Trials and Tales of Law and Love

By Grant Watson

Published on Dec 8, 2014


This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any of the characters or occurrences in this story is completely coincidence. If you are offended by anything relating to gay behavior please exit this page. This story is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form without expressed consent of the author. If you have any questions, or even if you want to comment on the story feel free to e-mail me at Enjoy!

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Chapter 2 - Making A New Friend

There was Mitch, standing with his shirt off. I stopped dead in my tracks. He had the most beautiful sculpted chest and abs I had ever seen. He had perfect brown dime sized nipples, and right between his pecs was a hairy trail that no doubt led to the stuff dreams are made of. He said. "Sorry about that I spilled coffee on my shirt right before you came in. I was in the middle of changing into a clean fresh one when I heard your knock. I'm sorry about flashing you." He grinned. Me still being in a trance looking at this man god standing in front of me finally comprehended what he said and then replied nervously "It's ok, I understand. So what did you want to talk to me about?" I asked trying to keep my composure. He told me to come have a seat in front of his desk.

He then proceeded to lean back on the front of his desk while he finished buttoning his shirt. He said "Well Tony, I just wanted to talk with you about what we would be focusing on as far as cases here at the office. I deal with the bulk of the workers compensation claims that come through the doors. This particular area of law can be quite paper work intensive, so it's going to require you being very thorough and attentive to detail. Is that something you can handle? He asked. I said "Well Mr. Brown..." He interrupted "Call me Mitch." I stammered "Um ok, Mitch. Well I feel I'm more then up to the job. I'm a very organized person; in fact it's kind of a passion of mine. Some people might call it OCD but me I just like for everything to have its place." I replied. He then said as he stood to adjust his shirt and tie "Good. Well I believe you and I will get along just fine then. Here are some files I want you to go over for review tomorrow morning." He said as he handed a stack of file from his side desk.

He continued "Please be sure to point out any abnormalities that you see in the files that might point out any negligence on the part of either the client or the company involved." I replied "Yes sir, I'll get right on it" as I got up to leave the office.

Before I could reach the door a pretty and very pregnant blonde woman walked through the door. She gave me a look of disgust then proceeded to approach Mitch. "Hello Mitchell, I thought you were meeting me downstairs, you know I have an OB appointment. You know how I hate waiting." She said with a slightest bit of sarcasm and sweetness. I could tell Mitch was slightly annoyed because he had a look of aggravation on his face before he replied "Give me 5 minutes sweetheart, I have to get Tony situated. By the way, Tony this Rebecca my wife." He said which hit me like a ton of bricks.

I knew he was straight but I don't want confirmation so quickly. He continued with that killer smile on his face, as he pointed to Rebecca's stomach "and these are my two little guys. We haven't come up with names yet for them." I replied with a slight grin "Well it's nice to meet you Rebecca. And you too boys". Rebecca looked again with an even more disgusted look and curtly said "Pleasure." And then sat heavily down in the chair. Mitch looked at her rolled his eyes, and then looked at me apologetically and said "Tony I will more than likely be gone for the better part of the rest of the day. Just look over those files for me and we will go over them tomorrow. Be sure to check your e-mail throughout the day, I will be communicating with you through there jus to check on status. If you have any questions you can ask my dad he's actually right next door to my office. Peak your head in before you head back down to your office." He said. I replied "OK Mitch, I'm on it."

As I left the office. Before I left I told Rebecca goodbye and nice meeting her again, and she didn't even acknowledge me. As I closed the door I heard Mitch say "Why are you being so spoiled?"

I poked my head into Mitch's dad's office. He again warmly welcomed me to the firm, and told me about all the good things that he heard about me from Dr. Peters. Apparently Dr. Peters and Mr. Brown went to law school together at Columbia University. They both practiced law at different firms, before Mr. Brown started the firm he's in now with another law school buddy. He told me not to hesitate to ask any questions, and that his door was always open. He apparently heard the conversation between Mitch, Lisa and I and he kindly apologized for his daughter in laws behavior. I told him it was no problem and then headed back downstairs to my office.

Upon arriving I dove into the files that Mitch had given me. I did so in efforts to take my mind off the sight I saw when I first walked into Mitch's office. I had to keep my emotions under control. Mitch was not only straight, but married, and to top it off had two babies on the way. I was falling for someone who was way out of my league and not even of my orientation.

Before I knew it was time for lunch. Lisa came and knocked on my door and asked if I'd join her at Starbucks down the street. I readily agreed because my stomach was already rumbling. We got to the ground floor of the building and we decided to just walk around the block to Starbucks.

After arriving and placing our orders we sat in a corner booth. She began asking me how I liked it so far. I told her everything was going great so far, I then told her about my meeting with Mitch (leaving out the shirtless part) and meeting his wife. When the subject of Mitch's wife came up, Lisa really let her hair down. "Just between you and I Tony, Rebecca is a true bitch." she saw the look on my face and continued smiling "Don't get me wrong, she can be sweet when she is getting what she wants. But tell her no, or that she can't have something is when the harpy lady comes out. And I find it very rude for her to act liked that towards you, considering she doesn't even know you." She said. I replied "Well I didn't think anything of it. I just chalked it up to her going through pregnancy hormones." She then said "No it's not that pregnancy hormones, it's just the way she is. Stuck up and rude. Just watch out for her." We finished our lunch and headed back to the office.

When I got back to my desk, I checked my e-mail. I had two e-mails from Mitch, the first one was checking on the status of the papers he gave me. I replied back on the status, and then opened his second e-mail. He was apologizing to me for his wife's behavior earlier then office. Apparently her behavior embarrassed him, and he didn't want me to think that he agreed with his wife's treatment of me. I replied back that I accepted his apology and that I would see him in the morning. I finished up my reports and then logged my time into the computer for each case. I packed up my stuff and headed out the door.

It took me about 45 minutes to get home because of traffic, so I was more than ready to relax when I walked in my front door. Despite a few minor hiccups, all in all today was a good day. I got comfortable and decided to call my mom and filled her in on my first day. She was happy for me and told me to keep it up. After talking with her I decided to take nice long hot shower. I got in and started to soap my washcloth and then my body. When I got to my cock, I immediately got hard. The first thought that came to mind was of Mitch shirtless. I wanted to kiss him so badly when I saw him in that state. My thoughts kept more and more erotic as I stroked my cock and tugged on my balls, until I finally shot a huge load onto my shower wall. I caught my breath and rinsed myself off, and climbed out of the shower. I dried off and hopped in bed. I didn't have much of an appetite so I decided to try to get prepared for work day ahead.

I made it up in my mind that Mitch was off limits. I would have to remind myself that I was there to further and advance myself in law. Not to fall in love, especially with a straight man. I began dozing off to these thoughts. Unfortunately the dreams I had contradicted the resolve I made before I fell asleep. I dreamed of Mitch making me his in every way possible.

I woke up the next morning to the sound of my alarm clock. As usual my morning hardness was there, so I decided to just get up and get ready for my day doing my best to ignore it. I didn't want to think about Mitch again. It was early enough that I could go for a quick run before work. I got my running gear on (a tank, gym shorts, and Brooks running shoes) and headed out the door. I decided this would be the perfect time for me to check out the area and get a better feel of my new home. I ran a couple blocks over from where I lived, when I started noticing the houses were getting larger. I thought to myself "One day I will own of these" and kept pushing through my run.

There were quite a few people out running this morning. I was running behind one guy who was shirtless, he was about 15-20 feet ahead of me. I could see the muscles in his back and ass working as he ran. A bullet could bounce off of his ass I thought. I had to keep my emotions in check otherwise I would have boned up if I kept looking. As I got closer I noticed he started to slow down to a light jog, I guess to catch his breath. I finally was just behind him, and my heart just about stopped. It was Mitch!

He noticed me right beside him, and he stopped by a large oak tree, smiled that gorgeous smile of his and said "Tony we have got to stop meeting like this. It seems my shirt is always off when I see you" He chuckled. I tried to catch my breath and then replied with a small laugh "I know it is funny the way I keep finding you half naked." Did I just say that. He laughed and said "Well I love to be naked" then he winked at me. I just about blew a load in my shorts at this point. He continued "My early morning runs are my only time of peace. Between the firm, and Rebecca I really have no time for my self."

I noticed when he said Rebecca's name he said it somewhat bitterly. I said to him "Well you might have to get used to having no time to your self. You have two baby boys on the way. Your free time is about to disappear." I jokingly said. He replied "Ain't that the truth. Well I hope I will have time for this after my sons are born. I love running, it relaxes my mind and gets me into my zone for the day. But I can't wait for the little guys to get here, I'm stoked!" He excitedly proclaimed. I said "Well you seem like you will be a great father. Those boys will have a great role model to up to." He put his muscular arm around my shoulder, and pulled me close to his side. Then said "Thanks Tony! I'll have to let Uncle Tony you baby sit after they are born." He laughed. I told him "Hey I'm game, I love kids." He smiled at me and then said "Well that's good to know."

He continued "So I'm assuming you live nearby? Rebecca and I live a couple of streets down from where we are now." I said "yep I sure do. I live in some converted apartments off stadium road. I actually just got settled in last night." He replied "Well that's cool, you let me know if you need help finding anything around here. I've lived in columbia area my entire life." I told him "Thanks! I'll keep that in mind".

I looked down at my phone and realized the time. It was getting close to time for me to get back home to get ready for work. I said "Well boss man I'm about to head back to my place I need to shower and get ready to head into the office. I finished up those workers compensation reports you left for me yesterday as well." He replied "It's Mitch Tony, and thanks again for taking care of that for me yesterday. I really do appreciate you taking the bull by the horns and getting things in gear for me. I'm looking forward to looking over the reports. I will see you in about an hour or two buddy." He said as he squeezed my shoulder and headed in the direction of his house I assumed. I on the other hand couldn't get home fast enough. I was ready to burst a huge load.

I sprinted home, stripped and did just that. Of course with thoughts of a Mitch going through my mind. I couldn't believe that he winked at me when he said he loved to be naked. Was he coming onto me? And the constant touching. I mean I definitely didn't mind it, but most guys wouldn't hug another guy in short runners shorts, and shirtless for that matter. I mean this man was married, with two kids! He was straight! Maybe I'm just looking into this too much. I definitely have a crush on him, but it could be nothing more then that, just a crush. I couldn't help but also notice his reaction to saying Rebecca's name. I thought there is more to that subject then it seems, even if he is straight. I pushed the thoughts to the back of mine, and started to get ready for my second day of work.

I got to work, and stopped by Lisa's desk to say hello. She told me good morning, then she gave me a list of things I needed to look over. I noticed that there were cases from other partners beside Mitch but ought nothing of it. I figured they just wanted to test me out to see how well I would handle various areas of law practice. I welcomed the challenge because as of right now, I really am not not sure what area of law I want to specialize in. I headed to my office to start my day. I e-mailed copies of my reports that Mitch gave me yesterday back to him, and the I dove into my new assignments. I wanted to make a good impression on the other partners, so I made sure that all cases were thoroughly noted and promptly delivered.

Throughout the day Mitch would e-mail me asking how things were going, and I replied that they were going well. At about 2:30 I received an e-mail to come by his office at 3. I wondered what he wanted, but figured it was about the report sine-mailed to him. As 3:00 got closer I bookmarked my current work, and then headed upstairs to his office. His door was shut, so I knocked. I heard him say "Come In" so I opened the door and went it. He was looking at some notes on his desk, and looked up at me and smiled. He has to quit doing that I thought. He said "Tony it's good to see you. And look I actually have a shirt on." He chuckled. I laughed and said "Hey what the fun in that?!" Oh my god, I can't believe I just said that. He just chuckled and said "Sorry to disappoint you." He winked at me and continued "I was just looking over these workers compensation reports you emailed me and I want to tell you thanks so much. You really are going to be an asset to me. I didn't even have to go back and do any corrections. The only thing I have to do is sign off on these claims, and we are set. Your going to be one hell of a lawyer one day!" He exclaimed. I smiled from ear to ear after hearing his praises and told him "Thanks! I just wanted to make sure that I was as thorough as possible. Plus it's kind of my job to make your life easier." I said. He replied back "Well you sure are making it easy for me. But hey before you go I wanted ask you something if I'm not being to forward?"

I thought "Oh God, I hope he isn't going to ask me if I'm gay", I said back "Ok cool, Shoot." He asked "I was just curious if you would like to be my running partner in the morning, considering we live in the same general area? I replied back "That would be fantastic!" I hoped I didn't sound to enthusiastic, then continued "so where do you want to meet at, and what time?" He replied back "Lets meet at 6:30 since the sun will be somewhat up by then. We'll meet at the old oak tree we were talking at this morning." I told him that sounded great and that I was looking forward to it. He said "Ok then Great! See you in the morning partner!"

I went back to my office and finished up my remaining reports from the other partners. 5:00 was fastly approaching, so I decided to stay a little later to avoid the traffic jams that always happened after getting off work. At about 5:30 I heard a woman yelling and shouting, so I decided to go and investigate. As I got to the front of the firm, I saw Rebecca yelling at Lisa who was sitting calmly behind her desk just smiling. Apparently Mitch had a last minute appointment that showed up, and Rebecca wasn't too happy about waiting again. He was supposed be taking her out to some fancy Restaurant for dinner. And when Lisa told her he had a client, she wasn't to happy about that. So she decided to take it out on Lisa, who I can tell was just about at her breaking point with Rebecca's attitude. Lisa saw me coming, smiled and said, "Well good afternoon Tony" I replied back "Hey Lisa, is everything ok?".

At this point Rebecca looked at me with daggers and said "No it's not ok! Why aren't you helping my husband? Are you not his helper or servant or something? Because of your lack of work ethic, he had to take a last minute meeting! Why don't you make yourself useful and see if he's done." It took everything I had not to snap on this troll of a woman, I didn't want to lose my job on the second day. So I replied "Sure Rebecca, I'll go check and see if he's done yet." As I walked away from her. I heard say before I got to the elevator "Good help is so hard to find now a days. I don't know where my father in law finds you people at." I turned around to go back and give her a piece of my mind Italian style, but I saw Lisa mouth "GO" so I hopped on the elevator and headed to Mitch's office.

When I got there both Mitch, his father, and another lawyer named Francine (she worked in family law) was headed out of Mitch's office. I heard her say we will discuss this later on gentlemen after the births. I thought to myself what was that all about. Mitch saw me coming and started smiling, but after he realized I wasn't smiling back he asked "Is everything okay Tony?" I replied "No it's not, but I'll be ok. Rebecca is waiting for you downstairs and she isn't to happy. Mitch's dad looked at me and asked "She wasn't causing a scene was she?" I then related my story back to him and he nor Mitch didn't look to pleased. Mitch again apologized for his wife's behavior. His father said "You have to get her under control, I will not have her treating my employees in this manner." Mitch nodded in the affirmative and said "OK dad, let's head down before this gets any worse."

We got on the elevator and headed down to the main floor of the office. When the doors opened, there was Rebecca standing right at the doors. She said "Well it's about damn time! I have been waiting for 30 minutes for you. You know I hate waiting. I had to send your servant boy to come find you..." At this point Mr. Brown stepped in, cut her off and said "Rebecca, I will not have you degrading my employees in this manner. You are a guest in my office, you don't own anything in here, nor do any of my employees work for you! So you will treat them with respect, am I clear? She just looked at him with a blank stare, then looked at Mitch and said "Come on now, I will not be treated like this!" She then pulled him into the elevator. I looked in Mitch's face as the doors close and he looked so sad, and yet angry at the same time. I felt so bad for him. When the doors closed Mr. Brown said to me "I again want to apologize for my daughter in laws behavior. She had no right to talk to nor treat you in the manner that she did. I hope you won't hold this against the firm for her behavior." I replied back "Apology accepted. And no I won't hold it against the firm at all." He then squeezed my shoulder and headed back up to his office.

I walked past Lisa's desk and she said "Told ya, a true bitch." I laughed and went to get my things to head home for the day. Traffic wasn't too bad, since most of the rush hour had already past. I stopped at the Publix that wasn't to far from my apartment to get a bottle of wine. Tonight would definitely be one of those nights. I got home warmed up some dinner and sat back and relaxed with my mind. As usual my mind was filled with the events of the day. Mainly my run with Mitch this morning, and that Bitch of a wife of his this afternoon. I just couldn't understand how someone so sweet and kind, could end up with such a mean spirited person. In my opinion, the two were polar opposites. But besides that, I guess you can't control who you fall for. Considering I'm in a predicament of my own, with me falling for Mitch. I decided to turn in for the night, I had an early morning ahead of me, one that included me spending time with Mitch.

Next: Chapter 3

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