Up Dawsons Crack

By Jay AKA Calguy19

Published on Jan 29, 1999


Up Dawsons Crack By CalGuy

WARNING: Usual legal disclaimers apply. If you are under 18, or if reading this is illegal in your state, province, country, town, city, etc, then do not read it (or at least, do not get caught.) This is a fictional story and fantasy and is not intended to imply or assume anything about the sexuality of James Van Der Beek, Joshua Jackson, or any other celebrities that may or may not pop up in the following pages. All other characters are fictional and any resemblance, physical or emotional, to anyone but me is purely coincidental. This story is a relationship & emotionally based story, not meant to be purely sexual (Although there will be plenty of that!!!) so if you are looking for just sex, this is probably not your story.

Comments, criticism, etc, welcomed at calguy19@hotmail.com. You can also reach me via AOL Instant Messenger under the name CalguyJC. Thanks already for the nice comments, it means a lot and inspires me to keep going. I love hearing from people who read my stories


If you like this, check out my other stories, "Banging B-Rok" and "Jughead Comes out", both in the celebrity section of Nifty's Erotic Story Archive.

Part 3

I snuck to my bedroom silently, my mind reeling at what I thought I had just heard. Had he called out my name during his orgasm??? Or had I just misinterpreted what he said??? I mean, I was pretty hot myself, in the heat of my orgasm I could have misheard him.. But what if I hadn't??? I laid down to bed and tried in vain to sleep, but tossed and turned, the image of James naked and pounding his meat fresh in my mind, my ears ringing with his tense voice "Oh Jay...yesssss..."

I finally dozed off at about 6 am. All too soon the alarm went off, signaling my 9 am wake-up call. I groaned, hit the snooze alarm, and prepared to go back to sleep, forgetting all about my houseguest in favor of sleep. Then the smell of coffee and eggs hit me.

"What the hell??? How is stuff cooking--???" I jumped out of bed so quickly when things clicked that if you were watching you wouldn't have seen me move. I quickly threw on a pair of boxers and a housecoat and left my room.

What a sight I was greeted too when I walked into my Kitchen. There was James, wearing only a pair of jogging shorts, cooking breakfast. I just stood in the doorway in shock, taking in James' smooth muscular body. I was closer then I had been the night before, and couldn't help but just stop and admire the view. His slim build was exactly my type, with perky little red nipples, a nicely defined chest and a six-pack. What one would call a "swimmers build". He had a small patch of brown fur that was around his belly button, and lead farther down towards what I knew was a nicely sized cock under his shorts.

"Oh, hey Jay." James said, startling me.

"Morning" I yawned at him, trying to pretend I hadn't been staring and absorbing every detail of his body for future masturbatory sessions.

"How did you sleep?" I asked.

"Like a log. It's a comfortable bed. I haven't slept that well in a while."

"Yeah well jerking yourself to exhaustion tends to wear a guy out I'm sure" I thought. But instead of voicing that, I simply said "yeah."

"So I made breakfast. How do you like your eggs??" he asked.

'On your chest'. If I didn't stop thinking these things I'd go crazy by the end of the week. "Doesn't matter, however you cook them is fine by me."

In no time James and I were seated at my kitchen table, digging into two platefuls of scrambled eggs and cheese, bacon and toast.

"This is excellent!" I said between mouthfuls of food.

"Thanks, I love to cook."

"Well then you should move in here and be my full-time chef" I said, only half-joking.

"Well if Dawson's goes downhill I'll keep that in mind" he joked.

We finished our food in silence, the only sound the sound of chewing. Finally we finished our meal. James began to pick up the plates, but I grabbed his wrist. I felt a shock run up my arm at the human contact.

"You cooked, I'm doing the dishes"

"Nah, you're letting me stay here, it's the least I can do."

"No, I insist."

"We'll do them together then."

What a gentleman.

As we washed up the dishes, I took every chance I could to take another peek at his hot upper body. This distracted me when all of a sudden James flung a glass of water in my face. I coughed and sputtered, suddenly wet.

"What the fuck was that for??!!" I exclaimed.

"Because I felt like it." He said, giving me his boyish grin. I retaliated with a glass off water of my own. When he was blinded by this I tackled him and slammed him against the cupboard. He pushed me away, but not much, I was far stronger then him. He tried to charge at me, but a ducked down, lifted him up, carried him over to the couch and sat him on the edge.

"You, start behaving." I joked.

"Ok." He said. So I tackled him, driving him onto the couch. All this body contact was arousing me a lot, and from the lump in his shorts, I had a feeling he was too. My housecoat ended up on the floor, so we were quickly wearing only our shorts, chests against chests, nipples erect, breathing heavy. We wrestled around on the couch for a few minutes, until our play was interrupted by the phone ringing. Panting, I rolled onto the floor and grabbed the phone.

"Hello?" I gasped.

"Hey." It was Josh.

"Oh, hi Josh." I gasped.

"You sound funny."

"I'm out of breath."

"Oh, you and James been fucking???"


"What. Simple question"

"You're a brat."

"I know, that's why I'm your friend. I got some time free, want to head to the beach for the day??"

"I dunno, let me check with James."

"You two sound like a married couple already."


I covered the mouthpiece and turned to James.

"It's Josh, he wants to know if we want to go to the beach."

"Sure, why not" he shrugged.

"Sure Josh."

"Cool, I'll pick you guys up in a hour."

"The beach it is man" I said.

"Cool" James said. We both sat there and looked at each other. Then James threw a pillow at me. We began to fling pillows and other such stuff until we were both worn out and giggling like kids half our age. Finally we stopped.

"Alright, we have to start getting ready." I said, catching my breath.

"Ok." James looked at me and smiled. Was there something hidden beneath that smile? Was he enjoying the wrestling and fooling around as much as I was, and for the same reasons?? So many questions unanswered.

"I'll let you go shower and get ready first, I'll finish up the dishes."

"Alright" James said, hopping up and heading into the bathroom. I sighed and looked around at the mess James and I had made. But it was worth it to be held tight by James, grabbing his firm body, gripping him and rolling around. It felt like we were old friends. I felt completely comfortable wrestling around with him, even tho I had popped an obvious wood, so had he and neither of us had commented.

I picked up the last of the dishes and put them in the dishwasher. I heard the shower turn off and a few seconds later the door opened. There was James, wearing only a towel, beads of water clinging to his chest, and forcing the dark hairs on his legs to cling to his muscular calves and thighs. His blonde hair sat damp on his head. I just smiled at him, and washed up with cold water to force my wiener down from attention. After I felt it was no longer obvious I headed past him and into the bathroom. I turned the water on cold to get over my constant hornyness. Finally everything cooled down and I warmed up the water a bit and thoroughly cleaned my body.

I had just stepped out of the shower when I heard the doorbell ring. I heard Josh's familiar voice, and looked at the clock. He was 15 minutes early.. and I was pretty sure I would walk out to some smartass comment. I wrapped a towel around my waist, stepped out of the bathroom, and hurried towards my bedroom to get changed. I almost made it before Josh caught me.

"Since when do you hurry??"

"You showed up early just to be a jackass." I replied, heading into my room.

"Damn right." He yelled after me as I closed the door. I quickly threw on a pair of shorts and a tank top, grabbed a towel and some suntan lotion, and headed out into the living room. James and Josh were both sitting there, and they both looked great. James hand changed into a pair of Grey shorts and a T-shirt, and Josh was wearing blue shorts and a blue-tank top.. Both looked so good, and I had to spend a day at the beach with them along with lots of other hot boys. This was going to be a hard day, pun intended.

"What the hell did you guys do this place?!" Josh asked. "Gee, it looks like either someone died or had a damn good lay."

Again, I glared at Josh. James just smiled.

"Hardly" I retorted. "We were just wrestling, and scrawny boy here was a hell of a lot tougher challenge then you, and I beat him easy."

James and Josh looked at each other.

"Did he just put down both of us??" James asked.

"I think he did." Josh replied.

"Well we're not going to let him get away with that, are we?"

"Oh heck no."

With that they both lunged at me. I put up a valiant effort, fought hard, took them both down numerous times, but in the end they were too much for me. They got me down and held me there. All three of us were on my living room floor, panting and sweating hard.

"Fine, you guys win this time. Don't let it get to your heads." I said.

James and Josh helped me up, and we grabbed our gear and headed out the door. We piled into Josh's car and headed down towards Davie Street. My favorite beach is near there. There are beaches everywhere, including right in front of my apartment, but I liked ones further away for just laying there and doing nothing. The beach tended to be busy, but not overcrowded, which helped when you're with two very well know TV stars.

Part 4

We got to the beach and found a nice quiet area, laid our towels down and laid down, letting the unseasonably warm sun bask down on us. Even though it was spring, the temperatures had been high, at least around 15-20 Celsius. Too cold to swim, but warm enough to sit in the sun and burn ourselves for a while.

"You come here often?" James asked.

"About once or twice a week in good weather."

"Ahh, so that's how you got such a great tan."

He'd noticed???

"Yeah well it doesn't take long. And in this weather you'll be pretty tanned by the end of the week."

"Good. Dawson needs a tan, hehe"

"Oh great. The producers are gonna love that." Josh joked.

"Well, If I'm going to get a tan I might as well get a full one" he said. With that small warning he pulled his T-shirt over his head and threw onto the towel. My dick tried to react, but I forced it down, until James turned to me and said ""Grease me up???"

I just stared at him blankly. "huh?"

"Grease me up. Put the suntan lotion on my back. I want a tan, not a burn. I want to enjoy the rest of the week."

"Ok" I said. He handed the bottle to me, then turned his back to me. I squeezed a healthy dollop onto my hand and began to rub the lotion onto his shoulders. He jumped a bit.

"That's cold!"

"It'll warm up, dumbass." Josh joked.

I ignored him, concentrating on the feel of James' smooth muscles as I ran my hands around his shoulders and across his back, all to quickly making my way down to the small of his back. I patted him once, then stepped back.

"All set" I said.

"Great." James then smeared suntan lotion across his chest, down his abs, and up and down each hairy leg. I watched this entranced, Josh watched me with a smirk on his face. I looked at him, he stuck his tongue out at me, I glared at him, he just smiled.

"There, all set. I'm thirsty, anyone want a drink??" James asked. "My treat."

"Sure, I'll have a coke. There's a concession stand about a kilometer west."

"Ok. How about you Josh?"

"Just some Iced Tea would be nice, thanks James."

I watched as James walked down the beach, hat and sunglasses on to prevent recognition.

"Nice, huh." Josh said.

"Ohhhh yeah.." I replied dreamily.

"Not his ass you idiot. I mean he's a nice guy."

"I know, that's what I meant. Gee, you have a one track mind."

"No I don't. It's just obvious from the fact you've been drooling over him all day and yesterday that you have the hots for him."

"Yeah, maybe I do. Jealous?"

"Oh hell yeah. I've wanted James since the day I first met him."

I did a double take.






"And a damn good one too, not that you'll ever find out."

"I have women to do that, I wouldn't need you."

"No way would they be as good as me."

"That's not what your ex told me."

"My ex should learn not to talk with his mouth full."

We bantered like this for a few more minutes.

"He's straight, right?" I asked, with a twinge of disappointment in my voice.

"Wish I could tell you otherwise man, but he's as straight as I am."

"Oh, so then I have a chance with him."


"I thought so."

So James was straight. I must have just imagined what I had heard. I decided not to mention what I had seen the night before to Josh, the effects would be disastrous.

James came back with the drinks, effectively cutting off Josh and mines conversation. I took a long swallow from my drink.

"You guys shut up awfully quick when I got here." James said.

"That's cuz we were talking about you." Josh stated frankly.

"Oh? And what were you saying??"

I gave Josh a warning look.

"That Jay and I have been friends a long time, and it wasn't fair of me to turn on him and help you, and that payback is a bitch!" he said, jumping up and driving James into the sand. I quickly jumped on James too.

"I think he needs to get wet, don't you??" Josh asked.

"Damn right" I replied. I grabbed James' kicking feet while Josh hooked him under the shoulders.

"No Guys!! It's too cold in there. NOOOOOO!!!!" James cried as we carried him out to sea. Josh and I waded up to our knees, then began to swing James.

"One, Two, Three!!!!" we flung James as hard as we could sending him flying a few feet, and crashing underneath the water. Josh and started to laugh, until James didn't surface.

"Um, shouldn't he have come up by now?? I asked.

"Yeah" Josh said. We began to wade in deeper into the water towards where James had landed, calling out his name.

"What the fuck!!! Where the hell is he??" Josh asked.

"I don't.." I got cut off when something thumped into me full force under the water and drove me back. I fell into the water, completely submerged. I had time to stick my head out of the water and get a gasp of air before I was pulled under again, then let go. I swam a few yards away, then came up to see James on Josh's back, trying to push Josh under water. Josh flung him off, but James was right back up again, lunging at Josh and taking him into the water. I splashed my way across the water and jumped into the fray, trying to pry James off of Josh. I pulled him away by the waist and tossed him into the water. He came up and a tackled him. We rolled around in the water, and suddenly I felt his hand grasp my cock and give it a gentle tug, then release. This stunned me long enough for James to get on my shoulders.

I stood up above the waves with James on my shoulders, his crotch pressed against the back of my head. I gave James a few moments to think about his predicament, then pushed up on his ass, lowered my head, and dropped him face and chest-first into the water. I got up immediately and ran to the safety of the beach. I watched as James staggered out and collapsed on the sand.

"You brat, you scared the hell out me!" I accused, standing over him.

"It was worth it." He said, smiling. I helped him up and we watched as Josh pulled himself out of the water.

"Fuck that's cold" Josh said.

"I didn't really notice." I replied, although I had a feeling it would be a few days before I would extract my penis from inside of me where it had gone to hide.

We staggered back to our towels and collapsed on them. I put on a pair of sunglasses, laid back and closed my eyes, listening to the sound of the surf, and slowly drifting off.

Part 6

"Awh, isn't that cute." I heard Josh say as reality swarmed back to me. I lifted my head. James' head was on my arm, his arm draped across my chest, fast asleep. Suddenly it occurred to me that maybe it wouldn't be so hard to find my dick again, it was starting to come out of its shell.

"Hmmm. This is interesting." I said.

"We should move him before he wakes up, don't want to make him feel awkward." Josh suggested. I reluctantly agreed. Josh lifted James' arm off of me and rolled him over. I stood and stretched.

"What time is it" I asked.

"2:00. we have to get going, I have to go home."

"Alright" I said, reluctant to see the day end. Still, James and I were planning to go to a movie and dinner, so that part I was really looking forward to getting too.

We packed up our stuff and piled into Josh's car. Josh dropped us off in front of my building, and honked his horn farewell. We waved goodbye then hopped in the elevator.

"Geez, laying in the sun wears you out." James said.

"Yeah, for some reason just not moving in the sun makes you drowsy, plus we were up so late last night, we should take a nap before we go out tonight."

"Yeah, good plan."

I checked my phone messages as James went into the washroom for a quick shower to wash the lotion and sand off of him. How I wished I could join him. I just crawled into bed and drifted into slumber.

"Jay..wake up." I heard knocking on my door. I groaned.

"Wake up, we have to get ready to go out."

"Ok, be right out." I called. I dragged myself out of bed and staggered across the hall to the bathroom. A quick shower woke me up, I dressed and got ready to go.

We went to a nice little Chinese restaurant for dinner. When the bill came, James insisted on paying. After some arguing on my part, I submitted to his charms. After all, I was letting him stay with me. But this was starting to get a very "date" feel.

We caught a rather dull Nicholas Cage flick, then headed back to my apartment. We turned on the TV and flicked through the channels. Suddenly wrestling came on the screen, reminding me that my "show" was on.

"Shoot, I forgot wrestling was on." I said.

"You like wrestling??" James asked.

"Yup, and if you dare say it's fake, I'll kick your ass." I joked.

"I know it's fake, but I love it anyways."

"You love wrestling?"

"Damn right."

"Kick ass."

We watched the rest of the show, hooting, cheering, and reciting word for word the tag lines of some wrestlers. Little did James realize that when I said "Suck It," I actually wanted him too.

Being boys, eventually the watching turned to horseplay, and before I knew it we were back to wrestling on my living room floor in our boxers and T-shirts. I dominated him, but then decided to let him get the upper hand. I let him roll me over, so he was straddling me. I put up a weak struggle, but he held my arms down. We were both breathing really heavy, and I could feel the throb of his erect cock pressed against mine. James looked down at me with a little grin.

"Give up?" he asked

"Never." I tried to thrash around but again let him hold me down, enjoying the feeling of having this hunky boy dominate me. Then the unbelievable happened.

James bent down close, cocked his head to the side, and then pressed his lips against mine...

To be Continued.

Next: Chapter 3: Up Dawsons Crack 7 10

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