Toramdon Eyes

Published on Dec 6, 2010


All characters and events in this publication, other than those clearly in the public domain, are ficticious and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, are purely coincidental.

All rights reserved. The moral Right of the author has been asserted.

Chapter 13 Back to Reality

Mordain looked around his room. Everything seemed so normal to him now. Like Torandia was a dream. He knew it wasn't he could feel his power riding up and down his spine every so often. Laying dormant, waiting to be awakened to either cause destruction or death.

It would be easy power tripping on this. Everybody would succumb to your every command.

All the armies in the world wouldn't be able to stop him. Nothing could. Though, there was something stopping him. His humanity. The empathy, and sympathy he felt. The love.

Mordain turned over on his bed and looked at the silently sleeping Richard. He looked so serene. In fact, any one of the five of them, sadly including Harold, if they turned sour, could literally take over the world. A voice laughed in his head,

"Yes, until the demons took it from you."

Mordain got a fright, that was not his minds voice, nor did he control that thought. It almost sounded like a female voice. "How strange." Mordain thought.

The noises of the house contracting from the cool night air filled Mordain's head as sleep eventually found him.

I stood on top of a mountain. I wore a long white robe. I looked over a big city. In the distance I saw the horizon and the ocean. I saw somebody moving in beside me, when I looked, I saw it was him. Wearing a red and black robe. His eyes were light grass green and glowing.

It was me.

"Look at the city Mordain. I can give all of this to you."

"Who are you?" I asked him.

"I am you." he answered with a sinister smile.

He looked at me for a long time, like he was staring into my soul.

"Kneel to me and I shall give you all this."

"I kneel to none except the one without harm"

His face changed to one of infuriation. His arm shot outward and it rained fireballs on the city in front of us. Widespread fire broke out. I could hear people screaming in fear and pain.

I lifted my hands to the air, I summoned the power from my core, it rained on the city, quenching some of the fires. I raised the ocean, waves crashed in to the city putting out the rest of the fires. I closed my eyes, my heart still beating fast.

When I opened my eyes, I was looking at myself again. This time, I was the one in black.

Mordain awoke with a jolt. His body still wet from the sweat.

"What the hell was up with that dream?"

It was hardly dawn and Mordain found himself wide awake. He decided to go downstairs and fix breakfast for his friends and brother. Jason awoke to the smell of grilling bacon. He stormed downstairs to see if he is dreaming or not.

"Mmm bacon.." Jason said dreamily walking in to the kitchen.

"Hands off. I'll turn you in to a toad." Mordain said not even looking over his shoulder.

Jason laughed, "Why didn't you let Arnold take care of breakfast? He is the house cook after all."

"I was up early, besides , I'll let him have a rest for once."

"So nice of you..." Jason said dreamily watching the bacon.

Bacon was Jason's main weakness. Bacon and cheese.

Soon after Roxy stumbled in to the kitchen, still half asleep, her hair standing in all directions.

She sat down at the counter next to Jason and fell down on her arms.

"Coffee..." was barely audible.

Mordain put a cup in front of her, and watched energy seeping in to her body.

"Four days on a different world, sleeping on the ground, without coffee has finally taken it's toll." She said.

Mordain laughed and went back to prepare the meal, thinking of the dream he had last night.

Jason and Roxy engaged in conversation, waiting for their food.

As Mordain dished the last plate, Richard came skipping in the kitchen. He folded his arms around Mordain.

"mmm, seems I caught a good cook as well."

"Don't get used to it." Mordain said kissing his cheek.

After breakfast They finished for school. Mordain and Richard excused themselves, mumbling something about showering and saving water.

Roxy and Jason dully noted the shower going on only once.

The trip to school was a speedy affair. There was no way they would crash with Mordain's powers. Richard clung to his chair in the front, Roxy and Jason clung to each other in the back. Tears of fear threatening to flow out.

They entered the school ground, it was strange how everything had gone back to normal. They had this double life. Apparently the dragons were big birds, thrown off by the sunlight. The panic that broke out in school was also blamed, apparently people are very susceptible to strange ideas when panicking.

As they walked through school they noticed how nobody even spoke of it. It was old news.

Jason and Richard went to their old friends, and Roxy and Mordain went their own way.

"So strange not to have them with us." Roxy said.

"Yeah, but they still have their own friends. Remember we never used to really talk before this passed weekend, we have to ease the school in to this. People don't even know we are brothers, let alone twins. And if they have to find out Richard is dating me... I don't even want to know what will happen.

Mordain and Roxy went to their regular spot by the stairs that they went to before school starts. Mordain only really noticed now that Richard and his brother was in his line of sight. Richard looked Mordain right in the eyes and winked at him. Mordain smiled broadly.

The bell rang and Mordain walked to his register class. Everything looked so normal. It's strange how in one weekend a person's perception of normal can change. Here his classmates were blissfully unaware of the truth. He could level this school in a heartbeat.

There was absolutely no mention of the dragons thus far, everybody must have fallen for the pathetic excuse given to them.

Whatever works. Mordain thought.

The bell rang and Mordain's first class was English, he walked slowly. The first class he would have with one of his friends would be gym class. That's right after his first break.

Sadly Mordain has English with Harold.

Mordain walked into English and saw Harold already sitting down. They made eye contact, Harold looked away abruptly. He looked worried.

Mordain sat down and got his books out. This is awkward. He thought to himself.

The teacher entered, and class began.

The bell rang for break time, Mordain walked down the hall, he felt a hand on his shoulder.

He looked around and saw Harold towering over him.

"What do you want?" Mordain asked abruptly.

Harold looked at Mordain, he looked sad. Harold's posture changed suddenly after Mordain's rudeness. "Never mind." he turned and walked away.

"Weird." Mordain thought himself. Mordain caught up with Roxy at their normal seats in the cafeteria.

"Harold is acting weird. He looked sad. He looked like he wanted to ask me something, but then like, walked away." Mordain said while sitting down.

Roxy barely looked up from her lunch, just nodded her head, "He did it with me too."

Mordain looked over at Richard and Jason's table of friends, they were laughing, clearly having a ball. Mordain hated not being a part of it.

"Let's go sit with them." Mordain suddenly decided. "There is a space open next to Richard, and one next to Jason. Let's just see what they do."

"Sounds fun!" Roxy agreed. She gulped down her food, Mordain only eats second break.

They stood up and walked over to the table. Richard and Jason's backs were facing them.

Mordain leaned over Richard and whispered loudly into his ear, very seductively.

"Mind if we join you?" He said in a breathy whisper.

Richards face turned red as he blushed, his heart beat louder, he realized he almost grabbed Mordain and kissed him in front of everyone.

"No problem. You can sit here..." Richard answered a bit flustered.

Mordain was clearly enjoying the effect he had on Richard.

Roxy plopped down next to Jason, whom laughed.

Mordain grabbed the seat next to Richard.

The table was silent, no body said a word. It was clear how much Jason was enjoying his friends' reactions to the strangers just randomly coming to sit with him, and how they were trying to figure out why Richard reacted so weirdly.

"Who are you? And why are you sitting with us?" The blond haired girl asked Roxy, hinting to rudeness.

"Well, I am Mordain's friend, and he is Richards b....., uhm friend, and Jason's twin brother." Roxy answered.

The girl looked puzzled, "They don't look alike, Jason isn't so weird."

"It's true though, he is my brother, and one of Richard's best friends, does anybody have a problem with them sitting here?" Jason asked.

"There was an overall reaction of no, it's cool."

One guy stuck out to Mordain, he was a bit smaller, he was the receiver on the rugby team in school. Tiny, but fast guy. He was cute, pixie style blond hair, piercing blue eyes, and just a bit of stubble around his face. He was staring at Mordain. When Mordain would catch him staring, he would blush badly and look away.

Richard noticed just that and he was starting to get angry.

He saw Mordain purposely look over to him and smile broadly, then Evin, Richard knew him, would grin back, and blush, and then look away.

Evin was the smallest guy on their Rugby team, he was sixteen, but looked around fourteen.

He is a shy guy, with few words.

The table heartily accepted Roxy into the group. The rugby boys seem to gravitate towards hot girls. Roxy was no exception.

Richard patiently observed the two of them flirting with their eyes.

Evin looked up again and made eye contact with Richard, whom gave him a deathly stare.

The bell rang, and they made their way to gym. Richard looked at Mordain with a hurt face.

"Do you like Evin?" Richard asked a bit hurt.

"He is cute, but nothing compared to you." Mordain answered.

"Cause I saw you flirting with each other. If you would rather date him..." Richard said hurt again.

"I just want you, it was harmless. He is cute, but I'm sure he knows we are together. I could feel it. His smiles were nothing more than him letting me know he approves, and he thinks we're hot together. He looked over at you a few times too you know."

Richard dropped the matter, and pulled Mordain into the closest bathroom, pressed him against the wall and kissed him.

They were lost in themselves when they heard the door open. The pulled apart in a flash. When they looked over to the door, Evin was standing there.

"I so knew it!" He laughed. "You two should be careful. You are oozing goo goo eyes for each other. Not difficult to catch up on if you pay attention."

Mordain laughed, "Yeah, my boyfriend thought you were trying to steal me from him."

Evin laughed and looked at Richard, "You better hold on to him, or I just might!"

Richard just snorted, "Will do."

Evin went about his business and Richard and Mordain left the bathroom.

As they walked down the hallway, the intercom went on.

"Can Mordain and Jason Patterson, Roxanne Hill, Richard Chase and Harold Preeves make their way to the principals office, immediately. Mordain and Jason Patterson, Roxanne Hill, Richard Chase and Harold Preeves immediately to the principals office!"

Mordain looked over at Richard, both of them carrying a confused look. They ran down he hall to the office, the voice on the intercom sounded serious, and a bit in distress.

Why would they call in the five eyes? Did they do something wrong?

Mordain walked into the office, followed by Richard.

Harold and Roxy was already waiting by the door of the office, in clear silence.

Jason came running into the room. The five of them made eye contact, worry clear in every bodies eyes.

"Before we go inside, I need to tell you guys, my dad did not come home last night, or this morning. I called his work, they said he took an emergency vacation to New York. I tried his cell, no answer. I don't know if this has anything to you with you freaky four. But I just thought you should know."

The door opened and the Principle welcomed them inside. The five of them were flabbergasted, the president of the USA and a geeky looking guy was sitting at the principles desk, sipping coffee.

"Come sit, come sit." The principle waved at couches in his office. All of them happily obliged, they sat down, not really thinking what was going on.

The president stood up, and asked the principal to excuse them for a few minutes.

The principle was clearly disappointed, as he too would have liked to know why the USA's president would want with five of his pupil.

The principal left the room, and the president turned to the pupil and smiled.

"I'm glad I was easy to find you. It would have been a problem if it took to long. Now we have ample time to sort things out." The president said.

"I'm Kyle, kyle walked around shaking everybody's hand."

"Uhm, not to be rude, but what are you doing here?" Mordain asked.

"This is not the time or place. You will be excused from school for the next unknown period of time. We already talked to your principal. You must go home and pack, so we can be off to new York." Kyle answered.

"Hello! Answer the question! What are you doing here! Think we just going to leave with you?" Harold interfered.

Kyle walked closer to them and whispered, "Knights Templar, now please come."

To Mordain, Roxy, Richard and Jason that was all explanation required, and the fact that the president of the USA was standing in front of them, who needed further explanation. They've been going with the flow so much.

"I just need to go home, and talk to my parents. Don't know what they will say. I've been taking chances lately." Roxy said.

Richard nodded, "Me too, I just need to go show face, tell them I'm alive."

Mordain and Jason looked at each other, "Our parents are out of town in the interim,don't know when they'll be back, so we are free."

"I'm not going. I want nothing to do with this." Harold said rolling his eyes.

The president looked at Harold. "Harold, I'm sure you will be burning to join us."

"Why?" Harold snorted.

"When last did you see your father?" Kyle asked.

Harold was instantly fuming, "What the fuck did you do to my dad!" His hair started to rise a little, Mordain instantly felt power radiating from Harold. He was about to smash the mind of the president of the USA. Crime of all crimes. Mordain instantly understood Harold's power, the instant he touched him. He can enter a person's mind, and control their body, or screw with their minds, he could also body swap, or push his entire being into another body, leaving his undefended.

Mordain grabbed Harold's arm. "Calm down, remember who you are talking to. This is a president!"

"I don't care! I'll destroy the both of them! What did you do to my dad!"

"Calm down." Jason said to Harold. "Let's hear them out, if they hurt your dad, we will help you kill them."

"Harold looked grateful, and instantaneously calmed down."

"Explain." Jason said to kyle.

"Your dad is one of the Knights Templar Harold. He is in Torandia as we speak. He originally went to look for you, but gained a mission in stead. You need to be patient, he is busy training that side. We will need him experienced for the coming battles." Kyle said.

"He's what? He is a part of this freak show? My fuck. That explains a lot."

Harold seemed lost in thought for a second or two as certain things became clear to him, why he wanted to go to the mansion so bad, the dragons, all of it.

"Seems you are in to stay after all." Roxy said.

"Well since he is there, apparently, I should probably go too." Harold eventually said defeated.

"I will accompany you to your houses, should your parents require a bit of persuasion." The president said.

Mordain sat on his bed, waiting to hear from the two knights, and his other friends. It seems they would be going back to Torandia soon. They will be gathering the Torandia Knights.

Ruan, Harold's dad, is on his way to Kegh to meet with Rughnan, two other earth knights accompanying him.

They will need to tell Rughnan to wait for them there. Kyle said that he thinks because the jets are shifting the Torandia Knights might be experiencing problems with their telepathy communication. As they had problems communicating to some of the knights on earth as well.

That would be the plan for now.

The flight to New York was eventful. They flew air force one. They were waited on hand and foot. On the plane they were brought up to speed with what happened on earth while they were away. Questions were answered about the earth knights. Mordain was especially interested in their weapons, no one bothered to tell him his ancestor made a set of 24 enchanted weapons to fight the demons. Split in the two worlds, twelve on each side. Because a demon is half ethereal creatures, they are a bit more difficult to kill then a creature of pure flesh.

Mordain wanted to know every aspect of what was going on, a description of each of the Earth Knights, which weapon they have, Kyle was happy that they were so interested in their followers.

People who dedicated their lives to this cause.

Richard, Jason and Roxy listened intently to what was said. Harold even while trying to look bored. Listened intently, for he was secretly interested in the cult his dad was a part of.

"I'm sure you know what the knights are and do by now, yeah?" Kyle asked.

Everybody nodded for they did know, Rughnan and Handar had told them in near detail.

"you must remember, on earth we have the secret to maintain as well, so our job is a bit more difficult then on Torandia. You too, must maintain the secret for as long as we can, we cannot afford to have anarchy now.."

Everybody nodded as the plane hit a bit of turbulence.

"Which rank are you?" Mordain asked.

"I am second in command to only the president."Kyle answered a bit proud.

"But you are what, 22 years old?" Roxy asked.

"Twenty four actually, but I have been a part of the knights since the ripe age of fourteen."

"Tell us about the other knights here, we know a few of the knights on Torandia, but nothing of here."

"You have met two of us now, the other ten are from different corners of the world.

"Since we have time, tell us about them, so we know what to expect when getting there."

"No problem, but even though we are here to save the world, we are really like one big family some times, I'm sure you'll fit right in." The president said.

"That's true, Okay so where to begin."

Third in command is Chow Fung Cha'an from China, he is short, dark features, and he uses a Chinese sword, he is what, thirty two, very bombastic guy he owns Cha'an enterprises. .

Fourth is John Nicholson from the UK, also dark features, calm and wise, 29 years old, he uses a scythe, he manages a shopping store at home.

Fifth comes Mikaru, from Japan, he has long black hair, a doctor, he uses a Katana, he is about thirty, very perverted guy, but a great guy, lives for the moment.

Sixth is Rickus Meyer, From South Africa, he is a farmer down south, sometimes we gather on his farm to just get together and catch up. He uses a Panga, very friendly guy, he will always go the extra mile for anybody, sweet guy.

Seventh is Ryan from Germany, I call him the modern Nazi, He wields a Battle Axe. He is 35.

Then comes Jankov Yakoslav, he is big, he is hairy, he is Russian. He has two short swords in battle, we call them the sister swords. He is fifty five, and the eldest f the knights on earth.

Then eighth the lovely Natasha, from Switzerland. A beautiful lawyer, very stern, knows whats right and wrong., she has a whip with spikes on it, and is also the first woman night on earth.

Tenth is the humble Etanën Kulkuri from Poland, he is blond, ice blue eyes, he is calm, collected, and never has a problem, always ready with advise. Being part of the knights is a family thing for him.

Eleventh is Billy Jones from Australia. He is a gun and explosives specialist. The guns are not enchanted, he actually has a tiny dagger. He is huge. A construction worker. He is definitely not a magic fan, he believes if it doesn't explode, it wont work.

Lastly comes Ruan Preeves."

Harold looked up and paid more attention.

"Ruan is like you now know Harold's dad. Ruan ranks twelfth, he is also our newest member, only been with us one year. Ruan uses the triple death star, the three headed mace. He is logical, fair, and usually does not beat around the bush, he is ever willing to learn.

Mordain gripped his seat as the plane descended, having always hated flying, the part he hated most was the landing. It always felt as If his guts were going to come pouring out of his mouth.

The walk to the car took forever, The president had been snatched away by some bodyguards of his, and Mordain and his people has to take different transport to the house. Kyle accompanied them all the way.

"The president probably won't join us this evening, it is difficult for him to escape the grasps of his family or his guards. But no fear, I'm used to running everything while he is gone. Now before we leave for the base, please bear with the knights. They will be faffing over you for a while, you are the meaning of their life at this point in time. There will be questions.

Everybody aught to be there except Billy, Natasha and Ruan, they are in Torandia.

The trip to the house was brisk, no body spoke, Mordain grabbed his luggage, and head for the door. Before he could touch the handle, the door flew open and John stood there, peeking over his glasses at Mordain.

"Hi there. I'm John" He held out his hand. Mordain was in a bad mood and still nauseous from the flight, hardly hospitable. Mordain just looked at the man, and walked passed him, to the bathroom. "Friendly much?" John asked to no body in particular.

"Don't mind him, he gets like that when he flies. Not a happy person." Jason said shaking.

Richard and Roxy soon followed after.

"Are you okay in there?" Edd asked knocking on the door of the bathroom.

"Go away!" Mordain wailed back.

Richard walked up to the door, "Baby, are you okay in there." Which earned him a funny look from Edd.

The rest of them introduced themselves to the rest of the knights. Even Harold seemed to be in his element with everybody wanting to speak to him.

Mordain opened the door and his eyes immediately caught Edd's.

"Wow." Mordain was flabbergasted. This was the prettiest guy he had ever seen. Not handsome, not sexy, but pretty. He had white blonde hair which matched Handar's own. His eyes were a gray blue white color. He was lean built, and moved with feline- feminine grace.

Mordain stared at him for a few seconds. Richard started tapping his foot, as Edd started to blush. "I'm Etanën, but call me Edd." He said in a soft androgynous voice.

"I'm Mordain, please to meet you." They shook hands.

"I'm Richard, Mordain's boyfriend. Richard rudely interrupted them .

Edd walked back to the living room.

Mordain is attracted to masculinity, but Edd was something, he looked by no means weak, but he had a kind of grace to him and those eyes... Creepy.

Richard pried Mordain away from Edd.

"I'm getting jealous again..." He said defeated.

"Oh come on, how can you look past him, he is something."

"Yeah he is."

Mordain and Richard joined in the living room.

Kyle walked in, "Can everybody please gather at the Round table.

We need to get a grip on things."

Mordain followed everybody down stairs, making small talk with the people around him.

Mordain grabbed a seat next to Richard, and took his hand. "I'm sorry if you get jealous like that, but remember, I am going to look at the menu, but I eat at home. You claim to not like other guys, but I see you lusting over girls sometimes, but I don't get jealous."

"Okay... Let's not have this talk now... everybody is looking at us."

Everybody was looking at them, more prominently looking at them holding hands.

Kyle quickly intercepted. "Okay, now that we are joined, tell us everything that has happened to you up till now." Kyle asked to the five of them.

Everybody helped tell the story, Harold telling his own. From where they discovered the rings to the powers, running from the police, and Torandia.

The stories prolonged well in to the early hours of the night. They had paused to get dinner, but opted for takeaways, as the story was way too enthralling for them to get interrupted.

Mordain found himself laying awake in his bed. The underground chamber was vast, it had a huge room in the center where the round table sat, that room had walls lined with 30 doors, each their own room. Every second room had a bathroom adjourned to it which it shares with the next room. The bricks were medieval but the rooms themselves had been modernized. It looked like a five star hotel inside each room. Kyle himself cleans each and every room. It's his duty to keep everything organized, the president made it his job, the government paying him a salary but never really knowing why.

Mordain pulled Richard closer to him, and breathed in his aroma. They were assigned different rooms, as Kyle didn't really know what to make of the situation, never in his wildest dreams did he think two of the Toramdon eyes would be gay.

There was a knock on the door and Richard awoke with a fright.

"Who is it?" Mordain asked.

"It's Edd, can I come in?"

"Sure." Mordain answered and felt Richard stiffen next to him.

Edd opened the door and saw Richard, "if I'm interrupting anything, please say so..."

"Nah, we just woke up."

"Cool, Kyle sent me to call for you two, the rest are already awake and upstairs."

"What time is it?" Mordain asked.

"Almost noon..."

Mordain fell back sighing, this whole superhero thing must really be taking a toll on them.

They got up and dressed and went upstairs to the dining room.

"So nice of you to join us!" Jason said chipper as ever.

Breakfast was pleasant as they got to know each other better, sometimes a question from either side would come up.

The plan was for the eyes to go to Torandia around lunch time. They would go back to Kegh, and they would consult with Rughnan to start gathering the Toramdon Knights.

"Here we go again!" Mordain said walking down the stairs.

"It will be good to be back, I sort of miss the place" Jason answered.

Richard just held on to Mordain's hand, he in fact was anxious to go back. Mordain almost died there once. It is a dangerous place, but everybody seems to overlook that.

Harold quietly followed, he was out of his element, he was no longer in charge.

Roxy skipped down the stairs, she had been thinking of one specific person lately, she couldn't quite get him out of her head if it meant going back to Torandia to see him again, she would gladly do so.

Edd walked up to Mordain, be careful, we can't afford to lose you guys.

Edd looked at Richard, "Look after him."

There was something in the glint of his eye that Richard knew that statement meant more than the words uttered. It had a hidden meaning, Richard had been feeling something is up with Mordain as well.

They took hands, and the last thing Mordain saw was Edd waving to him.

I am sorry that i have not updated the story for awile, my life has spiraled out of control. I ask you, why are all men the same?

They will always cheat and always lie. -sigh- anyway, I will be updating my story frequently again, Hope you enjoy, please visit or send me your thoughts to my email address.

THe only inspiration I have to put my share my story is your feedback, if I receive none i will start to think the story is crap and stop writing it...

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Next: Chapter 13

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