Two Bulls for Damian

By Boyatt Hart

Published on Feb 2, 2016


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by Boyatt Hart

Chapter 4: T'was The Night Before

The next four days at work were the longest ever, both of us being more than a little anxious for this new experience Luther had spearheaded. We said our usual "See ya Monday," for the benefit of all present as we left the office, but rather than go home to grab my toilet kit and just-in-case change of clothes, I had them laid out to take to work Friday morning to expedite my arrival at his house.

The plan was for us to have that night together to 'dull our edge', as Luther liked to say, so our hard-ons would have plenty of staying power for our young guest on Saturday...and Sunday, if he decided to stay that long. I stopped by the store to make sure we had plenty of beer and snacks on hand for the festivities and showed up at his house before 7. I rang the doorbell.

"Who's there!" I heard him bellow.

"Terry!" I yelled back.

"Door's open!"

I walked in to see the giant relaxing naked as a jaybird into the back of his sofa, legs splayed with his huge dick riding belly-button-high on the underside his manly paunch, quite some distance to be sure, a huge hand rolling his gorgeous foreskin up and down over his big, glistening cock head. His other hand balanced an anal porn mag on the shelf-like top side of his belly brandishing a lewd cover photo of a girl's cock stuffed butt with these huge balls hanging out of it.

"Catching up on your reading?" I asked in jest.

"You know me...only interested in the stories," he dryly replied as he laid the book down revealing his wide grin, "Get out of those clothes."

"Will do. Let me put this stuff away, first."

I showed back up a few minutes later naked, too, my hard-on wagging beneath my belly as I strode toward him with a beer in each hand. He took one and I sat beside him.

"Looking good, sport!" he exclaimed, popping the top of his beer and taking a huge swig.

I wrapped an ice cold hand around his big, warm, blood engorged member. He gasped and flinched, causing beer to slosh down his chin onto his big belly. I clenched his dick in a death grip and fought his every effort to break it, laughing out loud at his desperate antics.

"God-DAMMIT, sport! Let go! Your gonna freeze it plum off!" he shouted.

I held tight, enjoying him writhing under my grip. His hard cock felt warm to my hand and made me feel like getting frisky with him. We both loved that kind of man-to-man physicality.

I struggled to fend off his huge arms as he fought but he eventually succeeded in getting one around my neck, maneuvering me into a headlock and pressing my face into the crease between his thick pec and firm gut in an attempt to smother me into submission. One side of my face was pressed to a large erect nipple and the other to his warm belly flesh...the two of us laughing like high school kids as we 'rassled'.

I loved forcing him into these impromptu demonstrations of his impressive natural strength. When I began at last to struggle for breath I released his fat dick and tapped out by patting his huge stomach.

"That'll learn you, yamuscleboundbully!" he said with a grin.

"You won, no question. No other man I know could tame me as easily as that," I said in admiration.

He threw his big arm back behind my head and draped it over my shoulder, pressing me to his side.

"You make gettin' nekkid with somebody the most fun, sport," he softly said in that sepulchral bass of his.

"It's what I've always thought getting naked with a real man should be," I replied in total contentment.

He stroked my beard and said, "You are that."

"You, too," I confirmed.

I caught the cover photo of his fuck mag out of the corner of my eye and thought it would be fun to leaf through it together. Being the seventies and Luther swinging both ways, it was straight sex of course, but being an anal mag I managed to find several pictures that were arousing for me, as well, and we had great fun just sitting next to each other occasionally fondling each other's member as we shared comments.

The gentle giant particularly liked one series of pictures that featured a guy he said reminded him of me. He was a little on the heavy side, nice shape to his belly but not as big as mine, about my age with a beard. I thought he was handsome and hung enough that I found the comparison flattering.

In the final photo he was seated on the hind quarters of his young conquest with her butt turned to the camera between his nice looking legs. He was smiling as he spread her ass cheeks apart with both hands, his hard cock jutting out over his balls as they rested on her, proudly displaying her asshole that was gaping wide open to the exact dimension of his girth.

"Bet she was sure feeling a draft!" I said, eliciting a belly laugh from the huge man.

"I used to love doing that to the whores over in Korea," he said, looking for my reaction to his comment.

"Fun, huh?" I asked, my curiosity very obviously piqued.

"Oh-h-h! Damn right!" he said lighting up at my interest, "Whores over there were different than whores over here. Over there you just bought their time, like a rental fee, and until your time was up you fucked any hole you wanted any way you wanted. When I got back here I discovered that whores charged you according to what you wanted to do to them, like a an expensive restaurant."

We looked at a few more pictures and, after taking one last look at the finale of Luther's favorite series, put the book down.

"How do you fuck an asshole to make it stay open like that?" I asked.

He said the first time it happened it was purely unintentional and scared him to death. Thought he had broken her until he saw it regain consciousness and snap shut again, eliciting a sigh of relief. Once he saw that the condition was only temporary he liked how funny it made the girl look and tried to do it to the next one he fucked, but without success. That was when he set about experimenting until he settled on a method that made it happen whenever he wanted.

He walked me through its development with blow by blow accounts of his youthful sexplorations over there. Coming from anyone else they would have sounded like boorish, mean spirited braggadocio. But, delivered in the dulcet tones of his sexy baritone and with such obvious fondness for the memories, he made it all sound like nothing more than innocent, wholesome fun. So with rapt attention I visualized his every word as he waxed nostalgic in graphic detail. In his descriptions of the action he often portrayed himself in less than flattering terms such as 'gorilla' and 'big ape'.

"Aw, you were no gorilla," I defended him to himself, "You were just a big boy with a big toy out to learn what kind of fun you could get up to with it."

"Yeah, pretty much," he confirmed with that winning smile, "but only another gorilla would look at it that way."

I laughed, but it actually always made feel special when he referred to me as a peer like that.

"So those Korean girls were all pretty small, huh? Getting their asses fucked by a man like you must have been painful," I said testing the girth of his prize winning cock with my thumb and middle finger.

"Oh, more than likely," he said, tightening his arm around my shoulder, "but I wasn't even thinking about what it was like for them, much less setting out to hurt them. At that age I didn't even think of them as people...they were just playthings. I was just looking to keep myself entertained in a foreign country was all. Like you said, I was an overgrown boy...on leave from war. Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying I didn't have a pretty good notion their butts wouldn't do to sit on for a while after I got done with them, but I always left with a smile and they always got their money. I never did them any damage I ever heard about...and they sure never acted like their feelings were hurt. It was purely business."

I asked how long he continued making history like that after he got back here.

"Not long, I'll tell you. Too rich for my blood! Korea was my big hoo-rah for being able to get nekkid, kick back and just fuck like a dog for the sake of fucking, do whatever made me feel good. That's why I ended up looking for a gal to marry so soon after coming home. Found Jean and hitched up before I'd been back a year thinking that way I'd never have to worry where my next fuck was coming from. She had different thoughts on the matter, though. She's a sweet gal and a great mom, but never had any creativity when it came to sex....strict pussy diet...until that finally dried up, too. Pretty soon I found myself just accepting that I was never gonna get my dick in another mouth or ass again. Then you showed up," he said grabbing just enough of my left butt cheek to give it a squeeze.

We laughed again and chugged on our beers some more, just enjoying each other's company and the freedom to play snatch 'n' grab with somebody else's equipment.

I asked if he'd done that to any women since his wife left.

"Aw, I'm not the same man now," he responded.

"How so?"

"Older...maybe a little wiser...definitely more considerate of the person I'm fucking these days...partly 'cause of Jean, I guess...but maybe 'cause I've been on the business end of you a few times now," he said, then observed with a grin, "Bet a big fella like you could stand up to an assfuck like that, though."

"Oh, more than likely," I mimicked him with a confident smile.

He grinned at my reply then said, "Thanks for listening, sport."

"I didn't exactly find it a chore in case you didn't notice."

"No, sir, you sure gave yourself away there," he said reaching out and giving my hard-on a tug, "But that little trip down memory lane you took with me just made me realize that if we'd been friends like this way back then maybe I could've done my duty without being such a big pain in the butt for those little girls over there."

We laughed at his joke.

"Maybe you weren't," I replied, somehow knowing I should let it go at that.

"Well...having a friend like you has sure made me understand that some sex is strictly meant for a man to enjoy with another man," he said grabbing up his beer and leaning back into his corner of the couch.

"The Method would sure qualify as that," I said fondling his tool, "and I'm not a bit ashamed to say I'd love for you work my hole like that."

"Then I'll sure as hell put it to you sometime, sport," he gave his word.

"Tonight?" I asked.

"Sure, if you want," he replied, "But I'll need you to get between my legs to dull my edge first."

"My pleasure," I said, hopping down on the floor and getting in position, "I still owe you for that earth shaking blow job Monday."

"Yes, sir, you sure do. My throat's still sore," he said with a hardy laugh, "But why don't we clean up first."

"Won't be necessary, Luther. I know I must've been pretty rank Monday after leaking pre-cum all over myself the whole time you were telling me about Damian. I can take care of you just the way you are," I insisted.

"Have it your way," he said with a grin, lifting his dick off his balls and aiming it at my face.

When he got it up under my nose I had to admit that he was a little more pungent than I'd expected. It was, after all, the first time I had confronted his intact status that soon after an entire day of work. But I let my resolve take over before giving myself a chance to change my mind. I felt like he deserved that much from me.

I wrapped my hand around his member above his. Although his sexy stories still had me hard as steel visualizing him performing those sexual 'feats of strength', it had been just long enough for him to cool to the point of feeling a little spongy. Willfully ignoring his sharp scent I made a big show of eagerly stuffing him in my mouth and happily sucking his magnificent appendage till there was no trace of sponginess left.

The bull had quickly become hard as a brick again and the look on his face made clear that my only way forward at that point was to give him the best head job I could muster. But, in all honesty, that was really no different than it ever was...that was my goal each and every time he gave me what I considered the honor of pleasing him in that way.

I placed my hands on his barrel chest and pushed him back into the rear cushions of his couch, then brushed his hand off the base of his cock and pressed down with both of mine on his surprisingly meager pubic pad so its full, gorgeous length towered before me. Next I hooked my thumbs under his massive balls and looked up to see him smile down on me. I leaned down out of his view and slid my tongue up from the bottom of his balls to the ring of foreskin that barely exposed the end of his cock head to find him still watching me.

With our eyes locked on each other again I began lapping the tip of my tongue at the gaping meatus recessed between the beautiful twin bulbs that formed the tip of his wide, meaty glans, savoring the salty fluid that beaded up at the bottom of its almost tear drop shape. He sighed and placed a hand on my head.

I slid my lips up onto the head of his cock just enough to conceal the leaking orifice from his view and, tickling his foreskin with my moustache, began jabbing at it with my tongue. His thick chest and rotund belly swelled to impossibly grand dimensions before me as he took in a big breath then floated a deep, lusty moan out into the air around us.

Our eyes still locked, I slowly slid my lips off the head of his bulky member and pecked his drooling meatus with an affectionate kiss, licking my lips afterward. His gaze was intense as he watched me. I trained my gaze again on his hulking dick and began teasing the velvety hood bunched up at the tip with my teeth, slowly working my way around it and gently lifting it away from his glans to break any seal. There was a catch in his breath and he arched his broad back as he watched me slide my tongue up under his foreskin then work it around and around the big head it sheathed.

"Oh-h-h-h-h-h, sport! You're a prince of a fella...a PRINCE...the best!", he encouraged me.

I slipped my tongue out of his ample hood, "You're a king."

I ran a hand up onto his majestic paunch as I said it, then continued on up into the beautiful patch of coarse but lightly populated hair at the nexus of it and his regal chest, cinching the hair up between my fingers. A look of contentment swept over his face, wreathed by those incredibly masculine blue-black jowls.

He slipped his enormous hands behind his head and closed his eyes, his thick furry pits bouncing out above his big, wide set nipples for me to admire. I let go of his chest hair and slid my hand back down to join the other one at the base of his cock then tightened my grip on it. Its network of veins bulged in relief against the admirable length of its vast surface. One by one I traced the three biggest with the tip of my tongue and watched for him to open his eyes again.

Once he did I peeled his skin back and slowly slid my lips down over the sensual contours of his bulky, glistening glans, making him wait to watch as my top lip gradually eased down over his pronounced corona. I gazed into his eyes and held that pose quite some time for his enjoyment before teasing his frenulum with my tongue.

"Oh, God...OH-HO-HO-HO-HO-HO-HO, GOD!" he bellowed as he squeezed his eyes tightly shut, his elbows pulling together on either side of his round face and emphasizing the cleft between his naturally meaty pecs.

I knew at that moment it was time to amp it up. I increased my suction until my lips and even a bit of my bearded cheeks conformed to his remarkable girth, then slowly slid on down until I had his fat cock head buried in my gullet. I knew he could still see a bit his dick spilling from my tightly stretched lips at that point and paused to let him admire it.

"Beautiful," he sighed with a broad smile, "just beautiful, sport!"

When I thought he'd enjoyed that part of the show enough I started bobbing on him with what little room was left in my mouth and what little compression he had available in his ultra-rigid condition. I felt my lips stretching out even more at the absolute bottom of those short but powerful and enormously stimulating down strokes and hoped he still had a view of it.

Gradually picking up speed I finally reached a level of action that could only be described as wild abandon. Laboring furiously I strove to make sure the noises from my tightly suctioned lips, and especially the sound of my throat on the impossibly big, blunt cock head that pressed in vain for entry to it, filled the room.

"Oh-h-h-h...fuck...fuck...FU-U-U-UCK!" the giant roared, unable to take his piercing gaze off me.

Down, up, down, up, down, up, down...over and over and over again I fearlessly drilled my sucking mouth on his turgid member. I felt to I knelt between his powerful legs.

Bang, bang, bang, bang...over and over and over and over seemingly without gullet feeling sore and tender beyond belief from relentlessly bashing it against his bloated, rock hard helmet; my jaws growing numb from accommodating his tremendous top-to-bottom thickness; my neck and shoulders aching more than any lifting routine I'd ever employed.

My eyes were tearing up, my nose running, my saliva streaming down my bearded chin...and my knees...oh, my aching knees!

I found it hard to believe Luther could withstand what I was giving him without offering up his milky reward to me. Doubts began creeping into my mind. Did he find a blow job delivered with this much zeal somehow lacking in masculinity? Dare I say it...effeminate?

How long had I been at it? How much longer was I going to have to stay at it in order to make the hulking giant give up what I craved from him?

I started to get mad and a swell of resolve took hold of me again. I thought about how I dealt with weights I felt should be easily within my ability to hoist only to be mocked by them. What did I do in the face of that? I stood fast in my dedication to my goal. I convinced myself that if I simply set my mind on achieving a goal there was absolutely no stopping me. I would not settle for failure.

So that was what I did in that moment. I set all thoughts of my discomfort aside and thought only of the prize...the accomplishment...and persisted against all odds in pursuit of it. Then I heard him...

"Almost there, sport! Almost there! Don't stop! Don't stop!"

Luther's stunningly deep voice was urging me on to finish the job and I nourished myself on his encouragement. Somehow I managed to dig deep, deep down into my reserves of strength and came up with just enough of it to ramp my attack up one more notch.

I tried to think of nothing else but how good that gigantic dick tasted; the magnetic attraction of its musky scent; how potent its unyielding hardness felt in my mouth; how full of his delicious cum those huge bull balls of his must have been; how dearly I wanted to celebrate the beast of a man attached to it all for allowing me to experience his overwhelming sexual essence.

"HERE IT COMES, SPORT!" he roared like never before.

I wanted us both to bear witness to his impending orgasm and see the size of the load he would feed me from that plump, weighty scrotum so I pulled off him. His huge balls still dangled over the edge of the couch cushion between his massive thighs, in spite of being drawn up tight. He roughly brushed my hands off the base of his majestic member and violently peeled his ample skin back off the head, sinking his cock stuffed fist into his pad and giving me just a second to stare into his meatus.

It was not merely gaping at that point but flaring open downright angrily, as if determined to mete out justice to whoever had dared stir the man mountain who reigned over it to this level of arousal. My mouth flew open to receive his gift, but he shuddered so violently from the unexpected intensity of his orgasm that almost none of it managed to land there.

Instead the lewd looking orifice in the center of his fat cock head mockingly spat no fewer than nine thick, ropy blasts by my count of his potent, pearl white, viscous seed onto my face. Spurt after voluminous spurt streaked my eyes, nose, hair and beard in its gooey warmth.

When his orgasm subsided to a point that his load was merely rolling out from his bloated, super sensitive head I popped it back in my mouth and vigorously sucked as the remainder flowed out onto my tongue.

"OH-H-H-H!'re killing me! OH-H-H-H-H-HO-HO-HO-HO-HO-HO-HO-HO!" he groaned in pain, his massive paunch violently shaking with each 'HO'.

I let his aching cock head fall from my mouth and beamed my approval up at him over his beautiful Santa like belly. It was without a doubt the most magnificent orgasmic eruption I had ever seen and I had absolutely no regrets about the misdirected outcome. I rose to my feet between his mighty thighs and wiped what I could of his cum from my eyes, sucking it off my fingers and savoring the distinctive flavor I'd quickly grown to love. I rolled my hands into fists and placed them on my hips, my chest and belly heaving above my raging hard-on as I smiled down at him.

"Oh my God, sport! Just look at you!," the behemoth blurted out.

"Yeah, I'm a mess!" I said with a laugh.

"No! That's not what I'm talking about at all!" he said, "Your's all...blown up like balloons!"

He went speechless momentarily then finished with, "Holy hell!"

He fell silent for another minute and shamelessly gawked at me.

"Never had my dick sucked like that before!" he praised, " anyone! And seeing you like this...just knowing it came from a man like this...what on earth possessed you?"


"Damn!" he said under his breath.

He studied me a bit longer then said, "Why don't you take first crack at the shower, definitely earned it after that."

"I assume that dulled your edge?" I asked.

"You could say that," he confirmed with a laugh.

After showering off I stretched out on his king size bed, still exhausted, and fondled my meat very carefully so as not to accidentally orgasm while I waited for him to join me. He came out of his bathroom a short while later toweling his head.

"How about leaving off with the Brylcreem for the night?" I requested.


"So I can run my fingers through your hair without having to clean my hands every time...just for tonight?"

"Okay," he agreed as he pitched the towel and stretched out to my right with his hands behind his head.

I rolled over on my side to look at him, my belly crashing against his as my hard-on pushed up onto his thigh. He giggled and reached across taking it in his right hand.

"Wanna use my mouth or my ass, sport?" he asked.

"If you want to roll over on your stomach I can just ride your butt a couple of minutes," I suggested, "...if that horned up as that blow job got me."

He looked at me, still on cloud nine from my present to him, and said, "It's yours."

"Thanks," I said as I made room for him to accommodate me.

He shifted his great bulk and rolled over, splaying his legs for me to get between and giving me a stunning view of the massive balls he had emptied onto my face maybe forty five minutes before. I crawled between his legs on my hands and knees then gently kneaded the plump sac resting on the mattress in front of me, causing him to sigh and my erection to begin leaking profusely.

I placed a hand in the middle of his broad back and pushed my drooling cock head down between his meaty cheeks. I quickly located his pucker and swiped it several times to slick it up, pressing for entry every so often until at last I felt it begin to yield to my hardness. I slowly mashed the head of my dick against it until it popped through his ring, causing him to grunt loudly.

I then leaned forward and fitted my belly into the small of his back, pressing my open hands to the back of his dense shoulders to brace myself. He let out another grunt followed by a sharp catch in his breath as my change in position caused another couple of inches to sink into him.

"Did I hurt you?" I checked with him.

"No more than you had to, sport...thick...feels good, though...take what you need," he assured me and lifted his butt up to meet me.

"Like I said, this shouldn't take long. You've had me hard as granite since I got here," I joked.

He laughed and squeezed my dick in that wondrous part of his anatomy.

"Damn! That felt great, Luther!"

He laughed even harder at my reaction.

I lifted my hips and slowly sank down into him as far as I could get. He let out a half growl-half groan. I did it again, eliciting the same response.

I held that position till the funny tingle in my loins subsided and then powered a few short jabs into him. Another sharp catch of his breath accompanied them, but I knew the behemoth was fine and hit him with a few more without feeling the need to check on him.

"Oh-h-h...damn, sport! Feels like a post hole digger!"

"You'll live," I assured him as I began working up a rhythm.

He floated a few 'fuck's and 'goddamn's out into the air with his rich bass voice as I pleasured myself in his clutching hole. Once I had his velvety chute well formed to me I started slapping my hips and balls on his butt in earnest. I saw him clench the bed linens up into his ham sized fists as I maintained my rhythm but drove into him with increasing power.

"Ung-g-g-h-h-h...ung-g-g-h-h-h...ung-g-g-h-h-h...ung-g-g-h-h-h..." he rhythmically grunted beneath me as I tried to make him feel the full effect of gravity on my mass.

Seeing and hearing that huge block of a man submit to my physical needs in that manner only fueled me to greater heights and I picked up steam as a result. A minute or so later I slammed down onto him as hard as I could and rolled my balls on his big, warm butt, pumping it full with spurt after jolting spurt of my seed. Less than five minutes had elapsed since I first pushed my cock head down into his crack, but as good as he felt on me in that passed for eternity.

As my orgasm subsided I ran my hands over his big, broad back, singing his praises as I let the remainder of my load roll into him, my balls relaxing and loosening as it did.

I pushed myself upright behind him, ending up with my hands braced on those beautiful globe shaped haunches of his as I pulled out. A big glob of cum fell from my cock head onto his balls so I hunkered down and licked them clean before draping my flagging hard-on and sagging balls in the cradle of his butt crack.

"You're a good man, Luther Bruchner," I said as I kneaded his magnificent specimen of a man butt.

"Thanks, sport," he sighed as I rolled out of his saddle and fell beside him on the bed.

He rolled onto his side to face me, smiling with his half hard cock and huge balls resting on his thigh and then reached over to tweak my nipples and rub my belly.

"You know...I told myself the minute I set eyes on there's a man even you could feel good about crawling under, Luther Bruchner," he said then rolled off the bed and went to his bathroom.

I swelled with pride at his confession.

I heard him put the toilet seat down and in a minute he said, "Tell you what, sport...your balls were loaded full up!"

"Trust me, I know," I laughed.

He came walking out with a wash rag, his thick arms pumping in a circular motion around his great belly and his huge cock and balls rolling seductively against his beefy thighs. His vast bulk ponderously plodded toward me until he sat on the edge of the bed and admired my softening hard-on, heavily coated in our fuck juice.

"He's a beauty!" the big man said with a smile as he took my tool in the damp rag and wiped it off, "Feel better?"


"That's what friends are for," he said with a smile as he leaned across my hips and began sucking my balls.

"Oh-h-h-h-h, that feels so good," I sighed, "Been a long day, Luther. Mind if we just cook up some dinner and make it an early night?"

The huge man let my balls drop from his mouth back onto my bulky thighs and said, "You read my mind, sport. We should rest up for tomorrow."

(I hope you're enjoying yourself. To be continued as time permits...and, yes, the next chapter will bring Damian on board.)

Next: Chapter 5

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