Toms New House

By bob 3500

Published on Oct 7, 2009


A week before my birthday I was eating dinner with my parents when they asked what I wanted to do for it. I told them I wanted to have Jack over for a sleepover. My parents had already assumed that much and asked if I wanted anything special for dinner or if I wanted to go do something. I told them I just wanted a good meal followed by a big cake and lots of presents. My dad said they would see what they could do. I was about to leave the table when my mom said "I will never understand why boys like sleepovers so much?"

"It's so they can stay up late and talk about sex and masturbating" my dad answered.

"No, it's because there is no other way to have a decent movie or video game marathon" I said getting a little pink in the cheeks.

"I guess times have changed" my dad said giving me the I was a teen once look.

I headed down to my room feeling a little embarrassed. I sat down at my computer and started checking my emails hoping to hear from my friends. As I was reading an email one of my friends came online so I opened a chat with him. He told me his dad just got him a new computer with a really cool webcam. A second later he popped up on the screen and started to talk to me. Not to be out done I clicked a button and in no time we were having an almost face to face chat. We talked for hours about what has been going on and how we missed each other. He asked me about my room that I had emailed him about. I told him that he should see it. I told him that maybe he could try to get him and Sam over before the end of summer. He liked the idea and knew Sam would to. We continued to talk until about midnight than said are goodbyes but planed when to do this again.

The next day I talked to Jack about it he thought it was a good idea so we started making a list of things to do that night. We wrote it out on piece of paper and realized that if we started at noon on my birthday it would take until about 1 in the morning to finish it all. When I was leaving that day he handed me the list and told me not to lose it. As I was walking home I realized he had added an item to the bottom I the list. He had put on "Secret Gift" and circled it. For the rest of the day I pondered what it might mean. I kept thinking about the dream I had had about him. Maybe he will strip for me or maybe my mind wandered into an area of sexual fantasy. I thought about hand jobs, blow job, sex and anything that could involve him naked. I finally came to my senses and disregarded all those thoughts. But just in case I decided to stop jacking off for the next week. Mostly because I wanted to see him naked and I would have to be very horny to have the guts to suggest a way for him to be naked.

The next week dragged on almost in slow motion. I had somehow managed to keep from jerking off and so far no wet dreams. I started to think I would have a wet dream a couple days before my birthday because my ball felt like they had swollen to twice the size. I don't know how but I made it to the sleepover.

Jack arrived just before noon. We sat down and had lunch to start off are list of events planned for that day. After lunch we headed down to my room and onto the computer. I figured that Jack should meet my other friends so I had arranged to have a web chat with them that day. After an hour of getting to know everyone we went and started the videogame marathon. The day carried on as planned we had dinner followed by cake and presents. My dad really surprised me when he said that he was going to arrange for my friends to spend a week here in august. After dinner we started on are movie marathon that lasted until one in the morning. Full of junk food, pop, cake, and assorted other foods we headed to my room.

I was about strip and crawl in when I remembered Jack. I asked him "did you bring any pj's".

"No, I can only get to sleep if I ware boxers."

"Ok, hope you don't mind sharing the bed too much."

Knowing the limits I stopped striping at my boxers and got in to bed. I was glad to be under the blanket before Jack started to strip because I was getting hard. He undressed just like in the dream, starting with the socks then the shirt and finally the shorts. As he walked to the bed I could see it swing with every step. I assumed it was a little bigger than mine but you can never tell for sure until there hard. Not sure what to say I just lay there silently. My cock was throbbing with every beat of my heart I wanted to see beneath Jacks boxes. I wanted to put my hand down there and feel him up. At the moment I was so horny that if he let me I would probably suck him to within an inch of his life. I was doing my best to control my shakes I was getting from the hormones pumping through my veins when Jack asked "did you reread the list for tonight after you went home the other day?" I had completely forgot until now I looked over at him with a grin and said "surprise present".

He nodded at me then got out of bed and went over to his bag. I stared at his crotch as he walked back not noticing what was in his hand. As he walked over to my side of the bed I assumed he was starting to chub a little because his bulge was looking a little bigger. He stopped at the edge of the bed only a couple inches from where my hand lay. I swear I could feel heat emanating from the growing bulge. He moved his closed fist up to my face causing me to redirect my gaze. His hand opened reviling a flash drive. I took the drive from him as he told me to check it out. I hunched as I walked over to the computer trying to hide my massive erection. I turned on the computer and plugged in the flash drive. I put the computer up on the big screen and quickly crawled back under the blanket. Jack joined me back on his side as I opened the file.

I discovered that there were several folders. Jack told me to open the first folder reviling a porn movie. He told me it was his favourite one that he downloaded. We sat back and watched as the guy in the film started to undress the two girls he had just seduced. We continued to watch are eyes not leaving the screen until Jack asked my "Hey dude, do you ever jerk off?"

"Ya" I said in a shy quiet voice as I turned my head away from the movie to look at him.

"Well... would it... um... well would it... bother you... if... I..."

"Go for it. I was about to ask you, this movie is so hot I think I might blow a load just watching."

We sat up as I through the blanket to the foot of the bed reviling are very tented boxers. I looked over at his tent and knew for sure that his 5" tent was the same as mine. We stopped suddenly feeling shy about it. I broke the tension reaching for my waistband first. I lifted my butt off the bed first sliding my boxers down my ass. I sat back down and started to slide my boxers slowly down the rest of the way. I reviled my small patch of cores pubes at the bases of my cock. Then letting the waist band catch my boner I pulled my boxers down further. I finally pulled my boxers down far enough that my cock flew up and hit me stomach with a smacking sound. I could tell Jack was looking right at my circumcised penis that was visibly throbbing with each heart beat. He gave me an approving nod then returned to himself.

I let my right hand wander down to my balls as I watched Jack remove his boxers the same way I had just done. I saw his blonde pubes that appeared fewer than mine but when his cock was finally released I could tell that it was thicker. He still had his foreskin intact and his balls were bigger and hung lower than mine. He reached down like I had done and started playing with his balls. We both nodded approvingly at each other and turned to watch the movie.

The whole time we kept glancing over at one another seeing that we were still only playing with are balls. A little while later when the movie was getting really good we both started to stroke are dicks. I was lightly stroking mine at the base of my cock trying to hold off the end. I looked over and could tell Jack was doing the same stroking it lightly so that his foreskin never uncovered his head. I was in heaven at the moment laying there with Jack beside me both naked and jacking off I thought it couldn't get any better. A minute later jack leans over at me and said "I have never seen a cut penis before."

"It's the only penis I ever see" I said trying to get a read on him. That got a little giggle out of him before he asked "I was wondering how you jerk off without the extra skin there?"

"Why don't you give it a try" I replied knowing that that was the hormones I was counting on talking. He gave me a blank look. Without saying a word I grabbed his arm and pulled it away from what he was doing and placed his hand on my lower thigh. I took my hand off my cock and just lay there. He got the idea and slowly moved his hand up my thigh. He reached my balls and started to fondle them. He was lifting them, rolling them around in his hand gently. The feeling from his hand sent shocks through my. I had never experienced something like this before.

After a few minutes of him playing with my balls he moved his hand up. He took hold of my cock sending huge shocks of electricity through my body making me jerk slightly and let out a moan of pleaser. He steadied his grip and slid his hand up and down once. He found that the skin could still stretch up far enough to almost cover the head. Knowing the answer to his question he started to disappointedly remove his hand. As I suddenly felt the warmth of his hand leave I quickly told him to do it more. He retook it and began to slowly jerk me up and down making me loudly moan.

A moment later I knew I was going to blow soon and not wanting this to end I put my hand on top of his jerking one stopping it. I quietly say to him "this is the only penis I ever see."

He got the idea and rolled himself back spreading his legs more exposing his crotch to me. Taking the invitation I reach over and start with his balls. The sack around them feels so soft and warm I gently squeeze them making him moan. I spend a few minutes on them before head south. His cock feels soft like his scrotum yet underneath it hard like a rock and is pulsing with his heart. I started a light and slow stroke up and down never pulling the skin back. After a few minutes he reaches over and starts back on mine. The room is soon filled with soft moans as we torture each other slowly moving are hands up and down. I could feel my balls tightening as I neared the end. Looking I could tell that Jack was close as well with his balls right tight against his cock. Feeling adventures I moved my hand up the length of his cock and pulled his skin down as far as it would go finally uncovering his dead for the first time that night.

The feeling must have been too much for him as his body tightened. As my hand stayed there keeping his foreskin pulled down he released shot after shot of watery cum up his body. The orgasm caused him to tighten his grip on my penis applying the right sensation to put me over the edge. A week's worth of cum shot out if me coating my belly. After a few shots each the reminder of are cum coated each other's hand. We lay there still holding on to one another's deflating dick trying to catch are breath.

We finally removed are hands and looked at each other. "What do we do with this" Jack asked looking at me.

"Just wipe it on the bed" I said doing just that. I then rolled over wiped the cum that had landed on my belly on to the bed as well. Jack did the same but looked unsure for a minute that said "But aren't we going to be sticky all night now?"

I simply rubbed my hand where I had just wiped my cum and Jack did the same. "Special sheets" I said as we rubbed the dry cloth we had just covered with cum. The movie must have stopped at some point because the screen was showing the folder selection. "Did you like that?" Jack asked.

"I loved it. I could do that all day" I replied with a big smile.

"There's something I should tell you. You see me and Dan like to do this a lot and since I know you will become friends with Dan when he gets back I wanted to know if you were ok with stuff like this. Because it would be hard to have a big sleepover otherwise."

"That explains why that question sounded so fake" I said then mimicked his voice. "How do you jerk off without the extra skin."

"I know it was a horrible line but since you had a boner from like the moment I got here I figured it would work."

"So what else do you and Dan do?"

"Open the other folders" Jack answered. I did and found pitchers of Dan and Jack. There were ones with them clothed, half clothed, naked, jerking off, jerking each other off. All I could say was "wow".

"Me and Dan like to take photos of the stuff we do for fun. I really wish I could have gotten a few shots from tonight."

I looked at him and said "I might be able to help with that. But you have to promise not to tell anyone about this."

"I promise" was all Jack said.

I brought up the security tape from an hour ago. Jack was silent as he looked at it.

"What do you think?" "That's amazing" "Watch this'

I did some zooming in and out and brought up different angles. I set up the recording just right then said to Jack"want to get jacked off to a different porno?" "Definitely" was the only thing Jack said before grabbing my newly formed boner and jacking it off. That night I remember that we jacked off at least four times but I lost track at about 3 in the morning.

I don't know how but when I woke up I found Jack on top of me with are boners stuck together. I tapped him on the shoulder. He stirred and lifted himself up unstitching himself from the dry cum on are bellies.

I looked at him and asked "how many times did we cum?" "I don't know. But let's make it one more time." As he said that he started to thrust his morning wood into mine. In a second we were humping each other and a minute later added to the cum on are bodies.

We cleaned up and spent the rest of the day as normal. When Jack was leaving he told me that Dan will be back in a week.

Hoped you liked. I might carry the story on if I get some feedback. So send comments and suggestions to

Next: Chapter 4

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