Training Session with My Dad

By moc.liamtoh@skcashguh

Published on Aug 20, 2023


Ninety per cent of this scenario is based upon my true life experiences and is told for the personal pleasure of similarly inclined adults. Be forewarned, it covers W/S, teen sex--not incest--, scat, etc.


It is also not to be copied or duplicated for distribution to others. Author: Hugh Sacks or Scatty

Training Sessions with my dad #Two Dinner in the kitchen

Guess I should explain or describe the scene: Mom's a nurse; actually the head nurse for the night shift of our county hospital. She chose the night shift so they could put away enough money for me to go to college. My twin brother Bud, and sister, Sis, did not have that opportunity but probably would rather have done what they are doing now. As I said Bud is in the Army; Sis is in the Peace Core, building schools and teaching in Africa. She really wants to be a teacher and loves to travel.

Dad's rebuilding the equipment company my grand father let run down. So far, I think it is going well. He's at the shed, the work yard, by 6 a.m. so he can be home around three, when I get home from school The only time we all get to see each other is on weekends. Those are precious times for all of us.

Since mom's a nurse, everything has to be spotlessly clean and fresh so our kitchen has a grout-less, ceramic floor; the counter tops are granite and the cabinets, a simple, contemporary style are, what else, white. The eating table, is in the bay window that looks out to the back yard; it's wrought iron with a glass top.

Dad read the notice board which lists the meals for the week. Tonight's was one of our favorites: Crisp green salad, her famous thick pea soup with cheddar croutons and hot dogs, sliced down the middle and filled with cheddar cheese.

"You warm up the soup and I'll put the dogs together. The salad is in the frig," dad said.

I got the place mats and plates out to set the table. While, as a family, living in a somewhat remote area, we are comfortable being around the house naked or nude---(the difference `tween these later) with the one strange requirement that we had to have at least shorts on while at the table. I loved seeing him casually working at the counter and bending over to get into the frig., buck naked.

I always tried to get home before he did so I could sit in the powder room and watch him through the crack in the door as he stripped out of his work cloths and tossed them into the hamper. His jock strap, support, was the last thing to go into the hamper and then he'd pull his cock and balls, freeing them from their confinement of the day. He was well hung as I later learned by seeing other men, nude. His soft, full balls hung loose and free, down as long as his cock. As he strode toward the workout bench they swayed from side to side and when he bent over ya could really see how long, soft, and beautiful they were.

On the way up to bed, I'd switch yesterday's jock strap with todays and be able to sniff and suck on it as I went to sleep.

"Stop day dreaming, (I was staring at him) and pour the soup", he said taking the dogs from the micro wave, a new appliance for us when we remodeled the kitchen and bath rooms.

I pored the soup and we sat down and bowed our heads in thanks---me for the safety of Bud `n Sis and for all that had happened that day---especially the last few hours.

We both started at the same time to ask questions about what, where and why we'd gotten into piss. I'd always known I could ask mom or dad anything, at any time and be assured I'd get a straight, no bull-shit answer but there still were doubts about how to bring up this subject. This is what I told dad:

When I was in the children's hospital two years ago, with a ¾ body cast and my legs spread apart so they could pull one leg out of it's under developed socket, to fix that hip, I had to lay on my back and use a bed pan and urinal bottle to go to the bath room. I hated the bedpan `cause I wouldn't wipe myself and an orderly had to do it. I held off as long as I could until I got constipated. That's when they gave me laxatives that made more of a mess and I was even more embarrassed.

The urinal bottle was another thing. I enjoyed the cold steel bottle and the way it warmed up between my legs as I peed into it. Then came the smell. I pulled the sheet over my head so I could enjoy the aroma. Things developed from there. I got to sniffing the other bottles on the cart the orderly had collected from the ward. There were twelve bottles on the cart because I always took so long that I was the orderlies last stop. I could tell the difference between them but not which boy it had come from.

Over the course of a year I got to tasting by putting my fingers in first my bottle and then into the others. Over the year it developed into tasting it and even to saving small amounts of it in the paper pill cups that came around with each food tray. It took another year but by the time I was released, I was up to drinking at least one paper cup of pee a day. The first thought of shock, discuss, was replaced with anticipation. There sure was a big difference in the various bottles but I was never able to tell who's it was.

Over the same time I accidentally got poop on my fingers and tried to sniff, taste that, but that was really disgusting and I didn't go there any more.

For a while, after I'd gotten home, things were fine and I'd forgotten about pee PISS but this past year I had an urgent need to go in the shower and just let go right there. The aroma brought back that urge and before I finished pissing, I was bringing hand fills of piss up to my nose and mouth. The next day I sat down in the shower and pissed up and into my mouth, being sure that I didn't drink any more than a paper cup full.

Once I asked mom if peeing on the plants in the garden would kill them and she said no but that it could spread germs. Babies wet diapers and boys have accidents in their pants and nothing bad happens to them but she added that urine belongs in the toilet and that was the end of that conversation

Dad got back into the conversation by added,

"Well, as usual your mom is right, but I have to add that drinking your own urine is perfectly safe. Ma hot ma Gandi and Bruce Willis drink their own piss regularly; and it's even mentioned in the Bible. (II Kings 18:27 and Isa. 36:12. Dung, shit, is mentioned a whopping 28 times.

"I've been drinking mine for years but the thing I like most about it is the sportsmanship of it--- I'll show you later---and the taste. To me it is THE most refreshing taste in the world. A brew will last you half an hour or so but a cup of piss can last hours. I know, I have a bottle of it in my rig every day. Sometimes I drink it all; other times just to smell it."

I couldn't believe we were having such a frank, open conversation about a subject that most people would find revolting. And just the sight of sitting across from my naked dad and seeing through the glass top table, his cock and balls just hanging over the edge of his chair, pushed me over the edge and I just followed my instinct. I reached for my dick and tried to aim it toward him but shot an ark of piss up to the under side of the glass. It was interesting to watch it slide around and drip to the tile floor.

He smiled deviously, showing his bright white teeth, and reached for his cock and shot a full blast of golden man fluid under the table, right into my crotch. I just giggled and grinned in appreciation.

I had more questions but the most urgent one was, "How soon can we do it again?"

And with that dad made a move I've never been able to forget. With his left elbow on the glass top table, he leaned back and spun his chair around and away from the table, on one leg. When it landed squarely on the floor, he spread his legs straight out and as far apart and they would go. He slid forward a bit and with his cock in his hand, flipping it up and down against his stomach; he grinned saying,

"It's here for you, anytime, any where, you want it. Ya don't have to ask permission; just reach for it and take it. I'll give you all I have."

And by the time he'd finished saying that, I leaped from my chair, sending it crashing to the floor and slid on my knees between his legs. I stopped short, just gawking at the wonder directly in front of me. He'd stopped playing with it. It just hung there, slightly pulsating, all the magnificent 7 inches of it. It was as thick as the bananas on the counter only completely straight. Its head was just barely showing through the quantity of foreskin.

There were several large purple-blue vanes, curved like snakes on the length of it. The aroma was intense. The excitement of the day had brought out the full odor of manliness. The dried piss from earlier help also. The stench was richer than any from his jock strap.

He broke the gawking silence by saying, "It's OK, you can touch it, examine it, play with it. I do it all the time. Pull the skin back and watch Dick's fire helmet head pop out.

"Every one in our family is uncircumcised at my request. Mom says it's healthier, cleaner, being circumcised but then she's never had the pleasure of playing with it as you drop off to sleep.

" It also protects the cock head and makes it more sensitive to the touch of a mouth or vagina when making love. Exposed cock heads become so tight being rubbed by underwear and pants that they don't react much at all."

Finally, my utter most dream had become a reality. I was able to touch and feel dad's prick. Gently I lifted it away from his balls by putting my thumb under it and a couple of my fingers around the top of it. It was much heavier than I'd thought. I could feel any weight at all with mine. And it felt very springy; a lot like the snake in the science lab in school only this was much thicker. As I pushed the skin back, sure enough, the cock head just leaped forward as though it WAS a snake making a strike.

I'd never seen the slit in a cock head. It was much longer, wider, more apparent than I would have thought. It was vertical; not the single hole I'd thought it would be. (I'd later learned the things that can be put in that slot). And the amount of curve in the helmet also amazed me; it stood out, away from the shaft, like the marshmallows we'd shove on a thick stick while toasting them over a camp fire.

Dad was very patient as I explored but he did inject that I didn't have to be that gentle,

"It won't break; you've seen me whip it around and it feels good doing that. Dickey like being smacked around a little," and with that he covered my hand and yanked the skin all the way back to his groin and it seemed to get much larger, firmer.

All of a sudden there was no excess fore skin. From the base of the cock head there was an inch or so of almost transparent skin covering that section of his piss hose. It was very pink as apposed to the rest of his skin which by comparison was much browner, more freckled and vainy.

He released his hold and let me take back control of what I wanted to do with it. I followed his lead and pushed and pulled his skin back and forth, even twisting it around on the shaft. In the process, while focusing on his prick, I noticed that his massive balls were jumping up and down over the edge of the seat. First one would seem longer than the other and then they'd switch and the other would seem longer. While still firmly holding this cock in one hand, I reached for his balls with my left hand. I could only hold one at a time and that one full the palm of my hand. It too, was incredibly soft and supple, and felt like a water balloon partially filled with water. I let it roll and slip over the side of my hand and just bounce when fully extended as I reached for the other one. I pulled them out from the edge of the seat and watched as the swung backward and forward like a tree swing. Dad had a lot of thick black hair around his groin and his balls have a lot of hairs on them also. The smell was intoxicating.

It was so much fun that I forgot my real intent and that was to have him piss on and in me. I let go of his balls and looked up at him. He was smiling as he looked down at me and said,

"Ready for the royal juice? Wanna taste some more of your dad golden piss?"

My throat was so dry with excitement that all I could do was grin and nod my head `yes'.

It was just a dribble at first so I'd get into the proper position and not miss a drop. The first shot hit my face and as I opened my mouth as wide as I could he began to piss in earnest. It was SOOOOO rich and powerful and warm. I wanted to just let it collect in my mouth but so much was coming that I just had to gulp it down and gulp it down I did. Then he guided my hand so the spray would hit my chest and spread all over my young body.

In a moment he stopped and stood up, saying, "There are lots of ways of enjoying piss. There is an art to the delivery. Let me demonstrate a couple of different way of delivering and receiving piss. Lay back on the floor."

I did and it felt great relieving the pressure of my legs as I sat on them and as my knees kneeled on the tile floor. Dad stood with his feet touching my feet. His first shot hit my groin directly and it felt strangely wonderful. I could hear it splashing off and spreading to the floor. His next shot was to my belly button and then on to my chest. The last shot made a tremendous ark. I could see it as though it was in slow motion. It left his cock head, made this rainbow of an arc and landing directly into my wide open mouth.

"There's accuracy involved in all of this and it takes time to achieve it but the effort is well worth the achieved skill. One of my friends can line plastic cups along a counter and knock them over with individual shots of piss, while standing three feet away. I'm good but not that good and with a long pause add...yet."

I thought he was through but his last demonstration was standing directly over my head, with his feet against my ears. I was a bit disorientated as I'd never seen a body from this position. It all looked so strange and out of focus but then, as I gasped for air at the excitement of this, a very forceful waterfall of rich piss was shot into my mouth. It made a loud gurgling sound as I attempted to swallow it.

I just laid there, wallowing in the slim of all this. Being my first, it is also my most memorable sight of being feed piss.

After a few moments of contemplation, my dad stood by my side and reached for my arm to lift me from the floor, saying

"You've had all the fun of being a receiver. Now it's my turn. I want to drink you piss and have you piss on me."

He dropped to his knees and simply sucked my cock into his mouth. It felt so warm, soft yet textureous. It only took me a moment and I was able to piss directly into his body. That was a first. There was no sight, very little sound, of pissing. It almost felt like he was sucking me dry rather than me pissing into him. He gulped away, moaning with pleasure at the act of drinking his young son's body fluids.

When he pulled away, I stopped. He lay back on the tile and asked me to piss all over him.

"Don't worry about the accuracy. That'll come with practice. I just want to feel your piss hitting me all over."

I did. I started as he had, in the groin and then just moved along the length of his body, never stopping the flow of piss until I too, stood right over his head and let the last of my piss drop down, directly into his waiting mouth.

There was another few moments of silent contemplation and then he stood up and put both his arms around me in a tight bear hug, saying

"You are remarkable. I can't tell you how much I've wanted to do this and how much pleasure you have and will be giving me.

"Now it's time to clean this mess up. Its one thing to mess around in the garage but this is you mother palace and if she any whiff of what we've been up to, all HELL will break loose and that will be the end of everything.

"Clean this up but don't overdue the Lysol or ammonia. That smell will last to long and she'll be home in just a few hours. Use just a lot of suds and clean it up good, while I clear the table and put the dishes in the washer.

"Bring me a brew and a drink for yourself; I'll be on the sofa, watching tonight's game," and he headed toward the family room making a stop in the john on his way.

Even as I got down to clean the floor, my eyes followed his bare ass as it followed—chased after—the most marvelous cock and balls I'd ever seen. And I thought to myself: `he's one hell-of-good-looking man and he's my dad, my personal trainer!'

I did a very thorough job and carefully put all the cleaning supplies away. I grabbed a beer and pop from the frig and anxiously headed toward my dad who was in his favorite corner of the corduroy sofa. I could see his feet spread apart, way out in front of him----repeating the demonstration position he'd made while on the kitchen chair. He had moved the long plank coffee table so there would be room, clearance. That was good to see as it meant that he was anticipating more action just as I was. My heart was pounding as I approached the sofa and held out a beer.

"Well done; Thanks," as he took the cold beer and popped the can.

"Not a very important game. Besides, there are a few things that didn't get said at the dinner table," as he guided me by my arm to sit down next to him.

I usually sat in the recliner at the other end of the sofa and we'd both put our feet up on the coffee table. Dad's a very vocal sports enthusiast and can be heard from the outside, screaming, yelling, about the game on TV. I hadn't been that close to him in many years but now that I was right next to him, lying with my head on his thigh, it was gonna be my favorite position.

He put his arm on my chest, almost playing with nips that weren't there. His left hand was playing with his cock and balls. I had one leg off the edge of the sofa and my other one bent up, exposing my cock `n balls.

What a fuckin' fantastic scene this was. I was breath-ing deeply with the excitement, thrill, of what was happening and how we were touching one another.

He turned the sound way down and began with,

"THE most remarkable thing has just happened to us. As much as I'd fanaticized about how this might come about, I never thought it would all happen so fast, so easily. For what ever reason, while I helped Bud develop his body and admired it, any slight attempt to tell him about his sexuality were simply not accepted. Mom says that I went to fast, to early and that I wasn't around when a more appropriate moment or appropriate moment appeared. She told him what he needed to know when he started dating.

"Your mom and I have always been sexually active and early on we both experimented with all sorts of sexual games. A few she liked; most she didn't like: urine being one of them. She says she gets enough of the odor in the hospital. Now that she works the night shift and I work the early shift, we don't have as much time or opportunity for sex; just the weekends." "I know. Even though my room is at the end of the hall, I hear a lot of what's going on and she really seems to be enjoying herself. You hardly ever make a sound, especially how loud to get with the TV."

"Sorry about that. We thought we'd gotten that under control. I'll have to remind her that you might still be awake."

"No need to change on my account. Now that I know why and what's going on, I'm OK with what you two want to do," I added, while turning on my side to get a better look at his tool.

"Thanks anyway; but because of situation I think it best---no, it's imperative—that we keep all of this to our selves. So the RULES, at this point, are:

What goes on between us in this house, stays between us and in this house. UNDERASTOOD?

"Yes sir."

"Don't need to call be sir; I'm you father, dad not your master though there are guys out there who would like being called that."

"You never lie, especially to your mother. As you know, lies get you all tripped up and you can never remember what you've lied about but you can always remember truly the way things happened. Ya just don't have to go into details about our `training sessions.'

(That was the first time I'd heard that term and it excited me. My dad was gonna be my personal trainer and it wasn't just to build up my body the way he did with Bud's)

"Another major thing: Never, never, mention anything about this to your friends. I know it's a temptation to share your new found pleasures BUT the word gets quickly spread around and even up to authorities like teachers, principals, etc. And they have their own set of moral standards. Unfortunately most of them are not in agreement with mine, ours.

"As simple a thing as being comfortable around the house, naked or nude, drives others to think of those who live like that, are perverts or unfit parents. That's why mom has Caftans at each door, just in case a delivery man comes.

For those who don't know, Caftans are a Turkish full length robe with slits in the sides for arms and one across the top for your head. If you were to fold a sheet in half, slice a T shape hole in the fold and then sew up ¾'s of the sides, you'd slip it over your head, your arms through the sides and be able to walk around in complete freedom. Ours have the additional advantage of being in silk which makes them feel wonderful. They are also slit down the front for easier access to manly parts. Mom wears hers all the time around the house.

While I'm in the explaining mood, this is the explanation between naked and nude: Naked is completely without clothing.

Nude come from the French art of the prudish Victorian era when Naked ladies in paintings could not be hung in public galleries so the artist put a black velvet ribbon around her heck, showing her nude or with something on.

Continuing the rules:

Along with telling no one about this, comes the other emphatic rule NOT to do this with anyone else.

While you're young and safe, as you develop others will also develop and not be completely honest with what they do or don't do. Mom explained that to Bud and Sis, about contracting gonorrhea and syphilis when fooling around unprotected.

And there certainly is to be NO one in the house or around when we `TRAIN'. (I'll explain later and give you plenty of notice when this one particular rule might be bent.)

And two more very important rules: There are two locks that must be in place when we `work-out': the sliding bolt in the overhead door and the dead bolt on the side door.

AND you will NEVER be asked to do anything you don't want to do or enjoy doing. Just because most of us are older you do not have to do sexual things you do not want to do or enjoy doing. At any point in the training the only thing you have to do is say NO or UNCLE and without question the action will stop, immediately.

But the best, easiest rule to follow is that My piss is available to you any time, anywhere, any how you want it and the same goes for me. I may have a need to take an early morning piss as I leave for work. When you feel something soft against your lips, just open up and be prepared to swallow."

"OH, I'll always be ready for you, dad. I want all you can give me: any time, any where, I'm there for you," and with that he removed his arm and I slid off the sofa and down between his legs.

"Oh that's my boy; ready and willing even with out asking. Just one thing about this position, ya gotta put it in your mouth and close your lips around it so that none of it spills out and onto the sofa. There's more than enough time to splash around in it when we're in the workout area.

"Ya can hold it and by pressing your thumb against the bottom of my hose, ya can control the amount of flow. Ya can swallow much easier and get much more that way."

He smacked his long, limp cock across my face and then let me take control of it. The smack was a surprise but I really liked it. Hoped he do that again.

Now I was willing and able to `bite' down on his cock and pull his skin way back. This was THE first time I gotten a penis in my mouth and it felt fantastic. My tongue moved around his cock head and dad moaned loudly and squeezed my head in both hands.

" we gooooooo!!!!!!!"

And with that he began the gently flow of piss directly into my mouth. I gulped eagerly, not wanting to spill any and anxious for the rest of what he had to offer. It was a lot and we took our sweet time delivering and receiving this golden nectar.

I got so comfortable with the process and felt so in control that my other hand reached for and found his nuts and began to pull and squeeze them. If the feeling of feeding me wasn't enough, the attack on his balls, sent him into a quivering mode and he really began to pull on my hair, yelling

"OH you are one fucking jewel of a son. DRINK it. DRINK it all from you daddy. POP your daddy's nuts---oh yea---OH YEEEAAA---OHYEAA!"

As he quivered and shook all over, he slid forward on the sofa unexpectedly ramming his cock to the back of my mouth, causing me to gag but knowing I had to keep my mouth tightly around that cock, I just had to bare the pain and just keep swallowing. It was a new sensation, feeling piss down my throat without the taste of it in my mouth.

I pinched him hard and cut off the supply. That brought him back to the present and while still sitting on the edge of the sofa, he bent or fell over me, crushing my head and face into his piss smelling groin. That too was a sensation I'll never forget: being smothered in a man's foul smelling, acid tasting, most private parts.

It took several silent minutes for both of us to come down but we both simultaneously express thanks for what we'd just given each other.

My next question was, "What about you? Don't you get to taste my piss? Don't I get a chance to empty my bladder into you?"

"You sure can but let's get to a more protected place. How about we go up to the master shower and get you cleaned up so that when mom comes in to kiss you good night or good morning, you won't smell like a urine bottle."

And with that I stood up, turned, and raced toward the stairs. He was right behind me, scooting me on by smacking my tender, young, ass cheeks with his coarse working hands. The remodeled shower was spacious enough for two or three people to use it at the same time. Interestingly the shower and one toilet were in a separate area. It was just over three feet wide and the full width of the bathroom—maybe 10 feet. The glass door was on the entrance to this area; there was no actual door on the shower end. Ya could actually sit on the toilet and get sprayed by the shower thought I don't think the water would go that far.

The water was forceful from the corner nozzles that inspired the use of them in the garage workout area. He handed me the shampoo and we both began to lather up. He pulled my back to him, reached over my shoulders and began to lather my cock and balls. I could feel the bulk of his cock `n balls against my back. As the lather washed away, he kneeled down, spun me around, facing away from the spray, and sucked my tiny cock into his mouth. I knew exactly what to do and really had to piss, so I just let go. He gulped it all down as quickly as I could deliver. His hands were all over my back, squeezing and massaging it. When he had a hand on each ass cheek he slipped his index finger or thumb up and down the crack and popped one of them into my ass hole. That was a shock and sent me to a ridged, up right position, just as I finished giving him all I had.

"OOOOHHHH that was soooo gooood. I'm really gonna like having you available all the time. You're one SWEET tasting drinking fountain."

We lathered other parts of our bodies and my hands found their way through his very hairy chest and on to each nipple. I had no idea they'd be this soft or this large. They were sticking out enough for me to get a thumb on one side and a finger on the other. They were amazingly soft and pliable.

To follow his lead, I reached around and tried to find the crack in his ass cheeks. That I found, easily, but I couldn't reach around enough to get my hands between them and certainly get a thumb or finger up his hole.

He turned off the shower and we reached for the large `beach' towels that he'd pulled from the linen closet. It only took a minute to dry ourselves off. Then he surprised me by lifting me up and over his head, carrying me to my room. I felt like an airplane flying through the air. I stretched out my arms, touching the side walls. At the door he turned sideways and whisked me right through the door and then tossed me through the air and I landed on my bed with a bounce.

"Now get right to sleep. Don't want you thinking about all the wonderful things we've accomplished today and wind up being awake when your mom comes in to kiss you good night."

"It'll be hard, but I'll try."

His statuesque figure was dark in the doorway against the bright light of the hall. He turned and almost in a whisper said,

"You've made me the happiest, proudest, man in the world today, son. Good night. Love ya."

"Ditto, dad! Love ya back. Good night.

  • + +


Mom at breakfast telling her about the good talk I had with dad.

Next: Chapter 3: Training Sessions with My Dad 3

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