To Get Nsync

By Dave Aspire

Published on Aug 30, 2000


DISCLAIMER: The following story contains some homosexual content and is for those over 18 or whatever age depending on country or state law. If you are underage LEAVE NOW!!

This story in no way implies the sexuality of any of the *NSYNC guys and does not propose that any of them are gay, bi or have any homosexual tendencies. It is story of FICTION.

I'm Dave and this is the second installment of my first story for Nifty and I hope you all like it cause I just love to write and there will be plenty more where this came from!!! This story is gonna be HUGE!!! read it, tell your friends about it and love it.

Email me a reply to the story. don't forget the double I in "aspir - ii - ng"

I still need heaps of info on the guys and their families so keep the email up.

Previously in "TO GET *NSYNC":

Today I told you I had a crush on Justin. I lied.' J.C smiled and told him he'd noticed by the way Adam had said it.

J.C walked in to the bathroom and Adam breathed in. 'Josh, I don't want to...I just..I like YOU!' He breathed out.

'I feel the same.' He moved his arms and wrapped them around Adams waist. Adam took his own and placed them around J.C's neck.

J.C smiled and Adam smiled back.

Slowly J.C bent down and placed his lips on Adam's covering them with his own. They pressed against eachother, J.C's lips and Adam's. Adam opened his mouth just a fraction and J.C slipped his tongue into the crevice beckoning Adam to invite him in.

Soon J.C and Adam were searching eachothers mouths with their tongues furiously. They were binded by their passion for eachother until Adam broke off. He looked at J.C and smiled.

With his arms wrapped around Adam and the covers wrapped around him J.C relaxed and bent down to Adam's ear.

'I never believed in love at first sight, but now I think I do.' Adam moved closer to J.C and felt his head on J.C's smooth chest. He felt His strong muscular arms holding him and he closed his eyes and prayed tomorrow was even better than today, although he knew that would be hard to do.

And now on with the show.... 'TO GET *NSYNC part 3'

Adam awoke to an empty room. He felt alone and upon looking around he noticed he was alone. The clock read 10am. No wonder he was alone. the guys had a rehearsal before tonights big performance.

Adam rolled over and tried to forget the previous night. How he had told J.C he liked him. How J.C had returned his feelings.

He felt amazing. It's not everyday that you find someone like J.C Chasez. Slowly Adam moved out of bed and into the shower. The hot water ran over his 170cm lean frame.

He looked down at his member and tried to remember the last time he had used it to make love. He shuddered and stepped out of the water, turning off the taps.

Wrapped in ahuge white dressing gown he wondered into the bedroom and began to search for something to wear.

All the clothes he had bought yesterday were in bags against the wall. He picked out some pants and a top and dressed quickly. He turned and noticed a note on the table.

Dear Adam,

We have rehearsal today. When you're awake and dressed why don't you get a taxi and meet me here.

I think we should talk about last night. I don't think either of us meant what we said. I know you really like Justin.

Seeya later,


Adam sighed, thankfully J.C understood last night. He caught sight of a phot of J.C and Justin and smiled to himself.

Sometime soon he'd be with Justin, regardless of whether he liked Lance or not. He grabbed up his things and the 50 dollars J.C had left for him and walked out of the room and into the hall.

He was waiting for the elevator when someone placed their hands over his eyes.

'What the...' He turned quickly and peered into Justin Timberlakes piercing eyes.

'Hi!' He reached into his pockets and pulled out some gum.'Want some?'

Adam took a piece.

'what are you doing here? shouldn't you be at rehearsal or something?' Justin kind of laughed and coughed, almost choking on the gum in his mouth.

'I got held up as the others were leaving, I was on the phone. I only just got off it.' Adam turned as the doors to the Elevator opened. What happened next shocked him.

Justin turned around closed the doors and pressed the button which stopped the lift moving.

'What the heck are you doing?' Adam stared hard at Justin who was awkwardly trying to get something out. 'what is wrong with you?' that was all Justin needed.

'What's wrong with you. Yesterday we were making eye contact and smiling at each other. Today I find out you slept with J.C. I want to know how that happened!' Adam went pale.

Here was Justin Timberlake telling him he liked him and that he was wrong to sleep with J.C.

'Firstly, I didn't do anything with J.C, not that it's your business anyway.I just needed someone he turned out to be it. Secondly, I didn't think you were like that and Thirdly..' He was cut off by Justins lips on his. Adam was about to push him away but something stopped him.

Instead he pulled Justin closer and allowed his tongue to run itself around the inside of his mouth. Adam moaned softly as Justin placed his arms around Adam and held him closer, pressing their bodies together.

Adam felt light, extremely light. Even kissing J.C was nothing compared to this moment. Adam eventually broke off, he needed oxygen or he was going to pass out. Justin stepped back and propped himself against the wall of the lift.

Adam looked up at him and Justin looked back. Earlier Adam had felt alone without Josh, now he felt guilty.

'What you doing curly, you said you liked Lance.' He closed the gap between himself and Justin and looked up into his eyes. Justin gulped.

'I lied too. I messed up yesterday.I thought you were gonna say you like Lance and I was gonna have to kill you cause, I liked you. I wanted you to like me.

Then you thought I liked Lance so I let you believe it and I was gonna tell you that night what the truth was but you were with J.C.'

'I only asked whether J.C liked me because I didn't think you were like that and i needed someone last night. i feel real bad.' Adam's smile dropped.

'It was so tempting to lean down and kiss you while you slept this morning, but I didn't.'

'You were in the rom. Naughty. Okay, here's the deal. last night I told J.C I didn't have a crush on you. I told you I had a crush on J.C and you said you liked Lance. this is weird. Let's get this straight.

I like you. You like me.You let me believe you liked Lance because you couldn't tell me you liked me.

I got with J.C because I needed someone last night and I didn't think you were gay.

Adam and Justin laughed softly before Adam went on.

'J.C knows last night shouldn't have happened so It'll be easy to explain to him. Lance is none the wiser. Chris and Joey know I like you so it's all good.'

Justin pressed the button again and the lift began to decend again. He glanced sideways at Adam and then quickly turned away.

Adam glanced sideways almost straight after and smiled. He felt good.

At reception Justin had his rented car brought round the front and Adam stared at the Mercedes. He had never been in such an expensive car before.

'Get in.' Justin jumped in on his side and the roof slowly folded back. Adam loved convertables.He jumped in and soon he was giving Justin directions to the entertainment centre.

the car came to a stop in the parking spot. Adam breathed deeply and slowly stepped out of the car.

Justin came around and placed his hands on Adam's shoulders.

'We'll do this together.' Adam breathed in and walked past justin confidently and towards the doors that led to the dressing rooms and the backstage. Justin, surpirised by the sudden surge of power from Adam chuckled briefly and turned to follow.

Inside the dressing rooms were a complete disater. people were racing everywhere. Clothes were being chosen, make-up decided on. In all the confusion Adam could hardly move. He finally made it to the dressing room and flopped inside.

J.C sat in a chair reading a magazine. He looked up and then away, slightly embarrassed.

'Hi!' Adam pulled out a chair and sat down. ' We need to talk.'

J.C placed down the magazine he was reading. ' I agree.'

'Last night it shouldn't have happened. i lied to you so I wouldn't be alone.'

'Yes you did. I though should have known that you liked Justin. I too needed someone and I guess I used you as much as you used me.'

'Does anyone other then you, me and Justin know about last night?' Adam looked at his feet, his power was diminishing and he felt awkward.

'Not a soul knows.'

'Great, that means everyone knows I like Justin. Josh, Me and Jusin we're....we're....'

'Together? You don't have to worry, I don't mind. This is how it's meant to be.' Adam smiled and put his arms out. He and J.C hugged and just as they were breaking apart Justin and the rest of the guys walked in.

'Guys sit down.' Adam commanded. Everyone sat down. 'Not you Justin!' Justin quickly got back up.

'Are we about to....'

'Yes!' Adam turned to the guys. ' Lance, Joey, Chris. i know you already know I like Justin but I just want you to know that we're together now.' He breathed out and in again.

It felt so much better to finally say it out loud to everyone. The guys all began congratulating them and J.C smiled. Joey broke the moment.

'Sorry guys, hate to break this up but we got work to do!' He laughed loudly and turned and bounded out the door into the corridor. the rest of the guys followed him until only Adam and Justin were left.

'Well MacMillan, I think that went really well.' Adam sat stunned at Justins use of Adam's last name.

'Well then Timberlake why don't you and me get out there and you and the guys can show me what tonights show has to offer.' He grinned and stepped out of the room. Justin came flying out afterwards, screaming he was kill Adam.

Adam laughed loudly and took off along the halls, dodging carts of clothes and trolleys of makeup. People carrying equipment and dancers changing clothes.

Justin was getting closer so Adam picked up the pace and came bursting out on stage with Justin close behind. They both stopped. the choreographer was glaring at them. Adam turned and walked down the stairs and into a seat. justin apologised for being late.

He then joined the guys who were laughing there heads off at the way Adam and Justin ahd burst on stage.

'Maybe we could make a cool entrance like that next tour.' Chris yelled between laughing and gasping for breath. He did a impersnation of Adma and Justin with Joey and the guys went into fits of laughter. in the seats adam began to giggle too.

That was until the choreographer glared at him with a look of disgust that said. 'You caused this!'

Adam sat through a complete day of rehearsal and was fast asleep by the time the guys had a few hours break before that nights show.

'He looks peaceful but he has to move. they have to get rid of these chairs so the fans can stand here!' Joey looked at the other guys.

Justin leaned down and took Adam in his arms. Gently raising him out of the seat. He felt Adam's head against his chest and smiled.

'Justin! Justin snap out of it. let's go.' Lance was snapping his fingers and jumping about.

''ll wake him. Here take my keys from my pocket, good, open the car and me and Adam will sit in the back, you can drive.' Lance nodded approval.

He took Justins keys and they made their way out to the car. In the car park Joey and Chris were getting into one car with J.C. Lance told them he was driving Justin's car and told them they'd see them back at the hotel.

The car ride took a while but finally the fellas made it to the Sheraton on the Park and exited the car. Justin carried Adam inside and Lance picked up both his room and Justins key. Upstairs Justin placed Adam in his bed and pulled the blankets up to keep him warm.

'I'll wake you to get ready for the show.' he whispered to the sleeping figure. there was a knock at the door and the guys entered carrying Adam's gear. Joey was last. He was carrying some large suitcases so Justin could pack Adam up.

'The bus get's packed in an hour, be quick!'

'Justin packed Adam's stuff and his own into their bags. He stoped when he saw a photo drop onto the floor. The photo was of Adam and some guy who was scratched out standing in front of a large smiling face. He flipped it over.

'Me and Toby (the name had been scribbled out but could still be read) at Luna Park.'

Justin smiled. Out with the old and in with the new!

Justin grabbed the bags and went next door to see the rest of the guys.

'So let's go pack our stuff.'

'Hey Justin, You got all your stuff and Adam's there?'

'Yes Joey, I could use a hand getting it downstairs to the bus though...'

'We're getting a porter to do it. too much stuff to carry. He can take it on a trolley.' Said Chris.

there was aknock at the door and in came three porters with trolleys. They slowly packed the guys stuff and with the guys following they made their way down to the bus.

Justin let the guys go and went and woke Adam up.

'Wha..Hey Justin.' Adam turned and rolled over.

'Nope. you're gonna get up and get ready so we can go to the concert and then you can sleep all you want on the tour bus on the way up to Brisbane.'

Adam groggily got up and went into the bathroom and showered. He dressed in the clothes Justin had left out for him.

Once he was completely ready he walked out of the bathroom and into the bedroom. Justin smiled, obviously pleased with the end result. Adam noticed the lok on Justins face.

'That good huh?' He giggled and grabbed up all his leftover gear and he and Justin raced downstairs.

A receptionist quickly asked all the guys to sign a guestbook and even Adam who smiled politely and said he was a nobody.

'No doubt you'll end up famous. everbody who knows anybody ends up having their fifteen minutes of fame.' the receptioist smiled and Adam smiled weakly back. He could only wish his dream of Acting would come true.

The bus pulled away from the Sheraton and was replaced by a large black limosine. Adam gwked at it in amazement. He was getting to travel in style today. First a mercedes now a limo. Heaven.

Inside the limo on the way to the entertainment centre Adam was given instructoins on what to do when they got there. he was warned about screaming fans, millions of flashes going off and the noise level.

'Okay, I'm ready.' The guys all smiled and waited in silence. until Adam broke it.

'Good luck guys.' He turned and looked out his window. The guys all exchanged glances.

'Thanks.' J.C said softly. It was soon followed by Lance's soft deep voice and then Chris and Joey and Then Justin reached over turned Adam's face to him, kissed him softly and thaked him.

Adam went abright shade of red as the other guys cooed and whistled at them. Justin laughed.

The moment soon arrived and the limosine pulled up. the door opened and Joey was first out. Adam could here the screaming the crying, the cameras going off.

Justin placed Adam's shades over his eyes and told him it was so he didn't get blinded by the flashes. He then put his own on. Lance was next out of the limo. Adam could see fans waving to him and Lance waved back.

Chris was next out of the limo. He did the exact same as before and was soon out of sight. that left Adam, Justin and J.C.

J.C bounded out and Justin soon followed. He reached back into the limo and helped Adam out. Lance Joey and Chris were further ahead and J.C was slowly making his way inside too. Adam turned to Justin.

'What do I do now?' He laughed as Justin introduced him to a fan as the Actor, Adam MacMillan. the girl asked for an Autograph and Adam was soon signing paper and shirts.

Finally He made it inside with Justin close behind. they all breathed in and waved to the fans. Adam smiled.

'You're bad Justin Timberlake. Those poor girls think they got some famous actors autograph and really they just got a plain old blow Joe's.' He burst out laughing. He left the guys and was shown to his special seat at the front left of the stage.

Other celebrities sat there. Brooke Satchwell, Rebecca Cartwright, Pia Miranda and others. Adam took his seat and waited.

About thirty minutes later the lights went off and Adam breathed in.

Blue lights went on and five figures could be made out standing on stage. Large explosions went off and the guys llit up one by one. Adam smiled. *NSYNC launched into 'No Strings Attached '.

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