
By moc.liamhsuh@101yadun

Published on Dec 16, 2008


This story contains sexual contact between males. If it is unlawful or inappropriate for you to be here, please leave now. The story and characters are fictional, I hope you enjoy it. Your emails and responses are appreciated. A great thanks to Pete for all his input and editing.

Touching Part Three

Up early, I must have scrubbed my body until it was red. I brushed my teeth three times and combed my hair four different ways. I told myself I was being really silly, but I just wanted to be perfect. I tried several different outfits and then realized I was only going to take it all off anyway. Yeah, I was going to take it all off standing next to Sam, while he was taking it all off too. Oh, crap now I'm hard and the damn thing won't go down, so I kind of skipped-limped to my car hoping things would be settled by the time I got there.

I walked quickly down the hall towards Sam's room, but just before I got there I ran into the nurse who had told us about the swimming lesson. She smiled at me and said, "Thank goodness you're here. Sam has asked me to help him find three different outfits already this morning and he's still in there trying to get that hair on the back of his head to lie down."

I smiled and tapped on the door. Once I heard his muffed response I entered and stepped back. Sam was not just cute today, he was gorgeous! He wore a polo shirt of reds and yellows and stone washed jeans that fit him like a glove. I could smell his freshness from across the room. I knew he had done just what I had done and I was glad he couldn't see me blushing at the thought of that.

"Is that you Perv?" he asked with a smile.

"Yeah it's me, Jacker," I answered.

"What did you call me?" He asked.

"Well if I'm a Perv, you're a Jacker. After all, that's how it went down. You can't deny that," I said with conviction.

He smiled, thankfully, and said, "Ok Andrew West get over here. I want to know if you feel as good as you smell."

"No, sorry, no free feels today," I said in a teasing voice, "If you touch, I get to touch." Obviously I was felling a little cocky.

"You are such a Perv," he teased.

I retorted, "Jacker!"

At that point an athletically built man in his forties came into the room. "Hello Boiss," he said in a German accent.

I adjusted myself while facing Sam. Even blindness has its perks. The man instructed us to slip on our swim gear and meet him down the hall for Sam's first lesson in the pool. Neither of us was in any hurry, we had both spent a lot of time getting to look this nice. But the reason for today was the swimming lesson and so we both began to strip. About half finished, I heard Sam say in a small voice, "It's not fair."

"What's not fair?" I asked as I pulled my jeans down my legs, watching him do the same.

"You get to see me strip down, but I don't get to see you," he said sadly.

I felt so close to him at that moment; it seemed natural to move in his direction. Now closer, he reached up and touched me. My body turned in to a mass of goose pimples. I could not believe just a touch could do that, but I swear it did. He stopped undressing and began undressing me. I let him. He finished the job of removing my jeans and pulled off my socks as well. For the second time I felt Sam's thumbs against my skin as they guided my briefs off my body. My dick was alive, and the fresh air hitting it made it jump and slap against my belly.

"Damn Perv, it doesn't take much to get you happy," he teased.

"Yeah, well Jacker, you do know the road to happiness," I retorted.

I felt his warm hands pulling my briefs over my feet and I now stood naked in front of him again. "I guess I better put my trunks on," I said, not moving at all.

Sam, looked up at me, his face just inches from my dick and said, "So do you think a blind guy could get a little help?"

I gladly complied. His shirt was already off and his skin looked fresh and clean. His jeans were unzipped and so I guided them down his legs, allowing my hands to skim along the hair covering his legs. I pulled his socks off and looked at him in nothing but boxers. Damn he was hot. My fingers did the waking this time. I placed them under the band of his boxers, lifting them outward and away. I could see his pubes and the shaft of his dick. I slipped them off his butt as he got off the bed. I took them down and off his body. Now we were both naked and standing very close.

"How do I look?" he asked.

"Really good," I said, as I reached my hand out to take my first touch.

Just then the door creaked open enough for a voice to yell in, "Come on, its time boys."

Soon we were in the pool. I did help him with his trunks but shied away from my true temptation, not knowing if someone would come in and see us. The water was cold, so that took care of any lumps in our trunks. At first Sam was really hesitant about getting into the pool. The coach and his assistant both worked with him for a while. Soon Sam's lesson began and I just stood back out of the way and swam around for awhile. The swim coach had several other students in the pool and after a few minute of getting Sam comfortable, he moved onto the next one. Sam seemed to be relaxing, still holding onto the side of the pool. I was getting bored just swimming around; still I don't know why I did it. I'm just a kid; we don't need reasons to be stupid. OK? Anyway I swam up behind Sam quietly and jumped him, pushing him off the side and under the water.

OH-MY-GOD, I didn't know what a bad idea that was. Sam began squirming and thrashing about. He was choking and trying to scream at the same time. I moved in to try and help and he started swinging his arms all around in a panic. The coach and his assistance both moved in quickly and did their best to settle Sam down, but he was having none of that. Finally, one of the nurses came running in, gave me a dirty look, and handed a needle to the coach, who sedated Sam. In about a minute he became calm. It took all three adults to pull Sam out of the water and then they put him on a stretcher and rolled him away.

I was devastated. What had I done? "What an idiot!" I thought. I just wanted to crawl into a hole or something. Soon the nurse came back in and told me to get the hell out of the water and leave. I quickly complied and headed back to Sam's room. I hoped he would be there so I could apologize, but the room was empty, all but for our clothing, tangled together.

I tried to talk to someone, but everyone just gave me a look of disappointment and brushed by me heading into the Trauma room where I guessed they had taken Sam.

Finally I left. It was obvious that I was in the way. I knew I had really screwed up big time. Why did I think it would be funny to do that to a blind kid? Why was I so stupid? I hated myself right then. I knew they would probably kick me out of the program and never let me back in to see Sam. I had lost everything in one stupid move. I headed home and locked myself away in my room... where I could be alone... just me and my pity.

The rest of the weekend was miserable. I sulked and worried, I barely came out of my bedroom. I could see my mom was worried, but I wouldn't talk to her; I just didn't want to talk about what I had done and yet that was the only thing that filled my mind. I continued to play the scene over and over again in my head. How could I have done that to Sam? I knew I really cared for him and wondered how I would ever get back to see him. I felt my life was over. I didn't know what to do.

It was Monday and the bell had just rung ending school as a kid came into my science class. She told me that I needed to stop by the office and see Ms. Riley before I left. I thought about just leaving, I didn't need to hear from her how much I had screwed this up. I started for my car, but she was waiting for me and took my arm guiding me into her office. She closed the door behind us. I sat across the desk from her with my head hanging low.

She said, "Andrew, I think you know why you're here."

"Yeah I was really stupid," then I broke into tears. I sat there crying. Thankfully the door was closed. Ms. Riley did her best to comfort me, but it took awhile for me to calm down. Finally I composed myself and looked up with tear filled eyes and said, "I blew it. I didn't mean to hurt him... I am soooo sorry."

"Yes, you did blow it, Andrew, and now you need to go back and fix it," she advised.

"I can't go back, they hate me. Sam hates me. I can't go back out there." I started crying again.

"Andrew you need to go, not just for Sam, but for yourself as well. I want you to go as planned tomorrow after school."

I told her I would.

Time moved slowly, I don't think I learned anything at school Tuesday. All my friends kept asking me what was wrong; I just turned away and said nothing.

I drove to the clinic, parked my car and moved through the front door. I was stopped this time and asked to take a seat until Dr. Scott could see me. I asked how Sam was doing, but the receptionist just turned her head. It took thirty minutes of just sitting there wondering what was coming at me before I was taken into Dr. Scott's office. Again I sat across a large desk, this time facing a stern looking Doctor. His eyes turned sad, his emotions were guarded. I was very uneasy.

Finally he spoke. "Andrew, I know you had no idea that your actions would cause so much pain. I know we should have explained more about Sam's problems to you, but unfortunately, the event has passed and now we are here. I don't know any other way to tell you this Andrew, but you need to know...

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 4

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