Unknown Number

By Ryan White

Published on Mar 30, 2021



Been a difficult few weeks but thanks to all the Nifty readers who had sent me emails and asked if I'm okay since I hadn't submitted anything in a while xx

"UNKNOWN NUMBER" is about a young gay boy in the year 2000 being able to communicate with an equally gay boy in the year 2021. Not my usual, but I thought it was an interesting storyline LOL

Peace and love! Ryan


** THE YEAR 2000 **

"You wanna come over? My mom and dad aren't here. Maybe we can do stuff.'


Rover Halliday was absolutely loving this new mobile cellular cell phone that his father had gotten him for his birthday.

Nearly all of the snobbish, rich kids in school was bragging with theirs, and regularly showed off how they made calls and sent SMS's all over the show...and he had literally pleaded with his dad to get him one as well, although they were ridiculously expensive. Just...anything to try and fit in. For once in his life.

"Maybe he can come over. I think I'd like that. And maybe we can do what we did the other day..." Rover thought out loud.

It wasn't everyday that his parents both weren't home at the same time so he knew he had to take his chances. He fleetingly saw himself on his knees and giving his best friend the mother of all blowjobs in his minds eye. God...Vinny's dick was the first he had ever tasted and boy, oh boy...he hoped it wasn't the last.

Being the son of the local preacher wasn't all that glorious that it seemed to be. Living in a huge mansion of a home that the parish provided complete with a tennis court and a swimming pool kind of got boring when you didn't have any friends to share it with.

Vinny was the most popular boy at school, quite simply. Every boy attending there wanted to be his friend and all the girls wanted to date him, and perhaps even go much further than that.

At age 15, Rover had not yet kissed a girl, nor did he had any intentions to. Every night when 7th Heaven was on...he had to stifle every need in his groin not to get hard in front of his parents when laying eyes on the gorgeous Simon Camden, played by David Gallagher.

Or when Days of our Lives was on, and he couldn't take his eyes off Jason Cook who played Shawn Brady...warm feelings danced in his chest and the need to do things with them flourished...his hormones all over the place.

After the shows had finished, at night time, he would lay in his bed and have the most VIVID dreams and insanely impure thoughts about those boys. Things a preacher's son...never ever should be seeing or even thinking.

That's why he was so surprised when Vinny started to hang out with him. Kids at school tended to always avoid him. Rover sighed. He always felt...OUT with the rest of the kids. He never felt like he really belonged anywhere. But Vinny and his popularity had brought him incredible memories...and he would do literally quite anything to keep them in his life.

The Nokia 5510 beeped.

Rover rushed to pick it up and opened the received text message. Thank god...it was from Vinny.

"I'm at the front door. Open up."

A smile as bright as the Sahara desert spread all over Rover's face as he dropped his phone onto his bed without a second thought, and practically raced downstairs. He stopped at the mirror in the corridor for just a second, and made sure he looked what he was thought, was respectable for his new friend.

When he finally opened the door, his face twitched just a tad, without thinking, as he saw that Vinny wasn't exactly alone.

"Uhm..." he mumbled but Vinny immediately took control.

"Brought Calvin and Peter here along for the ride. Didn't think you would mind giving them blowies as well. You sure seemed to enjoy giving me one the other day. In you go, fellas!"

The stench coming from his mouth was brandy...was it...? It was vapored all over Vinny.

Rover was as stiff as a board. His eyes closed and he opened them again REALLY fast...hoping that all this was just a dream.

Unfortunately...it was all very, very real. Vinny promised...he PROMISED he wouldn't tell a soul what they had done together! He turned around, his hands sweating and shaking with every passing second.

"Get us some more beers, will ya! I know your dad has some. Hurry up, we don't have all day!" Vinny sneered, looking straight at Rover and be laughed maniacally as he did so, high fiving his two best friends.

So it WAS alcohol he smelled on Vinny's breath.

An anger, unknown to Rover, as he had never felt before in his life swelled inside his fifteen year old heart. Outside, it started to rain slightly, although he could hear the distant roar of thunder. He had to get them outta here before his mom and dad came back. Good God! This was a small town...literally everyone knew EVERYTHING about each other. Him being a faggot...Jesus...his father would DIE of embarrassment!

"Look, you guys, we can do this another day. It's looking like there's a storm outside and..."

"Only storm in here is the storm in my fucking pants!" Vinny sneered once more and grabbed Rover's arm. He pulled the boy towards the coach where Calvin and Peter was sitting and he shoved Rover down to his knees.

"Come on...be a good little doggie for me and suck their dicks! What, are you crying? You really thought I was friends with you? Kids were saying you're a faggot so I decided to see if it was true. Dude...you really thought we were bro's?"

The laughing and the sounds emanating from those three boys lit up another fire inside Rover. The thunder was pretty damn close now, he could hear the rumbling of it and this time it didn't sound as far. His poor parents was gonna be home any second.

The smile on Vinny's face disappeared as he saw Rover get up from the living room floor. Vinny was about a head taller than Rover so it was a total mismatch in reality.

"GET OUT. Just get out!" Rover said, the tears streaming down his face as he did so. He honestly...truly thought these guys were his friends.

"Vinny...did he really speak to us like that?" Calvin asked, his African American roots really shining through as Rover backed away a few more steps.

"Look guys, my mom and dad will be home soon..."

"You really think we give a fuck about that?" Vinny shouted so loud it felt like the chandelier hanging above them was literally trembling with the noise. Another thunder bolt lit up the entire living room and it was then that Rover took his chance.

He ran as quickly as his fifteen year old legs could carry him, to the only place he could think of. The only place in this entire huge mansion of a house that he ever felt safe and loved...his bedroom.

Once inside he heard the footsteps of the three boys that was chasing after him and he quickly locked the door. He was safe, for now at least. His eyes glanced on the Nokia 5510 cellular phone that was still laying on top of his bed where he had left it earlier. Earlier...when Vinny was still his supposed best friend...

"Gotta call Dad. Have no choice..." he mumbled under his breath as he heard the three boys starting to beat and kick at the door.

"You think a door is gonna stop us? I promised Calvin and Peter that you will blow them and I ain't fucking going back on my word!" Vinny roared louder than the lightning outside.

Rover's mind was working overtime. He wanted to call his dad but he also knew he had to get outta there. He ran to the window in his bedroom and opened it up. He could climb out on the ledge and probably slide down the water pipe and onto their garden.

Sidney, the caretaker, was probably down in his cottage out back and he would certainly help him.

With the phone still lodged in his hand, Rover once more heard the three boys severely beating down the door like dogs hunting some fresh meat. Only then he remembered smelling the alcohol on Vinny's breath when they entered.

They were drunk...they don't realize what their doing...oh god...and that means because they are intoxicated, that they weren't gonna stop. This wasn't some sort of joke on their part.

Finally Rover was outside the window and making his way down the ledge to where the water pipe was. He was wet from head to toe the moment he did so. The rain was streaming down with every step he took. He did this a lot as a kid, but now...all that was behind him. Distant memories.

Behind him, it literally sounded like Vinny, Calvin and Peter had finally gotten the door open and they were probably now inside his bedroom...and fuck, he had forgotten to close the window!

"There he is!" Vinny shouted as his head appeared from within the bedroom.

"Peter, you go and get him!"

"What the hell? It's raining!" Peter complained and Rover cleverly used the extra few seconds get onto the water pipe. For the first-time in his life he was actually glad he was so thin and skinny.

"I ain't going either, bro! You not seeing them lightning bolts in the sky?" he heard Calvin object as well.

"Fine, I'll go get the fucker myself...because if he talks then we're finished!"

Oh shit, Vinny was gonna behind him any minute.

The lightning thundered over him and that made everything even worse. He wasn't afraid of it by any means but that also meant he couldn't hear or see where Vinny actually was. The rain clobbered up his sight and the lightening dwarfed any natural noise.

The Nokia 5510 inside his right hand started to ring.


Jeez...he couldn't answer even if he wanted to...the rain and everything was way too much and it was REALLY coming down now. Strong, hard lashes of water launched itself onto both Rover and Vinny with the former having no idea how close the latter was to him.

The phone continued to ring and ring and ring ...

And then, with an ALMIGHTY roar...another lightning bolt unleashed itself from the stormy heavens and DIRECTLY struck the phone head on...

"AHHHHH" Rover shouted as the phone burned his fingers and it shook violently. The time...the time digitized on his phone was the last thing he ever saw...


"GET BACK! GET BACK!" Vinny shouted backwards to Calvin and Peter as he saw Rover catapult down the water pipe and land on the wet grass down below. The boy landed on the surface with a SICKENING cracking sound. He was laying still. Incredibly still. He was not moving, at all.

Vinny's eyes narrowed as his mind was suddenly very, very sober.

For some reason his eyes diverted to his watch on his wrist...it has stopped because of all the water cascading down on it...



"This wasn't part of the plan, homie? You said he was gonna blow us and then we could fuck him! You ain't said anything about getting him killed!" Calvin blasted across the living room after they had gotten back from the upstairs bedroom.

Peter was standing in the corner...looking like he was petrified. He didn't utter a single word. Meanwhile Vinny kept pacing up and down like a madman on steroids.

"You hear me, man?"

"SHUT UP, CALVIN!" Vinny roared and the boy had murder in his eyes. The rain continued to pour down and the thunder was getting louder and louder.

"We have to go. Seriously...who would ever know? The kid was struck by lightening..." Vinny murmured.

Calvin's eyes were suddenly huge and bloodshot.

"You wanna just leave him there?"

"YOU GOT ANY OTHER IDEAS?" came the rancid reply.

"I dunno, man..."

A car's hazard lights flooded the dark living room space.

"Shit! That's his parents! "Calvin shrieked hysterically. Peter was still as statuesque as could be.

"We go! Let's go!" Vinny hissed and he pulled Peter with him, but the boy simply wouldn't move.

"Help me! He's like cement!"

With sweat rolling down his African features, and with hands which shook from the cold and perhaps shock, Calvin obeyed and at the last minute they managed to push Peter out of the house with them. Together they ran and ran until their chests was aching and heaving with angst and adrenaline.

"Now what?" Calvin asked his eyes flared with danger, as they hid behind one of the tennis courts on the magnificent estate.

Vinny was calmness personified. Somehow.

"Now we wait. Until the coast is clear. They'll find him eventually and then we make our escape. In this rain, they won't notice us."

Vinny grabbed both Calvin and Peter's shirts and stared them dead in the eyes.

"We don't talk about this again. Never again. Not as long as we live. You got me?"

"But he's dead..."

"DO YOU GET ME?" came the hissing once more.

Calvin nodded quickly and surprisingly, slowly, as if he understood, so did Peter.


"I've had just about enough of you. You're fifteen, for God's sake, not a damn child! Stop sulking and be a man, for a change!"

Kyle Johnson sighed and reached out to take one of the several boxes that was crowding the moving van that his father had rented for the weekend.

He wasn't the most athletic kid out there by any means and therefore he didn't have much power in his arms to carry all these heavy stuff. His father shook his head in sheer disbelief as he saw Kyle struggle with a simple box containing some of his own clothes.

"Tomorrow morning, me and you are gonna start jogging and getting to know this new place. We gotta get you fit and bulky, Kyle, you're asking to get bullied looking like that, and no kid of mine will be the school freak," Jason Johnson ordered as his own arms flexed underneath the weight of the lot he was carrying.

Kyle was thoroughly exhausted as he finally managed to put the box down and his skinny frame matched his breath. He knew there was a lot more to carry in and there was no point in just merely standing here. His dad would take him by force to do what he wanted. He wasn't a bad man, by any means, but when you had a father who was a champion athlete in his prime, he probably didn't want a kid that was the sheer complete opposite. Lean, thin and skinny, with almost no definition whatsoever.

As Kyle hobbled outside to collect the next load of things to move into their brand new home, he saw a boy who seemed to be somewhere near his own age, and what had to be his father, I mean, the boy was literally a younger exact replica of the man...heading their way.

"Morning neighbor! We saw you guys arrive and we thought we'd offer some help!"

Please accept...Kyle thought and prayed as his eyes once more fell onto the boy next to the friendly new neighbor.

God in heaven...he was beautiful.

Like...really, really hot. His chest was powerful and ripped, his arms muscled and shiny from the insanely hot sunshine, as well as his legs were furry and looking healthy, strong. The boy was wearing a tank top which really left nothing to the imagination as far as his sculpted torso went. Great. Just his luck they had to move in next to a kid who looked like a young Zac Efron.

God, he loved the movie 17 Again...

"Yo...anyone home?"

Only then Kyle realized the kid was actually talking to him. Oh god...oh geez...his hands were immediately sweaty as, and his voice threatened to give out on him as the sexy teenager came ever closer.

Man...and why did he have to smell so GOOD?

"I guess we're gonna be neighbours, then. I'm Richie. Do you have a name too, or...?"

Kyle smile as his entire persona relaxed. Other than certain good looking teenage studs he had known back home, this kid wasn't a total tool, it seemed. His eyes and facial features were friendly and energetic to say the least.

Kyle stretched out his hand and Richie took it. God...why is his palm so warm...mother fucker...

"My name is Kyle. Sorry, it's been a long ass trip getting here. Wanna help me carry these stuff inside? As you can see I'm not the strongest guy you'll ever see..."

With two seconds on the clock, Richie had two boxers stacked on top of each other and he was heading straight to the living room, all with a huge smile on his handsome face.

Breathe, Kyle.

Wasn't gonna be easy. A boy with looks like that and on top of it all, he seemed like a genuine nice person. Alas, another issue where he and his dad would have a major problem, if the latter would ever find out.

Women flocked themselves to Jason Johnson like bees to honey cakes. Whereas Kyle had been keeping his sexuality a secret from his father ever since he was eleven, when he first realized that he admired boys, rather than girls, like all the other boys in his class did.

"Right, what needs to be done next? And don't just stand there, neighbour! Fucking come and help me!" Richie said from the inside but Kyle could see he was joking.

Maybe...just maybe...moving to this little town in the middle of no where wasn't gonna be that bad after all.


Richie's mom had the courtesy of bringing over some good old fish and chips to their new house which the two dads jumped at.

Kyle knew his father was very good at making new friends, like he was the kinda person who could talk to anyone about anything, again, the total opposite of his son.

"Wanna go upstairs? Kinda tired of all the adult talk," Ritchie asked and signaled to the stairs with his head.

Kyle nearly spat out his Coke.

He would LOVE to go upstairs with Richie. He would go literally ANYWHERE with Richie. Sigh. At least they were neighbours now and he'd get to see Richie shirtless from time to time if be was lucky. One could hope.

Armed with their fish and chips and a can Coke each, they sat down on Kyle's bed inside his brand new room. The sun shone in from outside making the room bright and lively. They continued to chat about school, what they liked to do in their spare times and if they were dating anyone, which neither was. It was nearly when they were done with their meal, that Richie stood up and peeped outside of the window and onto the ledge which was leading to a massive water pipe outside of the room.

"If I tell you something, you didn't hear it from me, okay? My dad will kill me," he said and turned back to Kyle.

Kyle shrugged and finished his Coke.

Whatever. It wasn't like Richie was gonna tell him he was gay and insanely in love with him, was it? Because life didn't really work that way. At least not for him.

Richie sat back and down and started to talk in a hushed voice.

"Did the estate agent or someone tell you guys how long this place has been empty before you moved in?"

Kyle shook his head in negativity.

"All I know is my dad said he got it on the cheap and since it was like, a mansion or something, he jumped at buying it. We're always on the move because of his job. Why you're asking?"

Richie nodded and came even closer.

Goosebumps spread out in Kyle's flesh...Richie was even more handsome up close...things was about to get worse because suddenly his dick was getting hard...

"You guys are the first people to move in here in like...twenty years. I'm so not kidding either. This is a small town so everyone knows the story," Richie whispered.

"What story?" Kyle whispered back.

Richie peeped nervously towards the door, and the back at Kyle.

"A kid was killed here. By lightening. Like I said, twenty years ago. No one has ever moved in here since then."

Kyle's eyes widened.

"Dude...are you serious?"

Richie nodded and ate the final chip from the wrapped up newspaper packet.

"Serious as a heart attack. They say the kid had died after being struck by lightening. It apparently was raining like a mother fucker that day. His parents called and called to say they were stuck in traffic but he never answered. When they finally came home...and they found him. Dead as a corpse."


"I'm glad you seemed to have made friends with that Richie boy. He's all muscle, that kid. Hopefully he rubs off on you, Kyle. God knows, that's how a real man should look!"

Kyle winced but he didn't say anything.

Did his father ever realize just how much it hurt EVERY time he belittled him like that? Clearly not, he only heard how he should be "like other boys" about fifty times a day.

"I'm tired, can I go to bed now?" he asked as his father poured himself another beer.

"What? It's only eight a clock! Fuck sake, Kyle. Well, I suppose you need some sleep, it's been a tough day. Set your phone's alarm to six thirty! I was serious about the jogging tomorrow morning!"

"Yes Dad. Night Dad."

Kyle rolled his eyes as he walked up the stairs. He wasn't tired at all. He desperately wanted to get away from his dad, is all. Only three more years...then he would be off to college and away from Jason Johnson. How many times did he have to hear what a fucking disappointment he was?

Inside, the closed the door and opened the window to let the cool breeze of wind inside. Once more, he trembled as he thought what Richie had told him that afternoon.

A kid...a boy, his age, had actually DIED in this house. Oh well, actually outside but still. He closed his eyes and wondered what the boy had looked like. Was he handsome like Richie? And what was he doing outside if there was such a severe storm that afternoon, as Richie had said?


Without even realizing it, Kyle caressed his teenage cock...soft at the minute but the moment he touched it...he felt it stiffen as he saw his new friend inside his mind's eye. Dark black hair which fluttered over his forehead...his beautiful blue eyes and of course all that his perfectly fifteen year old teenage body had to offer.

Kyle felt his dick harden to the point where it hurt and stretched out his underwear. He smiled sneakily and jumped onto his bed. The door was locked, and his father thought he was asleep. And it wasn't like Jason Johnson was the type of father that would look in on his boy anyway. It was totally safe.

Kyle took off his trousers as well as his boxers, allowing his six inch teen cock to finally be freed. It smacked hard against his flat stomach only to be rigid once more in mid air. He hissed as his fingers curled around his stiff phallus. He adored his dick. In this fucked up world, this was the only thing in his life that remained the same. His dick felt alive and warm. Mental images of Richie sprung up in his mind one by one.

"Fuck yeah..." he fifteen year old whispered as he started to jerk off his six incher.

He pictured Richie smiling at him, he pictured how the boy would look if he was completely shirtless before him. How he would reach out and touch that, undoubtedly strong teenage chest, those ripped muscles as well as kiss those full lips the boy had possessed.

His cock was on red alert as he imagined Richie before him, and the latter was gently kneeling down. The boy would wink at him and immediately open up his legs. Kyle's eyes rolled back in their sockets as he saw in his mind's eye how Richie would take hold of his stiff organ and gently pull back the foreskin. A shudder ripped through Kyle as he masturbated himself faster and faster every damn second.

Richie would lick his entire six inch length lovingly, savoring the hard flesh underneath his skilled tongue, before said tongue would slurp up every drop of precious pre cum liquid that would ooze from Kyle's dick. He would lap those pearls up as if they were the sheer last vanilla milkshake on this planet.

And finally...finally...and Kyle's cock trembled dangerously in real life...he would take that hard rock into his wet mouth.

"Richieeeee..." Kyle moaned hoarsely from his throat as he jerked his cock like never before.

His eyes still closed, he saw Richie bob up and down his steel hard six incher and enjoying every moment of it. Every so time and again, he would tongue the rim and corona, like Kyle had seen numerous times in gay porn.

Finally, the fifteen hear old couldn't hold it any longer. He gripped his dick in his right hand and held it solemnly upright. Flares of warmth splattered throughout his chest as he came and came and came. His first orgasm in three days, and it showed. The stuff was virtually everywhere. Wet splatters everywhere you god damn looked. The sperm continued to drizzle down his rapidly softening dick but Kyle wasn't bothered about that. Not now.

Man...he had known Richie for less than a fucking day. This was insane. There was no evidence whatsoever that, that delicious boy was even gay. And even if he was...there was also no way he would go for a skinny ass thing like himself.

Kyle switched off the bed light and set his phone for 06:00 rather than 06:30 like his father had ordered. He'd need those extra thirty minutes to hide these wet blankets!


After the morning run which literally nearly killed him, Kyle and Richie and Jason had managed to unpack every last thing that the Johnsons owned.

The mansion was finally starting to look like home, per say. Richie giggled as he told Kyle of all the times he and his friends from school would climb over the fences of the deserted mansion to check the place out. They even dared the other to have a sleepover in here on several Halloween's. Since it was a fifteen year old boy who had died, it totally made sense why no kid in their right mind would wanna willingly stay there.

"Everyone at school wants to meet you. You're already a legend just for living here!" Richie cackled and patted Kyle on his shoulder.

"Thanks, I guess..." Kyle smirked as they neared the small hidden-like cottage at the back of the grounds.

"Haven't seen this before, and we have been in these grounds loads of times," said Richie, visibly confused at the sight of the cottage.

"Wonder if my dad knows this is even here?" Kyle said as they tried to open the door, and after a few pulls and shoves, it creakingly did.

Richie was immediately overcome with a massive hay fever attack from the utter amount of dust that sprayed from the inside and he signaled to Kyle that he was going to run back inside the mansion for some water.

"You know where the kitchen is!" Kyle shouted after his new friend before sneezing once himself, but his allergies seemingly weren't as severe as Richie's.

Looking around the small cottage, it looked to have once been a quaint little place. There was even a fireplace situated in the middle of the room. Books upon more books were nearly stacked away in cupboards. Everywhere was dust and the smell of mothballs. Surely his dad didn't know of this place. It would be a great place to hang out whenever things got too tense between them, for sure.

Apart from the furniture which was lumbered with rising damp from the floors and the walls, the place was in good condition. Richie must be wondering where I am...he thought. He was just about to turn around and leave, when he heard it.

It sounded like a very old mobile phone ring tone.

Confused and frowning, he turned around and was actively searching where the noise was coming from. Without even thinking he took out his own phone from his pocket and double checked if it wasn't ringing...and of course it wasn't.

His phone gripped tightly in his hand, he swung his body around trying to figure out what on earth was making that noise. It sounded muffled, as if it was hidden or stored somewhere. In his gripping of his phone on both sides, he heard his phone's camera go off. He looked at the screen and he had taken a damn screen shot by accident. Fuck this, that can be deleted later.

As Kyle entered what had to be the bed room of the small cottage, the sound seemed to get louder. It was deffo in here somewhere. And it definitely was an old-ish ringtone that had been associated with phones from the past. Finally, Kyle saw a bedside table next to the bed.

He rushed over and opened it hastily...too hastily in fact as every single thing within the drawer came crashing outwards. Old smelly papers, more books and even a Bible tumbled out onto the outdated carpet, including...a very old mobile phone. Kyle sort of recognized the brand of phone but he didn't remember the name. It was one of those sort of phones which his dad had always said was virtually unbreakable no matter how hard you tried.

Only then, he saw that it was still ringing.

UNKNOWN NUMBER was flashed all over the screen.

This old thing shouldn't even be working anymore...and yet it was ringing?

With shaking hands, Kyle picked up the phone and pressed the green button that he assumed was to answer the call.


"Hey! Uhm...Vinny? Is that you?"

The line was very unclear, in fact, Kyle had to press the old thing extra hard against his ear to actually hear anything.

The voice spoke once more.

"Vinny? Are you there? It's Rover, you told me to call you after school? When we had recess?"

Kyle cleared his throat before speaking loud and clear...

"Sorry dude...I mean, my name is Kyle, not Vinny. Who's speaking?" he asked, his hands still shaking.

"Kyle? Oh god...Oops, sorry, must be a wrong number!" the person said and suddenly the phone was as dead as could be.

Kyle turned the phone around and pressed a few buttons but nothing was happening. He tried to switch the phone back on, but he didn't quite know where to begin. Perhaps his dad will know.

Weird. If this phone had been lying inside this bedside table for God knows how many years, how the fuck was it able to ring and receive a call?

The person on the other line said his name was...Grover? Howard? Something like that, he couldn't hear exactly.

He placed the phone in his Jean's pocket before leaving the cottage, and headed back for the mansion.


Inside the house, Kyle's dad was talking energetically with Richie's parents.

When did they get here...Kyle wondered before getting himself a Coke and joining them. At least Richie was also there. Sigh. The dude was looking even more sexy than he did yesterday.

"Now where have you been? Richie has been back for ages! You nearly missed Mr and Mrs Kent!" Jason said with a frown towards his son.

Kyle swallowed slowly. Well, he had a good reason. He took out the old phone and gave it to his father.

"Sorry I let you all wait. But, I found this outside in that abandoned cottage in the grounds. Looks like an old phone."

Jason smiled appreciably as he held the phone in his hands. He delicately caressed the surface of it and then looked up sadly at the Kent family.

"Damn boy...you taking me back like this. This phone was the most reliable there ever was, well, in my opinion. The Nokia 5510. Man, you could play games on there like Snake, you guys remember?"

Richie's father took the phone that Jason was holding out to him and showed it to his wife.

"Wow. They don't make them like that anymore. If that fancy iPhone of yours just gets a scratch, then it's game over. This thing would outlast even the apocalypse."

Richie's mother, Miranda, turned her attention back to Jason and Kyle.

"Richie admitted last night that he told Kyle of the boy who had died here. I'm so sorry, we told him not to. I hope that doesn't mess up your stay. But then again, I can't believe the estate agent didn't tell you about this."

"Which boy died where now? Here?" Jason asked, and looked from Richie to Kyle and then back at the Kent's.

"Leave it, Miranda. They don't wanna hear all this..." Richie's dad said, suddenly as white as a ghost.

"No, by all means. Tell me!" Jason said, his eyes wide as saucers.

Miranda Kent sat forward whilst her husband seemed like he wanted to be anywhere else but right there in that living room.

"Well, if you insist. You see, twenty-one years ago now, there lived a reverend here with his family. One afternoon there was a terrible thunderstorm, and unfortunately the reverend and his wife was out and when the storm hit, they got stuck in traffic. Their son was alone at home. No one knows what happened...but when his parents finally gotten home, they found their fifteen year old son...and he was dead. The fingers on his right hand was severely burned. So was his clothes. The paramedics deemed he had been struck by lightening, but you see...no one knows what really happened. Tales of alien abduction even had been rifle through this community. That's why you guys are the first occupants here since that poor family."

Kyle didn't know why he did, what he did, next. All he knew was...he had placed two and two together and somehow he seemed to get to five instead of four. He had to ask...

"What was the boy's name, Mrs Kent?"

Mrs Kent glanced at her husband. He was wiping the sweat off his brow with a handkerchief, before he placed his hand on his wife's.

"Rover. His name was Rover," he said, very, very slowly.


Later that evening, when his dad was watching TV, Kyle was sitting in the bath, and trying his best to comprehend what the fuck was going on.


Not Grover. Not Howard, as he thought he heard.


The voice coming from that old phone had sounded like a young boy. The very same young boy who...

Kyle splashed his face with water. Things like this only happened in stories and movies and in fictional shit. He bet it was Richie playing some sort of prank on him. Yeah, that had to be it.

But then...how the fuck did Richie get that old phone to actually work? Even his dad said it was impossible. When every single object in that cottage has been covered in dust, with it clearly pointing at NO ONE being there for yonks...so how would a phone that had not been CHARGED IN YEARS manage to work?

As he got dressed, he remembered the screenshot he had taken in fright, when the old phone suddenly rang. He got onto his own phone's gallery and saw the screenshot. A blurred picture of course...but the time it was taken was the same time the phone had started to ring. It had to be.

Kyle looked closer at the photo's details.

The screenshot had been taken at afternoon at exactly 14:45.

Okay, cool. He set his down phone's alarm for 14:40 tomorrow. That way, if the phone rings again, he will be ready this time.

If Rover was dead...how was he calling him?

If Rover was dead...why was looking for someone called...Timmy? Jimmy? No, Vinny! That's what the boy said...Vinny.

Exhausted, Kyle laid on his bed and closed his eyes.

Something weird was going on here.

Something that theoretically shouldn't be possible...and yet it happened.

But that, was tomorrow's worries.


"You're very quiet, babe. Something wrong?" Belinda Kent next door asked her husband as he had been staring into their fireplace, and at the flames dancing, for what seemed like ages.

Mr Kent looked up and smiled softly at his wife.

"Nothing. Just...lost in thought. Where's Richie?"

"Watching soccer. Apparently his team is playing. Are you coming to bed?"

Mr Kent shook his head.

"You go, I'll be up in a minute."

Belinda poured herself some milk and then before heading upstairs, she turned around.

"Vinny, are you sure you're okay?"

Mr Kent nodded once more.

"I'm good, babe. I'm always good."



As it's the first chapter, PLEASE be so kind to give me some feedback, so I can know if you enjoyed it and therefore write the second chapter xx

So...somehow the phone being struck by lightning made the time freeze. Somehow Rover can use his Nokia in 2001 to communicate with Kyle in 2021.

Together...can they change the past?

Noticed how the boys had so much in common? LOL.

Peace and love!


Next: Chapter 2

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