Tom and Marco

By rob roberts

Published on Apr 27, 2015


Tom and Marco ch 12

This is a story of gay erotic fiction between high school boys. If not legal for you to read by age or location, stop now. The story is the property of the author and may not be copied or used without permission. If you have comments, please send to

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Adam and I went to the store to get some snacks and hopefully for him beer. He knew a kid who worked in the place. He bribed him to buy us two cases of beer and promised to come over that night. I wondered if he was gay and Adam smiled at me saying didn't you see how he looked at your ass? Guess I missed it. Adam explained he liked to fuck younger guys. He looked me in the eye and said I was to make real nice with him. I did recall his name was Joe. I didn't know if Joe was my type but Adam reminded me my ass was his type- young and tight.

I nodded and we went home with the stuff. We had Kurt clean up the house and put away any real valuables. He did a good job. We just had to remember where he put it so it would get put back after. No point raising any suspicions with Mom.

Adam got us started and stripped naked. He said his roomie would be by in a short time. I looked at him and decided to do as in Rome, so I stripped too. Kurt was most reserved but finally did saying it felt good to hang loose. Adam had promised us he would show us how to use the thing he had to wash out our pussies. We all went to the shower and he did his first and then let us each try it. We really felt good and clean and empty. We were in a pretty happy mood when Adam's roommate Tim, came over. He dressed in pretty cool stuff with a tank on to reveal more of his hot body. It was clear he too was a swimmer but also worked out. He was almost hairless and Adam introduced him to us. I was learn that he was like a puppy around Adam and let Adam dominate him. He stripped when Adam said too without any questions. Adam introduced him to Kurt and me . He seemed like a pretty cool dude and more importantly, he seemed to like me. I was glad if we were to be roomies in the fall. He admired my dick and Adam suggested he suck it. The boy just dropped to his knees and swallowed me. Adam said he had to work hard to teach him to do it but now was a champ. I was about to cum when Adam stopped him and said he wanted to drink me so they swapped places and Adam drank all my cum. I promised to reciprocate with both of them later.

None of my friends arrived but suddenly through the gate in the yard, Kurt's closest friend, Robert, came in. He was carrying a basketball and I assumed he wanted Kurt to play a little one on one. He wore shorts, play shoes and a o loose tank top. He was a cute kid, about 15, wth a nice beginning muscular build but still a boy. He did have some ab development and a nice hairless chest. He was tanned which went with his sandy colored hair which was moderate. I had known Robert for a long time as he and Kurt were close buds. And he had just joined the swim team last fall. I had seen him naked a few times as well and all though straight as an arrow, didn't seem bothered to be seen naked in the locker rooms. He knew both of us were hung(he had never met Adam) and kidded us both about how we had to kind of fold everything to fit it in the speedo. He wasn't tiny though and was hung pretty good for his age. He was always talking with Kurt about getting some pussy but I doubted he ever had.

Kurt looked astonished and embarrassed that he would be naked in front of his firend. Not that they never were but certainly not in our backyard. His eyes got wide as saucers as he saw me with my hands on Kurt's firm ass. His coment " what the fuck!" , made us both get a little red in the face but I decided that he should see what we were doing as I know thought it might be fun to get a taste of Robert and didn't really care. I did feel bad about Kurt though as he had several more years of high school to deal with and that could be hard on him if everybody knew he hung out naked at home. "Holy, shit. Man what are you guys up to?" he asked. His disbelief turned into a smile as I just took my hand off Kurt's hot ass and smiled at him and said " hey, so what up, Robert?' Kurt looked at me and Robert looked at him. "Ah, well, we , ah just decided to party and swim naked."

Robert nodded and finally able to adjust his wide open mouth, said that's cool, man. I said why not join us. Robert looked at me and said he actually came over to shoot hoops. I said that was ok but boldly added, why not do it naked? I guess I found my true gay self! He stammered and finally said , maybe he'd join us. Kurt loosened up finally as Robert stared at his flaccid, yet very big dick. "Man, you are hung," Robert said as he played with his cock unconsciously. Kurt smiled and said all us Culver men were. "Kurt said " yeah, but bet you are too." We already knew Robert had nothing to be embarrassed by.

Kurt offered him a soda as our beer guy hadn't brought it yet. He Took it and commented on how hot it was. I just went up to him, and lifted his shirt up and off him with no real resistance. I told him he could leave his shorts inside where the other clothes were. He nodded. I boldly took hold of Kurt and kissed him, shocking him some but said "man you got a nice ass." I was looking then at Robert. He smiled not knowing what to say. He and Kurt went and sat down but I noticed that Robert couldn't take his eyes of either of our cocks. Then he saw Dam and Tim. He almost spit out his soda seeing Adam's foot long beer can wide dick. He was leading Tim by his shorter 8 in cock. Kurt introduced them to Robert who he had known since we were all kids. Adam reached out and touched the shape of Robert's dick in his pants and said get comfortable man, we're all guys here. Robert tried to say something but finally just said , fuck it and stripped out of his remaining clothes and shoes. Kurt smiled at him and said "woo hoo. Hot man"

Robert smiled and took hold of his six inch dick and pulled it to separate it from sticking to his nuts. I looked at him and said I can help with that if you want. He smiled at me and said he had heard rumors that I came out but didn't want to ask. "Yeah, I tried the pussy and all but man, there is nothing like a big cock." Isaid proudly. Adam followed with you got that right playing with Tim's manhood. Robert looked at both of us and Kurt who sat kind of not sure what to say or do, and nodded..

I guess that was all that was needed as Adam had Tim get down and lick Robert's cock making him moan in pleasure. I stuck a finger up Tim's upturned ass and said go for it boy.

I felt so powerful, yeah me the nerd, saying that to this young man who was at least three years older than me but for some reason, I no longer cared. Tim sucked on Robert for a minute until he finally heard the moan and took all of Robert's goo in his mouth. He too smiled now and we all sat around. Kurt stood, maybe still uneasy, but the rest of us didn't seem to care. I even sat on Adam's lap and he fingered me. Everyone knew what he was doing and just laughed or smiled. Robert was still uneasy but had to admit he never had anything that good from anyone. He loved the blow job.

Our beer guy finally arrived. Je came in shirtless and stripped immediately after we hauled in the chilled beer. He had a decent body with some hair. Very hairy legs and some on his butt. I was kind of glad as I figured it might make Marco more at ease. I wondered if he worried about his hairy crotch and ass as to how others would react. I loved it but knew some guys preferred hairless cunts and crotches more like mine. Joe came over and joined Adam in touching me. I just let it happen and Robert looked to Kurt and then to me and finally began to relax and just observe. I loved having my body played with. Adam slid me over so I sat on his huge cock and just let it begin to enter me. Damn he felt good and I was finally totally relaxed around all this naked manhood..

Suddenly, I heard the gat open and saw Marco come in. He had on a board short swim trucnk, a tank and flip flops. He looked gorgeous wit his beautiful face and tan skin. He was naturally tan and it made his look so hot to me. He looked at me riding Adam's cock and just stared. How would he react to this? I'd soon find out.

Marco was introduced all around. I think Joe was happy to see a boy with more hair than he had except for his smooth hairless chest. Marco seemed a little shy but I told him to get naked like the rest of us and handed him a beer. He gave me a slight peck of a kiss. Robert seemed to notice everything and asked Kurt if we were boyfriends. Kurt said he was wasn't sure. Just then, in came Jason and Ricky, all smiles and didn't even have to be told to strip. Hey came with just board shorts on. Their nice schlongs were hard almost instantly. I noted that Robert seemed a little surprised when so many of the school heroes seemed to just be into being naked. He seemed to relax and I also saw Kurt put his hand on Roberts thigh. He didn't object although he looked a little surprised. It wasn't long before we all we chatting and having fun as if we were someplace all dressed. Some got in the pool and were playing around . Marco came up to me and thanked me for inviting him. I told him it wouldn't be the same without him. He smiled and seemed ok with that. I made no real point of touching him although I said I so liked his ripped upper body. His pecs were to die for but I kept my hands off. I wanted to see if he would make any move on me. Adam came out of the pool and came up to us. He said he was really glad to meet Marco finally and see him up close. He winked at that. "So, you're the guy who likes fucking my younger bro here, I take it. I hear you like water sports too." Marco looked embarrassed and said I was the most beautiful guy ever. "Why don't you show him, then, by sucking his big dick. Bet he would like that." I could have killed Adam for saying that. Marco never sucked me off. He only liked to play with my dick and milk me or see me shoot after he fucked me. Bigger shock. Marco dropped to his knees in front of me and just took my penis and rubbed it before he put his mouth on the head of it and began to tongue me. Of course, I got hard right away. Adam stayed and watched but kept saying to Marco, take more in, swallow that big boy." Marco seemed to focu on just that and began to take more of me in. Finally, he choked on it as it reached his throat. "Come on, man, just a little more." Bet Tommy swallows all of you. Marco pulled off for a minute to catch his breath and mumbled about how big it was. "That's right man. He is huge. A real horse dick for you. You are so damn lucky he is letting you suck him. Keep trying." He pushed Marco's head a bit and Marco did as instructed and began to try harder. After a few more trys and Adam telling him to breathe through his nose, he finally got me all in. "I had to work hard to get Timmy to swallow me too but now he just goes for it all. And, I'm bigger than Tommy here. You'll get it and love to have the honor of sucking him." I knew Adam was trying to make Marco a cocksucker like he wanted me to be. I loved it and blew down throat but yet I wanted to eat him and suck him too. He pulled off me and kissed my cock. Some cum was running down his face so I bent over, kissed him and licked it off. Marco told us both, I had the most beautiful cock in the world. "You ought to let him fuck you and learn to really enjoy that too. Adam was unrelenting about making Marco my bitch. Adam smiled at me and just nodded. He finally kissed Marco too and said in a bit, he would love to coach him through getting fucked. He complimented Marco on his fine ass and the nice hair in it. That works really good to help keep the cum in your hold. Almost like a plug he said. Marco nodded. I pulled him up and kissed him. He then whispered to me" please piss all oer me and in my mouth> I was shocked. I looked at him and said I couldn't. Please he begged. I deserve that and want to be your boy so bad. I really don't deserve you but I love you and you're all I dream about. Please do it. I want your brothers to see it too and then, fuck me. I don't care if I bleed. I want you to hurt me. I hurt you and, well, things have changed. I will also tell y father I am now your boy. Even, if you don't want me as a boyfriend, I want you to rape me. Make it hard on me Make me your pussy.. I couldn't believe what came out of his mouth. This cocky hot looking Latino who showed such power before was groveling at my nerd feet.

I said maybe later but he begged.

Adam was hearing all this too. He said he had to work to make Tm, his boy but now Tim was so happy. "He'd eat my shit if I told him too. Go ahead tommy, piss on him. I'll piss on his too if he wants. Marco looked from Adam to me and nodded and stayed on his knees. I looked at him and wondered if I should do that. Adam called Tim over . He came like a puppy and kissed Adam fully before he dropped to his knees next to Marco. Adam pointed at his dick. Tim seemed to know the command and took just the end of it in his mouth and I saw Adam let go. He swallowed it like punch. Adam pulled out and continued to piss on his face and body. "Gonna have to shower now my boy, before you get in the pool and hose down this gold stuff." Tim nodded in approval. Was he his slave? Marco looked up to me and leaned forward. He took my dick in him outh and looked up. I didn't know if I wanted to do this but finally let a few drops go. He swallowed them! I let more go and then there was no stopping as I pissed in his mouth and then like Adam, pulled out and let it run down his beautiful body and face. When I was done, I started to say I was sorry. He shook his head no and said I wanted you in me. Will you also fuck me? I reached down and kissed him on the mouth tasting my own piss but didn't care. I truly loved this boy and I held him close.

Adam pulled him up and led hi to a lounger. He told him to lay on his stomach . he grabbed a little lube from somewhere and put in on his hole. "this will hurt like hell when he enters you but once he is in, you'll love it I think we should all watch as he does it. Nothing is as open and telling as to be seen getting fucked for the first time by your man. Tommy is your man now . I'm going to gag you so your screams won't wake up the dead but just take it. I know Tommy. He will do it gently. But he will take your cherry like you've probably done to him and others before. Marco nodded. Adam told Kurt to rub some on my hard dick. He did as hi friend Robert watched. All were gathered around including Tim. Adam told him to put his dick in Marco's mouth." Nothing says he is becoming a bitch like sucking a hard cock and getting fucked at the same time. You remember don't you, Timmy?" Tim nodded and did as told.

I climbed on and kissed Marco's back and whispered that I would try not to hurt him too much. He kind of nodded and then tensed up as my dick pushed away his hairs and touched his pink hole. I pushed in and he reacted slightly. I bent over to kiss him and told him to push out when I came in. I told him to take a deep breath. He di as asked and I began to push in. He tried to scream but Tim's hardening dick prevented much sound. I stopped to let him adjust and then pushed in more. Then I just pushed in He had tears running down his face and he grimaced something awful. I asked if he was ok and he nodded. I pushed more and eventually was all ten inches in him. I let him rest some before I moved again. He seemed to relax so I pulled back and forth until I got a rhythm going and began to fuck him. He sucked hard on Timmy as I fucked him. I knew Tim was gong to cum and he did. Marco was a trooper though and swallowed t I think. I began to fuck him and he finally moaned a more lustful groan. Before I was done, he was moaning happily. Jason and Rick cheered him on and said I fucked really good. I was happy but then realized what did they know. I was the only one who fucked them. Later we laughed about that.

I pulled out slowly. He had just a slight skid mark on my dick and some blood but not much. I pulled out and then on impulse, began to tongue his hole and eat him out tasting my own cum and whatever was in his hole. Now it was a pussy too> He moaned in happiness and finally lifted up to turn so he could kiss me. He thanked me for fucking him. I want more though he said. I looked at his stretched hole and said later. I rubbed on some more lube and he got up. He got a cheer from all the guys , even Robert. I noted that Kurt had his hands all over Robert now including his ass crack. I wondered if they would fuck too.

I felt really good and proud of myself. I also realized that while I enjoyed fucking, I liked to get fucked. I also almost like eating Marco more than fucking him. I wanted his dick or somebody's dick in me. I would work on that the rest of the night.

Next: Chapter 13

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