Vacation of Life

By Paula

Published on Jun 19, 2007


I was putting up a good front talking about grinding my ass against some hot studs cock on the dance floor but the truth is I was scared to death of what might unfold tonight. The last couple hours had been very strange for me and had my emotions in turmoil. I thought back to laying on this guys chest with his prickly chest hair tickling my back, the taste of his cum still fresh in my mouth, his arm around me massaging my breast while the other hand played with my clit and whispering how hot and sexy I was in my ear. I remember my orgasm as I laid there in his arms was so intense and how I tried to slide his big cock into my wet pussy while he just teased me with it. How could that have been me enjoying that so much? Was I possessed or hypnotized or maybe brainwashed. My thoughts were still my own and I looked at sex the same way. I was into woman and not men and was being forced to be a woman so I didn't think my mind had been altered but yet I enjoyed how he made me feel. Maybe these were feelings and desires I had suppressed my whole life. I was just very confused. As we walked out the door my head was swimming with thoughts of what Ling said. "I can stay like this permanently if I like the new me." Every thing had happened so fast that the reality of my situation hadn't sunk in yet. The bounce of my breasts and the click of my heels were a quick reminder that I was not a man anymore, at least not like I was 8 hours ago when I was fucking the hell out of Vanessa. My hips swung left to right very sexily. Some of this sexy walk was the tight skirt, some the heels, some was the virtual training I had when I was out and I'm sure the butt plug in my ass helped a great deal as well. Margo said "Lets take the elevator because I heels will get caught in the stairs." I was so caught up with the myself and the way I looked that I just realized how hot Margo was and how sexy she was dressed. When I saw her at the salon her hair was up in a bun, very light make-up and wearing a smock that covered most of her rock hard body. Now she was wearing low cut purple shimmering dress with black spaghetti straps that fit her tightly through the breasts and waist but flared out over her ass so it would spread out horizontally when she twirled around. Her make-up was very sultry with Plum covered lips outlined in dark maroon were lips I would love to have wrapped around my cock, if I still had one. Her hair was down to her mid back in a tight curl. She had gold hoop earrings about 3" around and matching bracelets on her right wrist and a gold lady's Rolex on her left. She was wearing very pointy closed toed black pumps with a strap across the back of her heel. She smelled like a flower and her perfect smile made her very desirable. We reached the elevator and pressed the button. I felt a little un comfortable with her because I thought she told Tony about me and Vanessa so I decided to ask her about it. "Margo, did you tell Tony about me and Vanessa." I said. She got quiet then teared up and said "No. Vanessa was my best friend and Tony has had her followed since she tried to break it off with him. He called me and told me to come with him so I could help control his temper. I had no idea he was going to kill Vanessa but if it wasn't for me you would be dead too." I looked at her as she fought back the tears and hugged her and said "I never thanked you for saving my life and I'm very, very sorry about Vanessa so Thank you. "Your welcome. I just thought you were a descent guy." We just looked at each other then looked at me and busted out laughing as the elevator door opened. There was 2 guys about 19-20 years old. 1 Asian, 1 black and a very attractive white couple. I froze like a dear in headlights. Margo stepped in and I stood there motionless. I was still feeling the affects of Lings ecstacy drink and whatever Margo gave me was kicking in and I was feeling wonderful but also scared shitless. Even though I was dressed to kill and looked like every mans wet dream I still had only been a woman a couple hours since I woke up from Lings transformation. Margo reached for my hand as one of the guys said "Go on and get your fine ass in here so we can git down on the streets and party." They both gave each other high five as Margo pulled me in. "Just relax baby" she said as I tip toed in. "We've got a car outside with some champagne and appetizers" and then whispered some party favors too. The elevator door closed and we went down to ground level. It opened into the lobby of the shop down stairs. Margo stepped out dragging me by the arm and said "Would you lighten up girl. You look fine." "Damn straight girl. You a FINE ASS bitch." The black kid said and the Asian chimed in with "Fuck yeah girl." I started to say thank you but Margo stopped me and said "Watch your mouth boy." He looked at Margo and said "Chill out bitch. You don't want to Fuck with us." The White guy spoke up and said "Why don't you guys chill out and leave the ladies alone." The Asian guy stepped up and to him and said "This is none of your business white boy." He just stood his ground, wife by his side and said "You made it our business when you started hassling these beautiful woman." The black guy flipped his switchblade as the white guy pushed his wife behind him and struck a ready pose. Just then a heavy voiced boomed from behind us. "Is the a problem here." He was a big Italian guy with a husky boxers build with a silk shirt and white dockers and black loafers. The black guy turned and pointed the knife at him and told him to back off if he didn't want to get hurt. The Italian guy said "Your messing with my friends. Sounds like you're the one that wants to get hurt." I looked at Margo and she put a finger to my lips. The black guy said "Big mistake Mother Fucker." and stepped towards the Italian guy. The Italian guy just said "YEAH YOURS" and in one quick motion pounced on the black guy, grabbed his wrist on the knife hand and he held it out as his other fist crashed into the black guys jaw. His legs went rubbery and the Italian guy took the knife out of his clinched fist, held his hand up to the wall above his head and stuck the knife straight through the center of his palm nailing him to the wall. He then hit him with 3 brutal shots to the stomach and left him there, out cold, hanging from the wall. This took about 10 seconds and he turned to look at the Asian guy and said "You want some." The Asian guy just held his hands up and hung his head. The Italian guy dusted his hands together and said "Ready ladies." Margo stepped towards him pecking him on the cheek and said "Absolutely." and motioned to me to go. I stopped and turned to the couple and said "Thank you for standing up to those thugs for us. No ones ever done that for me before." "Your quite welcome beautiful." the wife said with a seductive smile. "We hope we see you again under more appealing circumstances." she said as her husband nodded with a smile. Margo turned and said "Yes thank you very much. What are you doing tomorrow night?" The guy said no plans yet. Margo said "Then come to "Kings" as our guest. There's a great Latin band and you can sit with us in owners private seats." "We would love to accept your offer. What time?" he said. "Ten o'clock. What are your names so I can leave them at the door?" asked Margo. "Wayne and Cindy Adams and we look forward to seeing you again" said Cindy as she took my hand and smiled. We said our goodbyes and headed for the door. Margo told me on the way to the car that the Italian guys name was Rikki and he was Tony's little brother. I said "Hi, I'm Danielle and thank you so much for dealing with those assholes." It was my pleasure gorgeous." he said as he opened the door to the street.

The street wasn't to busy but I was still nervous about being out in public as a woman. We walked about a half block to a black limo and dealt with a few cat calls from the balconies but it actually made me feel Sexy. Margo looked at me with a sly smile and said "How does it feel to have both sexes wanting you girl." I said "Both sexes? What do you mean?" She said "Your telling me you didn't notice how bad that white girl in the elevator wanted you. You made her so wet I bet she fucked her man in the car because you made her so hot.""Really" I said. She told me it was obvious and that I would learn to read the signs. Rikki held the door for us to slide in. We slid into the very back seat together facing the front off the car and Rikki slid in and moved up towards the driver and stretched out. He beat on the window twice and the car started to pull away. Margo said "Check this out." and hit a button and a door panel opened to a bottle of champagne on ice and a bunch of assorted Sushi rolls. I suddenly realized that it had been about 10 hours since I ate and I was hungry. I remembered Ling said I couldn't eat much at any one sitting because of the corset so I should try to eat more often. Margo pulled the tray out and set it on the table in front of her and poured a couple of flutes of champagne. She handed me one and picked up a Sushi roll and said "It doesn't get any better than this girl. Two hot bitches dressed to kill in a limo headed for a fabulous night out on the town." I crossed my legs and reached for a roll as we toasted or glasses together and popped one in my mouth. Margo smiled at me and said "I guess you still have a few things to learn about being a woman." I noticed she ate her roll in 3 feminine bites while my cheeks were full as I chewed it down. I finished and said "OK I got it." with a smile. I started to feel really great and looked down at my body and still couldn't believe it was me. I looked past my breasts at my legs and was just amazed at how sexy they were. These were my own natural legs. The only thing Ling did was remove all the thick black hair and tan them golden brown. I looked at my feet with the sexy heels and the painted nails and smiled. I noticed that the ankle bracelet had a charm on it that I hadn't seen before. It was a silver cock just like my tongue ring. For some reason that turned me on. Must be the drugs. I asked Margo what she gave me and she Double X. I asked what it was and she said ecstacy with time released crystals in it so I would feel it til about dawn. We ate more Sushi and drank more champagne. I got full quick and my appetite was curbed by the drugs. I was in the mood to party and dance so I asked Margo where we were going to have fun. She said the 1st stop was at a friend of hers bar where a lot of classy guys came to meet girls. "You know. Working girls if you know what I mean." she said. She asked if I was through eating and I said yes and she handed me a tooth brush and a bowl of water for us to clean up our smiles and freshen our breath. She asked me how I felt and I said I felt great. "I feel so alive and my body feels tingly all over. I'm ready for some fun.' I said. "Good" she said "Because you need to thank Rikki for rescuing us earlier. Personally if you know what I mean." I knew what she meant and the thought of having him in my mouth excited me and terrified me at the same time. Margo leaned over to me and whispered in my ear as she held a compact mirror in front of me and said " Look at the face in the mirror. This woman in the mirror wants to suck Rikki's cock and you know inside that you want it too. So just relax and slide down there as sexy as you can and show him how much you appreciate his help." I took a deep breath and smiled at him as I slid down to his end of the limo. I sat next to him and leaned over to kiss him as my hand found the bulge in his pants. I kissed him very tenderly and it was like someone flipped a switch because it was electric. I felt my arousal rise as I rubbed his cock and felt it grow in my hands. He pulled away from our kiss and took the hand that was on his cock in his hand and said "You don't have to do this. It was my pleasure to watch over you and keep you safe." I looked into his eyes and could tell he was sincere and was not expecting me to pay him back for helping us out. "You are such a sweet guy and the respect you have shown me by your concern for my feelings is wonderful but I WANT to please you honey." as I leaned in to kiss him again. I was amazed by what I just said. I had a way out but didn't take it. This was an honorable guy who deserved this and I was just horny and high enough to give it to him. "Are you sure baby." he said with a look of concern. I took my hand off his cock and started to unbuckle his belt and with a huge smile said "Absolutely handsome." I straddled his lap leaving enough room for me to undo his pants while I kissed him passionately. His tongue slid into my mouth and I could feel my juices start to flow. I took my hands and grabbed his hands and placed them on my breasts. Then I slid one hand into his shirt feeling his muscular hairy chest and the other slid into his pants to retrieve his cock. It was semi hard and dark brown and uncut. I had not expected and uncut cock and was unsure of myself but the caressing of my breasts and his tongue dancing around in my mouth had me past the point of no return. I wanted this more than he did and I knew it. I stroked his cock and could feel it grow in my hand. I slid my crotch closer to his cock and started rubbing his cock against my pussy. I was so turned on. My juices were lubricating his cock and my hand slid smoothly over his cock. I felt the head of his cock poke out past his foreskin as his cock became rigid waiting for my warm wet cherry lips. I pulled away from his lips and leaned over to his ear and said "I want to taste your beautiful cock baby." He just smiled as I slid off his lap on to my knees in front of him. I pushed his legs apart so I could have easier access to my prize and I reached up and pulled my breasts out of the cups of the corset. He got the hint and reached up and cupped each breast and it felt wonderful. I reached down and grabbed his cock and was still amazed at how sexy and feminine my hands with the long nails and rings looked and how natural they looked wrapped around his cock. His pants were loose so I pulled them down a little so I could lick and suck his balls before I took him in my mouth. I continued to stroke his cock as I leaned forward to kiss the head of his cock the way I had been taught. This time the head was coated with pre cum. Was that something that only happened with uncut cocks? I guess I would have to try a few more to see if all uncut cocks are the same. It didn't matter because it tasted good. I went down to his balls and took one in my mouth as I stroked him. I sucked on it and then replaced it with the other. He was moaning and oozing more cum so I ran my lips up the underside of his shaft and wrapped my lips around the mushroom head. I was covered with cum and I ran my tongue around the head and into the hole to get it all. I swirled around on his cock head savoring the taste. I bobbed up and down on the head then began to slide down the shaft feeling each throbbing vein as I lowered myself down on his cock. He was about the same size around as the guy at Lings but about 2" longer. My 1st downward stroke went all the way to his pubic hair and he moaned "Oh Fuck yeah." I stayed down and moved my head around to show him how much I wanted to please him. I continued to suck him with long deep strokes enjoying the feeling of control I had over him. Girl Power I thought and I got it. I wanted to finish him off quick so he would know how good I was but not too quick so he would want me again. I sucked more aggressively and realized how much I enjoyed having his cock in my mouth. This was different than at Lings because I knew this was a real cock attached to a real man and I was solely responsible for pleasuring him. More than that I felt at ease on my knees in front of him with his cock deep down my throat. He was moaning loudly and knew he was close so I grabbed his balls and massaged them roughly as I raked my nails across his nipple through his shirt. I came up to the head and started going up and about half way down rapidly with my lips tightly wrapped around his cock. 30 seconds later he exploded in my mouth so hard that some of it shot out of the corners of my mouth and ran down my chin dripping all over my tits. I continued to swallow as much as I could as he put his hand on the back of my head and began to buck his hips and pump his swollen throbbing cock in and out of my mouth. He continued fuck my mouth and his cock finally stopped squirting but was still oozing large amounts of cum. I pulled off his cock to swallow the full load in my mouth and then went all the way down on him so I could milk every drop out of him. I squeezed his balls trying to force what was left in them into his cock and then milk his cock til there was nothing left. He looked at me and said "That was the best head I have ever had. Here let me help you with the stuff that leak out." Then he used his cock like a shovel and wiped the cum from my chin with his cock and slipped it back in my mouth. I liked up the last of his seed and then cleaned his cock with my tongue from top to bottom. Then he did something totally unexpected. He sat me up and leaned his face into my chest and licked up the cum off my tits. It had to 10-12 drops that streamed down my tits but he got it all and leaned in and kissed me. His tongue swam around in my mouth and knowing we were passionately kissing with our tongues coated in his cum was so erotic I almost came right then. The car was coming to a stop and Margo said "Alright love birds. We are about here so finish it up." He reached and put his hand on the back of my head and pushed his lips into mine so I could feel his power and let me know I was putty in his hands. He removed his lips from mine and pulled back a couple inches, looked at me with his beautiful green eyes making me melt and said "Yuuuuuumm" then kissed me again quickly and lean back to fix his pants. I just sat on the floor leaning against the seat of the limo instinctively licking my lips, too rubbery legged to get up. I was off in La La land until Margo bumped my shoulder and said "Here." I looked around and she had a couple of baby wipes in one hand and a flute of champagne in the other. Rikki was done with his pants and leaned over a took the wipes, gave me one and said with a smile "Clean your face and I'll take care of your beautiful tits." He began to wipe my breasts and that was my queue to clean up my face. I wiped the sweat off my cheeks and forehead before cleaning my lips and chin. Once I finished my face I struggled to my feet trying to regain my composure. I sat in the seat and took the champagne with a shaky hand as the vehicle came to a stop. I told Margo to give me a minute and took a big swig from the flute and set it down. I took my lip gloss out, and coated my lips and said "Lets party"and picked up the flute and downed the rest.

Next: Chapter 4

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