Training Toby

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on Nov 30, 2023



Toby's been such a good boy lately that Derek decides to take him out to supper to popular gay restaurant that has a BDSM theme on Friday nights. Subs and slaves are required to be shirtless when attending with their Doms and Masters. Unattached subs share a special table as well and it isn't a surprise to anyone when one or more of them receive invitations from interested Doms who are often their dining with Dom friends as well.

And, of course, vanilla patrons are most welcome as usual, provided they understand the nature of the evening's kinky theme. It works out well for everyone. It is simply amazing how many people are kinky in this part of the country, and in this story as well.

Derek heard about the BDSM night from Galvin, who often dines there with his friend Mitchell and their two boys. He called Galvin earlier in the day when Elliot was practicing his groveling on the floor alongside Toby to find out whether he was planning to be there this one night, telling him that he was thinking of inviting Elliot along (to sit at the subs' table) if Galvin would be away. "Excellent plan!" shouts Galvin over the phone, happy that Derek is going to be a good mentor for his little brother. And so they're set. "I hope a good man claims my brother," he tells Derek.

Derek breaks the news to Elliot while he's shaving the boy's groin and balls, Elliot's hands bound over his shower curtain—the same was he shaves Toby. Fortunately Elliot had the key to the cage with him so Derek was able to take off the cage—after binding Elliot so he wouldn't be able to touch himself. Derek has Toby help him by providing warm soapy water as needed and rinsing out the razors his Master was using to strip Elliot's hair from him so he could look like the bare sub he was meant to be, just like Toby. Twins?!!

While shaving the boy, Derek tells him the news. "I'm bringing Toby out to dinner tonight to a gay restaurant called "Casa Tito." Every Friday night there is a BDSM-themed night at Casa Tito. Any Master or Dom who brings a boy with him gets a special discount; the boys must be bare-chested. Any subs who attend, either single or with fellow sub buddies are seated at a large round table on a turning platform so that the other diners can get a good look at them from every angle. That's where you'll be going. Oh, and you don't have to take off your shirt. Anyway, boy, there's a possibility that some unattached Dom might take an interest in you. He can stake a claim to you by letting his waiter know that he'll be taking care of your check. So you might get a free meal as well as a good spanking out of the deal. After I'm done with you here, go home and shower and get yourself looking good for any hungry dominant who may show up tonight. Oh, and I checked with your brother. Neither he nor Mitch will be there tonight. Your brother was pleased to know I'll bring you there and also bring you home if no one claims you for the evening."

"does the sub have a choice, Sir?"

"What do you mean?"

"Does the sub get to refuse any invitation? What if someone claims me but I don't want to go with him?"

"I don't know. Call the place when you get home and find out what the deal is with that." (He does check. The policy is that it's kind of a slave market situation: if a Dom makes a claim, the sub has no choice. If a sub adamantly refuses that arrangement is cancelled, but the sub is then barred from ever eating there again. Faced with that threat, most subs simply submit to the Man who has taken an interest in him. Fair enough.)

Just about finished, Derek stands back to take a good look; much to Elliot's disappointment, Derek locks his cock up again. "Bring the key with you tonight just in case but when I pick you up later I'm gonna do a cage check so you'd better still be wearing it. Don't even think of jerking off before your big evening on display." Toby points to Elliot's arm pits. "Ah, damn!" says Derek. "Forgot the pits. Can't have you showing off pit hair if some Dom strips you later on tonight. Wet him down, Toby, please." This matter is rather quickly corrected. Derek lets Toby get Elliot loose and escort him back to the door so he can get dressed and head back home.

A little later on while they're cuddling together on the couch, Toby starts to giggle. "What's so funny boy?" "I was just thinking about how you ordered me to lick Elliot's face because he got tomato soup all over himself. The look of shock on his face, and how much he blushed while I was cleaning him off. And then you making a big deal out of it, telling Elliot to stay still and realize what an obedient slave you own."

"I'm glad you enjoyed that. I figured you would, you naughty pig." And with that, Derek starts toying with Toby's nipples until Toby cries out. "Go put on manacles," he orders the slave. Once Toby has them on, Derek clips its arms behind its back and makes it stand up against a wall. "I want these nipples very sore tonight, boy. I want them to look like they're sore. I want to hear you yelp if I invite someone to give a squeeze."

"They're yours, Master," says Toby with a bit of trepidation in its voice, closing its eyes and groaning when Derek puts clips on them and slowly begins to attach weights, until at last the boy is begging him to back off, not even thinking of using a safe word because the slave knows that its Master gets turned on by hearing it beg for mercy. And of course, once everything's been taken off again and tears are coming down the slave's cheeks, it's made to kneel and take care of Derek's cock which got hard from all the whining and begging. And while Toby is blowing its Master, all Derek has to do is simply move a hand near one of the slave's tortured nipples and the slave sucks his cock with renewed "enthusiasm." As soon as the slave has milked it's Master's dick and swallowed his cum it immediately falls to the floor and begins to kiss the Master's feet as a gesture of gratitude and humility.

Derek decided that the slave would not be showered for fear the pain from its nipples would be too much to take. Nonetheless, he has the boy stand in the tub, hands still clipped behind its back. He sprays the slave from the waist down then orders the boy out of the tub to kneel, half-wet, and wait for its Master to finish.

After Derek's showered and dried, he unclips the slave's hands, tossing it his towel. The slave dries itself as well as the wet places on the floor. Derek goes into the bedroom and takes out a hospital-type urinal that he somehow had managed to acquire without the slave knowing. Toby crawls out of the bathroom and is puzzled when he sees what Derek is holding in his hands. "I'm tired of having to use a toilet," he tells the slave. "From now on, I'm using a urinal. It's your job to hold it while I piss then to go empty it out inside. We'll keep doing this until I can just use you as my urinal and we can get rid of this thing. I know it's a long way off, so don't have a panic attack. But you know this, boy: you must become my urinal if you expect me to keep you around permanently. That is non-negotiable. I'll help you get there, a little bit at a time, but it is going to happen. A couple of the guys at that party told me I should just start pissing in your mouth and then whip you when you spill any until the time comes that you'll take it all. But I don't like that. I want to fuck your will, boy. I really want you to be able to prove to me how much of a faggot toilet slave you're going to become." And damn, if it weren't for the cage, Toby would be hard as a rock in spite of his supposed resistance to the idea. The slave isn't going to pretend it's not going to happen. It knows that Derek will get what Derek wants. As with everything.

Shortly before they're ready to leave to pick up Elliot, he calls Derek. "If you want, Sir, I could just drive over to you. That way you won't have to make the trips over here."

"No, Elliot. It's not going to work that way. Put away the car keys. I will pick you up like I said I would. The idea is that you will need a ride home eventually. Maybe I'll bring you home or maybe some Dom will be taking care of getting you home when it wants to be rid of you. Just think about it for a minute, boy. You don't get to provide your own transportation. Someone else will take charge."

In a muffled voice, Elliot answers, "yes, Sir. Understand. Sorry for being so stupid."

"You're not stupid, boy, it's just that you're not trained yet. All subs have to learn how to think like subs. It doesn't happen overnight, except for in Toby's case. My Toby has been a natural born submissive almost all of its life." And while he says this, Derek possessively has his hand in his boy's hair.

Toby raises his head so he can kiss Derek's hand. "Never forget, sweet faggot, that you'll always have your uncle to thank for cultivating your submissive nature from even before you had hit puberty. No one can take that away from him, or from you. In many ways, your uncle was the one to break you in right. And now that you're a full-blown slave, that's also the way he intends to deal with you for this next part of your life. Don't be resentful about this. Be thankful for what he did for you. I'm sure he'll be doing a lot more as time goes on. In fact, he's already teaching you more about what it means to be a slave, isn't he?"

"Yes, Master, as usual your slave bows to your superior wisdom on this. It's a difficult lesson to learn, Master."

"I know, boy, I surely know. And you're doing fine with it. It will just take a little more time," Derek says as he holds his beloved by its neck and gives it a nice wet kiss, the type the boy likes the most. After that little interchange, it's time to dress the slave. Derek gets a tight leather jock for the boy to put on and then over that a pair of worn jeans with a slight tear a bit below the slave's left cheek. "Wear black flip-flops into the restaurant but then take them off when we're seated. I want you eating barefoot. At least you'll be eating at the table and not from a bowl on the floor. And you can order anything you'd like tonight, since you've been such a good boy for me.

"Just put on a black t-shirt to wear. You can take it off before we get out of the car when we arrive. I want you walking in bare-chested with your sore nipples sticking out."

Toby finishes dressing and they get into the car and head over to Elliot's place. Elliot is standing outside waiting for them. He's adorable! Button-down denim shirt, first four buttons open, a black bandanna, white work pants and black sneakers. "Don't you look like a horny faggot tonight, boy," says Derek. "fucking adorable. I hope someone shows up tonight smart enough to appreciate what he'll be getting if he claims your ass. And don't you dare refuse or I'll be thrashing your ass before you go to sleep tonight and it won't be the fun kind of thrashing. Got it?"

"Yes, Sir," says Elliot as he gets into the back seat of the car. "That's the look I was going for, Sir—a horny faggot."

"I'll be keeping an eye out. If I notice anyone objectionable looking you over, I'll head him off before he's able to make a move on you. That's the least I can do as a favor to your brother. But other than that, you'd better be a good sub for anyone who claims you."

"Understand, Sir. Thank you for looking out for me."

"You're welcome. Just make sure you don't ruin your reputation by being a brat. And make sure you know that the Dom who takes you knows how inexperienced you are. That's important. Some Doms won't want to be bothered with a virgin beginner, no matter how horny he might seem." He pats Toby on the back of his head. This is going to be one fucking interesting night, isn't it, Toby?"

"Sure is, Master. Can't wait to see the floor show." Elliot gulps.

They pull into a rather crowded parking lot. Derek is glad he thought to make a reservation. "Okay, boy, strip off your shirt but keep the foot gear on until we're seated. Elliot, walk behind us and I'll let the host know you're an unattached sub. Sit where he tells you to sit. Be respectful to everyone, Dom or sub, or you might get a public spanking right there in the middle of the restaurant. Galvin told me that happens sometimes."

The three of them walk in the front door. Damn! This place is really awesome. Rustic feel, lots of leather on the walls along with crops and collars, canes and manacles. Throbbing intense music helps complete the atmosphere. All the lighting is somewhat subdued except for one large brightly life round table on a moving platform. That must be where unattached subs sit.

Derek gives his name and is cordially welcomed. He tells the guy at the door about Ellliot. He and Toby are shown to their table, which isn't far from the sub table so they'll get a good view. "One menu or two?" he asks Derek. "Two tonight. I'm giving the slave permission to select its own meal tonight."

While they're being seated, another leather-clad man goes to Elliot, puts a white collar around his neck and orders him to follow to a seat he points out. Elliot looks both nervous and excited at the same time. He's handed a much smaller menu. Apparently, the subs don't have as many options as far as meals are concerned.

Derek turns his attention back to his boyfriend slave. "Interesting menu, Toby. What looks good to you, boy?"

Toby looks a bit disconcerted. This is the first time the slave has been allowed to order its own food since they first started going out to eat. Derek is having filet mignon. Toby is having a hard time making up its mind, but Derek is being patient, knowing full well that this is a new experience for the boy. Toby looks up at him with inquisitive eyes, hoping he'll just take charge and order for it. "No, boy. You'll have to make your own choice," Derek says. Toby finally opts for having exactly what its Master is having. A safe bet. Derek winks at him and Toby wants to melt right there in its seat. Why does all this seem so damn hot? Derek orders a bottle of wine and fills a glass for the slave. "I don't want you to get drunk, but tipsy is okay. You're cute when you're tipsy, sweetheart." The slave picks up the bottle and pours wine for its Master.

A waiter clad in a tight black t-shirt, jock and black boots brings breadsticks to the table along with a small plate of olive oil and spices. Derek breaks off a piece of bread and dips it in the oil then holds it out for Toby to take from his fingers. Things get under way.

Derek recognizes a few Doms he met at the NYE party, mostly seated with other Doms, as would be expected. One of them recognizes him and comes over to their table. "Derek, is that right?" he asks, holding out his hand. "I'm Adrian. It's good to see you here. First time?"

"That's right, Adrian. I remember you. I'm glad I'm not the only young Master here tonight."

"Oh, you'll be surprised how many of us are in our early twenties. To tell the truth, though, I've been a Master since I was 15. My high school English teacher helped me learn the ropes. Literally. I used to get off on watching him standing in front of class like some authority figure knowing that I'd whipped his ass the night before and had him drink my piss before I left."

"Wow," says Derek. "You really had him in a compromising position. He could have been arrested for consorting with a minor."

"Exactly," says Adrian. "I always had that to hold over his head, especially when I wanted something from him that he was reluctant to do for me. To say nothing of how I demanded he turn over 20% of his paycheck into a trust fund to give me after I graduated. It helped me when it came time to pay college tuition."

"Why a trust fund?" asks Derek, intrigued.

"Because if he gave me the money directly it would have made me feel like a prostitute. I didn't want that. It was an awesome relationship we enjoyed. He served as both slave and mentor and many other things as well. I had it hard at home. Being with him made up for it. He kept begging me to leave home and live with him but I didn't want my old man to know what was going on. He would definitely have reported the guy if he knew. As it was, I pretty much kept the whole thing on the down low until after I graduated. As soon as I turned 18 I moved in with the slave and then things were much easier.

On me, anyway. I waited a year before enrolling in college. It broke the poor guy's heart when I finally left for school several states away, but it was time for me to move on. Nonetheless I'll always be grateful to him for all he taught me. We still stay in touch from time to time. Finally he met a new Master—also much younger than him—and they're doing fine from what he tells me. Well, dude, I think I've taken up too much of your time. Enjoy the evening. Some hot looking subs at the table. I've already got my eye on one of them."

"Which one, may I ask?" asks Derek.

"The adorable number with the white bandanna around its neck."

"We know Elliot. A lot of potential as far as I'm concerned, but very inexperienced if that's an issue for you." Derek decides that's the extent of the information he'll give out concerning Elliot.

"Actually, it's a turn-on, Derek. thanks for the info. What's his name again?"

"Elliot. We gave him a ride here, promising to bring him home if no one got interested in him."

"Well, that's fine. You won't need to bother. In fact, I'm going to go put in my claim now before someone else starts salivating over him."

Adrian gets up and leaves, going to the cashier and speaking to him. Shortly after that, a staff member goes to Elliot and replaces his white collar with a red one. Taken. Elliot looks around nervously, wondering who it was who made a claim on him. Adrian keeps his interest to himself.

Toby takes this all in, fascinated by everything going on beneath the surface. As time goes by, three other subs are given red collars. All this reminds Toby of stories he's read in the past about slave markets. Not much different except for the fact that no one's allowed to inspect the subs at greater length.

"Almost like a slave market," he tells Derek.

"Almost but not quite. They all have their clothes on, at least for now. You'll learn the difference well next month when I put you on a slave market," says Derek with an ominous lilt in his voice. "No more talk now. Sleep, sweet prince."

Toby's head is pulled in two opposite directions at once: deeper slavery on the one hand and overwhelming emotional pleasure on the other. Why is it that the two always seem to be present at the same time? Something for him to think about, but his mind slacks off as beautiful sleep takes over Derek's "prince."

Thanks for all the emails and the stories you share with me. Please keep writing me. Emails are my reward for writing.

I've chosen pictures of what Derek and Toby look like in my mind. I'll send them to you if you ask.

Other Stories of Mine: The Alex Chronicles Sweet Subjugation Tommy Loves His Sub

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Next: Chapter 29

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