University Diaries

By Kevin Cox

Published on Jul 17, 2003


The next morning, Adam slowly got up from bed, slid some underwear on and staggered to the bathroom. When he entered the room, a thick cloud of hot humid air surrounded him. He looked to the shower and realized it was running. Jack was in, rubbing his awesome body with soap, every inch of his body was perfect to Adam's eyes. The hunk had his back to Adam so he didn't see him entering the room, he also didn't see him staring avidly at his perfect bubble butt while taking his underwear off. Adam's cock was quickly rising as he watched the young stud soaping up his naked body, precum began oozing from his cock head when Jack bent over to soap his firm thighs. Adam began to walk towards the shower and the naked man in it. He opened the door, got in, wrapped his arms around Jack's waist and pressed his now fully erect cock against his butt. Jack didn't say a word, he just turned around laid his lips briefly on Adam's and began kneeling down. As Jack was about to wrap his sexy lips around his cock head, Adam heard a loud buzzing noise that woke him up instantly.

"It was a dream dammit!" he thought as he hammered his alarm clock with his fist. Adam looked under his bed sheets and was not surprised to see he was rock hard and that there was a huge wet spot where his cock head had been resting. He slowly turned his head to the left towards Jack's bed and saw that the young man was no longer there. He sat up in his bed and shook his head to wake himself up a little. In the background, he heard the sound of the water running, Jack was in the shower...maybe it was a premonitory dream, he thought without any real belief. But the thought of seeing his roommate's beautiful naked body again was very tempting. So Adam quickly slid some underwear over his still half-hard cock and walked hastily towards the bathroom but the only thing he found was a locked door. "So much for the premonitory dream theory" he said to himself as he walked back to his room disappointed.

Adam was still looking for his shower kit when Jack entered the room dressed with nothing but a towel around his waist. Trying not to be too obvious about it Adam followed his every move waiting for the moment where his roommate would let the towel fall to the floor. Even though, he had now found what he was looking for, in his bottom drawer, Adam still acted like it was still missing. He then saw Jack grab some white CK boxer briefs from his drawer and turn his back to him before he let the towel go. Adam's jaw dropped when he saw Jack's bare ass. Last night, he had such a brief look at the young man's naked body that he hadn't realized that he had an awesome butt, it's was round, smooth just like he liked 'em and it looked pretty firm to him.

As his roommate started sliding his underwear up his muscular legs, Adam reluctantly looked away and got his shower kit out of the drawer acting like he had just found it. He took some towels which he took care of placing in front of his crotch to hide the raging hard on he had.

Once he got under the hot shower stream, Adam closed his eyes and started caressing himself. In his mind, he imagined that the hands roaming his body weren't his, but Jack's. It was he who slid his hand across Adam's chest, who squeezed his nipples, who now caressed his smooth butt cheeks. Adam's cock grew even harder than it was before as he fantasized about Jack touching him. Adam grabbed his blood engorged member with one hand and pictured Jack naked in the shower with him, stroking his cock. Doing this was so good, not as good as the real thing but still very exciting and pleasurable, Adam's pleasure quickly built up and he reached the point where he knew was going to cum at any second pretty fast. He then accelerated the movement of his hand on his manhood and a few seconds later, he was flooded by a powerful orgasm that made him bend his knees and shoot loads after loads of hot creamy cum down the drain.

Adam then finished showering and came back to his room to get dressed. There he found Jack getting ready to leave, Adam stopped him saying he wanted to ask him something.

-"What is it you want to ask me about?" Jack questioned.

-"Well I thought we should have a code for when I'll be bringing someone back home at know what I mean?"

Jack smiled and said : " You really need a code?...How many chicks a week do you plan to bring back here?"

-"Well...that's another thing I wanted to talk to you about...I won't be bringing back any "chicks"... but a lot of dudes", Adam paused to wait for Jack's reaction which seemed to be good but just to make sure he added, "...are you ok with that?"

-"Oh! Of course, don't worry...I have a gay friend...I've never lived with him though... but...I guess it's...I...I don't mind..."

-"Great!", said Adam, "So what will the code be?"

-"I'll go get a Do Not Disturb card for the door, you think it'll do?"

-"Yeah it'll be perfect!"

-"Then it's settled, I'll see you later" Jack said with a smile and a slight head tilt that made him looked so cute that Adam felt an overwhelming urge to kissed him, but he did nothing of it, he just smiled back and said :" See ya!"

As soon as Jack left, Adam grabbed his cell phone a called Tommy.

-"Hey, early bird", Tom answered in a sleepy voice, " what's the rush?"

-" Oh sorry Tom, did I wake you?" Adam asked suddenly realizing it was 7 a.m.

-" No you didn't wake me, but the phone ringing in my ears did." He replied.

-" Sorry again but I had to call, you wouldn't believe how incredibly hot this guy is... and, by the way, not homophobic at all... I told him this morning and he was cool with it... I mean I've known him for only a couple hours and I already had a wet dream about him..."

-" You called me to tell me about your dream." ,Tommy interrupted Adam, " and why are you so cheery about this guy, it's not like you have any chance with him!"

-" I know that, but I've got myself an awesome looking roommate who's okay with me being gay, I think that's enough to cheer about, don't you think?"

-" Well I'm not in a very cheering mood right now... I'm more in a sleeping mood so call me back later when the sun is real high in the sky preferably, okay?"

-"Yeah, sorry I woke you up...I'll call later, bye"


With that, Adam closed the communication.

At 10p.m. on the same day Adam had found the perfect thing to get his mind off his hunky roommate : an incredibly handsome guy dancing shirtless on the dance floor of the hottest gay bar around. Tall, blonde, blue eyes and an upper body to die for with well defined arms, strong pectorals and washboard abs. The way he was dancing was as sexy as his body, there was such a sensuality radiating from him, Adam wanted that boy real bad. There were a couple of guys dancing around him but from what Adam could see his target wasn't making a move toward any of them so he had a chance to get his attention. He made his way on the dance floor, his eyes never leaving the hottie he had chosen. As he approached, the young man locked eyes with Adam following him as he took place on the dance floor just a couple feet away from the other guys dancing around him. Adam smiled at him, he smiled back and after some time made his way through the crowd to dance in front of Adam. Adam leaned in and said :

  • "Hey there, I'm are?" - "I'm Bryan...nice to meet you." - "Nice to meet you too", said Adam looking him up and down, "I saw you dancing from the really have some great moves... you take lessons or it's natural?" - "I just go with the music so I guess it's natural but you're not that bad yourself!" answered Bryan moving closer to Adam, getting his right hand on Adam's shoulder and then letting it slide down his chest and abs before resting on his waist. The two young man were now dancing really close together, their body moving in rhythm with the music. After some time, Adam turned his back to Bryan and moved as close as he could to him. Just like Adam had hoped Bryan pressed himself against him and wrapped his arms around his waist and now as they danced Adam could feel Bryan's firm pecs against him as well as his growing erection. They danced like that for a while until they decided to go take a break and get themselves a drink.

They talked a bit about each other, what they did, where they came from, what they thought of the bar and many other stuff. Adam could feel the sexual tension between the two of them and soon enough they gave in and started kissing. Adam had made the first move by sliding his hand up Bryan's thigh and leaning in. Bryan quickly leaned in too and their lips met. At first, the kiss was slow and tender but as they got closer to each other it became more passionate, their tongues exploring each others mouths vigorously.

Adam was quite happy with the way things turned out, Bryan was a really good kisser and with the moves he saw on the dance floor, Adam was pretty sure Bryan would be terrific in bed and getting him to come home with him wouldn't be too hard considering the fact that he felt the young man's erection pressed against him while they danced. And just then, Adam's impressions were confirmed when he heard Bryan say :

  • "You wanna get out of here and come back to my place?"

Adam was prepared to say yes but then he thought that it would be better if Bryan came to his place, just to test exactly how cool Jack was with the gay thing.

  • "Yeah let's get out...but why don't we go to my place instead... I just got there and I never got to "try out" my new room..." - "But didn't you say you had a roommate?" - "Yeah, but he's cool with it, we have a system so we don't walk in on each other." "So your place it is then." replied Bryan getting his shirt back on. They then kissed one more time and left the bar.

So that's the end of Chapter III! My e-mail is still if you've got some comments!


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