Toms New House

By bob 3500

Published on Oct 5, 2009


I woke up the next day to the sound of the alarm clock which was set to play random songs from the built in music library. I reached over and pressed the stop button on the panel beside my bed. Sitting up I could feel the unmistakable feeling of dry cum sticking to my cock and pubes. I guess that only jacking off once after three days was not enough to prevent this. I reached down and felt my morning wood noticing that the blanket and sheets where dry and looked absolutely clean. I crawled out of bed and headed for the bathroom in serious need of a pee. I walked up to the urinal and was able to just let flow without event touching my dick because the back of the urinal went right up the wall. Feeling well relived I walked into the shower and it automatically turned on to the temperature I had set it top last night. When I was done I pressed a button on the wall that stopped the water and turned on the drying fans that had me dry in about ten seconds. I walked back into my room and into the closet. I decided to try on some of the new boxers. I put on some other cloths and headed up stairs.

I got up stairs just as mom was finishing making breakfast. I sat down at the table and she placed a plate of pancakes in front me. I was just digging in when dad walked in and sat down across from me. We said the usual good mornings and then I dug into my plate. When I finished dad asked me if I had put all my stuff away and got settled in. I told him I had and that I planned to walk around the neighbourhood today. My dad told me to have fun but be back for lunch. I put my plate in the dishwasher and headed out the door.

I walked down the road and headed into the maze of houses in the nearby suburbs. I didn't walk too far before coming across a kid who looked about my age just sitting at the end of his driveway. I decided to try and talk to him. I walked up and said "hey my names Tom I just moved in down the road."

"Oh, hey I'm jack nice to meet you." he replayed with a friendly smile.

"So you're the one that moved into that crazy guy's house" Jack said

"What do you mean crazy guy's house?" I replied nervously.

"Apparently the guy that lived there before was this wired designer that made the craziest things."

"What do you mean; I heard he designed the high school."I said in a matter of fact way.

"I know what normal person designs a school."Jack said almost laughing. I looked at him weirdly and he straightened up and said "I was just joking. The guy who lived there was very nice a little wired but no more than any other designer."

With that we both started to laugh uncontrollably. After a minuet we settled down and started a normal conversation about are back grounds. I found out that his friend Dan was at summer camp for the next month and he had been board out of his mind. I told him "at least he will be back in a month. All my friends live half way across the country."

"Not all of them" he replied. "I'm your friend now."


"You say that now but wait until you get to know me" Jack said with an evil grin stretched across his face. We both broke out laughing again having to hold are sides in. For the next little while Jack told me about the area, and all the do's and don'ts. I finally looked down on my watch and realized I had to run or I would be late for lunch. I said a quick goodbye to Jack and told him I would try to see him tomorrow. I ran down the road as fast as I could and made it him just in time.

"I was just about to go looking for you "my dad said as I walked in the door.

"Sorry, I was talking to my new friend that lives just down the road."

"I'm glad to see you making friend your age already."

"Not exactly "I started, making up a little lie. "She's a couple years older than me but has really nice tits."

My dad looked a little worried so I told him the truth about Jack. My dad let out a chuckle" don't surprise me like that. Not for at least a few more years." We both laughed then started eating lunch.

When lunch was over my parents took me into town so we could do some shopping. When we got back we had dinner and then finished unpacking everything that was left. It was getting late by the time we finished and my parents headed off to bed because dad had to work in the morning. I headed down to my room and crawled into my bed. I wasn't very tired so I decided to try out some of the different lubes. I opened the panel behind my bed and got started. I decided to try the hot and fast lube. The way it works it that if I slow down my stroking to much the lube will heat up like it is going to burn me. The effect only lasts a few minutes but that was all the time I need for my first load. The amount of cum to night wasn't as much as last night and didn't shot as far but then again I had not been holding it for over three days. As I recovered from my high I figured that tonight it would be fun to try a sex toy. I activated the screen in my room and got it to run through the selection. I was surprised by how many there were. It had didos, vibrators, fake vaginas, and all kind of weird one's I figured I would never use.

I selected one of the fake vaginas and grabbed the suggested lube. I got myself good and hard and slippery. I got the toy in position and slowly entered it the way the screen told me to. I slid all the way in and thought I was going to cum right away. I started to slide it up and down my cock. I found myself moving around on my bed sitting in different positions. I was in a kneeling position when I hit the point of no return. I squeezed my ass muscles tight as I shoved my cock down into the toy as far as it could go. I felt shot after shot of cum fly and into the toy. The spasms slowly stopped and I sat there with my slowly deflating dick still in the toy. Final the tight confines of the toy pushed my flaccid penis out with a bit of a squishing sound.

I sat back down on my butt and held the toy in my hand. I found out that the bottom part that catches the cum can be removed. I did this and found a fare load of cum in the container. I remembered how I had tasted the bit of cum that had landed in my mouth last night. With this in mind I raised the container to my face and sniffed it finding that it had no bad smells. I moved the rim of the container to my lips and tip it back pouring the slightly white watery liquid into my mouth. I moved around getting a better taste than last night. I found that it tastes kind of sweet after the initial salty flavour. I tilted my head back and swallowed the mouth full. I decided that that was a good place to end it for tonight and got to work cleaning myself up. I grabbed one of the cum rages and started with the drying cum on my belly form the first shot. When I had finished cleaning up I went and put the cloth along with all of my cloths in the hamper in the bath room. I got back into bed and was about to turn off the screen when it displayed a new toy called the ball drainer. The thing that got me was that it works in your sleep. I figured I should give it a try, and got it out of the cabinet behind the bed. I got it in place on my dick then turned off the screen and went to sleep.

That night I kept having this weird reoccurring dream. I would find myself coming out of the shower and walking into my room. There sitting on my bed was jack. As I'm looking at him I realize that I have a boner sticking straight up in the air. I watched him stand up off the bed and started taking his clothes off. He started with his shoes and socks. He then pulled his shirt up over his head and off reviling his flat stomach with only the slightest amount of definition. As he moves his hands to open the button on his jeans my dick erupts with an absence amount of cum that hits Jack in the chest. Then everything goes black. Once more I find myself coming out of my bathroom finding Jack on my bed. This time I last until he finishes lowering his zipper. Then I hit him again with a blast of cum and everything goes dark. This dream continues to repeat several more times that night each time I find myself splattering him with cum before he finishes undressing. At one point he got his pants off and I could see him in just his boxers. I could see a fuzzy outline of his soft dick against the fabric. He hocked his thumb inside the waistband and just as he was going to pull them down I woke up feeling my dick ejaculating.

It took me a minute to come to my senses and remember the ball drainer. I looked down and was what must have been about a cup of cum in the collector. I read the counter on the side and it told me I had had 7 orgasms. I removed the device from my now very shrivelled penis and placed it back in its spot so the auto clean would take care of it. I climbed out of bed feeling half refreshed and half shaky. My balls ached as I headed for the shower. As I was getting cleaned up and ready for the day I decided not to use that thing again for some time. My balls still ached slightly as I sat down at the breakfast table."Have a good night sleep" my dad asked.

"Yes I did" replying in a very cheerful way remembering my dream.

"Have any plans for today" my dad asked.

"I was going to go hang out with Jack today."

"Well I will be at work all day so have fun but don't forget to come home for lunch or at least let your mom know if you aren't."

"How am I supported to let her know?"

"If memory serves me right you room came complete with a cell phone" my dad replied. For a moment I thought he might know about the hidden cabinet behind my bed but then realized that even if he did he wouldn't care. I promised I would keep in touch and headed out the door as soon as I was done breakfast. I found Jack sitting on the driveway as I walked up to his house.

"What's the plan for today" I said when I got close to him.

"I thought we could go steal a car drive around pick up a couple chicks, then find a secluded area and have a wild orgy." I looked at him with a blank face.

"Man you have the best reactions" Jack said while I continued to look on blankly.

"Anybody home" he said as he tapped me on the shoulder.

"Dam it, you broke my train of thought" I said to him. "I was just imaging that orgy."

"What where you imagining?" He asked than quickly said "you didn't imagine me naked did you?"

"No, we hadn't gotten that far yet. We still had are faces between the legs of the two naked girls."

As I said that he closed his eyes and I assume he was trying to imagine it to. I looked over at him and glanced down at his crotch there was a very overuse tent sticking out from his shorts. He caught me looking and quickly reached his hand down his shorts to rearrange himself as he said "don't get to carried away now I only met you yesterday".

With that we both cracked up and started to laugh. The subject had been dropped and we went inside to play some video games. I realized it was getting close to lunch so I decided to call my mom. I pulled

out my cell and was about to dial when Jack noticed and said "cool phone I have never seen one like that before."

"It a new state of the art model" I replied to him.

"Where did you get it?"

"My room."

"What do you mean?"

I told the whole story (mines the cabinet behind my bed) to him and his jaw almost hit the floor. He asked if he could come over and see. I told him sure but I had to tell my mom I was bringing a friend for lunch. We walked over to my house and my mom greeted us at the door. We exchanges the standard pleasantries then sat down for lunch. As soon as Jack and I finished we headed down to my room. I showed him the den, the weight room, my bathroom and my bedroom. He sat down on my bed as he looked at all the cool stuff in my room. My mind flashed back to the dream I had had and I was glad I was wearing those special boxers. I expand how everything was interconnected and I could control all of it from my phone. He wanted me to show him so I pulled out my phone pressed a few buttons that made all the doors close and lock.

Feeling a little horny I guess some of my inhibitions where down because I sat down beside him and said in a low voice "all the doors are locked and no one can hear us. There's nowhere to run". I said this while placing my hand on his knee.

"Well then" he said placing his hand on my shoulder. "How much time do we have. "

"All afternoon" I replied placing my other hand on his other leg with one finger going up the hem.

"Where should we start "he said with a shaky voice?

"I think we should start with" I started with a sexy voice. "Some halo" I continued in a normal voice pulling away from him.

We laughed and headed to the den as I unlocked the doors. As Jack was lining up to sit in one of the bean bag chairs I saw that he tenting again. He fell into the chair which sank more than he expected it to. His legs went up into the air causing his loss shorts to slide down into his crotch. I stared at what looked like part of his green boxers and the little bit of flesh sticking out. I was sure I could see part of his balls. His legs came back down and at the same time one of his balls dropped out the leg of his shorts. I saw if for only a second before he readjusted. Once more he caught me looking at him and he said "you had your chance back in the bedroom".

We both laughed and started the videogame marathon. Time went by fast that day because all of a sudden Jack said he had to go home for dinner. The rest of my evening went by slowly. I eat dinner then went on my new computer to see what it could do. I found out how to put the computer up on the big screen in my room. I grabbed the wireless key board with touch pad and sat on my bed. I checked my email and replayed to my friends telling them all about me crazy new room. I finished that and continued to surf the net until my parents called down telling me they were on their way to bed. I decided to head to bed as well and relive some of my earlier tension.

I striped down and started to jack off with some super slippery lube. It took me a minute until I figured out how to keep my hand from flying off my dick. I started to think about Jack and what I had seen today. I suddenly remembered the cameras. I turned on the system and brought up the moment he was sitting in the chair. I did some zooming in and changed a couple angles to get the best view. I was in luck one of the cameras got a better view than I did. I could see right up his shorts and saw the base of his cock and the two hanging ball. I was able to make a little ten second movie of his crotch bouncing around. I looped the movie to play over and over. I sat there watching and jerking off. After I came for the fourth time I decided to stop. I saved the video into a file I named Jack and went to bed.

The next couple weeks went by in a similar way, we would hang out all day playing games and joking around in a perverted way. I got a few more glimpses of Jack as well as some more pitchers and videos to add to his folder. I was determined to see Jack naked but I just needed the right setting. June moved into July and as my birthday got closer it donned on me. I'll have him over for a sleepover.

To be continued...

Hope you enjoyed please send comments and suggestions to Part 3 is on it's way

Next: Chapter 3

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