Trail Tail

By E.R. Branson

Published on Jul 18, 2020



Trail Tail By: E.R. Branson Email: 6700 Words

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

Copyright 2020

I woke up before everyone else in camp and made some coffee after bringing the smoldering fire back to life. I noticed there was a tent setup that wasn't there last night. Someone must have rolled in after we fell asleep. Feeling restless as I waiting for the rest of the guys to stir, I hiked out to the vista we found last night after setting up camp to watch the sunrise. The sun hadn't yet crept up over the distant mountains, but it already painted the morning sky in magnificent shades of red and orange. These are the moments that make backpacking worth it.

It's day four of our two week backpacking trip along the Appalachian Trail. Myself and three other buddies from college set out right after the spring semester ended. We had all just finished an intense year as engineering majors. This trip was our get away celebration and honestly is was all we could afford. We're all avid outdoor adventurers and had no shortage of equipment, so other than the cost of food, it was practically a free trip.

I've always been a morning person and had been the first one up every day so far. I didn't mind though, it gave me some quiet time for thinking, taking in nature and sneaking off to rub one out. I'm not sure how the other guys are managing, but I'm used to jerking off three times a day. We all have tents, but we've been sleeping in the lean-to's along this section of trail. The lean-to's saved us from having to pitch our tents each night, but the shared space didn't give much in the name of privacy.

I was sitting on the rock outcrop that made up the vista, lounging in my t-shirt and running shorts. I like hiking in short running shorts because they keep me cool, dry and they're comfortable. I gazed out over the valley, the bright greens of spring slowly being warmed by yellow rays of sun now peeking above the distance mountains. I was starting to feel more awake and so was my dick. I started thinking it'd be pretty fun to jerk off here, exposed a bit and with an awesome view. Especially since there's the risk I might get caught, though a small risk, still, it added to the thrill. At 5'10 and 165 lbs with a little brown fur along my happy trail and four days of scruff on my face, I think I look pretty good. I don't really work out, at least not at the gym. I love the outdoors and spend as much time as I can being active. Most weekends I'm out rock climbing, kayaking, or hiking. It keeps me in good shape.

I started thinking about the last hookup I had right before school ended. I met this grad student on Grindr, not out, shy, and 23 years old. He was solid muscle and big. Not quite body builder, but more rugby build, with thick muscle thighs, and a hard round ass. He wanted to get fucked bad and I couldn't argue with that.

Looking down, my dick was now at full attention, my skimpy running shorts doing nothing to restrain my throbbing boner. My dick is about seven inches, a good handful that no one has ever complained about. As the warm rays of the sun washed over me, I pulled the elastic of my shorts down under my balls, leaned back against the rocks and started stroking. My thoughts returned to the grad student, remembering how hot it was to watch my dick sliding in and out of his tight hole. His face buried in his pillow, muffling his moans as he shot his load all over his bed, me still slamming my cock into him, filling him with my own load. My hand was picking up speed when I heard a twig snap. I didn't stop stroking, it felt too good to stop. It was probably an animal anyway.

I slowed my stoking and opened my eyes to look around, first to my right and then to my left. Oh shit! There was someone watching me. He was standing about 20 feet away, casually leaning against a tree. I couldn't quite make out his face in the glare of the morning sun, but he looked to be around my age. He was wearing blue gym shorts and a white t-shirt and despite being far away, I could tell he was fit.

I kept staring, the thrill of being watching turned me on even more. I wondered if he would he come over, would he keep watching until I was done? Now that I had an audience, I got a little more playful. I started dragging my free hand up my abs to my chest, lifting my shirt to play with my nipple. My voyeur kept watching and dropped his hand down into his shorts and started tugging on his meat. Seeing him get turned on pushed me even closer to the edge. I started jerking my seven inches faster, thinking about how hot and crazy this was.

I slid my hand back down my chest and abs, I could feel the load building in my balls. My voyeur shoved the front of his shorts down, letting his dick jump out. I couldn't tell how big he was, but it looked like a good handful. He was full on stroking it now. Watching him getting off to watching me put me over the edge. My body convulsed as my cock shot three long, thick streams of cum up on my furry abs, shirt and chin. I lay they, covered in my cum, not breaking eye contact with him. He was stroking faster now, and in a few seconds he arched up on the balls of feet, throwing is head back as he orgasmed. I watched until he slumped back down, and pulled his shorts up over his still hard rod, making his shorts tent as he turned and walked off.

I looked down at myself, rubbing the now cold and sticky cum into my skin and the inside of my shorts. The inside of my running shorts were becoming quite the cum rag. They were getting pretty ripe between the dried jizz and 4 days of sweat and grime. I love a good man scent, but now the smell was slowly going from turn on to just repugnant. I wouldn't mind a shower soon.

Picking up my coffee cup, I took one last look out over the valley. So far today is turning out to be a pretty damn good day.

The boys must finally be up, I heard their voices as I walked back to camp. I also heard a female voice. It must be one of the campers that came in late last night. As the campsite came into view, I could make out two of my crew, Bob and Marc sitting around the fire eating. There was also a petite blond girl I didn't recognize. I sat down with the boys, taking a spot on the logs opposite the mystery camper.

"He lives!", Cody yelled out.

"Good morning gentlemen.," I mocked. "Who's this lovely lady?" I gestured across to the girl.

"Morning." She replied, still chewing on her breakfast, "Name's Liz."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Josh," looking back to Cody, "were you worried about me?"

"Nah, Liz's boyfriend said he saw you sitting on the rocks at the vista this morning." Cody replied. My heart jumped. Is this my voyeur? I couldn't help but grin a little.

"I thought I heard something in the woods. I figured it was a rabbit or deer." If she only knew.

The tent door unzipped and sure enough my voyeur crawled out, in a pair of black shorts and without a shirt. I blatantly stared as he stood up and pulled a t-shirt over his head. He was a little shorter than me but had more muscle mass. Big shoulders, well defined pecs and a rock hard stomach. Damn!

As his head poked through his shirt, he saw me. As our eyes locked, my heart jumped a bit at how he'd react. He gave me a wink and the corner of his mouth arched up in a subtle smile.

Liz's voice interrupted our little moment, "Hey honey, this is Josh, the guy you saw on the rocks." She gestured towards me. "Josh, this is my boyfriend Joe."

I nodded casually. "Mornin", He returned the nod and sat down next to Liz.

We all talked a little about our trips and ourselves. They're both grad students and doing small sections of the trail at a time. I kept trying not to stare at Joe, but his t-shirt and gym shorts hugged his muscular frame, and just kept thinking about earlier when he was jerking off watching me jerking off. It was a challenge to keep my dick from going full mast. The last thing I needed is a raging boner tenting my shorts in front of everyone, with no way to hide it. Damn running shorts. I saw Joe stealing a glance at me as I tried to adjust myself. I wonder if he had any idea the trouble he was causing me.

"Ready to get on the trail boys? Time waits for no one." I swung around on the log bench before standing up so I could adjust my chub before starting on cleaning up and breaking down camp. The boys all followed suite and in 10 minutes our packs were loaded and on our backs. The boys yelled their good byes to Joe and Liz, and she yelled from the tent. Joe was outside, packing up their gear.

"Maybe we'll see you at camp tonight." Joe said, meeting my gaze and winking before turning and joining Liz in their tent.

We were hoping to do the 13 miles to the next lean-to to camp that night. We had some rocky terrain to cover that day, which slowed us down. I kept hoping Joe and Liz would make some good time and end up making it as far as we did, so they would be camping with us again.

My cock was aching, thinking about the possibility of seeing Joe again tonight and maybe even having a chance to fool around. I wasn't sure how we'd manage it, but my brain spent most of the morning hike scheming how we might get away from Liz and the boys.

We stopped midday at another vista with a view that didn't disappoint. Cody mentioned something earlier about where we were, all I remembered was somewhere in Pennsylvania. I zoned out as my eyes took in the view of the wide valley, and the hawks that soared in front of us. The only sound was that of the wind, no traffic noise or any sign of civilization. We stayed long enough to chomp down some snacks before we're back into the woods, hiking through the thick forest.

We arrived at the lean-to and I was thrilled to see no signs of anyone else. That meant it's ours for the night. All of us let out groans as we slid our packs off our backs, letting them drop to the ground. It was a grueling day of hiking, 13 miles of nonstop elevation changes and rocky terrain. My legs were sore, my back was sore, my feet were sore, I was hungry and to top it off, horny too.

The four of us got to work in tired silence unpacking and setting up for dinner. Cody's been on fire duty the whole trip while Marc and I share dinner duty. Bob has breakfast duty every morning. Luckily it's Marc's night to cook, so after setting up camp I get to relax.

"Hey boys, we made it!" Liz called out as her and Joe made their way into camp. It was probably a good two hours since we'd made it when Joe and Liz strolled into camp. They were both a little less energetic than they were when they started out this morning.

"We've got plenty of food if you want to eat now." I offered. Marc had a tendency to overpack food and cook too much. We were all full and there was plenty left over. I'd rather it get eaten instead of having to haul it off far out into the woods to dump it. We didn't want to give the bears and critters any additional motivation to pay a late night visit.

"I'll definitely eat!" Joe didn't hesitate to respond. Joe and Liz dug out their mess kits and made their way over to the fire. Marc filled them up with tuna-mac, our favorite backpacking meal.

Joe inhaled his. "Thanks a lot guys, that was great. We didn't really feel like cooking. Today was grueling."

"Yeah, we're all beat." Bob chimes in.

"Need a hand with anything?" I offered Joe, hoping I wasn't coming off at too aggressive.

"Nah, think we're good. Thanks though." He gave me a wink again before he turned on his heels and following Liz to where they dropped their packs.

His causal winks make my gut tighten with anticipation. I'm not sure if he just likes to wink, or if there's some secret signal I don't know about. Does this mean there's going to be more fun? I want to see Joe's dick. I want to see him naked. I want to fuck around with him more.

The sun was long gone by now and everyone was more than a little tired. Joe and Liz setup camp and retired to their tent shortly after. The boys all made their way to their sleeping bags in the lean-to and I offered to take care of snuffing out the fire, secretly hoping Joe might come back out of his tent. I'm not sure what good it'd do though, the boys were still awake and they'd be suspicious of I went wondering this late. My dick was getting hard again just thinking about the possibility.

After about 10 minutes of poking the fire with a stick, I could heard snoring coming from the lean-to and Joe and Liz's tent. Part of me was a little disappointed, but I was also exhausted from the long day of hiking and needed a solid nights worth of sleep. I dumped some water on the fire to dampen it out and headed to the lean-to to get some sleep.

I laid in my sleeping bag, exhausted and sore, and unable to fall asleep. My mind was on hormone overdrive, I kept thinking about the morning, Joe without his shirt, his hard ripped chest and arms. I imagined what the rest of him looked like naked. I wondered what his cock looked liked up close. I wished sleeping bags weren't so noisy. I needed to jerk off in the worst way. It was the only way I could relieve some of my horniness so I could sleep. I laid there for what seemed like forever, squeezing my dick for just the tiniest bit of friction, fantasizing about Joe and listening for any sound of movement from his tent.

There was just a hint of morning glow starting when I woke up. I looked at my watch and it was 5:50 A.M. I had to piss like a race horse and my morning wood wasn't making it any better. I tried my best to quietly shuffle out of my sleeping bag and rummage around for my hiking boots and headlamp.

I intentionally walked past Joe and Liz's tent on my way out into the woods, hoping maybe he'll hear me if he's awake. Once I got to the edge of camp I turned on my headlamp and made my way deeper into the woods. I figured a good two or three minute should get me far enough away from camp. Then I could finally piss and of course jerk off.

I switched my headlamp to red and hung it on a low branch, so I wouldn't easily be found, but also so I wasn't quite hidden either. I pulled the front of my running shorts down and let my still semi hard dick flop out. I loved pissing in the woods, where I can just let it shoot where ever and I don't have to aim it into a toilet.

My heart jumped at the sound of twigs snapping. Could it be Joe or the more realistic cause, some animal and hopefully not a bear. I listened carefully to the footsteps as they approached. Not sure who the footsteps belonged to, I just stood there, not moving so I could hear better, my dick still hanging out of my shorts. They stopped behind me, and I slowly turned my head, not fully convinced it wasn't a bear. I was relieved when a few feet behind me I could make out the silhouette of a man. Joe.

I stepped and turned to face him, my heart starting to race from the excitement. Just staring at each other, I felt the sexual tension building, bringing my shaft back to full mast. I pushed it down a few times, letting it spring back up and slap me in the abs, keeping my eyes locked with Joe's the whole time while I teased him.

Joe stood watching me, not moving. His gaze fixated on my throbbing meat. I grabbed the sides of my shirt and pulled it up over my head. The cool morning air hit my nipples and they immediately got hard. I tossed the shirt down, then pulled my running shorts down a bit further, letting my balls breath some. I looked back and Joe and he was massaging his shaft through his gym shorts.

I took a few steps forward, closing the gap between us. Our gazes still locked in a tense stare of desire. I didn't want to make the first move, afraid he might chicken out. I fought the urge to reach out to feel his muscles, drag my hands across the hard curves and valleys they created along his arms and shoulders. I wrapped my hand around my throbbing seven inches and slowly started stroking my shaft. I could eel the wet and sticky precum leaking out of the tip. I rubbed my thumb over the head of my dick, covering it in precum, and brought it up to my mouth to give it a good lick.

Joe hooked both thumbs into the waistband of his shorts and pulled them down to his ankles, his hard dick standing at attention as he straightened up again. It was about the same size as mine, cut and a little thicker. I took this as an invitation. I moved in closer so that we were only two dick lengths apart. I could feel the heat coming off of Joe's body as we both looked at each other's manhood.

I reached out and wrapped my hand around his thick, veiny shaft. It felt warm and massive in my grip. Joe's head tilted back just a little as a small moan escaped his throat. My free hand found its way to his chest, I dragged my fingers down the indent between his two hard pecs before feeling the chiseled muscles of his abs, flexed and taught from his slightly leaned back position. Then another pass, this time feeling his the roped muscles of his shoulder moving down along his arm, the width of his slightly flexed bicep wider than my hand.

I looked up at Joe, his eyes met mine, focused and burning with a desire to do more. I nodded downward, hinting. He slowly dropped to his knees, his hands sliding down my sides stopped at my hips. The dried leaves and twigs crunched as he settled in, his face aligned with my throbbing dick.

He looked up, his big brown eyes wanting, almost seeking permission. He liked servicing other dudes. I wondered how much he liked be dominated? How far could I go? There was only one way to find out. I grabbed the base of my cock and slapped it against his face. He didn't flinch, still staring up at me with those wanting eyes. I slapped my dick against his face again, eliciting a small whimper as he stretched out his tongue. I started teasing him, slapping my dick on his outstretched tongue, knowing how much he wanted to suck it.

"You want this cock?" I whispered gruffly.

"Mmmhmmm" he responded, his eyes were pleading with me to give him what he wanted.

"Lick it." I commanded. He ran his tongue from the base of my dick, up the shaft and over the head, it was slick and leaking with precum. He worked the head of my dick, trying to get as much of the precum on his tongue as he could. He was getting eager, and really wanted to suck my dick. Just as he tried to put the head of my dick in his mouth I grabbed him by the chin.

"Did I say you could suck it yet?", he shook his head from side to side. "Lick my balls."

I knew it smelled pretty rank down there, but he didn't wince. He started lapping my balls, taking each into his mouth and then letting it out with a small popping noise. I grabbed a fistful of his soft brown hair and shoved his face deep into my groin. I could hear a muffled moan that tickled my balls and made my throbbing dick jump.

I never thought I'd be making this muscle god my bitch right now. His jock-boy cockiness melting into a little submissive bitch that likes servicing. What would his girlfriend think now if she caught him with his face buried in my balls?

I yanked his head back and angled it up towards me. "You ready to get your face fucked?"

He eagerly shook his head up and down. Still holding his head back, I grabbed my dick and guided it into his waiting mouth. Once it was in, I grabbed both sides of his head with my hands and slowly pulled his head down on my seven inches, giving him time to adjust as his chin met my balls and his noise was pressing into my pubes.

He made some noises as I pushed pass his gag reflex, but he didn't fight it much. I held his head in place for a moment and he darted his eyes up at me. They were glassy looking as tears formed and rolled down both cheeks. He looked to pathetic, gagging himself on my cock, begging me with his eyes to fuck his throat. I moved my hips back, my dick sliding out of his mouth, spit and saliva dripping off and running down Joe's chin. My dick sprang back up as I pulled completely out of Joe's mouth. I grabbed it and rubbed my saliva covered dick on Joe's face.

"You want more of that? You wanna choke on my load?" Our eyes were locked and he nodded up and down. "That's right, fucking suck that cock then." I dropped my hands to my sides to let him know it's all his now.

Joe started slowly, working my shaft with his hand and mouth at the same time. It felt amazing, the tingle of the cool morning air when he would pull back and expose part of my shaft, then the return of the warmth of his mouth as he went down again. He quickly found his rhythm, and grabbed my hips pulling me in and out of his mouth , fucking his throat and gagging himself. His eagerness was borderline aggressive and it only drove me closer to climax. I could feel the tell-tale tingle starting at the base of my dick, warning me that I'm close. Joe must have sensed it; he dropped one hand down to his own dick and started jerking it. I could have been a dick and stopped him from getting off, but I was on the edge now and didn't care as long as he kept this pace going.

I moaned, my body convulsed and my dick pumped shot after shot of cum down Joe's throat. I could hear him gag a little and felt the sloppiness of the mixed saliva and cum coating my dick. It filled his throat and mouth quicker than he could swallow it. After the last of squirt I shiver, then look down at Joe, who moans, my dick still filling his mouth, as he starts to orgasim. Streams of jizz shot from his dick, covering the inside of my calve and hiking boots.

Joe sat back on his legs and shook the last bits of cum from his dick. He looked up at me, a beautiful portrait of a face with my cum and his saliva covering his chin and running down his neck.

"Thank you sir." He smiled up at me.

"Joe?", we could hear Liz yelling in the distance. Joe got up off his knees, my seed still dripping from his chin.

"I'll be there in a minute." He yelled back, while wiping his chin clean and licking the last of my cum off his fingers.

"That was hot man."

"Thanks, you too." Joe's face had a big grin on it. "Guess I better get back, see you on the trail." Joe hiked up his shorts and fetched his shirt from the ground, pulling it over his head as made his way back to camp.

I gathered my clothes, taking my time so it didn't look so obvious to the guys and Liz. Not that they had any reason to think we were doing anything. I even walked out and around so I entered camp from a different direction.

Joe and Liz were already loaded up and walking out of camp when I got back. I gave them a wave as they departed, "Happy trails. Maybe we'll see you tonight." Secretly hoping we'd end up sharing a campsite together again.

The boys were just finishing breakfast as I walked over to the fire.

"Find anything interesting on your morning adventure?" Cody asked, with a slight smirk.

"The usual, rabbits, trees and birds." Cody was my best friend and knew how much of a man whore I was. He's watched me wander off to go hookup more than a half dozen times while we've been out together. The last was at a concern back in the fall. So I wouldn't be surprised if he assumed I was fucking around with Joe.

"Uh-huh." Cody gave me a knowing look. Guess that answers that question. I just smiled back.

We never caught up to Liz and Joe that day. They must have been making good time to keep that far ahead of us. It was a twelve mile day and by the time we hit the next camp, we were all beat. I was a disappointed then there was no sign of Joe and Liz's tent. I had been hoping all day I'd get another early morning round of fun in the woods.

After dinner, we all got talking about school and it was a good distraction from my current lust obsession. Cody mentioned that tomorrow night we'd be hiking down into a small town to pick up a few supplies and staying at the hostel. My inner hormone monster perked up at the thought of the hostel. I've heard and read some crazy hookup stories about hostels, though, those were usually the ones in Europe. This was some no name town in Pennsylvania and far from the peak of Appalachian Trail thru traffic this time of year. I shouldn't get my hopes up, but I can at least look forward to the thrill of jerking off in a hostel while everyone's asleep. It's the little things.

The boys all got up early the next morning, so I didn't get a chance to sneak away for my morning jerk off, leaving me full of cum and horny as fuck. Sweating all day in the sun as the ridge line we walked left us pretty exposed, I couldn't wait to get into town, jerk off, shower and eat a real meal.

The hostel was an old community center or something like that. There were two rooms with 5 bunks for a total of 10 beds in each room. There was a girls and guys locker room and a multiple purpose room that had some tables, a big sink, stove, microwave and a few beat up couches positioned around a TV that looked like it was from the 80's.

We grabbed a set of bunks in the corner of one of the rooms and dropped our stuff. I made myself busy while the boys ran off for the shower. I wanted to shower alone so I could jerk off. I really don't know how they're doing it? Other then breaking away to go shit in the woods, the three of them have barely been out of each other's sight.

About ten minutes later they were back, toweling off and all going on about how much better they feel now that they're clean.

"I think we're going to run to the grocery store and grab some stuff for this week. Want us to wait for you?" Cody asked.

"Nah, I'll just add to the pot and you buy whatever we not. I'm not picky." I dug into my pack for my wallet, and pulled out some cash for Cody.

"All right man. We'll scout some restaurants for dinner too. See you in a bit." Cody followed Bob and Marc out the door.

I grabbed my towel, a pair of clean gym shorts, and started making my way for the shower. As I opened the door to the locker room I heard some voices at the other end of the hall. I turned to see Joe and Liz going into the other bunk room. I paused as a little twinge of excitement washed over me. Maybe I'll get another round of fun tonight? I don't think they saw me as I disappeared into the locker room. No worries, at least I know they're staying here.

The locker room wasn't that big and it was very dated. There were two urinals and two stalls, a bench, and one row of lockers that looked like they've been around since the 50s. The shower didn't look very big either. It was a small tiled room with two shower heads on opposing walls. If you put four guys in that shower at one time, there was no way they wouldn't be bumping into each other.

I threw my clean gym shorts and towel on the bench, and stepped into the shower. The walls were covered with blue tile from ceiling to floor and there was a soap and shampoo dispenser on each wall between the shower heads. I cranked on the faucet to let the water heat up and was surprised at how quickly it got hot.

Stepping under the hot stream of water never felt so good before. I could feel the grit under my feet as the water washed off six days of dirt and grime. I peeled off my running shorts, having worn them in so I could wash them, and the pungent smell from my crotch smacked me in the face. Damn, I did I stink.

I pumped the dispenser for some soap and started lathering up. It felt so good to wash off the dirt and stench. My back to the door, standing under the hot stream of water and letting the suds roll off, I started thinking about the thrill of jerking off in a public shower. It was a low traffic place, but still, there was just enough of a risk to make it exciting. My cock obviously agreed with that thought and it started to grow in response to the fantasy. I soaped my hand and started stroking myself until I was fully hard. I placed my other hand up against the shower wall, letting the water splashing down on my back, I started in on a slow, solid pace. As I got into it, I couldn't help but feel like I was being watched. Maybe it was just the twinge of fear and risk of jerking off in public. A few more strokes and then I definitely heard something. I stopped stroking, rinsed my face and turned towards the door. I wasn't too surprised when I saw Joe standing there, cock in hand, leaning against the wall.

My eyes met his and I nodded. I started running my fist up and down my shaft again, holding his gaze, staring into his big brown eyes. He stepped into the tiled shower room and turned on the faucet next to mine. We both stood, facing each other. His eyes dropped down to my soapy dick as he fondled his, and I wondered how far he wanted to go this time. I closed the gap between us until our hard cocks rubbed against each other.

He started to crouch down and I grabbed his arm to stop him. Stepping behind him, I guided his arm up towards the tile wall. He got the hint and put his other hand up on the wall. I studied his back side, taking in his smooth and round and . I grabbed both cheeks with my hands, amazed at how firm and muscled they were. Instinctively I slapped them, the sharp cracking sound of wet skin against wet skin echoing off the tiled walls. Joe responded with a soft moan.

Grabbing him by the hips, I pressed my throbbing, soapy cock in that deep valley between his firm glutes. I could smell the days of sweat and dirt rising off of him, as it mixed with the steam of the hot shower. He was ripe and that only excited me more. Joe pushed back as I started moving my hips and sliding my soap slicked dick up and down his crack. He was more than eager to get fucked.

I stepped back, taking in his broad back and shoulders, his muscles tight from carrying a heavy pack. He arched his back and stuck his ass out, begging for more. I couldn't believe I was going to get to fuck this tight muscle boy's ass, right here in the shower. He spread his legs to reveal his small, pink hole. It looked so inviting and super tight. Its going to feel so good sliding my seven inches into that tight ass. I rubbed some of the soapy lather off my dick onto my fingers and ran them down his crack, stopping at his hole, and rubbing it, getting it ready. Joe dropped his down, letting faint whimper escape.

I pushed one finger in, feeling the pressure of this tight hole squeezing, almost pushing my finger back out. Going deep as a I slid a second finger in, Joe clenched his hands into fists against the wall and tensed his body. A part of me wondered if he could handle it. It's obviously been a long while for him. I searched for his prostate, rubbing it with the tips of my fingers when I found it. He moaned and push his ass back towards me. Slowly I started moving my fingers in and out to loosen him some, then sliding in a third. He tensed a bit again, but didn't pull away.

Watching him taking my fingers, squirming as I worked his tight ass and tickled his prostate, I could feel my own dick leaking bad, aching to be inside this muscle boy's ass. I pulled out my fingers and leaned forward, my chest and abs meeting his back, feeling the heat of his body and the lingering smell of sweat.

"You ready to get bred?" I asked him with my mouth next to his ear.

"Yes, sir," was his response. Quiet, yet eager.

I straightened myself, pushed apart his ass cheeks and lined the head of my dick up with his hole. He let out a small moan as I pressed against him. I slowly pushed into him, feeling the warmth engulf the head of my dick, the pressure squeezing around it. Joe clenched his hands into fists, grunting out a low "fuck". I pushed further in, reeling in pleasure as my seven inches disappeared into Joe. He slammed a fist against the tile wall as my pubes pushed into his ass. I stayed there for a second or two, letting him catch his breath and adjust, and giving myself a second to let the wave of pleasure pass over me.

"You okay?" I whispered.

"Yes sir." He grunted, fists still clenched.

I took that as my go ahead and started rocking my hips back, pulling my shaft out almost all the way, then sliding back in, nice and slow. I went slow a few more times, watching as Joe's fists relaxed a little more with each thrust until his hand were flat against the tile wall again.

I knew I wasn't going to last long once I started fucking him hard. I leaned forward and grabbed his arm, pushing it down towards his dick, which was hard and throbbing. He grabbed it and started to stroke.

I grabbed his hips and picked up my pace, fighting to hold out as long as I could, each eager, lust driven thrust bringing me closer and closer. Joe started stroking faster, his moans and grunts getting louder. I didn't think he'd last much longer either. I went all in, slamming my dick into his ass with each thrust.

"Fuck! You ready to get bred? You want this load deep inside you?" I was panting.

"Yes, sir! Breed me sir!" Joe panted, "Fuck, I'm cumming sir!"

I could feel his body shake, his ass clenching around my dick with each pump of jizz that shot out. It drove me over the edge, and my whole body tingled and convulsed as my dick pumped my load into Joe, breeding him, owning him for that moment. I grabbed his shoulders to steady myself, while pumping the last of my load deep in his ass.

We stayed there, my hands on his shoulders, his on the wall, my cock still buried deep in him. We panted, catching our breaths and enjoying the post orgasm bliss.

That night the boys, Liz, Joe and I all got dinner in town at a local pub. We exchanged more stories of other hiking trips, talked about where we were from and what we did. The whole night Joe and I both wore telling grins on our faces. Luckily the only one who ever picked up on it was Cody.

Liz and Joe had left after dinner to get some sleep, while the four of us stayed out for a round of beers. As we walked back to hostel, Cody slowed his pace so Marc and Bob were a few steps ahead of us.

"So..." Cody looked over at me with that knowing smile. "what's up with Joe?"

"Huh?" I tried to play it off.

"You don't think I've seen you in action enough to know?"

"A lady never tells"

Cody let out a laugh.

"Well, we've got six more days, better the make the most of it."

I smiled back at Cody, and waggled my eyebrows. I sure did plan on making the most of the next few days and the most of Joe's mouth and ass.


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