Unplanned Happenings

By Dalton Norris

Published on Jan 16, 2012


Hey guys. Sorry this chapter has taken so long. I haven't felt much like working on this story, and I'm afraid that led to my not uploading to nifty lately, despite the fact that I already had the chapters done. Anyway, I'm going to start working on this story a lot more now.

Usual disclaimers apply even though there is no sex. Without further ado, here's chapter 5 of Unplanned Happenings!


(read more at unplannedhappenings.wordpress.com)

Chapter 5: Misunderstanding

"Yeah? What do you want?" Ty inquired towards me with words like venom.

"I think he's mad at me. Maybe talking to him was a bad idea," I thought to myself. I was on the verge of tears. "Come on. Don't cry now. Not while he's in front of you."

"Aw man. Dude. I didn't mean to say it so harshly," he tried to comfort me, but it was of no use. I left upset and broke down into tears as I ran to the house next door, and went inside.

"I knew I shouldn't have fallen in love with him. I hardly know him. All I know is that he is a jerk and good looking. He's probably straight. I need to give up my hopes of ever being with him," I thought to myself in my self-wallow. I was devastated that I couldn't be with him. This wasn't the first time my heart was broken so easily. It seems like I fall in love at first site too often with straight guys. It really blows. I darted to my second story bedroom. My room was a bit of a mess, but what teenage boys' room isn't. The walls were a neutral yellow color. I had a few pieces of furniture in there a bed, a wardrobe, the essentials. My favorite part of my room was the windows. I had one window that overlooked the street so I could see if anything was going on. Another window I had looked over into Ty's bedroom.

I plopped down onto my bed and started crying in my pillow. The longer I cried, the worse it got. "I love him, but I know that I'll never be with him. He probably hates me now," I thought to myself. Suddenly, I heard the familiar ding of my doorbell. "Great. Who could that be?" I thought as I rushed down the stairs while I wiped my tears away. Soon, I crossed over the great room to the front door. I put my tear-soaked hand on the doorknob, opened it and there he was. Ty was standing on my front door step. "Oh. It's you," was all I could craft.

"Please don't make this any harder than it has to be. Listen. I'm sorry for hurting your feelings today. My mind has just been busy today," he pleaded, wanting my forgiveness. I was full of mixed emotions, but I knew that we couldn't make a scene out here for everyone to see.

"Do you...do you want to come inside?" I stammered with a lump in my throat.

"Maybe later. I have some things I have to do," he stated.

"Oh. Okay. Maybe some other time then," I stated disappointedly as I turned to close the door. The tears were coming back. "Why did I have to fall in love with him so quickly? Am I even in love?"

"Well maybe a few minutes won't kill me," he covered as he followed me into the house. I was happy, but I didn't know the first thing of what to say or do. I rarely had friends over here (let's face it, I've never had friends in Arizona anyway). I took him through a tour of the house, offered him a drink, and we waltzed up to my bedroom.

As soon as he walked in, he saw my favorite window. "Hey. Your window is in a funny spot. You could spy on me if you wanted to," he noted while looking at me.

My insides were red, flustered with embarrassment. "Have I been caught? Does he know?" I had to think quickly. "Yeah. I guess I could if I wanted to. But don't worry. I won't," I stated embarrassed.

We talked about a few things. Stuff like sports and girls. You know the typical guy stuff. Soon I bluntly asked, "What do you think about gay people?" I could tell this caught him off guard. He choked on his drink. I was devastated. Maybe there is no way he's gay. "Oh. I see. So you probably hate me then," was all I could muster up.

"I think I'd better go," he stammered, excusing himself as he ran down stairs.

By the time he was at the door, I was still upstairs looking down on him from the balcony. "Ty. Wait. Please," I pleaded from the balcony ledge upstairs. I stole his attention, and he looked up at me. I stated, "Please don't tell anyone my secret." He left after that. He didn't say anything to me. He slammed the door and left. I fell to the floor sluggishly, curled into a ball, and began to cry again. "Why? Why did I have to be such an idiot and tell him that I was gay? I hardly know him. I don't even know him." Soon, I fell into a slumber and time passed quickly. Before I knew it, my dad was home from wherever he was.

"Ben, I'm home," my dad bellowed from downstairs. I did not call back. "Ben? Ben where are you?" my dad vocalized in a worried tone. I heard his footsteps pounding up the stairs. I knew he was going to ask me what was wrong, and I would have to tell him that I was gay. He saw me laying on the ground and crying. He picked me up. My small frame was no match for him. He carried me over to the couch in the loft and sat down. "Ben, what's wrong?" I was silent. I didn't move. I just sat there next to him. "Come on Ben, you can tell me anything." I broke out and started to cry again for the umpteenth time. I turned away from him. I didn't want to speak. "Ben. Please tell me what happened. I can't help you if you don't tell me what's wrong."

We sat in silence. I didn't know what to tell him. I had too many things on my mind. I could tell him about Ty, or I could tell him that I was gay. Either way, both stories would be told. "There's this boy," I cried in between sobs.

"What did he do to you?" he inquired, demanding answers.

"Nothing, Dad. I caused it all," I tried to answer but apparently it wasn't good enough for him.

"Son, you can tell me anything," he reassured me, placing his hand on my shoulder.

"I...I love him dad," I stammered.

I was expecting him to stand up and leave, or punch me in the face, but not to stay sitting. We sat there for what seemed like an eon until at last he commented, "You're my son and I will always love you. I don't care what sex the person is who you marry. I just want you to be happy." He grabbed me and pulled me onto his lap and gave me a hug. I started crying more. Not tears of sadness, but of happiness. We sat there until at last he got up to go make dinner.

The rest of the night was uneventful. We ate our dinner in silence and he went off to bed shortly after. I was the only soul awake in the house. I was getting drowsy so I decided to walk upstairs and go to lie in my bed. I looked through my window blinds to see that Ty's were closed. "Figures that they would be closed. Today was awful," I thought to myself. I decided to take out my log and write in it while the wounds were still fresh.

Dear Diary,

Today was awful. Nothing went right. I fell in love with a boy who hates me....again. Why is that I have to mess everything up. By tomorrow he'll have probably already told the whole school that I was gay. I don't know if I even want to show up tomorrow. What's the use? I can't stay out of school for the rest of the year. Maybe if I go to sleep now I'll have a clear head in the morning.

Ciao, Ben

I placed my diary down on the nightstand next to my bed and slowly began to disrobe. I couldn't wait to get out of my tear stained school clothes. I walked over to my dirty clothes hamper and grabbed a pair of pajama bottoms. I slipped them on and walked over to my wet bed. "I probably cried a little bit too much today," I accepted it and I slid underneath the covers. It wasn't long till I drifted off to slumber.

Next: Chapter 6

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