Tom's Nipples

By Neo

Published on Jul 26, 2024


Author's note:

This series is based loosely on my time going through middle school, high school and up until now. Mostly true, but somewhat enhanced.

Remember to always practice safe sex and never do anything that both you and your partner don't agree to.

If you are underage, please try to understand this is not a place to get educated. This is a place for educated adults.

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I appreciate hearing from all of you and the thoughts, comments, and feedback are VERY much appreciated.

Thank you to those of you who have taken the time out of your day to write me about my story. - NEO

Part 48

With the big race coming up this weekend there was still a week of school to get through. Lots of people were making last minute plans for the Memorial Day weekend, last minute fund raising for the race, and a flood of activities going on.

Tom let us know that his father said their pool would be open by the holiday weekend, and so Tom was planning a pool party for all us guys on the marathon team. The party will be on Sunday afternoon and we're welcome to stay as late as we'd like. He asked me to invite Ollie since he didn't have his number. I thanked him, of course. :)

The race committee called me informing us we still needed to name our team. Oops, an oversite on my part. I caught up with the guys during lunch in the cafeteria and told them we need to get a name back to the committee ASAP.

"Ideas?" I asked.

"The Studrunners" was Ricky's suggestion but that was shot down right away by unanimous vote. We brainstormed but couldn't come up with any catchy name. Finally it was Brandon who says, "I've got it.... "Neo's Runners". Tom said, "Yeah that actually has a nice sound to it. Ricky agreed. I of course was against it, but they outvoted me saying that since I came up with the idea originally and put the team together it made sense to name it after me.

All right "Neo's Runners" it is.

And as self-appointed team captain I hope you all have been getting in good practice miles so we can beat out the school's track team.

Tom balked! "Practice runs??? You gotta be kidding?"

"Please don't tell me you haven't practiced running at all.... PLEASE!" I was horrified.

"Nope! I know how to run."

"Oh geeesh!" I turned to Ricky, "What about you? Practice at all?"

"Ummm, well not really" he paused thinking, "ummm I've been too busy fundraising!"

"Alright here's the deal. We've got one week to get your sorry butts in shape! Coach always told us that the key to running has nothing to do with muscles, or abs, or strength. It's all about conditioning. Practice. Practice. Practice. So everyday after school, starting today, we are going to go running. Meet me at the track and if you're not there.... well shame on you!"

And I turned around and walked away before anyone even had the chance to answer.

After class I changed into my running gear and waited to see who would show up. Ricky and Tom showed up together (not surprising) and Brandon a few minutes later.

"Where's Tyler?" I asked Brandon.

"I don't know, but he was mumbling about the whole idea saying he was worried about just completing the race. Practice would just tire him out before he even showed up on race day."

"We're not going to run a marathon today," I explained, "Just maybe a mile or two to get you guys warmed up. Then tomorrow increase the distance a little bit, and each day keep doing that. Then by race day your legs and lungs will be somewhat conditioned. Otherwise, your system is in for one hell of a shock. If he doesn't show up, he'll never finish the race."

Ricky asked me, "I know you've been running on the weekends, how much have you been getting in?"

"For the past 2 months I've run a full marathon every Saturday, plus during the week I've taken the bus to school and then would run home every day."

"Shit. We'll never keep up with you!" Tom exclaimed.

I grinned! "Look, this is a county-wide event. There are going to be teams from all the school districts, plus teams from the hospital, churches, companies, the 4H Club, and possibly some professional runners. I know we don't stand a chance of winning, either the race or the fundraiser competition.... but come on, let's at least do our best and hopefully look respectable in our efforts ok?"

"In other words, beat our track team's entry!" Ricky said.


"Alright," Brandon said, "Hang loose a minute while I go find Tyler."

"While he's finding the football jock let's get started by jogging around the track instead of standing here waiting on them." And off we went to a slow jog.

While we were jogging Ricky got up next to me and asked, "What about your buddy Ollie? Has he been practicing?"

I thought to myself, "Careful Neo how you answer, it's Ricky you're talking to."

"Yeah he has been running 10-12 miles every week, plus we ran a full marathon together before going over to Brandon's sleep-over last weekend. Don't worry about him, he'll be ready."

Tyler and Brandon showed up after just one trip around the track. After our run I suggested they consider doing like I would be all week and take the bus in the morning and then run home after school.

"So that's why I haven't seen his car lately, I thought something was wrong with it." Tom told Ricky.

Ricky nodded adding, "Yeah Neo can be hardcore about things he gets passionate about."

"Alright guys, good start albeit it late in the game. But even a week's warm up will make a big difference. Your main goal is going to be to finish the marathon. Nothing worse than having to ride the 'Bus of Shame' to the finish line!"

Adding, "we'll meet here each day this week after class. C'ya tomorrow. And off I went for the run home."

Once home I called Ollie and told him I had some good news.

"Ohhhh guess what?" he answered back, "So do I... but you go first!"

"Ok, so Tom's pool is going to be open by the weekend and he is planning a pool party for the entire marathon team on Sunday afternoon. He asked me specifically to be sure and invite you for him since he didn't have your number. He said we're welcome to stay as late as we want."

"Ooooh that's great!" Ollie was already thinking, "and I suppose you have a plan that ties this into the fact that your house is all yours the whole weekend?"

"Great minds think alike!" I replied. "So what I'm hoping is that you can get your mom to let you stay over my place after the marathon. Tell her it's ok with my parents, just don't mention that they will be out of town.... that's just a trivial matter that we'll overlook."

"I think she might go for that, mainly because she seems to really like you and feels you are a good influence on her son! HAA.... if she only knew!" Ollie laughed.

"Is big bad Neo corrupting her little boy?" I snickered.

"Actually she will be more focused on her two little boys, you met them Liam and Evan. Since my father and Cole will be in California all weekend she will be taking them to the parade, and then I heard mention of going to the water park. She'll be preoccupied with them and be glad to have me out of her hair."

"Just explain to her that after the race finishes there is the after-party and award presentations. It'll be late by the time it wraps up. And then you want to be back here early Sunday for Tom's pool party. So to save a lot of unnecessary driving by Neo it'd make more sense for you to just stay overnight here."

"Sounds perfect to me!" Ollie was excited.

"Ok, so what's your good news???" I asked.

"Well...... it's good but not exciting like yours was. My news is sort of bittersweet I guess you'd say. I talked to my parents about skipping forward a grade by attending summer school. I explained that I was one of the oldest kids in my class and my grades were always A's. I felt that I belong a grade ahead of where I am at. They talked it over and agreed, and actually congratulated me on my willingness to be proactive regarding my future. I got the forms from the counselor's office at school, filled them out, my parents signed them and I officially start my sophomore year right after classes end in 2 weeks."

"While maybe not as exciting for the immediate future, your news is far more important than this weekend by a long shot! Congratulations on your efforts to do this. And I want you to promise me that if you need time alone to keep up with your studies, or you maybe need help with them, or whatever... I want you to be totally open with me on how things are going regarding summer classes." I told him. "Promise?"

Ollie answered, "Promise."

"Alright well let me know what you mom says about the sleepover idea."

"Ok I'm sure I can sweet talk her into it. Like I said she likes you!"

"Great. C'ya soon my lil buddy."

The rest of the week flew by. We practiced every day, did last minute fundraising and finally the weekend arrived.

My parents left on Friday evening, not returning until late Monday evening. Ollie's father and Cole flew out to California not returning until early next week. His mom approved his request to sleep over at my house without as much as batting an eye, which was reassuring not only for this weekend but also future plans.

I drove to Ollie's early Saturday morning to pick him up for the race. We had to meet up early for pre-registration and sign-in. The place was really crowded! There were way more people than I had ever imagined would be there. TV reporters with cameras. The mayor. School principles. Reps from the MS Society and the head of the county Rec Board. Volunteers who would be working the Safety Check Points, traffic control by Police Officers on bikes and horseback.

Me and Ollie wandered around the crowd trying to meet up with our team. We had picked a spot to meet ahead of time, but it was so crowded apparently a lot of others chose the same spot! Finally we spotted Ricky and Tom (together, of course.... but then they probably said the same about me and Ollie). What caught me off guard was Ricky's mom was there also!!!

I gave her a hug and asked was she running also (a joke if you knew his mom.... she was NOT a runner) or was she here to support us?

Turns out she had a surprise for us, but she kept it hidden in the bag until we found Brandon and Tyler, who showed up a few minutes later. Ricky's mom gathered us together and told us she went to the local team shop that supplies the school with jersey's, jackets and the like. She asked the shop owner what marathon runners would wear for shirts, wanting to get us matching team outfits. He suggested rather than try to get actual shirts the correct size for each runner, that it'd be better to get these mesh nylon vests with reflective safety striping. They had adjustable straps to fit each runner and are worn over our shirts."

We were all like blown away! Actual team uniforms! AND as she handed them out and we unfolded them we were surprised that she had them lettered with "Neo's Runners" on the back, and each of our names on the front chest in smaller lettering.

"These are soo cool! Thank YOU SO MUCH!"

As they called all racers to the starting point I said, "We've got a race to run. LET"S GO!"

"Good luck boys!" Ricky's mom yelled as we headed off.

Tom asked, "Hey are we all going to stick together the entire race?"

"Ummm....." I wasn't sure what to say, "I hadn't really thought about that actually."

Ricky said, "Neo I know you can outrun us, and you've been practicing a lot. I say we each run our own race and meet up at the finish."

Brandon agreed, "Hoping we all make it to the finish! HAA"

"Ok but we'll at least start off together." I insisted.

Ollie seemed concerned we were way back in the pack at the starting line, "There's hundreds of people ahead of us. Shouldn't we try to sneak up closer to the front before they start the race?"

"Naw," I answered by explaining that "most of the pack will fade way back behind us within the first mile or two. Just watch, we'll all start in like a traffic jam and once it starts to thin out we'll get in high gear and start passing people like crazy."

"You sure Neo?" Tom asked, "I've been sizing up the crowd and there are some fit people here."

"Trust me, this is not the Iron Man Triathlon! We're not swimming or cycling, all we're doing is running. Being muscular and 'in shape' doesn't mean you necessarily run fast.

I turned to Ollie and quietly told him that we made one mistake though.

"What's that?"

"All our practice runs we ran halfway and then took an hour break. We're going to miss that break today, and it's going to cost us in the second half of the race."

"Yeah but wasn't it worth it?" he smiled at me seductively not even needing a response from me!

The announcement came over the loudspeakers to get ready. We all wished each other a good race. I turned to Ollie and told him I expected him to keep up with me. "HAA.... I'm hoping you can keep up with me, old man!" he laughed.

The starters pistol fired in the air and off we went! Which was funny because just like being in your car at a long red light when it turns green if you're back a way in the line you actually don't start moving for a while. It was driving Ollie crazy...."We should have moved up front. We'd be running already. We're falling behind."

"Patience Grasshopper, Patience."

He just rolled his eyes at me.

I turned to the guys while we waited for the crowd in front to get moving and told them, "Just think of the first few miles as a warmup. Just kind of go with the pace and as people start dropping behind, we'll find ourselves moving up. But remember to pace yourself, It's a marathon not a 100m sprint!"

"How long before we pick up the pace?" Ricky wanted to know.

"Hard to say," I answered, "Probably at least 3-4 miles, but you have to go by what your body is saying to you. Remember..... you need to pace yourself!"

Ollie stayed with me, but after about the 5 mile mark we lost sight of the other 4 team members and started slowly passing some of the casual joggers. Ollie kept wanting to speed up but I had to keep reminding him to take it slow otherwise he was going to burn out before the finish line.

We passed up the first rest stop but hit the second one at the 6 mile mark. "Are we going to wait for them to catch up with us?" Ollie asked.

"Nope! They have these stops every 2-3 miles and we will stop to grab a drink to stay hydrated but only long enough to drink it and then get going. We don't want to start cramping up, probably a good idea to walk around while we take our drink stop too." I told him, "But I can guarantee you the only place we'll be seeing any of them again will be at the finish line."

We did pretty good for most of the race until probably about the 18 - 19 mile marker. We were surpassing our training, and it was starting to catch up with us. I told Ollie three things while we were at the 18 mile rest stop, "First be glad the course is flat, because hills are a killer... especially if they were to come late in the race. And secondly be glad the weather is cool and not an issue. And finally, be glad about now that we took it easy the first half of the race because these final 8 miles are going to get increasingly tougher. Forget about those ahead of us.... or even if some pass us. Those runners simply out trained us. From here on just focus on 'us' finishing the race as best we can."

To be honest, we were feeling it catching up with us. I was confident that we would finish, but the strategy that the coach always preached of saving some extra 'gas in the tank' for that last few miles to actually pick up the pace for a strong finish wasn't lookin good. Ollie was starting to lag behind, whereas most of the race he was right next to me.

Then it happened. We got passed by a member of our track team! He didn't blow by us but he did slowly pass us waving bye-bye in the process.

I was livid! Ollie picked up on my vibe and asked who was that?

"Oh that's Derek, he's on our school's track team. Show-off that's all."

Ollie started to pick up his pace and motioned for me to do the same. "We didn't train well enough" I again told him.

"I know," he said, "But if you want to draft him and pace yourself off him go ahead. Even if I fall behind I won't be THAT far back."

I was silent, which told Ollie I was tempted. "Go for Neo! I can sense I am holding you back. GO!"

I thought the worse I could do is finish behind him, which if I continue at the current pace will certainly happen. So I'll pick up my pace and hang back and give him a run for it at the last mile. I knew the guy and I'd beat his time trials during track season, but that was in the fall... all most 6 months ago. It'll come down to how well he trained. But one thing I was sure of, I wasn't going to pass him unless I was certain I could hold the lead!

In true Dale Earnhardt fashion I slowly increased the distance behind Derek, actually trying to sneak up on him which worked for awhile but he eventually was on to me. He picked up his pace, and I simply just started following him... as if to say bring it on buddy, I'm not going anywhere. I was still hangin back probably 50 yrds the rest of the race. We both had the same coach and so he figured out my strategy pretty quick. He also should have realized I was in the preferred position... poised and waiting till the final turn as Dale would do to make my move.

When that time came, it was 'balls to the wall' and either I'd pull it off.... or look good trying. So either way I had nothing to lose. Derek on the other hand did, having passed me too early waving in the process as if to say "C'ya" only to end up then finishing behind me.

At the 25 mile marker I started my move up slowly timing it so I was right behind him by the final marker, which left 2 tenths of a mile (marathons are 26.2 miles) and once we hit that point I went all out! My strategy was that Derek would think my increase that last mile would be my final push, and he'd give it all he had to stay ahead of me. I figured if I could get a few strides on him at the final 2 tenth mark I could hold him off.... unless he had an extra boost hiding within.

I gave it my all and surprised myself even by gaining more than a few strides.

I finished ahead of him by probably a good 10-15 yrds.

Running is physical, but it also has a mental component to it.

Being a gracious loser, since neither of us actually won the race.... just that I won our private little competition Derek came over and congratulated me as we both bent over catching our breath and walking off possible cramps.

"You out thought me." he said, "Congratulations on that."

"Yeah thanks. I knew you blew your wad too soon so I decided to make a contest out of it." I snickered back.

He walked off saying "C'ya around."

I thought to myself, he couldn't say I out ran him. Too much of an ego for that. So I 'out thought' him. HAA..... whatever."

Meanwhile Ollie finally came across the finish line as I cheered him on.

"Wow Neo, you really took off back there. I lost sight of you both. Who won?"

I just smiled. :)

Meanwhile..... waiting for the rest of our team took some time. Lots of time. We ate. Rested. Talked. Watched the runners crossing the line looking for the rest of our team.

"Do you think they'll finish?" Ollie wondered.

I have confidence in Ricky, but he might have to help Tom along.... mentally I mean. Ricky is well conditioned as a wrestler. Not the same as a runner, but it will help him stamina wise. Tom was on the swim team which also focuses on stamina so he should be ok. Tyler is so bulked up with muscles and weight which does not help, and being a linebacker his training is for short bursts of energy, not endurance like running. And Brandon is usually not reliable for anything so those two might show up on the 'Bus of Shame."

"It's also getting close to high noon and the temperature is starting to become a factor" Ollie pointed out, "and while these nylon vests Ricky's mom got us was very thoughtful of her, they seemed to make me sweat more than usual.

After a long wait another load of runners arrived on the 'Bus of Shame' and included in that group was Brandon and Tyler.

"Go easy on them Ollie" I strongly suggested. "They're tired and probably sore and the last thing they want or need right now is ribbing, good natured or not."

"Duly noted."

We greeted them with concern, "Are you guys alright?"

"Yeah" Brandon said, "We just simply ran out of steam. No way we were going to finish so we hopped a ride."

"What about Tom and Ricky?" asked Tyler.

"Well.... you beat them. They aren't here yet." I said.

"We're going to head over to the tents and get something to drink. I suppose you two hot shots already ate?"

"Ummm...well we were getting hungry waiting." I kinda joked before stopping myself from continuing. "You two go ahead, we'll wait here for Tom and Ricky."

So we sat. And waited.

Finally off in the distance I spotted two very recognizable forms.... two hot hunks, both shirtless, pecs bouncing as they ran, albeit slowly. But to their credit they were straight upright and jogging with good form. Just slow.

Even Ollie commented, "I gotta admit those two make a hot looking couple."

"Yeah" I agreed, "Just don't go saying that out loud to anyone."

As they got close I heard Ollie let out a little grunt, "Damn I wish I had chest muscles that bounced when I ran."

"Oh PLEEEZE!" I had to contain myself as they approached us, "Your chest is so wickedly tight and defined it couldn't bounce around like that no matter how big it was. AND I like it that way!"

Ollie sighed, "I guess if you say so."

"Welcome you two! Congrats on finishing all 26.2 miles of your first marathon!" I said, "And looking in good shape at the finish line too."

Tom huffed and puffed catching his breath before answering, "Our first... AND LAST!"

Ricky said, "At least we finished. We saw Brandon and Tyler on the bus. They ok?"

"Yeah just ran out of steam, that's all. They're over at the food tent, let's go join them while we wait for the Award Ceremony to start."

After the official finish of the race we hung out at the after party and were there for the award ceremony. We didn't win anything, other than my little competition with Derek, but surprisingly on the donations raised list we finished in the Top 10!!! And considering the number of teams and that we only had 6 members that was really impressive! We raised just shy of ten THOUSAND dollars!!! The event raised over one hundred thousand dollars and was a huge success.

As the after party started to thin out we said our goodbyes, with plans to meet up tomorrow at Tom's pool party. Nobody knowing that Ollie was staying at my house... not even Ricky, who happens to live right next door to me so I had to keep that in mind.

As me and Ollie headed back to my house in my car he reached over and grabbed my thigh squeezing it, "I love riding with you in your car like this! Your car is soo cool." he said, "I wish we could do stuff like this more often."

"And it's even more cool with a hot guy like you riding in it!" I smiled. "We just have to be patient and enjoy the times we can share together. Our time will come."

Pulling in my driveway I scoped out Ricky driveway. His car was there, but he rode to the race with Tom so I wasn't sure if he was home or not. Trying to insure our privacy I decided to park in my parent's spot in the garage with them gone all weekend. It was attached so we could enter the house without being spotted. Because my parents were more strict, Ricky never entered our house without knocking like I would at his house. But just to be safe I locked the door behind us. I didn't want him sneaking in like I did on him and Tom!

Once inside I turned to Ollie and ran my hands up his arms, over his shoulders and held the side of his face gently in my hands, "Well Mr Oliver looks like it's just me and you tonight. I hope you're alright with that?"

He smiled, "I don't know. I mean I am kind of hungry," half serious and half jokingly, "and there's always these stories online about ordering pizza and this hot guy delivers it and a threesome ends up happening lasting all night."

"Seriously!" I laughed, "Never in my life have I ordered a pizza and had the delivery person be someone I'd even consider getting naked with! BUT... if you're serious about a threesome all we have to do is go next door and ask Ricky to join us. He's the wild one! He'd probably go for it in a heart beat!"

Ollie was quick to say, "No no no I was just joking. I'm not sharing this night with anyone but Mr Neo!"

"Good!" and I pulled his face into mine and our lips met for the first time all day! It felt like nothing else as we both opened each other's mouth and our tongues started a little dance with one another. This built into more of a battle for control as each tongue tried invading the other's mouth. Finally I couldn't stand the wait any longer and I sucked his tongue into my mouth as far as I could get it.

MMMMM I just love having him inside of me! It was like his tongue was fucking my mouth!

But then he decided he wanted to suck my tongue and next thing I know my tongue is being sucked into his mouth!

Back and forth the battle went. It seemed to last forever but probably just us getting lost in the sensation of it all. "If tongues could cum I think we'd both have a mouth full by now!" Ollie moaned as he finally let my tongue go free.

"Now that the race is behind us I think we each earned a nice long massage. But first I think we should hit the shower." and I led him by the hand to the shower upstairs in my room. "How about a massage in a nice warm shower?" I suggested, to which he readily agreed.

I grabbed his shirt, "I want to see this hot sexy bod naked all night" and pulled it up over his head. Then I dropped to my knees and removed his running shoes and socks, admiring his nice sized perfect looking feet. Ahh yes.... feet turn me on but two things, they need to be nice looking (check box #1) and they need to be clean and fresh smelling.... which his were NOT right now having just run a marathon, no wonder!

But note to self: Need to get close and personal with his feet after we shower!

Next off were his running shorts, which slid right down his legs like I've done this before... which I have ! :)

Which left him naked except for his jock strap, which had it's ever present bulge as a reminder of what lay inside!

MMMMMMM I moaned as I cupped my hand over that mound. I grabbed his jock, pulled it out and over his large package and as I pulled it down below his crotch his cock came bounding out in all its glory. What a sight! :) It was nowhere near hard but still was in its seemingly perpetual state of semi-hardness, which causes it to bounce up slightly when turned loose. And then it's weightiness would set it off into a repeated up and down bouncing as it settled down in its newfound freedom. It demanded attention when entering a room. It was unavoidable, when something making an entrance like his thick weighty man-sized cock did that, anyone in the room would pause and take notice.

I pulled the jock the rest of the way down and off leaving him now totally naked!

"God Ollie, I love your hot sexy body!" I said softly as I sat back on my knees looking up at him.

Ollie was never one to show off his bod, and I don't know if it's that he is somewhat humble, or maybe his body isn't where he'd like it to be physically yet? But whatever the reason he often wears loose, layered cloths. Rarely is seen shirtless, especially in public. And as I sat here on my knees with him standing in front of me I am blown away by how sexy and hot his body is. Maybe it's true what they say, beauty is in the eye of the beholder!

He just stood there looking down at me, not embarrassed or unsure of himself but yet not flexing or showing off either. Just stood there looking at me and finally said, "I'm curious, what part of my body do you find soo "hot or sexy" looking? Because I don't see it when I look in the mirror."

I let out a exhaustive "gasp", "SERIOUSLY?" I said. "Well in no particular order... I think your overall body is hot from head to toe, but especially your eyes and smile probably the most because they are the windows to your soul. And while I'm up there, your hair is wickedly cool too. Then I love your skin, it's so nice and smooth and no body hair makes it look super sexy. From your shoulders to your legs everything is tight as hell with like no body fat, especially your super tight waist! Your chest is soo well defined, like it's chiseled. And so are your butt cheeks! And then there this beauty between your legs that is hard to overlook! I could just eat you up from head to toe.... seriously!"

"I just might take you up on that offer!" Ollie grinned. "But seriously I am glad to hear that you find so much of my body sexy. I think it still has growing to do and needs more bulking up, more muscle mass. But at 15 my brother Cole says my metabolism is in high gear and preventing that from happening. He says I need to give it a few years yet."

Then he looked at me as he grabbed my shoulders and had me stand up, "Maybe like when I'm 17?" he grinned and started removing my cloths piece by piece.

Now I was the one to feel embarrassed because my body is not as fit as it could be, and nowhere as hot as Ollie. Or Tom. Or Ricky. Or... well you get the idea. As he removed my briefs and had me naked as he was it was his turn to sit back and admire the view. I was slightly nervous.

He didn't say anything. For the longest time. Finally he asked me, "Am I making you nervous?"

"Umm, maybe a little." I admitted.

"Why?" he asked.

"Because I'm not soo sure about myself, and I hope you like what you are seeing."

"See that's exactly how I felt." he explained. "It's normal human behavior for most of us to feel self-conscious in the front of someone we are attracted to."

I let that soak in. He is not only gifted in the looks department, but also has quite a good healthy grasp on life.

"Now would you like to hear my opinion of what I see standing in front of me?" he asked.

"Oh you bet!" I said without thinking, hoping that it'll be good."

"Standing before me, towering over me is this tall slender sexy guy whose best asset is probably under his pecs.... his caring heart. But on the outside, I see long silky-smooth hair that I wish mine was like. I could run my hands through your hair all day long. When you're sucking my pet snake I love just looking down at your silky hair and love running my fingers through it. I see a sexy smile, nice white teeth and lush lips made for kissing. And I share your love of a smooth hair free body. I also can't help but look at that bubble butt of yours and wonder if and when I might get chance to, ummm..... inspect it closer! And as hard as this might be for you to believe, I like that your cock is normal sized."

I didn't know what to say, so I leaned in and gave him a kiss.

"Now did you notice anything about our lists?" he asked me, "I'll give you time while we get the shower ready, because all this talk is getting me turned on!"

We headed into the bathroom as I got two towels out and started the water running.

"Anything yet?" he asked.

"Ummm, maybe that we each named different things about each other?" I asked.

"Exactly!" he smiled, "And that's because we each admire our differences. I have wavy brown hair and admire your straight silky smooth blonde hair. I'm short and admire that you are tall. I have thin lips and love your thick luscious lips.

"Yeah but wait a second!" I stopped him, "Don't tell me you wish you had a 'normal' sized cock like mine!!! Come on now, SERIOUSLY???"

"Hahahaa" he laughed, "No I'm not saying I wish I was exactly like you with any of our differences. That's not it, you're missing the point. I'm saying I admire that which is different between us. Not that I want blonde hair, but that I love your blonde hair. Get it?"

"Yeah I see what you're saying," I said, "Except for the cock part maybe?" I half heartedly laughed.

"Best way I can explain that would be that I'm glad I have this thick big monster cock because of a couple reasons. One is you like it! And that's important to me. Also guys seem to place a lot of emphasis on dick size, so although I might be short, and not really bulked up with muscles, and whatever other shortfalls I might perceive... when I drop my pants all the guys shut up! So I don't want to give up my big dick, but if yours was bigger than mine I'd probably not like that. I like mine being the bigger one, and I like that it turns you on!"

"Alright let's get you and that big monster snake of yours into the much needed shower!"

"Right!" he smiled, "We both probably are a little ripe!"

Once under the water I am still amazed at how guys with smooth skin transform into a shining sexy god! After our talk I wonder if he sees that in me. I don't know, but Ollie is like Tom when he gets wet... his skin tone transforms him into 'super sexy'!

I took the body wash and poured it over his back and started massaging it into his skin, down his back, lower and lower until I reached his ass where I dropped to my knees for better access. I couldn't resist rubbing his crack with my slick soapy fingers over and over, and then slipping one inside him a little bit... just as a teaser! He flexed his glutes, probably since I listed that as one of the things that turned me on about his body, and wow are they firm!

After that I washed my way down his sexy thighs, still void of almost any hair and eventually ended up at his feet. Ah yes, those sexy feet! I wanted to lick them but not here in the shower. That would have to wait for later.

Standing back up I turned him around and poured more body wash down his chest. I washed his arms, also still void of most hair save for just a few wisps in his pits. Down his tight waist and although I was going to bypass his cock and save it for last, I couldn't resist! So I stroked it as I washed his balls and reached back toward his private opening again. When we go out of the shower he was going to be one clean boy!

After washing down the front of his legs I returned back to his cock which was semi hard, as usual, sticking out demanding attention... and it had mine! I licked the head all around and sucked it briefly into my mouth while fondling his balls.

MMMMMMMMMM I wasn't sure it that was him or me moaning!

Then I pulled off his teen love muscle and kissed the head saying, "That's all for right now, I've got other plans for you once we get to my bed."

Ollie reached down and pulled me up, "We aren't going anywhere until I massage you and have you squeaky clean also!"

We traded places with me now under the water while he grabbed the body wash and poured it down my back and began massaging it, working his way down toward my ass.

mmmmmmmmm He let out a slight moan of approval as he massaged my bubble butt, which wasn't really that big but apparently had a nice shape to it as guys have commented on it before. Like I did to him, he ran his soapy finger up and down my crack and eventually started slipping his finger just inside my private backdoor entrance.

Little by little he slid more inside me and I let out a moan, "Oh yeeeaahhhhh...... go for it!" and he slid his finger in all the way.

"Oh yeah," I bent forward under the shower spray a little bit, "I just love having you inside me!"

He took a second finger and just teased it along side the one already in me, "Would you like more of me inside you?"

"Oh YES!" I groaned as I thrust my ass out toward him even more, "Pleeeeeze!!!"

Slowly and smoothly he worked a second finger in alongside the first one. I just moaned in pleasure! It didn't hurt at all, as he was very gentle and took his time. He left both fingers in there for what seemed like a long time but I was probably lost in the feeling.

"More!" I begged, "I want more!"

"You sure?"

"YES I pleaded!!!"

"Three fingers is a lot." Ollie wanted to make sure I wasn't getting carried away in my request.

"Who said I was talking about fingers?" I softly replied as I turned to look him in the eyes.

"In that case maybe we'd better start with adding another finger!" but let's dry off and take this to your bed.

"I agree, I want our first time to be special." and we rinsed off under the water while our lips found one another's. As we both ran our hands over each others wet silky smooth skin his tongue started slowly fucking my mouth as a sign of what was to come!"

I was soooo ready!!!

We only half dried off and were in an embrace on my bed in no time. The realization was starting to hit home..... we were going to make love, or to be more to the point, Ollie was going to FUCK me!!!

And I wanted it BAD!!!

I pulled open my nightstand drawer without saying a word. I'm sure he saw the bottle of lube in there. I took it from its usual hiding place and put it right on top in preparation for this very thing.

For starters we continued our kissing and then he looked at me and said, "I remember you telling me that you've done this before, but that you didn't feel like your 'boy pussy' had been completely opened properly because those who came before me, ummm..... fell short?"

I couldn't help but giggle, "Yeah, and is that ever an understatement! Let's just say they found the entrance and poked around inside a bit but didn't complete the job."

Ollie snickered. "Ok but just so you know, I'm here to finish the job... and when we're done you'll have a real boy pussy! Opened all the way and ready to be put to good use in the future!"

I was getting really hot and bothered by now, "I can't wait... both for you to finish the work that was already started, but even more to continue to keep it open for future use.... over and over again!"

He got a serious look on his face and leaned down till we were nose to nose and asked me, "Do you trust me?"

"With my life! "I responded right away. "You know every time you bury your cock in my throat I can't breathe. You could easily leave it there and as my last breath faded away stealing my strength with it my life is totally in your hands. Yes, I totally trust you!"

"Ok, so believe me when I tell you this probably is going to hurt some because of how thick I am."

"I know that." I assured him, "I've been practicing..... with, umm you know, toys."

"While that doesn't hurt, it really does help a lot either." he went on, "what's important is that you are relaxed and stretched open now...not last week when you were playing with your toys. Your hole closes back up fairly quick."

"I've got a tapered butt plug under my bed. You can use that to stretch me open if you want." and I actually started to reach under the bed but he stopped me. I was getting panicky that he was going to say no, he didn't want to hurt me, blah blah blah.

"PLEEEZE..... I want us to do this! NOW!!!" I said with an urgency in my voice.

Ollie looked at me. I was having trouble reading him, which I had been getting good at doing. He kissed me gently on the lips and said "There is nothing more I want to do right now than make love to you, with you. But I need to know that you totally trust me."


"Alright then you have to be willing to do two things. One, you need to RELAX the entire time and trust that I will try and make this as special for you... for us, as possible.

"Got it."

"And secondly, put away those toys and that artificial lube. We are going to make love 'au naturel'... with just our bodies and what the good Lord gave us to work with. The key to minimizing any pain is to stretch open your anal muscles that keep your hole closed just before we start, and to get your hole and my cock slick with our saliva."


I nodded. "It's not what I was thinking, but I trust you." And after thinking a minute I added, "But the idea of it being just you and me, no props or gadgets kind of seems... at the risk of sounding mushy, kind of romantic actually."

"Good" he said as he kissed me again and then started licking his way down my body. Sucking my nipples, even biting them lightly. Then down flat firm stomach with not so defined abs and eventually started licking the head of my cock before sucking it all the way down!

"Hey! Who is going to fuck who?" I asked surprised at his actions.

"I'm just getting you turned on." he grinned.

"Trust me... I'm already there!"

"No YOU trust me!" he seductively looked up at me from between my legs, "I'm in charge down here!"

That was clear. I just threw my head back and put my arms up above my head clenching my pillow and totally surrendered my body to him.

"Do me!" was all I said.

Sensing my surrender, I think I actually heard him murmur something like, 'finally'... or maybe I just sensed him saying it. Either way we were back in sync.

He raised my legs exposing my ass and spit saliva on it a couple times and then reached his hand up to my mouth and fingered my mouth saying he wanted to add my saliva with his. And then his finger just slid right in my private opening all the way with no pain. I thought to myself, so far so good.

While finger fucking me he continued back with sucking my cock, occasionally scooping some of my pre cum to add to the mix. Then he gently slid a second finger in and it actually felt good. He held it still for a while and then started trying to pry them apart, like trying to pry my opening bigger with the two fingers. After a while of that he started an in and out motion.

All the while I just laid back with my eyes closed taking in the sensations and the excitement of what was about to happen. Yeah Tom and Ricky had butt fucked me before, but that was just pure physical fun. Well.... maybe with Tom at the time there was still some of that idolizing him thing going on in my mind.

But this, this is different.

Next thing I felt was that third finger enter me. That one comes with a little more of a 'ummmph' to it. If I was in some dreamy state, that one snapped me back to reality!!

"You ok?" a soft spoken 15 year old sexual expert asked me.... 'my' 15 year old sexual expert!"

"Yeah I'm good," I reassured him, "That third finger has a way of getting one's attention that's all."

He did the same with it, let it just sit there for a while and then some in and out and a little bit of twisting around.

After a while he pulled his fingers out, and suddenly I felt empty! "HEY! I want that back." I said looking up off my pillow only to see him moving around. I thought to myself, 'oh here we go, he's getting in position'... but no! He was climbing back up on my chest, straddling me and then he grabbed that big monster love muscle of his and plopped it right on top of my face.

"Open up."

I was beyond questioning him at this point, and besides I had this part down good. I opened my mouth and laid out my tongue like a welcome mat... and waited.

"Get it good and slippery. Slobber all over it."

"Uh huh" was the best reply I could give with a mouth stuffed full of teenage cock!

Once he felt his cock was 'lubed up' enough he pulled it out of my mouth, although my mouth was not wanting to let go of it... even tho we all knew where it was heading next!

As that beauty of a cock broke free of the suction created by my mouth it bounced up in the air, looking for its next target. Just sort of bouncing up and down, flexing its muscle... showing off for anyone caught looking to fall under its spell. It had me! Right now the two competing for its attention would be my mouth and my soon to be fully opened boy pussy... so either way I win!

As Ollie raised up to his knees I looked on in awe at how his gorgeous cock stuck out so far when it was fully hard. It had this upward curve to it that sort of pointed the way. And he was so calm, and in control... just observing his confidence in how he moved around on my bed put me at ease. It was as though his movements assured me everything was going to be good.

Some day I hope to figure out where this confidence comes from. I mean seriously a 15 year old can not be THAT sexually experienced. To watch him move you'd think he had been sexually active for 20 years or more! I gotta believe it has something to do with his martial arts training, because this self control shows up in other aspects of his life, not just sex. When we ran the race for instance, he was very disciplined and structured in his motions, gait, pace and so on. But right now none of that matter! What mattered was he was positioning me exactly how he wanted me.... for out first time... FUCKING!!!!

Back between my legs he grabbed both of them and lifted my knees up exposing my soon to be complete boy pussy. He spread my opening wide open with his fingers as it would go. I wished I could see it, wondering how wide he had opened it up. In my mind it was wide enough for his big cock, and I guess that's all that mattered.

He spit down in my hole a few last times, and after one spit quietly mumbled to himself, 'perfect'! I wasn't sure if he meant his aim, or how my hole looked but it didn't matter. He thought it was 'perfect' and that's all that mattered!

He grabbed his giant python and smacked it down on my ass crack and rubbed it around a few times.

Then as it lay there he let it gently slide itself up and down my crack as he grabbed my ankles raising them up toward his shoulders. But first he put my feet to his mouth and lick the sole of each foot all the way up to my toes which he sucked into his mouth for a brief moment. AHHH.... a guy after my own heart! How did he know?!!!

I was beyond gone at this point. Totally gone! ... and luvin every second of it too! :)

After treating me to that foot surprise he placed them up on his shoulders and grabbed his python again and poised its head at my opening... ready to attack once he gave it the command!

He rubbed the head around making sure it was lined up, but honestly as much as he stretched open my hole in preparation there was no chance of missing its target! He applied a little bit of pressure and held it there.

Then he looked me in my eyes, which were closed at that moment. So, he just remained still and waited.

Finally curious as to why the delay I opened my eyes to look and found him staring at me!

He giggled, which lightened the mood, "I thought maybe you fell asleep?"

I just rolled my eyes, "Huh... seriously? I was getting in the mood!"

He laughed again, "I know. I just wanted to be looking you in the eyes the first time I enter you. You ready?"

"I was ready for this moment that night we first met in the darkness of your pool house! I know it sounds cheesy, but to steal a famous movie line, "You had me at hello!"

He blew me away when he replied, "You complete me. I love you." Who knew, we both are fans of old chick flicks!??

All that got pushed aside in my head as he pushed hard, and that huge bulbous head of his battering ram started to push into me!

"Are you SURE you're ready for this?"

I had been mentally telling myself that no matter how much it might hurt, I need to control what comes out of my mouth. Like if it hurts say "Ohhh" and not "Owww".

With all that nostalgic Jerry Maguire talk fresh in my mind for whatever weird reason brought up an old song by Meat Loaf. In spite of the pain of the initial entry which really wasn't THAT bad, I had the wherewithal to think about answering his question by stealing a line from that song, which I believe might be from the same era. But I wasn't sure if I should turn our first time 'making love' into a trivia battle of the 80s?

But.... one of the things that is huge in Neo's personality is humor. And it's hard for me to be serious a lot of the time so I couldn't resist answering him, especially after the long silent debate in my head had him asking a second time....

"Neo, I need to know. Are you sure about this?" as he pushed harder again, knocking on the door so to speak.

"Baby, let me sleep on it. Let me sleep on it and I'll give you an answer in the morning!"

I think I nailed the lyrics but had trouble keeping a straight face. I'd never do well playing poker!

He was on to me like that!" and shot back, "I gotta know right now!"

It's like we both were hearing that song in our minds!

And then a feeling came over me like a tidal wave, I couldn't stand it any longer..... and damn the lyrics because they got jumbled in my head and I don't remember them saying what I wanted to say at that moment anyways, so I threw the script out and yelled at him.....


HIs look lightened up knowing that if I could joke around that I was alright, and so ......



BUT I WAS IN HEAVEN. OLLIE AND ME WERE FUCKING!!! Ok.... making love. Having sex. Call it what you want. He was inside me, and that's what I wanted!!!

Once all the way in he pushed tight against me and remained motionless, allowing us both to take in the sensation of it all.

"How's it feel now?" he finally asked having never looked away from my gaze.

"I can see Paradise by the Dashboard Lights!" I sang back.

As he started to withdrawal and begin officially opening up my boy pussy he told me, "Oh you're going to be seeing stars by the time we're done!"

He pulled back just a little bit and gently but forcefully shoved his big thick teen boy cock back into the hilt.


....and again


....and again, but each time he would pull back a little bit further.


I thought he might stay buried deep in me and just rock back and forth a little like when he buries himself in my throat, but apparently that's for throats.... not ass, err a "boy pussy". I didn't mind as it felt good, like really good! But being our first time together like this I wasn't sure what to expect. I just hope he doesn't pull it all the way out, cus that initial entry was a little rough!

Inch by inch each thrust got longer and longer until I think he was getting close to almost pulling out, but when his defined crown of that big cock head reached my backdoor muscles they gripped it... and wouldn't let it go anywhere!

MMMMMMMMMMMMM .... Oh yeah! Fuck me deep baby boy!!!

And BAM, he'd plunge back all the way into my inner depths! It felt like he was halfway up in my gut, which I know wasn't possible.... but I'm sayin it felt like that in that moment. In my mind.

Having reached full deep strokes Ollie picked up the pace. Not crazy fast, but a nice steady speed. And he stretched his legs back into a straight plank position sort of like doing pushups and settled in for a long non-stop fuck! I mean we may have just ran a marathon but this kid has stamina! And I had the easy part! I just laid my head back on my pillow still gripping my headboard and enjoyed the view while being fucked senseless! By a 15 year old with a hot body and a large thick cock that he knows how to use.... and use well.

OOOOOHHHHH YEAH!!! Fuck me baby! F. U. C. K Meeeeeeee!!!

Every so often he'd grab one of my feet and bring it to his mouth, suck on the toes or lick the sole from heel to toe! I'd run my hands up and down his arms or reach up and massage his chest and tweak his nipples.

After fucking me silly for what seemed like forever, he started to slow the strokes down, but emphasizing the push when he bottomed out in me letting out a little grunt each time.





If Ricky was outside listening he'd decipher those sounds in an instant, but hopefully anyone else would be clueless!!

Ollie paused while buried deep inside me and grabbed my cock, which having got past the pain part now being so turned on had become rock hard at this point.

He started stroking me while his cock was buried to the hilt.

"Watch me," he said as he continued to jerk me off, "I'm going to make you cum all over yourself while my cock is buried in your new completely opened boy pussy!"

"OH YES!!!! Make me cum!!! Make me cum soo hard like I've never cum before!!!" I gasped. Pleaded. Begged.

He started stroking me with a good firm grip that felt soo good!!!

DAMN. THAT. FEELS. SO. HOT!!! Keep going! Don't stop whatever you do!

Looking at him in my delirious state it actually looked like Ollie was kneeling between my legs jerking off himself, not me! The cock was upside-down but I couldn't comprehend that at the moment!

"You are soo going to feel this!" Ollie groaned.

It looked like he was going to cum too... or was he pretending that my cock was his cock as I was obviously getting close to shooting.

I moaned and threw my head back, my cock spasmed and then lurched as the first shot started its way up my cock tube. Ollie could feel this and he let out a moan like it was his own cock... and then I blasted a huge volley of cum across my chest!!!

AAAAAAAAAGHHHHHHHHH (not sure if that was my voice or his.... or both of us?)

He gave my cock a few more quick strokes and then held his fist tight at the base pulling my shaft tight and waited.

A split-second later BLAST #2 came firing out! This one was SOO intense as we both groaned that I swear it felt like it was spasming my insides!

As I was ready to fire out another blast Ollie groaned again and pushed himself hard against me and I felt that warm sensation and spasm inside me BEFORE I even shot my next blast!

Then it dawned on me!!! He was cumming inside me while he jerked off my cock shooting my cum all over my chest and stomach!!!

OH. MY. GOD!!! THAT.......WAS.......AMAZING!!!!!

He always shoots so much cum that I finished before he did and lay there in amazement as I watched him finish.

Once he finished his cum he leaned down and kissed me, briefly playing tag with my tongue and then sucked on my lower lip before looking me in the eye saying how wonderful that was!

"You are amazing" I responded back, "How did you time that so perfectly that we'd cum together?"

"I didn't," he whispered softly in my ear biting it as he spoke, "You did it, not me."

"Huh?" I was at a loss.

"Listen it's been a long day. It's our first night together alone in your bed. We just made love to each other by having mad passionate sex, and you now have a 'completely' opened boy pussy. I just want to hold you tight and drift off into a peaceful sleep together. Maybe I'll show you how you did it in the morning.

He kissed me again with a short but romantic sensual kiss and looked me in the eyes, "Good nite Mr Neo, I love you."

"Good nite Mr Oliver, I love you too."

end part 48

to be continued...

Authors notes:

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Thank you to all who have rated my story. I appreciate your vote of confidence!

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Until next chapter.... Happy reading! Neo

Next: Chapter 49

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