Up Dawsons Crack

By Jay AKA Calguy19

Published on Dec 28, 1999


Authors Note: Here's the next installment of Up Dawson's Crack for your enjoyment. I'm sorry it's taken so long (although not as long as last time) but this has been a very hectic year. I don't get paid to do this, so sometimes it becomes secondary to other more important things that happen in my life, and I hope everyone can understand that. Although I love writing, sometimes other things get in the way, life takes over, and things like this get put on hold for awhile. I do appreciate the letters and the support, it certainly does help me to sit here and put words onto paper, knowing that people appreciate it. But please have patience, I can only do so much.

Usual disclaimers apply, if you've gotten this far, you've already read them a bunch of times anyway.

As always, ways to contact me are through AOL IM as CalguyJC, Hotmail at calguy19@hotmail.com , and now through Microsoft Network Instant Messaging at Calguy19.

J. Up Dawson's Crack Part 29

It had been a tough few months. Commitments, as well as some personal difficulties, kept James and I separated. I didn't make it down to the set before the show stopped taping the season. He visited me for 3 weekends, and each time it hurt more when he left. But the 4th weekend, he brought great news. I could tell by his face when he walked into the airport he was excited. However, he kept silent until we reached my apartment.

"I got two great pieces of news."

"Well you've kept me in suspense long enough. What is it?" I asked.

"I got offered a part in a movie. It's called "Texas Rangers." It's shooting in Calgary."

"Alberta?!?!" I asked, incredulously.

"Yeah. Well, around it mostly. But that means your only a 2 hour flight away from me! You can visit me a lot more then in North Carolina."

"Oh babe." I said, starting to choke up. "That's the best news I've had in awhile.

"I know. As soon as my agent called I almost screamed. How is that for luck?"

"It's fate. Your meant to be close to me."

"I think so." We held each other for a long time. Just enjoying the feeling of each others bodies pressed tight together, something that had been sorely missed in our time apart.

"So, what else did you want to tell me?"

"Oh yeah. I'm going to be a presenter at the MTV movie awards. I want you to come."

"Your kidding."

"Nope. I got two tickets and I'll fly you down. Consider it a birthday present"

"I don't know James, there are usually some pretty hot guys at those things. You'll have some mighty stiff competition. I may end up leaving you." James laughed and kissed me.

"Somehow I doubt that."

"Ok, so maybe not leave you. Just have a couple of flings with say, a Backstreet Boy or something."

"How about a three-some instead?"

"I think I could live with that." I said, smiling. I bent forward and gently pressed my lips to his. "" love you James."

"I love you too." As was typical of when James came back to see me, in a matter of minutes our clothes were in a pile on the floor and we were rolling around naked on my bed. Our bodies a giant tingle of nerve endings as we touched, caressed, kissed and held each other. Going down on him was like eating a incredible meal after having survived on Kraft Dinner for a month. It was refreshing, better then anything I'd ever tasted, because those cold lonely nights without him had made me want him so much more. Entering him was like entering paradise, my own private garden of Eden, where fireworks exploded above our heads as we climaxed, then slowly regained our senses. The first time was usually over quickly, as our excitement and the buildup to our connecting was so overwhelming we couldn't hold back, and just let loose. However, our lovemaking after that was much slower, tender, and longer.

We spent most of the weekend in each others arms, watching movies or TV, making love, eating and sleeping. When he left this time. it wasn't as difficult, because I knew soon he would be close by again.

Part 30

The warm sea breeze blew through my hair as I stepped into the California Sunshine from the LA Airport. I was with a guy named Bob, who was James assistant for the show. James was busy down at the theatre where the awards were taking place, so he had sent Bob to pick me up. Bob was a cute 19 year old, thin with brown hair. I liked him immediately, and we hit it off as we drove to the hotel where many of the stars were staying.

"So how long have you known James?" Bob asked as he expertly guided the car through LA traffic.

"A couple of months. I've known his co-star Joshua Jackson since I was a little kid, and the two of them visited me earlier in the spring and James and I hit it off, so he invited me down."

"Cool. I'd really like to get to know him better. He's a really nice guy." There was something in his voice that I immediately picked up on. Almost a sort of longing. I'd gotten a bit of a feeling that Bob was gay when he met me at the airport, but this all but confirmed my suspicions.

"So, how did you get this job?" I asked, trying to change the subject. "It must be kind of cool helping all these celebrities."

"My Dad works for MTV, so he helped me get a job with them. Some celebrities are cool, some are total assholes. Just depends on the day, you hope you get lucky and get to hang with someone nice. A lot of the nice guys will take you out afterwards."

"Really? Like who?"

"Well the Backstreet Boys were pretty nice. I got to show them around town before a concert here. Ricky Martin was pretty friendly. Janet Jackson was a total sweetheart. And 98 degrees were probably my favorite. Jeff and I had a lot of fun together." His voice took in a dreamish quality, and the look on his face told me the rest of the story. I'd asked James once about who was gay in Hollywood, and one of the names that had come up was Jeff Timmons. Evidently our little Bob had been one of Jeff's lovers.

"Wow. That must be incredible to hang out with all those people. I'm looking forward to the post awards party. Get to meet some new people."

"Yeah, well most of the people there tonight are pretty cool."

We chatted about assorted topics for the rest of the trip, until we arrived at the hotel. James and I had separate rooms, but there was a door attaching the two. I dropped my stuff off in my room, took a quick shower, and changed while Bob waited for me in James' room. We had a quick bite to eat at the hotel restaurant, then headed to the theatre. We arrived early, as Bob had to report back to James to help him get ready for the evening.

I was a little in awe of my surroundings. All around me people were rushing around, getting things ready for the live broadcast. Mixed in with them were countless celebrities, ranging from Kid Rock and Courtney Love to Ben Stiller and Cameron Diaz. Also standing out was a odd man dressed like a hippie, who I had no idea the identity of. I didn't even get to see James before the show started. I was excited, as this was my first awards show, and knowing MTV, it would be different. My thoughts were confirmed when Bob and I sat as the theatre darkened and the screens lit up, showing Dr. Evil's volcano lair from Austin Powers. The show was incredibly funny, and I was admittedly star struck. Then came the moment I'd been waiting for.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, from Dawson's Creek, James Van Der Beek, and from Hole Courtney Love!"

I cheered my ass off. I had no idea James would be presenting with the lead singer of one of my favorite bands. I could tell James was a little embarrassed when Courtney told him she had a crush on him, and I howled when she said "Hurry up and announce before I jump on your head." To which I said in my mind, "Back off honey, he's mine!"

The rest of the show went pretty smoothly. I really enjoyed the "ArmageddoN'Sync" parody that aired. I also discovered the identity of the Hippie. Jim Carrey, who went off on a long, expletive-laced speech after winning for "The Truman Show." Finally the show went off the air, and Bob and I headed backstage to find James, who had sat separately from u during the broadcast. As soon as he saw us his eyes lit up.

"Hey Jay!" he said as he came over. "How was your flight?"

"It was great." I replied, fighting the urge to jump him right then and there. After a few more seconds of idle chatter, we headed off to the party.

I can still hardly remember everything that happened, it was a blur. I was so awestruck by what was around me. Hanging out and talking with Nsync, laughing at Jim Carrey's jokes, sitting between Matt Damon and Ben Affleck while the three of us talked. One of the highlights for me was James introducing me to Courtney.

"Wow, your cute." She said.

"Thanks." I said, blushing. "I'm a big fan of your music."

"Awe thanks sweetie." We talked for awhile longer. She found out I was Canadian and told me she was headlining the Canadian rock tour "Edgefest." Since it was going to be taking place at the same time James was in Calgary filming, she invited us to see the show and hang out backstage. I really think I could get used to this celebrity stuff.

Finally, hours later, James and I collapsed exhausted into his hotel bed. Comfortably wrapped in his arms, I drifted to sleep.

Part 31

I walked into the Calgary International Airport looking for a familiar face. I heard a voice calling my name from behind me, and turned.

"There you are Jay!" said the familiar face.

"Hey Darren!" I said, pulling him into an embrace. Darren and I had been friends for years, meeting online in a chat room when hew was 16 and I was 17. We helped each other deal with our sexuality and coming out. We had a strong relationship, one that sex would just make weird. Not that he wasn't a good looking guy. At about 5'10, Blonde spiky Hair, Blue Eyes, 160 pounds he was a very cute 19 year old. Our mutual love of computers had made your friendship stronger. Darren Clarke had actually at one point worked with the Backstreet Boys as their website manager, but resigned to go to school after only a few months. I'd always wondered if there was more to that story then he was telling me, but that was one thing he wouldn't open up to me about.

"How was your flight, man?" he asked.

"Pretty good. I want to get out of here though."

"No problem." We got the my bags and hopped into his car, heading to his parents house where I would be staying. They had a really nice place, as Darren's father was a executive for a petro-chemical company. I always enjoyed spending time with Darren. Even living far apart, he was one of my best friends. But for some reason, I hadn't told him about James. As far as he knew, I was just coming down for a two week visit, as I often did once or twice a year. I figured that James would come up at some point, but I wasn't sure if I would, or could, tell Darren the truth about our relationship.

"Here we are." Darren said an hour later as we pulled into the driveway. We had caught up a lot in our long trip from one end of the city to the other, and I had invited him to come along to the Edgefest show that was happening on the second last day of my stay. He was excited, but not really all that star-struck. Of course, having toured with the Backstreet Boys, he probably had met plenty of famous people himself. We carried my bags to the door and were greeted by Lucinda, the Clarke Families live in maid. She was a sweet woman who was very supportive of Darren. She helped us take my luggage down to the furnished basement, where both Darren's and the guest room were located. After making sure we were fully settled she left us alone.

"So, what do you feel like doing tonight?" Darren asked.

"Actually, I already have plans for us."


"Yeah, we're going out to dinner with a friend of mine."


"It's a surprise."

"Oh. Ok, sure, sounds good."

A short while later we drove in his car to a popular restaurant in town, Red Devil, which was had a spicy BBQ theme to it. We had just sat down and ordered drinks when James came in.

"Hey Jay." James said, coming up and giving me a quick hug. I looked over at Darren, who was just looking at us speechless.

"James, this is my friend Darren Clarke. Darren, this is James Van Der Beek."

"Uh, hi." He said, obviously stunned.

"Hey Darren, nice to meet you. You look kind of familiar, do I know you from somewhere?"

"Yeah, we met backstage at The Backstreet Boys concert in Charlotte last year. I used to work for them."

"That's right. I thought you looked familiar. You don't work for them anymore?"

"No. I, um, left to go to school." Suddenly Darren looked very uncomfortable, so I quickly changed the subject.

"So how's shooting going James?"

"Not bad. Dylan doesn't seem to be enjoying himself, but I am. You live in a real nice city Darren."


"So Jay, what do you think of the beard?"

I hadn't seen James since the awards show a month earlier. Since then he had grown in a full beard for his character. I've never been a big facial hair fan.

"Well, it looks ok. You look better clean shaven though."

"Yeah, the joys of being an actor. You guys will have to come out to the set sometime soon."

"Sure thing. Darren and I would like that, right?" Darren was just sort of looking at us strangely. "Darren?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah, that would be great."

"Well, you guys say when and I'll set it up."

We spent the rest of the meal talking about assorted things, from Darren's completion of his first year of school to James' thoughts about the upcoming season. However, every once in awhile I'd catch Darren looking at us strangely. I decided to ignore it and bring it up later, when we were alone.

All to soon the meal ended, and it was time for us to go our separate ways. James had a day off from shooting two days later, and we made plans to see each other then (and screw like bunnies, I noted to myself.) Then we drove back to Darren's place. We watched TV for a bit, and Darren was being oddly quiet. Finally I couldn't take it any more. I turned to him.

"Darren, is something bothering you?"

To be continued.

Next: Chapter 11: Up Dawsons Crack 32 36

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