Unplanned Happenings

By Dalton Norris

Published on Nov 10, 2011


This chapter kicks off introducing Mr. Hottie McHottie and his point of view on the day.

Same rules apply as the rest of Nifty. If you're too young to read this, then don't. If it is against your faith or own personal appeals, don't read it. These chapters shouldn't have a minimum age limit since there is no sex, so no need to worry too much

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(The chapters on wordpress are still in their rough draft stages. I'm slowly uploading them as I edit them.)


Chapter 2: Welcome Ty

I woke up in my normal Ty attitude. I hated mornings, especially the ones where I had to wake up to go to school, and especially the ones where it was the first day of school. Oh well, my audience awaited me, and I had no time to waste. I quickly jumped out of my bed and dashed out of my room, and started the shower. I waited while the water warmed, and observed myself through to mirror. "It's no wonder why girls love me. I am hot as can be. Tanned, muscular, tall, fifteen, everything teenage chicks want," I thought to myself. The shower finally got hot enough and I slipped inside. After getting myself washed, I walked back into my bedroom and adorned myself in the finest and trendiest of my new school clothes. First impression was everything.

"Ty, come down stairs, breakfast is ready!" I heard my mom holler for me from downstairs. I couldn't help but think of how annoying she was. I didn't hate her, she kept me alive, and I knew that I loved her, but ever since my dad walked out on us when I was three, she was different. She would work later hours at the law firm downtown, and now I would only see her in the mornings before school started, if I was lucky.

I walked myself down the stairs, sat down in the breakfast bar, and quickly consumed my breakfast, so I could finish getting ready for school.

"Don't eat so fast, you'll kill yourself that way by choking or something," my mom stated nonchalantly.

"Don't worry about it, Mom. I'm running late," I stated as I got up from the table, and ran upstairs to finish getting ready. I brushed my teeth, grabbed my bag, and was out the door to head to the bus stop. I rode in silence all the way to the school.

Once I got to the school, I was told to look on a list to find out where I should go to get my schedule. I didn't have much time before the bell rang, so I hurried up to room 431. The teacher there just gave us our schedules, and let us do whatever we wanted. The bell rang and it was time to go to my first class, Honors Biology, room 910.

I walked in the halls and saw that there were no rooms labeled 910, so I walked into a classroom and asked, and behold, I was there. I pulled a chair out from a desk, and plopped down, ready for the rule week to begin. I looked across the table and saw a cute, blonde boy with gleaming blue eyes, staring at me. I didn't think anything of it. "So what? He's gay and he obviously likes me. Big deal," I thought to myself. The teacher finally spoke and grabbed the boy's eyes, off of me.

"Hello class. Welcome to Honors Biology. I am Mrs. Jefferson and I will be your science teacher for the rest of this year. I am a tough, but fair teacher. I say my rules and I expect them to be followed. However we won't go over the rules for a few more days. I think we need to do an exercise to get to know everyone. So stand up everyone. Get ready to do the activity. We will be sitting in order of our last names. A starts over there, and it looks like W will end here. However, you cannot talk to each other. You must do it silently," she spoke. She seemed as happy to be here as we were. Kids started to stand up and look around clueless. Mrs. Jefferson told us that two people would be sitting at the table in the back corner. Since my last name was Williams, I assumed that I would be over there. I was one of the last people standing, and quickly took the seat next to the blonde boy from earlier.

The rest of the day went by slowly, but I couldn't get the blonde boy out of my head. "Pull yourself together Ty. You aren't gay. Get that kid out of your head. It's nothing," I thought to myself. Eventually lunch came and I saw the blonde boy walk past me. He saw me and quickly lowered his head. I kept on walking to my usually hang out spot during lunch. My friends and I occupied four, eight person tables and just socialized the whole time. We talked about how our summers were, even though we all hung out during the summer multiple times and never stopped talking. We talked about who we liked, and if Jason was still dating Mary. You know, teenage things.

Eventually the bell rang, and I ran off to my trig class. That class was boring. Like all math classes were, they were always too easy for me. I was always friendless in them because all of my friends were taking normal math classes that sophomores would take, and I was taking math that seniors would learn. That class passed by quickly, and it was finally time for my last class of the day, English.

I wandered to my final classroom, and was greeted by the sounds of music and a pepped up teacher. I had heard that Mrs. Jenson was a great teacher, but she put too much emotion into everything. She was driven by pop rocks and Mountain Dew, and I could tell that this couldn't end well. She told students to look at the list on the door to find out where to sit. Since my name was last on the list, I had to sit in desk one. It was in the front, left hand corner of the desks which were arranged in a U. Students slowly began to funnel in, and I noticed that the boy from my biology class sat next me, in desk two. Mrs. Jenson talked way too much for me to pay any care to the blonde boy, so before we knew it, the final bell rang, signaling the end of our first day back to the depths of hell.

Next: Chapter 3

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