Trapped in Slavery

By george Robinson

Published on Jul 14, 2023


Trapped in Slavery ch7

A week after the trip to the countryside, Tyler was pleased with the way the trip had gone though he had realized that they had never used the sex toys which were bought for the trip. He decided to organize a sex toy party come fuckfest at Carl’s place and have some fun using the aforementioned toys. The previous fuckfest had gone well and everyone had fun, well perhaps not everyone. Tyler made phone calls and sent texts inviting and instructing a whole group of people to attend. Carl was informed that a party would take place that weekend. He was given a food/alcohol list and an odds and sods list to fill and that he had to provide ample cooked food. He was also told prior to 7 pm on Saturday he had to be naked and his arsehole thoroughly cleaned out. Saturday duly arrived and all preparations were in place and at 6 pm, Carl proceeded to give his arsehole a serious clean out. He had made inquiries with Kyle just how ensure he was to achieve that task as he’d never done it before. So inline with kyle’s advice, he pushed a medium sized bottle brush up his hole and fucked himself with it even though it was extremely uncomfortable because of the stiff nylon bristles. Once done he remained naked and waited for his abusers to arrive. From just before 7 when small groups started to gather and it was obvious to Carl that most of them were sporting erections. Carl was anticipating a night of constant abuse and pain but he also knew he could do nothing to prevent it. Within minutes of groups arriving, 15 and 16 year old teens were shafting their 32 year old host like there was no tomorrow. Interspersed with the shagging, dildos and butt plugs were being inserted in an already painful arsehole. Some of these implements were very large and caused Carl to moan rather loudly. One lad decided to insert an eleven inch dildo with a three inch diameter into his arse. It was so big that the teen struggled to gain access but with push forced it well into Carl’s aching arsehole. For four hours a house full of naked teens fucked Carl with sex toys and own their own weapons. Sweat was streaming down Carl's Face and not because he was overheating but because of the pain. As the night drew to a close, one lad decided to piss on Carl.. moments later he was unceremoniously layer on his lounge carpet and pissed on by at least twenty teenagers who had consumed an awful lot of beer. As they all got dressed and left, Carl struggled to his feet and surveyed the damage to his home. There were empty bottles, discarded food of all descriptions trodden into his carpet not mention the puddle of piss that saturated it. Furniture had been ruined and the smell was overpowering with beer stains and farts and sweaty feet. He started to clean the mess up and for over an hour he worked without rest until he simply passed out with sheer exhaustion. As luck had it, Kyle returned because he’d forgotten something. He found Carl slumped on the carpet and realized that he couldn’t call for help as he or Carl couldn’t explain what had just happened. His arsehole was completely wrecked. his house reassembled a war zone and he was bollock naked. Kyle spent most of the night helping Carl recover, and he tidied the room, opened windows and used air freshener to mask the stink. When he did come around and was coherent, Kyle told him that he was to tell the authorities that he had been having sex with a boyfriend and that he must have fainted probably because he had had very little sleep in the past 24 hours. At that Kyle fucked off to leave Carl to phone for medical attention.

The following day, Carl received a phone call from head of admin asking him if he would help out at the local school on an indefinite basis. He asked if he could think about it and he’d get back to her. That was no problem. He quickly texted Kyle to get permission to be seconded to the school. “ sooner the better “ replied Kyle, so starting the following day, Carl became a temporary teacher. Next day, as he walked down the corridor to the classroom he had be assigned too, he suddenly realized that the group of lads he was approaching were his abusers. No sooner had that realization lodged in his brain, he heard a familiar voice. It was Kyle. “ hi cunt..come over here and drop your pants then on your fucking knees and start sucking”. Instantly Carl obeyed and proceeded to suck Kyle off in the corridor. He was then told to go to his classroom. The bell sounded for classes to begin and as the students filed into their respective classes Carl was struck with pure horror. Kyle and the other abusing teens were in his class. Kyle texted him...TOLD ALL THE CLASS RE. YOUR MY SLAVE..CENTRE FLOOR AND STRIP BEFORE INTRODUCING YOURSELF AS A COCK SUCKING SLAVE AND OFFER TO SUCK ANYONE'S COCK AT ANY TIME...DO IT

Carl’s day had taken a nosedive from the moment he had entered the school and he just knew it was not going to improve. Sure enough, for the entire morning, Carl spent his time sucking teen cock and being fucked over his desk. That afternoon his class was occupied in metalwork classes and being a double period meant that Carl would be free of his teenage molesters for the afternoon. At afternoon break he sat in the staffroom enjoying a cup of tea and conversation with the other teachers when the principle came in. “ Ah...Mr Redbridge.. Would you be so kind as to supervisor the playground this afternoon. Miss Harlow has taken ill so she is unable to do it” “ of course principle” replied Carl. He headed for the playground determined to avoid those abusing little bastards. He hadn’t been outdoors for more that two minutes,when Kyle and co had him in the centre of their crowd stripped him and fuckedhimas well as sucking several cocks.

His time at this school was not going to be easy but who ever expects life to be easy. Next day, Carl walked down the school corridor heading for his classroom and was surprised to see that Kyle and his cohorts were not standing in their normal spot and in fact were not visible

anywhere. For some strange reason, this bothered Carl. He was wondered why they were not there, he wondered where they were, he wondered what were they up too. He proceeded to his class but was stopped in his tracks at the door of the classroom. There in the middle of the middle of the floor was a rather low table with a contraption bolted to it and Kyle with a couple of his pals sitting at their desks. “ hi cunt been waiting for you….your wondering what the device is” chortled Kyle He ushered Carl to the edge of the table “ Anison made this in metalwork...what does it do you're asking yourself…..well if you fix a hack saw to it will saw metal without any of the drudgery also works on wood….you see that circular bar is attached to the electric motor and that makes the bar move back and forward on horizontal plane”. Just then the bell sounded and the rest of the students marched in. “ what’s the contraption for Kyle” yeld one of his mates. “ all will be revealed shortly” exclaimed Kyle. Once the door was closed, Kyle simply said to Carl. “ get fucking naked now “ Carl was taken aback but quickly stripped for fear of punishment. As he stripped, Kyle’s pal ,Anison, attached what looked like a very large dildo to the circular bar. This dildo was the eleven inch job used at the party but had been adapted to be attached to this device. Kyle started to issue orders to Carl “ come and stand here” pointing to a position in front of the table it. He turned Carl around so his arse was facing the table. “ bent forward cunt “ continued Kyle. Anison positioned the dildo in Carl’s arse so by now everyone, including Carl knew what was going to happen. Kyle applied copious amounts of lube in Carl's arsehole. Kyle tied Carl’s legs to the table legs and positioned Carl bent forward. It was then that Kyle told Anison to start the motor. Instantly the machine started to fuck Carl. It as turned it was noted that it was turning quite slowly when the class, in unison, said “”faster” Aniston looked at Kyle who simply nodded his approval and Anison turned the control to speed the gadget to maximum. The dildo was now fucking Carl at a fair rate of knotts and the distress on Carl’s face was palpable. The clock ticked the minutes away and the stress on Carl was increasing exponentially. The class were enjoying the spectacle and a few of them came forward one by one ramming their cocks in his mouth and face fucked him. The ordeal lasted until break time when Kyle called a halt to the proceedings and allowed Carl to dress and everyone dispersed. Carl sat, very gingerly, at his desk coming to terms with the fact that they could now fuck him and not be present. He followed Kyle’s instructions to remove the dildo from the device and take it back to the metalwork room and avoid the metalwork teacher from seeing or knowing that it had ever been outside that classroom. Carl received a phone call. It was from Kyle “ I want you doing yard patrol every afternoon...You will speak to the principle...use whatever excuse you have too but make fucking sure it happens” the phone went dead as Tyler hung up. Carl knew he had to do it so on the basis that there’s no time like the present he headed for the principal's office. He spoke to him, offering to do the afternoon yard patrol so he could get to know the students on a more informal basis. The principle realising he was short of teachers any way accepted Carl’s offer and said that the arrangement could start that very afternoon. After only 2 hours of having spoken to the principle, Carl was stark naked in the middle of kyles gang in the yard. He was roughly fucked over and over while his face was fucked just as roughly. That same evening Kyle turned up at Carl’s place. “Thought I’d call in o tell you that what happened to you in the yard today will happen to you every afternoon… I've decided that you can never again wear underwear. Get rid of all your underwear. I also want you to make arrangements to get Anisons device installed here here in your lounge and make arrangements to have this ( handing Carl an advertising leaflet) surveillance system installed.

48 hours later the Anison contraption was standing in the middle of the room and there were cameras all over the house and Kyle, being the computer genius that he was, could see what was happening in any room from his laptop at home. It’s safe to say that Carls life wasn’t getting any easier.

Next: Chapter 8

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