Underwear Fantasies

By moc.loa@87317JK

Published on Mar 18, 2007



I woke up early and was on my way into the kitchen to make some coffee. I didn't see Brad or Xander in the living room. So I fgured that they had slept in the spare beds. I made the coffee and was on my way back to the bedroom with a cup of coffee for me and Jason, when i decided to wake the guys up so we could get an early start. I held both cups in my hand as I slowly opened the door to the first room. I dropped both cups on the floor and stood the dumbfounded. Before Brad and Xander were.... ...in bed together. Both of them were just looking at me. If I had only one spare bed that would have made more sense, but I was completely lost. Here 2 of my best friends in the same bed with plenty of other places to sleep.

"Morning Jack." Brad said

"Morning." I said not knowing what was going on. Jason walked up behind me and just stared as I did,

"Well, I guess maybe an explanation is needed." Xander chimed in.

"We can't say that we were drunk. I guess we just decided to be honest with ourselves." Brad stated. "You guys went to bed and I was feeling lonely. I knocked on the door and asked Xander If I could sleep on the floor in here. You guys seemed so happy and I haven't had what you would call a relationship. So I layed down on the floor and Xander told me to get on the bed."

"I told him we are grown men and best friends. There is no reason that we can't share a bed. When he crawled in the bed, I was feeling a bit nervous. I don't know if it was all the excitement over the past 2 days or what. But, just knowing that Brad was in the bed with me turned me on."

"I just crawled in the bed and I felt Xander moving over towards me. I thought he was just gonna say something without being too loud. Lo and behold I ended up with a tounge in my ear."

"You should have seen the look on your face Brad. But, honestly I didn't know what he was going to do. But, things just seem to progress from there. We ended up making love most of the night. I think we only got about 2 1/2 hours sleep when you scared the shit out of us and woke us up."

"Well, I wished that you guys had just said that you were curious. Not that it matters. You are who you are and we sure don't have anyplace to say anything. We made the pact that there would never be any secrets between any of us again." I said kinda dissapointed that they didn't just tell us.

"Being honest with myself is hard enough. I wasn't even sure until I had slobber in my ear, that I wanted to even experiment with another dude. But, now that it has happened I hope to hell it's going to happen again." We all laughed with Brad when he made that comment.

Jason comments, "I gotta tell you two, you made a good looking couple. Are you going to try being an item or was it just a freinds with benefits thing?"

Brad and Xander looked at each other questioningly. "I don't know. we haven't even had time to talk about it. I feel asleep with Brads 7 hard inches in my ass."

Brad blushed a bright shade of red with that being said.

"I can't speak for Xander but, I think I would like to try and make a go at it. But it is hard living in the sports dorms. Do you know what the guys would say if they found out. I mean it will be hard enough for you 2 living together alone. But, just imagine what it would be like trying to find time to be together with all those jocks around all the time."

"I can speak for me and there is nothing I would like better to live my life with this here goofball. But, it's going to be hard like he said living in the dorms. we only have another 6 months of school left. But then, where to go from there. I was going to have to move back in with my parents, till I get a job paying enough to live on my own and support myself."

"Hold that thought. Jason can I talk to you in the bedroom for a sec? Be right back."

"Whats on your mind cuz?"

"I know that we are just starting to give this a go. But, how would you feel if we asked Brad and Xande to move in with us. Then we could all be ourselves and not have to worry about the outside world until we are ready?"

"If you think it is a good Idea and think that we can all get along and such, I will be supportive in the decision. But, I think we need to talk to the guys and see what they think."

"Absolutely. But I just wanted your input before I asked."

"I think it is a great idea."

We walked back the bedroom where Brad and Xander were sitting in their underwear they had borrowed. They were sitting on the bed across from each other. I wondered what was going on. They weren't saying anything. Just staring at each other. But, I recognized the look on their faces. I was the look of love. they didn't even notice we had walked back in when until I cleared my throat.

"MMM HMM. Guys I, excuse me, we have a question that we would like to ask. It is a serious one and one that is going to take a lot of adjustment for 4 men. Jason and I talked it over and we were wondering if you would like to move in here with us. We have plenty of room and I think you guys need room too, to work on this budding romance like Jason and I do. You made a very good point about the dorms. What do you say?"

"I don't know. What do you think Brad?"

"I think it is a killer Idea. But, are you guys sure. Your in a budding romance as well and we don't want to compromise that." Brad said.

"Well, like I said, it is going to be an adjustment for all of us. There are going to have be a few things that are worked out. Bills and chores. That sort of thing. But, I really don't see a problem. There won't be much modesty sround here. That is for sure. We threw that all out the window this weekend." Everybody laughed at that.

Jason said "What about getting everybody moved in? There is alot that has to be done."

"I don't have much. Just some clothes, books and odds and ends. Didn't need a lot at school. If I wasn't in class I was with you guys." Brad said matter of factly.

"Same goes for me. Some clothes, books, odd and ends and my t.v. and computer."

"Well then, I know Jason doesn't have all that much either in his room. Good thing though that I am not moving in with any of you. Where would I put it all." I tried bing cute. But just got a slight cuff in the back of the head from Jason.

"Jack why don't we go ahead and start at Jason's room first. We will just hit all 3 rooms and load up what we can in my pickup and your blazer. If nothing else, just get what we can and what ever is left over get it later." Xander remarked.

"Sounds like a plan to me. But I don't think that there will be more than 2 trips required. We will load up on the first run. Come back and unload. No pun intended. We will go get something to eat and then finish. Should be done by early evening."

"Alright guys, lets hit it." Jason said with the excitement of a child at christmas.

"I'm gonna go turn the dryer on for a few minutes and get everything warmed up for my buds. When I come back we need to discuss a few things." I said and went and turned the dryer on. As I walked i the living room the guys were just sitting there and chatting away.

"Alrighty then. First things first. Bills. they will be split 4 ways. We will go to the bank monday and have a house account set up for bills and groceries. I know with four of us living here bills will go up but, split 4 way it shouldn't be all that much. There isn't any rent on the house. So It will just be utilites and groceries. We will have to make a chore chart too. I know, your thinking damn, what am I 10 again. No this way everyone pulls their weight and there are no hard feelings about who does what. It will just rotate so everybody ends up doing everything."

Everybody agreed that there was no problem. I went and got clothes out of the dryer. We all got dressed and started our humugous day.


"Whoo hoo. That is the last of it. We are officially roomates. Tomorrow is monday. I am going to skip classes for the day. Much to be done. Like hiding my thongs and such. I come home and they would all be disappeared. Naw. Just kidding. Got to get some things done."

"I personally think it would be good if we all skipped tomorrow. Just for the day. We can go to the bank, grocery store. And I for one know I need some new underwear so I will have to go to Priscillas in Fayettville. I've been in there before and know that they have a good selection of mens thongs. Then I will hit the on-line stores." Xander said with a twinkle in his eye.

"I need some to. Why don't we all just go. They will probably think we are a bunch of fags buying all those thongs and stuff. Well guess what? We are. HAHAHA. Imagine the looks we'll be getting." Brad said.

"Well, jason doesn't need to buy any if he doesn't want to. Him and I can share if that is alright with him. I mean sure we can pick up a few pair. Something new, and might even find something else we can indulge in."

Jason agreed with me. He wanted to by a few pair anyhow and said he wanted to get me something for helping fill the missing gap in his life.

I told him, "You are all the thanks I need. You and that hot body, and that love I see in your eyes right now. I just hope I don't dissapoint you."

"Fat chance of that happening."

We wentto the store to pick up a few things to get us throught the night. Some drinks and snacks and something for breakfast the next day. We decided that there was just too much going on right now to bring alcohol into the picture. When we got home I said I was going to get comfortable. I went in the bed room and stripped down. I took a shower and just put on a Male Power Sheer Bong Thong. I walked out in the living room. Brad and Xander had just taken off their clothes save their thongs and were snuggled up on the couch waiting for me to come out. Jason said he was going wash real quick and be right out. He said for us to pick out a movie to watch. We decided on none other than "Titanic"

Jason finally came out of the bedroom wearinga pair of Mansilk Gauze Pouch Thongs. They really didn't leave much to the imagination considering they were white and almost completely see through. They are not what you would really call supportive. When he walked his cock just flopped around. Not that he didn't have enough to amply fill them. The material was just not made for high activity where a guy needs support for the family jewels. But they were perfect for tonight. He sidled up to me, and him and I got snuggled up on the other couch and we started watching the movie.

About half way through I felt myself dozing off. Brad and Xander were passed out on their couch. They looked so comfortable and at eaze with each other lying there all wrapped up in each other. I nudged Jason to see if he was asleep. He turned his head and looked at me with tears streaming down his cheeks.

"Is it the movie? Is there something wrong? Why are you crying my sweet Jason?"

"Because I can't believe that I am so happy, especially when it is from something that we are told our whole lives is so wrong. Who was it that said "How can it be so wrong, When it feels so right.". I love you Jack right now and forever."

"I love you to babe. Let's go to bed." I pulled him up from the couch. We were both excited. But, not in a sexual way. We were excited in a , for lack of a better word, spiritual way. I felt that Jason was and forever will be my soulmate.

We got to the bedroom and crawled into bed. We looked at each other and just made out in a tender and gentle way. No plans for sex. Just to let the other know how we felt. It was thus far the best night of my life. We fell asleep in each others arms, content that things would only get better.

Well, That is the end of part 4. More to come if you want it. Just let me know. As always, comments, and critcism welcum. Just e-mail me at kj71378@aol.com

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