Toms New House

By bob 3500

Published on Oct 14, 2009


Dan has been home for a couple of weeks now and I was getting to be good friends with him. Every day the three of us would get together and hang out. One day when we were sitting around playing video games Dan said that we should have a big sleepover. I agreed and suggested that we have it at my place because I have the best set up. The other two agreed and we set the date for that Friday. Before we all went our separate ways for the day Jack pulled me aside. "Hey Tom" he said "I think we should play a little trick on Dan".

"What do you have in mind?"

"He doesn't know that you like to jack off with others yet."

"Ya, so"

"Well I have an idea but it will take some work."

"I'm in what's the plan?"

Jack started to tell me that plan, and the more I heard the more I liked it. The plan was to make Dan think that I was a total prude when it came to anything sexual. For the whole week every time Jack made some kind of sexual comment I would turn my nose up at him or chew him out about being improper. We went to the pool one day and I made a good show of walking into a stall to change. By the time the sleepover came around you could tell that Dan was acting differently around my. He would never sit right up against me on the couch. He even stopped scratching his balls around my. By the way Dan almost always had a hand scratching his crotch.

The day before the sleepover me and Jack got together and made the plans. The evening was going to go by perfectly normal, but when we go to bed the fun starts. We set up some scenarios to play out during the evening and made sure everything was ready.

The next day Dan and Jack arrives in the early afternoon. We went to my basement and hung out in the den playing video games. Just like at my birthday party we web chatted with my old friends from across the county. We were all excited because in less than a month Jake and Sam would be flying over for a week. After the chat we went and had dinner with my family. My dad joked about us making sure we didn't make too much noise. We all laughed knowing that the downstairs is sound proof. After dinner we started a movie marathon that put us through many hours of junk food and action scenes.

Throughout the night me and Jack played through are prearranged scenes. My favourite one was when

Jack was sitting back down after going to the bathroom. By "accident" he placed a hand on my thigh. I

got all mean and pushed his arm off me making him fall on the floor. He got up and started in on me

"what the hell was that for?"

"You put your hand on my thigh you fag."

"What the hell I was just trying to sit down without falling you homophobic."

"So what. Just keep your hands away from that area. Only a hot sexy woman is allowed down there."

"My hand was on your knee."

"I felt it moving upwards. I'm not taking any chances. That would be totally gay."

Me and Jack looked angrily at each other as he sat down on another couch. Over the course of the evening me made a couple more scenes but not that big. By the time we started the last movie me and Jack pretended to be over are little argument from earlier. The last movie was the final step in the plan. Jack had somehow gotten Dan to agree to a bet where they could not jack themselves off for a week. Dan was kind enough to do it for Jack, but knowing our little plan Jack had cut Dan off. The deal would be over at midnight but Dan would still have to wait. Knowing about the bet me and Jack had picked a movie that had some interesting scenes in it. Nothing pornographic but you could get a glimpse of something every now and then.

The last scene in the movie was a really good sex one with tits jiggling and a lot of wet sounds. I knew by the end of the scene all three of us had boners. I turned the movie off and it was time to go to bed. We had decided that the three of us would all fit into my bed but to make things less wired we alternated head positions. That meant that I was in the middle with my head up against the head bored and Jack and Dan were on either side of me with their heads at my feet. Before we could all climb into bed we had to get undressed first.

To make things easier in that department I had turned the heat up in my room that afternoon. By now the room was sweltering. All of us striped down to are boxers and crawled in. Jack and Dan made no effort to hide their tents but I pulled my shorts down and flew under the bed before either of them could see anything. We got in are places under the blanket and the rest of the plan started. I could tell we were all sweating are asses off so I had to work hard to do my part. After about five minutes of lying there I pretended to fall asleep.

The plan started to go perfectly. After a few minutes I felt Dan roll towards Jack. "Hey man you still awake" Dan asked Jack.

"ya, why."

"God, I'm sweating my balls off here."

"Then why don't you pull the blanket off of you then? Tom is fast asleep."

Dan fell into the first part of the plan. He pushed the blanket down below his waist and let out a sigh of relief. Jack playing alone did the same thing. The blanket was now bunched up on top of my stomach with all three of our boxers exposed. "That movie was hot" Jack said calmly.

"Fuck I know. I haven't jerked off in a week and now I got a boner that won't go away."

"I know what you mean. I haven't been this hard in a long time. What do you want to bet Tom's just as hard?" "The hell if we ever find out. He is such a prude that he would never talk about that." "Why don't you reach over and find out?"

"Are you crazy he would wake up and kill me look at what he did to you earlier." "Don't worry about it I had a sleepover with him on his birthday. He is such a heavy sleeper I had to smack him in the face to walk him up in the morning."

"Are you sure? I am a little curious about what he is hiding between those legs." "Go for it."

Dan feeling extremely horny from the week of build up slowly reached over towards my. He found my thigh and slowly slid his hand up it. It tickled so much I almost let out a laugh. When he got to the hem of my boxers he lifted his hand on top of them and moved for the center. His hand finally ran into my hard cock pointing straight up. Slowly his hand wrapped around my boxer clad dick.

"Hey Jack." "What?" "I think he is bigger than you." "I bet he has less pubes though." "Let's find out." Dan sat up and lend towards me. His hand came down at the waistband of my boxers. Ever so slightly he slid a finger down into my boxers. I could feel it rub through my patch of cores pubes. He slid his finger down each side of my cock just brushing the side of my scrotum. As gently as he had put his finger down

there he pulled it out again. "He definitely has more pubes than you" Dan quietly said to Jack. "Did you bring the camera?" Jack asked Dan. "Ya, it's in my bag."

Jack slipped out of the bed and grabbed the camera. Before getting back in Jack did two things. First he turned on a lamp that illuminated the whole room. Second he took off his boxes and returned to bed completely naked.

"Why did you get naked?"Dan asked. "You know I can't sleep with cloths on."

"What about in the morning. Wouldn't it be hard to cover that up?"

"I told you Tom sleeps like a log we will both be up before him."

"Sure about that?" "Positive."

Dan lifted his butt off the bed for a moment to pull his boxers down. He slid them off carefully making

sure his boner didn't slap against his gut to loud. He let out a sigh of relief as he laid back down knowing

that his boner was finally free of its constraints. There was a flash as Jack took a pitcher of Dan exposed dick. Feeling a little more comfortable that I would not wake up Dan and Jack started to take pitchers of

each other. "Let's get a pitcher of Tom's tent" Dan suggested.

Jack took a couple of pitchers then said "I want to see what he has balls look like."

Dan driven by hormones alone reached in and pulled the leg of my boxers so my balls were sticking out a bit. They took more pitchers and talked about how my balls where just a little smaller then both of theirs.

"I don't think he looks bigger than my" Jack said. "Pull down his boxers so we can compare"

Once more Dan grabbed the waistband of my boxers and gently slid them under my ass. He then lifted them over my cock before sliding them down and off. The inspection was started. They took pictures as they commented on the size. In the end they had decided that I was longer than Jack but he was thicker. However, Dan was the same length as Jack but I was thicker and Jack was much thicker. They pocked and prodded a little more and then decided that I had the biggest balls which made me happy because when I had last seen Jack he had the same size balls as me. Jack was the second largest and once more Dan was the smallest. Dan after all is the youngest of us.

Jack then put more of the plan in motion. "You look like you could use a jerking." Jack said "Well we all do really"

"That would be the best thing in the world right now. But it is only 1130. I can't until at least midnight."

"I have a proposal for you" Jack said. The other day me and Jack had discussed what we should get Dan to do and I said He should give us blow jobs. I didn't mean it but Jack liked the idea.

"What is it" Dan asked.

"I will jack you off but you have to suck Tom."

"Are you serious?"

"Yes I am."

For a moment Dan looked between my throbbing dick and Jack. In the end his dick made the decision for him. Dan lowered his head above my little head. He let his tongue slip out and lick the tip quickly. He realized that it didn't taste bad and moved in closer. Dan opened his mouth and let it move down surrounding my cock. I could feel every breath move more hot moist air around my dick. The head of my dick finally came in contact with the back of his mouth. His lips closed about an inch above the base. He moved his head up then down slowly repeating the movement. The feeling of his tongue rubbing the underside of my cock head was incredible. I worked hard to control myself as I finally re entered the plan. Softly I said "not right now daddy." I rolled slightly and Dan let my dick fall out of his mouth that was hanging open in disbelief. I continued quietly "my friends will see you. Meet my upstairs in five minutes."

"What the hell" Dan whispered to Jack.

I chimed in "Don't forget the lube this time it was too pain full yesterday."

"I knew he mumbled in his sleep a little but nothing like this" Jack said trying not to bust a gut.

"Let's just call it a night" Jack suggested.

"Normally I would agree, but look at me man I was ready to suck him off to get some relief."

That was my queue. I rolled over a little and let my hand fall between Dan's legs. I stretched out my fingers and felt his balls. With that I reached up and took hold of his dick as I said "I can help you daddy. Just come closer."

I pulled slightly on Dan's cock motioning him to move closer. Like pulling a leash he moved closer to me. I started to move my hand up and down in a slow steady rhythm. I knew Dan was getting close after a few minutes so I stopped and let my hand fall off. I rolled away from Dan and pretended to be fully asleep again.

"Come on man finish it for my" Dan pleaded to Jack.

"You know the deal."

Dan without any hesitation bent over my cock and started to suck. I stayed quiet this time and just worked on not moving or making a sound. He really got going moving faster and faster. The urgency of his own balls drove him to put his full effort into it. Without warning to him my balls let loss there pent up rage. Blast after blast of cum shot out of my cock and into Dan's mouth. When the first shot hit Dan panicked and stayed there letting the cum coat his mouth. He tried to swallow but there was too much. In the end he pulled his mouth off of my dick and the last to strong blasts hit his face covering both cheeks.

Dan swallowed what was left in his mouth after he adjusted to the taste. Jack being nice put a hand up

to Dan's face and scarped some of the cum off. Jack then reached his hand up and let the cum side off his hand and into my open mouth. "good idea" Dan said copping Jack by putting more cum in my mouth.

"I did my part now you do yours" Dan said ready to release his weeklong build up. Jack looked at Dan with a smile and said "I think I want one of those to."

"One what?" Dan asked.

"A blowjob."

"Hey you said..."

"I changed my mind. Now if you please" Jack finished while moving his crotch closer to Dan. Dan knew when he was beet and this was one of those times. He leaned down and started on Jacks cock. Jack had been so horny the last couple of days thinking tonight that the sensation he felt now sent him through the roof. Dan was doing an excellent job of sucking. He would pull Jacks foreskin all the way back with every plunge down. On the way up the underside of the exposed head would rub against his rough tongue.

The overwhelming sensations over took Jack. He reached down and grabbed Dan by the hair. Jack Pulled

Dan up and down faster and faster. In a minuet Jack was blowing his load. Jack was holding Dan's mouth

on his cock. Dan had no choice but to swallow as much as he could. Dan was doing better this time but

he still couldn't swallow fast enough. The last bit of cum came running out the corners of Dan's mouth.

Dan wiped the remaining cum up into one hand. He then moved his hand and over to me and let it all run into my mouth. I then rolled a little and once more quietly said "that tastes good daddy. Are you going to feed some to my bum now?"

Dan was ready to get jacked off now. "I did what you asked now will you please do me."

"I don't have to."

"What do you mean? You said that if I did you then you would help me out."

"It's after midnight now. You can do it yourself. I'm going to sleep."

Dan looked at the clock and sure enough it was just after midnight. Needing relief he reached down and started to stroke his aching cock. The hormones pumping through his body gave him a good or bad idea. He got up and moved himself over by my head. He carefully moved his hips forward bringing his dick to my mouth. I figured there was no harm seeing how he had just done me and Jack. I stayed there still with my mouth open as he moved in. His cock hit the roof of my mouth and I could taste a bit of precum. I let my tongue fall a little so it wrapped around his dick more. He did a couple thrusts but mostly jacked off at the base with the tip rubbing against my tongue.

It only took a minute before he was gushing into my mouth. I reflexively swallowed a little but some of it rolled down my cheek. Dan now feared that I would know what happened if he left the cum on my cheek. I was not expecting what Dan did next. He bent his face next to mine and licked the cum from my face. After licking all around my cheeks and chin he moved up. His tongue ran around my lips them to my greatest surprise he let his tongue go into my mouth. He moved his tongue around the inside of my mouth for a moment then gave me a kiss. He broke the kiss off and climbed back to his side. After that all three of us fell fast asleep.

The next morning Jack woke up first. He found that in the night we had thrown the blanket on the floor and all three of use where laying there naked. To no surprise we were all supporting a nice morning boner. Jack decided to have some quick fun with me before Dan woke up. Jack tapped me on the shoulder. Before I was awake Jack had his hand wrapped around my dick. When I finally knew what was happening I reached over and started on Jack. Because of what happened last night I felt a little daring. I bent down to Jacks dick and put it in my mouth. I licked his foreskin nub and slowly pulled it back with my lips.

Jack was kind enough to do the same to me as we ended up in a 69. Neither of us lasted long before we blow. We swallowed hard and managed not to let any escape. Jack pointed at Dan who was starting to stir. I lied back quickly and pretended to be asleep again. Jack reached over and smacked Dan in the

arm. Dan looked up and realized what had happened. "Why did you do that?" Dan asked.

"You forgot something."


Jack pointed at me laying there ass naked.

"I got an idea" Dan said. He went and put on his boxers and picked up mine. He started to slide the boxers up my legs. Then he lifted the front of the boxers over my dick. Finally with a quick push he slid them under my bum and up the rest of the way. I quickly opened my eyes and sat up. "What the hell was that?" I said to them.

"I told you he would wake up if you got any where near his crotch" Dan said looking at Jack.

"I still think we should have tea bagged him" Jack said with a smile. I looked at them and started to

laugh. Dan looked at me a little wired and that got Jack laughing to.

"Me and Jack wanted to play a little trick on you so we have been putting a show on for the last week.

We wanted you to think I was a total prude. The final act was last night when Jack put his hand on my

leg. I'm kind of glad it's over I don' think I could keep acting like that" I finished explain. I then reached

my hand down and up the leg of my boxers and scratched my balls.

We all got in the over sized shower and got cleaned up. Me and Jack didn't tell Dan that we had planed what happened at night to. We got dressed and went up stairs. We were all sitting down eating

breakfast when my dad walked in. "good morning boys did you sleep well?" my dad asked

"Yes we did. How about you?"

"I slept ok but it felt like I was missing something" my dad said looking at me. Dan started to chock on

the sip of orange juice he just had. I slapped him on the back and started to laugh. For the next week Dan always looked a little wired around my dad. I wonder why?

There will be more but send me comments and suggestions

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