True Love Or Something Else

By moc.loa@etavirputS

Published on Aug 21, 2000



Hi everyone, it's Stu here bringing you a new story from my mind, hehehe! Seriously though, I looked back at Nick, Lance and JC and I was not impressed with my work from a few standpoints. One, the storyline was not original, there was little to no romance in it, and hell all it basically was, was one sex scene to another. I know a lot of people like that sort of thing but right now I want to do some more romantic and lovey dovey writing. This story involves a fictional character and Chris Kirkpatrick of N Sync. Send all of your comments to

Legal stuff: This story is that of pure fiction, and is to imply nothing about the characters involved, wether they be real or fake. If you are not of age to read this then please leave.

True Love, Or Something Else- Part 1

There I stood in the magazine aisle in Jamie's Books, I know it sounds weird that I would be looking at magazines at a bookstore but hey there was a good selection. Anyway I was reading one of those teenage magazines where the music group N Sync graced it's cover. Hell to tell you the truth I really wasn't a big fan of their music, just a few of their songs, but the reason why I was looking at the mag was that I had spotted the cutest guy on the cover. Black hair and goatee, sorta a childish, yet mature look to his face. His name of course is Chris Kirkpatrick. The first time I saw him was in their music video "Tearin' Up My Heart" and MY GOD I fell in love with him.

Before I go on I should tell you a bit about myself. My name is Jason Wrigley, yeah I know you can laugh it out all you want right now and get it over with. You have no idea how much I was made fun of in school for having that name. Anyhow, I am roughly 6' 2", 178 pounds, dirty blonde curly hair and dark green eyes. My build...? I guess you could say that I am about average. I mean I don't have a swimmers build, or a constrution workers one for that matter. I'm right in the middle, just plain. People say I'm comical, and I believe it, I make myself laugh a lot just talking to myself, come to think about it anyone can make themselves laugh, it isn't a real difficult thing to do. Anywho, I was born in Buffalo, New York, home of the Buffalo Bills football team, Buffalo Sabers hockey team and the only city on the USA that has about 9 months of winter. I am out of highschool, a graduate, currently 21 so I can party like an animal at times. But my main thing that I love to do, is play games... gambling games. I can do a lot at a casino with such little money. But enough about me, I want to get to my story.

As I said earlier, I was reading a teen magazine, staring down at Chris's gorgeous face when I heard the door open and the little bell to ring. It was a nice little store and you could practically hear everything from any place in the store. I just shugged and went back to reading the article, and looking at my Chris as I like to call him. I couldn't keep my eyes off the picture and I kept staring at it. I then saw somebody move next to me and mumble something, so I stepped aside and let him look at their selection. He grabbed one and stood next to me, quietly reading it. After a few minutes he said something to me,

" You know if you want to see the real thing all you have to do is look up." the slightly deep voice said to me. I looked at my magazine and blinked a bit before looking up. There in front of me stood my 'dream man' Chris Kirkpatrick of N Sync!!! I felt my heart leap up and do flip flops as I searched for something to say.

" I ..... uh.. I... hi Chris." I stammered out, blushing a deep shade of red. He reached out him with hand and I shook it. Chris then lightly tapped me on the side of my shoulder.

" Hey snap out of it, it's ok I won't bite." He said with a laugh. I laughed along with him. I put down the mag and took a breath of air.

" I'm sorry I just usually don't act normal around celebrities and such. But what are you doing in this small town? The biggest town isn't but 45 miles from here." I asked curiously as we walked together to the counter, where they served coffee.

" Oh well we had this show in Portland and we were on our way to Sacramento for our next concert when our bus broke down here and delayed our schedule a couple of days so we are stuck here until Monday. So today I decided I wanted to roam around town instead of staying at the motel with the rest of the guys."

" I see, well there really isn't much here. Just a few stores, a town hall, a couple of restaurants then all that's left is a lot of houses......" I said before stopping myself. " Oh god I've turned into one of them, the small townspeople." I said with a laugh as I slammed my fist dramatically on the counter and he laughed. For a couple of hours we talked and talked about everything but our personal, personal lives. Before we knew it the sky had clouded up and it had started to rain, hard. We looked at each other and shook out heads.

" Oh man, and that damn motel is only about two miles from here and I don't have a ride." he said grabbing his coat. A thought came into my head.

" You know Chris, my place is only a little down the road. We can make it there fast if we run. Then you can crash there until the rain stops and then I'll give you a ride back to the motel." I said looking out the window, with my hands in my pockets.

" Yeah why not, it doesn't look like it's going to stop for a while." He said as he opened up the door. I grabbed his hand and ran down the street with the rain poring down on us. We finally reached my small ranch style house and I fumbled through my pockets for the keys, then got them out and unlocked the door and we were in, drenched in rain water. I threw the keys on the kitchen table and got a few towels from the closet. I handed one to him and we started to dry off. " Oh crap, I'm dripping all over your floor." he said frowning and trying to quickly dry off.

" Chris there's a bathroom down the hall if you want to take a shower, I'll put your clothes in the wash and then dry them off for you." I offered to him as I took off my jacket and put it on a hook.

" Thanks man, where is it again?" He asked looking down the hallway. I pointed and said.

" Down that way, third door on your right and there is a laundry shoot so just throw your clothes in there. He smiled and nodded at me then walked down the hall, taking his shirt off in the process. Seeing his bare back before going into the bathroom turned me on a bit, oh hell it turned me on a lot. Anyway I heard the shower turn on so went down to the basement and threw his jeans, shirt and socks into the washer, but when I got to his boxer briefs I couldn't help but get hard as I held them. I shook myself mentally and threw them in the wash and my clothes in as well. Still nude I walked upstairs and to my room where I threw on a wife beater and a pair of breakaway Adidas pants. I made a pot of coffee while Chris was in the shower, serveral thoughts rushed through my mind. Chris Kirkpatrick of N Sync was in my house, using my shower!! I am never washing that thing down with soap again. I poured myself a cup and went into the livingroom, where I sat down and turned on the tv.

' MTV News: "The N Sync bus broke down earlier today in southern Oregon as they headed towards Sacramento for their next concert. Needless to say that the N Sync tour schedule will be postponed for about a week. This has been an MTV News Flash....' I heard the shower turn off.

" Hey Jas, do you have anything I could slip into other than this towel?" He said from the other room. ' Yeah my bed' I thought with a smile.

" Yeah Chris just give me a sec." I said getting up from the couch. I went to my room and got a pair of boxers and a heavy robe for him to wear. He had his arm sticking out of the doorway when I returned. I handed the clothes to him and he said 'thanks'. A minute later he came into the living room and sat down next to me.

" So Jas, I hope I don't seem to forward but... since we got to know each other pretty well I was kinda wondering if you wanted to tell me more about your personal life, who your seeing and stuff. Unless that's too personal for ya." He asked kindly.

" Nah it's cool, if you don't freak out on me or anything like that." I said and he nodded. " Ok here it goes, well when I was about five my parents died, both of them, car accident. So I went to live with my grandparents for the rest of my 'school years'. As soon as I graduated I got all of my money together and moved to this town. It was nice and small, I just liked the security this town has. But as far as relationships go.... I haven't had any love relationships with anyone other than family." I explained to Chris who looked at me with an interest.

" Why haven't you had one though, you look like a nice guy. You're funny, smart, cute... err good looking." He said catching his words. I looked at him and smiled.

" Did you say 'cute' Chris?" I asked with a smile. He blushed and nodded 'yes'. " So I take it that you like guys right? Don't worry I won't tell anyone if you do Chris, because I like guys to." I said putting my hand on his shoulder.

" Yeah I do, the guys don't know it yet, I haven't told them." He said with a lower voice.

" How come Chris?" I asked curiously

" Because I know that they would freak out if I did. Lance is so chuchey that it's not even funny. JC is really homophobic. Justin.... Justin is just a kid, I have no clue on how he would react. And Joey, well Joey might be the only one who might understand me." Chris explained as I rubbed his back.

" Have you ever been in love Chris?" I asked as I began to kneed the muscles in his shoulders.

" Once.... once I was in love with a guy, AJ McLean from the Backstreet Boys. He cheated on me." He said as my eyes opened up wide.

" AJ is gay!?!" I exclaimed.

" All of the Backstreet Boys are." He said like it was nothing. I thought to myself 'Who would have thought it?'. " Jason, have you ever been in love?" He asked the same question to me. I took a long pause when he asked me that, ' Should I tell him or not?'. After a minute or so I lifted my head.

" Yes...." I trailed off.

" With who?" Chris asked while shifting a bit on the couch.

" With..... with y.. y... you Chris." I barely managed to get out. It seemed to me that his breath had stopped, but his heart was racing, I could feel his heartbeat on his back. Chris turned around and looked me deeply in the eyes.

" With me?" He whispered as our faces got closer to each other's and our breathing had spead up. I nodded and we got even closer, then we both closed our eyes and tilted our head to the side as our lips met together and we heavily started to kiss, slow at first then faster and faster. Soon he was on his back and I was on top of him, making out as my mind raced in a thousand directions. Our tongues danced around in each other's mouths. Chris was running his hands through my blonde curls, also underneath my wife beater and rubbing my smooth, flat stomach. Soon we fell asleep in each other's arms, the day had been long and it was getting late. As I slept I wondered, is it true love or something else.

To Be Continued

Well there you go, chapter one of my soon to be series. Please send all of your questions, comments and suggestions to

Thanks for reading.

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