
By yoric horatio

Published on Jan 22, 2011


This is a story written over a period of time (when I had time that is) consisting of 10 parts. I regard it as highly erotic and covers one persons journey through 5 years of their life. If you are not into transgenderism then I suggest that this story is not for you. It is not all about sex, sex and more sex (granted there is a LOT of sex) but you may need tissues for other reasons too. A large part of this story concerns the feelings, the highs as well as the lows of the subject.

If you are offended by acts of a sexual nature, then you may find you are on the wrong site entirely. If you are too young to be reading this in your country/region, I will tell your mommy.

If you want to comment please feel free to email me at the address listed above, if you want to flame please feel free to drop a very large rock onto your head.

Al persons named and featured in this story are fictional and bear no resemblance to anyone living, dead or not yet born.

Part 9 – The Consequences

Fast forward a month, we are back in England, its early autumn, the long days are warm and the leaves are turning to gold. And my sex drive is coming back ...

The consultant over here says that my progress is excellent, there is very little visual scarring and even that is fading quickly. The new opening in my body has not closed, my responses to stimuli are above average and my prostate is doing fine in its new job of keeping me nice and moist without drowning every pair of knickers I own. I am on daily medication but that's to stimulate the prostate because under normal circumstances it would never produce as much fluid as it is now. The depth of my pussy is still only 5 inches and very tight and just as I was wondering if the consultant would give me a more personal examination with his very own probe, I was also wondering if I could take a cock in that tight cramped pussy at all. What would happen if I couldn't? would I be facing a sexless life again?

I came clean to Marie that night, telling her of my fears. We were both in dressing gowns having showered early for a relaxing night in front of the box and the conversation was turned, by me, to my impending deflowering. Truth be told, I had thought a lot about it but hadn't managed to come to any conclusions. I didn't know who I wanted, I didn't know if I should sell my virginity, I didn't know the where or when, I only knew the why and that was because if I didn't have an orgasm soon I was likely to jump on top of anyone's cock on the underground during rush hour and apparently that would cause a scene.

Marie asked me how I was feeling generally to which I replied "fine". She asked about my moods to which I replied "horny". She asked about what I thought when I saw an attractive man walking down the street and I started getting wet. She asked about my fantasies and I started to get really wet and then she asked what would happen if she kissed me ...

I stopped dead, for the last 10 minutes I hadn't noticed that she was inching herself closer to me, her face and neck flushed with excitement and her wonderful nipples poking at the thin material. I looked at her mouth, so inviting with her lips slightly parted and I licked mine in anticipation "I don't know ..." I said meekly so she leaned forward and our lips brushed together, pulled back slightly and then forward so we touched again. The feelings welling up inside me were wonderful, I started to quiver with excitement as the kiss lasted longer and longer. Her hand came behind me pulling my face into hers as we engaged in a passionate French kiss, our tongues exploring each other's mouth. I moved one of my hands to her breast and pinched a nipple under the satin of her dressing gown causing her to press forward into it, mashing her breast into my palm and her other hand moved to do the same.

We pulled apart and gazed into each other's eyes and I knew who I wanted to take my virginity, I knew it was going to be here and I knew it was going to be now.

She stood up and offered me her hand so she could lead me into the bedroom. No sooner had we entered she turned around so we were facing and we kissed again, our hands roaming over each other's backs, her nails scratching down my back through my own gown sending shivers down my spine, I bit her neck gently and my mouth started to explore whilst both her hands travelled down my back to grab my ass, kneading the fleshy globes and pulling me hard into her body, her mouth on my neck now as I tipped my head back to let out a much needed moan. I was helpless in her arms, everything she did excited me from her mouth on me to her leg which had thrust itself between my legs and on which I was rubbing my crotch titillating my clitoris and getting me all the hornier.

I felt her undoing the straps of my gown and I decided that if I was to be naked then so was she. We undressed each other, her hands gently pushing my gown from my shoulders which we stepped over on the way to our bed. I lay down and she followed, her leg still between mine as she started to move, slowly dragging her thigh up and down my new snatch, pulling at the lips and stroking straight over my clit causing lightning bolts to go through me. I had my eyes closed enjoying these wonderful sensations when I felt her fingers trailing down my body, no longer were they playing with my breasts but heading south to my new play area. She let her nails drag over my inner thighs, down my left leg and back up my right crossing just above my pussy. Her mouth brushes a nipple and then gives it a hard suck, I gasp, for the first time in my life I am truly being made love to, her mouth keeps tracing patterns down my body and I will her closer to my new pussy longing to feel her tongue on and in me.

All the while I can feel her finger teasing me, brushing over my clit, tugging at my lips and brushing tantalisingly close to my hole which I so desperately wanted to feel filled, by now my pussy is flooded with my juices and I can feel them running out of me and down the crack to my ass liberally coating me ensuring I have enough lubrication for both holes. Her finger stops at my ass and I feel it push inside me, the familiar sensation of being penetrated causes me to push down as it slips effortlessly into me and she starts finger fucking me, soon making it up to 2 fingers and she brushes my ultra sensitive prostate. Oh god that feels good and I am soon humping her hand feeling my orgasm building. I can feel her breath on my clit, her mouth must only be inches away but still she won't suck on my clit, she won't kiss my lips and she won't tongue my cunt hole. All the while I am pressing down on her fingers, I try to lift my pussy to her mouth but she just moves away and I am being driven mad by the sensations emanating from my crotch, her breathing is getting heavier blowing over my soft parts. I pinch my nipples, squeeze my tits as the waves or pleasure start to break over my virgin shores. By now her fingers are plunging in and out of my ass hard and fast, my breathing is coming in great gasps with my legs spread wide, I want to feel my clit played with but she won't let my hands close so I just hump harder getting the maximum enjoyment from my ass when all of a sudden her tongue flicks out and runs straight over my clit. I jump and scream, my orgasm getting another boost, another lick and I can feel it all the closer then instead of her tongue, her mouth descends onto my nub and she sucks, driving me insane and onwards to fulfilment. The orgasm which has been waiting since manila comes back to me, starting in my extremities and converging on my crotch, waves and waves of orgasmic pleasure wash over me as I buck and thrash against her mouth and fingers.

Finally these feelings subside and I sink into the bed, my body still twitching from the orgasmic pleasure that so recently had ruined my co-ordination. Never before had I felt so helpless to the wants of my own body but the climax I had just had made everything else pale into insignificance. My crotch was soaked, my ass was returning to normal, my pussy lips felt the size they were just after the operation and my clit throbbed. Marie, who was by now lying beside me, was panting the same post orgasmic rhythm had obviously taken care of her own needs whilst she was sucking me off turned to me "I think we both need a cock or 2"

At that moment all I wanted to do was close my eyes and enjoy my body, the aftershocks of such an orgasm were still firing neurons causing my body to jump and I felt as though I couldn't move. The idea however had been planted and my libido was doing a very good job of over ruling my tired body and I felt my nipples start to harden.

After a while we got up and put our dressing gowns on again, Marie had an idea and when she gets one of them nothing stands in her way. She went to her computer and logged on to our favourite site, the one where I was advertised and started looking for prospective candidates. After about 20 minutes she called me over so I put down my glass of wine. On the screen were 2 bi males who lived together as partners, one was black while the other was white, 10 inches and 8 inches respectively , both certified clean with some impressive recommendations and better still, were actually online.

She sent a message asking if they were available tonight as they had 2 horny women who needed to be satisfied. They certainly were as they had a cancellation from a married man who had got cold feet the price was £100/hour or £500 for the night each. Marie explained that it would be the night but they would have to go with her to the bank in the morning because you can't draw out £1000 in cash at this time of night. They agreed so she asked for their address and she would send a car over to pick them up.

That gave us a while to have a quick shower, fix our faces and generally make ourselves ready for a night of fucking. The bed clothes were changed and we were generally ready although I was somewhat nervous.

They arrived within an hour, were let in to our apartment and we settled down with a glass of wine each so we could study our quarry in more detail. David was the smaller of the 2, standing at about 6 feet with dark auburn hair, clean shaven and sparkling blue green eyes. Wide shoulders narrowed down to a slim waist and he walked easily, as if he was totally confidant in himself. Brian was a good 3 inches taller, his dark skin in stark contrast to David's naturally pale complexion. Standing at over 6'3" he towered over us all with ease, a deep booming west Caribbean voice made him the dominant of the pairing, but I could see from David's tight jeans that his description on the internet was certainly accurate. Meanwhile the trouser snake in Brian's trousers seemed eager to join the party and it looked huge whilst still confined.

Our conversations grew raunchier as the minutes ticked by and Marie stood up to take Brian's hand and lead him through to the bedroom. On their departure David came and set next to me, partly facing me so I could look into his eyes and quietly drown, this was certainly the right specimen to take my cherry and my nervousness vanished. He leaned forward, placing his hand on my thigh and leaned in to kiss my lips. It was strange, I had kissed many men in my time as a high class TS hooker but this was the first time I had paid someone else to do it. His lips were soft however, the smell of his body close to mine was an immediate turn on and I kissed him back. Soon we were engaged in frantic tongue wrestling, my hands roaming over his chest fighting the urge to rip his shirt off to get my fingers onto his flesh.

His right hand was on my breast, tweaking the nipple beneath my bra, pushing and kneading my breast against my ribs and I moaned into his mouth. I undid a couple of buttons and slid my hand up inside his shirt, gliding over his well defined abs to his muscled chest. He was devoid of all hair and I secretly hoped that matched with the rest of his body below the beltline. Soon both his hands were upon my breasts and I leant back to allow him to do his work.

He slowly undid the buttons of my blouse whilst his tongue and lips explored my neck, occasionally creeping around to my earlobes to give them a little nibble. As soon as he was able, his mouth dropped to my chest, kissing each breast in turn, still unbuttoning me. Soon I was exposed and he reached round to unclasp my bra with one hand, both breasts fighting against their restraints and my nipples proud and erect waiting for his touch. The bra positively sprang off me and allowed him room to tease my nipples with his tongue, nip them with his front teeth and take them one at a time into his mouth sucking eagerly.

My chest heaved as I lapped up the sensations of his mouth. I moved forward to remove my blouse and bra then sat back and allowed him to roam his way over my torso. I could hear moans coming from the bedroom as Marie was obviously enjoying herself only to be brought back to my own pleasure.

David was kneeling on the floor between my legs now, lashing my body with his tongue and lips, his hands roaming over my torso, pulling me onto his wonderful mouth. My tits were getting the sucking of their short lives and my nipples were proud enough to cut glass. My legs were spread wide to allow him between them which pushed my short skirt high revealing the sheer material of my knickers which were, by this time, soaked through. Slowly he ran his mouth down my stomach until he met the waistband of my skirt. I secretly begged him to skip over that material so I could feel the sensations of his lips on my pussy, it was aching for his touch and my juices were flowing freely now.

I lifted my ass slightly so that I could lift my skirt higher and spread my legs as wide as they would go inviting him to taste me, oh god how I wanted to feel his tongue inside me, all the dreaming about a man's mouth on my clit, his fingers in my hole and eventually his rock hard cock plunging into my depths were only moments away and I was getting impatient. David was taking his time however running his lips up and down my crack. I could barely feel his lips through the material of my knickers when all of a sudden, a jolt passed through me starting at my clit. His tongue had reached out and pushed exactly in the right place. I jumped and gasped, pushing my pussy onto his face as he did it again. I felt fingers hooking the gusset of my panties aside and the wonderful sensations of a tongue exploring my crevice.

I pushed him back so that he was lying on the floor and stood up, as good as this was I wanted more. I removed my knickers and skirt so that I was as naked as the day I was born, turned around so that I was facing his feet, squatted down and offered my pussy to his mouth once more. He lost no time in burying his face between my legs and I felt his wonderful tongue begin to lap at me, at times he would attach his lips around my clit and suck hard on it and I in turn ground my pussy onto him. When I got the chance I fell forward so that I could remove his jeans and boxers to unleash his weapon of mass orgasm.

It really was 8 inches long, medium thickness, heavily veined with a big bulbous head. My mind instantly flipped to the sight that this must make when it took my virginity, in my minds eye I could see it push inside me, filling me, completing me and finally cumming in me. This was all to come but for now it was my turn to give pleasure. That was quite hard however because at the other end, David was desperately intent on making me cum using his mouth alone, and he was doing an excellent job. I grabbed his proud erect cock in my right hand, kissed the head and started to draw circles on it with my tongue, teasing the tender underside and his piss slit before opening my mouth and drawing it into my mouth. An appreciative moan came from my crotch as I took his length into my mouth, my tongue moving over him as I lowered myself further down until his cock head reached the back of my throat.

His tongue stopped momentarily as I reached the end and then started with more urgency. This was turning into a competition for who would cum first, a competition I knew I would inevitably lose but that wasn't going to stop me from trying. I started to work his cock in and out of my mouth, reserving my party trick for now but he added a couple of fingers to my hole and was industrially frigging my tight sopping cunt, the squelching sound of his fingers pushing in and out of me added to my slurping on his cock.

For a while it felt as though I would win, I relished the thought of feeling his hard cock pulsing his spunk into my throat so I opened my throat up and took him into it. I pressed my mouth down and I felt his hard head penetrate my open throat as I buried my nose into his naked ball sack. The grunt from my pussy showed me that I had hit the jackpot and his cock head swelled as more blood was pumped into it. Feeling I was on a winning streak I raised my head until just the tip of it was at my lips and then dropped all the way back down again until he was fucking my throat with everything he had. I knew it wouldn't be long as his hips started humping his cock into the tight confines of my windpipe.

This was where I was wrong however, so intent was I on his cock I didn't feel his progress towards my ass. He still had 2 fingers in my pussy when I felt his tongue on my hole, licking and probing my tight rosebud. Oh no no no not there, I knew I wouldn't be able to last 10 seconds if he did that but at the same time my body was saying oh yes yes yes please stick your tongue in me. I felt myself push back against him, I felt my sphincter loosen at his touch and his long tongue forced the rest of its way in and I could no longer concentrate on his cock. >From that moment I knew I was doomed just as the first tendrils of my orgasm started. It started deep in my stomach. My body moved on its own accord against his fingers and tongue, humping against them as his thumb found and then stayed on my clit. My humping grew more urgent as the orgasm spread in all directions, goosebumps were raised all over my body as I ground my crotch harder onto him in movements I was unable to control and the rising crescendo of feeling totally overtook me. As my peak hit his tongue drove deep into me, his fingers slammed into me and I dropped all my weight onto his face, the knuckles of his hand digging into my soft flesh and his thumb frantically frigging my ultra sensitive clit and I came all over his hand and mouth, juices flowing from me threatening to drown him.

How I stayed on him I'll never know but as my twitching body finally stilled my mind returned to my imminent deflowering. The sounds from the bedroom were of a rhythmic slapping sound and I could glimpse a hard dark body thrusting into Marie doggy style, not knowing whether it was her pussy or ass that was getting the attention but she was enjoying it nonetheless judging by the moans we could both hear.

I struggled onto the sofa using legs that didn't want to work and collapsed in an untidy and unladylike heap, my legs spread and my sopping pussy pointing straight at my male quarry. I reached down and slipped 2 fingers into my cunt, feeling how wet I was and loving the sensation. 2 fingers felt tight to me, heaven only knows how deep my pussy was and I momentarily worried about if I could possibly accommodate all of David's 8 inches.

I could see that his hard cock was still at full mast, not having the relief it wanted and deserved from my mouth. I looked at him with fuck me eyes and he got the hint and moved between my legs. I shuffled my arse further towards the edge of the settee until I was perched in a position where he could enter me, I closed my legs and lifted them straight into the air with my hairless pussy winking at him giving instructions that his libido could understand easily.

"Put your cock in me" I begged "push it in slowly so that I can feel every wonderful inch of your big dick as it slides in me". I did this partly because I wanted to feel everything in slow motion but also so that I could give my body the time to adjust to his length. "I want to feel your cum in me"

Sure enough he knelt before me, cock straining with its hardness and I felt the head press against my pussy lips. I really had no idea what this would feel like, all I knew is that I wanted this, I wanted it so badly it hurt, this was finally the time I would be complete, serving a piece of man meat as I always should have.

I felt my lips part like the Nile as his weapon advanced on my virgin hole, I felt my insides stretch wider to accommodate his girth and still on he came, my hole felt as though it was burning as it opened wider and wider, it seemed as though this would never end but still he came and still I kept opening up. I was sure I would bleed because it was tearing me apart but it all felt so wonderful and then I felt it; the head was in me, his big bulbous head had penetrated me in a way that had never happened before and already I felt my orgasm start. As he continued pushing the entrance to my hole closed over his purple monster and I could feel every vein and every fraction of inch that entered me, and still it came on coming. After what felt like a foot of cock had entered me but was only in reality 2 inches he pulled out, his cock head falling from my hole and I almost cried out with frustration and emptiness but it was a brief respite. Almost immediately the pressure was back and my hole opened easily to him and his cock penetrated me further still, my orgasm was blooming again as I felt more of his weapon in my tight confines.

Another 2 inches further inside and I felt him withdraw. This time I did cry out and reached to him to stop his progress out of my body. I wanted him in me, I needed him in me, I wanted to feel his cock buried as far as it would go in my virgin hole and his balls pressed against my ass. I lurched forward opening my legs and wrapping them around his waist. I figured I had maybe 3 inches in me now and I wanted more, please god give me more. I leaned forward, wrapping my arms around his neck and my lips on his, forcing them apart with my tongue, pulling him on top of me as I fell backwards onto the sofa and then I pulled with my legs.

His cock started entering me again at my behest, it was opening me deep inside now and I wondered briefly how deep I could take this enormous cock. Our mouths were frantic on each other's but all I could think about was this beautiful dick impaling me. His head touched my new cervix which caused me to almost scream in pleasure but it was pushing it back and up further into me. Next was my prostate and I almost lost it there and then, I could no longer control my legs properly as they turned to jelly. Relaxing them must have made him think I wanted a respite and he started to withdraw again, "NOOOO!!" I screamed, I jerked my legs hard and his cock slammed the last 2 inches into my pussy knocking my cervix and my prostate hard making me cum hard and fast, my pussy grinding onto him "OH MY JESUS GOD YES ... YES ... YESSS ... YEEEEEESSSSSSSS!!!!!" I was humping his cock hardly moving but feeling the indescribable pleasure of it reaching the depths of my body and pushing against my insides like nothing before. I had never cum that hard in my life before and I was totally at the mercy of my orgasm. My mind reeled from such punishment, my eyes turned black and I lost track of all time.

Just when it had started to calm down he withdrew from me until just the head was inside me and proceeded to push it all the way back in, another wave of orgasmic bliss broke within me as his humping grew more steady, soon he was pumping his cock in and out of my pussy with a steady pace and all I could do was collapse at let myself be at the mercy of his throbbing member. Every time he thrust into me my body rocked but the pace still increased, I felt him lift my legs high and move over me so that he was now only supported on his hands and feet over me and was thrusting into me hard, rocking me via my cunt. The slurping noises coming from my hole only intensified my lust, my knees were drawn to my shoulders and I was officially his fuck toy, my cunt open and willing to meet his ramming. All this time I was kept on the verge of cumming but when his cock swelled even more, when his breathing became ragged to match mine I felt he was close. His pounding of my body became more and more frantic, his balls slapped against my arse cheeks as my nails raked his back. By now he was grunting with his efforts and my breath was coming in great rasping gasps, the peak of my orgasm was a hairs breadth when he announced he was cumming.

"Yes! Fill my hole with your cum, I want to feel your spunk in me" I cried as my orgasm hit. Suddenly he went rigid, his cock slammed into me with such force that he lifted me from the sofa, his face screwed up with effort and wailing through gritted teeth. My orgasm broke again as I pushed my crotch up to meet his thrust, screaming I clung to him for grim death as I felt the first spurt of his wonderful cum splash against my insides, filling every crevice I had. He slammed into me again with another shot from his balls. I couldn't contain that amount of cum even if I wasn't producing my own and I felt it shoot out between us splashing my soaked lips and his naked hairless crotch enveloping us in a wonderful sticky mess. His cock continued to pulse cum deep into me and I felt it every time it swelled and emptied adding to my waning orgasmic bliss.

We lay there panting, his cock growing softer as time went by until my stretched cunt could no longer contain him and it fell out. With my hole unplugged I felt the floodgates open as his and my juices ran from me soaking my asshole with gods own lubricant

He collapsed onto the floor and I looked at him and smiled at his soaking brow, ran my gaze further down at his sweat glistened body to his now flaccid cock wondering how many times I could get it to rise again tonight. It was only now that I could pay attention to the noises coming from the bedroom, a muffled slurping and appreciative distinctly male moaning. I looked over the back of the sofa and saw Marie industrially trying to remove a black cock from its owner by suction alone.

I reached down to help David to his feet "let's go and see how the other pair are getting on." He followed me through to the sight of Marie on her knees sucking Brian`s cock back to health whilst he enjoyed the sensations lying on his back gently guiding her by the hand on the back of her head. I took in the sight of her pussy still leaking cum as it dribbled down the inside of her leg.

She took time out of her sucking to mumble something about apologising to the neighbours tomorrow for the noise I was making before plunging her head back onto his rapidly hardening cock. "well I'm sure we weren't the only ones making a bit of noise" but truth be told I didn't hear a peep so intent was I on my own pleasure.

I wondered what part I would take in this orgy and I was torn between licking all the cum from Marie's pussy or sharing her mouth with Brian's cock. The answer however was made for me as I felt David's hand on my ass, probing my crack and hole as I stood and watched. I couldn't help but to spread my legs slightly as his talented finger used our own lube to slip into my ass. Lovely as it was I wanted to wait a bit before I gave my ass its own rein "now now lover boy, let's not be too hasty, you can have my ass later" I purred as I stepped off his finger and approached the bed. Turning to Brian I asked if he had any objections to removing his boyfriends cum from my sopping hole. The look of delight on his face was answer enough.

I moved up to his head and threw my leg over him so my crotch was just above his face and I felt his tongue lick gently at my swollen pussy lips causing me to gasp. Everything he did down there felt so good as I was so extremely sensitive that I was unsure if I would be able to maintain my balance perched on his nose. After a few good minutes of having my pussy licked and sucked I turned around to see both Marie and David taking turns sucking on Brian's massive cock.

I turned to my attention to Marie "Well if they are going to do the whole bisexual thing, I suppose we have to join in as well." I leaned forward to kiss Marie and grab one of her tits whilst pushing my crotch back onto Brian's willing mouth. David was fully hard again and stroking his cock whilst enthusiastically sucking on the black cock he obviously knew so well.

Marie responded with gusto to my mouth and we were soon tongue wrestling each other with abandon. David meanwhile was showing us that we weren't the only ones who knew how to deep throat a cock as he had Brian's fully erect cock jammed in his windpipe and was sucking furiously. The moans coming from Brian's mouth was testament to David's skill.

I decided however that I was going to experience this huge black cock myself and I lifted myself from Brian's mouth only to turn around and present my pussy to his crotch. By now my pussy was dripping not only with Brian's saliva but also from my juices which I thought would have been spent by now. David got the message and moved his mouth from that huge weapon and thoughtfully positioned it to my ever so willing hole.

I lowered myself to feel the head penetrate me easily and with slow deliberate movements I gyrated my way down the hard shaft until I felt his cock bottom out against my cervix and prostate, neatly fitting into my hole and filling me to completion. I moaned out loud as I pressed further onto him, feeling my inner self stretch to accommodate and finally I felt contact between my clit and his groin. I sat there for a minute getting used to his length before I raised my hips only to drop them again, slamming his hard cock deep into my body.

Never before in my wildest dreams did I think that the sex was going to be this good, every thrust just made me more determined to get the maximum pleasure from this man, to use his cock to my own ends and to get as many shuddering orgasms as possible from his manhood. My riding of his cock was getting more fervent as the minutes went by and soon I was moving only my hips in order to increase the pace, my head tossed back whilst Brian did his best to match my strokes. I didn't know what Marie and David were doing, I was only interested in myself and the cock I was bouncing up and down of.

Brian reached for my tits and started squeezing and pulling my nipples making them hurt which only added to my lust. I endured this for a minute or 2 before falling on top of him to tongue fuck his mouth in exactly the same way he was fucking my cunt. I stopped bouncing forcing him to thrust upwards as I hovered over his cock.

I suddenly felt on my ass fingers, neither mine nor Brian's probing my hole, spreading my own juices over my rosebud before being pushed inside easily. I knew they would belong to Marie and I vaguely heard her telling David "Fuck her in the ass, she's always wanted 2 cocks in her and she'll love it ...". I had managed to pleasure 2 cocks before but that was when I still had a penis and both dicks were fucking my ass, this time it would be different.

"Go on, fuck my asshole, I want it so badly right now!" I couldn't believe I had said that but I instantly realised that I did want it, I wanted it badly and I wanted it now. I felt David take up position behind me, standing on the bed and offering his cock to my tight hole, all the while his boyfriends dick was ploughing my other hole with some force. The blunt end of his cock was forcing its way into me fraction by fraction until I felt the familiar pop of the head slipping past my sphincter and penetrating my fuckhole.

He took it slowly; too slowly for my liking. I turned to Marie, looked at her and told her to shove that cock in now or I was going to lose it. She reached behind David, put her hand on his arse and instead of shoving she pinched one of his buttocks causing him to react far quicker than she could have pulled him. In his surprise he jumped away from her pinching nails and rammed his dick so hard into me that it almost knocked me from Brian's cock.

He was buried deep into my ass as Brian's cock came back to slam once more into my cunt. My orgasm was already close as it had been building ever since I jumped onto the black cock currently buried in my pussy, but now with a cock on either side of my prostate the pressure became unbearable. It was being squeezed from both sides, as David matched Brian's rhythm and I came. It didn't happen as it normally does but started coming in a series of mini orgasms each coinciding with their thrusts as I screamed, bucked, trembled and thrust myself onto both of them. The mini orgasms coalesced into one huge great orgasm wracking my body from the inside, I could feel Brian's cock head swell as he started pumping his seed into me and I cried out, it was so powerful I started to weep and my mind was overtaken by it. One final thrust from underneath me and I knew Brian was spent, his cum was leaking out of me in torrents and my legs collapsed from under me, wrenching David's cock from my battered hole giving me the icing on the cake and forcing Brian's weapon into my other one.

Brian and I stayed there for about 5 minutes catching our breath before I finally managed to get up enough strength to roll off him onto my back. Still we lay panting, my heart rate slowly returning to normal as I took stock of my situation. Not only had I been deflowered in such a wonderful way but I'd had my first double fuck as I had wanted on the same night. My pussy was awash with juices, my crotch soaked and my body covered with sweat but I had never felt better than I did right then.

I heard Marie and David somewhere in the distance fucking but I couldn't see from where I was lying but they were obviously enjoying themselves. However all I wanted to do was turn over to Brian and hold him to me, feel his manly chest against mine and cuddle for a minute. I honestly didn't know if I could do that again or if I would be able to rise to the occasion of taking another cock inside me but I knew that if I did, it wouldn't be as good as that fuck.

We held each other for a few minutes and I luxuriated in the smell of his sweat and his sex. Marie and David had both cum together and were sprawled somewhere on the floor probably doing the same. If I knew Marie however, it was her doing the cradling and David being held.

Both Brian and I sat up to look at them, sure enough David's head was resting on her breasts flat on the floor with his rapidly softening cock slowly slipping from her ass, the gush of fluids a testament to their own private party.

"Let's take a breather for a few minutes" I suggested.

We all trudged into the living room in various states of undress. I had donned my red silky gown but not bothered to tie it, Marie wore her matching black gown done up tightly to emphasise her breasts whilst the boys were completely naked wearing only their smiles. I supposed it was a good thing we had closed the curtains before they arrived. I looked at the clock which read almost 1AM on my way into the kitchen to refresh our glasses.

Marie was seated on the 3 seater sandwiched by 2 soft but wonderful looking cocks and had the look on her face of a child who had just got hold of the keys to the sweet shop. I set the glasses down on the table in front of them and dragged Marie up so that she could sit with me facing the boys. "So when you two aren't entertaining ladies like us" I started "what do you get up to?"

They told us that their services were open to anyone, they could play singularly or as a couple with women, men, couples or anyone who wanted a good time and could afford their services. They also said that they did demonstrations for wives on the pleasures and techniques gay men used to please other gay men before starting on the husbands who were invariably there and had bisexual or homosexual tendencies.

Brian was doing most of the talking and as I watched David was doing most of the reacting. Obviously there were images in his head that were pleasing to his mind's eye and it showed in his cock. We were finishing our second glass of wine when Brian nonchalantly placed his hand over David's cock as if he knew nothing about David's currently heightened state of arousal. Without pausing or breaking the conversation he started idly stroking David to full strength who let his head loll back in pleasure, content to allow his boyfriend to slowly jack him off.

I took this as my cue and dropped my hand into Marie's lap and running my hands over her inner thighs. My other hand came up to pinch and squeeze my nipple whilst I tried to get 2 fingers into Marie's hole. Her legs were spread by now and she was repositioning herself to allow me access to all areas. Brian was still merrily chatting away about first timers when he mentioned that invariably the biggest obstacle they had was with blowjobs, but once a man had tried it and enjoyed it; it was a natural progression to anal sex. On cue David lowered his head to Brian's now erect cock and took it in his mouth and started sucking enthusiastically.

Marie and I were both watching this surreal scene whereby whatever Brian would talk about, David would mirror, when he mentioned deep throating David would plunge his head down until his face was pressed into Brian's crotch and so on. By now of course I was as horny as hell again and Marie's pussy was drenched with her juices and I was easily slipping 3 fingers in and out of her pussy. Mine however wasn't fairing as well, the fucking I had got had drained my prostate of all my lubrication so Marie was having to lick her fingers to probe my new pussy.

The talking stopped after a while as we were all enveloped in our own little world when Marie repositioned herself between my legs and went to work on my pussy and ass, Brian was holding the back of David's head who was in a similar position to Marie and was pumping his massive cock in and out of his throat while David was slowly wanking himself off. The sight of Marie's tight arse so recently filled with David's cock seemed to spark something off in Brian however as he pushed David's head off and took up position behind Marie.

He slipped his cock effortlessly into her pussy to lube up his ample member before repositioning himself to enter her ass. I felt her pause briefly as his cock head penetrated her and slid inside her tight hole as far as she could take him which was almost all the way. A few movements later and his crotch was against her ass and she was pushing back to enjoy as much of his cock as he could give her. David in the meanwhile had come over to suck my nipples and I was treated to two mouths while I reached to play with the only spare cock and its accompanying ass in the room.

We stayed like this for maybe 15 minutes before I thought Brian may be getting close to filling Marie with yet another pint of bullock yoghurt "shall we return to the bedroom" I suggested as I didn't want Brian to finish off so quickly "I want to see David get fucked by Brian after all".

We were all enthusiastic about that prospect so we disentangled ourselves and moved onwards. Brian spread himself on the bed and David positioned himself above Brian facing away from him, leaning back and supporting himself on his weapon of choice. I got down between Brian's legs and sucked his cock briefly before applying my mouth to David's ass making sure they were well lubricated before I offered the cock to the hole. Both of us watched as this massive black dick started to invade David's private area, we watched his hole open under the pressure, gazed at the beautiful sight of black cock meeting white ass as it slid easily up inside David's body until crotch met ass and they were joined.

It wasn't long before the real fucking began with Brian's wonderful black cock reaming David's ass as nature intended, the pace Brian was keeping up was furious and we could see precum dripping from David's cock in spurts as Brian's dick repeatedly ran over his prostate forcing more and more fluid from him. Marie and I were furiously frigging each other's sopping pussies (after she had covered mine with lube obviously) watching this spectacle and listening to Brian's grunts getting more and more urgent, David's panting was reaching a crescendo with his cock twitching and the slamming of Brian's cock into David's pussy was so fast that David's ass was no longer reacting to it, it was now purely a hole to be fucked. This is what mine must have looked like when I was getting pummelled in my former life.

We could just glimpse Brian's cockhead as it almost came right out of his cum target as he thrust one final time, the pumping of his seed into David's naked ass was too much for him as thick ropes of cum splashed his chest not once having been touched by his own hand whilst Brian was pumping so much it was flowing from this battered fuck hole around the shaft of his dick.

I myself was grinding my pussy onto Marie's hand relishing in the beautiful orgasm as her fingers in my ass and pussy brought me off again for the umpteenth time that night. As we all relaxed I realised just how tiring it had all been, my legs were like jelly and I barely managed to crawl onto the bed and up onto the pillows. The 2 boys had fallen onto their sides still attached and I was behind Brian. I reached over them to hold them to me, slipping my hand to the monster black cock still half buried in David's ass, luxuriating in the feel of its slimy stickiness as his cum coated my hand.

By an unspoken agreement we had all decided that at gone 3AM, after fucking for hours and hours, it was finally time to draw the night to a close. Marie found the duvet, turned off the light and snuggled in David's arms, her back getting the lion's share of the cum dripping off David's chest. That's how I fell asleep.

That's not how I woke up.

I was going through the morning ritual of checking my body, 2 arms, 2 legs, 1 head, 2 tits, 1 cock ... Hang on??? I thought about that again, sure enough between my legs was a cock and a brief look showed it to be a huge black one standing at full mast from between my legs and it was slowly humping, brushing against my clit and I realised that my rest had at least partially replenished my stores of lubricant as the more I looked down, the more the cock sliding between my legs glistened. That was when I became aware of another rhythmic movement coming from the other side of the bed and the unmistakeable sound of Marie in the throes of passion. It was plainly obvious that the 2 boys had a serious case of morning wood and we were to be the outlets of their passion.

It also occurred to me that Brian might not even be aware that I was awake yet as although I was lubing up rather nicely, I hadn't actually moved. Marie was trying her best to keep quiet, although not succeeding very well, and Brian probably had his eyes closed as he was fucking my thighs.

I decided that I must once again try my anal party trick to see if Brian would be susceptible, in theory more so as I could take his cock to its full depth within myself and pleasure his cock head even more than shorter people. I moved forward, removing his cock from between my thighs and positioned myself onto the head of his monster. It was quite slick from all my juices so my ass presented no problems in opening up and swallowing it whole. I heard him gasp as I pushed myself back against his tool, turning my hips slightly as it entered me, and feeling his wonderful length fill me. I was determined that I would feel all of him inside me before I stopped pushing. I felt the resistance as he pressed against my inner sphincter and I willed it to open. Sure enough after a brief pause I felt the head push past and further inwards until I felt his crotch press against my ass cheeks. I pulled them apart as far as they would go so I could accommodate as much of him as possible and finally we were totally docked together.

He started to pull backwards but I stopped him by reaching round and holding him, then I sent my ass to work. I squeezed his cock head with my muscles and began the process which I hoped would have him shooting his delicious cum deep into my bowels. By alternating pressures and pushing down then pulling back I could effectively fuck his cock without moving my ass at all. It took only a few minutes of this until his breath became ragged and he reached round to play with my clit and pussy.

I was enjoying his ministrations so much that I almost forgot to increase the pace of my ass on him, the movements I was enjoying so much added to the tickling I was getting on my clit and the 2 fingers repeatedly being pushed inside my pussy were so overwhelming that I was in real danger of losing control but I knew there was nothing I could do about it even if I wanted to. I started to buck against him, his cock sliding in me slightly in and out of my second muscle ring made my blood pressure rise quickly, I began to perspire and rock as I felt myself beginning to crest the hill that was my orgasm. Suddenly I felt Brian twitch inside me, his cock head pulsing as he started shoving hard into me only a half inch at a time but enough to send me over the edge as he repeatedly entered my inner most hole. I was backing onto him as hard as he was thrusting and it felt as though he was getting deeper all the time "oh god please fill me up with your cock and cum!" I screamed silently to myself as I felt him squirt heavily into me, every spasm of his cock causing another mini orgasm on top of the one currently wracking my body.

I was exhausted, filled, satisfied and very sticky. I felt the enormous cock inside me wilt like a flower in the desert heat, I could feel every inch reduce to fractions as it fell from me in sections and I could feel his cum leak from my ass as he finally exited me. That was the last thing I felt for hours as sleep overtook me.

Dont forget to read the next installment: Part 10 - Prologue

Next: Chapter 10

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