Trials and Tales of Law and Love

By Grant Watson

Published on Jun 16, 2015


This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any of the characters or occurrences in this story is completely coincidence. If you are offended by anything relating to gay behavior please exit this page. This story is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form without expressed consent of the author.

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Chapter 14 - The Aftermath

Mitch brought me inside the house and guided me over to the couch to sit. I was mentally, physically, emotionally spent. The sound of the boys cries as they were driven off is still ringing in my ears. I just felt so helpless. Mama walked over towards Mitch and I and sat beside us. She said "Boys I know this is rough, but you both have to be strong for your sons. You cant let them get away with this. The fact that you two as adult males has become the deciding factor in your parental rights. It's downright discrimination!" Mitch pulled me closer to him as I buried my face in his chest. He then said "I know Mama, we will do everything we can to make our family complete again. What has happened is a complete and utter injustice towards us." He then looked down at me and kissed the top of my head and said "Tony baby you have to be strong. No matter what, you have to be. I need you to be, and our boys need us to be as well."

I knew he was right but I felt like I had no fight left in me. It amazed me that just over three weeks ago, I was moving to South Carolina to begin my law degree, and now here I was crying over the loss of two sons. Life definitely has its way of throwing things at you. I sat up and wiped my eyes and said "I know babe...I have to be strong. I know this is killing you as much as its killing me, if not worst. We have to call you dad and Francine to let them know whats going on." Mitch agreed with me and he made the call, putting the phone on speaker.

The phone rung three times, and then we heard Dad Brown's voice, he said "Hey Mitch, how are my little guys doing today?" Mitch took in a deep breath and said "Dad...that's the reason i'm calling you..." Dad Brown cut him off and said "Son is everything ok? Whats wrong?!" Mitch began again "They took them from us Dad. DSS just came and took our sons away from us." Dad Brown angrily said "Thats complete and utter bullshit! Francine come here a minute, DSS has taken the boys!" Despite everything that was going on, the fact that Dad Brown and Francine were together when the office was closed didn't fall on deaf ears. Both Mitch and I looked at each other and smiled. Francine then came to the phone and said "Boys tell me everything that happened, and on what grounds were they removed."

Mitch went about explaining everything that happened from the time we were on our way home from the park, until the boys being driven away crying. You could hear the anger and sorrow in Francine's voice as she said "They will not get away with taken our beautiful boys away! This sounds like a bonified discrimination case to me! We'll be right over boys just hold on." We said our goodbyes and then hung up the phone.

Mama got up from the sofa, and said "I'm going to make a light lunch boys." I knew this was Mama's way of coping with stress. I figured that we would be having more then a light lunch since Mama found cooking to be a stress reliever. Mitch and I continued to sit on the sofa waiting for Dad Brown and Francine to arrive. Mitch was holding me extremely close to his body, and I was holding on to him just as tight. I guess we were both just reassuring the other that they weren't alone.

My brain was still trying to process everything that had occurred today. Our boys were taken away from us one day, and now we have court the next day to try to fight for our right to keep them. Then on top of that I started school tomorrow! My heart dropped to my stomach at the thought of that. This was all to much for me to process. I guess Mitch was thinking the same thing as me, because he all of a sudden said "Babe I know you start class tomorrow. I still want you to go. I know you wont be able to focus much with all of the bullshit we have going on right now, but I still think it would be best if you go. What is your schedule looking like class work wise?" I looked up at him and said "I was literally just thinking the same thing. But I have classes until 2:15 tomorrow." Mitch smiled slightly and then said "Ok good...whenever your done just head over to the office. So we can ready to go to the courthouse." He then reach his head down and softly kissed me on the lips. I said in response "Thanks babe...I needed that." He just smiled and did it again.

Dad Brown and Francine arrived to the house about 20 minutes after Mama got settled into the kitchen with lunch. Mama walked them into the family room where Mitch and I were cuddled up on the couch. Francine came over to both of and kissed each of us on the head, then said "I'm sorry you two are going through this. But dont you worry. We are going to fight it!" I said to her "Do you think we have a chance in this? I just have this horrible sinking feeling right now about all of this." Francine looked at us, then at Dad Brown and said "I'm not going to sugar coat this guys, we are definitely in for a fight. What has happened has definitely been a travesty against the justice system. It's 2014 and we are still dealing with discrimination against Gays and Lesbians. The fact that the sole reason for removing the boys from your care, although it wasn't stated explicitly by DSS but definitely implied, shows that the decision was based on your sexuality. We wont let them get away with this!"

Dad Brown and Francine sat beside each other beside each other on the love seat opposite Mitch and I. Dad Brown said "Look boys, we need both of you to be strong. Don't let them get the best of you guys. We will get our boys back home, Franny and I will be sure of it!" Mitch and I looked at each other and smiled at his pet name for Francine. Dad Brown saw our exchanged looks, smiled then said "Well I guess the cats out of the bag Franny!" He then took her hand in his and said "Boys Franny and I have been seeing each other." Mitch looked at his dad with a smile and said "I'm happy for you two! That's great and Congratulations!" I got up and went over to hug both of them, and told them "I agree 100% with Mitch, I definitely am happy for you two as well."

Mama then walked into the room with a tray of pasta salad and chicken salad sandwiches. Francine and Dad Brown told them the news and she reiterated our feelings of happiness of the two seeing each other. We all dug into eat at Mama's suggestion. Even though we weren't extremely hungry, we ate up all of Mama's food, which in the end made us all feel better about everything that was going on. Throughout lunch we were discussing what would be the best way to handle everything that was going to happen tomorrow.

As we were finishing up lunch Mama's phone started to ring. She excused herself to go and get her iPhone from the kitchen, and then came back into the family room. She answered the phone "Hello Greg, how are things going?" I looked over at Mama and I could tell something wasn't right as she continued to talk to Greg. She said "Oh God...where is he now?" Silence, then "Is he stable?" More silence, then "I'll be on the first flight there. You boys stay strong, I'll be there as soon as I can. Tell your dad to hold on, I love you boys."

Mama collapse into the nearest chair and I rushed to her side. I exclaimed "Mama whats wrong?! What happened?!" She looked at me with tears in her eyes and said "Papo your father just had a heart attack." I immediately started having a panic attack at her words. Mitch rushed over to my side and stabled me, while Dad Brown and Francine went over to check on my mother, as she tried to calm me down. She hugged me close to her, rubbing my back and started saying "Tony...Baby...calm down its ok. He's stable now, they have him sedated but they are monitoring him. I'm going to head up there to check on him on the next flight out."

I came somewhat back to my senses and said "OK mama, i'm coming with you." Mama rubbed the side of my face and said "No papo, your place is here. You start classes tomorrow, and you have to be here for Mitch. He needs you more. Your father is fine...he's stable. He would want you here fighting for your sons, not worrying about him in the hospital." I didn't like what I was hearing, I started "But Mama what if..." She put her fingers to my lips and said "Its going to be ok papo, you know i'm right. Your place is here...end of story. Now i'm going to go upstairs and pack to catch a flight."

At this time Dad Brown stepped in and said "Carolyn dont worry about the flight, you can fly on the firms private jet." My mom was shocked by the offer and said "No Mitchell, I couldn't put you out like that. I can fly commercial." Dad Brown walked over to her, along with Francine and said "It's no trouble at all, plus you'll get there 3 times as fast. Your family now, and I want to do this. You've done so much for my son and grandsons. Please let me do this small gesture as token of my appreciation." Mom finally relented, and Dad Brown and Francine both got big hugs.

We drove Mama to the airport about 2 hours later, as we had to wait for the jet to gassed up for the flight. We said our goodbyes, and I made Mama promise to call or text me with updates on Dad's condition as soon as she was up there with them. Before getting on the jet she gave both Mitch and I a kiss and said "I'm sorry to leave you boys like this, but I need you both to remember what I said about being strong. Those babies need their dads. Let me know the outcome of the hearing tomorrow. I love you both." We each gave her another hug and told her that we loved her too. Then she boarded the plane, and we watched it take off.

The ride back to the house was a solemn one. Mitch nor I said much, we just held tight onto each other's hand as we made our way home. Both of us were mentally and physically exhausted from everything that happened. We were more so dreading what events the next day would hold for us. When we got home we both stripped and got into bed,there was no love making going on tonight. Although both Mitch and I were both hard as rocks as we slid into bed, neither one of us were really up for sex at that point. Both our minds were still crowded with thoughts that tonight we wouldn't be tucking our boys into their bed. Or being able to tell them we loved them. The only thing we could do, is pray that everything would be okay. I soon drifted off to sleep as Mitch wrapped me tight into his chest.

"Due to the evidence presented to me this morning, I remand full custody to one, Rebecca Elizabeth Brown with visitation rights to Mitchell Alexander Brown. Although Mrs. Brown willingly left her children, South Carolina is a pro-mother state when it comes down to custody issues between spouses." The judge continued now looking at Mitch and I as we stood beside each other. I sensed a look of disgust in his eyes at the sight. "Also Mr. Brown, since your wife has retained full custody of the children, you will be required to pay child support in the amount of $2300.00 per month. Both parties need to see the clerk of court on your way out today to discuss particulars of the arrangement. This court is adjourned!"

I looked over at Mitch with tears in my eyes, and could see a mixture of sadness, fear, and hate in his eyes. He started shouting at me "This is all your fault! If it wasn't for you seducing me, I would still have my boys! I never want to see you again! Ever!" I began pleading with Mitch "No baby please...don't do this. I need you in my life! Please..." Mitch looked at me a look of pure hatred and disgust and said "Leave...Now! Before I hurt you!" I started crying uncontrollably "Baby I'm so sorry! Please don't..."

"Tony...Tony...Baby...Wake Up! Wake Up Baby!" Mitch said as he shook me awake. I finally came to and realized that I was drenched in a cold sweat. Mitch pulled me close to his strong chest and said "You were having a nightmare's going to be ok." I couldn't help it anymore and the floodgates opened. Mitch just laid there with me, stroking my back as I let all my emotions go.

After I finally calmed down some, Mitch pulled my chin up to his face, and then kissed me on the lips. He then said "Do you want to talk about it love?" I looked him in the eyes to make sure I didn't see the same eyes I saw in my nightmare and said "It was just a dream baby, but it just felt so real. I really don't want to speak the dream I just had into existence." He kissed me, then said "I understand babe...I understand." We soon fell asleep again entangled in each others arms.

I woke up the next morning still wrapped in Mitch's arms. I turned my body to face him, and gave him a good morning kiss. He smiled slightly as I kissed him awake. He said groggily "Good Morning baby...what time do you have to be at class?" I kissed him again and said "My first class is at 9:00, what time are you heading to the office babe?" He kissed me again and then said "I'm going to head into the office at 9:00 as well. I'm trying to prepare myself mentally for all of this. It really is overwhelming if you think about everything that is going on right now. But I'm trying to remain strong." I said back "I know baby, we both have to remain strong for the boys. No matter what the outcome is today, we will get our boys back. Whatever it takes."

Mitch wrapped me into a hug, than he lifted me up and carried me into the master bathroom. We didn't do anything major, just sensually washed each other's bodies. Both our minds were on our boys, and what lie ahead for both them and us. After washing each other off, we both started getting dressed. While tying Mitch's bowtie, I couldn't keep my eyes off of his cool grey ones. Mitch's eyes mesmerized me in everyway possible. After finishing off his tie, he drew me into him and gave me a mind-blowing kiss. I touched my lips after he pulled away, and Mitch just smiled and winked at me.

Walking out to our respective cars, we wished each other luck on our days. I told Mitch that I would meet up with him, as soon as class was over. I really felt bad about not being there at the office with Mitch, while all of this was going on. But he insisted that I go to class, being that this was the first day of the semester. I just really felt that my place was with Mitch at this point.

On the way to campus, Mama called with an update on dad. "Good Morning Papo, I hope you have a wonderful first day." She said. I replied back "Thanks Mama, how's dad this morning?" She said "He's doing fine papo, his spirits are high. I would let you talk to him, but he is still asleep at the moment. I just wanted to call you and let you know that we love you and Mitch. Don't stress too bad today, I know it's easier said then done, but just try not to." I thanked her for support and continued my way to campus.

My mind kept racing back to the horrible dream I had last night. I will never forget the look of disgust and hatred in Mitch's eyes when he looked at me in that dream. The way he looked at me just made me feel worthless and useless to him. He blamed our relationship for the lost of the boys. I tried not to think about it, but my mind just kept going back to the way he looked at me. Those beautiful eyes that I fell so deep in love with...were now becoming one of my worst fears. Mitch and the boys had become so intertwined with my life now, that I couldn't imagine my life without them. The thought of it made my heart hurt.

While walking to my first class of the day, I took in my surroundings. It was refreshing to see all of the young life walking around campus, Young teenagers embarking on the next chapter of their young lives. I remember being in their shoes when I started undergrad. I didn't have a care in the world, just the excitement of being in college. It brought back memories of my first real chance of freedom, and the feel of being somewhat like an adult.

I finally made it to my first class; needless to say I couldn't focus on anything that was being said. It was the same story throughout the rest of the day. I floated through classes with my mind stuck on the outcome of the court hearing for the boys custody that afternoon, and also that horrible nightmare. I had managed to pay attention to some of the points that were being discussed about the course load. It was going to be a challenging semester to say the least.

When I was leaving my last class, I stopped to talk to the professor about a particular project that he was outlining that we would have to do later on in the semester. I noticed that someone was standing by the door waiting to talk to the professor after me I assumed. So I finished up my question as quickly as I could to let the other student have a chance to speak with the professor. I made my way to the door to see that the student happened to be a very attractive man. I smiled at him as I made my way out of the classroom. To my surprise he followed me out instead of going to talk to the professor.

He made his way up to me and introduced his self. "Hello, my name is Matthew Johnson, but my friends just call me Matt." He said as he stretched his hand out to shake mine. I shook his hand and immediately noticed his strong grip, and also the smoothness of his hand. I said to him "Nice to meet you Matthew, I'm Tony Marchese." He gave me a winning smile as he looked me in the eyes, and said "Ahhh your Italian, I love Italian!" He laughed after realizing what he said "Food...I mean Italian Food."

Matthew was the definition of Southern Prep good looks. He was tall, just about the same height as Mitch at about 6'3. His tight Vineyard Vines polo fit hit muscular torso perfectly, just as his cargo shorts perfectly framed his legs. He had the most beautiful head of blonde hair, which framed an extremely handsome face. But what stuck out most was his beautiful blue eyes. It was as if I was looking into the ocean. Throughout the entire time I was looking him over, his eyes never left mine; I guess he was doing the same as me.

He was the first to speak again, "Well Tony, it was definitely nice to meet you. I noticed you in class, and I had to speak to you. Forgive me if im overstepping my bounds, considering the fact that we just met, but you looked like you were preoccupied with a lot, like you weren't really there in class." He had such a sincere and concerned tone in his voice. I felt safe with him, and I almost told him everything that was going on but decided against it. I replied back to him "Your very observant Matthew, I do have a lot going on at the moment but I'd rather not go into it at the moment." He smiled at me and said "I understand man...forgive me for prying." I interjected "No it's cool man, I just have a lot going on right now."

"Ok Tony, well I'll let you go man. It was nice meeting you, I hope to run into you again sometime." I replied back and said "It was nice meeting you as well, I'm sure we'll be seeing each other often considering we have this class together." He smiled at me and said "See you later man!" and walked off. I made my way to my car, smiling to myself about the new friend I'd made. I had a feeling that I would definitely have to make it clear that friends was all that I could be with him. I got a definite vibe about him from the way he held my hand when he shook it.

I drove through the crazy downtown Columbia traffic, and finally made my way to the office. I made my way to the elevator and rode up to the law firm floor. I walked out onto our floor, and saw Lisa seated behind her desk. She looked at me and smiled, then walked out from around her desk and came over to hug me. She hugged me and said "Tony it's so good to see you, everyone is waiting for you upstairs in the old man's office." I hugged her back and said "Thanks Lisa, and its so good to see you too." She replied back "Well go ahead up, and don't worry about all of this Tony. I know it's rough but things have a way of working out for the best. Just be strong for Mitch's sake and for the sake of the boys."

I held back my tears and said "I know, I'm trying to be strong. I never expected all of this when I first moved down here. It's like I found the perfect life, and now its being taken away from me before I even had the chance to fully enjoy it." She hugged me again and said "I know baby...but it will work out. Just trust go on up." I did as I was told and my way up to Dad Brown's office. I walked in and saw Dad Brown, Mitch, Francine, the two other partners, Daniel Schuster and Jeremy Segars, and finally an attorney I didn't recognize.

Mitch's smiled at me, and made his way over to me as I walked into the office. He hugged me close, and kissed me on the lips. It kind of took me aback, although we'd shown affection to each other in front of Dad Brown and Francine, we'd never done it in front of anyone else. I looked over to everyone else, and they all had smiles on their faces. I smiled at Mitch and said "Hey Mitch, I made here as soon as I could." He smiled and said "I know babe, it's ok. We were just going over what to expect today in court, and what our plan of action is going to be." I sat down at the table as they briefed on everything that was going to happen, and what to expect.

Apparently they were preparing for our relationship to be the center of the DSS's argument. They had no other concrete proof, that anything was being mishandled in the care of the twins. We had a strong account of statement from the various nurses from the hospitals, and also accounts from various people in the office who would speak on our behalf on the care we showed for the twins. Francine, Mr. Schuster, Dad Brown, and the attorney I didn't recognize who I later found out was Mr. Schuster's son Victor; a childhood and college friend of Mitch's, would be representing us in the case. Although we had a solid argument, my stomach was still in knots. I was nervous of the outcome of today.

It was soon time to head to the courthouse. Mitch and I stood up, and he grabbed my hand as we made our way to the elevators. It seems like the entire office was going to be in attendance for the court hearing, because as we made our way down stairs everyone was locking up their offices and following behind us. Although I was slightly embarrassed at Mitch and I holding hands in front of all of our colleagues, I had a since of pride that Mitch showed no fear in letting everyone know that he loved me.

Mitch and I soon made it the Range Rover, and we climbed into our places in the vehicle. After Mitch cranked the car up, he resumed holding my hand. He brought my hand up to his lips and lightly kissed it. He then said " know your afraid. But we are not going to lose our boys. They will be coming home with us tonight, where we will be putting them to sleep in their nursery. I wont let them take our boys from us again. Just remember that, and also remember that I will always love you baby." I took in everything Mitch said and replied back "I love you too Mitch, I'm just afraid. I know everything will work out for the best, hopefully with the boys being back us...their dads"

We finally pulled up to the courthouse and made our way up the courthouse steps. I looked behind us and realized that our earlier assumption was correct, our entire office was there to support us in the court case this afternoon. It made me feel good to see such support for us, and our boys. We made our way into the courthouse to the assigned court room. It was one of the smaller ones, but it had enough room for all of us to fit inside.

Mitch made his way to the front along with Dad Brown, Francine, and the rest of the representing attorneys. I took a seat behind them. As Mitch took his seat after talking with Dad Brown, he reached back and squeezed my hand and said "Trust Me Tony..." I nodded at his words.

I looked over at the prosecuting side of the courtroom, and noticed that the social worker Ms. Jones was seated with three other men, who I assumed were her boss and the state attorneys they were assigned. She noticed me looking in her direction, and she quickly turned her nose up at me and faced the judges bench. At that exact moment someone burst through the courtroom doors. I turned around to see Rebecca waltzing in with her smug attorney toward the prosecuting side. She caught my eye as she made her way to the front of the courtroom. She gave me an evil glare, and then smiled at me. In that exact moment I felt as if my stomach was doing a trapeze act at the circus. I assumed social services called her since it concerned the boys.

Mitch noticed the little exchange Rebecca and I, and he glared in her direction. His stare caught her eye, and she smiled at him. She then tapped the social worker on the shoulder, and they started having an animated conversation. Something two people who barely know each other to our knowledge shouldn't be doing. In that moment, I immediately felt that Rebecca had set us up with that social worker visit. I looked at Mitch, who was looking at them as well. It looked as if felt the same thing I did, because he immediately started to tell the other attorneys to look over at the animated conversation between Rebecca and Ms. Jones.

The bailiff walked to the front and announced that all cell phones, and electronic devices needed to be turned off. He then had everyone stand as he announced the arrival of the judge from his chambers. He was an older man; he looked to be in his late 60's at the youngest. He had a hard face, and looked like he wasn't the one to be trifled with. After opening remarks the DSS side started their opening statements.

As expected they brought the relationship between Mitch and I to the forefront, but they did it in an way as to not insinuate that they were basing their entire decision on that one fact. They did however do the expected by insinuating the reason that the reason Rebecca was no longer in the picture was because Mitch's relationship with me. They went on to say that although they found no signs of neglect from Mitch and I in the care of the babies, they felt it best to take the children out of the home until a proper judgment could be made regarding the pending divorce between Mitch and Rebecca. They then pointed out that although the boys were in the custody of the DSS, being that South Carolina was a pro-mother state they recommend that boy's custody remain fully with Rebecca. After the DSS lawyers spewed more BS, they finally rested their cases.

It was finally our turn to plead our case. Francine and Victor pulled out all the stops when it came to their pleadings. They countered everything that the DSS lawyers said, even bringing to the forefront that Rebecca abandoned the boys and Mitch. Even presenting the letter Rebecca wrote to Mitch telling him that she no longer wanted anything to do with them to the judge. I looked up at the judges' face as he read that foul letter, he didn't look too happy. They called the nurses from the hospital that helped us prepare the boys to go home, to support the claim of that Mitch and I showed the utmost care when it came down to the care of our boys. They brought out that although South Carolina is a pro mother state, that custody should be remanded back to Mitch.

They pointed out again the fact Rebecca abandoned her family without any warning at all. She took off without even the courtesy of telling Mitch where she was, even having audacity to write a goodbye letter, further solidifying the fact that motherhood wasn't what she wanted. Francine and Daniel were hitting them with concrete facts that put us in the best spotlight possible. But I still felt uneasy about the whole thing, because despite everything we presented, the DSS side showed no sign of desperation or emotion.

We finally rested our case and the judge recessed the court for 15 minutes so that he could make his decision based on the facts that he heard. Mitch turned around to look at me, with a smile on his face. He said "Everything is going good babe, we are taking our boys home tonight. There is no way that he is going to give custody to Rebecca after we presented all of this evidence." I forced a smile back at him, being that I was still feeling uneasy about everything and said "Yeah...I hope we presented enough to sway him back in our favor." Mitch reached for my hand and squeezed it and said "Just have faith babe, our sons will be coming home with us." I smiled at him and nodded my head. I looked over in Rebecca's direction, to see that she and Ms. Jones was scowling at the interaction between Mitch and I. I glared at them, and they quickly turned back to their conversation.

The judge finally returned back to the bench after the announcement made by the bailiff. He began "After taking into consideration the sides presented by both parties, I have just about come to a decision on the custody of the young wards, Mitchell Alexander Brown V and Aiden Michael Brown. I would like to ask both the father and mother of these two boys a few questions before I make my decision." He turned to Mitch and asked him to approach the bench and then said "Mr. Brown are you currently in a relationship that caused Mrs. Brown to abandon you and your two sons?" Mitch responded back "Yes your honor, I am currently in a relationship but its not the reason why my soon to be ex-wife and I are no longer in a relationship. She abandoned me, with two newborn baby boys...I hadn't even known Tony not two weeks before the boys were born. We were friends at first, but after Rebecca up and left us high and dry, he stepped in as a friend to help. We eventually fell in love with each other. So to answer your question, No, my relationship with Tony is not the reason Rebecca and I are in a relationship anymore. And your honor, I know you haven't asked me but I just want to say that I love Tony with all my heart, and he is the same with me. We have loved our boys with everything we have. We just want to take them home. That's it."

The judge then told Mitch he could have a seat, and then he called Rebecca to the bench. He asked her "Why did you abandon your family Rebecca?" She looked at him with a clearly fake teary-eyed face and said, "Your honor I was afraid, I wasn't ready to be a mother. I didn't know what to do, so I left. I do admit to writing Mitch that letter, but I did it as an act of desperation. I just didn't want to be a mother or a wife anymore. I over time realized that I made the wrong decision, and tried to come back to my family to find out that Mitch had replaced me with a man. I pleaded with him to take me back so I could be with and him and the boys, but he wouldn't...he refused. If he doesn't want me, that is fine. I just want my sons..." she sobbed. The judge gave her a Kleenex and then dismissed the bitch back to her seat.

The judge then scanned the court room as if he was looking for someone, then looked at Mitch and said "Mr. Brown, is your partner here with you today?" Mitch cleared his throat obviously startled by his question, and said, "Yes your honor, he is actually sitting directly behind me." The judge looked behind Mitch at me and then said "Young man would please approach the bench, I have a few questions for you."

Needless to say I was completely shook at his request, but I nervously made my way up to the stand. I made eye contact with Mitch as I made my way up, he gave me a look support but also he had a look of fear on his face at the same time. I then faced the judge and he said, "Young Man, I assume that you are in a relationship with Mr. Brown, correct?" I replied and the affirmative and he continued, "Being that you are involved with Mr. Brown shall we say intimately, you will no doubt be a fixture in his life, therefore you will be one when it comes to his children. I need to here your take on things before I make the decision." I nodded and said "OK" and he continued "Were you in a relationship with Mr. Brown prior to the split between him and his estranged wife?" I replied "No sir I wasn't, I had just met him not even two weeks prior to his split with Rebecca. At that point I may have seen him 4 or 5 times in that time frame. He continued, "Tell me how you feel about the two young charges." I looked back at Mitch who nodded to go ahead, and then back at the judge and said "Your honor I look at those two little boys like they are my own sons. I love them with everything that I am, and I would do anything to protect them. They have become a part of my heart just like their father has, and I cant imagine my self with out them."

The judge then thanked me for my candor and excused me back to my seat. Mitch had a look of pride on his face, and I could tears welling up in his eyes as I walked by. The judge then said "After considering all of the evidence, and the statements of the two parties involved in I have come to my decision. He looked over at Rebecca and the DSS workers and said "Mrs. Brown I find what you did in the initial stages of the boys lives to be absolutely despicable. What kind of mother would abandon her two children not even two days after they are born? It's an absolute outrage! But I do commend you for trying to come back to be with your family."

He then turned his gaze to our direction and said "Mr. Brown I actually do not find any fault in how you have handled your boys. I don't understand why DSS removed them from your home initially, being that I saw no act or real proof of neglect or abuse. I will be discussing this with them privately after todays court hearing." I looked over at the DSS workers and Rebecca, and they all had looks of defeat on their faces. The judge continued "But...due to the fact that Mrs. Brown attempted to come back to you and your young sons, does shed a positive light on things. I can understand the betrayal that you must of felt when she abandoned you with two newborn babies. I'm not sure that I would have had the resolve to take her back either; even if she left me with no babies at all."

He continued "I want to let the court know on record that the decision I have made does not have anything to do with the fact that Mr. Brown is now in an relationship with Mr. Marchese. I am not homophobic in anyway shape or form. But South Carolina is a pro-mother state. With that being said, I remand custody to Mrs. Brown, with unlimited visitation rights to Mr. Brown. Mr. Brown, after looking over your financial records, you will be required to pay child support in the amount $2300.00 per month to Mrs. Brown for the care of your two boys. If there are no further questions, this court is now adjourned." He then banged his gavel signifying the seal of his judgment.

I just sat there in complete shock at the outcome of the hearing. I looked over at Rebecca and she had look of triumph on her eyes. She caught me staring and just laughed in my direction. I turned my direction to Mitch and squeezed his shoulder. He turned around and looked at me, and I saw the same eyes that I saw in the dream the night before, the same hateful and angry eyes. I got up and left the courtroom with him calling my name behind me. I ignored his calling my name. I had to get out of there before he could say the hurtful things he said to me in my dream.

Sorry for the late, late, late posting of this chapter guys! I have received countless e-mails regarding the story and it has been quite overwhelming. I was not expecting the response that i've received so far on this story. I truly appreciate it. Hopefully the next chapter won't take as long to post.


Next: Chapter 15

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