Turned Out by Big Scott

By Keith Hernandez

Published on Jul 21, 2021


I scrolled through my facebook and glanced at the well-wishes on my engagement announcement. There were a lot. Getting married is a big deal and I thought the time was right. I was in my 30s and most of my friends had already started families. Gina was a quality woman, rock-solid. Good family, good character. And I loved her. But I had one nagging doubt about the relationship...and it was a big one. Was I straight? Gina and I had a pretty ho-hum sex life. A lot of other things were great, but that one area was kind of vanilla. And I couldn't help thinking about my past homosexual experience with a friend of mine named Scott.

It was a few years ago that Scott took me roughly in my own living room. He forced his cock down my throat and then bent me over and bred me like a bottom bitch. I can still hear my cries of pain and then pleasure as he forced a huge orgasm out of my ass. He turned me out. God it was still humiliating to admit...but he did turn me out. Whenever I want, and sometimes even when I don't, memories of him using my bottom for his pleasure come flooding back, the same way he flooded my mouth and rectum with semen for well over a year. He turned me from totally straight to totally gay in one night.

Or did he? Ever since Scott exited my life I've had to wrestle with the reality that maybe I wasn't 100% straight to begin with. I did let Scott smack my ass. I did admire his masculine physique. And his penis...it was magnificent. Long and thick with a bulbous head. Huge shaved balls hanging unevenly beneath his erection. I was enthralled when I first saw it in the hot tub. I let him take the lead in almost every aspect of our friendship. Maybe part of me wanted him to top me. I struggled against Scott's advances, yes...but in the end, I gave it up to him. I would tell him to not do something, but he would do it anyway... "Don't come in my mouth ok?...Don't cum up my ass...just don't breed me again ok?...Please don't make me cum...don't make me cum..I won't have anything left. Leave me something..."

But Scott took it anyway. He took what he wanted and left me very little dignity. I kept trying, I really did. Maybe that's why he ended up moving on, I don't know. He reduced me to a cumdump. But in the back of my mind, the little script I had, the one that said he took me by force' and he turned me out even though I didn't want it' was kind of slipping. I drifted further back...to when I was just a kid, living at home, maybe 8th or 9th grade. I had discovered masturbation and watched an old porn tape or two that my folks had. Stuff from the 70s, classics. I watched the girls in those videos sucking dick. I watched them take it up the ass. I experimented. I remember when my parents would leave for the night or the weekend and being the only child left in the home I had the place all to myself. Not content to just jacking off, I wondered what it would feel like to slide something up my ass.

I would lock all the doors, and lay out towels on the floor of the TV room. I would get a jar of vaseline and start watching porn. I would be so hard, so turned on. I jacked off but kept myself from coming. I would lay on my back and rub vaseline on my little rosebud, feeling so dirty. The sounds of the porn actors moaning and fucking filled the room and when they got to an anal scene I would intensify the rubbing on my own ass. The vaseline made my crack sticky and slick and I would poke my finger past my tight teen ring. It felt so weird. I didn't like the feeling but I was on a porn high and I wanted more than just regular jacking off. So I pressed my digit in and out. It hurt and I didn't like the feeling from my finger. It was gross and I wished I had something to push in that wasn't my finger. I would cum, blasting jizz over my head, and when I came down I promised myself that I would never do that again.

But a couple months later I was left alone again. And I would end up spread-eagle on the floor, porn playing, jar of vaseline at my side, with a phallic shaped hairbrush handle or some other object lubed up and pressing into my crack, trying to get inside. The first time I penetrated myself fully was when my older sister came home for the summer. I found a vibrator of hers and it's tapered shape was perfect. I remember I was on all fours, slicked up, with the taboo of porn and what I was doing pushing me to press harder. I was reaching back underneath myself, trying to fuck myself with the vibrator. I lowered myself, my shoulders pressing into the carpet and my face turned towards the TV, the images of a cock pushing into a moaning woman's ass. The scene built and he fucked her ass harder. I pressed and kept pressing, gritting past the pain and tightness and then...the vibe slid past my pucker. I breathed deeply and took in the strange, indescribable feeling. The vibrator just sat there in my ass, unmoving, as my anus squeezed it. I pushed it in and out a couple inches without withdrawing it. I wouldn't call it a great feeling, but it was better than my finger. But the vibe was just too big for me at that point and it was really stretching me. There was an aching, a bit of a burn, and a bit of pleasure too. I felt a sense of perverse accomplishment. What a sight I must have been, on all fours, spread out, my tight teen ass upturned with my hand pushing that hard plastic in and out of myself. The porn scene ended as the cock on screen pumped cum on her back, and I took out the vibe, ashamed and excited. My butt felt open, different. I jacked off and came hard, again promising to never do it again. And for a long time, I didn't.

My phone buzzed, snapping me out of my daydream. It was Gina. I answered and when the call was over I drifted back to my dilemma. I was just a kid...everyone experiments. Everyone does some weird stuff. That's probably all it was. Probably. And the stuff with Scott? All the times he fucked me and degraded me and dominated me? It wasn't my fault. He forced it on me. I had to move on. Gina was the right girl for me. It was time to put away childish things and be a man. Scott took a lot of my manhood, but not all of it. That part of my life was over. My phone buzzed again...it was a text from a number I didn't recognize.


I opened the text and it said, "You've got to be kidding me."

"Who is this?" I wrote back.

There was no response for a few minutes and I almost forgot about the weird text when my phone buzzed again. I opened it up and was shocked. There, in all its glory was a picture of a fully erect penis. And there was no mistaking who it belonged to. It was Scott. His big thick cock was jutting out from his underwear and dress pants, curving slightly upward. His pubes were neatly trimmed but not shaved with a razor. Two big veins ran along each side of the shaft like an upside down "Y" and his bulbous cut head flared dark red. I knew that cock. I knew that cock intimately. A moment or two later a text from him arrived. "What the fuck are you doing getting married? You know you are already married to my cock. Tell me you don't want to put this in your mouth and suck on it until I come in your mouth."

I closed my eyes and let my head fall back. I couldn't believe it. I don't know if it was panic or butterflies or what, but a feeling shot through my gut and wouldn't leave. Was this a joke? No, I had been put on my knees to suck that cock a hundred times. It has to be Scott. More panic...what did he want? Maybe he was just messing with me...I started to text back, "Ha Ha very funny. Long time no see." I stopped...a dark thought flashed through my mind. What if this is blackmail? Oh god, this is the last thing I needed. I started to feel sick. I deleted the text and sat down. I would just ignore it and delete everything. I opened up the picture again and stared at his meat. I had a whole flash drive full of pics and vids of Scott and me. It was secreted away under lock and key in a storage bin. There if I needed it. Yet it still took some effort to hit delete. Soon after another pic came. This time more of a side view with Scott's hand pointing at his cock. God he was huge! My mouth watered and for a second I was on my knees sliding that thick pecker into my mouth and down my gullet. More texts came...

"Answer me when I speak to you, bitch."

"I know you and you are probably crapping your boxer briefs right now. By the way, throw them away. From now on you wear nothing but jockstraps. Understood. If I catch you in anything else I am going to paddle that meaty ass of yours until you cry."

"I see your `fiancee' and we both know you are full of shit. She looks like a nice girl. What is she going to do when I come back and claim you? Maybe I should fuck her too."

I had to respond. "What do you want?" I regretted it as soon as I hit send. Scott answered right away.

"I want what is mine. I turned you out. That means you are my property. I'm not going to share you. Do I look like I have to share my ass with some little whore? Who do you think you're talking to? Seriously...I opened your ass up boy. I know how much sperm you need. I am going to come back and show you and your little snatch who the real boss is."

I couldn't read any more. It was just all about what he was going to do to me when he got back. I knew Scott, I knew he had a dominant side, I knew he was the alpha male. Fuck! I had spent years getting over him. Moved on. It was still a battle and sometimes I lost. Sometimes, even as I had sex with Gina, I was fantasizing about him. I had, on occasion, even now, jerked off and played with my hole, remembering his penetration. I felt the shame of that and I felt defeated. Another text came from Scott. "I will be there the day after tomorrow. Be ready to please." I just sat the phone down and let the waves of emotion run their course. Amongst the feelings of doubt and dread was the undeniable feeling of excitement. Scott was coming back to claim me.

The day Scott said he was coming back came and went. Then another day. And another. No more texts, no more dick pics, nothing. I felt a wave of relief. He was just fucking with me. He was probably just getting his kicks making me sweat. I came home from work and showered and got ready to go over to Gina's when she was off. I thought of Scott as I opened up my underwear drawer. I did have too many jockstraps, I thought. Who needs this many? I smiled to myself and pulled on some shorts. Then I heard a funny sound, like a clicking or something. I turned down the TV and heard the front door close. My blood ran ice cold as Scott called out my name and strode down my hallway.

"You never even changed your lock," Scott said, dangling a house key and slipping it into his pocket. "I hope you have a jock on," he said with a smirk.

"What--what are you doing here?" was all I could get out.

It was like Scott had never left. He was in my room, as big and as ripped as ever, his cologne filling my nostrils as he flopped down on my bed. I was suddenly aware that I was only half-dressed and I would be lying if I didn't admit that seeing him had an effect. I wanted him to disappear, but I knew he was here and I knew that if he wanted to he could fuck me. I knew he was probably going to. But I didn't want to lose control. I knew he could give me the most incredible orgasms but it was a pride thing. I can't be his bitch. So I started to negotiate.

"Dude...you can't be serious. I thought you were just joking about all that crap."

He shook his head, "No, I'm definitely here to rip that ass apart."

"Look I...I feel it sometimes, okay, we had a real fucking thing. You had me. You turned me out, okay, yes. But that wasn't me. You really want to go back to that? Was that good for you?" I was searching for something, like a fish trying to wiggle off the hook. Scott stood and moved closer to me, backing me into the corner. His gaze was stern and supremely confident. I tried not to look but I couldn't help it and my eyes darted to his crotch. Oh my, the bulge was there! He was probably half-hard. I relented and tried to make a deal.

"If you want, maybe we can have a one-off for old times sake," I said, trying to step around him. "I mean if all you want is to get off I can do that...just once."

Scott blocked me and put his hands on me for the first time. I felt his strength and the warmth of his hands on my arms and he leaned down putting his face closer. His eyes...I was having trouble looking into his eyes. "Just like, you'll tug me off? That's enough you think?"

"Yeah I could--"

He laughed and cut me off, "No no no my boy...you'll do more than that."

There was a moment of silence. "Ok I'll suck you off," I said meekly, looking up into his eyes.Total defeat washed through me. I couldn't figure out what to do. So I offered to go down on him. But at that moment a look of anger flashed in Scott's eyes and he took a hold of the back of my neck and threw me face down on the bed. When I turned he was pulling off his shirt and tossing it aside. He grabbed my legs and yanked me to the edge of the bed. "No!" I said, kicking my legs and twisting. He grabbed me again and threw me down on the bed a second time. He grabbed my arms and honestly, for the next minute I fought against Scott harder than I ever had before.

It was a futile effort. He was bigger, stronger, and in the end, he pinned me face down, leaving me panting and unable to do much more than beg him to stop. "Please don't! You fucking asshole..." I was crumbling and he was probably only going about half-speed. He was angry though, more than I had ever seen.

"Don't swear at me, that is only going to piss me off more. I expect a subservient bitch that turns over when and where I say."

He straightened up and as I tried to catch my breath he pushed down his pants and I saw him reach for the nightstand. His ass was like marble and his abs formed a V. Oh God...he was going to fuck me raw right here, right now. I felt helpless and my head dropped to the bed. He slicked up his penis and I felt the cold lube on his hands as he grabbed my hips and pulled me into position.

"Not like this Scott, not like this...please you're going to hurt me." But I knew it wasn't going to do any good. And it didn't. Scott forced himself into me with a deep grunt, pushing his huge cock all the way in with one thrust. It was the most painful penetration I had ever experienced. I cried out and tried to scramble away but I couldn't get free. Scott started to give me a savage fucking. He was pulling back and ramming into me with brute force, slapping against me as hard as he could. I sounded like an animal caught in a trap and I tried to break his grip on me. My God the pain...I had been fucked and fucked good and hard by Scott before, but nothing like this. I wasn't prepared, I wasn't well lubed. I was getting a vicious ass-raping from Scott. This wasn't about pleasure. Not for me and probably not for him. This was just about establishing dominance once more. And I was the one being dominated. The brutal anal beating continued for two or three minutes until I just gave up and tried to take it as best I could. Scott was grunting loudly as he threw everything, every ounce of muscle into every thrust. Then suddenly he stopped. His big cock was pushed as far up my ass as he could get it, and he just held it there, the thick base stretching me painfully wide, the meaty head deep inside.

"Jack off...do it, jack off until you come."

"W-what? Now?" I grabbed myself but didn't stroke. Scott wiggled his hips, making his thick pole hurt me.

"Make yourself come," Scott said, sliding his hands up and squeezing my nipple. I began to beat off, slowly at first. His rock-hard cock was just rammed up there so deep it was making me grit my teeth. But I was getting hard. Something about how he took over, how he just threw me down and took me, turned me on. It turned me on so much...it was like my brain betrayed me. I hated it. I hated him, I hated myself. But it was turning me on to be owned and fucked to the point of agony. I jacked my little dick and felt a huge orgasm build quickly. I was whining and moaning and at that point Scott grabbed a handful of my hair and pulled my head back hard. I reached back with both hands and grabbed Scott's wrists to try and keep my scalp from being pulled off. He then began to pump his hips, sliding his thick penis in and out slowly but steadily. It pushed me over the brink. With my hands gripping his wrists and both his hands holding me up by my hair...I came. I came so fucking hard. I spasmed around his cock as he pumped. A stream of watery prostate jizz flew out of my penis. One, two, three times I seized, and now my body betrayed me as well, my hips bucking as I came involuntarily and pumped. I kept pumping and crying out even when my balls were empty.

"Ohhh Godd! Ohhhhgggggoddd Scccooott! Uhng Uhng Ungh..." I gurgled and came until I saw stars. My anus burned and it felt like my rectum was being blown up. But I came anyway. "Fuuuck...Fuuuck...!" I came until I almost went limp.

Finally Scott let go of me and grabbed my hips. He slapped his cock in and out me and then came with a cry, pumping my battered bowels full of sperm. I was groaning too as I felt his huge load shoot off..."ahhh ungh ungh ungh ahhh...nooo."

He pulled out and I lay motionless on the bed in tears. He was huffing and puffing as he laid down next to me. He squeezed and caressed my ass. "What a bubble butt...I missed it. But now when I need it I am going to have it."

Copyright Keith Hernandez

Comments welcome at Keithhernandez595@gmail.com

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Check out my other stories:

Turned Out By Big Scott (Gay/Authoritarian)

Mark Made Me A Bottom (Gay/Authoritarian)

No Longer Straight (TG/High School)

Next: Chapter 3

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