Trials and Tales of Law and Love

By Grant Watson

Published on Dec 20, 2014


This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any of the characters or occurrences in this story is completely coincidence. If you are offended by anything relating to gay behavior please exit this page. This story is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form without expressed consent of the author. If you have any questions, or even if you want to comment on the story feel free to e-mail me at Enjoy!

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Chapter 6 - The Conversation

"Mama what are you doing here? I didn't know you were coming down!" I said, still kind of winded (startled?) at the fact that she was here. She said "I know my son, I'm just so glad to see you. I've been worrying about how you were going to adjust down here. I know I should have called but I wanted to surprise you. I'm going back on Friday." I then said "Well it's good to see you Mama, where's everyone else at?" She then said "I left them all back in DC. I needed a break so I decided to take the drive alone. Your nephews wanted to come with me, but I told them the next trip they could. But everyone sends their love." I then introduced her to Lisa and Mr. Brown. "Mom this is Lisa, she's the office manager here at the firm." They exchanged pleasantries. "And this is Mr. Brown mom, he's the one who hired me to work here at the firm." Mr. Brown walked toward her and said "Call me Mitchell" to which my mother replied "Carolyn, it's a pleasure to meet you!" He then said "Well, it's a pleasure to meet you and a pleasure to have your son working for us. He has exceeded all expectations and has been helpful in so many unexpected ways." He then winked at me, and said "Tony, can I see you really quickly?" I told my mom, "I'll be right back." Lisa told us she would keep her company.

Mr. Brown and I walked down the hall to my office. We closed the door, and he came over to hug me. I knew from his actions that my anxiety was written all over my face, and showing through my body motions. He slowly rubbed my back and then said "I guess you'll have to tell her a little sooner then you anticipated. How do you think she'll react?" I said, " I'm sure she'll be ok with it, a little upset at first, but she will eventually come around. It's my father, uncle, and brothers I'm worried about." He hugged me a little tighter, then said "Why don't you call Mitch, and fill him in on what's going on. I'm going to go out and say my goodbyes, then I'm going to head over to the house to check on the boys. You take as much time as you need. I'll make sure our little guys haven't driven their dad crazy," he said with a laugh, squeezed my shoulder and then left.

I took my iPhone out of my pocket and dialed Mitch. He picked up on the first ring, "Baby please tell me you're on your way home." I bit my lip, and said, "Mitch we have a problem. My mom showed up to the office today for a surprise visit." He took a deep breath, and then said "Oh shit! So what are we going to do?" I said, "I'm going to tell her, babe. I don't know how I'm going to hide us from her. She's not going back until Friday. I can't be away from you and the boys a whole week." He then said "But baby, are you sure you want to do this? I don't want you to ruin any relationship you have with your family on account of me." I got a little frustrated at his statement and said "Mitch you and those babies are my family now too. If they can't accept that, then so be it. I'm finally happy now. I'm the happiest I've ever been. I owe that to you, and our sons. I'm not giving you three up. You are my family now, so I'm going to tell her." He then said "OK babe, I support you in whatever you do. Why don't you take her out to dinner, and if things go well you can bring her by to see your men." I smiled at his suggestion and said "Great idea. Any place you have in mind?" He suggested California Dreaming. He told me to charge to the law firm under his name, to which I refused. We then said our goodbyes and I love you's, and I then got off the phone.

I headed out to the lobby and gathered up my mom. I told Lisa bye and we were on our way. I told my mom we were going to go out to eat, and for her to follow me to California Dreaming. We arrived at the restaurant, which was quite beautiful. It was an old train station that was converted into a restaurant. We got in and were seated pretty quickly. Our server, who was cute and quirky - little girl named Dannie - took our orders.

I was very nervous about all of this, and I guess my mom could tell. She broke the silence by telling me about everything that was going on back home. Apparently my father, uncle and brothers were thinking about expanding the family Restaurant further down south. She then said "So Tony how are you adjusting to life here in Columbia?" I said "Everything has been going pretty good mama. I've adjusted to the pace here, and everyone has been so nice. I got everything straight with my school schedule and I'll have no conflicts with work." Our food arrived just as I has finished up my sentence. My mom then said "Well I'm so proud of you Papo! Let's dig in now!" We ate our food which was absolutely delicious.

After we finished up our dinner, she then said "So Tony, have you met someone yet?" Here we are, at the moment of truth. I swallowed, and took a deep breath, then said "I'm glad you asked Mom, I actually have." Her eyes lit up at that statement, she clapped her hands rapidly and said "Oh I'm so happy for you Tony, what's his name?!" My mouth dropped, and my eyes bucked at that question. My mother already knew! She laughed at my facial expression and said "What, Papo? You thought I didn't know?" I nodded my head, she chuckled then continued: "I've always known baby. You've never brought home any girls, or even shown any remote interest in any for that matter. Don't be surprised son, a mother knows things, sometimes even before you know them yourself." My eyes started watering, and hers did the same. She then said "Regardless of who you love, I will always love you. Always. You're my last born child, and although you've grown into fine man, you will always be my baby."

Tears were running down my face at this point. I wiped my face, and then said ".You don't know how much better I feel about this. I was so afraid of what you might say, do, or think. I love you, Mama, but does Daddy know? Or Greg and Grayson? She laughed and said "No my son, your father doesn't know. Although I'm sure he might suspect. But on the matter of your brothers, Greg knows but Grayson doesn't." My eyes bucked at that, and I said "How does he know?" She touched my hand and said "Don't worry Tony, he figured it out on his own. I didn't tell him, nor confirm it. He just has a feeling about it. But don't worry he loves you the same. And on the front of your father and the rest, if might take some convincing buts it's nothing mama's hammer can't handle. She said with a laugh, I winced at that statement knowing all too well that when my mother referenced the hammer, that she meant business.

"Now what's his name? Spill it, Papo!" I laughed and then filled her in on everything that has happened to Mitch and me since we met. She understandably was upset when I got to the Rebecca parts, she cursed in Italian quite loudly. I laughed then shushed her. I've never felt so free in my speech when talking to my mother. It was a great experience. She then asked me "Well, tell me Papo, are you happy?" I looked her in the eyes and said "Mom I know it's quick but this is the happiest I've ever been. Mitch makes me feel so complete. And those two baby boys will make anyone fall in love with them. I see myself with Mitch for a long time, if not forever." She looked as if she wanted to cry, and then she said "That's all that matters to me baby, as long as your happy." I then said "Thank you Mama, for everything. Mitch wants me to bring you by to meet him and the boys, if you don't mind." She then said "Try and stop me, I've got two new grandsons to spoil!"

I asked the waitress to bring me the check when she got a chance, and she said it was already taken care of tip included, by a Mitch Brown with Schuster, Brown and Associates. Mitch had apparently called in and figured out what we ate, and paid for our bill. My mom was impressed at his actions. I'd have to have a talk with him when I got home. Though I refused his offer earlier, he did gain some brownie points with my mom. The money we were going to pay for the bill I left as a tip for our server, who was extremely thankful, and we were on our way.

I called Mitch to thank him and scold him for dinner. He laughed it off and said we would talk about it later. I told him my mom was on the way, and to be on his best behavior. He said, "Yes daddy" in a mocking child-like manner. I laughed and said "And don't forget it!" We soon arrived at Mitch's place, and my mom did all but hop out of the car. I guess she was excited to meet Mitch and our boys. I got up to the door and opened it. We walked in and I said, "I'm home boys!" Around the corner into the foyer walks Mitch and Mr.Brown, each holding one of my sons in their arms. I said "Mom, you already met Mr. Brown today at the office. But I'd like you to meet his son, Mitchell Alexander Brown IV, or Mitch for short. And Mitch this is my mom, Carolyn Francesca Marchese."

Mitch handed Aiden to me and extended his hand to my mom, who then took his hand and pulled him to a big bear hug. She said, "It's nice to meet you, my son. Thank you for making my Tony so happy!" She then reached up and gave him a kiss on the cheek, and then said "Now it's time to meet the two most important people in the room, my new grandsons! I introduced Alex and Aiden to my mom, who then took both of them, one in each arm. She sat down in the family room with them and smothered them with kisses and I love you's to the boys' delight.

I looked at both Mitch and his father and they were both beaming at me. I walked over to Mitch and gave him a kiss. He said "Mmmm I missed you, Tiger." I then said, "I missed you, too, daddy." Mr. Brown then said, "I take it everything went well." Mitch said with a laugh, "Obviously, Dad!" We all went and sat in the family room with my mom and the boys. Mitch's dad and Mitch got to know her better. My mom had gotten comfortable enough with Mitch to tell him to start calling her Mom, which brought a tear to Mitch's eye.

A faint odor started to invade the room, and my mom said "I know two little stinkers who need a diaper change. Where's the nursery?" I stood up and said, "Sorry, Mom. I'll get it." She said, "No! You sit back and relax. Nana is her to take care of her new grandsons. Just show me where it is." Mitch got up and said "I'll show you, Mom!" He then took Alex from her so they could walk up the stairs." Mitch's dad then looked at me and said "Thank you for giving my son a new mother, and also my boys a grandmother. Rebecca's parents died a year ago, and I'm sure Mitch has told you about my dear wife. But from now on I want you to call me Dad, ya hear?" I got up and hugged and thanked him.

Mitch and my mom came down not long after that. Mr. Brown, I mean "Dad", announced that he was leaving. My mom said "Well boys, I think I should hit the road too, I'm going to check into the Marriott downtown." Mitch took her hand and said "No, Mom, you're not. You'll stay here with us. I have three extra bedrooms you can choose from." She looked at us both and said "I don't want to intrude." To that I responded, "No mom, you're staying here. Stay in with boys, while we get your bags." She finally agreed, and we went out to get her bags and got her settled.

My mom fed, bathed, and dressed the boys for bed. She chose the bedroom right next door to the nursery. She said she wanted to be close to her grandbabies in case they needed their nana. Both Mitch and I laughed at this, knowing that by the time my mom left, our boys would be even more spoiled. Soon bedtime came and we got the boys to bed. Mom took the baby monitor in her room with her. Before she turned in for the night she said with a wink, "Enjoy the rest of your night boys. I've got the baby monitor." I blushed and Mitch laughed.

It was just us downstairs then. Mitch pulled me onto his lap, and gave me a long sensual kiss. We broke apart and looked deeply into each other's eyes. I broke our trance, and said, "Thank you, baby." He said, "For what?" I replied, "For giving me this new awesome life, and most importantly for being you." He kissed me again and said "Don't thank me for that: you've given all of that and so much more. You've not only given me yourself. But I've also gained a mother, and our boys will now have a grandmother in their lives as well. I'm so indebted to you, baby. I want to thank you." I was in tears at this point. Mitch began to kiss them away. I said, "Let me show you how much I appreciate and love you" as I got up and led him by the hand up the stairs to our bedroom.

Next: Chapter 7

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