Todds Boys

By Locked Cub

Published on Nov 13, 2023


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This story is the sequel to my first book, "Southern Chastity". I encourage you to read it to get the backstory on Matt, Bo, and Todd.

Todd's Boys

Part 17: Tidal Wave (Part 2)

We put some swim trunks and t-shirts on and wandered downstairs to register and then toured around some of the vendors that had set up in the hotel. There were lots of hot guys around and I could have spent most of the afternoon drooling at them had I been on my own. We met a few of them and talked, but Todd did not see anyone he knew yet, so we grabbed some lunch before the pool party in the afternoon.

When we made our way out to the pool later, we managed to snag one open chair for Todd and we put our stuff behind it. A cute, younger, chubby man with a short, dark beard showed up soon after and smiled. Todd recognized him and went over to hug him.

"Boys, this is David," Todd said.

We introduced ourselves and David shook our hands.

"I just collared these two last fall," Todd said.

"Damn, daddy!" David replied with a laugh. "I was wanting you to collar me!"

Todd chuckled and put his hand down the back of David's pants.

"If you had lived closer I would have."

Todd leaned over and the two made out and Bo and I smiled.

"I have to meet up with some friends here in a bit, but do you think we can have some playtime?" David asked as he reached over and fondled Todd. "I missed this dick."

"Sure," Todd replied. "You want to go to the room now?"

"Yes!" David said.

"Boys, watch our things," Todd said. "I'll be back down shortly."

"Yes, Sir!" we replied.

Todd walked off back towards the hotel with David in tow and we sat down on the lounge chair.

"Well, that did not take long," I replied.

"Were you surprised?" Bo asked. "I'm sure Sir is very popular."

"True," I said with a smile.

"Do you want a beer?" Bo asked.

"Sure, grab me one," I replied.

"Ok, be right back," Bo said.

While Bo was gone, I applied some sunscreen and did the same to him when he returned. We had just finished when an older man approached us. He had a gray goatee and a nice chubby belly with a gray fishing hat on.

"How are you two? My name is Mark."

"Nice to meet you!" I replied. "My name is Matt and this is Bo."

We shook his hand and he squatted down beside us.

"Is this your first time at Tidal Wave?" Mark asked.

"Yup!" I replied. "I'm loving all the hot men!"

"There are plenty for sure," Mark replied. "I like your collars. What do they say?"

"They have our names on them," Bo replied. "They also say we are collared by our Sir, Todd."

"Nice!" Mark said. "Both of you?"

"Yup!" I replied.

"Lucky man!" Mark said as he rubbed my belly.

He moved his hand down and felt my cage and then smiled.

"Caged too?"

"I am," I replied. "Bo here was released for the trip down, but he's not allowed to have sex or play around without Sir's permission."

"Fuck!" Mark said. "You poor boy."

Bo grinned.

"I'll be ok, I think."

Mark smiled and stood up.

"Come in the pool with me."

"Sure!" we replied as we followed him over.

The water was already getting full of men, so we snagged a spot where we could stand and wade in the water. Mark told us he was from Tampa and looked forward to the event every year. We talked about our training program with John and how we got to be collared. We also discussed some of the dynamics of our relationship. He seemed pretty intrigued and hovered near me and rubbed my belly and crotch on several occasions.

"Would you be interested in fooling around at some point?" Mark whispered in my ear at a lull in the conversation.

"Sure, Sir," I whispered back. "But, I have to wait till my master returns. He has to approve it."

"Ok," Mark replied as he kissed me.

Bo smiled and poked my belly. I figured he knew what was going on and I brought him over in front of me and put my arms around him and kissed his neck. We talked with Mark for a while longer till I saw a shadow hover over us and I turned and saw Todd standing on the edge of the pool.

"Hey, Sir!" I replied.

Todd smiled back and sat down and stuck his legs in the water.

"Are your balls lighter?" Bo asked.

"We had a good time," Todd replied.

"This is Mark," I said as I put my hand on the man's shoulder.

Mark reached up and shook Todd's hand. We continued to talk for a while till Todd asked Bo to get him a beer. When Bo got out, Mark got Todd's attention and talked to him privately. When they were done, Mark came over and hugged me.

"You have permission, boy," Mark said. "Are you up for going to my room?"

"Sure!" I replied.

Todd nodded at me and I nodded back and I followed Mark out of the water and back to his hotel room. When we entered, Mark took his trunks and shirt off and sat on the bed. He had a nice tummy and below them sat some fat balls. His cock was not impressive at first, but I never judge a man when he is soft. I walked over and dropped my pants and took my shirt off and he beckoned me over to play with my cage.

"So, you've been in this for over a year now, huh?" Mark asked.

"Well, I wore it for a year when I was training, but it was a year in March since I went permanent," I said. "It is never removed except for cleaning."

"When was the last time you saw yourself without the cage?" Mark asked.

"Before I began training with Sir John, so it's been over two years now," I replied.

"Damn!" Mark said as he squeezed my balls. "That is very impressive. I've known some caged boys, but it was always a short-term thing or for play. You stepped up the game!"

I smiled and knelt in front of him and rubbed his balls. His cock head reacted by starting to poke out and as it engorged, I saw he had a decent-sized shaft. I gripped and stroked it and Mark moaned.

"Suck on me for a little while, but it's going in your butt," Mark said with a wink.

"Yes, Sir!" I replied as I brought him into my mouth.

Mark leaned back on the bed and spread his legs a little wider as I began to go down on him. His bush was all white and it framed his balls and cock nicely. I took him deep enough that I felt his pubic hairs in my nose and I made sure to use a lot of spit on him as I sucked him since he wanted to fuck me.

"Damn you are good at that!" Mark replied as he looked down at me.

"You can thank my trainer, Sir John," I said with a smile.

I continued to suck him for a good ten to fifteen minutes. I went faster and slower and he had me back off a few times and just lick the tip when he was getting too turned on. Eventually, he pulled out and grabbed a towel, and put it on the bed.

"On your belly, boy," Mark said.

I got on the bed and put my nub on the towel and stretched my legs out behind me. Mark grabbed them and pushed them together and then crawled onto the bed and then sat on them. I felt him slap his dick on my crack a few times and then heard the 'pop' of a container of lube. The squishing sounds came next as he stroked his shaft and then he placed the head on my hole and pushed forward.

He was girthier than I thought. As he pushed into me, I felt him split me wide and fill me. I groaned and put my head in the bed to muffle the sounds.

"Damn, you have a nice ass, boy," Mark said.

I felt his belly rest on my back as his dick finally hit bottom and he put his arms on either side of me, bucked his hips, and thrusted back and forth. His cock slid in and out and it was wonderful. The man was the perfect size.

"Fuck me, Sir!" I said.

"Yeah?" Mark replied. "You like that chastity boy?"

"Yes, Sir," I said. "My ass was made to pleasure real men like you!"

"That's a fucking boy!" Mark replied as he bounced and pounded me harder.

I had no idea what kind of stamina he had, but I soon learned it was a lot. He pounded me for a good ten minutes before pushing one of my legs up and moving to the side to get into me deeper. We stayed in that position for several minutes until I heard him start to breathe heavily and grunt.

"Are you close, Sir?" I asked.

"Yes, boy," Mark replied. "Daddy needs to breed."

"Breed my ass, Sir!" I shouted.

Mark pounded me harder and then growled loudly. He gripped the bed sheets and I felt him push deep as his cock erupted. He let his head dip down and I felt his breath across my back as he came down from the orgasm.

When he pulled out, I felt his cum slip out of my ass and he fingered it.

"Damn that was nice," Mark said.

I lifted my head to look at him and saw him get off the bed and put his hands on his hips and try to catch his breath. I turned and got on the floor in front of him and took his softening cock in my mouth to clean him as it retreated inside.

"Thank you," Mark said as I stood up.

"No, thank you!" I replied.

He leaned over and kissed me and then spanked my ass. We then got dressed and headed back outside. As we came around to where we had left Todd, we saw him in the water talking to another man. He looked up at us and smiled.

"Did my boy treat you well?" Todd asked.

"Fuck, yes!" Mark replied. "Damn fine ass."

"It is that," Todd replied with a smile.

We both got into the water and Todd came over behind me and hugged me.

"Suck and fuck?" he whispered in my ear.

"Yes, Sir," I replied. "And a nice load too."

"Good boy," Todd said as he rubbed my belly. "Bo is off servicing a friend of mine and may not be back for a while."

"Ok, Sir," I replied.

Todd moved off and talked to some other people for a while and I hung out with Mark until he decided to get out for some sun. I got out to get another beer for myself and Todd and when I returned, I saw Bo sitting on the side of the pool. I sat next to him and handed Todd his beer.

"Well, did you have a good time?" I asked.

"Yeah," Bo said. "The one over there in the red and blue hat fucked me twice and loaded me up. I was not allowed to touch myself and he did not fuck a load out of me, so I'm still horny as hell."

I looked across the pool to see who he was pointing at and saw a very hairy man with a broad chest and thick arms.

"He looks like he works out," I replied.

"Oh, for sure," Bo replied. "He picked me up at one point and put me on his cock."

"That sounds hot!" I replied.

"Yeah, but I will tell you, watching your nub hard as a rock and dripping and resisting the urge not to touch it is hell," Bo said. "I almost envy you in the cage."

I smiled and put my arm around him and rubbed his back.

"You'll get those balls drained at some point," I replied. "We've been trained to keep them full."

"Oh, I know," Bo said with a smile. "I just got spoiled cumming."

Bo and I got back in and waded around some more. The crowd picked up as the afternoon progressed and both of us got a little tipsy from drinking and being in the sun. Todd got out to sun himself for a while and we took a break to go back to the room for a nap. When we got to the room, I stripped my clothes off and collapsed on the bed.

"Ugh, that sun drains you," I said.

Bo jumped on the bed next to me and played with my cage.

"Not as much as he needs to be drained I bet."

"Get your ass up here and snuggle with me and stop playing with my nub," I replied.

Bo laughed and moved up to hug me and wrap his arms and legs around me. We could hear the music below us and the people in the pool and I nodded off with his head on my shoulder. When I woke back up, Bo was still snoozing and I saw Todd was grabbing some water out of the fridge and a packet of cheese and crackers.

"Taking a break, Sir?" I asked.

"Yeah," Todd replied as he sat in the chair across from the bed. "I'm getting hungry too."

Bo woke up and rubbed my chest and smiled at Todd.

"Hey, Sir."

"You two have a nice nap?" Todd asked.

Bo squeezed me and rubbed his head on mine.


"Ready to have those balls drained?" Todd asked.

"God, yes," Bo replied with a smile.

"Well, I'll tell you what," Todd said with a devious grin. "One of you can use your finger to milk the other one's prostate till you orgasm, but only one of you. You have to determine who will get to cum and who has to deal with blue balls."

"Ugh," Bo groaned as he sat back.

"I nominate Bo gets drained," I said.

"Really?" Bo replied.

"Yeah, babe," I said. "I'm ok. I am horny, but I know you need it."

Bo smiled and kissed me.

"I owe you."

"I'll collect on that too," I replied with a smile.

Bo scooted back and lifted his legs and I put them on my shoulders. Todd handed me some lube and I put some on my middle finger and pushed it slowly into Bo's ass. He groaned and laid his head flat as I moved inside and then he looked back at me. His nub reacted instantly and hardened and he motioned to grab it.

"No hands, Bo!" Todd replied.

Bo put his hands behind his back and then looked at me and bit his bottom lip. I felt around till I located his prostate and then I smiled.

"You ready?"

"Yes!" Bo said.

I moved my finger over Bo's prostate and rubbed it in circular motions. I applied a little pressure and Bo's nub got fully hard and leaked almost immediately. He groaned and we looked into each other's eyes. I watched as his face contorted as he felt the waves of pleasure move through him. I had gotten pretty good at milking and knew it would not take long to get him to spurt.

Bo bucked his hips and flexed his feet on my shoulders. I grinned and as I continued to rub, he produced some low growls and moans.

"Oh fuck!" Bo screamed as a shot of cum leaped out of his nub and sailed through the air and hit his beard.

I could not help but laugh as two more shots fired. He was trying to enjoy the orgasm, but my laughing was contagious and he laughed, too.

"Quit making me giggle!" Bo exclaimed as his nub fired a fourth volley and then softened.

"I've never seen you hit yourself in your face before," I said as I pulled out of him.

"Fuck, that was good," Bo replied as I let his legs down and he tilted his head back.

I moved over and licked the cum off of his belly and then moved up and cleaned his beard with my tongue before moving to make out with him. When I pulled back he caught his breath and smiled.

"Thank you, baby."

I leaned down and kissed his balls and used my fingers to grab the remains of his load and tasted it.

"You weren't kidding. They were full."

Bo laughed and then turned to look at Sir.

"Feel better?" Todd asked.

"Yes, Sir," Bo replied.

"You have a good boyfriend to sacrifice himself for you like that," Todd said.

"I know," Bo said as he looked at me.

"Ok, get cleaned up, and let's go eat," Todd said.

Next: Chapter 18

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