Ticklish Flavio

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Aug 25, 2022


It was the day of the show! The organizers of the fashion fete had scheduled Jacques' show late in the program, because there was so much anticipation of Jacques' new line. That anticipation just got hotter when the rumor got out that FLAVIO -- who had disappeared from modeling without a trace -- was making a comeback in Jacques' show. And it must be said, Jacques was beyond delighted to have a model like Flavio. His flat, muscular body, his height, and his ability to give the "model death stare" were all things that were making Jacques rethink some of what he would be showing. He couldn't make Flavio the star of the show: he had another model, Benoit, who had been a loyal adherent to Jacques' style for a long, LONG time. Benoit's career would probably be coming to an end soon: he had aged, and his options were to leave modeling all together, or to take jobs doing catalog type work. That type of work paid well, but it didn't have the glamor that the high fashion modeling he was doing that night had. Benoit had met his sugar daddy when he started modeling, at the age of 17. Now, fifteen years later, they were still together, although their relationship was "sort of" open. Benoit's partner, Claude, had the absolute right to fool around if he wanted to. Benoit had come home more than once to find Claude in bed with someone new, and had gotten a command, in French, to leave until later. Benoit, on the other hand, needed Claude's permission to do anything with anyone else. To say Benoit was bitter was an understatement. What added to his bitterness was that Claude controlled his finances. He had made scads of money during the fifteen years he had modeled -- and getting access to it was more than a little challenging. At times, he'd simply lift money from Claude's wallet and stash it away "just in case" one day he needed it for something. Robin spent a lot of time with the models, making sure they were getting the grooming they needed, that they were "pumped" appropriately for their outfits, and passing along instructions from Jacques or any of the other members of the production crew. He thought he'd have to spend more time with Flavio than any of the others, but that wasn't the case. He wanted to spend more time with him though: he needed to get on Flavio's "good side," because he thought Flavio could help him escape from Jacques. He was sitting with Flavio, sharing some yogurt, when he dropped his voice and whispered. "So, you REALLY couldn't escape? EVER?" Flavio gulped. "Do you know how many times I TRIED? And that was before he put the tags in me. At the base of my feet." "DAMN! So, you'd have to cut them out and of course, that would mean you couldn't run, or walk very well, or anything." "EXACTLY. Snopes is a VERY clever man. If you knew how much I want to get away. But between the tags and, he's got my old boyfriend -- the one I was dating before he captured me -- prisoner. Apart from what happens at night, I'm really fucked." "That really sucks," Robin replied. "I was thinking about trying to get away myself, but I still can't speak this damn language, and I don't know where I'd go. I was hoping that if we did it together, we might have a chance." Flavio laughed. "Your Master would have you back as fast as Snopes had me. And we'd both suffer for it. No, if you want to escape, you're going to have to do this alone." Robin sighed. "C'est la vie. At least I learned a little French." Flavio dropped his head and began thinking. "Are you going to be at the after the show party tonight, Robin?" "Ha! Of course, I am. Jacques already has my outfit picked out. He's `coming out' again, and he wants everyone to see who his boy is." "Let me do some chatting with some of the other boys. No promises, bud, but I heard talk of some of the single guys taking a car as soon as the show was over. Maybe there's room for you." Robin looked up. "And most of them speak French?" "Oui," Flavio laughed. "I honestly don't know where they're going, but I have a feeling that if I explain what's your situation, you may get some help. That model Benoit? He's been the boy of a guy for about fifteen years. He may be able to give some real solid help." Robin gave a wry smile. "I'll keep my fingers crossed, but I won't expect anything." He looked at Flavio. "Are you SURE there's nothing I can do to help you get away?" Flavio shook his head. "Snopes has outfoxed me at least five times. He knows my tricks, and he knows what to do. I think he enjoyed seeing me suffer when my feet were opened for those trackers. I KNOW he was pissed when the doctor told him no tickling for a week. He started after five days anyway. " "Is there anything GOOD about the relationship, Flavio? I mean, when I see the two of you together, I know that you're not always acting." "He's a terrific lover, Robin. I'm serious. I get hard just thinking about him screwing me. And he knows how to get me aroused. Not just the tickling. I HATE the tickling, but he knows all the spots that my boyfriend never bothered learning. And I have to be honest. I kinda like working because it's fun, not because I have to."

Anyone who was at the show that night will tell you how much anticipation there was. Every seat was filled. Jacques was sitting up front with Snopes. He would have to leave eventually to take his bow. "I must tell you, Snopes. Working with Flavio was a DELIGHT. So compliant, so elegant, such a professional." Snopes smiled. "I may have had something to do with him being compliant, but the rest he brought himself. Jacques chuckled. "OH YES. I know how good you are at bringing the compliant side out of a boy." Snopes jabbed him playfully in the ribs. "You seem to have clipped the wings of Robin." "AH YES. I never imagined that I would have such a beautiful boy but... and yes, as always, his early training was difficult. Now, however, he seems almost docile." He dropped his voice. "He thinks I don't know that he's planning to try to escape tonight. Silly boy does not know how cagey his Master is." "I remember. What did we call you Jacques? Le chasseur? The hunter." "Oui. Those were my good days, Snopes, when I enjoyed the hunt, and I had the stamina for it. I don't think any of them ever escaped me." "I think that's true." "Now, it's all like a chess game. "He paused. "I must talk to you about what you did to Flavio to make sure you could find him. Perhaps I will have the surgery for Robin." "You know, Jacques, I have to be honest: I think Flavio WANTS to be caught. He WANTS to be recaptured. He wants to feel that I still want him. I never needed the trackers to catch him, and I probably still wouldn't if we were in the US, but here in Spain, where I have no idea what they're all twittering in, I'm glad he's tagged. Still, I haven't seen even one iota of resistance." "HUSH NOW Snopes. The show is starting." Snopes thought that the music detracted from the models: they were ALL fine. Jacques had a very good eye for "talent," but when Flavio came out in his first outfit, a pair of very close-fitting black pants and a very loose white shirt, Snopes thought "I may be biased," but he's the hottest guy so far." The audience seemed to agree. The only model who got applause anywhere near what Flavio got, was Benoit. This audience knew the field and they knew Benoit would not be modeling much longer. For the second "walk," Jacques had made a change and put Flavio in a very snug, dark purple shirt with black vertical stripes. He had three buttons opened and paired it with a pair of white slacks as snug as the black ones had been. He smiled when he heard Snopes exhale. "I knew you'd like that one mon ami. That outfit is my gift to Flavio. In fact, you'll be getting everything he models tonight. Jacques was keeping something to himself. For the final walk, well.... When they got to the last walk, the "complexion" of the show changed. While anything the models wore previously could be seen as sexy, the last walk was ALL sex. There was a big GASP from the audience when Flavio came out in chaps, bare chested, carrying a beautiful jacket over his shoulder. And he had on a collar. When he made the turn on the runway and put the jacket on, another model -- Benoit- came out with a leash, attached it to the collar and led Flavio backstage. "Why are you doing this to me, Jacques?" Snopes moaned to his friend, who just laughed. "I must leave you now my friend. Just a few more and then the bow." The final model was Benoit, not surprisingly, in a wedding tuxedo. He started his walk fully dressed, and as he made his way down the runway, first the bow tie, then the jacket, then the cummerbund, all came off. He stopped, blew an air kiss to the audience, kicked off his shoes, and walked backstage. When the models came out to take bows, they were carrying Jacques in a sedan chair on their shoulders. There was a standing ovation. The man sitting next to Snopes leaned over. "You're an American, yes? We can speak English?" "Yes, please. My Spanish is terrible." "I just wanted to ask you: do you agree with me that every single one of them is fuckable?" Snopes smiled. "Are you going to be at the after party tonight?" "WELL OF COURSE." "Then you'll see which one I AM fucking." "HA. And you will see the one I am fucking. I'm Claude, by the way." Snopes introduced himself. "We'll meet up at the party. It will be fun to talk," Claude added.

The invited guests, the models, the party crashers, made the after show totally crazy. Snopes, knowing that he really couldn't trust flavio in a crowd, kept him close by. He didn't know that flavio had no intention of leaving his side: at least three guys had hit on him since the show had ended and while it was flattering, he got a sense from each of them that they were looking for flavio to be THEIR sugar daddy. That wasn't going to happen. Nor was flavio going to start topping, which some of them clearly wanted him to do. Instead, he felt Snopes arm around his waist, occasionally digging fingers into his rib to tickle him gently. "A star is reborn, huh stud muffin?" Snopes smiled at flavio before he kissed him square on the lips. "Thank you for letting me do this Sir. I missed it. I hope you enjoyed it." "I did. I think you're going to have to do some private modeling for me." Flavio gave him a look. "Your wish is my command Sir." "WHO THE HELL DOES HE THINK HE'S FOOLING?" Snopes thought. Meanwhile, they saw Robin sort of running around the place, talking to some of the models, and making sure that the bar was stocked, there was food going around, and occasionally jumping when he got close enough to Jacques for Jacques to grab his ass. Yes, people checked him out and yes, more than one thought he looked "vaguely familiar," but everyone also knew: Robin was Jacques' boy, and now that Jacques had returned, no one wanted to cross him. Robin came over to where Snopes and flavio were sitting. "Excuse me, Mr. Snopes. A couple of the models don't speak much English, and I was wondering if I could borrow Flavio to translate for me?" Snopes made a show of reluctantly letting go of flavio's hand. "I GUESS that's ok." He gave flavio a look. "Go. Go help your new bud, but make sure you get back here. I'm almost ready to leave." "Yes sir. Thank you, Sir." Flavio got up and walked away with Robin. Jacques came over, with a big smile on his face and Snopes got up and hugged him. "FABULOUS show, old man. You've still got it. And now you've got a hot boy too." Jacques smiled. "Merci, merci. Oui, and now... "he shook his head. "Young people. They all think they're smarter than us. Or at least more clever. I bet you know what's going on right now. I certainly do. Snopes smiled. "Tell me." "Oh, you know I keep Robin financially helpless, without ID, anything I can to make sure he's kept in line. He thinks the models will help him escape, but he needs your boy to help him speak to them." How did you figure this all out, mon ami?" Snopes was curious. "Ah, Benoit. That is how. He slipped some Euros out of Claude's wallet. If I were you, I'd check yours. There's a collection going on to fund Robin to help him get to a place where he can call -- what's her name -- Wonder Woman -- to come and rescue him." Snopes was very careful with his money. He wasn't afraid to spend it, but he did have an almost pathological fear of being robbed. He thought that he could trust flavio around cash matters because he had never turned flavio down for anything he wanted. But now, as he checked his wallet, yes, it was missing 5000 Euros. Jacques smiled. "Do not worry. They're models. Do you think they could come up with a plan that would work?" He grinned. "And it will be exquisite to punish the sweet boy when he's recaptured." Snopes felt a surge in his groin. He didn't think flavio was going to do something as silly as try to escape with Robin, but he HAD been abetting it, and that was grounds for punishment. He licked his lips. He had the tickling corset and of course, his fingers. A bunch of the models went off to the bathroom with flavio and Robin. The kitchen, with its supply door, was right across from it. Robin looked at flavio. "When I get in contact with Wonder Woman, I'll come back for you." Flavio laughed. "I don't think it will work, but you get away from here. The kitchen's busy. No one will notice. Wait outside. Four of the boys are coming around with a car. There's room for you." "I'll see you again Flavio. Thank you." Robin gave him a hug and went through the kitchen, making as little fuss as he could. No one looked up because he had been in the kitchen at least six times that night to make sure everything was ok. Flavio came back from the bathroom with the models. He sat back down next to Snopes, who put his hand on flavio's thigh. "We're heading home in a bit, boy. I have my own present for you." Flavio was wearing the outfit Jacques had given him after the show. Snopes thought he looked especially delicious, and especially ticklish. Jacques, who knew exactly what had happened, faked surprise. "Cher Flavio, do you happen to know where Robin is?" "No Sir. We were in the bathroom together and then I saw him exit, but I didn't see him after that." "You must have been close to him because I can smell his cologne." "Oh, I hugged him in congratulations for the show, Sir." Jacques smiled and got up. He walked around and went up to a pair of models who were talking. While he was gone, Snopes spoke to the flavio. "You don't think he tried to escape, do you flavio?" Flavio could honestly tell the truth because he didn't THINK it: he KNEW it. "No Sir, I don't." "Well, if he did, it won't work. I was talking to Jacques, and he expected this. With all his friends in the Spanish police, Robin will be back before you know it." He saw flavio blanch. He knew. "Let's go, handsome. It's way past my bedtime and I'm going to be up for a bit longer. So are you." When they got back to their hotel suite, Snopes looked at flavio. "You know where you're going, supermodel, don't you?" flavio sighed. "Yes sir, on my back. Cuffed." "That's right. Let's get started." The first thing Snopes did was to unbutton flavio's shirt. He began working on his nipples with his tongue and teeth. He knew that would start arousing flavio. Then he began kissing him. Flavio knew his neck and ears were next, and Snopes went for them. He whispered. "Show's over. Now, if I want to mark you...." He began digging his beard in, and flavio's yelps got higher and shriller as he begged Snopes to stop. He did and pulled back. "That's so odd about Robin. Odd things are happening. I could have sworn I had 5000 more Euros in my wallet than I do." He looked at flavio. "So, what do you know about Robin's escape?" flavio gulped. "Nothing Sir. Truly. I do not know where he is." "That's not what I asked you." He got up and pulled off each of flavio's shoes. Flavio gritted his teeth. Once or twice, Snopes had played "interrogation" with him. Snopes had been a brutal inquisitor. Flavio knew that was coming, especially when Snopes put the small loops that held flavio's big toes to the frame of the bed on him. Flavio was totally helpless as Snopes began slowly running his fingers up and down flavio's soles. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAHA. SIR. Please. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAHAAHAHA." "Would you rather have me dig into your pits flavio? Tell me what you know about Robin?" "Nothing Sir. Nothing. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA. "Snopes' practiced, skilled fingers were buried in flavio's pits. "Let me get the massager. And the toothbrush. Flavio heard the buzz from the two electric devices and then he felt them, each on one foot. He squealed. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. STOP STOP. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAAHAHAHA." Snopes stopped for a minute to open up his pants zipper. "Now, here's the deal flavio. You're going to tell me everything you know, and if you do, you'll get this" Snopes held out his hard cock. "Or I can bring these up... here, before I go to your pits." One of the electronics went to flavio's left nip, the other to his right. He could handle that, but he knew that once they touched his pits, he was doomed. He also knew that once Snopes got them there, he was unstoppable. Surrender did not mean he'd stop. "HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA. I GIVE I GIVE I GIVE. I'LL TELL YOU SIR. I TOOK THE MONEY. I TOOK IT." Snopes sat at the edge of the bed as flavio told him the whole story. While the bound model spoke, Snopes simply ran circles around flavio's navel. "Well, let me ask you this flavio. If you didn't have the trackers, would you have been in that car?" Flavio didn't want to answer. When he hesitated, he saw Snopes reaching for his nail extenders. "NO SIR NO. PLEASE DON'T DO THAT. YES. YES, I WOULD HAVE. "Snopes smiled. His answer surprised flavio. "Well, then those trackers were a game changer. I thought it might be possible to trust you without them but... so it is." He untied the bonds holding flavio's toes to the bed. Then he shimmied him out of the tight jeans. "My, my. SOMEONE wants Daddy cock." "YES SIR YES." Flavio had admitted to himself what Snopes knew: tickling aroused him. Snopes' cock aroused him too. And being around all those hot models and... Robin. Flavio had never wanted to top before but the thought of having that hottie underneath him was..." "OUCH SIR." Flavio was very flexible, and Snopes loved spreading him "like a chicken wing" as he had told Jacques. Tonight, he was more aggressive about that than he ever had been. "It hurts? You want to know what hurts? MY PRIDE FUCKTOI. I took you on vacation, I let you do something you love, and then you try to betray one of my best friends? You're lucky I don't fucking CRIPPLE you. Better think twice about the next modeling gig." The dick that slammed into flavio that night was the dick of a man who was horny and angry. By this point, Snopes had learned all of the spots that made flavio moan with pleasure. He skipped all of those, and to say he PLOWED flavio would be an understatement. Anger slowed down how long it took Snopes to cum, and he was still hard when he pulled out. The look on his face scared flavio, as Snopes looked at him and said, "ROLL OVER FUCK BITCH." Flavio whispered a "yes sir," and then felt Snopes taking him from behind. "YOU LIKE THAT? GETTING FUCKED LIKE THE DOG YOU ARE? BEST MOMENT TONIGHT WAS YOU GETTING LED ON A LEASH LIKE A FUCKING CUR. " Snopes laughed as he drove home. "Just to be clear, BITCH. Robin is NOT your puppy." Another slam into flavio's ass followed. "And if I have to drill you like this twice a day for you to get through your head that YOU BELONG TO ME, I will do that." Flavio was biting his lip because, in spite of Snopes anger, and the violence of the screwing he was getting, he found himself enjoying it. Snopes didn't "nibble" at his ear: he bit it. There had been nights when flavio knew he was going to hurt the next morning, but he never knew how much. He knew this time that, in the morning, he'd be very, VERY sore. "WORLD FAMOUS MODEL BOTTOMS FOR A TECH GEEK! I wonder how you translate that into Spanish and French. TAKE IT MAN CUNT." There was one final thrust and flavio felt his ass filling with Snopes' cum. He tightened his glutes: spilling a drop of it instead of letting his body absorb it was one of the things that got Snopes extremely pissed off, and the last thing he needed was to piss off Snopes even more than he had. When Snopes was done, and he saw how stiff flavio's cock was, he laughed. "Thinking about your brother in bitchiness, Robin?" Flavio was almost crying. "No Sir. I was thinking about... about how much I enjoyed that. "He blushed when he said it and this time, Snopes knew he was telling the truth. "Well good. You can remember it because you're not getting relief. Go get the cage." That decision didn't surprise flavio. "Yes sir," he said, going to another room to get his chastity lock. While he was gone, Snopes sent a message to Jacques. "OUI? How do you say it in English, Monsieur Snopes? SUCCESS!" "You have him back?" "Oh, of course. He got about an hour away from Ibiza before the local police brought him back. Let's go to face time. I will show you something. Snopes turned on the screen. Jacques was in the bedroom of his suite, and he could see Robin on the bed. He was naked, blindfolded, gagged, and there was a contraption Snopes had thought about buying for flavio: wrist restraints attached to a ball separator. If Robin flexed his arms, it would pull his dick into a painful position. He heard the "mmmmphs" from the boy wonder. "Hey flavio. See what your plot did?" He sat flavio down next to him. "He doesn't know you're there unless he heard me talking to his Master. "He went back to Jacques. "Is he hard? He's laying down so I can't see. "ROLL OVER BOY" Jacques yelled. "mmmmph" came the reply, before Robin turned on his side. Yes, he was hard. VERY hard. "No relief for the boy tonight, that is for sure. I will be getting ice in a minute in order to make his cage fit." "Heh heh. The bitch twins will BOTH be caged tonight." Then Jacques spoke. "My friend, I have a question. Your boy did NOT try to escape, probably because of those trackers. I am thinking perhaps my boy needs a pair. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" came out of Robin. "So, I was thinking that we'd make a trip to the United States. Could we, perhaps, stay with you?" Flavio had been aware of how his cock began swelling as soon as he saw Robin in the position he was. Now, the possibility of them staying... "But of course. You and I, Jacques, we will have to plan it. Perhaps we can think of some games that the two sweeties can play with each other." "AH. Great minds think alike, do they not, Snopes? Well, it is late, and I know you travel tomorrow. We will chat." Snopes turned to flavio. "Your would-be boyfriend is going to be visiting. That should give you pleasant dreams. Now, let me prepare you for bed." For the first time in months, Snopes tied flavio's wrists before he bundled him into bed. The next morning, Snopes made flavio wear the tickling corset. "The airline will simply think that it's a brace for a bad back," then he put the fiberglass liners into flavio's shoes. "Oh, my sweet, sweet boy. My retribution is JUST beginning. You have NO idea what awaits you.

Next: Chapter 10

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