Training the military studs- introduction

By Master Primus

Published on Mar 19, 2021


New chapter is here and I need a proof reader for other chapters and stories. Plus online training session is open for fit, muscular subs.

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"Hello young privates! My name is captain Lucas and I'm your class incharge this year. I ll be taking with some other Captain's your classes and teach you the basics. Is it alright?", He asked in his masculine tone and the entire class echoed with "yes captain". I was sitting in last so it seems he has not saw me yet. My cock twitched on recalling the memory of fucking this black muscle stud "no I can't think about that right now", and I started distracting myself. The subject he was gonna teach us is Arm forces and civil rights and as boring as it sounds it is boring in studying as well. At last he caught my eye and smiled instinctively and my response was the same. The lecture ended and he was about to leave when I went on and greeted him."Hello captain Lucas", we shook hands. "I didn't know you ll be our class captain", I asked surprised. "Me neither. It was just last moment decision the committee made but it turned out be good", he winked and I understood what he meant. "Let's see each other after classes", I sounded giving him an order like I own him but he denied it right away. "No today kid, I'm not busy the day after tomorrow. So let's postpone it for now", he said and went away leaving me annoyed. I was his master (I assumed) so how could he make decisions on his own. I'm the one to make decisions here and captain Lucas must learn it. I turned around with twisted expressions and came back to my seat. "What happens?", Billy asked me who was sitting besides me. I had not forgiven him yet and my unresponsiveness told him that. He tried to make terms again but our next captain came in class. He was about the height of captain Lucas and also similar in built but the difference was he was white. "My name is captain Stephen and I will be teaching you...", Captain Stephen seems to be the perfect candidate to be included in stable of my studs.

You all might be wondering that I had become really cocky for many days so the reason is guys that fucking Lucas and teasing Liam actually made me confident and how can we forget about Colt, that bear cop was the threshold that made me cocky and I know confidence is a good thing but overconfidence is dangerous so I will take care of that don't worry you guys.

So where was I, yeah captain Stephen. He has features of a really serious and strict soldier, his hard masculine tone is dominating and facial features intimidating, his biceps would flex and pecks bulge whenever he move his hands to teach, he also admonished few boys with such an authoritative manner showing his dominating side. As he turned around giving a casual look my cock got hard looking at his fuck able ass tightly clung to the khaki pants he was wearing. It would be a difficult task dominating this muscle hunk but my twitching dick was determined to take this stud's craving hole. I smiled wickedly looking at his wide back and tight firm ass, I wanna give him long a spanking session and hear his squirming moans and continue doing it until he begs for more and more. I hit an idea; I'm gonna do this to Colt, fuck yes, his bubble butt will love the spanking and I'm gonna make it red blue. I was getting hard on the thought of that large cop getting spanked.

***** "Alex, stop", Billy briskly came to me as we left the class and grabbed my arm. "Hey I have never gone so far to make terms with anyone but you and are you not considering my effort even", Billy sounded really transparent and his body language resembles Greg right now that put a smile on my face unconsciously. "Why are you smiling?", He asked. "Uh....nothing", I continued walking. "Hey answer me Alex?", Billy walked with me. "Ok Billy, I ll forgive you on one condition", I said sternly as it was time to tame this jock as well. "And what is that condition?", He was inquisitive. "Your brothers need to learn their lesson and you are gonna help me in doing that", I said casually. "And how I'm gonna help?", He asked bewildered. "I'll tell you soon. But there is another thing, do you want to return me the favour for helping you out in test?", I asked him smiling with a mix of wickedness and innocence. "Erh...yeah I suppose yes", he was unsure where things were going but Billy was relieved that I forgave him. "Then be ready tonight", I said and walked away while he continued asked me what was I gonna do. "It is a surprise", I looked at bewildered jock and patted on his handsome face.

***** Billy was waiting under staircase as he was told. The area was dark and free of any sort of intrusion even the warden wouldn't come rarely to check on. "Hey big guy", I came down the stairs hiding from the warden, I don't like that dude at all. "You kept me waiting here Alex", Billy complained. "You the stupid warden, ditching him is not an easy job", I shrugged. "Coming to the want my forgiveness so here is it...I ll forgive you only if you...blow me", I dropped the bomb at the big guy who was so close and gave me the most bewildered look at my "request". "You said what??", He asked shocked. "You heard right stud", I acted with full confidence. I have to take down this jock once and for all. "You are kidding Alex, right?", He asked smiling as it was a kind of joke or prank. "No Billy, I'm dead serious", I said with cold eyes that even in the darkness Billy could feel the intensity of the situation but was taken aback as everyone knew Billy is not a kind of guy who is so good to others but he has a reputation of a bully just like his elder brothers, who always picks fights, is controlling and tries to overpower others. But here is the bait, Billy himself knows that I am more dominant than he is, that I am a control freak, that I am the one who takes charge and he realised it when we first met, yes it's the fact. The day I told him that I dont do anything for free took him aback, he looked puzzled. I could see the confusion in his eyes and I bet it must be his first time that he lost words to speak, our gaze matched and he turned his face around, all his authoritative tone was replaced by more subservient attitude that's why he kept on persuading me to forgive him and talk to him and I was the only one he didn't misbehave with the entire time in our dorm. He has one weakness and I took advantage of it, that if someone helps him in a dire need he opens his heart for him and tries to help him back and believe me it is a really good deed that anyone could have and I love him for this but I've become habitual now and I can't control it my dominating nature. Whenever I see a prey I want to hunt it down and Billy was my prey this time.

Billy continued looking at me with a mix of helplessness and anger. "I didn't do that Alex and you know it", he crossed his muscular arms across his bulging chest controlling his anger. Billy didn't want to make enmity with me so he was trying hard not to loose his cool. "There is always first time for everything Billy", I knew his anger was pumping but would he kill me? No. So I proceeded confidently. "Alex, I'm a Dom like you and....", "Billy, you are not at all like me, got it?", I cut him off, my statement not only hitting his cocky attitude but also indicating him between him and myself, I was the more dominant one and two swords can't stay in a scabbard. Again I could see the same confusion as before and again he turned his face away. "Alex I can't do that..", I felt his anger melting away. He was frustrated but not angry anymore. "I know Billy you didn't do that but I know you can, see no one is here... so get on your knees and unzip my pants", I gave him a direct order, on the surface I sounded confident but deep down I was scared a bit as he could punch me for ordering him around. Billy stepped towards me with flushed face and clenching teeth. I thought it was it for me but he didn't do anything. "Alex....I can't", he said nothing more just denied me right away. "Ok then don't dare to talk to me", I said and pushed him away with my shoulder. He must learn that there can be only one Dom in a dorm. I expected him to stop me and come to me but to my shock he didn't. I with utter disappointment came to my room. Here goes my chance to dominate him. "Where were you?", Cody asked. "Stroll", I said short and gave a wicked grin at Jay whose face blushed with humiliation. I walked towards the Indian guy and he got attentive. "I want a blowjob every morning. Understand Jay", he looked surprised so I slapped him lightly. "Do you understand?", I asked again and he nodded mechanically. "Good boy", everyone was looking at us. By now they knew what happened last night and I was more than happy to learn everyone knew it. It will leave a good impression on all. As I walked besides Gary's bed I saw him smiling at me like he was appreciating what I did. Along the lot I quite like him for his politeness and kind attitude, normally you won't find people like him but I guess I was fortunate to share dorm with him. "Hey", I thought to have a talk with him while other boys were doing their stuff, Jay was so embarrassed to talk to me, Cody and Paul were kissing each other and I'm gonna discipline them soon. Samuel was taking a shower and Jake was busy on mobile. "Hi I saw what you did there", Gary said in his soothing to e and attractive smile. I melted away, I was so horny that I wanted to lay this dude. Billy ruined my plan and I wanted to fuck someone really badly. " have a nice built by the way", I appreciated his body. "Oh's needs a hard work you know", and I agreed with him. "I ll be happy to learn from you some exercises", "I ll be more than happy", Gary winked at me. Gary seemed to be straight but I don't know his orientation, my assumption. I touched his biceps, "can I?", "Oh sure, go on, feel it", he allowed me and I continued squeezing his big bulge he even flexed his arm for me and that moment door opened with a slam and Billy came in. He saw me feeling Billy's muscles and got furious, luckily he didn't create any scene and I saw a new side of him , a jealous boyfriend, which I quite liked. I continued squeezing Gary's biceps tighter and also admired it on purpose which ignited Billy even more. I knew there was a rift going on between both of them so adding fuel to fire was not a big deal especially when it will turn out in my favour. I was getting more closer to Gary even he was confused what was going on and uncomfortable. I suddenly realised that I have to take everything slow and quickly left his arm. "Ok it was nice Gary", I said and returned to my bed leaving the confused stud. I looked at Billy who was watching me and I shrugged my shoulders. I took my mobile and found out the missed calls and messages from Greg and Mark. "What's up guys?", I texted them back. "We have been calling you for hours, where were you?", They asked. "Was busy with the classes and all. Tell me about you?", "Nothing....just missin' ya", "That's so cute", I felt out if this world to learn that there were two hot men missing me. "I want to be laid Alex", Mark said. "Same here, when are you gonna come?", Greg said as well. "Weekend guys and yes I know I have to manage things and I ll make a schedule when I get home", I typed. "Yes Alex you should be, I cannot lock my cock for ages you know", Mark complained and I giggled. There are my men and I own them. I love this feeling. I also told Mark to continue Colt's training and I ll get to him at weekend.

****** The next day was like yesterday and again I was so pissed off at captain Lucas's attitude. He was not taking me seriously at all and I was not liking it. Captain Stephen was next and he is the one who is a manifestation of your typical school teachers when it comes to teaching, he would give you lecture and would listen the next day and I was well prepared for that. "So privates whose gonna answer my question.....", He asked the question and there was complete silence like there was no one in the class. "I repeat myself....", He asked again in his thunderous voice. Silence. I knew the answer but I kept silent to tease him a bit. "You all are...", And I answered cutting him off. "Who answered?", He thundered. "I captain", I said cockily. "Why dindt you speak earlier private?", He frowned clearly he was pissed off. I realised yesterday he didn't like being cut off or disturbed why he was teaching. Everyone looked at me surprised cuz if two reasons. First they never expected anyone to come up with the answer and second they knew that captain Stephen was really strict and I was doomed. "Captain I thought that it was so easy question that any ody could answer it" and all the guys gave me deadly stare that I enjoyed. Captain Stephen must have been taken aback with my answer as well (I assumed) as he smiled instead of berating me. "Hmm....sit down private. And you jar heads. I'm not gonna let it go and you all have to, except private Alex, write a ten page essay on beginning of human civilization and I want you all to submit it by tomorrow in my office...what's your name private?", He asked me. "Erh....private Alex captain", I said loudly. " seem enthusiastic private", he said coming to the front and locked his hands behind his back. "You jar heads must study harder. Why are you standing private Alex?", He said. "You didn't permit me captain", I said acting like a real private. "See you clowns....this is how a private behaves learn from him. You are allowed to sit private", he signaled. "Thank you sir", everyone was so pissed off and we're ready to eat me up but I was amazing inside. I had to leave my impression on Captain not only for studies but also for becoming your typical teacher's pet. Predator can hunt successfully only when he is close to his prey and I must remain close to my captains. At the end if the class I went to captain Stephen to ask him some serious questions and be was quite impressed that I came up with those while the other guys left the room gazing me like killers. "I'm surprised that you are asking such tricky questions on the second day of your class Alex", captain Stephen said. "Sir when I get into something I probe really deep into it", I said directly staring into his eyes dubiously to intimidate him but apparently it seems it had no effect on him or may be he was so dumb to understand what I meant. "Hmm...impressive and I hope other boys learn from you", he arranged his notes and started walking while I accompanied him to his room disappointed.

****** "Hey there he is going, the nerd", someone whispered. "You sure are the nerd. Don't ya kid?", A 6'2 feet tall guy, wide chest clad in military uniform was standing in front of me with two tall dudes; one slender like log and one well built but not like the middle one, behind him. I think I have seen one of them but couldn't recall him. "Who is this Mr. Exotic?", I thought looking at the middle hunk with a sexy smile inside. His sleeves were rolled and upper two buttons were open showing his cleavage with a tattoo peeping through his shirt. He must work out like Thor that his big bulging biceps and thick thighs were fighting with the fabric to it off and show off their amazing curves. He has sexy smile (actually grin) with crystal blue eyes that shined like shimmering oyster pearls. "He handsome", I thought clumsily while he took my breath away. "Answer me jerk", he said bending over. His face was shaves, had short military cut hair and a thick moustache. The grin on his face was enough to piss me off and I bypassed him. "Did he just ignore "you" Bryant?", One of the slender guy kinda abetted him. And like the other hot headed jocks he rampantly grabbed me by shoulder and twisted me around with one blow showing off his monstrous strength. My shoulder was aching and my eyes told my predicament. He noticed me glaring at him, incensed. "Droop your eyes down nerd", he intimidated me but I didn't. "I said strip down", he growled. "What do you want from me?", I was kinda scared at this enraged beast. "Why did you put my boy Nate in such a problem? Huh", he growled again. "What did I do?", I was in flumox. "Keep your brains to yourself. Don't need to be nerdy around my boys ever again. Got it?", I nodded my head on his reprimand. "And you are gonna make his assignment. Understood?", He growled and now I get it why I was being berated this way and who was Nate. He was in the class when captain Lucas gave other boys assignment as punishment. "Leave him Bryant", a familiar husky voice hit me. I saw annoyance on Bryant's face. "I said leave that kid now", the voice repeated and Bryant let me go with the similar grin on his face. "What are you doing here Nigel?", Bryant asked like he was mocking them.

I looked at the boys there was Billy with his elder brothers. The tanned skin hottie was Nigel. "I guess you forgot the rules", he informed him. "No I didn't. He messed with my boys so I had to teach him his place", he mocked me again. "If your boys are so dumb then it is not kid's fault. Billy told me everything", I looked at Billy who passed an apologetic smile but I was not impressed at all or I was acting of not being impressed. "Now leave that kid alone and get your ass away from junior section", Bryant knew the proctors would soon come as they were not supposed to be in Junior's section during college hours. If proctors came and they knew all this it would be problematic not only for him but also for his brothers. "This time I'm leaving you but keep in mind what I said douchebag", he threatened me again and left. "Thank you", I thanked Nigel. "No problem kid and wait a sec", as I turned around he stopped me. "Billy told me that you were upset about our little teasing then for that, man up yourself kid or else you are not gonna stand these four years", he said directly into my eyes and I could feel he was saying right. What happened here to me scared me a lot. What if Nigel were not here, even Billy becomes a scary cat when he is with his elder brother which means even if he were here instead of Nigel even he could have done nothing. "This is not like other military colleges kid, there are different gangs everywhere kid; some consisting of brothers like mine and Bryant's; some consisting mix of juniors and seniors", I listened him carefully and analysed that I was a lone warrior without any gang. "You have to make terms with your seniors and your classmates otherwise you ll remain alone and gone", should I join there clan? I thought. "It's good that you are in our group. Billy here will provide you with protection and everything if any trouble arises. You can ask me for help as well", he seems really inviting but I can't forget what he did that day so I refuse to take his help. "It was really nice you helped me, but I'm good being alone", I said directly seeing in his eyes that took him aback as he was didn't expect that. The pride on his face vanished and I turned around and made my way to the dorm while everyone watched us dumbfounded. "Either he is really smart or he is really really dumb", it was Conor the middle brother. "Keep be abreast of his every move Billy. Understood?", He ordered him in a dead tone. "Yes, bro", Billy seems disappointed in Alex. Perhaps he wanted Alex to join his group.

****** I came to my dorm and saw Paul and Cody making out. I was amazed that they never miss any chance of getting romantic with each other. Jay was escaping my gaze like usual, Jake and Samuel were not there. I heard them fucking in the basement this afternoon. Sammy looked like a slutty whore and Jake, what can I say about that stallion. I'm gonna get him one of these days. "You did really well. Left a great impression on the second day", Gary came to sit besides me on my bed. He was shirtless and the fragrance of his cologne was amazing. His muscular built was arousing my dick. His rosy link nipples were captivating. "Thanks", I smiled. "By the way, erh....I'm really embarrassed to say this....but will you help me with the assignment?", He asked rubbing his head. Another typical stud having brain replaced with mass of protein. "Yeah sure, make yourself comfortable Gary", I tried keeping him feel better. "You know studs like have impression of being really stupid and to some extent it is true as well", he laughed putting a smile on my face. "You said right", I agreed with him. "See, that's why I was embarrassed", he came to the point. "Don't be, you guys are good at working out and dudes like me are good with books", I smiled. "That can be one way of interpreting that", Gary was one polite and intellectual guy I have ever met. He might be poor in studies but he was competent. I was staring at his lips that were uttering out the words like a melody playing around. I wanted to kiss him and play with his suckable nipples. But he was straight and could mind at my lustful attempt. Another thing that was bothering me for many days was I thought this college only admitted homosexual men but I was wrong there were straight guys as well like Gary. May be they prefer homosexual men but admitted guys regardless of their orientation. Ahh! I'm confused right now. Billy came in the room and gave a prominent stare to both of us talking cozily. I could feel a sense of indignation between them for each other as Gary paused during speaking. Billy likes to order around and except for Gary and of course myself everyone do whatever he says, for them he had become their leader and Gary not accepting this drew a rift between them. "Have you a girlfriend?", I asked him and he embarrassingly denied. "What? But look at yourself, any girl would go crazy at a body like yours", I was surprised and he blushed. "I don't know never feel like having one", he said with an apologetic smile. " do know what I mean?", I knew a guy like him cannot escape pleasure he must masturbate every night. "Oh! Yeah..get bathroom, or every night at home I used to please myself", he was eloquently choosing his words. "And in academy?", I wanted to know despite him being getting uncomfortable at my curiosity. "I....Alex...I ...didn't", he shocked me by exposing his secret. "So you are saying you haven't done anything till now in the academy?", I asked bewildered. "It's so awkward man", "Not if you are in bathroom", "Yeah I know...but", he had no words. "I apologise for being so pushy", I felt him feeling uneasy. "No...not at all..don't be apologetic", he smiled and we continued staring each other. "Hey Alex! You really messed things up today", it was Samuel. "How?", I asked him. "Man a fucking ten page essay...come one how can we do that?", He asked disappointed. "Come on guys, let's do us together. I ll help you out", I called out everyone. "Yeah easy for you as you are not punished", Sam criticised. "No, I have to do as well", I said irritated. "But why?", He asked. "Man that fucking Nate", I told him the story. "You didn't have to do that Alex", Billy came with his writing material. "That Bryant dude..", I was pissed off. "Nigel will deal with him. If you do that now, they ll continue threaten you again", Billy got a point there and after pondering upon I decided not to write it. I started helping others and within two hours everyone was done. "It was easy. Doesn't it?", I said victoriously. "Yeah. Thanks for your help", Paul thanked so do others. I was feeling shy and everyone started teasing me. "Stop it guys, I'm blushing", and that's how our time spent.

***** It was 3 in night and I suddenly woke up with a feeble whimpering. As I left my bed I saw a terrific scene. I rubbed my eyes to confirm whether I was dreaming or it was reality. What I saw was someone getting fucked. I cleared my eyes and saw the two should intertwined with each other. Everyone was sleeping soundly except those two desperate beings who were drenched in the rain of pleasure, the primal desires that could not be replaced nor anything can ever replace it. I went to those sex craving bodies who were none other than Samuel the thin stick of our dorm and that Indian dude Jay and the best part that made my cock throb was Jay was the one who was being fucked. Watching thin twinky Sammy jackhammering athletic jock was mouthwatering. "What are you two doing?", I went up really slowly and whispered near the two boys whose eyes were closed lost in pleasure. Samuel who was the top had pressed his hand tightly against Jay's mouth so that his whimpering couldn't wake up the boys. Upon hearing me both looked up like they touched an electrocuted wire. "Hey...Alex..", both were literally scared and I was smiling deviously. "We just...please don't tell any of the boys", it was Jay who began pleading me like a slut. "Lay down as you were", I said in authoritative tone. "What?", He was confused even Sammy was scared and spoke nothing. He never looked like a top, I was surprised at this dark horse who recently took Jake's cock up his ass and was now topping the Indian pussy. Jay laid down as told. "Now Sammy fuck this brown Indian slut cuz her pussy craves for a white cock", I observed that Jay always aroused by interracial sex so turning him into a slut for white boys was a great idea. "Do you want that girl?", I asked him and he nodded. "Good girl, now Sammy get in position", I ordered him a MD he wickedly assumed his top role jackhammering that Indian pussy again. I sat down on my knees and whispered into Jay's ears. "After getting laid pussy, come to me, I need to dump my load down your throat", he nodded moaning feebly. "Good pussy", I rubbed my hand in his hair and went to my bed. I believe I was not the only one who was awoke cuz his whimpering mist have woken up others as well. After Sammy shoot his load in that Indian pussy, the slut came to me and gave me amazing blow job drinking my juice.

Next: Chapter 15

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