Unexpected House Guest

By Jasper

Published on Aug 27, 2021


Unexpected house guest -- chapter 7

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The next morning I woke up feeling extreme horny and really wanted to fuck. I knew it was still to soon to fuck Steve and that he also wanted it. I turned on the live feed and saw Steve slowly waking up and turning around in the cage, attempting to find a comfortable position. Looking ad that boy with his nice soft skin and musscled body I jerked off again. After that I took a shower and thought of how manipulating Steve further and further.

After my shower I put on my clothes and walked to Steve. In front of the door I stopped and listened. It was quit. I opened the door, Steve was sleeping. I started to open the cage. Steve was slowly waking up. "Come boy wake up and give me your paws." Still half sleeping he gave me his paws and I removed the mits. I stopped there, thinking he could remove the humbler and the tail himself. I turned and said "See you in the kitchen". Downstairs in the kitchen I opened the back door to get some fresh air in the house. Walking back to get some bread I saw Steve slowly comming down. I smilled, because he still walked on all fours. I wanted to say something, but stopped myself. How long will it take before Steve noticed it wasn't nessesary anymore. I tried to act as normal as posible and started grabbed my breakfast. Suddenly I saw Steve crawl to the back door. I walked to the kitchen window and watched outside where I saw Steve take a piss at his dog place. I quickly turned and placed the empty dog bowl on the floor. Sat down and started to eat my breakfast. Steve entered the kitchen and crawled to his bowl. By his bowl he turned his head towards me and looked at me with his breathtaking eyes. Finally I said "Why did you take a leak outsite and still act like my pet? I removed your mits already. Or do you like to be my pet." While I laughed and gave him a smile I saw him looking at his hands. When he realized what he did he said "F.ck, no way I want to be your pet anymore." Then he started to remove the humbler and his tail. Quickly I said "Clean those up, put them away and clean yourself up. Then I will make you some eggs. You will need it for todays for professional training." I turned my head and did not want to look at him. Probably he was reluctant to get to the training after his humiliation, but I didn't want to give him an opportunity to get out.

After a few minutes I turned on my Phone and started watching Steve in the bathroom, of course to make sure he wasn't going to play with himself. I saw the soap slowly run over his body and I wanted I was the one who was washing that beautifull body. His nice firm shoulders, down to his pecs al the way to his stomach. Holding his shoft fleshy meat and his nice egg shaped balls. Moving my hands down his muscular legs to his feet. Damm. I had a hardon again and felt my pre cum comming out of my dick. I heard Steve turn of the shower so I had to stop myself. Steve could get down any minute now. As expected he did and only had the short on he borrowed from me. He sat down and I brought him his eggs. After placing the food on the tabble I turned my hand thru his hair. It still felt moist. I tried to make conversation, but it was clear Steve was not in the mood. I wanted to know if it was frustration or anxiety for the training. I decided to let him be and said "See you down stairs, I will start getting things ready". I turned and walked to the basement.

I just finished when Steve walked down. "Are you ready Steve?". "I think so" he replied. I said "Come over here". I place my hand on his shoulder, gave it a squeeze and said "I thought you start with some sit ups. So sit down and on the floor and place your ankles in the weight holder so you have some support". Without any word he sat down and did as I told him. "Good, now I bound you legs so they can't slip out and you lose your support" and I took a leather strap and bound his ankles. He only gave me a look with anger and anxiety, but still didn't say anything. "Now it is important you do not loose grip off your hands or start pulling your neck, that is bad for your posture. So I give you a special belt so I can bound your wrists from behind your head, crossed over your back to the belt." Now I got a reaction "Is that really nessesary, I looks a bit over the top". I smiled and said "That's the same I thought when I did this workout." Of course I lied and continued to bound his wrists. While I placed the belt I saw the outline of his dickhead thru the short and I let the back of my hand touch softly his dick. Of course I made it look like it was an accident. Then I placed a strap from his wrists to a ring in the floor. That way he wasn't able to sit up straight. I place mij hand on his shoulder and pushed Steve down. Now he laid on his back with his hands behind his head. His nice chest was pushing out and I saw some ribbs on his slim body. Then I noticed Steve was nervous, because I saw a sweat drop in his armpit.

After that I continued "So now for the punishement workout". I grapped an automatic turning wheel and placed it in front of Steve. So nice that the lad had no clou what was comming. Then I got some Japanese nipple clamps conneted to a chain. I place the chain thru the wheel and was ready to place them on the nipples of this hot looking boy and noticed his nipples weren't sticking out. "These will stay better in place as there are placed on your nipples when they stick out." And I immediated started rubbing his nipps and started playing with them. Steve only mumbled something. I couldn't make out what. It wasn't important he couldn't stop me. I slowly felt his nipples getting harder and sticking out. I quickly placed the clamps. "That hurts" Steve said. I quickly replied "You are doing great Steve, like a real man who can handle things. Now I want you to do sit ups for half an hour. You can start when I turn on the machine." Now Steve had a question "Why the time, normally it is a number?". I knodded and said "you will see why" and I turned on the machine. The wheel started turning and the chain started to go with the wheel. The chain slowly started to pull on his nipples. To keep the pain to a minimun he had to move up and started his situp. But before he was totally up he was held back by the strap and the ring in the floor. To avoid pain in his nipples he tried to keep sitting up as long as he could. After a few minutes his muscles started to tremble. His six pack was showing and his muscles where trembling the most. Of course he had to go back down and give his muscles some break. But the wheel kept turning and soon he had to sit up again to make the pull on his nipples less painfull. After a few minutes I saw sweat forming on his head and chest. The trembling of his muscles made the sweat on his sillky skin glinster more and more, it made my hart jump and again I felt precum flowing.

I must say Steve did great. He could hold on for 26 minutes. Then he started to get in trouble. He could not keep up the pace and the clamps where pulling more often and harder on his nipples. Then at 30 minutes I turned off the machine. Steve made a sound off releave. I looked at him and said "It is not over yet, I have to remove the clamps.". His immediate respons was "Yes, please.". I smiled. Probably he never used clamps before. I quickly removed both clamps at the same time and with my thumbs I started to rub over his nips. He immeately gave a loud scream. It was good the basement was sound proof, because it was loud. I said "Sorry, Steve but the blood must start flowing again. And that hurts, but that is why you are in the punishment workout session." I saw tears in his eyes. "Let I get you some water and you can rest for 20 minutes before we continue." Now he responded quickly "What, No, no more". I walked back with some water and tried to comfort him by letting my hand go thru his hair. "Here take some water". After he did I placed a hand in the middle of his nice chest, where I felt my hand slide over his sweaty skin and said "Yes, there will be more. No backing out now. I just started to respect you more and more. The way you did the workout so far was respectfull. So don't give up". I walked away and hoped it sounded like it wasn't an option to quit.

After the 20 minutes of rest I turned to Steve and grabbed the clamps. His breathing increased and he knew what was coming. But my talk had worked, because he said nothing. I placed the clamps on his now sensative nipples and said "I believe in you Steve, you doing great". I stood up and turned on the machine and said "Again 30 minutes". Steve shook his head, but said nothing. This time he got in trouble after 14 minutes. "Go on Steve, focus" He had to work hard. The trembling of his musscles was intense and he was pulling the strap on his wrists. His breathing increased more and more. "Keep going Steve, use the pain to push yourself. You can do it". he responded "f..ck you". I slapped the back of his head hard and said "That is a warning, do that again and I make it 40 minutes." He really pushed himself. Almost out of breath and tears in eyes he still was at 21 minutes. "Push yourself Steve, you can and must do it". He kept going, but he became slower and slower and the chain pulled more and more. At 28 minutes he was totally out of sync and the chain pulled hard on his nipples. He screamed out of pain and suddenly the clamps where pulled off. Now he screamed louder and a tear was running from his face. I quickly turned of the machine "Not 30 minutes, but well done boy 28 minutes. You should be proud". Looking at his nice torso on the floor I got an idea. "Steve your nipples probably hurt like hell. Let me help you. It is strange but you will notice it helps" I kneelt down and brought my mouth to his nipples and started licking. "What the h.." Steve said. "Relax Steve, you will notice it helps against the pain" and I continued licking his nipples. Let my wet tonque play with those sensative nipples. After a while I noticed Steve had his eyes closed and made soft moans. Time to quit, I did not want him too horny yet. "And Steve, is that better?". He opened his eyes and said "yes, that was nice and made me forget the pain. Thank you". I winked and said "Let me untie you so you can rest, drink and eat. After lunch we will continue with a different exercise". I untied him and went upstairs. Steve kept laying on the floor to recover.

During lunch I only could think of Steve and how good he looked this morning, restraint like a good slave boy. What if he knew he was not the only one who has to push himself. Watching him,I really wanted to take him and blow my load. After lunch I noticed Steve was stalling. "Come Steve it is time to go". He kept sitting at the table and did not really respond. I walked over to him and placed my hand in his neck. "Come boy, I know you don't like it. But after you finish you will know what works best and will be proud off yourself." Slowly I let my hand go to the side of his neck. I kept going to his troath. Then I pushed with some fingers under his chin and gave some pressure and said "Come Steve, don't by a child". The pressure on his airway made him to stand up and said "Alright, alright I come with you". While walking to the basement I kept my hand on the back of his neck. In the basement I guided him to the left. "This morning you did sit ups, now it is time for pull ups. Go stand over there and put your hands on the bar above your head." I picked up some leather restraints and said "I am going to restrain you wrists to the bar." He responded "Not again, please". "Stop that and be a man. Give me your hand" I said. After I bound him up I said "You are going to do two times 50 pull ups. Because it is the punishment run I will whip you with a flogger. So don't slow down of give up." I saw his breahting increase again. "Try to use the pain and discomfort to push yourself to go on. Now start". He was reluctant to start the workout but started anyway. Like this morning he started very good. The first 36 where no problem. I lost myself watching him. Seeing his muscles in his back tense up was hot. After a while he began to glinster again from the sweat. I came out of my thoughts when he reached 39. Now he was definitly slowing down. This was the moment I waited for and whipped his back. He started to get going again for two or three times. When he got to 50 I knew I had to praise him. "Good job Steve, you doing very well. Take a rest I will give you some water". I could not wait to continue. "I know it is hard. I had to do it while they hit me with a single tail whip. That hurts more then a flogger. But you are doing great Steve". Of course I was lying again. I never trained like that and hoped he was going to do badly in the next run. The tought of red back with those great muscles moving under his skin was stimulating. Also I would like to whip his ass.

"Time to start again Steve, but this time I also going to whip your ass." and while I said it I pulled his shorts down. "Start boy". He was surprised at my action and hessitated a while. I repeaded "Start boy, or should I start whipping you." That made him start. The first 10 he had no trouble, but as hoped his muscles are sore and he had some trouble. My first hit was on his back. That made him going again. After a few times slowed down again. Whack, one on his nice firm cheeks. That repeated a few times. His muscles where trembling. By 41 he said "I can't any more, it is too hard". I started laughing "Of course it is hard that is why it is a special workout session. You are doing great, better then I did." By the end of my sentence I hit him again. "Please I can't do any more" Steve pleaded. "Then it is time I give you more stimulance for the last 9, so I will hit you twice". And I started hitting him twice every time. "Use the pain Steve, you can do it." That made him go again. By 48 I heard him crying. By 50 I started to whip him four times before he pulled up again. After that he let his head drop and I some teardrops hit the floor. "Go ON Steve, one more" I said. "I already did 50 pull ups" he screamd. "I decide how much you have to do, so one more because you were pleading to stop". Then I started to whip him again and again. His back and ass must already been burning, but I kept going. Finally Steve pushed himself to do one more. After he did I stopped hitting him. "Wow Steve. Probably you hate me right now, but I never experienced someone working out so well. I am proud of you." I untied his wrists, while holding his body to help him stand. He was totally exchausted. I lay him on the floor on his stomach. "Rest now Steve, I will bring some oil your body so your skin will recover more quickly." I took the oil and slowly robbed it over his warm red back, slowly down to his ass. Then it happend, I was so turned on that I cum without any touch to my dick. Steve was to tired to notice anything. I stood up and said "Rest and take a shower, The warm water will help your muscles to relax. I will seee you at dinner. I quickly left to clean myself up and noticed I already was thinking how I could play with Steve tomorrow morning.

Next: Chapter 8

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