Three Simple Words

By No Name

Published on Apr 25, 2013


Usual Terms and Conditions...this is my story >:o not yours! Don't read if you're under 18, blah blah blah (come on, you should know this by now...)

And donate!

This one has a bit more love scenes. After this chapter, it'll slow down a bit...A BIT.


Chapter 5- "More Moments Made"

Sunday came and went. We didn't do much, just regular guy stuff. You know...watched some T.V., played video games (Chris has a shit load!), made fun of each other-the usual stuff. I can say that I've successfully broken down Chris's "unbreakable" wall now. He's more open, bright, and a lot more "curious," if you know what I mean (and I think you do).

Of course, Chris kept bugging me about sex. This guy...he's a sex maniac. He constantly wanted to exchange blowjobs. In one day alone, we've done it in bed, on the sofa, and when I'm in the bathroom brushing my teeth! I'm suppose to care and tell him to slow down, but you know what, fuck that. I mean come on, I have the sexiest man in the world giving me-and only me-pleasure. Plus, if he's happy with doing it (which he is!), then I'm happy.

Anyways, it's ten in the morning on Monday, and I want to spoil Chris again. I kiss Chris gently on the forehead and sneak out of bed. I quickly put on some clothes (blue Quicksilver shirt and black board shorts) and tiptoe down out his room. I go into the bathroom and attend to my morning businesses. After finishing those, I head down to the kitchen and turn on the stove. In no time flat, I finish making a hearty breakfast for my lover and myself: scramble eggs, bacon, and sausage.

Finishing my half the of food, I carefully place Chris's food on a plate. I get cup of orange juice and utensils and head back upstairs to his room.

I open the bedroom door and see Chris still fast asleep. I walk up to his desk and set the food down. Then, I quietly walk over to him and carefully remove the covers off him. Exposing his sexy body, I see a beautiful, nude boy who's on his back. I give him a kiss on his sweet, tender lips. No reaction. I sigh, damn is he knocked out.

I reposition myself so that I'm in between his legs and engulf his cock. I take it all in this time (amazing what practice can do) and start pleasuring (and hopefully, waking) my boyfriend. I push his delicious piece of meat all the way down and bury my face in his pubic mound. I take in a deep whiff-so intoxicating. Chris, at this point, starts stirring. He lets out a soft moan.

I lift my head up and stop when my lips meet the base of his mushroom. I let my tongue loose. I start licking everywhere in circular motions. Chris immediately jerks and spasms from my touch.

Over the course of yesterday, we discovered each other's spots that drive us crazy. For Chris, his special parts that make him squeal are his foreskin area when he's boned up and the tender area right above his pee slit. I first attack right under his mushroom by swirling my tongue in clockwise motions.

"Uh...Hmm...Oh Dylan...hmm..." Chris moans out. He bucks his hips forward, pushing more of his cock into my hot mouth.I open my jaws and happily take it in. I start bobbing up and down his shaft. Every time I go up, I lick his frenulum, driving him crazy.

"Oh Fuck!" He jerks. "Sss...Dylan! Suck harder! Uh!" Chris manages out. I work his shaft to the max, licking and sucking everywhere. "Uh! Oh shit! Dylan! I'm...I'm gonna...gonna cum!" Chris rams his hips forward again and spews his load into the back of my throat. Through reflex, I start gulping down every last drop. Chris fires four rounds of his delicious man-juice into my mouth before falling back down on the bed. I continue to lazily suck his dick, waiting for that last drop of cum to dribble out; I love it when his manhood does that. Sure enough, his body shudders and that last bit of cum oozes out. I lick up his pee slit and swallow it. I part his meat and lean up to give him a kiss.

"Thanks for the desert," I smirk at him.

Chris's breathing returns to normal and opens his eyes. "Desert?"

"Yeah, desert after breakfast." I smile at him. His stomach growls from the word "breakfast." I giggle at him. "Well, it's a good thing I made this for you then." I get up and get the plate of food on his desk. I sit back down at Chris's side.

"Is that for me?" he asks with widened eyes.

"Of course it is. And it's only for my special boy," I reply.

Chris hugs me and mumbles out, "Thanks Dylan, for the blowjob and breakfast in bed...I love you."

"Love you too let go so I can feed you."

Chris lets go and I cut a piece of bacon and feed it into his mouth. "Hmm..." Chris hums out as he chews. He swallows, "It tastes delicious Dylan. Can you make me food everyday?"

I chuckle at him, "I'll try. But living in a different house makes it difficult."

"Then I'll just come over and eat," he suggests out.

I scoop up some scramble eggs, "We'll see, now open wide." He makes an "ah" sound and I place in another mouthful of food.

In about ten minutes, Chris licks the plate clean, literally. I feed him the last bite of eggs, and he surprises me by swiftly grabbing the plate before I can react and licks up the scraps. Regaining my composure, I start laughing at him.

"Is it that good Chris?" I ask him.

"Mhm," I gulps down one last time, "Everything you make is delicious...everything..." he emphasizes the last part as he leans in and grabs my crotch.

"Nu-uh. You're not getting frisky right now." I push his hands away. "You need to get dressed and brush your teeth."

"Aww, but you blew me," he whines out, "and I want desert too!"

I flash a grin at him, "Desert in the morning isn't a good thing. You'll get fat."

"Fine," he sulks out.

I laugh at him and kiss him on the forehead. "There, that better?"

He turns frown upside down and hugs me with an approving nod.

"Good, now get your lazy butt out of bed and into the restroom."

Chris pulls the covers aside and gets out of bed. As he walks pass me, I swat his cheeks, making him yelp. He gives me a dirty look, and I counter back with a grin. He slowly backs out the door, and dashes to the toilet. I giggle to myself and shake my head. I go into his closet and pick out his outfit for today. After some mixing and matching, I settle a pair of grey-striped boxers, a light-colored, checkered, buttoned-up shirt, and beige cargo shorts.

Chris walks back into the room, and sees the clothes that I set out for him on the bed. "Why are you so good at matching clothes Dylan? I never thought of wearing this combination."

"I don't know," I said quickly, "I guess I have flamboyant side." I motion for him to come over. He takes the pair of boxers and slips them on along with the cargo shorts. I go back into his closet and take out a pair of white ankle socks. As he's buttoning up his shirt, I reach for his feet and slip on the socks.

"There, all done," he chirps out, "How do I look?"

I inspect at him thoroughly. " if you couldn't look sexier than before."

Chris attacks me with a hug. "I'm flattered Dylan." I return the hug and kiss him on the forehead again. "Dylan...carry me."

I sweep him off the ground and cradle him out the door. I carefully walk down the stairs and turn to the living room. Once there, I toss him onto the sofa and mash my body on top of his. I cup my hands behind his head and lean in for a deep, long kiss.

His lips still tasted minty from the toothpaste. I wanted more, but Chris decides to drive his tongue against mine. I return with an equal amount of force and enter my tongue to the battlefield. Our tongues danced and hustled with each other. As we're making out, Chris's hands start reaching for anything they could grab onto. His hands eventually finds their way down my boxers. The hands explore my plump, bubble butt and pry them separate. I moan through our kiss from his touch.

I part from our kiss and look at him in the eyes. He stares back at me with his puppy eyes. I give him another kiss and turn us around so that I'm on the sofa. I rest my right hand on his back, stroking it affectionately, while my left hand is sandwiched between the sofa's armrest and my head.

We remain in that position for the next two hours. Occasionally, I would bend my head forward and give his forehead a peck. Chris would sigh and sink deeper into my chest every time. We remain silent; not a word was exchanged between us. But our actions did the exact opposite. They screamed the three simple words, "I love you" for all in the world to see. Whether it was me kissing Chris or Chris stroking my chest tenderly, even an idiot could tell that we're madly in love with each other. If I were to die at this moment, I would die a happy man.

But then again, where would that leave Chris? It'd be sad too see him in pain over me if I died. Nah, I won't die; instead, I'll just stay in this position forever with Chris. That'd still be pretty awesome.

However, reality hits us by calling to us, literally. We both sigh and give the "really?" look on our faces. Chris reluctantly gets off me and dashes for the phone in the kitchen. I follow close behind.

"Hello? Who is it?...Oh, hi mom. Yeah, he's here. Sure, hold on." Chris holds the out to me, "It's for you."

I take the phone and place it next to my ear, "Hello?"

"Hi, is this Dylan?" Mrs. Tanner asks on the other side.

"Yeah, it's Dylan. What can I do for you?"

"I'm just calling to see how you guys are doing."

"Oh we're doing fine." I reply.

"That's nice to hear. I should be back last tonight, probably at around 1 in the morning."

"Alright. Hold on, lemme tell Chris." I relay the information to Chris. He gives me a sad look, but I scruff his hair to cheer him up.

"Dylan? You still there?" the phone projects out.

I put the phone back on my ear. "Yeah I'm still here."

"Ok, if it isn't too much trouble, may I speak with on Tuesday after-school? There's something rather important that I need to ask you."

Chris all of the sudden flashes me a wicked grin. He reaches forward and starts stroking my shaft through the fabric. I let out a soft moan.

"What was that Dylan? I didn't quite catch that."

I try to push Chris's hands away, but he refuses to let go. I focus my mind back on the phone call. "Sure," I manage out, "after school seems...gasp seems fine."

"Is something the matter Dylan?" Mrs. Tanner asks. My dick's now sporting a semi and continuing to grow.

"Everything's...fine Mrs Tanner," I grunt out. I let out another soft moan, hoping Mrs. Tanner didn't hear it.

"Good, then I guess I'll see you tomorrow. Good bye."

"Good bye Mrs. Tanner," I hiss out and quickly set the phone back on the charger. I look at Chris, "You fucking tease!" I reach out to grab him.

He backs up and dashes away laughing. I get up and start chasing him. Damn he's fast. Note to self, get Bryan to pull some strings. Anyways, I chase after him, but he's hiding somewhere when I reach the dining room. I stand still and listen for any tiny amount of movement. I close my eyes, and I hear something moving in the broom closet. I tiptoe up to the door and fling it open. Sure enough there stood a gorgeous boy. He flashes me a grin and runs out the closet before I can grab hold on him. Damn is he slippery.

I finally catch up to him in the living room. This time, I manage to grab hold of him and pull him in. He struggles to get away, but to no avail. I lift him up and throw him onto the sofa. I straddle him by surrounding my legs around him and grab both his arms together. I raise them above his head, and start wiggling my right hand's fingers towards him.

Chris sees my hand inching closer to his body. He stops squirming and begs, "NO PLEASE DYLAN! ANYTHING BUT THAT!"

I ignore his plea and start tickling him mercilessly. I jam my right hand under his armpits and wiggle my fingers there for a good minute or two. Chris squirms with all his might trying to get away, my body refuses to let to him go. The room is filled with Chris's laughter. I glide my fingers down to his right rib cage and give that area a couple of squeezes.

"DYLAN! PLEASE STOP! I'M BEGGING YOU!" He keeps twisting his body away from my hands. I switch my hands and repeat the torment on his left side. Chris squeals from the touch and bucks his chest up, trying to escape. He manages to flip around onto his stomach, thinking that he's shielded himself from my touch.

"Oh, so that's how you want it huh?" I smirk at him. I let go of his arms and turn around. I grab both his feet together.

"Oh please... not there Dylan...I beg you!" Chris says in between breathes.

I look at him with a smug look. "Too late," I reply back. I dive my hand onto the sole of his feet and start scratching them like a cat with a new toy. Chris screams uncontrollably. He flails his arms around, trying to crawl his way out.


"Anything?" I ask him while still stimulating his feet.

"YES ANYTHING!" he sputters out.

Now that I realize it, my cock's solid hard again due to Chris's constant squirming and twisting. My horny side takes control over me and I start fantasizing about the many things I can do with him. In addition, pinning Chris down was a major turn on for me. He looked so helpless, so vulnerable.

I let go of his poor legs and turn around to lay on him. Chris just breathes heavily from the lack of air over the pass few minutes. After he settles down, I whisper seductively into his ear, "You said anything right?" I trail off and nibble his ear.

Chris utters out a soft, erotic moan. "Yes Dylan, anything you want for the day," he flirts out, catching my tone.

I put spacing between us and flip him around. I throw him back down onto the sofa and roughly kiss him on the lips. He arches his back and then goes limp. He opens his mouth for me to invade. I attack and work my pink muscle all around his hot mouth, savoring every spot and taste I come across.

After a five minutes of some tongue action, I leave his steaming mouth and whisper into his ear, "You are to stay naked for the entire day, unless I say you can wear clothes. On top of that, you are to bide to my every command until we go to sleep at night. Deal?" I depart from his hear to see his answer.

"Deal, but only if I'm naked inside this house. If we go outside, I want clothes on."

"Fair enough." I get off him. "Now then, first order of business." Chris sees my raging hard on and grins devilishly, knowing exactly what I wanted. He leans in and tries to slurp down my straining piece of meat. I stop him though, and he looks up, confused. I smile wickedly at him. "Next lesson in sex talk 101, face fucking and facials." I look down at his pulsating member. It too is rock solid.

"Sounds naughty...I like naughty," Chris states.

"Good, then strip off your clothes and sit back, " I command him. In two fluid motions, he removes every piece of clothing off of him and leans back onto the sofa. I shuck off all my clothes too and place my knees on the sofa. "Open wide Chris," I tease. He does and I fit my rod snuggly into his hot, moist mouth. "Ok Chris, just relax and do what you normally do when sucking. But this time, I'll be humping you."

He gives me the thumbs up, signaling me to fuck away. I bend over the sofa and start pumping my hips and shove all seven inches into his mouth, and out, and in, and out...

"Mmm...Chris, your mouth is so hot, so wet..." I continue thrusting my rigid penis. I set a tempo and continuously jam all of my arching cock into his mouth. On occasion, a soft moan escapes from my mouth. "Hmm...fuck Chris...I love you hot, and tender..."

After about five minutes of fucking, I can feel my climax coming. I start pumping faster and harder. That itch then comes, telling me that I'm at the point of no return. I struggle to keep it in for just a bit longer, wanting to treasure every moment of this.

"Ohh...Chris!...Close your eyes! This is gonna get messy!" I squeak out.

Chris closes his eyes and I pump my hips for just a bit longer. Then, I pull out and shoot my load all over his face. One after another, the cum hits Chris's face, hard. After about six spasms, my dick stops producing cum. My body jerks a few more times before the waves of satisfaction subsides.

I open my eyes and look down at Chris's face. What a sight to see. His face is completely covered with my juice. It was smoking hot. He opens his eyes and looks at me. He smiles, causing the cum to roll down his face. He licks off the parts that touched his lips.

"Hey! No eating it!" I said to him. I get off the couch and take one last look at my masterpiece. I couldn't help but giggle a little at him.

"What?" he asks.

"Oh nothing, just having that 'fuck yeah' moment," I said.

" that was face fucking and facial?" he asks again.

"Yep, and you did amazing. Now then, I'll let you choose. Do you want me to lick up the contents, or do you want me to spread it around your sexy body?"

"Hmm, spreading it around my body does sound naughty," he giggles out.

I scoop up most of my baby batter and place it on his chest and stomach. I use both hands to rub it around his neck, chest, and stomach. After a few minutes, the cum dries up on Chris's skin. His body now feels sticky and somewhat slimy. Sexy to say the least. I repeat the process with his face, taking the time to spread it around evenly. That area dries up too in about two minutes.

"No cleaning your face for body until tonight," I tell him.

"Ok," he says smiling and hugs me. I kiss him on the forehead, tasting the salty cum that I rubbed all over him.

We part each other and Chris looks at me with his puppy eyes again, "Dylan, I'm horny again...can you help me?"

"Sure...but only if I get to torture you again."

"No tickling again!" he quickly states.

I laugh at him, "I wasn't thinking about that. But now that you mention it..."

"NO! I hate being tickled!"

I raise an eyebrow, questioning his comment. "Really Chris? I don't think so. Your toy tells me otherwise." I give his dick a quick squeeze.

Chris tries to look mad, but his cute facial features doesn't help him much. I giggle at his attempt and scruff his hair. "Don't worry, I wont tickle you." He relaxes. I continue, "No, I was thinking about teaching you another lesson."

This got Chris's attention. "Oh? What's that?"

"Well, it's actually two lessons again. It's called rimming and fingering. Interested?"

"If it makes me feel good, then I'm always interested," he says with a smirk.

"Ok big guy, get yourself on the sofa like what I did before."

Chris scoots his butt up and mimics what my position from a few moments before. I get behind him and squeeze both his cheeks.

"Spread your legs apart more," I tell him. He does, and attack his ass with my face. I lick starting from the base of his balls, up his across his perineum, and finally settling down on his pink pucker. I swirl my tongue around his anus, eating his ass up in the process. Chris moans outs groans full of lust and sensation.

"Ohh...Dylan...Ha...Oh god...Hmm!" He arches his back even more and scoots his butt closer to me. I stop tormenting his hairless outer regions and probe into his tight hole with my tongue. I suck and rapidly flick my tongue in and out of his man cunt. Chris's breathing becomes sharp and continuous moaning from my pleasure.

After some time, I part from his hole, grab his hips, and pull him down back onto the sofa. I flip him around and go up to give him a quick peck. I then whisper into his ear, "Suck on my finger."

I put my right hand's middle finger in front of his mouth. While he's sucking my finger, I slide back down to give his hot, throbbing member some attention. I reach below his shaft and lovingly brush my tongue over his cute little nut sack, making them nice and wet. Chris stifles a moan in approval. Without a second thought, I open my jaws and envelope his orbs with my mouth. I suckle the pairs gently and massage them with my tongue. Chris opens his mouth and pants out short, choppy sighs.

I depart his dangling patch of skin, but not without giving it a goodbye kiss. Chris lets a little whimper. I lower my right hand and drag his knees outward, giving me more access to his round butt. I press my now slick middle finger on his tight hold and slowly push in. My boyfriend reacts to the pressure and sharply intakes a breath.

I stop pushing and ask, "Does it hurt Chris?"

His eyes were squinted at first, but then he relaxes. " just feels weird..."

"Do you want me to stop?"

"No...just go slowly."

"Ok," I respond, "if it hurts too much, just tell me okay. I don't wanna hurt you."

Chris gives me an approving nod. I resume what I was doing before and insert my finger at an even slower pace than before. Soon, my finger meets its end.

I look up at Chris. "It's all the way in. Does it hurt?"

"No, it just feels full...and weird."

"Ok, well I'm gonna start fingering you. If you feel the least bit uncomfortable, just do something to get me to stop ok?"

"Hmm," he grunts out.

I gradually retract my finger from his hot, tight virgin hole. Chris lets out a deep, shuddering gasp and moans from ecstasy. I get a rhythm going, slowly pumping his pink hole.

"Oooh!... Dylan...this feels amazing OH!...Hmm..." he breaths out.

I take this opportunity and engulf his aching bulge into my mouth. I work on it, giving it the attention it longed for since the dawn of time. Chris rests his palm on my head, pushing me deeper into his cock. For the next few minutes I continue to make love for his cock and anus.

Then, I decided to try to find his prostate. I jam my finger back into his snug love tunnel and tease his insides by wiggling my finger around. All of the sudden, Chris sucks in air through his teeth and lets out an extremely loud moan.

"I think I've found it," I think to myself. I make a mental note of my hand position, and then start to scratch that area. I'm rewarded with another loud, sexy moan from my baby. He squirms around, trying to get away from my touch, too bad my finger's stuck inside him though. I continue playing with his prostate (or at least I think it is), and Chris continues to squirm around and buck his hips.

He takes in short, sharp gasps, and with one final scratch of my finger, he squeals, rams my face down onto his groin, and fires rounds into my mouth. Spasm after spasm, rope after rope, Chris shoots out a huge load of thick, gooey cum. I manage to gulp down every last drop, but I wanted more. I hungrily lap his dick, longing for more to come out, even if it's a tiny droplet.

Chris does his trademark shudder, but this time, that tiny trace of cum didn't ooze out. Feeling disappointed, I retreat from his love-making machine. I slowly pull my finger out of his ass, and go up to kiss him. Once our lips meet, he immediately opens his mouth, allowing me to intrude it.

I part from his plump lips. "Did you like it?"

"Oh god, it felt amazing!"

"Glad you liked it."

We reposition ourselves with my back on the couch and Chris hugging me.

After a series of silence, Chris asks me, "Dylan, do I have to do what you just did?"

I shake his back reassuringly. "Of course not Chris. Don't ever feel that you owe me anything. My goal is to bring you happiness, and your goal is to accept it. Nothing more, nothing less."


"Yes my sexy beast?"

"What did my butt taste like?"

"I don't know how to describe it." I said honestly. "It smelled a little ripe, but the taste itself wasn't so bad, kinda tangy."


I wrap my arms around him, "Like I said, you don't have to do anything you feel uncomfortable about. Give it time, maybe you'll want to try it someday"

"Ok..." he looks up at me with his blue puppy eyes. "Can we just stay here and cuddle? I'm kinda tired."

"Sure we can. I feel like taking a nap anyways."

"Thanks for everything Dylan...I love you so much," he whispers out.

"I love you too," I whisper back.

I use my right hand as a hand rest and my left hand to sooth Chris's back. We stay in that position, close our eyes, and slowly drift into a light slumber.

My nap gets interrupted by a particular cute boy moving around on me. I nudge my eyes open and raise my head to look at him. Chris opens his eyes and looks up at me at the same time. He flashes his cute grin at me. I return the gesture and pat his head. Wrapping both my arms around him, I turn us to the right so that we're laying on our sides. I glance over at the clock.

"Shit Chris," I said yawning, "it's 4:30."

Chris turns around and scoots his butt next to me. "So?"

I do my best to cover his body with my skinny arms. "So, do you have any homework?"

"Nope, it's not even the first week of school yet!"

"Alright. Well, we should get up or else we won't be sleeping later tonight."

" we have to? I like cuddling with you," he whines with a giggle afterwards.

"As much as I like to cuddle too, we should probably get up."

Chris turns around. "Thirty more minutes Dylan, please!" He pouts his face, attempting to make me feel bad.

I let out a sigh. "Finnneee...but only until 5 ok?"

"Yay!" he turns around again.

"I swear, you're still a little kid," I comment out.

"Well, I'm still learning. And besides, you like me acting like one. You can't deny that."

"You got me there..." I wrap my arms around his small frame again. I place my right hand over his left rib cage, and my left hand around his right hip. I tug him closer into me, and Chris sighs out of contentment.

Chris closes his eyes and mumbles, "I love you Dylan..."

I push my body up and plant a wet one on his cheek. "Love you too."

I settle back down and snuggle with Chris. For the next five minutes, we remain silent. Once again, the two of us speak not with words, but with our actions. I go into a trance and stroke Chris's lithe body warm-heartedly. Chris closes his eyes and enjoys the company of my hands. He starts purring.

I snap out my love trance and hear his purring. I stop stroking him, which causes to Chris to open his eyes.

"Huh. You purr Chris."

He flips around again. "I do?"

"Yeah, you do."

He blushes, "Sorry..."

"What? Don't be sorry. I like it; in fact, it sounds sexy as hell."

"Really?" he asks.

"Really," I repeat, "now relax again so I can hear your sexy purring. It makes me feel good that I'm pleasing my boyfriend right."

I start rubbing his back gently. Chris shuts his eyes shut and drops his jaws slightly. Subconsciously, he starts vocalizing his sexy purring again. Hearing it is making me horny, but I give my boner the cold shoulder. I didn't feel like having sex with Chris right now; this is his moment and I want to show him how much I love him.

At 4:55, I stop massaging Chris and embrace him with a big hug. I kiss him on the forehead and rest my chin on his head. Chris reopens his eyes and hugs me back.

I let go of him and sit up. "Time to get up Chris."

Chris does the same. "I'll always cherish this moment Dylan."

"Me too buddy, me too," I said as I rub his shoulder. "You getting hungry?"

"Now that you mention it, yeah."

"Wanna be naughty and have desert for dinner?" I show him a naughty grin.

"Ooo, what are we making this time?" he asks discretely.

I whisper into his ear, "Don't tell anyone, but let's make some flan for dinner."

"Sure, can we make another one for your friends tomorrow?" he whispers back with a giggle.

"Hmm, I don't see why not...Now put on your clothes. But!..." I snatch away our boxers and throw them across the room, "no underwear."

Chris smiles devilishly to my actions. We hop off the sofa and put on our clothes (minus the boxers of course). I finish up first and see Chris tugging his shirt over his head. Just as he manages to get the opening through his head, I sneak up to him and give his pouch a few squeezes. His boy material is more defined without a pair of undergarments under it. Chris jumps a little and yelps in responses. I laugh at him and quickly dash to the kitchen. Chris chases behind, calling me a horny teaser.

I stop in front of the fridge. As I'm opening it, my sexy lover wraps his tender arms around me for a quick hug. He lets go and squeezes under me to see what I'm getting. I take out the gallon of milk, a lemon, and a carton of eggs and set them on the counter.

"Chris," I call out, "do you have an egg-beater, large aluminum roasting pan, and pie baking pans?"

"Umm...lemme go check." Chris runs off somewhere.

While he's doing that, I look around in the pantry for sugar, two cans of skim milk, condensed milk, and vanilla extract. I set those next to the previous ingredients and then grab a saucepan, spatula, two mixing bowls, and a measuring cup from the racks. I hear Chris come running back with something metallic in his hands.

"Is this big enough Dylan?" he shows me the huge roasting pan.

"Oh yeah, that's definitely big enough. Did you find the baking pans?"

"I think there in the oven for storage." He opens the oven and rummages around in there. "Here we go." He pulls out two circular pans and hands them to me. "Are these ok?"

"Yeah, they're big enough. Can you go rinse them off real quick?"

He turns and approaches the sink. While he's cleaning the pans, I turn on the stove and lay the saucepan on it. Chris turns off the water and dries the pans with some paper towels. He then sets them next to the roasting pan.

"Dylan, what's the roasting pan for if we have baking pans?"

"Huh? Oh, it's for a water bath. Flan requires moisture, or else it'll taste rubbery and hard."

"What's a water bath?" he asks curiously.

"It's hard to explain. I'll show when the time comes ok?"

"Ok!" he blurts out. "So, what are we doing?"

"Well first, I'm going to make the sugary starch that goes on top of the flan. This part is the hardest and usually takes forever. Bring me the measuring cup and sugar please."

In one swift motion, Chris turns a 360, grabbing the stuff I asked for halfway and setting it next to the stove. I measure out 200cc of sugar and dump it onto the saucepan. I turn the flame to low setting.

"Alright Chris, now for the long and boring part. Just leave the sugar there until it melts into a brown sort of color. We'll have to stir it occasionally though."

"How long will that take?"

"Usually about forty minutes," I said nonchalantly.

"That's long..."

"Tell me about it...Anyways, while we're waiting for that, let's start making the actual flan itself. Have you ever cracked an egg before?" Chris shakes his head. "Ok, let's have some fun then."

I take out a dozen eggs and hand one to Chris. "Hold it like this and hit it against the edge of the mixing bowl." Chris lightly taps the egg, barely making a dent. "Oh come on Chris," I taunt at him, "hit it harder." Chris does and it makes a crack in the egg. "There we go!" I said approvingly, "Now place your thumbs in the crack and break it apart...careful, don't get the egg shell into the mix."

"Eww, it feels slimy Dylan."

"Oh quit whining. If I recall, you love a certain type of gooey mess."

"Shuddup!" Chris grins out.

I laugh at my comment too, "Ok, I trust you with the eggs. I'm gonna get the other ingredients into the bowl ok?"

"Kay." He grabs another egg and starts cracking it.

I go back to the stove and check on the sugar. It started to melt, I use my spatula and stir it a bit, making sure that the sugar didn't burn up. Satisfied with it, I bring back the sugar bag and measuring cup to where Chris is. I measure out another 200cc of sugar and dump it into the mixture. Opening the drawers beneath the countertop, I find the can opener. I carve open the three cans and pour the contents. I then use the skim milk can and measure out an exact amount of regular milk. I dump that in too. Chris finishes his last egg, and goes over to watch his hands.

I go to the cabinets to look for a filter and teaspoon. I call out to Chris as I'm looking, "Go check on the sugar Chris. Give it a couple of stirs."

"Ok." He walks over. "Dylan? Is it suppose to turn brown?"

I find the teaspoon, but still not the filter. "Yeah, just twirl the spatula around in it." I dig deeper into the cabinets. "Aha! I found it," I triumph. I grab a knife along with the other stuff and head back to the bowls; Chris walks back too. I slice the lemon in half and tell Chris to squeeze it into the bowl. While he's doing that, I measure out a teaspoon of vanilla extract and drop that in too.

"Now for the fun part," I said as I plug in the eggbeater. "Here Chris, slowly turn in circles, making sure that you get every nook and cranny of the bowl. And move in one direction, or else you'll create bubbles, and nobody likes bubbles."

Chris eagerly grabs the beater and starts playing with it. While he's having the time of his life, I go back to the stove and turn on the oven to preheat. I check the sugar, which is now more of a starch. Moving the spatula around in it, I lift the saucepan and quickly split the brown starch onto the two baking pans.

"You done over there Chris?" I ask.

"Yeah, this is fun Dylan." he grins. I walk back to him with the two pans.

"Of course it is. Now set the filter on the other bowl and keep a lookout for me."

I grab the bowl with the contents inside and slowly pour it to the other bowl. Occasionally, Chris tells me to stop due to the filter overflowing. In about three minutes, I empty the bowl's mixture into the other. Just as I set down the bowl, the oven beeps, signaling that the preheating is down.

"Mittens...where are they..." I mumble to myself, looking in the drawers.

"Here they are!" Chris holds out a pair of oven mittens.

I walk over to him and plant a kiss on his forehead. "Thanks sexy, what would I do with out you?"

Chris blushes in response. I put on the mittens and open the oven. I pull out one of the stands and set the roasting pan on it. "Turn on the hot water Chris, and get something to catch it. We'll need to pour it into the roasting pan."

Chris walks over and turns on the hot water. He rummages through the rack and takes out a bucket. I walk back to flan mixture and pour it into the baking pans with the sugar. I then steadily walk back to the oven and place the two pans into the roasting pan.

"Here's the water Dylan." he hands me the bowl.

I take the bowl from him and pour the water gently into the roasting pan. "Get me two more buckets of water Chris."

We repeat the process twice, and then I put on the mittens again, slowly push the stand back in, and close the oven lid. I set the oven to bake for an hour and press start.

"Alright Chris, and now we clean up."

We stack the mess we made into the sink and start cleaning. I wash with soap, and Chris rinses it out. With the two of us working, we finish in about fifteen minutes.

Drying my hands, I ask Chris, "So, what should we do for the next hour?"

"How's about some video games, some Brawl?"

"You're on!" I said. We both dash upstairs to his room and turn on the Wii.

"Ready to die Chris?"

He sits next to me. "In your dreams!"

"Sudden death...Go!" the T.V. projects. Chris and I start mashing the Wii controller buttons like a bunch a mad-mans. Chris is one of those people who uses his entire body to play a video game. He'd jeer to the left and right with his character, stand up when his character jumps, lean forward when he's in trouble, all that stuff. He looks real cute doing those movements. Not to mention his face gestures. Oh god, his facial expresses alone will make anyone laugh. But again, cutest actions ever, so I ain't complaining.

Anyways, we played three rounds of survival and three rounds of free-for-all. This last melee style is the tie breaker, but I let Chris win his games (Shh, don't tell him). Halfway through our tourney, we made a bet; whoever wins the most games gets a make out session with the loser.

"Game!" the speakers say.

"Well, it looks like I win Chris."

"No fair! You used a cheap move."

"Hey, all's fair in love and war...and speaking of love, remember our bet?" I smirk at him.

"Yeah I remember." He gets up and turns off the T.V. "But the thing is...we never said anything about when!" He throws his controller at me and makes a run for it, laughing.

"You fucker!" I shout out and get up starting to chase after him. He dashes down the hall and down the stairs. Once at the bottom of the stairs, he stops and tackles me with a hug. It catches me by surprise.

"Thanks for spending the weekend with me Dylan...You're the first friend I've had for as long as I can remember...I love you."

I embrace him with an affectionate squeeze and kiss him on the forehead. "Love you too Chris..." I rub his back for encouragement. "Now then, let's see if our dinner's done."

He lets go of me. "Dinner..." he says with air quotes. I smile at him.

Once at the kitchen, Chris hands me the mittens. I put them on and open the oven. Being extremely careful not to spill the water into the flan, I pull out the roasting pan and set it on the countertop. I gently lift each baking pan out of the roasting pan (confusing enough?) and set them on the countertop.

"And here we are, two amazing, well-done, and tender flan," I present while taking off the mittens.

" looks delicious..."

"Yeah, now we wait for another thirty minutes."

"What? Why?" he asks.

"Because it's too mushy right now, we have to let it cool down to the flan jellifies together."

He looks at it the flans again while I dump out the water in the roasting pan. I finish pouring the water and talk towards Chris.

He looks up and asks, "So what are we gonna do for thirty-" He doesn't finish the sentence as I steal his breathe away with a kiss. "Mmmm..." he moans out, hiding his gorgeous sea-blue eyes with his soft, peachy skin.

Without breaking our kiss, I lift him to a standing position and we stumble to the wall. I grab both his limp hands and lift them above his head. I clasp both his wrists with my left and roam my right hand down his chest. Chris falls part and his head falls back. I lean in and kiss him with a bit more aggression. His mouth loosens and his jaws drop down, offering his body completely for me to invade. I glide my hand his right armpit and tenderly stroke down his side. I reach the final destination and give his prized jewels a couple of affectionate squeezes.

"Mmmm!..." Chris moans out, drawing his tongue back in the process; I intrude his mouth with my fleshy muscle. Chris arches his back slightly, curls his toes, then slumps back down. He let's out a deep breath from that cute nose of his. I drop his wrists and grab both hips with both hands. In one swift motion, I switch position with him without parting from his plump, trembling lips.

I grab hold both full moons to support him from falling over. Chris starts pushing back in our mouths. I give up without a fight and let him enter my mouth this time. He starts twisting his head, trying to discover every possible position for a smooch. While I'm being invaded by foreign Chris love, my hand starts a counterattack on his ass. I reach inside his pants and squeeze both his cheeks, spreading them apart.

Chris stops lashing his tongue in mouth for a moment and stifles out a soft moan. My right hand reaches around and fondle with his boy pouch, softly flicking the back of his ball sack with each finger. He goes berserk and groans out an extremely really loud moan. I push my hands down, exposing his bare ass for the entire kitchen to see. When his pants drop to the ground, he steps out of them and kicks them aside.

Not being able to contain myself anymore, I lift his thighs up and set his sexy butt on the counter next to the fridge. I part from his loving lips and kneel down. Without a moment for him to protest, I swallow his rock hard dick and suck furiously on it. Chris barely manages to take his shirt before he starts moaning uncontrollably.

"Oh Dylan!...Faster!...Oh fuck!" He starts bucking his hips back and forth. "Phmm Jesus! Sss...Dylan...oh...Oh...OH! I gonna cum!" he grabs my hair and aggressively shoves my head down into his crotch. At the same time, he rams his pole all the way down and screams, "AHHH!!!" He fires his load deep into my throat. My gag reflexes kick in, and I immediately start swallowing.

After his intense orgasm subsides, he lets go of my head and leans fall, panting and sweating. Like always, I bob my head a few more times for that last precious drop. Chris's cock twitches again and graciously offers that last bit for me to gobble up. Satisfied, I suck up my spit on his cock.

"Wow..." he pants out, "just...WOW..." I lick his right nipple, tasting the sweat he produced with a hint of my cum from before. It was erotic to say the least.

"Thanks for the make out session," I flirt out. He giggles at my tone. I snicker a little too and give him a quick kiss.

"Do you want me to do you?" he whispers in my ear.

"Nah, I'll hold it of 'til later," I whisper into his, "Just a fair warning though, your tool might hurt in the morning tomorrow from all the tugging."

"Eh, I'll worry about it tomorrow. Right now, I want to be with my knight in shiny armor," he replies out loud. He pushes off the countertop to get back on the floor. He grabs his shirt and pulls it over his head. I walk over and pick up his shorts. I put it in front of him and he steps into the leggings. Pulling them up, the elastic makes a slapping noise when I let go of it.

I lift myself up, stopping at his face to stare at his angelic blue eyes. He smiles, causing me to smile too.

"Boop," I said as I kiss him on the forehead. He responds with a giggle.

"You sure you don't want me to blow you Dylan?"

"You just wanna eat it don't you," I give him a noogie. He laughs and tries to get away; I let go of him.

He pulls away, "Maybe," he teases out.

"Tell you what, you can eat it later tonight when we go to bed. 'Cause we have a flan to eat right now. Go grab two small plates, another big one, and a big plastic plate for tomorrow."

"Ok!" He perks out and starts rummaging through the drawers. While he's on his scavenger hunt, I take out a metal knife and two forks.

"Did you find it yet Chris?" I ask him as I'm walking back to the pans filled with awesomeness.

He scratches his head, "I can't seem to find a plastic plate."

"It's fine, we'll just bring the pan tomorrow. Do you have ceramic wrap?"

"Yeah hold on." He opens one of the drawers and pulls out a box. I pull out some of the clear plastic wrapping and cover one of the pans. Opening the fridge, I shove it somewhere inside and return my attention to the other. Using the metal knife, I carve the edge of the flan. I then carve a tiny square on one of the edges.

"Why are you cutting a square Dylan?" Chris asks nonchalantly.

"It's a trick that I learned somewhere. If you cut out a little piece first, the suction force inside weakens, allowing you to take it out of the pan without a whole lot of trouble."


"Yeah..." I agree with him. "Here, for you." I stab the square piece with the fork and place it on his plate.

Chris takes a bite. With each passing chew, his eyes grow bigger and wider. He gulps it down and devours the rest in another bite.

"Damn Chris take your time. There's enough to go around."

He swallows down the rest. "But it's so good!"

I chuckle at him. "That's only 'cause you made it special." He blushes at my comment, and I just laugh heartily at him. He joins in too after a while. "Alright Chris, now for the cool part." I set the bigger plate upside down. Pressing firmly on the plate and pan, I flip both of them 180 degrees. I lift the pan and wiggle it a bit. The flan slides down with a flopping sound, with the sugary syrup dripping not far behind. I shake the pan to get the remaining syrup out and then throw the pan into the sink.

" looks better than it tastes..." Chris remarks.

"Well food's made for eating, not for looking. Here." I said as I cut a big piece for my special boy.

"Thanks Dylan...hmm..."

I cut a piece for myself and take a bite too. I have to say, Chris and I did a good job this time. It wasn't too thick, yet not too bland. It came out tender and soft. It had the slight milky texture-sort of like pudding, but firmer. I take another bite and look at Chris. He's smiling like big doofus.

He catches me staring at him and says with his mouth full, "What?"

"Oh nothing...just staring at my extremely cute angelic boy..." I respond dreamily, "Well that and you're face is full of syrup."

"Oh." He grabs a napkin and wipes his mouth area. "There, better?"

"You missed a spot. Here, lemme get it." I lean in and give him a peck. "Hmm..." I said letting go, "not only extremely cute, but also sweet too."

Chris blushes again, making him look even cuter might I add. I giggle at him and take another bite. He scoffs at me and finishes his portion.

By the time we're full, 80% of the plate disappeared. It may not seem a big deal, but the milk and sugar adds on fast. I cut the remaining 20% in half and place both pieces on a brand new plate. I bring out a new fork and set it next to the flan on the tiny plate. I tell Chris to bring back a piece of paper and a pen.

In my best cursive style, I write down, "Made with love from Chris and Dylan. Hope you like it, enjoy." I fold up the paper into a card, presenting my letter in the front, and set it next to the dish. Chris gives me a quizzing look.

"Gotta earn some brownie points from your mom," I said.

"Oh, why?"

"Psychology. People view others more on the positive side if they're happier, and flan is happiness. I mean just look at you, smiling like a goofball while eating." I poke Chris's ribs.

"Hey!" He jeers away, "You like my goofy look!"

"Fair enough, now come on, we gotta get ready for school tomorrow..."

Chris lets out a big sigh. "Do we have to?..."

"Unfortunately for us, yes... now come on, race you upstairs." I bolt out the kitchen and towards the stairs.

"Hey no fair! You're cheating!" Chris shouts as he runs after me.

I get upstairs into his room first and hide behind the door. Chris barges into his room a few steps behind me and looks around for me. Right when he turns into my view, I tackle him onto the bed. He squeals as I pin him on the bed and tickle him again.

"NO DYLAN! PLEASE STOP!" he screams in between laughs.

"Laughter's the best medicine," I joke out as I poke his ribs. He howls even louder from the touch.

After a few more jabs and twists though, I had to stop torturing his poor body since he threatened to wet his bed on the spot. I flatten him like a pancake with my body as he's cooling down from the rush of blood. A few minutes pass, and I roll off him, but only to have him crawl up to me and hug me. I return the embrace and stroke him back carelessly.

"Dylan?" he tamely speaks out.

"Yea my angel?"

"What are we gonna do tomorrow? You know...about us."

I push up with my arms. "What do you mean?"

He untangles his arms and kneels in front of me. "You know...about our relationship." His face glimmers a somber pink color as his choice of words.

"If you mean if we have to tell everyone, it's your call. If you feel uncomfortable with telling other people, then don't. We'll tell our friends when you feel ready ok?'

He bestows upon me with another bear hug. "Ok," he whispers out.

I give him a big, strong squeeze before we both let go of each other. "Now go shower. We have a big day ahead of ourselves."

Chris crosses his legs and shrinks into a ball, blushing a deeper red.

"Alright Chris, what do you want this time?"

"What do you mean?" he cautiously asks, trying to avoid eye contact.

"Oh come on Chris, you're talking to the guy who's been known to read minds at school. Now tell me, what's on your mind, and don't make me force it out of you."

Chris puts his head down, fidgeting with his fingers. I just stare at him, waiting for an answer. Finally, he musters up the courage to speak.

"Can you shower with me?" he asks and immediately hugs his knees, blushing madly.

"Is that all Chris?'s not like we didn't bathe before."

He sits upright with his face is still flushed. "It's not just that...I want you to wash me...You know, touch me lovingly. I want to feel loved by you." He starts tearing up slightly.

I kiss him on the forehead and hug him again. "Remember what I said before about just asking? No matter how stupid or embarrassing the question might sound?" He nods with his face still buried in my chest. "Always remember that ok? I promised you that I'll never laugh at any of your questions."

Chris breaks free from my hug. "So is that a yes?"

"Washing a sexy boy lovingly, who can deny that?" I ask him. Chris sniffles and smiles. "Now then, let's go." I stand up and give Chris a hand. Just as he gets up, I sweep him off the floor. Getting a better grip of him, I carry him to the bathroom.

Once in the bathroom, I set my loving boy down and turn on the water to get it warm. I turn around and see Chris struggling to take off his shirt. I walk over and help him unbutton the remaining buttons. He shucks it off and drops his pants. Just then, I realize something.

"Oh shit! Be right back Chris. Don't you dare start without me!" I shout the last sentence as I run out the room, leaving my poor boyfriend confused. I hastily go down the stairs and pick up our undergarments in the living room. I then skip flights back up the stair and return to the bathroom.

I drop Chris's boxers in the hamper and mine off to the side. "Can't have your mom knowing anything now can we?" I grin out.

"Oh god! That would've been embarrassing," Chris suddenly realizes.

I quickly shrug off my clothes and place my hand behind the curtain. Making a few adjustments to the water's temperature, I enter the tub and get under the hose. I gesture Chris into the steamy area. Chris enters and gets under the water to soak himself completely wet.

"Ready to feel loved again Chris?"


I push the nozzle aside and then sit down, leaning on the wall. I motion Chris to sit in front of me. He sits down in between my legs, and I grab the bottle of shampoo. I squeeze out a dime-shaped amount into my palm, lather my hands up, and proceed to massage my sweetheart's flaxen locks. I roam my hands through his thick mosh of hair, making sure every nook and cranny is filled with suds. Chris closes his eyes and welcomes the feeling. He tilts his head back and purrs softly.

Once I finish scrubbing his hair, we both stand up and rinse off the suds on his head. I next grab the body wash and squeeze out a quarter-sized amount of the liquid and begin roaming around Chris's perfect body. I reach under his armpits and delicately roam my left hand around his chest and my right hand on his lean stomach.

Chris falls into my arms and continues purring. He tilts his head back onto my chest. I finish lathering up his upper-front half and work my way up to his neck. I gently scrub in circles under his neck, and behind his ears. I glance at Chris; his eyes are closed and in complete ecstasy. I place my hands on his shoulder blades and circle my thumb around the back of his neck. I drift my hands apart and clean his shoulders, biceps and triceps, and his lower arms.

Reaching back up, I allocate my hands under his armpit and slowly glide down his ribs, through his hips, and back to his bubble butt. I couldn't contain myself and give his ass cheeks a couple of squeezes. Chris moans in response and leans further back into me. Unfortunately, I made him bend over slightly as I wash his back. Satisfied with squeaky clean upper half, I form my hand into a blade and rub it against Chris's crevice, paying extra attention to his rose bud and perineum. Chris renders outanother sexy moan. I skip his crotch area, saving the best for last.

I reapply more body wash into my hands and quickly scrub his legs and feet, making sure to get in between the toes. I get in front of Chris and finally give his now aching bulge the attention it wanted. I give the head a kiss before grabbing it with my right hand. Chris shudders from my lips' touch. I peel back the foreskin and give that area a good cleaning. After that area's been cleaned, I gently grip his balls with my right hand and fondle with them, getting the soap onto the area. Chris lets out a sigh and purrs from the touch. Not wanting to stay in the shower forever, I quickly scrub his pubic mounds. I take one last look at his cock; if he wasn't boned up before, he sure is now. I stand up to readjust the nozzle. Chris quickly rinses off and looks pinkish and a lot better.

He turns around to rinse off his back. I fit my arms underneath his armpits. "Did you enjoy it?" I whisper into his ear. I pull him back slightly to get him out of the water.

He rests himself on my chest, "Mhm...Thanks Dylan, for everything."

"Shh...don't mention it." I kiss him on the cheek and separate myself from him.

He turns around and flashes that cute smile of his again. He quips out, "Ok my turn!"

"You just want my cock, don't you," I tease at him.

"Of course not," he 'innocently' smiles. I give him a look, but hand him the shampoo and body wash.

He repeats the exact same process to me. I can see why he got boned up from my touch. His hands slithering throughout your entire body is more than enough to make someone blow his load. The soft touch, it's amazing...His hands knew exactly what to do, gliding tenderly throughout my entire body.

Of course, he saves my cock area for last too. He scrubs that down to the cell and then pushes me under the water. As I'm rinsing off the soap from my body, I feel something really hot and soft wrap around my cock. A low moan escapes from my mouth as Chris takes my entire dick into his mouth and starts milking it.

"Hmm...uhh..." I breathe out. "I knew it Oh!..." I lean my back against the tiled wall and rest my hand on my horny fuck-buddy's head. I push his head deeper into my crotch, mumbling, "...suck harder Chris...hmm fuck yeah..."

Chris obliges and presses his lips harder as he increases his speed. "Hmm! Gah...Oh! Chris! You're fucking amazing!... Oh! I'm gonna...I'm gonna cum!"

I push his head all the way down and fire my rounds into his hot mouth. Chris swallows up the entire load like it was nothing.

My knees become wobbly as I slide down the wall, panting frantically. Chris refuses to leave my dick and continues sucking on it for that last drop. My body responds to the sensitivity and grants Chris that last tiny bit. I feel his throat moving before he finally lets go of my shaft.

"You little fucker..." I pull him up and give him a big kiss.

He parts from me. "Yeah, but I'm your little fucker..." he giggles out.

"What have I created?" I playfully moan out as I give him a kiss on the forehead.

"A boy who's now the happiest person in the world," he responds with a hug. Once he interlocks his fingers, he lets out a sigh. We sit there in silence again, just enjoying the hot water hitting on us.

Like always...all good things must come to an end. The hot water soon runs out, so we grudgingly get out the shower. I quickly pat the two of us dry and hook up the hair dryer. While Chris is brushing his teeth, I'm behind him, drying his hair. Once he finishes, we switch places. I quickly brush my teeth and let Chris scald my hair with the blazing, dry wind until every molecule of moisture vanishes. I sway my head side-to-side to get the natural shape back.

Satisfied, we both head back into his room. I go up to his closet and pull out a pair of black boxers. I throw it at him and walk to my duffle bag for a pair too. I put them on and see Chris give me a questioning look.

"You don't want your mom walking in on you naked now do you," I remind him. Chris's eyes grow big and struggles to pull up the pair. I laugh at him and walk over to help.

"Thanks Dylan, what would I do without you?" he gives me a kiss on the cheek.

"Huh, my first kiss on the cheek," I mumble to myself.

"What was that?" Chris states as he gets under the covers.

I turn on the lamp light and walk over to the light switch. "Oh nothing...did you get your backpack ready?"

"Didn't have homework, so I didn't touch it," he says while setting the alarm clock.

I flip off the light switch and creep under the covers from the bottom of the bed. I crawl my way up to where Chris is and give his crotch a kiss.

"Hey!" he giggles out.

I reach the opening on the other end and smile at him. "Oh there's my beautiful angel's face." I give his lips a moist peck. I reach over and shut off the lamp lights and lay on my side facing Chris.

Without a moment's hesitation, he wiggles his butt up to me, snuggling and molding into my position. I wrap my hands around his body like always and sigh.

"What are we gonna do after this weekend Dylan? I'm gonna miss you hugging me to sleep..."

"I'll think of something...I always do..." I said with a yawn.

" you," he says before snuggling deeper into me.

"Love you too," I reply as I pull the covers over us, making sure that Chris is completely covered up so he won't be cold.

At 1 A.M., Mrs. Tanner opens the front door of her house. Seeing the entire house being extremely silent and dark makes her skin stand upright. She always did hate this house being so empty and filled with void. She takes off her shoes, sets her keys aside, and flips on the light in the kitchen. She notices the note on the countertop. Curious, she opens the makeshift card and gives it the once over. She looks over the letter at the plate after reading the letter.

"Huh...I wonder just how great it is..." Being rather hungry from the business trip, she takes the fork and dissects a part of the flan and chews on the piece. Her facial expression is exactly the same as Chris's when he ate his share. Unable to control herself, she wolfs down the rest of in four bites. Feeling much better with food in her stomach, she walks up the stairs to check up on Chris.

Peeking into the room, a tiny but sharp gasp escapes from her mouth. On Chris's bed, she sees not one, but two bodies snuggled up against each other. Dumbfounded by the sight, Mrs. Tanner stands there, absorbing what lays before her. Part of her is questioning why the two are in the same bed. It's unnatural to say to the least; how can two boys sleep together like that?

She takes a step forward, attempting somehow to break the two apart. Once there, Mrs. Tanner is just about to flip the cover over when she sees Chris's face. For the first time ever in her life, she sees Chris's smile. He looked so peaceful, so content with life. It's as if his happiness is protected by an impenetrable barrier. A tear of joy silently runs down Mrs. Tanner's cheek. Although she wasn't there during the weekend, she knew for a fact that Dylan has somehow been able to pry open Chris's shell.

She sniffles at the same time Chris starts moving. Holding her breathe, she remains perfectly still, waiting to see if she woke Chris up. Chris just sighs, shifts his weight back to get the light out of his eyes, and snuggles into Dylan. In doing so, he pushed most of the blanket off him.

Regaining her composure, Mrs. Tanner pulls the cover back up for Chris and gives him a kiss on the forehead.

"Hmm...I love you Dylan..." Chris mumbles out through his sleep.

Hearing those words, Mrs. Tanner glances over where Dylan is. He too looked peaceful and happy. Yet, he gives off a different vibe. Instead of being protected, he's the one doing the protecting, making absolutely sure that nothing will ever happen to Chris.

Mrs. Tanner takes in one last look at the two in bed. So perfect, as if the two were meant to be. She gradually backs out the door and quietly shuts it.

Leaning on the wall, she sighs, "Loving Dylan always did wanted a big brother..." She clutches her right hand into a first, "I've made up my mind." And with that, she walks into her bathroom and gets ready for bed.


"Ugh...I don't wanna go to school..." Chris moans as he pulls the cover over both our heads.

His motions wake me up. "Hmm...why is it so hot and dark in here?..." I groan out as I turn to the side. I feel something soft and warm brush up against me. I instantly open my eyes and sit up. I peer to my right and see Chris scrunched up in a cute little ball. As my senses become more in tuned, the annoying alarm clock's song penetrates my sense of peace. Irritated, I slam my hand on the snooze button to stop it from singing the song of its people. Satisfied with the silence, I lean down and kiss Chris on the cheek.

"Wake up sleepyhead, we've got a big day ahead of us."

"Nnn I don't wanna..." he whines and pulls the blanket over his head again. I pull it down and carry him up to a sitting position. He just slumps his body, refusing to cooperate with me.

"Fine, but just so you know, I think I hear your mom walking up. And you're naked, so..." I warn him. Chris immediately opens his eyes and covers himself. I laugh at his sudden burst of energy. "Now that you're up, go brush your teeth. They smell," I said as I pinch my nose.

"Mmm..." Chris utters out while he's rubbing his eyes. I get out of bed and walk into the restroom. As I'm brushing my teeth, I see Chris entering and using the sink next to mine. He's still running on autopilot since his eyes are closed.

I finish first and head back to his room and put on my last set of clothes, a pair of jeans and brown Old Navy T-shirt. I then go into Chris's closet and pull something out for him to wear. I pull out faded black jeans and a black T-shirt with a white dragon outline in the bottom corner. I turn around and see Chris walk back in, still rubbing his eyes. I go up to him and pull the shirt over his head. He lifts his arms through the sleeves. After he putsthat on, he grabs the pair of jeans from my hands and pulls them up. I grab both our backpacks and we head out his room and down the stairs.

"Morning boys, did you sleep well?" I hear Mrs. Tanner speak as I'm entering the kitchen.

"Fine, how was your trip?" I ask, trying to be a morning person. I hate it already...

"Oh it was, some toast with honey. And here's one for you too Chris."

"Thanks," he mumbles out. We quickly scarf down two pieces of toast each and get up. Dylan walks up to the fridge and takes out the flan. "Hey...who stole a piece?" He looks around the room.

"Guilty," Mrs. Tanner says, "Hope you don't mind Dylan, I didn't know what's it for and I couldn't contain myself."

"No worries, right Chris?"

He looks at his mom with a questioning look, then back to me, "Yeah I guess..."

"Oh by the way Mrs. Tanner, you wouldn't happen to have a plastic plate to hold the flan would you? And a plastic knife?" I ask.

"As a matter of fact, I do. Hold on." She goes into one of the cabinets and pulls out a thin, white flat-bowl and a small plastic knife. "Here, I think this is big enough."

"Thanks." I take the flan off of Chris's hands and flop it onto the plate. while Chris is putting ceramic wrapping around it the top of the pan-like container, I shove the plastic knife down my backpack. Can't be having people looking at the knife and over thinking.

"Anyways, we should get going. Don't wanna be late for school," I announce.

"Oo you're right Dylan," Mrs. Tanner says looking at her watch, "have a good day at school. Oh and don't forget about today after-school Dylan."

"Sure, no problem," I respond as I walk towards the front gate.

"Drive safely!" Mrs. Tanner calls out. "Be careful..." she whispers out.

Once the door closes, I slump and relax my body. "Gah I hate acting..."

"What were you acting as?" Chris asks while opening his door to the car.

"As a morning person...I hate mornings..." I grumble out as I start the car and start pulling onto the driveway.

"...Dylan...Did my mom seem off today?"

"Hmm...sort of. Let's see what happens later today ok? I need more info before making a conclusion."

"Kay..." Chris mumbles. He then pushes the seat back a little and closes his eyes again.

I get onto the road and start driving to school. Little did I know that today's going to be a long day...


End of chapter 5. I'm getting extremely busy guys, so please bear with me if I don't get chapter 6 in by next week. I have a prospectus due, not to mention a bunch of other little assignments to write up.

As always, I appreciate people taking their time in sending emails. You guys are showing so much love and support. Thank you!

Next: Chapter 7

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