Tutoring Tommy

Published on May 14, 2000



This story contains graphic descriptions of sexual intercourse between consenting adult males. If you are under 18 years old please do not read this material.

Tutoring Tommy

I wasn't like a lot of the other kids in my high school graduating class, in more ways than one. While many of them decided to go into college right after graduation, I chose to go to work instead. I was sick of school and longed for a chance to make some real money and also work out who I was. By the time I was 27 I was a different person, confident, disciplined and with a tidy sum in my savings account.I was also completely comfortable with my sexuality. I had finally accepted that I was gay and had embraced it.

I was managing a comfortable living at the time but I knew that if I wanted to do better I was going to have to get a degree. I decided to pursue a career in engineering and was accepted at a prestigious (and expensive) college in North Carolina, namely ECU. It soon became apparent to me that my status as an elder "statesman" at the university was going to have all sorts of advantages. First the college waived the requirement that I spend at least the first semester living on the campus and I was able to secure a comfortable efficiency apartment. This delighted me for, although I might find the young men of the university very attractive, I had no desire to live with a bunch of mama's boys just out of the house and giddy with the taste of freedom!

More importantly my maturity payed off scholastically. I was used to working long hours by now and able to focus myself on the tasks at hand. I found that subjects that had seemed so daunting in high school now came easily to me, especially math. My grade point average was so high that I made the Dean's List that first semester and stayed there throughout my time at ECU. This benefitted me in more ways than you might think! The college offered me a job as a part-time tutor for some of the kids who weren't finding the math classes as easy as I. To be honest I really needed the money. Even with the grants and aid programs that I was receiving, and inspite of my savings, money was tight!

And now, patient reader, we get to the good part of the story. One of the students assigned to me was a gorgeous jock named Tom. Tommy had been recruited by the university to be a part of it's baseball program and had soon developed into their star pitcher. The kid had talent and there was talk that he was being scouted by the majors. One thing for sure, Tommy was a major piece of ass! He stood probably 6 foot three and his 180 pound frame was solid muscle. His hair was strawbrry blonde and covered not only his head and arms but his chest as well, if the way it sprang out from the vee of his shirts was any indication. His eyes were emerald green and rather feminine which provided the perfect contrast to his rugged, mustached face. He was an easy-going and affable guy, quick with a laugh or a smile and I just knew he was used to women throwing themselves at him. Hell, the first time I met him my cock was standing at attention! I didn't dare get up from the table while he was there.

Fact was there was just a hint of arrogance in his manner. I could tell that ol' Tommy was used to his male-model good looks getting him whatever he wanted. Still, for all the attributes that nature had so generously bestowed upon him, Tommy sucked at math. The poor guy struggled with fractions and here I was trying to teach him college algebra! To give the man his due, Tommy tried his hardest to master the subject. He would show up almost daily at my apartment for our hour long sessions and over the weeks we developed a casual friendship. Sometimes he would hang around after and we'd talk about school and baseball and, of course, his prowess with the ladies.

One day Tommy showed up at my door with a very distressed look on his face. The coach had informed him the day before that if his math grades didn't improve they'd have to suspend him from baseball program which would mean that he'd loose his scholarship and all the other sweet deals the college had provided him with. Although Tom would just as soon quit the college and go on to a baseball career his parents were insisting that he finish school first and he didn't want to cross them! Worse yet, the midterms were only two weeks away! Tommy pleaded with me to help him.

"Tom, I gotta tell ya, I don't think there's anyway you're gonna be able to pass that test. You need remedial math classes!"

"I could pass it if you'd help me out!", he chimed.

"What more can I do, Tommy? I'm tutoring you everyday."

"You can sneak me the answers." he hissed.

The statement hit me like a cold slap! Help him cheat? Visions of suspension and disgrace danced through my mind.

"Are you crazy, Tom? I could lose everything pulling a stunt like that!", I exclaimed.

"It'd be easy.", Tom continued, "You take the test in the class before me. All ya gotta do is slip me your work sheets after the exam, just enough so I can pass."

"Tom it's not right.", I complained, "There's just too much to lose."

"If you don't help I'm gonna lose it all anyways!", he pleaded. "Please, please help me! I'll give ya anything you want!"

Even amid the confusion that was tearing through my mind at that moment, I heard those words: anything you want! Did I dare? It really would be a simple matter for me to copy my calculations on another sheet during the exam and I could make sure that it was only the simpler questions that I helped him with so the instructor would probably not suspect that there'd been any shenanigans going on.

"O.K. Tommy" I finally replied, "I'll tell you what it's gonna take for me to get you those answers, but you ain't gonna like it! You're gonna have to fuck me!"


"You heard me.", I calmly replied. "My price to help you pass the midterm is sex with you."

Tommy just stood and stared at me in disbelief. Then he silently turned and bolted through the door, slamming it as he left. "He'll be back", I thought to myself.

And, sure enough, two days later, there stood Tommy at my door, wanting to discuss my terms.

"I'm not gonna have to suck your dick am I? What if people find out? Are you into the real kinky stuff?"

This was a side of him I'd never seen before. Tommy was like a whiney, spoiled brat, bitchin' and moanin' because his mom had just asked him to take out the garbage. I must admit I became quite contemptuous of his simpering, insufferably pathetic act. For once someone wasn't just handing him what he wanted and now all he could do was whine about it.

"Cut the shit, Tom!", I barked. "I'm not your mommy. Let me tell you how this is gonna go down. You're gonna show up at my place this Friday night. You're going to be dressed in your tightest jeans and a tee shirt. Under the jeans you're going to be wearing the jock you wore to ball practice that day. You're going to bring a six pack of your favorite beer. We're going to drink the beer and then we're going to screw! At that time you will do whatever I tell you to do without hesitation and with no back talk! Do You understand me so far?"

"Yes sir" Tommy replied, his head hanging down.

"Good. Because the first time you hesitate or lip off I'm gonna throw you outta here and the deal will be off! Got it?"

"Yes sir."

He suddenly looked so pathetic standing there. The big, beefy ballplayer had taken on the demeanor of a beaten pup. I softened my tone and, placing my hand on his shoulder, I looked him square in those emerald eyes.

"You might as well make up your mind that you're going to have to earn this one, Tommy. If you'd rather try and cram for it I'll spend as much time with you as you like."

Tommy turned to go. "Thanks", he moaned, "but I guess we both know the only way I'm gonna pass this is to go homo!" As I watch that beautiful, athletic ass slide into his car to leave I thought to myself how cute he was when he was acting like a pouty bitch. I thought that one of his coaches ought to be pounding that fine ass hard just to break the little bitch. With a smile on my face I began to make my plans for Friday night.

On the fateful evening Tommy arrived a little late but dressed as I had instructed. his tight jeans really emphasised his ample basket. The springs are warm in Carolina so I was dressed in a tank top and some khaki shorts. I ushered him over to my easy chair and then I took my position on the nearby couch. I opened one of the Coors Lights that Tom had brought and handed it to him. Then I opened one for myself. Hoisting the remote I pushed the play button and started the porno flick I'd put in the VCR earlier that evening. It was a good one by Falcon with a variety of man to man action and a sports theme.

"Since I assume you've never done this before I thought a little instructional film might help.", I explained.

"Do we hafta..." Tom started but a stern glance from me was all it took to silence him. He knew I meant business.

At first Tom just looked bored with the whole thing but as the evening wore on and the beers started kicking in and the video got hotter he began to loosen up. After his third beer he was staring at the screen in rapt attention and I could tell by the way he had to keep adjusting his position in the easy chair that those tight jeans were were making it very uncomfortable for his swelling crotch. I decided to try and loosen him up a little more and offered him a glass of bourbon with me. He gladly accepted it. I suggested he lose the shirt and pants to make him more comfortable. Tommy tugged his tee shirt off and tossed it casually to the floor. His sneakers followed. Then, hoisting his hips off the chair a little, he slid his jeans off and layed them on top of the pile. He settled back in, sipping the bourbon and watching the show.

What a sight he was! My eyes just drank him in! His chest was wide and well-muscled and covered in blonde fur that tapered down over his rippling abs to disappear underneath the wide waistband of the jock that now strained to contain what I guessed to be at least eight inches of steely hard manmeat. His legs were splayed wide as he slouched in the overstuffed chair. They were covered in a forest of tightly curled hair that still couldn't hide all his powerful sinews and muscles. Now this was a man! At that moment I wanted him more than ever before! I pulled off my shirt and dropped my shorts to the floor. Positioning myself on the couch I said, "C'mere Tommy, lemme show ya what a REAL blow job is like!"

He rose from the chair and began to strip off the jock.

"No Tom," I commanded, "leave the jock on!"

I pulled the soft fabric to the side and freed his throbbing boner from it's prison. what a beauty! It rose from a dense forest of pubic fur getting fatter in the middle before tapering back to it's bulbous, uncircumsized head. A drop of precum already glistened at the piss slit and I hungrily lapped it up. This elicited a soft moan from Tom. I slid my lips down the length of his shaft and buried my nose in his jock. I could smell the musky aroma of him mixed with the crotch sweat from his workout earlier that day! That really got me going! I began to lick and suck the sweat from his jock and pubes! When I was finished with that I started to work on his balls, lightly licking the sweat from the hairy sack that housed them. I got more agressive, sucking his balls into my mouth and massaging them with my tongue. Tommy began to slowly stroke his rigid tool, his half closed eyes still transfixed to the horny jocks fucking each other on my t.v. screen.

Finally I pulled his hand away from his hot pole and ran my tongue all the way up the underside to the purple helmet. I slid it into my warm, wet mouth and Tommy's hands instinctively grabbed the sides of my head. He began to piston that monster fuckmeat in and out of me. Now his eyes were glued to me as I sucked his cock for him. I pulled out of his grip and took the fat prong from my mouth.

"Nice piece, stud," I purred and Tommy smiled.

"Bet you've never had a chick that could take the whole thing!" He just shook his head.

"Watch this." I said.

I positioned myself to make my throat as straight a shot as possible and then grabbed his hips and eased his throbbing love missle all the way back. Then I lurched forward, forcing his meaty eight incher all the way down past my esophagus and burying my nose deep in his sweaty pubes! Tom let out a gasp of pleasure. I slid back up and then rammed him home again! He grunted and again grabbed my head. Tom was now thrusting into me at a feverish pace. I could feel the strength locked in his hot, young body as abused my mouth and throat for his manly pleasure. I must have slathered a gallon of saliva on his rigid jock cock that evening. Tom worked my mouth every way he could, long strokes, short ones, he'd plunge his fat cock all the way in and then grind his pubes into my face!

Suddenly he changed his pace to long, slow strokes and I could feel his fat cock pulse as it rocketed load after load of hot, creamy jizz down my open gullet. I drank greedily, not wanting to spill a drop of his delicious man-juice. In all I counted six good volleys of cream. Spent, my baseball stud fell back into the easy chair. Acting quickly I stretched the the straps of his jock out from his crotch and wrapped them tightly around his cock and balls to act as a makeshift cockring. I had plans for that beautiful dick of ihs and they didn't include going soft on me.

"Come on Tom," i said, "we're just getting started!"

I bent him over my coffee table so he could continue watching the porno tape while I took my position behind him which afforded me my first close-up view of his gorgeous ass. Firm, round and covered with a fine mat of blonde hair like the rest of him, it sat there framed by the white straps of his jock. His butt crack contained a thick forest of hair and I gently spread his cheeks open with my hands to get a look at his pucker. I buried my face in his crack and started tongueing his little pick rose. He tasted great, sweaty and funky!

"Oh man!" I heard Tom mutter as I began to probe his asshole deeply with my tongue. Apparently this was something new for my stud! I reached betwen his legs and grabbed his still stiff cock and started to slowly work it so as not to let it go down. This resulted in Tom slowly pumping his ass on my face. He was getting hot and so was I. I reached under the coffee table and retrieved a bottle of sex lube I'd left there earlier. I applied a generous portion to my fingers and began to lightly poke my index finger into his tight ass. His body stiffened at this and he began to protest my invasion of his nether regions.

"Tom," I said positioning my own rock-hard boner at his now slick virgin asshole, "if you want me to get you those answers then you'd better just accept the fact that your ass is mine!"

With that I pushed my hips forward and slid my dickhead past his sphincter. He let out a little yelp but remaind in the prone position. Slowly, gently, I began feeding his ass my own 7 inch lovepole. By now my nuts were aching to deliver a load of hot jizz and I knew it wouldn't take me too long to cum once I got started. I resolved to hold out as long as I could. I began to slowly jack my cock in and out of his tight ass. I'd pull back until just my dick head was still buried and then side my dick all the way back in. I wanted to be sure Tom could feel every inch of manmeat that was now taking it's pleasure from his butthole. On the screen the movie had reached the obligatory scene where the coach fucks one of the young jocks.

"See there Tom," I commented, "I'm giving you what your coaches ought to give you!"

I began riding him in earnest, now, varying the speed and depth of my strokes, coming at his tortured butthole from every angle possible, fucking his ass the way he'd fucked my mouth earlier that evening. I lay on his broad back and reached around his waist to jack his cock. It was still nice and hard! I wanted us to finish together if possible. We fucked in silence now. I pounded his backside while squeezing and stroking his massive pole and the movie played on.

Finally I could feel my nuts begin to draw up. I knew it wouldn't be long now. I pulled out of Tom and laid him on his back on the carpet. I positioned my ass above his throbbing hardon and plunged down, forcing it's length up into me! We both let out a loud moan at that point. Tom didn't waste any time. He grabbed my hips and began to frantically buck his gigantic cock into my waiting ass! That cock was hitting all the right buttons! I was jerking my meat furiously as Tom used his tool to deliver a blistering prostate massage. Suddenly I cried out as my balls cut loose with it's creamy cargo. Cum sprayed everywhere as volley after volley jetted from my throbbing cock.

A wave of exhaustion slipped over me and I began to slide off of my hot jock lover, but Tom would not be denied! Scooping me up with his dick still buried deep in my ass, he dropped me on the couch. Tom pinned my knees to my chest with his powerful arms and returned to pounding his burning cock into my well-stretched asshole. Tom's eyes were shut and he had his head thrown back in ecstasy. His chiseled body glistened with the sweat squeezed from him in passion and sexual exertion. The hair on his chest and abs was matted to him now, giving his skin a mottled appearance. I reached up and began tweaking his nipples, which elicited a loud grunt from my stud. At last, with a final brutal thrust, Tom unleashed a torrent of cum into my asschute. He fell back and his butt-plug shaped dick exited my luvchannel with a pop.

We both lay there, our chests heaving, our bodies glowing with the satisfaction that only man to man sex can deliver. Tom recovered first and gathered his clothes together and departed to the bathroom. He reappeared afew minutes later, totally dressed and with a scowl on his handsome face.

"Meet by the soda machines after your class with my answers." he said in a stern voice and then he was out the front door and into the night.

The math caper went off without a hitch and Tom just managed to pass so he kept his spot on the team. He stopped coming to me for tutoring however. I'd occasionally see him on campus and he'd always avert his eyes from mine. I entertained the thought of sending him an apology note but I thought it best just to let the matter drop. You can imagine my surprise when he turned up at my front door one night recently with a cold sixpack and a knowing smile.

-THE FIST (eightpnt8@yahoo.com)

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