Trust Me

By Tristan Camus

Published on Jul 19, 2001


Author: Ryan Price ( Story: Trust Me (This Is Love)

Author's Note: This is my first story, so please try to be kind in your feedback. If it is really that bad, then I will stop writing. I want people to tell me what they think of the story. I already have other chapters written, so if people want, I will post those after. Let's just see how this goes, first.

Disclaimer: I do not know the sexuality of any person mentioned in this story, specifically Justin Timberlake and JC Chasez. It would be nice if they were in love, but I highly doubt that. All events are fictitious, and any resemblance to actual events is purely coincidence.

Trust Me (This Is Love) - Chapter 1

"Do you have any idea how hard this has been for me?" JC yelled.

"Well it hasn't exactly been easy for me, Josh!" Justin yelled back.

"Justin, I love you with all my heart," JC began, much more calmly, "but I'm not ready for the guys and the whole world to know that I am gay."

"I thought that we could help each other through anything and that you would always be there for me!?" Justin said, his eyes filling with tears.

"I will always be there for you, Just" JC replied trying to calm the now crying younger man, "but I can't deal with this right now, everything is too crazy."

"Fine," Justin shouted while standing up "if you are not ready to take that step, then I am not going to wait around for you." Justin left the room quickly, slamming the door behind himself. JC sat on the bed crying, knowing that he had just ruined the best thing that ever happened to him.

All 5 guys arrived at the venue for the concert. Eden's Crush was opening for them, and Chris and Joey were definitely obsessed. Lance noticed that Justin and JC had not spoken all day and that something was seriously wrong.

"What's wrong, Curly?" Lance asked.

"Nothing" Justin replied smugly.

"Sorry!" Lance said back and walked away, obviously not liking the way that he was treated by his so-called friend.

"Where's JC?" Chris asked.

"I'm not sure," Joey answered, "he was here a minute ago."

JC sauntered into the room and saw his four bandmates sitting around. Now that the babe-watching was over, Lance, Chris, and Joey sat on one couch discussing the girls they had just watched, while Justin sat alone on the other couch.

Lance was the first to notice that JC had returned.

"Where were you?" he questioned.

"Oh...I just had to talk to the tech crew about something." JC replied.

"What about?" Chris inquired.

"Nothing important." was JC's only reply, not wanting the guys to know the real reason why he had spoken to the crew.

The show went well, considering the obvious lack of chemistry between Justin and JC. The members of N SYNC and the band all began to leave the stage, that is, except for JC. He walked to the center of the stage, where two microphones, a stool, and an acoustic guitar had been set up.

"Excuse me," JC said shyly into one of the mics. The audience who was filing out of the stadium all turned and looked towards the stage and saw a solitary man holding a guitar.

"Yesterday, I hurt someone that I love very much" JC began

"What is he doing?" Chris asked backstage looking confused.

"I have no idea" Joey answered sporting the same confused look.

"I want to say that I'm sorry" he continued "but that is not nearly enough."

"Although I can't say who it is, they know who they are. I love you." JC finished.

Lance, Chris, and Joey all looked towards JC's closest friend who he was currently fighting with. Justin could only muster a small smile. With the crowd all staring at the stage in awe, JC began to strum on the guitar. Next, his voice was heard. It never sounded as beautiful as it did while he sang to his true love.

I look at this mountain So many heartaches wide And I can't help but wonder Where's the other side? I've got to be honest I've got my doubts These tears are asking me What's this got to do with love? Baby, I'll tell you something To help us through this long, dark night

When this trouble passes over You and I will walk away Knowing that our love survived Another test of faith You and I can walk on water If the river rises, we'll rise above It may not look that way right now But trust me baby...this is love

Love isn't easy I'm torn, I confess When the heart is uncertain It's bound to second guess This love won't forsake us So dry your tears, I promise you

When this trouble passes over You and I will walk away Knowing that our love survived Another test of faith You and I can walk on water If the river rises, we'll rise above It may not look that way right now But trust me baby...this is love

I'm here for you baby There's nothing I want more Our day is coming And we'll reach that peaceful shore

When this trouble passes over You and I will walk away Knowing that our love survived Another test of faith You and I can walk water on water If the river rises, we'll rise above It may not look that way right now But trust me love Oh yes it

As JC finished the last note he placed the guitar down and began to leave the stage. The crowd erupted into a frenzy like no one had ever heard before. As he stepped off the stage, JC let a small smile spread across his face. He found Justin standing alone crying.

"I'm so sorry baby" JC began, holding Justin to comfort him "if you want to come out to everybody, then we will do it together."

"Its a little late for that" Justin said letting out a smile and pointing to the guys and the rest of the band and crew. They all looked towards the two men standing in an embrace. No one was surprised or shocked. They had all suspected for a while that something was going on between the "best friends." Everyone was happy that they had finally admitted that they were in love.

To be continued........???????

Let me know what you think.

Next: Chapter 2

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