Training the military studs- introduction

By Master Primus

Published on Jan 23, 2021


Hi there. Didn't proofread the chapter so apologise for that. I wanna know your feedback so that story can be continued. Do donate nifty to get yourself wet every night and enjoy reading.

Chapter 10

Mark picked me up at exactly 10 am and we arrived at the police station at 10:30 am. I was so excited to see Colt. I following Mark who talked to a deputy. Colt was the chief of the department. The deputy took us to his office. He knocked at the door.

"Sir two men wanted to see you. They said they know you", the deputy told him and asked for the permission which was granted. I heard a manly voice calling us in. We entered the room and on my right was sitting chief inspector Colt Ralston staring at me with bewildered expressions. He was looking sexy in his uniform. His beard has grown big that made him look even more hot. I was smiling cunningly at the beast, taking respective chairs we sat in it.

"Hello inspector Colt. You probably know this boy here. I told you I ll get him soon to see you and today I have brought him with me", Mark pointed at me. "He is Alex, the one you tried to hurt physically", I could saw a notion of terror in Colt's eyes. My planning had been successful. Mark had wisely inculcated my fear in the stud's mind that's why despite of his reputation and his massive built he sat quietly. Mark told me that Colt was notorious for using his authority and position for his advantage but now I had his control. "Won't you say something Mr. Ralston?", Mark mocked him. "I...", Colt parted his lips to say something but I cut him out. "Mark I think Mr. Colt is not feeling comfortable talking in your presence. Will you give us some privacy so that we can discuss in detail?", I asked him too politely to be real. "Oh! Yeah Alex, sure. I ll give you all the privacy you need", Mark stood up. "It's so nice of you", I appreciated him. "I'm waiting for you outside. Take your time and believe me Colt won't disappoint", he looked at Colt menacingly and left the room. There was complete silence in the room, we both stared at each other. My gaze was disturbing him so he began to look around acting all clumsy. I was getting amused seeing the hulk getting disturbed in my presence. "So Mr. Ralston", I moved forward putting my hands on the table. "As you know you had done an unforgivable crime and I have a proof of that as well. So now will you tell me your fate or should I decide it?", I smirked at him, his facial expressions clearly showed how anxious he was. There was fear of loosing the job. "Does your wife know about it?", His eyes widened. There was fear of loosing the property as well. If his wife divorces him she ll get his house as compensation and he would come on road. Colt bit his lower lip in frustration and stood up from his chair. His 6'5 hulking frame was looking at me with helplessness and defeat. He walked around and come to me. He was standing motionless. "What will you do now Mr. Ralston?", I asked him.

"Please Mr. Alex I'm really sorry for what have I done to you. I really am. Don't tell my wife or the authorities about it", my cock tented in my pants quickly as the giant suddenly stooped down on his knees and touched my legs. His face and the fear in his eyes were so arousing to me. I knew I had him but I never expected him to surrender to me in such a humiliating way. I had never felt such amazing surge of dominance running through my body. Just imagine a giant man stooping down in front of you in defeat begging for forgiveness willing to do anything for you. It's intoxicated. There was smile of conquest on my face. I patted his face like you do with a child and mingled my hand in his beard. He was mine now. This 6'5 beast was mine to own.

"Stand up Colt", I said politely and he stood up. I rubbed my thighs signalling him to sit down on my lap. He hesitated cuz it was so humiliating for a man like him to sit on a lap of a kid like me. But he had no other option left. He stepped forward and slowly sat in my lap in such a position that we both were directly eye to eye. He couldn't stand more and turned his face down in shame.

"Look at me Colt. This is your fate from now on", my words hit him like a stone. He looked at me in disbelief. His confidence was shattered, his authority had been taken away and now he was lost. He had lost everything, his dignity, his honour, his power and himself.

"Kiss me", I said authoritatively. He looked shock and I knew the reason very well. He was not gay. He was not into men, he was a pedophile. He liked abusing twinky girls and boys (like me) but not at all he was gay. He was a straight man who was married and had a kid.

"Mr. ---", "Call me Sir", as he opened his lips to resist me I cut him off. He clenched his teeth in disgrace but couldn't do anything. "Ss... Sir..I don't kiss", he was pleading me not to order him that. "Colt I own you from now. You ll do what I say. You have no choice of your own as I ll make all the choices for you. If you obey me like a good boy I won't have to take extreme measures", I pulled him over by his long beard and he quickly realised what I meant by that. He already had seen the video of me fucking Mark. He gulped down his throat in fear of I would do the same with him. He definitely didn't want that. Mark had fucked him and he was already confused whether he liked it or not so he could not afford to get his cherry wrecked by me. He moved forward and pressed his lips against mine gently. He opened his mouth and suck my lips. He was a good kisser, I liked that. He was gentle and slowly sucking my lips. I moved my hands over his broad back and then to his big biceps. I was feeling the heat of his body that was making me hard like rock. Colt must have felt the tent underneath him that's why he jiggled his fuck able ass. I put my hands on his jiggly bum and gave it a squeeze which made him suck me even more. Our salivas were mixing and body heat transferring to each other. I spanked his bum twice or thrice and he made a hiss sound. I then broke the kiss and stare at his intoxicated face. "You kiss really good Colt", I was still playing with his ass which I ll fuck soon.

"I'm not done with you Colt. You will come and spent the whole night with me at my place. Got it?", "But what will I say to my wife?", He asked baffled. "Not my headache Colt", I smiled. I stood up and rubbed his head. "I ll send you my address and details of some stuff you ll buy before arriving", I took his mobile, signaled him to unlock his mobile and saved my number. "Good bye cop", I bade him bye and left him in daze and humiliation. I was feeling so aroused by this meeting.

"Fuck...", Colt was taken aback. He had to follow me as he had no choice now. He had lost to a fucking kid. He, whose name is enough to shake anyone has been taken down by a mere twenty years old kid and he could do nothing, nothing at all. He could only imagine the worse that could happen in his life next.

"It is my treat folks", I was in heaven tonight as I received the call letter from the college. I have passed the test and the only thing left was a stupid interview and then classes would start from next week. So I decided to take Mark and Greg along with me to celebrate in my regular bar. "I knew you would pass Alex", Greg is the guy who is always optimistic about life. I was glad I had a company of people who are so supportive and encouraging. "Make three drinks", I gave the order. "When is college commencing?", Mark asked me. "Next week", I replied hurling my arms in theirs. My two hot studs were aside me like my guards. In a quick glance I saw someone. I thought it to be my imagination and ignored it. Why would he be here? We grabbed drinks and cheered. Several men were peeping on our group. Mark and Greg were so handsome that every guy would drool over them. But they are my men and only I can stare at them. And again I saw him. It was really him. I was surprised to see him. He was alone sitting in a corner with a glass of drink in his hand. He was wearing a mustard color shirt and khaki pants. "Hey guys enjoy yourself, I ll come back in a minute?", I informed them. "But where are you going?", Greg asked me concerned. "On a hunt", I said with a crafty look and went to the black beast sitting in front of me. "Hello proctor?", I greeted that captain who saved me from Liam the other day. He was lost in himself when he came out of his thoughts and stuttered to see me. "He..llo....o", he was clearly not expecting me. "I didn't expect you here proctor", I said with a shrewd smile sitting alongside him. "I don't go to bars and clubs often but today I thought to pay a visit", captain Lucas looked seriously disturbed to see me and put a fake smile on his face. "Don't worry proctor. I won't tell anybody", I said slyly. "So are you enjoying yourself?", I asked him and he nodded in positive. "That's great proctor. Wanna have a drink?", I asked again. " No, I already had one", he smiled. "So ...what are you doing here....what was your name again?", He tried to remember. "I never told you. Btw I'm Alex", I talked in a civilised way possible. It was my hunting time and a hunter must made such impression that it could trap his prey. "Oh I forgot. I'm Lucas, captain Lucas.", his stunning smile allured me. "Captain Lucas....What are you doing here captain? It seems you are into men as well?", I asked making fun. "Well, I can't lie now. Yes I'm into men and I had come here to find someone to spend some time", he winked. "Did you find any?", I asked. "Not yet but...I guess I would soon", I understood where the conversation was going. He was hitting on me. "You ll find someone who agrees with your thoughts and cares about you captain or maybe have found one ...and you only need to make your move", I also gave him the signal which he understood. He was an intelligent man. He looked thirty or thirty-five. He was wearing a tight fitting shirt that was highlighting his muscular curves and pecks with two pointed knobs tenting his shirt. He put his hand over mine and patted it delicately. We both were staring and he smiled feeling the lust for him in my eyes. "Why did you smile?", I asked confused. "Are you....interested", He wanted to confirm. "Hmm....if you ask me then you are beautiful", I really admired this black beauty. Lucas threw a surprise look at me and as quickly as he looked at me he turned his face with the same speed like if he didn't want to express himself. We didn't say anything. I looked at the guys who were staring and giggling at me. I got annoyed and raised my middle finger without Lucas. "Hey ..", Lucas responded and I clumsily smiled at him. "Yes", I said paying ears to him. "I want to know....what kind of men you prefer?", He asked hesitantly. I was surprised that a confident and authoritative stud like him was behaving so shy. "I...hmm...I like muscular, confident, tall and dominant men", I told him my traits of interest in a man. " you must be a bottom then?", He smiled but I don't know why he kinda look disappointed. I grinned and placed my hand on his. He gave an inquisitive look. "I'm a total top", his eyes widened at my response. With his tall muscular looks he must be a top himself but his reaction and response were confusing to me. "Oh I see", he smiled diffidently again. "Have you ever tried bottoming?", I asked him making my move thinking about his ass being rammed by my cock. The stud's virgin (presumably) ass would be ruined soon. I was plotting various ways to dominate this guy.

"Yes...I have", Lucas said hesitantly leaving me shocked. "What??? This guy is a bottom?", I thought as my jaws dropped but I hide my surprised expressions. Here I was planning to dominate him but my prey was himself inviting me to hunt him down. "Interesting qualify on my list of preference well", we both were smiling at each other. "You saying me "captain" ..arousing me", he came closer and whispered. I was hard myself and couldn't wait to fuck him. I laughed at his response, we both were getting comfortable with each other. "You don't seem like a bottom", I said. "I know. Even I realised it late that I was not feeling the excitement anymore. I was developing a strange desire to...bottom", Lucas was sharing his thoughts and I was listening him carefully. "So when did you bottom?", I asked. "Previous year, I had only two interactions where I bottomed. You see they don't allow you that", there was disappointment in his voice. "Who they?", I asked and he looked surprised. "I told you more than you should learn ll get to know it when time is right", the mystery was killing me but I didn't force him. "When I saw you the other day naked with Liam, I was aroused.", He smiled. "It seems you like weak young boys", I mocked him with the intention of making him realise that he wants to submit to younger boys. "I are right.", He agreed to me. "Have you done it with someone younger than you?", I asked him. He nodded his head in a no. "Never got any opportunity", he said. "But you get aroused by boys. Right?", I pressed on to my words. He looked at me I was smiling. "Yes...", He accepted. "Wanna try it right now", I smiled cunningly and placed my hand on his tightening it. We were eyeing each other. Lucas's heart was pounding really heart and blood rushed to his dick making it hard. He got an opportunity and he should avail that. Rarely he got any chance like that before.

I couldn't control myself anymore and held him by his collar pulling him closer. He was looking confused. I pulled him forward and kissed him. His hands pressed on the table when I pulled him. I expected him to put a little fight but he didn't. He was responding to my sensual lock on his lips. Mark and Greg, who were standing watching me, spit the drink out in bewilderment as they saw me kissing him. I was sucking and biting Lucas's lips erotically. Even two guys standing close by were giving us lustful stares and start rubbing their dicks. I broke the kiss and looked at baffled Lucas who was also staring at me. "Everybody is watching us, let's go and have some privacy.", I grabbed his arm and took the dumbfounded stud with me to the bathroom. Lucas was surprised and confused but he wanted it badly. He didn't resist toe at all. Mark and Greg were watching me shocked as we left for the bathroom.

I slammed opened the bathroom door and closed it behind slamming captain Lucas to the door and unbuttoning his shirt. "Hey wait..", he must have realised something and resisted but I was hard and leaking seeing his washboard abs and bulging pecks. I totally ignored him and striped his shirt open. "You are so beautiful", I grabbed his face and stared in his eyes. Luca's heart was racing high. He wanted to go with he flow but something was stopping him from following his desires. I kissed him so that he could break his all resistances and grabbed his meaty nipples in between my index finger and thumb. "Mffffff", Lucas hissed. I see his nipples are sensitive, his weak spots. I squeezed them gently in between my fingers and but his lower lip keeping him on the verge of pleasure. He was gradually putting his shame aside and was giving up. I rotated his nipples hard and his opened his mouth to moan. I was clung to his body so I could feel his cock tenting that drive me crazy as well. I just wanna turn this sexy military man around and take his cherry. He responded to my kiss passionately under the areolar stimulation. I was enjoying the feeling of his large nipples on his meaty chest. I moved downwards kissing his dark skin passionately. " feels so good", captain Lucas was moaning. I smooched his right peck and sucked his large knob if meat. "Mffffffff", he hissed in ecstasy. I nibbled his nipple and chewed it with my hand tweaked his other nipple. I could feel his heart beating faster and chest panting. He loves playing with his nipples. His body was shivering feeling the waves of pleasure. "Alex...oh God", he moaned high this time as my teeth ground his nipple. I moved to the other nipple, making it wet with saliva and nibbling it harder. I wanted to dominate captain completely. "Holy shit...fuckk..ahhhh", captain Lucas moaned like he had not been with anyone for a long time. His body was on heat and all he needed was a release. His crotch was presenting am huge tent. I unbuckled his pants with my hand and unzipped it pulling it down. He noticed that but did nothing. His briefs gave a huge bulge. I could just imagine the length of his manhood. I traveled down kissing his rockhard abs, his nipples locked by my fingers twisting them hard. I filled his ____ with my tongue and tingled it properly. He couldn't stand the tingling sensations MD pressed me down with his hand. I was on his crotch. I pulled his underwear down with my teeth and was surprised to see the length of his hard on. The black dude has a proud 9 inch cock. I liked from bottom to his top and he shivered in pleasure. "Ohhhhhh...fuckkkk...yes", he was rubbing his cock against my tongue. "It is so amazing", captain Lucas cried out. I took his large dick in between my hands and rubbed it like a dough. "Ohhhh", I pressed it a little harder from bottom to top and he erupted his precum when I reached the tip. "Fuck..uhhhhhh", he pressed on my shoulders hard controlling his orgasm. "I ll shoot kid", he warned me. I left his cock and stood up and kissed him again slamming him against the door taking his arms up exposing his clean armpits. I took my tongue in his mouth and rolled over his tongue. Our salivas mixed together. I was dominating the hot black hunk. His dick was throbbing down. I pinned his arms with one hand and took another behind his back to explore his hole. My hand was moving down and patted his ass. He wriggled in response. I parted his ass cheeks apart and slid my middle finger against his ass crack. As my finger tried to enter his pucker he broke the kiss. "Wait....I don't know...tchh...If I can do it", he said with mix of defeat and fatigue. "Hey....what happened?", I asked concerned. "Alex...tch", he was hiding something and couldn't tell it. "Is there any problem?", I took his face in my hands and asked him with a direct eye contact. He was silent as if thinking whether to tell me or not. "You can tell me captain?", His cock twitched again. "When I did it before....", He paused. "Yes...I'm listening", I motivated him. " hole is really...tight", he spit it turning his face down in embarrassment. "Is that it?", I was confused. I have fucked really tight holes before like Liam and Jason. Those two had the tightest holes ever. "You don't understand Alex", he had a fear in his eyes. "Captain listen to me", I turned his face towards me", he looked at me. "When you did it before, did you enjoy?", I asked him and he nodded his head. "You will enjoy it today as well and I promise I won't hurt you how much tight you are", I didn't expect that a tough looking guy has such an innocent heart. It was kinda cute. Captain continued staring at me. "I....don't know", he was still hesitant. "Ok captain...I won't do it unless you are ready. I want you to enjoy it. Despite the face my cock is throbbing to feel you, despite the fact I cannot control myself, I won't do it, just for you", I don't know but I felt he had put his trust in me and I didn't want to fuck him just for my satisfaction. Usually I'm not like that but for captain, I was becoming so lenient. I stepped backwards and waited for him to dress up and then we can leave. But he pulled me towards himself by my arm. "Do you really want that bad?", He asked me seeing directly into my eyes. "Not beyond your comfort level", I was s close to him that my breath was hitting his face. He looked surprised and smiled. "Then proceed kid", he said smiling. "Do you mean it?", I want the confirmation. "Yeah...go for my ass", he confirmed. My dick was throbbing upon listening his consent and I turned him around and again slammed him against the wall. "You like it hard kid. Don't you?", He said cockily. "Yes captain.", I grabbed his muscular as and pinned them against his wide back. Then I got on my knees and hurried my face in his ass. "Ahhh fuckkkk", he moaned. I inhaled the musky aroma from coming from his ass. Protruding my tongue into his crack I licked it giving him erotic sensations. I loved the fact that his body always shivers whenever his brain is hit by erotic waves of pleasure. My tongue penetrated his hole and his moans were driving me crazy. He was trying to wriggle his arms to feel the pleasure to full so I let them go. Captain aligned his muscular arms along the door and parted his legs to give me more access. I spanked his perfectly shaped juicy bubble ass hard and he moaned, "ohhhhhh", I spanked him again and he produced the same erotic moan. My tongue hit his anal sphincters and despite my struggles to penetrate his hole they didn't relax a bit. What a tight hole he had. I could only see of such holes. First Jason, then Liam and now captain Lucas. Two of them are the military hunks. Do all military studs possess such tight hole? I thought.

After giving so much try I gave up and tried to stretch it with my finger. I inserted my middle finger in him. "Fuck....ohhhhhh..ahhhhmmmmm.....ahhhh", captain tried to move up escaping my penetration but I pulled him down by his hard cock. I continued to jerk it down along with penetrating my finger in. I have to take it slow and steadily. I cannot hurt him that he runs away. I will not let that happen at all. I forced my finger slowly and his anus was responding to my penetration. I began tingling his slimy tight pussy with my finger that made his anal sphincters relax a little bit and it gave me chance to insert my second finger. " tight....mhhfff", such a tight hole captain has. Captain was writhing feeling a bit pain. His anal sphincters were tightened around my fingers. It was time to act harsh a bit so I clenched my hand against his massive ball sack and forced my fingers in rotating. The heat was asking I felt my fingers were in a kiln. "Alex...ahhhhhh...ohhhh...yeah....oh yeah....", I couldn't understand whether captain was writhing in pain or enjoying in pleasure. May be his brain was in such a state where even the pain was sending waves of pleasure to his body. I forced my fingers deep in. His hole was so tight that my fingers had not even traveled the entire length. They were half out. I jerked his cock hard and took him to the edge. "Ahhh...fuckkkk...yeah....fuck me.alex....ahhhhh", he was enjoying it. I just needed to travel a little bit more. "I'm gonna shoot", I stopped jerking him at once. Why couldn't he hold it? I forced my fingers with one tight blow and they were in. I stood up whispered in his ears. "Now I'm gonna stretch you captain. Do you like my penetration?", I asked him sensually nibbling his earlobe. "Yes....fuck yes kid", he said erotically feeling my fingers stretching his tight muscles. "Why your hole is so tight captain?", I asked randomly but the answer he gave shocked me. "It is because of that magical are amazing", my fingers stopped momentarily but I continued again taking my finger out and then fuck his tight pussy. "What magical water?", I asked him. This could be that "magical water" I got to know in that room on dark web. " is some sort of stupid water...I don't know much about it...let's focus on sex Alex", captain seemed to get annoyed. "As you wish captain", it would be bad if I pissed him off midst fucking him. So I left the topic and continued asking him slutty question which he answered him obediently. "Man my hole is on hurts really bad..but I'm loving it.", Captain was now forcing his hole on my fingers. "That's like my good stud", I whispered and bit him on his neck muscles. "Yeah...bite me kid fuck..", he was loving every inch of it. He could become the perfect slut just like Greg. I was smiling cunningly and gave his bubble butt a hard spank me he hissed as a result. "Wanna feel some pain captain?", I asked him forcing my fingers in and he shrieked. "Yes", he cried and I fucked his pussy with multiple hard blows with my fingers stretching his hole hard. Captain bent down expanding his bubble butt outwards that gave me full access to his hole deep. I swung my arm around his muscular chest and grabbed his left peck hard giving him pain and stretched his hole ruthlessly with my fingers. "Oh..kid...ahhh...ahhh..ahhhhhh.fuckk..yeahh..ahhhhh...ahhh", he was crying out louder with every plow. "Yes captain you are enjoying it don't you? You are almost ready to inseminate", I whispered in his ears. Captain Luca's eyes were filled with tears but he wanted more. He was euphoric. I took out my fingers and slide my dick against his hole. "What do you want captain?", I asked him teasing. "Come on kid....fuck me", he parted his ass cheeks to full moving backward on my cock. I spit on my a lot as it required and entered his tight hole. Despite my stretching, his hole was still giving me resistance. I strangled his neck and pulled him back. "Captain make your muscles relax", I had a strong grip on his wide neck and he did his best to relax his sphincter muscle until I was balls deep in him and as I rammed my six inches cock in his hole completely his anal sphincters constricted over my cock trapping me and again I felt I was in a hot cave full of lava. I pulled my dick out and fucked it in hard making his bubble butt and body shake. "Ohhhh...ahhh yeah...fuck it", he shouted and I slammed his ass harder. My sadistic side overcame and I who was planning to go slow began to hit his anus hard with multiple shots. "Ahhhh...ahhhh..ahhhh..ahhh", captain was panting, he was choking actually I left his neck and he bounced forward with against my powerful blows. Sweat had popped out and was flowing down my face. I forgot to tell you one thing I was fucking him full dressed while my captain was naked. Fucking muscular hot studs fully dressed up always drives me crazy. I was fucking his tight pussy balls deep with my hard cock. "I have...fucked... many pussies.... tightest captain", I said panting and sweating with drops of sweat dripping over his dark body. "I'm gonna inseminate you now captain", I whispered. "Fuck....go on kid", he gave me his consent and I continued my hard thrusts grabbing his big pectorals. "Fuck...I'm close captain", I shouted. "Me too kid....fuck the shit out of me. Make me cum..ugghhhhh", he responded wildly. He was lost in the realm of pure pleasure. "Urghhhhhh....fuckkkkkk....I'm....cumm...mminggggg", I shot loads after loads of my jizz in his tight hole. His anal sphincters were pressing against my throbbing cock and squeezed every drop of cum out of my dick. I had really not enjoyed this much in my life. I have fucked Greg, Mark, George, Liam but none gave me such pleasure. I also said this when I fuck Liam. I don't know I felt like I was stepping up in pleasure when ever I get to see a raw virgin ass.

I stoop over Captain's wide back like it was made for this purpose. We both were breathing relentlessly. My cock was still in the tight grip of Captain's tight anal sphincters. After five minutes we came back to our senses and I pulled my cock out with a plop from his hole. "Ohhh", he moaned as well. His pucker contracted and my juice remained inside him. I smiled at this humiliation of my captain.

"Fuck are a beast. None has fucked me like this and I have never enjoyed even when topping others", he zipped up his pants and completed me. I grabbed him by the collar and again pressed my lips against his. "I want to fuck you again captain", I whispered. "I can wait for next time, Alex", he kissed me himself this time and as we opened the door we were surprised to see three to five men standing jerking their dicks. They must have been hearing us out. Captain was embarrassed and we quickly came to the hall. "I had amazing time with you after so long kid", captain Lucas looked really happy. "I'm glad I could help you captain", I took him to Mark and Greg who were chuckling. "Meet Greg and Mark captain", I introduced him with them. "Guys he is captain Lucas who conducted our exam". They all greeted each other. The night went along well. We talked, had fun and exchanged numbers and then we returned home. After having such a hot fuck with captain Lucas I was still hard and then I, Mark and Greg had another threesome where both of my slaves rod my dick and took my load in their mouths. Then I slept with both of them aside me. It was an entertaining night.

Next: Chapter 11

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