Trials and Tales of Law and Love

By Grant Watson

Published on Aug 4, 2014


This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any of the characters or occurrences in this story is completely coincidence. If you are offended by anything relating to gay behavior please exit this page. This story is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form without expressed consent of the author. If you have any questions, or even if you want to comment on the story feel free to e-mail me at Enjoy!

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Chapter One -- A New Start

I hate long car rides. I can think back to the vacations my family would take when I was a little boy. Being the smallest and youngest of my parents three children, I was always sandwiched between my older twin brothers. The constant bickering, teasing, and lack of personal space got old after awhile. But that was then; this particular car ride wasn't any of that. This time, it was just me...embarking on a new chapter in my life.

I recently graduated from university, with a bachelor's degree in pre-law. I graduated in the top percentage of my class. After applying to many law schools, I decided to attend the University of South Carolina located in Columbia, SC. One of my law professors who I was especially close to helped me get a job as a paralegal at a firm there he used to practice at, before he started teaching. The firm, Schuster, Brown and Associates is one of the most sought after practices in the southern states. So needless to say, I was stoked at being given the opportunity to work at such a prestigious law firm.

I had been driving for the past 8 hours straight from my family home in Washington, DC. So needless to say I was dead tired pulling into a gas station outside of the city in Gaston. I walked in and went straight to the restroom to wash some of the sleep out of my eyes. Looking into the mirror, after splashing my face with water I analyzed the person looking back at me. I am about 6'0 even, with black hair and deep blue eyes. I have a deep olive toned skin, which I attribute to my Italian roots. I had a come a long way from the chubby little Italian boy who loved to eat Mama's pies pasta every chance he got. During college I joined the swim team and had developed quite the body. Nice abs, and chest, along with a nice round ass to match. So I was quite confident in my looks, but not overly cocky. I kept to myself, and was often shy. Unless the topic was something of the legal nature, then it would be hard to shut me up.

On the topic of sexuality I've always known I've been gay. I'm not out to anyone but I have been attracted to guys for as long as I can remember. Older guys are my usual forte, not that I have any experience with either young or older guys. Believe it or not at 24 years old, I am still a virgin. Well to man to man contact, while man to hand is a different story. I've had opportunities to have sex, but never acted on them. I want my first time to be with someone special, someone who I want to spend my life with. I guess you could say that I'm a hopeless romantic. And maybe I am, but I know that not just anyone is going to get into my pants.

After taking care of my needs, I filled up the tank of my car for the remainder of my journey into Columbia. I had rented a one bedroom apartment downtown not too far from the law firm, and campus. My parents and I drove down the previous weekend to get everything situated, so that I only had to bring my remaining clothing items and toiletries. I finally made it to the place I was going to be calling home for the next 3 years. I got everything settled, and started to look around my new home. It finally hit me, that for the first time in 24 years I would finally be living alone. It was a liberating feeling, but at the same time very scary. But none the less, I was extremely excited.

Tomorrow would be my first day of work at the new law firm, and two weeks from now school would be starting back at USC. Nervousness was setting in, but I knew that I could do it. Doubt and nervousness was always something that set in on me in new situations, but those are two emotions that I would have to push to the side. I decided to call my mother to let her know that I made it in safely.

"Hey Mama I've made it to Columbia," I said "Oh Tony my little bambino, I'm glad you called. I was beginning to worry about you. I thought you might have fallen asleep at the wheel." She said. "No mama I'm fine, I was just getting myself settled into the new place. I'm kind of nervous about all of this." I told her. "I know Tony but new things are always going to bring those feelings. But you can do it. Just know that both your father and I are extremely proud of you for taking this major step in your life." She said. "We are always a phone call, car drive, or airplane flight away if you need anything son." She said. "I know mom, and I thank you and dad for supporting me in my dreams," I said "I know dad wanted me to continue on like Julian and Gabriel in the family pizza business, but I wanted to branch out and make a name of my own." I said. "I know papo but you know your father, he is always about continuing family hold on a sec Tony there is someone here who wants to talk to you" my mom said "Hey Unca Tony" an excited little voice said "Hey Bryson, are you being a good boy for Grandma?" I asked my little nephew "I am Unca Tony, Nana and daddy is going to let me help them make a big pizza!" He said "Aw man, that sounds yummy little guy!" I said "Yup it's going to be yummy yummy! I wish you were here with us. I miss you Unca Tony." He said "I miss you too little man, I promise you'll see me soon. I love you." I sadly said "I love you too Unca Tony! Here's Nana!" He said as he ran off "Ok Tony, I'm about to go and keep Bryson occupied with a pie. So call me tomorrow after you leave work and fill me in on everything ok?" she said "I will mama, give everyone my love. I love you." I said "I love you too papo, good night" she said as she hung up the phone.

After talking with her and my little nephew I felt better about the whole situation, and decided to call it a night. I laid out my best suit and hopped in my bed. Tomorrow would be an early morning and I didn't want to be late for my new job.

Beep. Beep. I reached over to shut up off the alarm clock. I had a pretty good night's sleep. I woke feeling refreshed. I hopped up and went to the bathroom to take a quick shower and shave. It was 7:00 and I didn't have to be in the office until 9:00, but I wanted to arrive early. I wanted the chance to get a better bearing with my surrounding areas. I got dressed and looked myself over in the mirror. I adjusted my tie, grabbed my keys and headed out the door. I arrived at the law firms address at about 7:50. The firm itself was located in the National Bank of South Carolina Building on the 17th and 18th floors. I parked my car in the underground garage, and then made my way to the front doors of the building. I checked in with security, who then directed me the elevators with my newly issued building ID card.

As I rode the elevator up, the nervousness I was feeling yesterday set in again. I said a silent prayer as I wasn't the only passenger in the elevator at the time, and finally made it to my floor. I stepped off onto one of the most well decorated and furnished offices I've ever seen. I walked the hall leading up to the receptionist desk, which was lined with portraits of the various partners of the firm. Two in particular caught my attention. The name plate under the first portrait said Mitchell Alexander Brown III, Senior Partner. He was a very handsome older man. Right beside him was another portrait of a man who looked just like the other gentlemen, except 20 years younger. The name plate under this one said Mitchell Alexander Brown IV, associate partner. I thought to myself a father and son law team. From what I could tell from the picture, this man was truly handsome, with classic looks. A strong angular face, with deep brown hair, the most beautiful grey eyes, and full lips. A true work of art.

I was lost in the portraits I didn't hear the receptionist come up behind me. "Hello, may I help you with something?" She asked. Startled I replied " Hello my name is Anthony Michael Marchese. I'm supposed to be starting with the firm this morning as a paralegal and assistant." She looked me over and said "Well good morning Anthony, I'm Lisa the lead receptionist and office manager here." She said as she shook my hand "I was expecting you a little later, but I'm glad your early. I can go over things with you before the partners and the rest of the staff gets here." She said as she led me down the hall to a little office around the corner from the receptionist desk. "This is your office Anthony, or can I call you Tony? I have a little brother named Anthony, and we all just call him Tony. You remind me of him a bit." She said. "That's fine Lisa, Tony is good. That what my family calls me." I told her. "Well Tony tell me a little about yourself." She said as she sat on a couch and patted the seat next to her. I went and sat beside her and gave her a brief rundown of myself and she in turn did the same for me. I immediately liked her. She was a pretty woman, probably in her late 20s at the oldest. Blonde hair, blue eyes, just an all around pretty girl.

After introductions she started informing me about the in and ours of the office. She said "Well you've come highly recommended from Mr. Peters or Dr. Peters now. The partners are all very excited to have you working here. It has been a while since in a new blood has started here at the firm. We've had interns in out, but no one concrete. Not since Mr. Brown's son started 6 months ago. He's our newest partner." She said "Well I'm very thankful for Dr. Peters. He has helped me tremendously in my undergrad college education. So will I be assisting all of the partners or just one?" I asked "Well Tony, we have about 20 different partners here at the firm. Each lawyer concentrates on a different area of law. In all actuality all of our paralegals help each of the lawyers whenever needed, but we are trying to give each lawyer their own paralegal that will in turn double as a personal assistant. Which is we're you come in." She said. "Our newest partner the one I mentioned earlier is in need of a paralegal, he actually is one of our senior partner's sons, and quite the looker if I might add." She winked at me; I nervously replied back "Ok that sounds great." I was hoping she hadn't realized that I was staring at the portrait of the very lawyer she was talking about, in turn giving myself away. One thing I didn't want is to be outed on my first day. "Ok well if you have any questions please feel free to come ask me anything, my desk is at the very front of the office in front of the partner portrait hallway. You will be going upstairs to the partner floor at 10:30 for our Monday morning meeting. You'll be introduced to the rest of the staff, paralegals, and partners. She said as she got up to leave the office. "Just come to my desk about 5 minutes after and I'll walk you up and welcome to Schuster, Brown, and Associates Tony." I replied "Thanks Lisa, I'm glad to be here." She closed my door on the way out.

It was about 9:30 and I heard rumblings outside of my office, but I didn't go out to greet anyone. I took the time to look around my office, and get my bearings. It was handsomely furnished, and I even had a window to look at. I sat at my desk and just thought about how long I had come to where I was now. Right after high school I graduated and started working at one of my family's pizzerias and Italian bistro. My great grandparents immigrated from Italy, and set up shop in the Virginia area. They made a name for themselves with their authentic Italian cuisine so they decided to open up a restaurant. The eatery gained notoriety and grew to more stores opening throughout VA and DC areas. Currently Marchese's owns and operates about 20 stores. They are all ran by Dad and uncle. My two older brothers have also started in the family business right after high school, each of them taking on operating stores. It was expected of me to do the same thing. And for a while after high school, I did work with my family. But when I reached my 20th birthday, I decided that food service wasn't where I wanted to spend my life at. Ever since I was little boy I wanted to be a lawyer. So I told my parents that's what I wanted to pursue. Mama was happy about it; she supports me in everything I do. Pops on the other hand wasn't so supportive. After I got accepted to Howard University in DC, he didn't speak to me for a week. But after some talking with mama he finally came around. He gave me his blessing, but deep down I know he wants me back in the Restaurant business with the rest of the family.

I looked at the clock and realized it was 10:00 so I decided to head up to Lisa's desk up at the front. She was just getting off the phone when she saw me coming up the hallway. "You ready?" She asked "As ready as I'll ever be" I replied. We headed to the elevators down the hallway and she pressed the up button to take us to the 18th floor. When we got off, she showed me a huge room floor to ceiling glass paned windows, and a large executive table and chairs in the center of the room. We both sat down and continued our conversation about ourselves from earlier. Other people started arriving and she started introducing me to everyone as they came in. In the middle of our conversation, I realized that I needed to go to the restroom. She showed me wear it was at, and told me to hurry back as we would be starting soon. I had just finished washing and drying my hands when I turned to walk out the door I ran into the firm chest of most handsome man I've ever seen. It was the man from the portrait and I must say that painting did not do this man-god any justice. He stood about 6'4 with nice broad shoulders. He was in a nice fitted suit that was filled out in all the right places. You could tell that he had a nice body, from the way the fabric stretched against his body farm. He had the most beautiful full kissable lips which was surrounded by a nice and neatly trimmed goatee. But the best part of it all was his eyes. Anyone could get lost in this man's eyes. They were the most beautiful cool grey eyes I had ever seen. This man was walking sex.

After running into each other, I apologized profusely to him. He just looked intently at me and smiled. He had the most perfect, white teeth. He then said "No worries, my friend. It seems we are both in a rush not to be late for the old man's meeting." He smiled at me again. At this point I feel myself getting hard. He continued "I'm Mitchell Brown, but you can call me Mitch. I'm a lawyer here at the firm. I just started here about 6 months ago. And you are?" He asked as he reached out to shake my hand. I took his hand nervously replied "Hi, I'm Anthony Michael Marchese, but I go by Tony. Today is my first day here, I'm a paralegal." I replied. "Well it was nice meeting you Tony; I look forward to working with you here in the office. He said. I realized that I was still holding his hand, when he looked from my face to our hands. I released it and told him the same and hurried back to the conference room. I had to adjust myself before walking in, and taking my seat.

Right before the meeting started, Mitch walked through the door and took a seat at the opposite side of the table from where I was sitting by a man that was no doubt his father. The meeting went by pretty quick. Current cases were discussed, tasks were given out, and the paralegal schedule was laid out. I did keep noticing that throughout the meeting I would catch Mitch looking in my direction. At one point he even smiled at me. This made me nervous, if chalked it up to it just being all in my mind. I mean this man had to be straight. Towards the end of the meeting I was formerly introduced by Lisa to the rest of the firm. Everyone welcomed me and I told them back that I was glad to be a part of the team. I was then assigned to be Mitch's paralegal. I could feel my face turning a little red as I was told, but thankfully my complexion really hides it well. I looked down at Mitch and he was smiling back at me. I blushed and then looked down and pretended to look down at my notes.

After the meeting ended I was shaking some of the partner's hands, when I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was Mitch. He said "Hey Tony, I hate to interrupt but could you come to my office after you finish in here. I want to go over some things with you. My office is on the other side of the elevators, and down the hall to the last door on the right." I replied back "I will be there as soon as I grabbed my binder and iPad." He squeezed my shoulder and walked away, which actually made me kind of week in the knees. I don't know what's happening to me but I usually have more self control then this. I quickly grabbed things and followed the directions he gave me. This was a big office, I would have to get used to the layout I thought to myself. I finally found his office, the door was closed. I knocked on it and I heard a voice say "Come In". I opened it and went in. I was stunned at what I saw.

Next: Chapter 2

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