Three to Go

Published on Nov 6, 1998




by Mary, for Siobhan and Darlene

It was the morning of the first of the days that we were to be together and as I showered I could feel wetness between my legs and it wasn't the water. While cupping my right breast and raising it to lick, my left hand slipped between my legs and started to outline my wet pussy. When I sucked my own nipple (hard as a rock. BTW) into my warm mouth my finger slipped between my pussy lips to find my still hooded clit and tease it out. That didn't take much effort :-) so I added another finger and started to fuck myself.

I concentrated on thoughts of Siobhan and her red hair framing her face and her 36 inch breasts and, in my mind, her hard nipples. And lower her red pubes and her sweet pussy lips and already partly parted legs.

As I rubbed harder I imagined I was fingering her and that what I felt was her doing the same to me. A few (it seemed) minutes of that and I felt my orgasm begin to grow deep within me and then under my clit until wave after wave of ecstasy rolled over me in my orgasm.

I had to lean against the wall of the shower to catch my breath and keep my knees from buckling, the thought of Siobhan always does that to me.

When I finally came down from the orgasmic high I rinsed off and turned off the shower and quickly dried off. I put on a T-shirt, no bra, a thong panty (usually I would wear none but this time I didn't want the wet pussy that I knew that I was going to get to stain my shorts too much) some cut off denim shorts cut so high you could see part of my ass cheeks, and the only sensible pieces of my outfit. hiking boots over white socks.

I picked up my backpack and headed to the car to go to Siobhan's. Her lover, Darlene. was to be there and join us. I was looking forward to meeting Darlene in person. Siobhan had raved on and on about her and I had 'met' her over the computer. She seemed a very nice person and I was glad that she had agreed to come along on this trip. I was working on sort of the "My enemy's enemy must be my friend." sort of thing but it was my lover's lover can't be all that bad, and Darlene turned out to be more than that.

I got to Siobhan's and she answered the door for me as usual--NUDE!!! She said that she was running late and would be dressed in a sec. (RUNNING LATE---SURE SHE WAS!!) Then I stepped inside and met Darlene for the first time and I decided to rethink that running late excuse.

Darlene looked great. She looked to be in her mid 30's, was about 5'6" and had gorgeous shoulder length, wavy, blonde hair. She had on a T-shirt like I did but cropped but her, I would guess, 36C breasts were really pushing her pert nipples against that cloth. She also had on shorts, tan and cuffed, and hiking boots.

I kissed Siobhan deeply and then. after we broke the kiss, but while she was still hanging onto me :-) , she introduced Darlene and asked, "Isn't she darling?" and then in her shy (??) way she reached over, squeezed one of Darlene's breasts and said, "And look at those great nipples!" and then she was off to dress leaving Darlene and me in awkward silence.

I decided to break the ice, or try, by just saying the obvious, "Well, Darlene, it's wonderful to finally meet you face to face.", and then to try and break up that awkward moment said, "You know, Siobhan does have a point, you've got to admit, they are great looking nipples."

She looked surprised at first but then started to laugh along with me. When she was able to catch her breath we started to talk and I think a friendship was born as we sat and chatted. By the time Siobhan rejoined us in a yellow halter top and shorts that matched Darlene's and combat boots, Darlene and I were on the couch chatting and I thanked her for seeing Siobhan through a recent illness by giving her a light peck on the mouth. But that is the moment that Siobhan appeared and she called out in mock horror, "OH, no, get the fire hose, those two are at it again and we have to get going!!!"

Darlene and I just gave her a look and then we all gathered our packs and got in the car. We were headed north to a little known or used but nice national park where we planned to do some nude hiking and camping.

We no sooner got on the Interstate than those two had their tops off and were flirting with everyone we passed. Near the end of the trip they even had me driving and flashing my breasts. But, as we drew closer to where we were going we all settled down--well, a bit--and arrived at the ranger station dressed.

As the ranger was giving us the usual safety talk and finding out where we would be hiking and for roughly how long, the poor man was going nuts trying to figure out who's body to ogle first. I'll admit that we weren't helping by flirting and "accidentally on purpose" bending over or moving so he got a good look at breasts or asses. :-)

That over we headed off but no sooner got a little ways inside the tree line than we stopped and took off our packs. Everyone had the same idea at the same time so there was no talk at first. First we all got rid of that T-shirt and then took our shorts off.

Darlene and Siobhan were naked before me as I had those thong panties on and they had worn no underwear. They asked me why I was wearing them and I just showed them the soaked crotch and they understood.

Some time was taken as we all stood around and admired each other's bodies. I had seen Siobhan's red pubes before but the sight was never boring and that was the day that I learned that Darlene was a 'natural' blonde. Whereas, I had a shaved pussy and Siobhan had those red pubes, Darlene had a blonde bush.

We stood looking at each other, no one quite knowing what to say first when Siobhan took me by the arm and pulled me to Darlene. Then she took Darlene's arm and looked at each of us in turn.

"Darlene, my love, and Mary, my love, I feel so good now with both my lovers here that I only hope that you two will feel the same way and be special friends. I looked at both of them, Darlene at us and we just sort of 'melted' into one big three-way hug and then was the first time that I REALLY kissed Darlene and then I kissed Siobhan who was kissing us both and that ended with the three of us in a three-way kiss. (Although, if you want to get technical, a three-way kiss is more like a lusty hug with three tongues playing with each other)

We spent several minutes like this but then we all agreed that we had better get moving and it only took another ten minutes before we actually did move. :-)

I'm glad that those early trails were wide because it looked like a scene out of a naked "Wizard Of Oz". With three naked women going down a not so golden trail side by side, hand in hand or hand on ass cheek. Once I dropped back when things narrowed and 'pushed' Sioiban forward with a finger to her pussy. She pretended to hate it but that shudder at my touch said differently.

We passed many a lovely meadow that afternoon but decided to pitch camp in one next to a large pool of water by a waterfall. After the work of setting up camp got us sweaty it didn't take everyone long to get the idea of a cool dip before our BIG FANCY meal--out of a can!!!!

We three just walked naked, this time no boots either we were completely NEKKID or, as some say, STARKERS!!!!!!!!!, to the edge of the pool and, because it gently sloped, we just kept walking until that cool water was up to our pussies and then we just sort of dove forward and glided into deeper water.

We were all busy cooling off at first but then we began to play. Darlene and I took turns diving and either kissing Siobhan's breasts and sucking her hardening nipples.

I dove deeper one time and just looked up at both of them treading water and showing their beautiful pussies. That sight was the one that got my warm juices flowing. No one said anything but we all took that same dive over and over and on the way up would kiss a pussy. Darlene and I were both getting hot for Siobhan and she for us and we couldn't do what our bodies desired while in the water without fear of drowning so we started to move closer to shallower water. Even after we were able to stand in the water we were still limited by how long we could hold our breath so we edged even farther out until we could lie on the grassy slope. The late day sun was warm and dried us but that was not a big concern at this moment.

Darlene and I had Siobhan lie on her back and Darlene was to the right side and I lay on Siobhan's left as we started to take turns kissing her. When my lips were pressed (lightly at first) to Siobhan's warm and soft lips, Darlene would be covering her side of the face with kisses and then we would change and I would be the one covering one side of her face in soft kisses while Darlene concentrated on her lips.

During this time all of our bodies were close to and touching each other but mostly Siobhan's warm skin and our pussies were leaving wet trail of lusty juices whenever that they touched skin. (Which was every time that we could.)

Darlene and I stayed kissing Siobhan's face and lips like this for many a long and tender minute but we started to very slowly move those kisses down her neck and to the first rise of her soft breast mounds and from there slowly around and up to nipples that were, by now, HARD and swollen, and as Siobhan gasped, we each took a nipple between our lips. I am not sure what Darlene did inside her mouth but as I sucked on the nipple my tongue tip flicked over the end. I would even break the suction of my lips by opening my mouth and just brushing her nip with my tongue.

As we did this Siobhan, when not moaning and squirming, run her hands down our backs and ended up massaging one of our ass cheeks as she held us close, something she really didn't have to worry about but something that felt very nice none the less.

Through many, many minutes of suckling on Siobhan'a breasts she came from the stimulation of her nipples alone and, as great as that was, Darlene and I were not through yet and our kisses left the nipples and moved to the lower breast mound and then down the stomach and as we got lower we started to take turns. First at Siobhan's red mound and then as we went lower to her pussy.

One of us would kiss and lick Siobhan's hip and thigh while the other ran her tongue around and over the pussy and then, with a look and a smile, we would change.

We did this several times and through several of Siobhan's CUMS. Then, during one of the change overs we stopped and just stared each other in the eye. Many things went through my mind at that moment but that kiss earlier in the day seemed to win out. Darlene seemed to think the same final thing, something on the order of, "What the hell?", and, over the wet pussy of Siobhan we kissed long and hard, the kiss of two lust filled women. The face that our kisses tasted of our love, our Siobhan, didn't exactly slow us down.

We rose up on our knees and our hands were all over each other. We were still kissing and feeling each other's breasts when a voice from below was heard,

"Hey. what about me? I'm very happy that you two are 'getting on' so well and, to tell the truth, I'm more than a little turned on by the sight of you two kissing, especially from this angle, but aren't you going to finish what you started?"

Darlene and I broke our kiss, but our hands stayed on each other's breasts, and I gave her a little smile and wink with the eye Sioban couldn't see.

"Darlene. did you hear something?"

"What Mary?'

"I'm not sure, it seemed to be CUMming from down below somewhere but I couldn't really make it out."

"Then it mustn't be all that important, Mary." Saying this she locked lips we me again and we continued to kiss. (She was catching on to this teasing thing fast.)

Again, but more urgently, "HEY!!!! WHAT ABOUT ME?"

I broke our kiss and hugged Darlene to whisper, "OK, you finger fuck her pussy, I'll rub her clit, and we'll each take a breast and then I looked down at our sweet love and asked, "You want something, Dear?"

Before Sioban could answer Darlene and I were on her and doing everything I had whispered. Siobhan's response came out as, "Yes, I want...............ooOOOOOOOOOO.......AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Darlene and I were each lying on one of Siobhan's widely opened legs and as we rapidly fingered her pussy and teased her clit while sucking on a breast we were rubbing our wet pussies against her thighs.

Then Siobhan started to wildly buck and thrash about as one orgasm after another flooded over her. Darlene later said that Siobhan clamped down on her fingers several times so hard that she could hardly move them for moments.

At long last Siobhan begged us to let her stop, "I can hardly breathe!" And we did stop---after one more CUM!!

She may have not noticed it yet, but Siobhan had two soaked thighs, Darlene and I had rubbed ourselves to more than one good CUM during all this.

We all rested together till our breathing was near normal and then, as one, got up and headed for the water to cool down a little but after rinsing each other off, and grabbing more than a few good feels, we walked out and lay together on the grass. All of our clits were too tender to have more sex that night so we just ended up in one big heap sharing our post orgasmic joy.

And that is where we spent the night, in each other's arms, in a glen, and on the grass, sharing.

In the morning, a late morning for us, around 10:30, we all finally woke. I was the last to wake and opened my eyes to find two nude beauties hovering over me and just watching. I drew each of them to me for a long and deep kiss and we ended up in another of those three-way kiss/lick things.

After long moments of licking/kissing and telling each other what last night meant to us we headed to the water for a morning dip. Upon reaching deep water we started playing around, diving to kiss each other's pussy or to suck on a breast or two. Darlene swam over to Siobhan and right up to her. They each took a deep breath and disappeared under water. I took a breath also and dove to see what those two were up to and saw them in a deep kiss rapidly fingering each other's pussy..

We surfaced and Siobhan said that she was very close but asked Darlene not to finger her to orgasm in deep water. "I may not catch my breath." So they headed for shallower water where they could touch bottom and 'work' on each other. I, naturally, was right behind them---literally---I was, once we had gotten to nipple level water, standing behind Siobhan, rubbing my pussy and swollen clit against one of her ass cheeks as I reached for and massaged the one breast and very hard nipple that Darlene was not cupping and flicking her thumb over.

As Darlene fingered her and she did the same to Darlene Siobhan and Darlene were deeply kissing and I moved Siobhan's hair to the side and kissed the nape of her neck, her upper back and her shoulders. Her ears were not out of reach either so I licked, nibbled and kissed them too while my pussy rubbed against her ass cheek leaving it's own warm wetness.

I was enjoying this when Siobhan moaned and started to shake as she arched and pressed onto Darlene's fingers harder and it didn't take a genius to figure that she was CUMming. As she moaned and called out I rubbed my pussy against her all that much harder but wasn't quite there yet and I noticed from Darlene's actions that she wasn't either.

So, as Siobhan was calming down, but still fingering Darlene, I slid, never loosing flesh to hot flesh contact, to behind Darlene where I just took up where I had left off with Siobhan.

I slid my pussy against Darlene's one ass cheek and humped, leaving my hot wetness as opposed to the cool wetness of the water and kissed her neck and shoulders, I also had one hand on one of Darlene's breasts (the one Siobhan was not 'using') and one hand one one of Siobhan's breasts and was flicking or rubbing over their hard nipples as I humped on Darlene's ass cheek that much harder bringing myself to the edge of an orgasm.

I was quite happily doing all that when I felt Darlene press herself onto Siobhan's fingers and start to shudder. Now that could have been because the water was too cold but she gave us just a wee tiny hint as to the real reason when she loudly exclaimed, "I'm CUMMING-GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

As Darlene shuddered and bucked she set off my orgasm and soon she wasn't the only one shouting out that she was CUMming!! I closed my eyes, threw back my head, and for a few moments nothing but the wonderful flood of feelings washing over me existed. When we all came down to Earth enough we realized that our knees were getting weak and that would never do in water, so we got out onto the grass and lay in one big post orgasmic heap as we gently kissed and felt and shared our glowing feelings and still tingled with our joy.

We lay there like that until the sun had dried us and then decided to have a brunch. (we were all starving for SOME reason) We broke camp and headed out, still quite nude, as we had seen on our maps that there was a small lake nearby and we planned to make camp that evening along the shore.

After hiking most of the rest of the day we got to a ridge and when we cleared the top looked down and there was the lake, not a large lake, but very nice and completely surrounded by forest. We took our packs off and sat there, arms around each other, and watched a beautiful sunset. In the light from a nearly full moon we went down the slope to the edge of the shore and there, in a small grove, set up our camp.

This time we took the time to eat something and then lay around talking for a while before ending up in the lake for a dip. Like the previous night our simple dip turned into a passionate set of kisses and feels but as Darlene and I moved in on Siobhan she told us that tonight she wanted all of us to enjoy each other and not have just her double teamed by us.

Darlene and I looked at her then at each other and I think we both felt the same way. Ever since that first real kiss, through last night, and now after our little 'dip' we were both more than willing to 'explore' each other completely.

As we lay on the grass we started feeling each other's breasts and fingering pussies as we kissed but it just seemed to get awkward at times with two or three of us going after the same thing. It was fine when Darlene and I would suck on Siobhan's breasts and nipples or those two sucked on mine or the third alternative, Siobhan and I sucking Darlene's 36c's until she moaned and shuddered. Things got downright crowed though when two of us tried to go down on the third.

We finally realized that something had to change and that something turned out to be our positions as we formed our own little "daisy chain", or more like a triangle with curves. It was very simple really, it just sounds complicated when you write it down.

It started like this. Darlene lay on her side and Siobhan lay on her side with Darlene's head between her (Siobhan's) legs and then I lay on my side and completed our little triangle as Siobhan's head went between my legs and my head went between Darlene's legs and then we all got down to eating our 'dessert' after our 'five star' dinner, although no restaurant I know of serves such rich desserts--but if they did the place would never go out of business.

I cannot tell you exactly what went on as Darlene ate Siobhan's pussy but from past experience I do know that Darlene had a luscious pussy to 'dine' on.

Siobhan, on the other hand, started by kissing and licking all around my wet pussy. She started by kissing my thighs and then working closer and closer to my pussy lips, teasing me with her tongue. mmmmmmmmmmmm

Siobhan very slowly made her way to my pussy lips, I'm sure all puffy with lust by now, and very lightly ran her tongue tip up and down them working her way ever so slowly to the center and when she got there I felt two fingers part my lips and expose my hard clit to the air.

During this time I had also started slow and kissed Darlene's thighs as best I could but then I covered he pussy lips with my mouth and used my tongue to run up and down her lips while making every lick have just a little more pressure until my tongue did what Siobhan's fingers had done to me, part the lips. Before moving deeper my tongue took a side trip to her partly hooded clit and I teased that bud to full hardness with the tip of my tongue and afterward got her to moan and squirm as I flicked my tongue across her hard bundle of nerves.

We were all at the stage where we were moaning and our moans, or rather, the vibrations from them went into the pussy we were eating and in my case, I know that those vibrations sent some wonderful shivers up and down my spine and judging how others were reacting, and from what was said later, they were having much the same reaction as me..

Meanwhile, back at my pussy, Siobhan had sucked and licked my hard clit and was now using her tongue like a small, warm cock to tongue fuck my depths.

It was a confusing thing but every so often we would reach across the triangle and feel up somebody's breasts and, by this time, very hard nipples. This, added to the licking and tongue fucking from Siobhan got me very close to my orgasm and as I squirmed even more Siobhan moved her tongue to teasing my clit more and then just sucked that thing into her mouth as I bucked and arched against her face and started to CUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I moaned and groaned into Darlene's pussy as I licked her honey but then I felt her also starting to squirm more and my lips wrapped around her clit as my tongue tip played over it and she shook as she came. I held on through her bucking and as I flooded Siobhan with my juices Darlene gave me a great drink of hers. (Talk about your pause that refreshes............)

I felt Siobhan's lips on me suck even harder and then felt her moan into me and when I managed a quick look she was shaking with her own orgasm, feeding Darlene her nectar.

With a constant oral connection like that the stimulation never really stops and we each rode our way through several more orgasms before one of us, I'm not sure who, decided that we should change places so Darlene stayed put as Siobhan and I switched. So now Darlene was eating my pussy, I was eating Siobhan, and Siobhan was feasting on Darlene's honey pot.

Since our pussies were already 'warmed up' we all just took up where the last person had left off. Darlene went right to work on me and my wet pussy with deep licks to my depths and teasing darts of her tongue tip to my clit.

I kissed around Siobhan's pussy lips at first but we were all to turned on to take too long teasing, so my tongue did not take long in getting between her puffy pussy lips and going as deep as I could send it. As she again moaned I started to tongue fuck her but with stops for side trips to tease her hard clit.

Darlene later told me that Siobhan went straight for her clit and used her tongue tip to flick against it until she closed her lips around it and added sucking. This had the effect (SURPRISE!!!!!!!) of making Darlene arch and push her face into my pussy more as she started a shattering CUM.

Her moaning into me was as if she placed a vibrator against my clit and that caused me to start CUMming which, in turn, made me moan into Siobhan's pussy and, you guessed it, that caused her to go off and she called out her joy into Darlene's pussy causing her to go into a second orgasm which caused me..........well, you get the idea.

That didn't keep up for too long, after all we are still alive, but while it lasted we three were like one big and VERY sensitive clit.

Things slowed down after that, they had to so we could catch our breath. We ended up dozing of for the night in roughly that position although we each did wake one or two times during the night to have a little 'midnight snack'.

We walked back to the ranger station the next day and got the car but after all that had gone on I think that is safe to say that we will be taking more hiking trips together and we may even get some hiking done too.................maybe!!!

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