Twin Stars

By AznB0iKid

Published on Nov 5, 2009


This story is not true. The characters are fictional, but based off of people I have had fantasies about when I was in high school... Enjoy!

Andrew's slight figure barely made an impression as he entered the math classroom after school. Nobody noticed as he went over to the corner and set his overstuffed backpack beside him. It barely registered to anyone that the Korean boy who came in for the math study session had a slim body with smooth skin. a height of about 5'4 with a waist that made 32" jeans look huge. As a sophomore in high school, Andrew was relatively small in a school full of jocks, cheerleaders, and musicians.

Nobody noticed that Andrew was slightly perspiring in anticipation for what was planned for that afternoon. Nobody noticed that Andrew was sitting and glancing at the door waiting for the the school's basketball twin stars to walk in and get tutored by him. Nobody knew that Andrew had harbored lusts for the twin seniors since a year prior when they were juniors and he was a freshman. Nobody knew that Andrew fantasized getting fucked by the both of them, maybe even getting double-dicked by the pair of them. Nobody knew.

But they all looked up when the two jocks, standing at 6'4, both with shaved heads, baggy windbreakers, and sweat pants, sauntered into the room. Everyone couldn't help but stare in awe at their clear white skin, piercing blue eyes, high cheek bones, broad shoulders and chests leading down to twin slim waists. They watched as their arms and legs rippled with muscles and as they walked past, eveyrone watched their asses shift and flex with each step. They watched as they headed over to the corner where Andrew was sitting for the first time, they saw Andrew, slightly blushing red and acknowledging the two jocks presence as if he didn't care.

"You Andrew?" asked Robby Johnson. Andrew nodded, not trusting his voice at the moment. "I'm Robby. This is Tommy." Andrew shook their hands and couldn't help but watch as their huge hands covered his in firm grips and a brief shake. The twins took two desks and turned them around to face him. Pulling out their text books, and homework assigned for that night, they seemed to move in synch as they did on the court.

"I was thinking..." Andrew spoke softly, testing his voice, and hoping it wouldn't crack with excitement. "...You guys should do your homework. If you have questions, I'll answer them. When you're done, I can look over it and help you guys with anything it looks like you struggled over or didn't get." The twins nodded and started working. They were both serious about this. This was one of the last classes they needed to graduate, and it was not a time for them to fool around.

"Andrew, I'm not too sure on how to take this integral." And so, that's how the afternoon went. That's how every afternoon went throughout the quarter. Andrew's relationship with the twins began to develop and occasionally, they would meet during lunch and eat, or work on a different subject. Several times Andrew went over to the twins' house to study with them in preparation for a big test the following week, or just to keep up in classes they were falling behind in. The more time Andrew spent with the twins, the more he began fantasizing about them. He began getting creative in satisfying his lusts using fruits and vegetables. Bananas and cucumbers began vanishing from the fridge and finding their way into his tight Asian hole at the same time. Andrew was amazed that no matter how many times he stuffed his hole, he still struggled to stuff it again the next day with new virgin cucumbers or bananas, although it no longer felt like he was ripping the skin of his anal lips.

Andrew loved the feeling of being stuffed. He couldn't begin to imagine what it would like to get fucked not by a banana, but by a man. A real man who would take control of his body and use it for his own pleasure not caring if Andrew felt good or not, but just used him to dump his cum in.

But, to get to the interesting and fun stuff, near the end of the first quarter, Thomas, who had been virtually silent whenever Andrew was around said when Robby was home sick, "There's going to be a party this Friday at our house. It's our birthday and you can come if you want to."

Andrew looked up, awestruck at the opportunity. Suddenly terrified because he had never hung out with the "popular kids" at school. He hadn't been to a dance, had a drink, or so much as been part of a group that consisted of more than 20 people that wasn't in a classroom.

"It'll be cool. I'll be there. I'd really like it if you'd come." Andrew nodded, once again, not trusting his voice. Thomas smiled, making Andrew blush, which didn't help the situation. Thomas was wearing a sleeveless shirt that exposed the sides of his chest down to the side where his boxers and shorts covered his waist. Andrew had been sitting next to him, trying to keep his small hard on hidden from sight.

"I don't have a ride."

"I'll pick you up. You live over by they Rite-Aid, right?" Andrew nodded again. When Thomas had finished his homework, Andrew stayed seated a full thirty more minutes before he felt like his tent had reduced itself enough to remain inconspicuous.

That night, Andrew played with his ass for hours while his parents were working late at the restaurant. He moaned Thomas's name and screamed in pleasure as he fantasized the jock's thick long white cock pumping in and out of his small frail frame. Andrew came more than once as he began fantasizing Robby coming into the picture, taking turns with Thomas to use Andrew's hole. Andrew switched from Banana to cucumber and kept at it until he decided he could handle both. Imagining Thomas sitting back, Andrew fantasized riding his cock with Robby climbing up on top behind him and sliding his cock which was just as long and just as thick as Thomas' into his loosened hole. Drawing glances from the kids in the apartment across the way, Andrew cussed and groaned as he shoved and pulled at both banana and cucumber. He felt his anal lips moving in and out with the produce. When he finally pulled out the produce after cumming so many times his cock hurt, Andrew examined his hole throught the mirror and watched as it seemed to pulse in anal orgasm of sorts. He fantasized of getting Thomas drunk on saturday. Andrew went to bed that night with a hole that would not stop twitching as he thought about riding Thomas' drunk dick.

The rest of the week went by relatively fast. Robby returned to school the next face, with his nose a bit blotchy but making a quick recovery. "Fuckin A!" Robby would yell everytime he sneezed, making Andrew laugh. Whenever he laughed, the twins had to at least smile because joy seemed to be void in his life. Most of the time, Andrew's expression made them feel as if they were attending a poorly attended funeral. Thomas began feeling affectionate towards Andrew, which caused the random invitation to the party. Robby knew that his brother was bisexual, but he couldn't imagine Andrew being Thomas' type. Andrew was shy and antisocial. He was scrawny and had no confidence. Most of the people the two of them had dated, male or female, were bursting with confidence to the point of cockiness. They had grown up with money and the time to sculpt their bodies in gyms. On most nights, Andrew was working for his parents if he wasn't at home studying. Andrew was the last person Robby would have expected Thomas to fall for, so he thought nothing of the attention his brother was showing their tutor.

On Saturday, Thomas honked his car in front of Andrew's apartment complex around 6. Andrew who had been waiting all day out of excitement, came running out of the building almost tripping coming down the stairs. Thomas smiled as he saw Andrew's face brimming with... determination?


"Hi Thomas. I didn't... expect you so early." Thomas smiled, understanding.

"I wanted to grab dinner. Robby's picking up a couple kegs and then getting some of the girls from the cheer squad." Andrew nodded. "What do you feel like?"

"Anything you want." Thomas glanced at him as Andrew started to blush. He smiled and headed to a burger joint near his house across town. After arriving and buying their meal, the pair of teens were virtually silent. Thomas realizing that it wasn't likely that Andrew would initiate conversation asked,

"You got a girlfriend?" Andrew started laughing at the hilarity of the question. "What??"

"Do I look like I would have a girlfriend?" Andrew asked not wanting to admit he was gay. Thomas considered the question seriously and glanced at Andrew's body. Although it was small, it seemed firm and compact. He figured with a smirk, if there was someone Andrew's size it could work out.

"Yeah," he said, smiling at the blush that seemed permanent on Andrew's cheeks. Because of his height, Thomas's knees kept slipping past Andrew's knees and brushing the inside of his thighs. Andrew kept fidgeting to keep from getting Thomas's knees between his legs because he was sporting a hard on again. When Andrew's tent had reduced to an acceptable size, he excused himself to the restroom and hurried himself into a stall. While Andrew was in the restroom wacking off, Thomas began cleaning up before realizing that he had to pee as much as Andrew needed to cum. When Thomas walked into the restroom, he didn't see Andrew so he assumed that Andrew was in a stall. He started to pee at a urinal when he heard Andrew gasping from inside of a stall as his ejaculation started to permeate his body with sensations and pleasures that preyed on teenage boys. After peeing, Thomas walked over to a stall and easily peeked over the wall and saw Andrew seated on the toilet seat leaning back with his eyes closed cumming into a bunch of tissues. Before Andrew finished his orgasm, Thomas hurried out of the restroom and waited for him to finish outside the burger joint.

Andrew came out, slightly flushed and together they walked back to the car. Thomas led the conversation with small talk about Andrew's classes and his teachers. Andrew was surprised at Thomas' intelligence and regretted assuming that the jock was dumb. Within minutes, they arrived at a larger than average house in the suburbs. After entering into the home, Andrew realized, that like Thomas, the house had more depth than it showed. Thomas' house was at least twice as big as his family's apartment and had a pool in the back with enough room to have a small game of touch football for a couple guys or a game of volleyball.

"Robby must not be back yet." Stripping his t-shirt, he started heading down a hallway towards his room. He turned around and saw Andrew still gaping at his surroundings. Smiling, Thomas asked, "You coming?" Andrew's eyes snapped onto him. Nodding, Andrew shuffled over and began tailing him. Thomas had his own room somewhat separated from the rest of the family. He had a good view of the front of the house and the driveway. "So, if you don't have a girlfriend, you into guys?" Andrew looked at him with horror in his eyes.

"I...I... uh..."

"Don't worry. I'm bi. If you are, I'm cool with it." He dropped his shorts too. Andrew nodded, trying not to stare, but at the same time, eyeing Thomas' jockstrap. Thomas smiled. "You're cute." Before Andrew knew what was going on, Thomas was standing right in front of him with his jockstrap at his ankles. Andrew looked down and was amazed at the size of Thomas' flaccid cock. It was as hard as his own when it was erect. Thomas reached down and took off Andrew's shirt. With his right hand, Thomas lifted Andrew's chin so that he was looking up into his eyes and then Thomas kissed him. With his left hand, he began undoing Andrew's pants and within seconds, the jeans and boxers Andrew was wearing were on the floor along with his shirt. Thomas lifted Andrew the way you might a child. Andrew wrapped his legs around Thomas' waist, feeling his hardon rubbing against Thomas' rippled abs. Thomas walked slowly towards his bed and lowered Andrew onto it. Andrew reveled in the softness of the black down comforter. Andrew's hands roamed over Thomas' firm body who was doing the same to him. Thomas was pleased if not turned on by the compact muscles that covered Andrew's wiry frame.

Thomas' long 8" cock was sliding back and forth in Andrew's asscrack against his twitching hole. Andrew moaned as Thomas' precum wet the entire area. Thomas grabbed Andrew's legs and pushed them up so that his knees were pressing up against his chest and his feet were up next to his head. This made Andrew's hole present itself while spreading the asscheeks. Thomas maneuvered himself down to lick Andrew's hole the way he did his girlfriends' pussies. Because of his arm span, he was able to easily hold Andrew's legs up while still allowing himself access to Andrew's sweet Asian butthole. Andrew never had anyone stick their tongue up his ass before. So this new sensation brought on a new wave of moans and gasps. Smiling, Thomas got up and lined up his cock with Andrew's ass when they heard a car pull up the driveway. Thomas saw that it was Robby and a group of girls from the squad.

Andrew jumped up and threw on his clothes. Thomas was more relaxed about it and even walked out with a bit of his jockstrap showing over his shorts, with his t-shirt over his shoulder.

"Hey Baby!" a girl squealed as soon as she saw Thomas. She jumped up into his arms and wrapped her legs around his waist the same way Andrew did not ten minutes ago. She pulled back a bit, "You taste weird."

"Oh," he glanced at Andrew, "I just came back from that burger joint on Chapman." Tiffany caught his furtive look at the Korean boy who followed him out of the bedroom.

"I hate that place. Their meat always smells weird. Who's this?" The entire group turned their focus onto Andrew. For a few of them, it was their first time seeing him.

"Andrew! I didn't know you were coming. You guys this is the guy who's helping me and Thomas graduate." The girls and the twins' other guy friend, Peter chuckled.

"Yeah, Thomas invited me on Wednesday when you were sick. I can leave if it isn't okay."

"Oh no, stay. It'll be fun." Robby smiled the same smile that Thomas always gave Andrew. It sent shivers down his back and a tingle into his cock that deflated way too quickly when he heard the car pull up. Peter and Robby went back outside to bring the keg in, while Thomas and the girls headed out back to set up the other drinks the rest of the squad had brought with them in the kitchen. Andrew followed silently, unsure of what he should do.

"Andrew, are you a freshman?" Andrew shook hs head.

Thomas smiled, "Andrew's a sophomore. He's really shy though. It took him all quarter to warm up to me and Robby." The girls giggled.

"Wow, and you're tutoring these seniors?" Andrew dropped a shoulder in a semi-shrug. "You're so cute!" She touseled his hair. Andrew gave a look to Thomas that said, "Spare me." Thomas laughed out loud making the girls question him about what was so hilarious.

"Nothing.. just remembered something funny." Still chuckling, Thomas asked, "Andrew, wanna throw a football around?" To get away from the girls, Andrew nodded.

It took Andrew a couple tries to figure out how to get the spiral down, but after figuring it out, he began throwing the ball the way any jocks would have... except without the strength. Thomas stayed within Andrew's range which also put him within conversation range but out of range for the girls to eavesdrop who were watching from the porch.

"So... you and Tiffany still going on?" Andrew asked nonchalantly.

"Yeah... but I can end it if you want." Andrew almost fumbled.

"If I want? I don't want to be the homewrecker. We'll just pretend like earlier didn't happen." Each word Andrew spoke felt like a nail he was driving into his own chest.

"But it did happen. And I loved it. It felt more right with you than it ever did with Tiffany." Andrew blushed again. Thomas fumbled the ball because his attention shifted entirely from the ball to the cute boy at the other end of the yard.

"Lemme think about it." Thomas nodded.

"Tommy, people are coming. Go turn on the music!" Rob yelled from the porch. Tommy signaled Andrew to follow him. Together they went back to Tommy's room where he began playing music off of his speakers.

"My computer's hooked up to speakers throughout the house." He told Andrew as they were leaving. Andrew nodded as he watched people coming in through the front and greeting the team and the squad and each other. Tommy led Andrew to the kitchen where he offered him a drink.

"Just coke?" Tommy smiled and handed him a can. Tiffany came in and pulled at Tommy's arm.

"Let's dance!"

Tommy shook his head, "I'm going to chill here with Andrew tonight. You go ahead." Frowning slightly at Andrew, Tiffany meandered into the growing crowd. Tommy showed Andrew how to put in certain mixers with certain drinks or how which alcohol had how much alcohol in it. Andrew took in the knowledge as he watched everyone who came into the kitchen get drunk. Tommy drank a bit, but Andrew noticed barely got buzzed. When the music on Tommy's playlist finally started slowing down, a majority of the people at the party were drunk and were all ready for slow dancing or were making out in a corner or on the couch. The guys were starting to tent with their girls grinding into them. Some couples were skinny dipping in the pool or fooling around in the hot tub. Everyone was too drunk to notice that Tommy led Andrew back into the bedroom and back onto the black comforter after the door was locked.

Andrew and Tommy stood in the center of the room, holding each other, feeling each others' bodies, kissing, licking, doing anything they could to each other. Tommy started removing articles of clothing until they were both standing naked. Andrew's small dick jutted out between Tommy's legs, while Tommy's heavy cock rubbed up against Andrew's stomach. Andrew pulled Tommy in for a warm embrace forcing Tommy's cock to rub against his abs and he felt Tommy's large heavy balls under the long rod pressed up against him. Tommy began pushing Andrew backwards, step by step, massaging his back, gently thrusting his hips until Andrew fell backwards onto the bed.

Andrew couldn't believe this was going to happen. Tommy lifted Andrew's legs like earlier, and like earlier, moistened Andrew's hole with his tongue. Andrew couldn't imagine what could feel better than Tommy's long tongue pervading into the depths of his nether regions. Flicking in and out of his hole and lathering it all up with spit. When Tommy stood up again, his face was slightly flushed from fucking itself into Andrew's ass. His cock was lined up and without further distractions Tommy, gave a slight shove, forcing his head into Andrew's tight and unyielding hole. With a gasp of pain, Andrew felt Tommy's dick which felt thicker and warmer than any piece of produce he had ever found punch its way into his hole. Tommy's huge white cock was a ramrod. To Andrew, it felt as if the entire cock was the same thickness from tip to base.

Tommy began lowering his hips, pushing his cock deeper into Andrew's inexperienced hole. Andrew gasped as the familiar filling of being stuffed mixed with the unfamiliar feeling of having another human body so close, so bare, so smooth and firm, so muscular on top of his own. He trembled as he felt the veins in Tommy's cock pulsing, as he felt the moisture of Tommy's spit aiding in the penetrating invasion of his virgin hole. He moaned when he felt Tommy's pubes scratch at his sensitive skin between the globes of his small ass. He looked up at Tommy with eyes glistening with joy and pleasure, and then they kissed. They kissed with such passion. Tommy had never experienced a kiss so breathtaking. Andrew had never kissed and wanted every moment that their lips were locked and their tongues intertwined to be pleasureable for Tommy.

Tommy began to pull his cock out. Andrew felt the fullness of his insides beginning to lessen. Tommy pulled out until his cock's head was the only part of his body that remained in Andrew's body, with the exception of his tongue. Tommy then began sliding his cock back into the hole, aided by the rectal fluids that now coated his cock. Andrew moaned at the cock which was gaining speed and slickness. Andrew's hands moved from holding his ass cheeks apart to Tommy's body, once again exploring regions he never thought he would have the privelege or blessing to explore. Feeling territories that were once forbidden from him by society and by the restrictions of his own mind. Tommy smiled within his own mind at the look of amazement that had not yet left Andrew's face. Although Andrew could not hide his own pleasure or ecstasy, the look of awe at being fucked by the school's star had yet to remove itself from his face.

Tommy's hips began to pump faster and faster. Andrew's hands had moved their exploration from Tommy's upper body downwards towards his stomach. They kept moving lower to where Tommy's cock was now pumping itself like pistons in an engine in and out of his ass which long since lost its firmness and gave way to a loose pleasing feeling to both participants of this affair. Andrew's hands moved to the base of Tommy's cock and felt his own ass where Tommy's cock was disappearing and reappearing from tip to base. Base to tip. The area had gotten moist with sweat, spit, precum, and rectal fluids. Andrew felt something tapping his ass a bit lower than where his hole was and he felt around felt Tommy's large heavy ball sac bouncing back and forth. He grabbed it and tugged it, massaging Tommy's golf ball sized testicles. Finally reaching around Tommy's waist, Andrew held firmly to Tommy's ass and pulled in each time Tommy thrusted, trying to force Tommy's cock in deeper and deeper into his own ass.

Tommy moaned feeling Andrew massage and explore his body. He felt sweat begin to form on both of their bodies. He watched as sweat poured from his face, down his own body onto Andrew's. He felt the change as their bodies flowed more smoothly against each other. And each thrust of his hips against Andrew's ass became more pronounced and the slapping sound filled their ears along with the sounds of Andrew's grunting and moaning with each thrust and Tommy's own gasping for air. Tommy released Andrew's legs and felt as Andrew maneuvered them around his own waist. Now, Andrew was lying on his back, his hands on Tommy's ass, and his legs wrapped around Tommy's waist hugging him tight. Tommy was in pushup position over Andrew, his legs spread wide giving him leverage to fuck Andrew harder and faster. His ass pumping up and down, making his cock pump in and out of Andrew's ass.

The locking mechanism in Tommy's door began to click. Andrew's eyes, which had been shut in ecstasy, now flew open. Tommy lowered himself onto Andrew's body so that his torso was resting on Andrew's enabling him to kiss Andrew while he just moved his hips up and down in and out of Andrew's ass. The door opened, and Rob came in, holding the house's master key in his hand. He watched for a second before closing the door and locking it behind him before stripping down. He walked over to the bed and tapped Tommy's shoulder. Tommy got up and pulled out of Andrew. Andrew watched as Rob climbed onto the bed and spit on his own cock, lubing it up a bit before shoving the entire member into his loosened hole. Andrew moaned, feeling as if nothing had changed, as if Thomas had merely taken a brief intermission to catch his breath, but when he opened his eyes to look into Rob's face, he saw the difference. Rob's eyes were glazed with drunkness, but they also bore signs of nothing but lust and desire. Thomas had signs of affection, and even love while he was screwing Andrew's hole. Rob was just using Andrew as a place to dump his cum.

Rob fucked Andrew harder than Thomas had. He didn't care about how Andrew felt, or whether it was pleasureable for him or not. Rob just wanted to blow his load into Andrew before going back to the party to find another pussy to fuck. Thomas climbed onto the bed next to Andrew and began kissing him. He kissed his mouth, and moved down to his neck. He let his lips move down past the collar bone and onto Andrew's chest and to the small hard nubs of Andrew's nipples. Tommy focused some of his effort and time there, and sucked and nibbled on Andrew's nipples causing Andrew to moan even louder. More precum seemed to flow out of his cock which lay firm against his stomach, sometimes smearing cum on Rob's stomach if Rob let himself low enough to be within reach of Andrew's small member.

"I want both of you in me," Andrew gasped of nearly an hour of Rob fucking him. Smiling, Rob flipped them over, so that he was underneath and having Andrew ride him ontop. Andrew tried riding Rob, but Rob grabbed Andrew's hips and began controlling the pace and force of which Andrew was dropping down onto his dick. Andrew's entire frame shook each time his buttocks hit Rob's pelvis. Tommy watched in pleasure, positioning himself behind Andrew. He watched as andrew's backside dropped down leaving only his twin brother's balls showing. He spread his twin's legs a bit more before lining his cock up with this brother's cock and Andrew's ass.

On one instance when Rob pushed Andrew up again, he felt his brother's cock head at the base of his. he grinned when he lowered Andrew again, knowing that this time, Andrew would have another dick shoved up his slutty ass. Andrew yelled in shock, pain, and pleasure, as Tommy's cock head forced itself into his hole. Andrew threw his head up and felt it hit Tommy's chest. Tommy threw one hand around Andrew, and held him in place so he could adjust to having his asshole spread to twice as what it was being used for before. Rob sighed with impatience as he was forced to wait for Andrew's ass to adjust to being double dicked. Tommy began forcing his cock deeper into Andrew's ass for the second time that day until he was as far into Andrew's ass as his twin. The brothers felt each others' dicks rubbing against each other, the twin lengths, the veins pulsing against each other. Their dicks were held tightly together by Andrew's ass.

Finally, tired of waiting, Rob continued manipulating Andrew's small frame, slowly at first. Lifting him up, lowering him down. Up..down...up...down... up down... up down... up down up down. Faster and faster until he no longer needed to control Andrew's hips. Andrew continued bouncing up and down on the twins' dicks with Rob's hands resting on his ass cheeks, and Tommy's arms wrapped around his torso.

"You fuckin slut. You like my dick?" Andrew nodded, gasping and moaning. Drops of sweat fell onto Rob when Andrew nodded. His long black hair clung to his cheeks and drops of sweat were dripping from the strands that hung over Rob's face. Rob reached up and wiped some of the sweat and some strands of hair out of Andrew's face. Not knowing what took over him, but maybe because that sign of affection made him think of Thomas, Andrew bent low over Rob and kissed him the way he kissed Rob's twin. Rob, being blown away with the passion of Andrew's kiss, the tongue flitting around in his mouth, the sweetness of Andrew's lips and the hot breath that poured in from Andrew's lungs, was pushed over the edge and started cumming in Andrew's ass. He moaned into Andrew's mouth as his body trembled as the orgasm took over his body.

Tommy's cock was getting coated with his brother's cum inside Andrew's ass. Because of the fact that Andrew was still riding Rob's cock, some of the cum began dripping out and oozing onto his ballsac too. Andrew reached back and scooped up the cum that had leaked out of his ass and fed it to himself. Rob watched with fascination as Andrew sucked on his fingers. He pulled out his rapidly shrinking cock and maneuvered himself so that Andrew could suck his cock while getting fucked by his brother in the doggy position. He watched over Andrew's back and ass as his brother's cock appeared and disappeared into the Asian ass that was no longer tight.

Andrew sucked off the cum from Rob's dick. He tasted some cum and piss and he tasted his own ass. Andrew did his best to get as much of Rob's now sensitive cock into his mouth and down his throat. Because Rob's cock was becoming flaccid, Andrew was able to stick his nose into Rob's brown pubes that contrasted heavily with his pale skin. Andrew released Rob's cock from his mouth and attempted to suck the ball sac that was identical to the sac he wanted to suck earlier. Andrew couldn't stuff both of the testicles in his mouth so he just massaged them, one at a time with his tongue making Rob moan and gasp. Each time he tried switching balls, his tongue reached far under the sac and licked Rob's asscrack. Rob's body shook at the new sensation every time Andrew's tongue slipped under the sac. Noticing his pleasure, Andrew lifted the sac and let his tongue dive into Rob's nether region. Rob moaned as he spread his legs and lifted them up so that his knees were resting on his chest.

Thomas watched as Andrew began feasting on his brother's ass. Andrew buried his face between the pale white globes of meat that surrounded his sweet virgin hole.

"Oh fuck. Stick your tongue in that hole, you fuckin bitch!" Rob moaned holding Andrew's face in place with one hand and holding his legs up to give Andrew better access with the other. Andrew was breathing through his nose, smelling the musk and sweat that coated Rob. He smelled and tasted Rob's ass and began shooting onto Tommy's bed.

"Oh god! Ohhhh Gooood!!!" Tommy quickly cupped his hand around the head of Andrew's cock and caught most of his cum before he shot it onto the bed. He rubbed it into his brother's asscrack letting Andrew lick it up. Rob continued moaning and started getting hard again. Andrew grabbed Tommy's hand and put it on Rob's hardening cock. Tommy smiled as he started to jerk off his brother. Andrew watched for a few minutes before resuming his feast on Rob's ass. His tongue dived in and out of Rob's wet hole.

Tommy couldn't help but feel a bit envious as he watched Andrew please his brother. He began fucking Andrew harder and faster than he or Rob did all day. He pulled his cock all the way out and shoved the entire thing back in. Andrew began gasping and moaning, unable to concentrate on using his tongue on Rob's ass. Rob watched for a bit before jerking off into Andrew's mouth. It took him only a few minutes because of how far Andrew pushed him already with the ass-licking. Even though he had already cum once, the load was so much that Andrew couldn't swallow all of it. It started to drip out of his mouth and down his chin. Rob used his cock head to scoop it up and shove it all back into Andrew's mouth.

When all the cum was where it should be and after giving Andrew's a slap, Rob got up, got dressed, and went back to the party. Thomas, glad to have Andrew to himself, pulled out and flipped Andrew around onto his back. Andrew wrapped his legs around Tommy's waist again allowing Tommy to resuming fucking with the same ferocity and power that he had been previous to Rob's departure. Andrew lied under Tommy's gyrating hips, immobile from pleasure. His arms wrapped around Tommy's neck. Andrew began cussing and moaning in Korean.

Tommy lowered his head to kiss Andrew. If they weren't kissing, then they kept their foreheads together, breathing together, moving in sync. Tommy slowed down in fucking Andrew. He began taking more pleasure in it, relishing in the difference between his girlfriend's pussy and Andrew's ass. He loved the way Andrew couldn't help but talk in his native tongue when experiencing that much pleasure. He stared into Andrew's eyes and kissed him again. This time, he didn't break it off. Thomas continued kissing as he suddenly pumped his ass faster and faster driving his cock into Andrew's ass. Moaning into each other's mouths, both boys enjoyed the feelings they were giving each other. Tommy gave his cock one last shove into Andrew's ass before shooting his load of cum deep into Andrew.

After milking the last of his cum into Andrew's hole, Tommy fed his cock to Andrew. Andrew loved the fact that Tommy and Rob had the same body. It was like sucking on the same cock a second time. Tommy's cock was coated with both Rob's and his own cum. While Andrew was sucking him, Tommy began to finger fuck Andrew, making more of his cum ooze out of Andrew's hole. He scooped up everything and smeared it on his cock for Andrew to clean up. When Tommy's cock was clean, and Andrew's ass void of any reachable cum, Tommy pulled Andrew up into a tight embrace.

Andrew rested his head against Tommy's chest. He loved the feeling of being wrapped up in Tommy's arms. Together, they fell asleep like that throughout the rest of the party.

Saturday morning, Andrew woke up alone in bed. He put on his pants and shirt and headed out of the bedroom. On his way to the kitchen, he stepped over a nude Rob who was passed out in the hallway. He found Thomas who stood nude in the kitchen making breakfast.

"Good morning!" Tommy smiled and indicated a place set at the counter facing him. Andrew sat and felt an erection come up in his pants. Tommy's skin shown golden in the morning sunlight. Tommy set a tray in front of Andrew that had a plate with bacon, eggs, and pancakes on it. Andrew smiled.

"It's been a while since I had a cooked breakfast... Thank you." Tommy had brought his own tray next to Andrew. Andrew leaned over and kissed Tommy and hugged him tightly. Tommy smiled as Andrew began pigging out with so much joy that he was amazed anyone could enjoy eating that much. When they had finished, he led Andrew to the bathroom and began stripping him. Andrew felt like a child being undressed and watched as Tommy's cock began to fill out. Tommy turned the water onto hot and pulled Andrew inside. For a few minutes, Tommy just held Andrew in his arms, letting the water wash over them and clean the sweat, cum, and sex off of their bodies. Tommy kissed Andrew lightly, and then began washing Andrew. He scrubbed every inch of Andrew's small petite body. When they had finished, he dried Andrew off with a large fluffy white towel. Together they got dressed. On their way out, they saw the maid that Tommy called the day before come in to clean up the mess remaining from the party.

"You should bring your stuff if you want to study." Smiling, Tommy hurried back inside to get his things. When they got to Andrew's apartment, they saw that no one was home.

If you like the story, please email me and let me know. If I get enough emails, I'll write more.


Next: Chapter 2

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