Three Simple Words

By No Name

Published on Jul 26, 2013


This story, part or whole, is copyrighted to me, and me only. Don't read this is you can't, are under legal age, etc.

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I'm going on vacation on for the month of August, meaning I won't be able to post anything during the rough 30 day duration. I will try to squeeze in one more chapter before I go, but no promises.

However, I will try to bring my laptop and continue to write chapters during my vacation. (The problem is whether or not I have internet access). So... don't assume that I died or something and I'm sorry to everyone who's enjoying the story so far. I'll make it up to you guys somehow!

So, without further ado, chapter 12!


Chapter 12 "Beach! That's mine!"

Ah the bed, our safe haven. The perfect companion who we can always lean upon. And it's not picky too! You can load up another person, and it won't mind the least bit. In fact, the bed appreciates you even more if you brought over a lover. Then a happy little family is created.

That's exactly what I'm doing now. I'm in a relationship with my bed, and I've also brought over the best person ever! This is perfect... just me, Chris, and the bed... ah so snuggly. The only downside to this perfect moment is the temperature. Why is it so hot?... Come to think of it, I think Chris and I are sweating!

I pry my eyes open and lift myself up. My eye's gain back their focus after a few seconds and I gaze outside the window. The sun's not quite out yet, but I can see its rays trying to penetrate the skies. I glance at the clock/thermometer, 6:50 A.M. and 80ø. Yikes! How is it so hot already? I groggily get out of bed to turn on the ceiling fan.

Walking back felt funny. It's like, something's off... but what? I feel... lighter... and breezier... My eyes bulge out all of a sudden and look down. That's what's different! I'm naked! Oh my god, I can't believe Chris and I slept naked yesterday! Oh god, I'm so glad my parent's didn't intrude last night... I would've had A LOT of explaining to do...

I desperately look around the floor for my pair of boxers. Flipping through the scattered clothing from yesterday, I manage to find Chris's boxers first and mine second. I fumble mine on and dash onto the bed.

I plop back onto my bed and a perverted thought enters my mind. Chris is naked, in the buff... and he's fast asleep... What if I- oh I don't know... were to give him a better dream? Not to mention, I am a little hungry... Now that I think of it, I am a little thirsty too.

A wide smile spreads across my face as I cautiously peel off the blanket from Chris. I feel so excited; it's like trying to discover some hidden treasure. As I pull off the covers, Chris's body exposes itself to me inch by inch. First this neck, then his bare chest... Oh! His cute, quarter shaped nipples are showing! Now his lean stomach! Oh my god he's so cute and delicious looking!

Unable to contain my excitement anymore, I yank off the blanket, exposing the last of his nude body. I lick my lips and gently spread his legs apart. He sighs a little and tilts his head the other way.

After a few minutes of pure silence, I place his pair of boxers next to him and get into position. I grab both his wrists and place them next to his head. I then lay my stomach where his crotch is and attack his nipples with my tongue. As I'm licking his delicate buds, he starts moaning softly. I dab my tongue across his chest and start suckling his other nipple. This causes Chris's body to squirm around like a worm.

"Uh. Mmm... Sss..." he groans again. He then bucks his hips forward once and tries to move his arm. I hold is wrists tighter and stroke my tongue to his belly button. I swirl around his inny slowly and gaze up to see his face. His eyes are still closed, probably having a wet dream. Well, I guess it's time to wake him up.

I let go of his wrists, dive down even deeper, and suck both his little jewels up without my mouth. Once all that loose skins is in my mouth, I raise my chin up slightly and try to swallow them down. My throat's effect sends jolts up through Chris's body as he spasms a little.

"Oh... Hmm... Fuck me... " he mumbles through his sleep. Huh, he wants me to fuck him... That's weird...

Well I guess I can fulfill his wish. I lash my tongue at his ball sack a few more times before removing them from my mouth. As my saliva is oozing out of it, I coat my fingers with spit and reposition my boyfriend's legs.

Finding their way in, they land on his tighter pucker and I slowly push in. Chris moans in pleasure, but sighs contently once my knuckles hit his crack. Damn, how can he still be sleeping? Time for my trump card...

I wrap my index and thumb around the base of his hard cock and ram his meat down my throat. This ought to wake him up. I rapidly bob my head up and down, lash my tongue anywhere they could touch, and clamp my mouth tight, as if trying to bite off his dick with my moist lips.

"Hmm... Uh... Oh shit!" Chris hisses. "Nmm! Oh!... Shit!"

He thrashes his body around as I relentlessly attack his penis. Feeling that his ass is getting loosening up, I jab my second finger in and finger him faster.

"Ah!" he hisses again, "Oh! God! Hmm! Dylan! I'm... I'm ah!" He thrusts forward once more and fires his load into my drain. "Hmm... Pmf... Ugh!"

One shot... two shots... three, four... five, and six? The sixth shot was a little weak, so I'll say that he fired 5.5 rounds of tasty cum at me. Naturally, I swallow everything down, but I still wanted more... Why can't we produce a bigger amount? I mean, most of us love it when we spew our load everywhere. Not only does it look hot beyond reason, it's healthy too. I finish sucking his popsicle with a pop and scoot up.

"Good morning snuggle bug," I smile at him.

"Thanks for the wake up call..." he smirks after getting his breathing under control, "What time is it?"

"Oh, about five minutes pass seven," I nonchalantly state.

He punches me in the arm. "7:00? Really?"

I playfully rub my arm. "Hey that hurt... after all I did to wake you up," I pout.

"Whatever. Why did you wake me up so early anyways?" he asks while yawning.

"Wow... no remorse..." I retaliate. "Well, I woke you up because of this." I hold up his pair of boxers at his face.

"Why would I..." he starts, but then his eyes grow big. "Oh my god gimme that!" He yanks his shorts out of my hands and cursorily pulls it up through this legs.

I couldn't help but laugh at him.

"Oh shut up!" he glowers, "That would've been embarrassing if your parents walked in."

"I know, why do you think I brought it over?" I tease him some more before going back to laughing.

After a while and my laughing being under control, I scoot closer to my arms-folded Chris and nudge him with my shoulder.

"So... what were you dreaming about when I devoured your delicious cock?" I grin at him.

He sighs, "Oh you know... the usual stuff."

"Really?" I ask.

"Mhm, why do you ask?"

"Well... a certain boy over here, was moaning like crazy."

"So? Don't I always do that?"

"But!" I interject quickly. "This particular time, he was moaning something along the lines like, 'Oh fuck me... Fuck me harder Dylan!.." I 'mimic' in my falsetto voice.

Chris's face turns into a tomato, red and ripe. "No I didn't," he says in defense.

"Oh but you did," I beam widely at him. "And then, you said something like-"

"Lalala!" he sings, "You're lying; I just know it."

"Oh come on, it isn't that-"

"LALALA!" he sings louder this time while covering his ears with his fingers.

"Fine, if that's how you want it," I frown as I lay back down on the bed again, facing away from Chris.

Even though I can't see him, I feel his eyes gaze upon me. "Dylan?" he nudges me. I ignore him. "Dylan..." he sympathetically says again.

"What?" I grumble at him.

He looks down, trying to find the words. "...Aren't you gonna cuddle with me again?" he suggests with a weak smile.

I look into his pleading eyes. I can see the hurt in his eyes. "Why would you want a liar to cuddle with you?"

"But you're not a liar!" he desperately calls, while hugging me, "I'm sorry... sorry that I called you one..."

A smile escapes from my lips as I hug him back. He looks up and catches me in the act. I look down at him, "Gotcha."

"Oh my god!" he gasps, realizing that he's been played.

"Oh you should've seen the look on your face," I crack up laughing. "You're too gullible Chris!"

"Whatever... my promise about being mad at you still stands," he grunts out while looking away from me.

"Aww, don't be like that Chris..." I baby-talk at him while wrapping my arms around his shoulder. I kiss him on the cheek, "You know, I never rejected your suggestion about cuddling." Before he can react, I pull him in and we fall backwards onto the bed.

"Why is it so hard to be mad at you," he says while puffing his cheeks.

"I don't know, it's your body, not mine," I say in defense and give him a kiss on his forehead.

After getting into a more comfortable position, "You know... what I said about your sleep talk wasn't' completely a lie. You did say 'fuck me,'" I bring up. "Wanna tell me what you were dreaming about?"

He sighs deeply. "I blame the porn videos I watched yesterday. When you were... you know, I was dreaming about you fucking me. It felt so real... too real."

"Oh, that was partially my fault, I stuck a finger or two up your ass when I was sucking you dry," I reply with a smirk.


"Because you said to fuck me."

"Oh..." he backs down.

"Well in any case, I won't force you to do anything you're not comfortable with. Just let me know if you're ready," I remind him.

"Mmm... Dylan?"

"Yeah snuggle bug?"

"...I love you..." he sighs.

"Love you too. Now let's get some more sleep," I advise, "It's still too early in the morning."

"Yeah... and why is it so hot?" he wonders.

"I don't know, but I turned on the fan, so that should help." I spoon him like we always do and pull the blanket to cover us up to our armpits. I then wrap my arms around his beautiful body and tenderly pat his stomach to help set a breathing rhythm.

"Dylan! It's time to get up!" my mom calls at around 10:00. I consider the idea for a second... Nope! I pull the covers over my head and scoot away from Chris.

"You up Chris?" I whisper.

"No..." he mumbles while pushing his butt back to meet me.

I stop him with my hands. "Ok, well when you wake up, I won't be hugging you. My mom might come in. And you know the rest."

He mumbles something that I couldn't hear and pushes his bubble butt away from me. I guess he understood.

"Honestly Dylan, how do you sleep-oh..." my mom stops as she stares at me. "I thought Chris was going to sleep on the air mattress or something."

"Nah, it was getting late, and I didn't want to wake up the neighbors with the air blower's sounds," I reply while sitting up.

"So are you two umm... you know..." she trails off.

"Oh my god Mom... what do you think?" I flip off my part of the blanket, exposing my boxers for her to see.

"Oh ok good... you scared me for a second there," she sighs. "Anyways, it's 10:00."

I flop over to the side closer to the wall and settle back down into the bed. "But a growing boy needs his sleep." I whine, followed by a yawn.

"Yeah right, you're tall enough already," she argues back.

"But Chris isn't," I grin. "And besides, how can you deny this adorable face?" I pout as I point at Chris's face.

Right on cue, Chris opens his eyes and beams the beautiful sapphire gems at my mom. She looks at Chris and awes a little, but then shakes her head. Chris pouts out his lower lip and raises his eyes up while tilting his face down ever so slightly.

After a few minutes of struggling, my mom finally gives in. "Oh alright... I give up..."

"Yay I win!" Chris grins.

"Try not to stay in too late," my mom states while leaving.

"Don't forget to shut the door!" I remind her. She shakes her head and closes the door on the way out.

After hearing her footsteps becoming fainter and fainter, Chris turns around. "So... you owe me for that one."

"Do I? I think we're even."

"How?" he questions.

"...Mmm... fuck me Dylan..." I remind him of the little scene earlier today.

He blushes. "Oh shut up."

I giggle at him and pull him in for a hug. "Don't worry. If you want, I can always please your little pecker again. Or huge pecker in this case."

"Oh my god," he punches me, "Tell it to the whole world why don't you..."

"Don't tempt me. If you let me, I'd boast about it every day. 'Oh yeah, my boyfriend; he's hung down there. Knows how to please me with it every night,'" I use as an example.

"Noo!! I forbid you from doing that," he enforces.

I laugh at him and flip him onto his back. I then drape my leg and arm over him and nibble on his ear. "Really?" I whisper into his ear, "Enforce is such a harsh word... why not something like, permit me to do it?"

Chris closes his eyes and lets out a soft moan. But then, he pushes me off and shakes his head. "Nope, I won't fall for that."

"Aww come on Chris, I was enjoying that tasty ear of yours..." I pout.

"Well, you can have some later. I want to get out of bed now; it's so hot today..." he realizes.

"Yeah... I wonder why... it's basically October..." I trail off as I ponder on the possible reasons why.

"Can we go to a pool or something?" Chris asks.

"...Hmm..." I ponder on his idea for a bit.

"Hello? Earth to Dylan," he nudges me. I guess he thought I was ignoring him.

I look at him. "You know what I think we should do?"


I grin at him.. "Beach trip!" Chris's face lights up and that little sparkle in his eyes twinkles brightly. I snicker at his reaction. "So, you up for it?"

"Of course! But... I don't have swimming trunks," he realizes.

"That's ok. I can give you an old pair of mines. Can you get my phone and phone up the gang while I go look for a pair?"

Chris scoots off the bed and grabs my phone off the desk. While he's finding our friend's names in my contact list, I put on my clothes and dig through my closet for swimming trunks.

"Is this Bryan?" Chris asks through the phone. "Yeah, this is Chris... Yeah, Dylan and I were wondering if you wanted to go to the beach with us today... ok, hold on." He hands me the phone. "He said he wants to talk to you."

I grab the phone and kiss Chris on the cheek. I then point to the bed. He nods and goes over it, waiting for me.

"Hey man, what's up?" I ask while still rummaging through my closet. Why do I so much useless stuff in here?...

"Hey..." Bryan replies, followed by a yawn. "Why'd you wake me up so early?"

"Long story... I'll tell you if you come to the beach with me," I suggest to him playfully.

He yawns again, "Sure... what time, who's going, and who's driving who?"

"You're the first person I asked," I state while pulling out the stack of swim gear way in the back of my closet.

"Alright, we'll meet you at your house in two hours, sound good?" Bryan says.

"We?" I question while throwing the stack onto my bed.

"Yeah, me and Carrie... Babe, time to wake up, we have plans today," I hear him coo at, presumably, his girlfriend. I hear a low groan in the background. It didn't sound like Carrie's voice... more like, a guy's. I have a hunch...

"Who's also with you?" I ask.

"No one, just me and Carrie. Why do you ask?" Bryan asks.

"Really?" I'm not buying it. "...Can you hand the phone to Joey?"

"How did you-" Bryan squeaks, "I almost forgot... You're Dylan... the mind reader."

I roll my eyes and toss a pair of pants to Chris. "Ok... well get your dick out of Joey's ass and get ready. Tell him to come too. We'll figure out who's going with who after you guys get here." Chris overhears my conversation and giggles profoundly.

"Well fuck you too," Bryan says through the phone.

"Ok when?" I quip back at him.

"Your impossible... see you in an hour or two." Before I can respond, Bryan cuts off the line.

I smirk at my witty remarks and look at Chris in his new swimming trunks. "Aww, I missed the strip show," I whine.

He giggles at my comment. "Well, I might have to do it again. This one's a little big."

"Oh ok, um... let's see..." I poke through the stack and something catches my eye. "Ohhh Chris," I sing at him as I pull out the item. "Wanna try this one on?"

He looks at the pair of black speedos and glares at me. "Are you serious? There is no way I'm wearing that!"

"Aw come on, I bet you'd look hot in this." I push the pair of tight spandex at him.

"Nooo!" He pushes them away from him. "Why do you have these anyways?"

"Hmm... Oh yeah! My mom bought it for me. Never wore it," I grin cheekily at him. "Anyways, if you're not going to wear it, at least try it on for me to see. You can take it off right after. Please?"

He looks at me as I give him my puppy face. "Oh alright... but only for a second."

"Yes!" I hiss.

He slips off the pair of swimming trunks from before, exposing his sexy nude body, and grabs the black speedos from me. He pulls them up lets go with a snap as the stretchy material hugs his waist.

"Hmm..." I lip my lips, "You looks so sexy with that on."

"Really?" he asks while doing a 180.

"Oh stop right there!" I halt him. "Now stick out your butt a little."

He backs up closer to me and complies to my wishes. Chris then turns his head to the right so that he's facing me and puts a finger on his lower lip.

"Not only sexy and hot, but cute as hell too," I tell him as I squeeze his butt.

"Uh... Mmm... spank me Dylan," he begs.

"You and your kinkiness," I shake my head.

I pinch the fabric and conjoin both sides into his ass crack, exposing his two beautiful full moons. I slap both of them towards each other, causing the two cheeks to jiggle like jelly. Chris moans in pleasure and tells me to do it again. I comply and slap them again. But this time, I spread my fingers and grab the plump, round moons and squeeze them, hard.

"Mmm... that feels nice Dylan..." Chris coos.

I spread his cheeks apart, causing the fabric tightly snuggled in his crevice to slip out and cover his butt again.

"Ok, you can take it off now if you want," I tell him as I remove my hands from his body. He turns around and smiles wickedly at him. I notice an outline of his hard on straining against the tight, dark fabric.

"Can I keep these Dylan?" he asks.

"Naughty boy. What are you up to?"

"It's a surprise," he grins, "So can I?"

"Sure I guess. I won't be wearing them anytime soon."

He strips them off and tosses them into his bag. Turning around, he rests his hands on his hip and shakes his boner in front of me, giggling.

"Put that monster away Chris. Sheesh," I joke.

"Well I need something to cover it up right?" he smirks. I roll my eyes and look through the stash of swim gear again.

After going thought the stack, Chris settles with a black O'neill brand with blue flames coming from the bottom. Well to be fair, as soon as Chris saw it, he insisted that he wanted that one. No matter how much I tried telling him that it's a little big, he refused to listen to me and tried it on. Sure enough, it hanged loosely at his waist, with his pelvic bone stopping it from dropping completely to the ground.

Naturally, he whined about it and looked disappointed. With some thinking, a brilliant plan comes into my mind. Why not wear the black speedos underneath? Since the shorts didn't have the net on the inside, it made perfect sense to wear the triangular shaped piece underneath. After snapping on the speedos, Chris pulled up the swimming trunks. It fit perfectly then.

He twirls around to show me. Man is he hot and cute! Oh my god I can just stare at him like this forever! He's skinny (wonder what happened to that baby fat), and not all Mr. Muscle. And his back, oh my god! Fan girl scream His scapula bones pop out a little, giving that little crevice effect going towards his spine. He finishes twirling and shows his lean stomach and his two little pecks.

"So, how do I look?" he asks.

"Like an angel who's driving every other angel jealous with your looks..." I tell him.

"Oh stop it you," he flicks his wrist at me. We giggle at his choice of movement. "So you think this works?"

"Uh-huh. the blue design goes really well with your beautiful, blue eyes," I comment.

"Really?" He replies, astonished, as he sits on my lap.

"Mhm." I gentle turn his head around and steal a kiss from him. "Ok, you might wanna change out of it. Those speedos can get itchy if you keep wearing them in this heat."

"Yeah I guess your right..." He quickly changes out of the combo and back into his regular clothes. Of course, as he's stripping, he flirts with me, driving my testosterone levels well beyond their comfort zone. Give me a break, I haven't relieved myself yet and on top of that, I gave him a blowjob today.

As soon as he pulls his shirt down, we head out of my room and depart ways as he goes into the restroom to do his morning duties. As for me, I head into the kitchen and see what my mom's been cooking up.

"Oh you're finally up I see," my mom remarks.

"Yeah... what time is it?" I ask, sitting down.

"10:45 now..." she states as she puts a cup of orange juice in front of me.

"Oh that's not so bad... Oh yeah, Chris and I were thinking about going to beach today. That ok with you?"

"Sure, I was thinking about hiding in my room with the A/C on all day. What do you want for breakfast?"

"Anything's fine. Although I'm waiting for Chris to finish using the bathroom so I can brush my teeth," I tell my mom.

"Ah ok. Well I'll get started on breakfast I guess. The usual I presume?"

"Yeah. That'll work."

While my mom's making a hearty breakfast, I pull out my phone and dial Caleb's number. Load and behold, Matt's sleeping over. What is it with today and all my friends sleeping over at each other's place? Oh well, at least that makes things easy for me. Naturally, the two horny bastards liked the idea of a beach trip. Thank god Caleb's parents are giving them a ride here. Now I can be lazy.

As soon as I hang up the phone, Chris walks up and sits down next to me. That's my cue to go use the restroom. I quickly get up and dash to the toilet. I relieve my bursting bladder as soon as I get in position and sigh a breath of relief. I shake off the last few drops, cover up my manhood with my pants, and flush the toilet.

Grabbing the toothbrush and slapping some toothpaste on, I hastily brush my teeth and tongue. Can't have my boyfriend eat breakfast without me now can we? After spitting and rinsing my mouth, I dry my face and hands with my towel and head back out into the dining table.

"Just in time," my mom announces as she places plates of food on the table. I grab the utensils needed from a drawer and set them in the center of the table.

Chris grabs a knife and fork and swallows a bite before I can even react. "Yours tastes better," he says, grinning.

"I heard that!" my mom shouts from the kitchen sink. After closing the faucet, she dries her hands and shouts, "Teresa! It's time to wake up!"

As soon as she leaves, Chris and I bust up laughing. Talk about awkward. While my mom's away, I quickly invade Chris's plate and cut up a piece of bacon before stabbing it with my fork.

"Quick, before my mom comes back," I softly tell him.

He opens his mouth wide and engulfs the food from my fork, smiling as he chews the piece. I cut up another piece and Chris opens his mouth again. After my third time feeding Chris, I hear footsteps coming towards us. I grin at Chris and go back to my own plate.

"Who's this?" my sister asks, yawning.

"Your future boyfriend, duh," I tell her jokingly.

"Whatever..." she states with another yawn before sitting down near her plate of food. Chris and I giggle silently at her and finish the rest of our food.

In a few minutes, Chris and I empty our plates. We throw them in the sink and go back into my room.

"It's so hot..." Chris complains while fanning himself with his hands.

"Yeah, it is... and we have about two hours to kill before the gang comes by. What do you want to do?" I ask.

"Hmm... can we watch a movie?" Chris suggests.

"Sure, I have netflix, so just hook the laptop to the T.V. with the HDMI cable," I instruct Chris to do.

"Okay." He grabs the laptop and hooks it onto the T.V. screen.

I quickly punch in my password for the computer and open up my account. "Ok, you pick a movie to watch."

Chris browses around movies, then to some T.V show series, then to some cartoons. Finally, he settles with Inception. "This is okay?" he asks.

"Yeah that's fine," I reply as he clicks play. After pressing play, Chris crawls up the bed and snuggles next to me.

"I don't get it..." Chris states while scratching the back of his head.

"Get what?" I ask as I press the stop button.

"The movie. I mean, what was the group trying to accomplish?"

"They were trying to implant an idea into the guys head. But in order to do that, the team had to go really deep into his mind to do that," I break down for him.

"Ohhh..." Chris apprehends, "Now it all makes sense..."

Just as I set my laptop back down on my table, I hear the doorbell ring. Guessing that it's one of my friends, I walk out my room to get the door. I open it up and see Bryan, Carrie, Heather, and Joey, all in their beach-themed dress.

"So, you gonna let us in?" Joey asks.

"Only if you give me a kiss," I joke as I unlock the door.

"In your dreams. You have Chris for that," he retaliates back.

"SHHH!" I hiss at him they get settled in. "My parents don't know yet."

"Oh, sorry," he apologizes nonchalantly. I sigh and close the door so that flies don't wander into my house.

"So... who's driving what?" Bryan asks, plopping his ass down on the couch.

"Why don't we let Caleb drive?" I joke around.

"Yeah right... when pigs fly," he reciprocates.

"Eh, I'll drive then," I propose, "I'm the only one with a big enough car to fit all of us in anyways."

"Alright. You gonna pick up Chris on the way?" Joey asks.

"I'm right here!" Chris shouts from my room.

The gang gives me a questioning look. I just shrug my shoulders. "What? A guy can't have a sleepover? I mean, basically everyone in our group had one last night."

"Oh yeah huh..." Heather realizes.

"Wait... you said everyone, meaning Matt and Caleb are also-"

"Yep," I finish for Carrie, "They had their little get together yesterday too."

"Ooooh..." she nods, with a sly smile on her face.

"They should be here soon." I mumble to myself. As soon as I finish my sentence, the doorbell rings. "Speak of the devil..." I walk over and reopen the door. There, I see Caleb and Matt, dressed also in beach clothes, standing by the doorway.

"Heeelllooo... anybody home?" Caleb asks while pressing the doorbell again.

"Stop pressing that!" I scorn at Caleb as I open the door.

"Sorry," he grins. I sigh and let them in.

I turn around and see a little blonde boy sitting on my spot. He looks at me and gives me his gorgeous smile. Why is he so damn cute in that swim gear! I return the gesture at him and quickly head into my room to change into my swimming trunks.

I head back out to living room and announce to everyone, "Ok. Now that we're all here, let's get going."

"But I just sat down..." Caleb whines.

"Well better get that ass up. You're the one driving," I tell him.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. We never agreed to this," Joey protests.

"What? Scared of me showing you up?" Caleb teases.

"No, scared you crashing while backing out," Bryan says. The comment makes everyone, minus Caleb, chuckle with humor.

"Whatever... you know I'm the best driver out there," Caleb says to defend himself.

"Suurreee... tell us that when you get your license," Chris reminds Caleb.

"Yeah, and your license is where again?" Caleb asks for clarification.

"I don't need one. I have a personal butler to help me now."

"Hey! This butler can hear you," I remind Chris.

"Of course, I pay him for his troubles," Chris says with a sly smile.

"Whoa!!! We don't need to know that!" Heather stops Chris while fanning herself with her hand, "We don't need to know what you guys do in bed."

"Ah jeeze. Let's just shut up and go," I urge everyone to grab their stuff. "Mom! I'm borrowing the van!" I shout towards the kitchen.

"Ok! Try not to get into trouble... CALEB!" she emphasizes the last part.

"What?" Caleb holds his hands up. Everyone laughs again and piles into my mom's Toyota van.

Since the seats were assembled as two, three, and three, one couple had to be separated. Chris takes the passenger seat. Carrie, Bryan, and Matt take the middle row, and much to Caleb's protesting, he, Joey, and Heather claim the back row. After throwing everyone's bags into the trunk, I close it and get back up to the front. I start the car, open the garage door, and head out towards the beach.

"Huhh! We're here!" Chris gasps as he stares in amazement at the crystal blue sea.

"It looks pretty crowded..." Carrie trails off, looking at the horde or people.

"I guess we'll have to use the secret spot," Matt suggests.

"Secret spot?" Chris asks.

"Well, 'secret' in quotes," Bryan explains for me since I'm busy driving, "We stumbled upon the place by accident once. People still go there, but not a lot of do. They like to crowd together as soon as they get off the freeway, but if you go a bit further down the road, you'll hit the residential."

"So?" Chris asks innocently.

"People who go here don't visit the beach a lot apparently," Bryan continues," I'll never know why they chose to live here if they don't visit the beach. But yeah, less people there, and not a lot of people realize this. So... yeah."

"Oh, I see what you're talking about," Chris states.

"In any case, we're almost there," I announce to the group.

In about ten minutes, we arrive at our destination. I pay the attendant in the parking lot, find a place to park, and pull out everything we had.

"Everyone got everything?" I ask one last time.

"Yep, and here's your stuff Dylan." Chris hands me my share of crap to carry.

"Thanks babe," I smile and whisper at him.

"Shhh!" he hisses, looking around to see if anyone outside our circle is within hearing range.

I snicker at him discreetly and mess with his hair. "Relax, we're at the beach."

He sighs, "I guess... but be careful! Sheesh!"

I grin at him; he rolls his eyes and runs up to the group. Locking up my car, I follow close behind him and join up with the gang. We head down the steep sidewalk with a little park running adjacent to the lane of cement. Once we reached the bottom, we squeeze in between an alley walkway and down the stairs to the bike lane. Making sure that no vehicles were present, we quickly sprint to the sandy heaven known as the beach.

As soon as our feet land on the scalding yellow fine grains, everyone immediately removes their sandals. Of course, this leads to a game of hot potato as everyone jumps of alternate soles for the other to cool off. After getting used to the temperature, we set off once again towards the great divide of land and sea, the coast.

"I hereby claim this spot the Kingdom of Dylan!" I shout to no one in particular as I jab the pike of the umbrella deep into the sand. I turn back and see everyone roll their eyes at me. "What is this? Who dares challenge the all mighty Dylan of this Golden Land?"

"No one Knight of Dorkalot," Bryan addresses me while setting his stuff down.

"Whatever man, at least I have a follower, a cute one too," I mention while pointing at Chris.

Setting the jokes aside, we start unpacking our stuff. Man did we bring a lot. I hastily attach the second half of the umbrella on and open it to provide some protection for my friends and I from the scorching sun rays. Meanwhile, Joey and Bryan grab all the bags and toss them into the shade. Heather and Carrie are flattening the sand to place some beach towels on.

After the umbrella opens, Matt and Caleb drag the cooler under it, to prolong the ice from melting. I motion Chris over and tell him to open up the two folding chairs and place them under the umbrella. While he's doing that, I reach for my bag and take out sunscreen. SPF 70... if this shit can't stop sun burn, nothing will.

"Chris," I call out to him as soon as he finishes placing the second chair down, "Come over here." He walks over to me and I motion his to lie down on one of the beach towels. "Don't pop a boner," I tease at him.

I squeeze out a big glob of the white, creamy lotion (if you know what I mean), dab two fingers into the messy pool of sun block, and smear my fingers onto Chris's stomach. I repeat the process a few more times onto his nipples, shoulders, arms, legs, neck, etc. After the last of messy glob is gone, I spread the content evenly through Chris's body, making sure that I cover every part of his visible body with sun block. Chris closes his eyes and purrs like a cat, enjoying the feeling of my hands massaging every part of his skin.

After I finish his front side, he sits up and turns around. I squirt another droplet into my palm and rub Chris's back affectionately. He coos again and tilts his head back a little. I move up to his shoulder blades rub his shoulders once more for assurance. I then lean forward, drape my arms over his shoulders, and pull him in for a hug.

"Love you Chris..." I mumble into his ear.

"Love you too..." he whispers back.

I reach for the sun screen again and squeeze a dime-shaped amount onto my finger tip. "Don't freak out ok?" I whisper into his ears. I stretch his bathing suit just a little and spread the tiny amount of sun screen right below the waistline, above his pubes.

"Why are you putting it there?" he asks, trying to suppress his excitement.

"When you move around, this area might get exposed," I explain to him as I remove my hands away from his pants. "Well, that and because I can't keep my hands off you."

"Naughty, naughty," he smirks at me.

"Call if what you will. Now lean forward a little so I can do that sexy ass of yours."

He snickers a little and pushes his upper body forward just a little. I quickly apply the same amount of lotion onto my hands and prudently dive them down Chris's pants. I quickly rub the sun block deep into his skin and remove my hands, but not without giving those full moons of his a couple of playful squeezes. A moan escapes from Chris's mouth as I pat him on his back.

"My turn," I smile at him.

He grabs the tube from my hands and gets behind me to do my back. While he's doing that I steal the container away from him and quickly apply the lotion to my front side.

"Hey! I was gonna do that!" Chris protests.

I smile at him, "Well, I don't wanna take up your time at the beach today. Let's just hurry up and finish. We can always have fun later tonight."

"Oohhh, are you suggesting something?" Chris flirts at my innuendo.

"Maaaybe..." I sing back. "Anyways, run along and push Caleb into the water. He's right by the coast line."

"Where?" he asks excitedly.

"There." I point at Caleb, in his white swimming trunks, who's next to Matt.

Chris smiles at me impishly and dashes towards the duo. I see him sneak up behind Caleb, and as soon as a wave comes in, he pushes Caleb into the chilly water. Being too far and the wave sounds crashing into my ears, I couldn't hear anything, but judging from the reactions and gestures, Caleb looked pissed while Matt and Chris were both laughing their ass off.

I chuckle to myself and glance one last time at my surroundings. Bryan and Joey are tossing a football around, Carrie and Heather are by the coast, building a sand castle or something, and Chris is with Matt and Caleb in the waters. Feeling rather pale, I drag my beach towel into the sun, put on some sunglasses, and lie back down to give myself a tan.

About fifteen minutes pass by with no trouble. Well, at least until a shadow hovers over me and blocks my sunlight. I turn around onto my back and lift up my sunglasses. My eyes adjust to the blinding sun and squint to see Chris in front of me.

"Dylan? I think we might need your help..." he says in a rather depressing tone.

I sit up and stretch. "What happened this time..."

"Someone's arguing with Caleb about something."

"Oh god... what did he do this time?" I nag to myself.

"I don't know... we were just playing in the water at first. Then, these two guys come over and told us to get off. And you know Caleb..." Chris explains to me as I get up.

"Alright... let's go see what's wrong..." I groan. There goes my nap and time to tan evenly...

I spot where Caleb and Matt are. I notice that Bryan and Joey have also realized the situation and are moving towards the commotion. They get there first, with me close behind.

"You know what?! Fuck you!" Caleb shouts. Matt grabs him by the shoulder, telling him to just let it go.

"Whoa! You do not tell me to fuck off! Especially since you're the one who fucked up1" one of the guy screams. Oh boy... no way Caleb's gonna let this one go. He frees himself from Matt's grasp and sticks his nose back at the guy, bickering his ass off.

I sigh and tap Matt on the shoulder. He startles a bit and looks at me. "What happened?" I ask.

"I really don't know... we were just goofing off. But then, these two guys come over and tell us to get off their turf or something. And well, you know the rest," Matt explains the situation.

"Alright... Joey!" I call out to him, "Pull him away... I'll handle this..."

Joey motions Matt over and on the count of three, they each drag Caleb by the shoulders away from the guy.

"Hey! What are you doing?! Let me go!" Caleb protests while flailing his arms and legs around. After the three get some distance, I step up to confront the two.

"And who are you?" the guy who was arguing with Caleb sneers. He's shorter than me, has the Latino features, and is shirtless with a pair of jean shorts.

"His friend. Now, what seems to be the problem?" I inquire in a civilized manner.

"Your friend there, is on our turf," the guy jeers.

"Turf? This is a public beach, for all to enjoy. Who gave you the right to claim this area as 'your turf'?" I question with air quotes.

"We did," the guy behind him backs his companion up. He slightly taller than his friend, but still shorter than me. Brown, shaven hair, brown eyes, and a bit on the pale side, much like an anemic. Although, his muscles tell people otherwise.

"Oh ok, so two vagabonds wander around the beach and claim a random area of the beach as their own. Like anyone will believe that," I scoff.

"Whoa! Did he just diss me? I think he just dissed me Mark," the Latino says to his friend.

"Yep, he dissed you," Mark agrees. "You do know what happens to guys who disses us right?"

"No, I don't. And I don't intend to find out," I disparage as I turn around to leave.

"What? You running away? Wow! All talk and no muscle!" the first guy taunts.

"Chicken! Bawk! Bawk! Everyone! Look at the pussy!" the other guy clucks while gesturing a flightless bird.

I ignore them and continue walking back towards my friends. The duo were attracting unwanted attention; even the life guard is looking at us. I didn't want any trouble, so might as well leave it at that. But some people never learn...

"Look out!" Chris points behind me.

Knowing full well what Chris meant, I bend my upper body down and jab my right foot straight up into the air in one fluent motion. And by "chance," the impact landed right below his chin, where his throat was. The one who attacked me groans miserably and topples over.

"Luis!" the other guy shouts. So, his name is Luis, meaning the guy who was arguing with Caleb charged at me. I turn around and see Mark running up to his friend.

"Luis! Luis! Are you alright?" Mark desperately asks.

"Agh... Mmm!" Luis groans in pain.

"You... What did you do?!" Mark demands.

I shrug. "Why don't you ask your friend? He's the one that charged at me first."

"Why you-" Matt grits his teeth and pounces up to punch me. Why?! Why do people always fight?! It solves nothing!

I grab his left jab with my left hand and forcibly fling him to my left. With his momentum and speed, there's no way he can stop his fall in time, but I'm not done yet. As he's tumbling, he leaves his entire left side completely exposed. I take this opportunity and ram my right fist and leg at his jaws and side respectively. I knock the wind out of him as he stumbles to the ground in pain near his friend.

I sigh deeply and crouch down to inspect him. "Chris! Go get the lifeguard... they'll need some medical attention."

Chris just stands there, dazed at what just happened. Bryan nudges Chris and snaps him back into reality. After restoring his composure, Chris and Bryan head towards the lifeguard station.

I sigh again and return my attention to Mark. "You'll feel dizzy and might throw up, Don't bother getting up, I hit you in the jaws to mess up your coordination and your sides to prevent you from standing up correctly."

I then move to Luis. "You... just don't talk. I think I hit you at the throat. Let's hope I didn't break anything..." I sigh, shaking my head at what just happened.

In about five minutes, an ambulance arrives at the scene with a police car. As the medical team rushes over to see if anything major was broken. The policemen and lifeguard walk towards me.

"Tell me what happened?" the officer looks at me while taking out a notepad and pencil.

"I was napping on the beach, trying to get a tan when my friend over there, Chris, runs up to me telling me that my other friend, Caleb, who's over there, got into an argument with the two on the ground. Feeling that something isn't right, I rush over and ask my other friend what was going on. He explained to me that they were just playing around in the water when those two guys came along and told them to get off their turf or something. So I had my friends drag Caleb away and try to settle this dispute as peacefully as possible. I leave with the two mocking me by calling me some names, but I didn't mind them. As I was walking away, one of the guys charges up at me. Thankfully, Chris warned me. I acted on reflect due to Tae Kwon Do and kicked him at the throat, I think. His friend rushes and then tries to punch me due to anger. So, I acted on defense and stopped him before he can hurt me or anyone else. After that, I told Chris to get the lifeguard and call the 911. As they left, I stayed by the two, telling them to not stand up or talk since I hurt them pretty bad," I explain quickly to the deputy in one breath.

The officer writes everything down, "Alright, you're story pretty much matches what the lifeguard stated. Just give me your contact information in case we have more questions to ask."

He hands me his notepad and I quickly write down my name and phone number. "You need to detain me or anything?" I ask the officer.

"Normally I would-" he starts before being interrupted by his radio.

"Bob, I just spoke to some witnesses."

"And?" Bob, the officer speaks into his walkie-talkie.

"It's Luis and Mark again."

Bob sighs, "I know... the lifeguard already told me that. If there are no major injuries, arrest them for assault and battery."


"Anyways, as I was saying," Bob continues, "Since those two committed the crimes on you, you won't be arrested. In fact, you can technically sue them for attacking you in the first place."

"Nah... they'll just be fined with something right?" I decline the offer.

"Most likely. The money will probably all go to your lawyer anyways."

"Yeah, that's what I was thinking. So no, I won't press charges," I tell the officer. "Anything else?" I ask the two.

The policeman shakes his head and leaves to check out the scene. The life guard steps forward. "As a matter of fact, yes." He holds out his hand; I wrap mine around his. "My name's Steve, and the community has finally had enough of those two trouble makers at this beach. As this is a public beach, we can't forbid anyone from coming here, unless they have some sort of record on them. I'm asking on behalf of the community to ask you to sign this petition."

He hands me a clipboard with a bunch of papers attached to it. "What is this for?" I ask.

"If you sign this document, this will testify that the two you on the ground over there have performed some sort of harmful action towards others on the beach. By signing this form, the two will be banned from all surrounding beaches and be fined to do some sort of punishment... again."

"Again?" I raise my eyebrow.

Steve sighs, "Yes, again... those two have been caught numerous times already doing some stupid actions like graffiti. Since they didn't cause direct harm to anyone, they were only sentence to community service. However, I fear that they'll be causing more harm to others in the future if nothing is done. I mean, if they tried to hurt you, who knows who else they might hurt?"

"Fair point..." I agree with Steve as I glance around the stack of papers. "Do I have to attend any meetings or anything?"

"No, I will do that on your behalf since I'm your witness," Steve explains.


"Yeah... but it is for the greater good." He looks around and motions me to come closer. "Well that and the fact that I get paid overtime," he whispers.

"Ohh..." I smile back, "Well, gotta help the community right?" Steve grins at my subtle hint. "Will it be better if all my friends who were involved sign this too?" I suggest.

"The more the merrier. I just need you to sign this form, and then I can start a petition to file for the city court to hear," Steve explains.

"Ah, here's the petition list," I notice on the back of the stack. "Alright. I hope this works out for you." I fill out the necessary blanks such as name, date, email address, etc.

"Thank you... Dylan," he says while looking at the form I signed. "Now to get the fifty signatures needed..."

"Well, you have seven signatures right here." I shout for my friends to come over here. When everyone arrived, Steve explained the situation and about the petition. After finishing, everyone agreed to sign it.

After the last person signed it, a bunch of people gathered around us, wondering what the big commotion was. Steve explains the situation again and soon, everyone was piling up to sign the petition.

"Good luck Steve," I smile at him.

"Thanks Dylan. Hey! I'll send you and email about the results if you like!" he shouts at I walk away.

"Sure!" and with that, my group departs from the big area. We pass the area surrounded with caution tape. By now, Luis and Mark were already handcuffed and shoved into the police car. I guess they didn't suffer from any major injuries. That's good... or bad, depending on which side you look at. We reach our settled down place and as soon as I sit down on one of the beach towels, Chris bombards me with a million questions.

"Where'd you learn to fight like that?" Chris asks.

"I studied Tae Kwon Do for ten years. I achieved first degree black belt during sophomore year in high school before I quit."

"What, why didn't you tell me about this before?" Chris whines.

"Cause you never asked," I grin at him and mess up his hair.

"What did the two guys want?" he asks next.

"Not much really. You, Caleb, and Matt apparently invaded their 'turf,'" I gesture with air quotes.

"Will they go to jail?"

"Probably for the arrest. The police will probably let them go afterwards. But judging from the huge group gathered over there, it won't take long for Steve to gather 100 signatures to ban them from this beach," I said, noticing the mosh pit of people trying to place their name down on the clipboard. "Any other questions, from anyone?"

Every shakes their head, having knowing all the important pieces of information. Chris goes deep into thought for a little, possibly trying to annoy me with one last question.

His eyes light up a little and gives me his puppy eyes. "...Do you still love me?"

The question causes everyone to laugh. Of course, they don't let this slide as they tease me about this.

I ignore my so-called friends and reply, "When have I not?"

"Ok. Just needed to make sure is all," Chris grins back. He reaches into ice box and pulls out two cans of soda: one for me and one for himself.

While I'm gulping down the carbonated drink, Matt nudges Caleb, tilting his head ever so slightly in my direction. Caleb sighs and crawls over to me.

"...Thanks Dylan... you know... for stopping me from fighting with them..." Caleb mumbles.

"I'll forgive you this time... since they were the ones who started this whole thing."

"Thanks Dylan... I'll make it up to you somehow," he states.

"You can always drive us home," I suggest teasingly.

"No!" everyone shouts in unison. I chuckle at everyone's expression.

"What? I'm not that bad... am I?" Caleb asks in defense.

"Ok, enough poking fun at Caleb, no matter how much we enjoy doing it," I tell the group. "Who's up for some Ultimate Frisbee?"

I pull out a Frisbee from my bag and get out from under the beach umbrella. We divide the eight of us into two teams. Bryan grabs one of the backpacks and sets it on the other end, symbolizing the goal post. I start at my own goal post and the games begin the moment I throw my Frisbee to Chris.

We played three sets of games, first to five each. During each new set, we'd mix up our teams. The first game was straights vs. gays, the next oldest vs. youngest, and the last original four vs. everyone else. At the last goal of the last game, everyone decided to call it quits and hide back under the umbrella.

I reach into the cooler and pull out the last few cans of soda we had left. I toss one to each person and we says cheers to a great day, minus the incident of course. Carrie, Heather, and Joey decide to stroll around the beach while Bryan and Matt are talking to each other about something.

"Wanna go into the water Chris?" I ask.

"Sure," he grins back.

We make our way down the tiny slope and touch the chilling water with out bare feet. Chris and I run into a crashing wave, enjoying the cold water splashing against us. My body gets adjusted to the temperature and I start splashing some water at Chris. He protests and sprays some back while laughing.

Feeling numb from the cold water, Chris and I eventually leave the sea and back onto the dry, hot sand. I pull out my towels and quickly dry myself up. I then sit onto one of the chairs we brought from earlier and Chris plops right on top of me. Naturally, he takes special care not to crush my family jewels. I wrap my arms around his waist and lean back on the chair.

"Thanks for a great day Dylan..." Chris mumbles.

"Don't thank me... thank everyone who decided to come today," I reply back softly.

"Yeah... but you were the one who suggested it in the first place, so thanks you anyways," Chris argues back.

I chuckle at his point; he is right... sort of. I sneak in a kiss on the back of his neck. He shivers at the touch, but smiles nonetheless.

"I never told anyone this... but this is my first time at the beach..." Chris says out of the blue.

"I kinda guessed it already." I sigh, "Lemme guess, your parents never had time for you..."

"Yeah, basically..." Chris replies quietly before closing his eyes.

We stay in the position for what seems like forever, just enjoying each other's company. I don't know the exact reason why, but whenever he's near me, I feel so light... so free... so... happy. I want this feeling to last forever. I open my eyes and notice that the suns about to set off.

"Chris..." I nudge him, "Look out to the horizon; it's breath taking."

He opens his eyes and gazes out to sea, completely mesmerized by the painting depicted in front of him. As the sun is slowly hiding itself from us, so too are the colors of the sky. Ever so slightly, the somber colors of peachy orange, scarlet red, and deep violet stack on top of each other in layers away from the orb of light. But to use the word stacking is a bit robust. Rather immediately changing from one color to the next, the majestic sunset instead blends each color with the next, creating an illuminating effect that makes one appreciate the mysteries of nature.

"Wow..." is all Chris can gasp out at the sight.

"Yeah... Truly amazing huh..." I agree with his loss of words.

The sun slowly lowers itself, inching closer and closer below the sea line. After what seemed like an eternity, our main source of light disappears into the abyss, leaving only its remnants of a titian shade in the background. A light zephyr of sea breeze hits my face and sends a chill down my spine.

I guess now's a good time as any to get ready and depart. I pat Chris on the abdomen, telling him to scoot off. Standing up and stretching, I call out to everyone to start packing everything up. I pull out my phone to check for any missing calls or messages. With neither of them recorded in my phone, I toss my phone back into my bag after checking the time. Yikes! It's already 6:30! We gotta hurry and get a move on if we wanna avoid traffic.

With the eight of us working, we finish packing everything up quickly. I put on a T-shirt and carry what I needed to carry.

"Everyone got everything?" I doubled check with everyone.

"This looks like everything," Matt clarifies after checking our surroundings once more.

Feeling confident about ourselves, we head off back to where we parked. Once we get there, we shove everything into the trunk, pile into the car, and rush onto the freeway, hoping that there'd be no traffic.

Everything seemed fine until the halfway mark. For some reason, a huge appearance of cars magically pop out of nowhere. We all groan at the evident road clog, otherwise known as traffic. Who knows how long this is going to take?


Tell me what you guys think! And remember, donate! And remember again, I'm going on vacation! So I'm sorry that you won't be able to read anything from me for the next month or so. (I promise to make it up to you guys! >.<)

Next: Chapter 14

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