant replies.

"Ok, thank you."

She types on the keyboard rapidly and copies down the check's words and numbers. She then makes a photocopy of it and staples it to a receipt of some sort. After finishing that order of business, she pulls out a card and scribbles down some random numbers.

"Here you go sure. The top one is your routing number, and the bottom one is the checking's account number."

"Thank you."

"And here's your receipt... Thank you, come again," she says.

"Thank you," I grab everything she hands me and head out the door and pull out my phone.

After a few rings, Betty answers, "Hello."

"Hi Betty, this is Dylan. Are you busy?"

"Oh hi Dylan. No, I'm on my lunch break. What do you need?"

"Well a couple of things. First, I just deposited the check into my account and I had an idea. Would it be better if I just gave you my account's number? That way, you can just directly deposit money online and not have to write down checks for me to deposit."

"That actually works better for me," she answers back, "That way, it'll save me time to write down checks, and I can just set it to bill you weekly."

"That's what I thought too," I reply, "I'll give you my account number on my card later today ok?"

"Sure-sure. Anything else you need?" she asks.

"Yes... Has Chris called you yet?" I ask.

"No... why?" she asks slowly.

I sigh and then answer, "He's apparently mad at something. I'm not sure, but I think it has something to do with his dad."

"...What do you mean?" Betty questions.

I quickly relay what's happened from last night until now how Chris has been acting strange every time his Dad's been brought up. "...So...any ideas as to why he's acting this way?"

After a moment of silence, Betty speaks through the line, "I'm not sure Dylan... to be honest, I really don't know since I was always too busy to take notice."

"Oh... ok..."

"Sorry I'm not much help here..."

"No-no. It's ok. I'll try to figure it out later. But to do that, I'll need your help."

"Ok, what can I do?" Betty offers.

"He'll probably call you to pick him up today. Whatever you do, don't."

"Alright, I got it. I'll just tell him I'm too busy today or something," she responds.

"Kay, that's good. Thanks Betty, bye."

"No problem. Good luck Dylan." She hangs up, which leads me into closing my phone. I glance at the time, 12:30. I still have time... might as well buy a burger since it's right next door to the bank. After grabbing the bag with two burgers, large fries, and a drink in hand, I get into my car and head back to school.

"Wow Dylan, you get burger and didn't get one for me?" Caleb spots me first and shouts for everyone to hear.

"You didn't ask," I said nonchalantly as I sit down.

"So... where's your boyfriend today?" Caleb asks.

"I don't know," I respond sarcastically, "We don't have to be together 24/7 you know."

"Yeah, but he's usually here for lunch. But today, he's not here... it's strange..." Matt adds.

"Mmm..." I moan out as I chew on my burger.

"Stop moaning! You're making me hungry again," Caleb detests.

"Oh, you like this?" I lean towards him and groan like a man who's having sex for the first time.

"Fuck you Dylan." Caleb flicks both of his bird at me.

I roll my eyes and continue to wolf down my food. Hey, I only have 10 minutes left before lunch ends! As soon as I gulp down the last of my soda, the bell rings. Talk about luck. I grab my backpack, say my goodbyes, and head off to econ.

Econ was as boring as always. I swear, every day, it's always some sort of new graph to look at. Annoying? Oh very... Oh well, at least I get what the teacher's talking about. For now. At the very least, class is only 50 minutes, which should be used up right... about... now.

The bell rings right on cue and everyone crams at the door. Luckily, my seat's the closest to the door, so I always get out before the mass traffic comes. This time though, instead of waiting for Chris, I decide to just head off to class. No point in waiting for him if he's going to hide from me. He'll have to talk to me eventually, one way or another.

I get to study hall and sit down next to Caleb. Shortly after, Chris enters in and sits down next to Caleb, looking away from me.

I sigh and shake my head. After rummaging through my backpack, I pull out the second burger that I bought from before. "Here Chris."

"Wow! You had another one?!" Caleb exclaims as he reaches for it.

"Hey hands off," I slap his hands away, "It's for Chris."

"Fine," he grunts, folding his arms.

Chris looks at me. "I'm not hungry."

"Sure you aren't...and you just so happen to not eat lunch today too.," I sing.

Chris stays silent and looks at the burger. His stomach then growls really loudly, causing his face to turn into a tomato. Caleb and I silently giggle at him.

"Shut... Shut up," Chris grumbles as he takes the burger. "...Thanks Dylan," he says, looking away from me.

"Sure, no problem." I turn my attention to Caleb, "Got anything today?"

"You know, surprisingly, nothing. It's so weird... it's like all my teachers today all of a sudden decided not to teach anything. I think they're all tired already," Caleb says in amazement.

"Hmm...wish I had your teachers..." I mumble under my breath.

"What was that?" Caleb asks.

"I said, you get to goof off today. Congratulations," I announce at him. "You got anything Chris?"

I turn to meet his eyes, or rather, his mouth... There he is, munching down on the burger like no tomorrow. His mouth's completely filled with the beefy goodness that all he could do to respond was shake his head. He then takes another bite and chews away.

"Alrighty then, free day for me too then." I fold my arms behind my head and lean back on my chair.

Halfway through the period, Chris finishes his burger and tosses away the wrapper.

While Caleb isn't looking, I mouth to Chris, "We need to talk."

"I don't wanna," he mouths back, pouting a little.

"Well I'm your ticket home," I whisper now.

"We'll see about that," he whispers back and twists his head away from me. I shake my head and lay on the table to rest a little. Hey, it takes energy to be this lazy!

Well, the last of study hall went by without a cinch, expect for the fact that Chris rushes out of class as soon as the bell rings. I barely managed to say a quick goodbye to Caleb before chasing after Chris. I see him at the end of the classroom rows, dialing someone on the phone. I take this chance to hide behind some lockers and listen in.

"Hi Mom... can you pick me up?" he talks through the phone. "Why?!... Come on, please!... But I don't wanna!... Fine. I'll just walk home then!" He hangs up the phone, sulking. Jeeze, stop being so pessimistic!

I shake my head and wait for his next action. After a few minutes of pacing, he finally walks towards the parking lot. I guess he's given up. I take this chance to sneak ahead of him, while constantly looking at him to make sure that he's not ditching his plan, and head towards my car like the stealthy ninja I am. I arrive at my car first and sit on my trunk, trying to look natural. Shortly after, Chris shows up in front of me, averting his eyes away from me.

"...Can you take me home?" he asks while rubbing the back of his head.

"Sure, on one condition. You tell me what's going on," I propose. "I mean, I'm supposed to fix these kinds of things right?"

"...Can it wait until we get home then?" he asks.

I sigh. "Fine. But you have to tell me, ok?"


"No, I want a promise," I state.

"Fine..." Chris snorts and holds out his pinky; I interlock my own with his.

And with that, we pile into my car and head back to his place. In about ten minutes, I pull up into the driveway and park my car. As soon as we enter the house, Chris dashes upstairs to his room without saying anything. I sigh and head into the kitchen, where Betty is busy making phone calls and scribbling stuff down.

"Uh-huh, yeah. Ok, five minutes. Mhm." She hangs up the phone and furiously writes something down on her notepad.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"I need to reschedule my work schedule in order to pick up Chris's father tomorrow. That bastard... could've at least warned me ahead of time... Now I have all this workload in front of me..."

"Why not just take a day off?" I offer.

"I wish I could... but we have an important meeting coming up soon, and it's already bad enough I'm missing tomorrow."

"Ah, I see," I said, not wanting to fully understand what she's been doing.

"Anyways, have you figured what's wrong between you and Chris?" she asks while dialing another phone number.

"I'm just about to find out. I'll tell how it goes later." I pull out the bank card from earlier. "Here's the bank account numbers. You can do use it later; I'm in no rush."

"Ok, thanks. Good luck Dylan- Hello, front office? Yes, I need to reschedule my schedule for tomorrow..."

I use this opportunity to escape and head upstairs. I get to Chris's room and turn the knob to enter. There, I see my sad, little Chris sitting on his bed, hugging his teddy bear tightly. I sit on the edge of the bed.

"It's that bad huh... having Snowflake to help you pass the trouble?" I ask.

He doesn't say anything and just stares at the T.V.

"Alright Chris, what's wrong?"

He doesn't speak and just shifts his body a little. I sigh and rub his shoulder.

"Fine, we'll play the guessing the game. Does it involve your dad coming back?"

He nods his head slightly.

"Are you nervous about what he thinks about you and me being together?"

He shakes a no.

"Then what is it?" I ask since I'm out of ideas.

After a moment of silence, he mumbles, "...Patrick..."

"Patrick, who's Patrick?" I query. He sniffles and tears start rolling down his eyes. I guess that name caused Chris to snap. Before I can even react, he lets go of Snowflake and pounces me, bawling his eyes out.


Well, that escalated quickly... I wrap my arms about him and rub his shoulders affectionately. "Shhh..." I shush gently, "Let it all out...we can talk later."

"... IT'S JUST... HE COMING BACK... AND... PATRICK... AND-AND. WAH!" he tries to communicate but stops to cry like a baby.

Don't tell him I said this, but...he looks really cute when he's crying. Don't get me wrong, it pains my heart to see him this sad,'s surprising erotic to say the least. Anyways, Chris's waterworks diminishes from heavy pouring to a leaky faucet after 15 minutes. I pull him down with me and lay on the bed, patting his back.

"Feeling better?" I soothe.

"...Mhm..." he grunts, follow by a hiccup.

"So...who's this Patrick? You're secret boyfriend?" I joke to lift his mood.

"No he's not... he' cousin," he says sheepishly with sniffles in between.

"Ok...I'm not following. Please explain."

Chris sits up, consequentially dragging me up as well to the head board. He squeezes between my legs and snuggles up to me. I grab a tissue and wipe away his tears.

After getting comfortable, he begins his story, "...Every time my dad goes on his annual business trip during this time of year, he always stays at my uncle's house. And then whenever he finishes his meeting and comes back, my dad brings them back along."

"And Patrick is your uncle's son?" I interrupt for clarification.

"Mhm...Patrick is sixteen years old, but the way he acts, it's as if he's a five year old baby... His parents constantly spoil him; he always gets his way... To make matters worse, he's home schooled..."

" he's basically a Mama's boy?"

"Yeah..." Chris trails off.

"So... what does this have to do with you?" I ask.

"Whenever they come over, my aunt and uncle always indirectly tell me that I'm useless. They constantly compare me to their perfect son and that I'm nothing in comparison... It's just so frustrating having to listen in on them going on and on about Patrick! I mean, it's either 'oh, Patrick did the most amazing thing the other day! What did you do Chris?' or 'Look at Patrick, he's such a great kid, unlike someone over there'" Chris mocks in a sardonic way. "I have feelings too you know!" he erupts.

I pat his chest and he snaps back into reality. I give him a quick squeeze and kiss. "Well, they don't know what they're missing."

"Yeah..." he sighs, "but there's more. If my uncle and aunt's constant comparison isn't enough, Patrick takes full advantage of his spoiled state and makes sure that my life is absolutely miserable."

"How?" I ask, astonished.

"We only have one extra room, so his parents stay in there. Since I'm 'close to his age' as they say, he's stuck with me. We always pull up an air mattress for him to sleep on. Of course, he'd protest and lay on the floor, making a fool of himself. After about five minutes of badgering, his parents come up with this great idea of me sleeping on the air bed. They don't even consider if I wanted it...they just start throwing his stuff onto my bed and tossing my pillow and blanket aside. And every time they do this, I see Patrick giving me a smug look... Ugh! That bastard! And as soon as the doors close, his diabolical plans begins by trashing my room, messing up closet, screwing with my laptop, stuff like that... and whenever I do say something, he just calls his parents and then they blame me for everything!"

By the time Chris finishes his rant about his cousin, I see him seething and breathing heavily. I flip him around and rub his back gently to calm him down.

"Have you ever told your parents about this before?" I ask softly.

"Mmm... they were always too busy with work to take notice in the first place... It's already a miracle that my mom's paying attention to me... all because of you Dylan..." he sighs as he closes his eyes, enjoying his back rub.

I sigh and stop rubbing his back. "You know, your dad has to depart earlier than expected. Would the unexpected news hinder them from coming?"

Chris opens his eyes and sits up. "No... I thought about that possibility, but they always buy the ticket the day of. I don't know how, but they always manage to get tickets..."

"Probably cause it's down season by now," I guess.

"Maybe... can you rub my back again? It felt nice..." Chris requests while showing his beautiful blue eyes.

"When have I ever said no?" I grin at him.

I pull off his shirt and he lies down on me again as I work my magic. As I'm pushing away the stress in his body, Chris moans softly and seeps deeper into fantasyland.

"So..." I begin, "Have you thought of a plan yet?"

"Hmm..." he grunts in pleasure, "I...I don't know...Mmm..."

"Do you need me to help you?" I hint at him.

"...Can you help me?...Uh..." he moans.

"Of course I'll help you, I've already thought up a great plan," I said, "But on one condition."

"What's that?..." Chris breathes out.

I stop soothing his back, flip him around, and squeeze his cock a few times. "You need to pay me in advance. If you know what I mean," I whisper in his ear.

"Uh..." he grunts. With all his might, he pushes my hands away and turns around. "I feel horrible for cutting you off today... and even worse when you still cared for me by bringing me food..."

"Oh yeah, where did you hide today during lunch?" I ask, suddenly remembering at the mention of food.

"...The nurse's office. That's where I usually hang out during lunch before I met you..." he says sadly. "She's quite nice, and she helps me get through some of the tough times like today..."

"Ah... the nurse's office... I'll keep that in mind."

"Why? So you can find me whenever I'm sad?" Chris asks.

"Psh, you wish! That's my new safe haven from Brandy," I tease back by poking his bare ribs.

"Hey! Stop that!" Chris laughs out and he pushes my hands away.

"Why? I like a giggling Chris better anyways."

"Nooo! Stop it!" he giggles. I stop and grab him in for a hug; he hugs me back. "...Thanks Dylan... for everything..."

"Sure thing my little snuggle about that payment..." I said as I pull us apart and look him in the eyes, "I believe you blue-balled me yesterday, and I believe that we both are in dire need of some attention down there, don't you think? And Chris?"

"...Yeah?" He looks up at me.

I catch him by surprise as I dive down onto his lips and get some tongue action going. I part from him when he relaxes from me kiss. "Apology accepted. Now help me. I can't decide if I should have a sausage or some chowder soup."

Chris giggles at my innuendo and suggests, "Why not have both?"

"Hmm... Great idea Chris. Why can't I be as smart as you?" I snicker back at him.

"Oh and Dylan, if it's not too much trouble, do you think you have some room for some buns?" Chris grins devilishly.

"Hmm...I don't know if I have room for buns, but I definitely have room for what's in between them," I flirt back.

"That's good enough for me," he grins back.

"Naughty boy..." I playfully scold him.

"Bite me," he taunts while gesturing the action.

"No thanks, I prefer lapping things up like a dog. Now hurry up and get ready! I'm hornier than a bitch in heat!"

Without another word, Chris and I rip off our clothes and send them flying across the room. Chris assumes a doggy position, and I hastily get behind his butt, spread his cheeks apart, and plunge down into his rosy cherry with my mouth.

"Oh!... Oh my god! Mmm!... Dylan!..." Chris cries out in pure pleasure. "Oh god! This feels amazing!..." He arches his back a little and pushes in ass closer into my face.

I reposition myself and then dive back down to his cherry. I force my tongue through the splinter muscle, which causes Chris to gasp loudly, followed by a series of moans and groans. He writhes around, trying to push my tongue deeper into his anus, but unfortunately, my tongue's only so big.

After about five minutes of heavy tongue work, I reluctantly depart from his cheeks and begin sucking on my index and middle finger, coating them with saliva. While I'm doing that, I reach over Chris and grab his pillow. Setting it down, I flip him over so that his butt is resting on top of it. Chris looks at me and grins widely. He spreads his legs and lifts his butt up slightly for me. I position my slick fingers and slowly press into his pucker.

"Mmm...Deeper Dylan..." Chris sighs in contentment.

After my middle finger's all the way in, I pull out until the tip, position my index finger and invade Chris's hole with both. After wriggling my way in and stopping at my knuckles, I begin fingering his tight little cherry. Moments after getting a rhythm going, I turn my attention to his aching piece of steel.

"Thanks for the meal Chris," I smirk at him and engulf his six and half inch piece of beauty into my mouth. In one go, I manage to swallow the entire thick mass all the way down with my nose buried in his cute, little pubic mound. While I squeeze his mushroom tip with my throat, I take in a deep waft of his pubes. It was a mixture of his boy musk and shampoo; my cock grows even harder, trying to get some relief.

"Phmm!" Chris grunts out, snapping me back to reality.

I bob my head up and down rapidly, milking his dick for the juice I desperately wanted.

"Dylan-Mmm! Oh god! Phmm! I'm...I'm...Hmm! Gah! I'm gonna cum!" Chris screams. He grabs the back of my hair and forces his dick deep down my throat. The moment I feel his dick his the back of my throat, he spews his two days worth of man juice down my pipe. Oh my god did he cum... I don't think he's ever shot this much, ever. Wave after wave, I happily gulp everything down. I think he shot seven pistols before calming down into a dribble. But whatever, I contently suck that up too like the perverted vampire I am.

Chris spasms one last time and falls into a dead man's trance. He lets go of my hair and I continue sucking his dick, waiting for that last bit to shiver out. Sure enough, Chris's body contracts a little and that last drop of cum oozes out from his tip. God I love that... It's my little fetish of Chris. (Shh, don't tell anyone!). I don't know why, but it's so appealing and erotic to me. It's like he's finished with his orgasm, but not completely done... I guess it allows me to continue pleasuring him even when he's done, but who knows.

Anyways, I eagerly lick up that last drop and suck his, now semi-hard, penis one last time to get rid of any remaining saliva, but more importantly, any tiny amount of cum that I might have missed. While he's still in cloud 9, I pull myself up to meet his face and surprise him with a cum- filled kiss. He doesn't even flinch and just opens his mouth, allowing me to ooze the cum residue onto his tongue. He rolls his tongue back and swallows the mixture of my spit and his cum.

"Can I cock slap you?" I ask dreamily.

"What's that?" he asks, smiling

"You know... when someone slaps your face with his cock before sucking on it."

"That sounds hot. Let's do it," Chris grins impishly.

"Naughty boy..." I shake my head.

"But I'm your naughty boy," he grins back while hugging me. He then sits up and rests his back on the headboard. I position myself and grab hold of my seven inches of wonder.

"Open your mouth Chris," I instruct.

He does and I begin teasing him. I first stick the mushroom part of my dick in between his lips. Chris immediately closes them and tries his best to suck the entire thing. But before he can do anything, I pull my cock out and gently slap his right cheek, leaving a glistening, wet mark. I reposition my cock in front of his mouth again and stick it all the way in once. Like before, before he can do anything, I pull my dick out and slap his left cheek. I repeat the process again, enter his mouth, pull out, slap one side, stick it in again, pull out, slap the other side.

This continues on for about five minutes. I don't how I was able to do that for so long without cumming. But, what happened, happened. Unable to hold myself any longer, I shove my dick down Chris's mouth and start fucking his face.

"Ah... How I missed this feeling... You're the best Chris..." I sigh as he applies pressure on my tool. "Hmm... you're so good at this... Uh..."

From all that edging from before, I knew that I'm not going to last long. I pick up my pace and drill Chris's hot, wet mouth faster than ever.

"Hmm! Oh fuck!... Fuck!... Oh god Chris! Pmm! Shit, I'm going to cum!" I yell on the top of my lungs. I think I woke up the entire neighborhood with my screaming. Oops.

Unable to hold that itch any longer, I thrust my hips forward, causing my cock to slide deep down his throat. "Shit! Fire in the hole!" I hiss at Chris and spew my heavy load down his hatch.

Like a boss, he channels it down like it was water. Another reason why I love him so much, not only is he a great love-making machine, he knows how to react when I spew my load. I think I've given him enough cum to make a shot of tequila, more or less... but damn is that a lot! I finish my series of spasms and fall over onto the bed. Chris takes this opportunity to attack my dick again and slurp up the saliva. The moment his tongue touches the tip of my dick, a shiver runs down my spine and I shudder. Chris quickly sucks up the spit and kisses the head one last time before coming up to hug me.

"Do you want a kiss?" he whispers.


He leans forward and plants a kiss on my lips. I invade his mouth and lick everywhere I can to savor some of the cum left in his mouth. He leaves, to which I playfully protest to, and lays down on top of me.

"Why did this time feel so good?" Chris mumbles.

"You know what they say, make-up sex is the best form of sex," I reply while patting his head.

"...What do you mean?"

"We technically had our first fight today," I explain, "And the bed-time we just had was a way of forgiving each other. Sex and forgiveness, what else can improve that combination?"

"Oh... so like, double the greatness," Chris realizes.

"Mhm..." I grunt and wrap my arms around his waist.

"Dylan... I'm sorry... really..." he whispers timidly.

"As long as you correct your wrongs, it'll be fine," I reassured him.

"But... I broke one of our promises..." he pouts.

"Well... sometimes, promises need to be broken," I smile at him.

He scoots up and kisses me. "Now you're just trying to make me feel better."

"Is it working?" I grin at him.

"Even when I try to be mad at you, I can't..." he sighs while scooting back to his original position.

"Then it's working," I joke at him.

"I don't get you... why aren't you mad at me?" Chris asks.

"Oh, so you want me to be mad at you?" I question back.

"That's what normal people are suppose to do." Chris bloats his cheeks with air.

"Ok fine. I'll be mad at you." I swat both his cheeks playfully, causing a resonating sound to project from his firm, bubble butt. "Ok, you're forgiven."

The looks down, deep in thought for a second. "...That felt kinda nice..."

"Ohhh, I have a kinky boyfriend!" I sing out loud.

"What's kinky mean?"

I pull us up into a slouching position. "It's when you like to do some unusual sexy things. Like spanking, blindfolding, and various other things," I explain to my sweet, innocent boy.

"Oh... is that it? Or is there more?" he wonders.

"Oh... there's a lot more complexity involved Chris. Have you watched any porn lately?"

Chris blushes and shies away. "...N...No..." he says embarrassed.

"I won't mind if you do. You can even use private browsing so that it automatically wipes off any sessions you used."

"O...Ok..." he timidly replies.

"Anyways, if you do decide to watch porn, you might see some weird things. If it isn't anything like blowjobs, hand-jobs, or fucking, it's probably something kinky," I explain.

"I'm confused... there's more to sex than just those three?" Chris queries while scratching his head.

"You'll know that I mean when you decide to watch something. I'll be willing to join you if you want." I give him my crooked smile and wink at him.


"Anyways, I think we should go down. If you want me to help you with tomorrow. I'll need the a-okay from your mom."

"Only if you spank me again," Chris grins.

"Oh god... there goes your innocence..." I sigh as I swat his cheeks again.

"Mmm... you should do that to me more often," he flirts.

"Yeah-yeah, don't get too used to it. I'm not that kind of person... yet." I wave it aside as I pick up our clothes.

We quickly pull up our clothes and I give Chris a piggyback ride down the stairs and back into the kitchen.

"Huh...Where's my mom?" Chris asks as I put him down onto the floor.

"I'm in the living room!" Betty shouts from the room next door. I scoop up Chris before he can do anything and carry him into the living room. Once there, I toss him onto the loveseat.

"Hey!" Chris yells.

"Hey yourself. Now move over fatty. I need a place to sit too."

He sits up and scoots to his left. As soon as I sit down though, he crawls all over me and settles comfortably on my lap.

"I see that you two made up," Betty notices while watching the news.

"Yeah, turns out, it wasn't even me," I said. "It's about something else completely."

"Oh? And what might that be?"

"Do you want me to explain it or you Chris?" I ask.

"You tell her."

"Ok." I turn to Betty, "Chris here, has been rather frustrated all because of Patrick."

Betty turns down the volume and looks at us. "Patrick? You mean your cousin?"

" and dad were always too busy to notice or care, but Patrick is a spoiled brat," Chris states bluntly. "He always ruins my room, and always has Uncle and Auntie covering up for him."

"I see... " Betty nods, somewhat surprised.

"Yeah... and with him coming over with Dad-"

"He's going to repeat what he's done over the past few years..." Betty finishes for Chris.


"Why did you tell me this beforehand?" Betty asks.

"Because you and Dad were too busy with work to take notice of me! I would've loved to tell all this, but you never seemed to care or have the time..." Chris sadly states.

"...I'm sorry Chris... I never knew that you felt that way about Patrick..." Betty solemnly responds. "I'll try too make it up to you-

"That's okay," Chris interrupts, "Dylan here, apparently has a plan to help me this year to get through this. Don't you Dylan?"

"Oh, and what might that plan be?" Betty asks.

"Well... it depends on how long they're going to stay over," I state.

"It all depends... it's never the same with them. My best guess is about two weeks this time. Although, they did stay until Christmas time that one year," Betty says, recalling the past.

"Oh god, I hated that year..." Chris remembers and protests.

"So yeah... two weeks Dylan. What's your plan?" Betty asks.

"If it's only for two weeks, then the plan is to..."


Don't we all love cliffhangers? :D No? Just me? Ok...well too bad for you then! >:[

This chapter is shorter than usual, but that's only because of the cliffhanger lol. It'll make more sense in the next chapter, so just let your minds over think things and ruin your life... desperately wanting to know what's going to happen next.

As always, email me. Whether it's to provide feedback or to simply say hi, please send them to me. It's always fun chatting when new people. And I've met some great people through this story.

And finally, D.O.N.A.T.E! Please! This is a great site, and I'd hate to see it disappear, or worse... start charging people to read stories. AHH THE HORROR!

Next: Chapter 12

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